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考试时间:第19周周二(7月1日)下午2:30 - 4:30

考试内容:Book III Unit 1,2,3,4, 5,6,7



Part I Listening Comprehension (25%)

Section A短对话(每题1分)

Section B 短文(每题1.5分)

Part II Reading Comprehension (30%) (每题1.5分)


Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure (20%) (每题1分)


Part Ⅳ Cloze (10%)(每题1分)


Part V Writing (15%)









Topics for Oral Test

1.Talk about stressful situations and how you cope with stress.

2.What is your ideal job? Describe it. How do you get ready for it?

5. Why do people travel? What preparations should we make before traveling? Talk about your dream places, travel tips and your travel experiences. Question1 (怎么开头会比较好?)

1.in my opinion,The most stressfull situation is that talking in front

of a lot of people.

(I agree,cause I do also feel stress when facing that)

Yeah,that feel very terrible.when facing this situation,I can’t help feeling nervous and it seems very difficult for me to speak out a whole sentens and you could notice that my voice was shaking if you are listening my speach.

(what would you do with that?)

Well.In the beginning , I could just handle it with several deep breath before I speak.But now,I learn a new skill which was

taught in a lecture that when you feel stressful,focus your strength on your toe and then you will feel less stress and your body’s shaking will be weaken,this measure had helped me in many situation.

(Oh, it sounds very interesting,I will try to use it to see wether if it could also help me when I feel nervous.)

I hope that it could help you.


1.my ideal job is java engineer,working in a big company,

cooprate with my workmates to handle problems.

2.(why you want to do that job?what’s its charming


3.Because,of the most important thing ,it could provide me a high

payment,which could help me to live a better life.Secondly,I

think it also very interesting too,unlike other jobs that will make

me feel boring.In order to persuit it.

4.(It sounds really very great.And what would you do


5.I decide to learn many knowledges which are required to

know.Practice more in my spare time so that I could improve my

skill rapidly. Of course,my major study is also very important so

I would also work hard on it,either.

6.(It seems that you have already made up a good

plan,hope you could gain your ideal job in the


7.Thank you!

Question 5

3People go to travel cause they want to relex themselves,to release their pleasure or just want to see the beautiful

scenary there.Before their trip, there is a lot of preprations

they should do.For example,they should make a travel

plan,decide how their time was arranged.And they should

bring something necessary according to the weather or

where they go such as take some sun cream when you go

to the seaside to protect your skin.

I want to go and see Paris,because many famous places in there

and was well known as a romantis palace.i love it deeply.

I have just visited the window of world located in ShenZhen in

this month.

Why would you want to visit there?

Because in this month all the people who borned in 1994 is free

for visiting it.and so that it could make my spend less money on

the ticket.In addition,it’s also very famous,abstracted a lot of

people every year.

Um,it sounds really worth to go and have a look.what impressed you most there?

The thing that impressed me most is that there are a huge number of people wait in line to get the free ticket,it seems that all the people born in 1994 was concentrate in there.and it take me almost an hour to get the ticket and I was totally wet.but it is worthwhile to do that,cause the scienry there is really very beautiful,and it also has several playing item for people to relax.

It seems interesting,and I thing I will go there when I have chance.

If you go there,do not forget to bring some food and drinking cause it’s very expensive in there.


大学英语四(视听说)口语测试试题+答案 Part I. Speech: Please make a speech on each topic. Time Limit: 1 minute 1.Say sth about the most emotional (the happiest, saddest, the most depressed, …) moment(s) in your life 2.What harm can anger cause ? Can you suggest some ways to control anger ? 3.Can people be judged by their looks? Why or why not ? 4.If an earthquake strikes, how would you feel ? What would you do or pay attention to ? 5.Why do people sometimes hate their jobs? What to do when you hate your job? 6.Why do some people, especially young people, constantly switch jobs? In you opinion, is this good or harmful? 7.What advantages and disadvantages does the stock market offer? 8.Do you think most people today will put their money in banks, the stock market or real estate? Why? Part II. Situational Dialogue: Please make a dialogue on each topic. Time Limit: 2 minutes 1.Jim asks why Helen looks sad. Helen says she has to repeat several courses, and Jim promises to help her. Helen then complains that she cannot find an internship, and Jim also promises to provide help. Finally Helen asks Jim to buy breakfast for her. This time, Jim refuses to help her. 2.Jim is surprised at the sight of Helen because Helen has changed beyond recognition. Jim is surprised again and again to learn that Helen has undergone a facelift and liposuction. Helen explains why she had the surgery. 3.Helen Parker is a company boss and Jim Smith is a client. Helen calls Jim and makes an appointment. Jim talks to Helen about the exact time for their meeting. Later Helen calls Jim again to change the appointment time. Jim discusses a new appointment with Helen. 4.Helen is a good employee who is quitting. Mr. Smith is the boss.


