当前位置:文档之家› 2020-2021学年第一学期初三10月份月考英语试卷含答案






I. 单项选择(满分15分)

( )1. --Kate, keep calm and be confident. I’m sure you are ________excellent student.

--It’s very kind of you. Thanks.

A. a



( )2.--Where are Maria and Kangkang? --They ____________England.

A. have been to

B. have gone to

C.had been in ( )3. When we went into the park, we saw someone__________Chinese Kungfu.

A.to play



( )4. We should always be polite to others __________we don’t like them sometimes.




( )5.-- Every day I’m in a hurry when I have so many lessons to take and so much homework to do.

-- You need to learn how to ________your time.

A. manage



( ) 6. Thanks ___________Project Hope, about 5 ________children have got a better education.

A.for; millions of

B.to; million

C.to; million

( )7. It’s reported that at least 43 people were dead _________a big fire in a factory in India.

A. on purpose

B.because of

C.according to

( ) 8. --Now more and more people have realized that __________is more important than health.

--Yes, we can’t study or work well without healthy body.

A. something



( )9. The machine produces __________noise and it is really _________noisy.

A.too many; too much

B.much too; too much

C.too much; much too ( ) 10.-- Rita, your Chinese is good. __________have you been in China?

--Since 2017.

A.How far

B.How long

C.How often

( )11. --Which would you like to drink, tea or coffee?

-- __________, thanks. I’m not thirsty.




( )12. The Chinese Women’s volleyball team _________winning the gold medal at 2019 FIVB V olleyball Women’s World Cup.

A.succeeded in

B.pay attention to

C.got used to

( )13.-- The boy misses his parents very much.

--So he does. They ____________the hometown for nearly two years.

A. have left

B.will leave

C.have been away from

( )14. --I wonder ____________. --It seems difficult, but I would like to have a try.

A. where you made this model car

B. why did you make a model car

C.if you make a model car

( )15.--The air on the hill is fresh, and there are many beautiful birds singing there. Can we have a picnic there?

-- _______________.Let’s go.

A.Of course not

B.Sounds great

C.No way


One fine day, a bus driver went to the bus garage, started his bus and drove off along the route(路线)

No problems for the first few stops, a few people got on, a few got off, and _____16______went generally well.

At the next stop, however, a big guy got _____17_______.Six feet eight, built like a wrestler(摔跤选手), arms hanging down to the ground.

He looked at the driver and said, “ Big John doesn’t ______18_______!” and sat down at the back.

The driver was five feet three. thin, a nd basically gentle. Naturally, he didn’t argue with Big John, but he wasn’t ____19_______about it.

The next day, the _____20_______thing happened - Big John got on again, said “Big John doesn’t pay!” and sat down.

And the next day, and the one after that, and so fifth.

This made the bus driver ______21_________, who started losing sleep over the night. Big John was taking advantage of his size.

Finally he could not ____22_____it any longer. He signed up for body building programs, karate(空手道), judo(柔道) and all that good stuff.

By the end of the summer, he had become quite ____23_______. Soon the next Monday, when Big John got on the bus and said, “ Big John doesn’t pay! T he driver stood up. glared back and _____24________, “And why not?”

With a surprised look on his face, Big John answered, “ Big John has a bus pass(月票).”

First be sure there is a ______25______before working hard to solve one.

( ) 16. A. things B. cars C.machine

( ) 17. A. on B.off C.up

( ) 18. A. cry B. walk C.pay

( ) 19. A. happy B. worried C.anxious(紧张的)

( ) 20. A. terrible B. same C.interesting

( ) 21. A. glad B. happy C.angry

( ) 22. A. consider B. bear C.get

( ) 23. A. strong B. brave C.healthy

( ) 24. A. cried B. answered C.shouted

( ) 25. A. mystery(神秘) B. problem C.difficulty

III. 阅读理解(共两节,满分45分)



Tina did a survey about volunteer work on a social networking site.(社交网站). Some volunteers shared their experiences on the site.

( )26. Torlin has volunteered as a ________________for three months.


B.French teacher

C.animal doctor


E.teacher ( )27.ROS provides _______for children and older people.





( )28. Indy volunteered at a hospital for________________

A.three months

B.a school year

C.over two years

D.three years ( )29. One requirement for Marian to graduate from high school was to ________________.