Unit 1 Men and women’s prejudices Part I Read the following passage aloud. The very language we use to discuss men’s roles (i.e., deadbeat dads) shows a lack of appreciation for the majority of men who quietly yet proudly fulfill their family responsibilities. We almost never hear the term “working father,” and it is rare that calls for more workplace flexibility are considered to be for men as much as for women. Our society acts as if family obligations are not as important to fathers as they are to mothers —as if career satisfaction is what a man’s life is all about. Even more insulting is the recent media trend of regarding at-home wives as “status symbols” — like an expensive car — flaunted by the supposedly few men who can afford such a luxury. The implication is that men with at-home wives have it easier than those whose wives work outside the home because they have the “luxury” of a full-time housekeeper. In reality, however, the men who are the sole wage earners for their families suffer a lot of stresses. The loss of a job — or even the threat of that happening — is obviously much more difficult when that job is the sole source of income for a family. By the same token, sole wage earners have less flexibility when it comes to leaving unsatisfying careers because of the loss of income such a job change entails. In addition, many husbands work overtime or second jobs to make more money needed for their families. For these men, it is the family that the job supports that makes it all worthwhile. It is the belief that having a mother at home is important to the children, which makes so many men gladly take on the burden of being a sole wage earner. Part II. TOPIC Men and women’s prejudices Section One Each of the students will be asked one qu estion on the topic “Men and women’s prejudices and roles”. 1.What’s the division of labor like in your family? In my family, my father is responsible for the heavy and tired work like clean drain, garage, etc., the mother is responsible for some of the common household chores, such as cooking, washing clothes, cleaning, etc.I am responsible for helping my mother to do the housework, so dad is hard and tired. 1.Many people hold the view that men are different from women in many ways. What’s your opinion about it? Men and women are different. In the relationship, for example, men are more rational, while women are more emotional. And because the body structure is different, the responsibility of the men and women is different also, men generally responsible for the breadwinner, women generally responsible for providing a comfortable home. 1.How to be a good father?


大英3(视听说)口语考试方式及复习范围 考试对象:2015级大学英语3(视听说)(生物制药专业0601404/5班) 本课程的教学目的是为达到《大学英语课程教学要求》正式版相关规定的“基础要求”,而为学生打下扎实的语言基础。本学期的学习重点是强化语音和语调等基础知识,同时培养学生连贯的表达能力等综合应用英语的能力,使他们在今后学习、工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行交际,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。 一.命题基本原则 本次考试为期末诊断性测试, 目的是全面检测本学期视听说教学中,语音部分及口语运用情况的教学效果及学生的课后自主学习情况, 以促进课堂教学和学生课后学习,有效提高学生的口语表达和实际运用能力。考题基于本学期的教学内容和学生课后学习任务。命题遵循以下原则: 科学性与公平性。遵循教学规律,根据《新世纪大学英语视听说教程3》的要求,合理分配语音与话题讨论的分值分配比例,重点考察学生的语音、语调及基本口语表达能力。 全面性。综合考虑教学大纲和教学计划的内容以及在教学过程中的实际情况,口语测试要能反映课程关于语音和口语运用方面的主要教学内容和教学要求。 难易度合理。根据课程具体内容和教学要求,合理确定试题的难易程度,避免出生僻词汇、边缘词汇以及复杂、非常规语法结构及口语表达句型。 题量适度。根据课程特点和教学内容要求确定各类题型的数量,确保90%以上学生能够在规定时间内完成口语考试任务,并达到预期效果。 二.命题范围 《新世纪大学英语视听说教程3》(Units 1-6)中的核心单词以及教材对话或短文中的部分英文句子。 三. 试题构成 1.单词及句子朗读,共5分 (1)正确朗读所给单词并说出单词的中文意思,2分。 命题范围:《新世纪大学英语视听说教程1》(Units 1-6)中的核心单词,共计10个单词。 (2)正确朗读所给句子,注意发音、语调及语义停顿,3分。 命题范围:《新世纪大学英语视听说教程3》对话或短文中的部分英文句子,共计5个句子。 2. 话题讨论,共计5分 命题范围:根据《新世纪大学英语视听说教程3》(Units 1-6)中的话题,选取5个话题。 3. 考试形式 考生自行组合,两人一小组,自行从教师所给的口语话题里选择一个提前准备。考试时,每位考生朗读抽取到的试题语音部分,待一组的考生分别朗读完毕后,由两名考生对之前自己选择的口语话题进行2-3分钟的讨论,讨论完毕,由教师进行评分,并记录。 四.评分标准 本次考试总分为10分,语音部分5分,话题讨论5分。具体评分标准如下:


U1 TOPIC 1 Famous Universities 1.What kind of universities are good universities in your eyes? First of all, it should have a strong studying atmosphere. I hope students there can talk about their own opinions with freedom. Secondly, the teachers should be high standard and responsible. Then, the teaching equipment should be good, which will contribute to our study. 2.Do you think universities should try their best to provide their students with more scholarships? Why or why not? I don’t think more scholarships are necessary. Merit-based(基于优秀的;以业绩为基础的)scholarships, which are mainly awarded by universities, aim to encourage the students to learn more. It’s a motivation, or a reputation. Students who have financial problems could apply for need-based scholarships. So it’s not necessary for universities to provide more scholarships. 3.Which is more important in your college life, study or working experience? Why? In my opinion, we students should put study in the first place. Only by learning enough knowledge and skills now can we get a good job in the future. Our main task is to lay a solid(可靠的;坚实的) foundation for the future. So, it’s out of question that study is more important in college life. 4.If you had the opportunity to further your study in famous universities either at home or abroad, which would you choose?Why? T o be honest, I’d like to go abroad. First, I want to broaden my horizon. I have been dreaming about something quite different. Second, the academic atmosphere is freer abroad. Finally, I hope to meet more friends from all over the world. So, if possible, I’d like to go out to experience the study life there. 5.What is the aim for your college life?Explain. Above all, it’s beyond question that I want to acquire the knowledge and skills I expected. We can surely gain some working and even social experience. But they should not be our main aim. We should respect our university, the last place from where we get system education. So, my aim for college life is to learn as much as I can. 6.Do you think having a part-time job might affect your academic performance? Why or why not? Personally I think it will. It’s certain that taking a part-time job will occupy some study time. Study is not just doing homework. It requires many practices. Having a part-time job may affect our further study and our academic performance. Section Two Please have a group discussion on the following topic: What can make a university famous? Please give as many examples as possible. In my view, a famous university should have excellent teachers、tutors、professors and all of them and the managements should be responsible for their students. In addition the school should provide good facilities and enough support for the students, such as libraries, museums and scientific collections. U2 TOPIC 1 Jobs and Careers 1.What kind of jobs do you think will be the most popular in the future? It is no surprise that one of the fastest growing areas of employment in recent years relates to computer technology. Technological advance and the continued integration of IT and digital communications into the workplace throughout the private, public


2012级非英语专业本科生第一学期期末口语考试安排 时间: 本学期第18,19周随堂考。 考官:任课教师交叉担任,具体由教研室统一安排。 考生:每次两位学生同时考试,编组在考前由考生自由组合。当教学班级人数为单数时,最后一个单数学生可以请另一考 完的学生组合,考完学生的成绩不再记录或修改。 试题:教研室统一命制10套难度相当的试卷(提前公布),学生抽题进行考试。 测试内容:课内70%,课外30% 录音:对10个考场进行全程录音,每一录音考场需要配备一名研究生帮助操作设备。 大学英语二部 2012年11月20日

Oral Examination for Grade 2012(样卷) Part I Self-introduction(10%) 1) 学生简要自我介绍(姓名、学号、专业) 2) 考官指定学生角色A,角色B Part II Situational Dialogues (50%) 要求对话中包含以下规定信息,具体信息内容可因人、因时、因地而异。 1)A向B(陌生人)问火车站在哪儿,有多远,怎么走。 (考官依照学生在对话中所说出的有效话语打分) Part III Topic Discussion (40%) 1)两位学生分别用英语陈述:我最崇拜的人(25%) (此部分要求学生表明观点,并适当展开。) 2)两位学生讨论:怎样才能成为一个有益于社会的人(15%)

Oral Examination for Grade 2012 Ten Situational Dialogues (50%) 1)学生B打电话给学生A,要选《英语阅读与写作》课程,A 告 诉B这门课的有关信息,如上课时间,考试方式,任课老师等。 2)A(顾客)打电话预订宾馆,B(接待员)询问其要求,如房型、 入住时间等。 3)A问及B的手机,B向A介绍其颜色、形状、功能等信息。 4)A(顾客)在店里买了一个MP3, 有问题,是保修期内。问B (营业员)能否免费维修。 5)在西餐餐馆里,A(顾客)向B(服务员)点餐(含酒水、主 食、甜点)。 6)A (面试官)面试一位来应聘销售职位的B(求职者),面试内 容包括个人简历,工作经历,将来打算等。 7)学生A和学生B计划周末去博物馆(明确出发时间、地点,交 通工具,主要参观内容)。 8)B(顾客)要买一双鞋,问A(营业员)有关鞋的尺寸,颜色, 质地,价格。 9)学生A邀请B(某学院教授)来参加圣诞晚会,B明确时间地 点后表示要看是否有时间。 10)学生A和学生B讨论激活新时代交互英语视说教材的问题(说 明每一步骤)。


2013级大学英语第2学期期末笔试题型说明 普通班 考试时间:第19周周二(7月1日)下午2:30 - 4:30 考试内容:Book III Unit 1,2,3,4, 5,6,7 考试成绩占总评45% 题型: Part I Listening Comprehension (25%) Section A短对话(每题1分) Section B 短文(每题1.5分) Part II Reading Comprehension (30%) (每题1.5分) 4篇(其中1篇出自泛读教程) Part Ⅲ Vocabulary and Structure (20%) (每题1分) 主要考核课文A中的词汇,小部分出自课文B Part Ⅳ Cloze (10%)(每题1分) 课文A选段,2篇,共10题,选择填空 Part V Writing (15%)

2011级大学英语第2学期口语考试说明 考试内容:具体话题由教师指定或学生随机任意抽取。考试过程中教师可根据学生讨论情况穿插提问,以测试学生的交际应变能力。 评分细则:本次口语考试满分100分,重点考查: 1)语言表达能力,包括表述语言的流利性,准确性和得体性; 2)参与讨论的能力以及讨论内容的丰富性; 3)语音、语调。 大英部第1、2教研室 2014年5月20日 Topics for Oral Test 1.Talk about stressful situations and how you cope with stress. 2.What is your ideal job? Describe it. How do you get ready for it? 5. Why do people travel? What preparations should we make before traveling? Talk about your dream places, travel tips and your travel experiences. Question1 (怎么开头会比较好?) 1.in my opinion,The most stressfull situation is that talking in front of a lot of people. (I agree,cause I do also feel stress when facing that) Yeah,that feel very terrible.when facing this situation,I can’t help feeling nervous and it seems very difficult for me to speak out a whole sentens and you could notice that my voice was shaking if you are listening my speach. (what would you do with that?) Well.In the beginning , I could just handle it with several deep breath before I speak.But now,I learn a new skill which was


大学英语3口语考试题目及答案 Unit 1 Personality 1. Discuss the personality traits that you think would make an ideal person for these jobs: salesperson, teacher, doctor, secretary. Give your reasons. Salesperson: be patient to their customers, enthusiastic and full of energy. They should have good communication skill and very sociable and talkative. They should have some experience to help them master this field. Teacher: They are able to attend to the students' needs and assist each person in the way that he or she learns best. They need to be constantly open to new ideas, be flexible. The qualities a good teacher should possess include passionate about teaching, inspiring, interest in the subject he or she is teaching, patience and tolerance, compassion, understanding and respectable Doctor: they should be diligent to practice clinic skills, such as inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation and so on. Second, they should treat the patients as your family members, be very kind to them. Third, they must be very caref ul and cautious. You can’t make any mistake because life is extremely precious. Last but not least, they should be enterprising, continue learning the advanced technology and knowledge, because methods of treatment have developed quickly nowadays. Secretary: be good at watching at what boss is doing and saying carefully should good at please all sides of colleagues and make them happy working with you. Be capable of handling disputes. Or cooperate with the boss in dealing difficult matter In a word, if you want to be a prominent doctor, you have to make great efforts to improve yourself. 售货员:耐心向他们的客户,热情,充满活力。他们应该有良好的沟通技巧和非常善于交际,健谈。他们应该帮助他们掌握这个领域的一些经验。 老师:他们能够参加的学生的需求,帮助每个人在他或她最好的学习方式。他们需要不断接受新的观念,灵活。一个好的教师应具备的素质,包括对教学充满热情,激发兴趣,他或她是教学,耐心和宽容,同情,理解和尊重 医生:他们应该努力实践的临床技能,如检查,触诊,叩诊,听诊等。第二,他们应把病人作为你的家庭成员,是他们非常好。第三,他们必须非常小心和谨慎。你不能犯任何错误,因为生命是非常宝贵的。最后但并非最不重要的,他们应该有进取心,学习先进技术和知识的继续,因为治疗方法发展迅速,目前。 秘书:善于看在什么样的老板做的和说仔细应该善于请同事各方并使他们快乐的工作与你。 能够处理纠纷。或配合处理困难的老板 总之,如果你想成为一名著名的医生,你必须努力提高自己。 2. Describe the personality of a person you know well, like your parents, a teacher, a classmate, a friend, a singer, an athlete, a movie star, etc. mom 3.What do you think causes shyness? What are the ways to overcome shyness?


大学英语视听说教程第 2 册 U1~U7 1 分钟准备时间, 1~ 2 分钟英语小演讲 / 口语考试 实际考试题目标红,大部分是自己想的题目,只有标题是准备的时候没时间了 U1 Music音乐 Importance of training of musical quality早期音乐培养重要性 The training of musical quality is significant because it can benefit students a lot. On the one hand, it can develop students ’ imagina memory and taste from rhythm or melody. The famous educator Herbert once said,“ Every child should receive basic musical education, it is the best way to develop intelligence Through”. the training of musical quality, students eventually could go further and smoothly. On the other hand, students learned to play an instrument in the training, it means that he or she got a good way of expression. Their lives will be pleasant and fortunate. In conclusion, I think training of musical quality is significant. Instrument extracurricular class音乐课外班 Nowadays, many parents take instrument extracurricular classes for children. Personally speaking, I don’tagree with it. Of course, parental intention is good. Other people’schild can play the piano, can play the violin, can do everything, my child can do nothing. How to beat others in social competition?But, we’d better consider the feelings of children. The extracurricular classes take up lots of fun time which is originally belong to them.In addition,extracurricular classes can bring frustrations;even cause students tired of their studies. After all,


2012级普通班翻译材料 (一)节日 练习1 农历的正月初一是春节,即农历的新年。据说春节是由冬天的祭拜活动(Sacrifice)发展而来的。在远古社会,冬祭是人们的一种习俗。在所有的节日当中,春节对我们来说是最重要的。在春节到来的前几天,我们便把房子打扫得干干净净并装饰一新(spring-clean:大扫除)。老人们说必须干干净净过春节,这样来年才会幸福、交好运。根据中国的传统,中国人年年过春节,家家都要贴春联(Spring Festival couplet),以表达对新年的祝愿。(167字) 练习2 当公历到了6月份,我们发觉一年的时间已经过去了一半。然而,农历(lunar calendar)五月份才刚刚开始,在中国,人们正准备欢度一个传统节日——端午节。几千年以来,端午节的标志是吃粽子(Zongzi)和划龙舟(dragon boat)。在中国古代,人们认为龙是掌管水的神,而水对日常生活和农业生产至关重要。端午节那天,人们划龙船是为了用粽子款待水神,使他快乐。目的是期望神保佑人们一年四季风调雨顺。(163字) 练习3 每年除夕这一天,家家户户门上贴着红色春联(Spring Festival couplet)。晚上全家欢聚一堂共进晚餐。人们无论离家多远,都总是想法设法赶回家分享这顿团圆饭。家庭聚餐之后,全家人围坐在一起,观看中央电视台的春节联欢晚会。父母或祖父母给孩子们压岁钱,鼓励他们来年学习更好。当孩子睡着之后,有的父母把压岁钱放在他们的枕头下。作为新年礼物的压岁钱象征两件事:一是希望孩子在新的一年里平平安安成长,二是增加节日气氛。(191字) (二)饮食 练习4 我们中国人在互致问候时,尤其在过去,倾向于问“你吃了吗?”这就是为什么我们说中国文化是以饮食为主的。中国人民过去非常关注饮食,因为饥荒在中国烹饪


1 How do you feel about trying new things? I like trying new things because it enables me to experience more and learn more about others, by which I can become more liberal and less biased. they often let me down. Trying new things I don’t like trying new things because sometimes means venture or even danger, so I don’t like trying new things and would like to stick to the familiar 2 What stops you from trying new things? Trying new things may have too much demand on me. Furthermore, trying new things may bring me disappointment or even failure. 3 What have you achieved in your life that makes you feel proud? I take great pride in winning first place in the speech contest held in my university. 4 Who do you admire for their achievements and why? I admire Winston Churchill, who led his country from the verge of defeat to victory. 1Do you believe that a good memory is critical to success? Why or why not? Yes, I firmly believe that a good memory determines a person’s success. Firstly, a good memory is a great help in the process of learning. Secondly, a good memory can help you build relationships, which is also a decisive factor for success. Thirdly and most importantly, a good memory can provide you with quick, reliable access to essential thinking tools. No, I don’t think a good memory is critical to success.In my opinion, it is diligence, creativity and persistence that eventually determine one’s success. 2 Have you ever tried any method to improve your memory? Do you think that useful? Yes, I have tried some methods to improve my memory. For example, I learned the method of location from a book and I liked it very much. Yes, I once believed that there might be some special shortcuts to improving my memory. But when I tried a couple of methods, I felt it was inconvenient to apply them and it is a waste of time. I think I would never try any method again


大学英语(一)口语考试A卷 2015应、公旅班大学英语(一)口语考试说明与试题 2016-01 时间:第18周听说课上随堂考试 成绩:口语成绩占期末视听说课程总评成绩的20% 要求:A.融入真实情景 B.语音语调自然流畅 C.表情自然,无背诵痕迹 D.情景对话部分不能少于3分钟 形式:1.请各班课代表将所在教学班的分组(两人一组)提前一周(即17周)排序抽签事先做好。考试周所有学生到校,当天没有考试任务的同学须在听力教室进行听力学习,不得缺勤,缺勤的同学按照自行放弃考试处理,口语成绩计为零分,责任自负。 2.考试时每两人一组完成段落朗读和情景对话,段落朗读和情境对话均可提前准备,但具体考题须口语考试时现场随机抽签决定。 备考地点:主楼1919 考试地点:主楼1919 情景对话部分 情景对话1:Planning a Vacation Nearby Directions: Work in pairs. Suppose you have a week off, and you’re planning to take a trip out of the city. Make a plan and talk about it in terms of: What sort of places would you like to go to? What things will you take with you? What will you do there? 情景对话2:Job Interview Directions: In your pair, one acts as the interviewer, the other as the interviewee The following items should be covered in your interview: The necessary personal information; The qualifications that the interviewee has; Other Factors to consider when choosing a job. 情景对话3:Suggestions Student A who wants to lose weight and keep in a good shape goes to consult with his/her doctor. Student B, the doctor, will offer some tips. 1 / 3

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