A.do sports

B.feed animals

C.pass a French exam

D.do volunteer work ( )30.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Marian is busy now

B.Indy loves dogs very much

C.Torlin isn’t very good at French

D.Freedom isn’t volunteering now


In a small village, there used to be two friends whose ages were 5 and 10. Both lived on the same street. The name of the 5-year-old was Jonny and the 10-year-old was John. John was much bigger and stronger than Jonny.

One day they ran into the forest and played hide-and-seek there. Suddenly John fell into a pit (深坑). John started shouting for help. Jonny ran to John at once. Without wasting a minute, he got a rope and gave one end to John and asked him to hold on to it. Jonny tried very hard and finally pulled John out from the pit. Both of them cried, smiled and then walked towards home.

Since Jonny and John were away for a long time, their parents got worried. All the villagers started to help search for the children. When Jonny and John finally arrived back in the village, everyone was excited. Their parents hugged them and asked where they had gone.

Jonny and John told everyone what had happened in the forest. However, almost no one believed them. One person asked Jonny, “ How can you help a person who is double your size and weight?”

Then Jonny replied, “ I used a rope.”

Everyone laughed , and Jonny’s father said, “ Don’t tell stories to us.”

Among the people was a wise old man. He said that everything the boy said was true.

A woman asked, “ Jonny is only five years old. How was he able to do that?”

The old man replied, “ That’s because there was no one there to tell Jonny ' you can’t do it'”

( )31. What were the boys like?

A.John was younger that Jonny

B.John was 5 years old.

C.Jonny was very strong

D.John was older and stronger than Jonny ( )32.What happened to John in the forest?

A.Jonny fell into a pit and John helped him out

B.John fell into the pit and Jonny helped him out

C.John played hide-and-seek and lost

D.John fell into a pit and a wise old man helped him out

( )33.Who went to search for the boys?

A.John’s parents

B.Jonny’s parents

C.all the villagers

D.The wise old man

( )34. What does the underlined phrases mean?

A.tell lies

B.tell jokes

C.tell the truth(真话)

D.tell exciting things

( )35. What does the story tell us?

A.We shouldn’t tell anyone: “You can’t do it!”

B.If you believe you can, you can

C.The young can save the old

D.We should always believe others.


Stolen Stamp Mystery

A man named Richard likes to collect stamps that have monkeys on them. Monkey is his favorite animal. He keeps the stamps in a secret binder (活页夹). The last time he checked, he had 8351 stamps.

One day, he bought another 100 stamps. But when he opened his binder, he found that his stamps were gone! He suspected (怀疑)these people:

Jeff:His landlord (房东). Loves collecting stamps.

Jack: His brother. Loves animals, especially monkeys.

David: His other brother. A kleptomaniac( 盗窃癖患者).

Richard gathered them before his and asked, “Where are my monkey stamps?”

Here is what they said:

Jeff: I don’t have yours. I have my own collection, remember?

Jack: Why would anyone want thousands of useless stamps?

David: What stamps?

Richard said: “ I know which one of you it is! You’d better give them back. ( )36. What does Richard like to collect?



C.Stamps with animals

D.stamps with monkeys

( )37.How many stamps did he buy that day?





( )38.Who is Jeff?

A.His brother

B.His friend

C.His landlord

D.The thief(小偷)

( )39. Who likes monkeys?




D.Both A and B

( )40. According to their words, who may be the thief?






Wars, disease, hunger, climate change... Our world is far from being a safe and peaceful one. You may have asked: What can I do to help?

Many young people like you also dream of making the world a better place. Some of them choose to work for the United Nations, the largest and most powerful intergovernmental organization in the world.

Kong Ao from Shenzhen joined the UN at 23. While on a TV show, she shared her experience working in Africa to improve people’s lives. “ We built many schools in the hope that all girls there can receive the same education as boys. But no matter how hard we tried, the drop-out rate(辍学率) for girls was still high, “ Kong said. She later found out why. “ The girls didn’t have sanitary pads. That’s what stopped them from going to school.

“ You can’t stand in someone else”s shoes and make the right decision without going to the front lines(前线)to see what’s really happening, “ Kong said.

Today, the UN has 44,000 staff (员工). About three fifths of them work in the fields like Kong, while others work in offices. There are also many passionate (有热情的)volunteers and interns (实习生). They are solving all kinds of problems-from ending conflicts(冲突) and dealing with poverty (贫困)to protecting the environment and defending(保障)human rights.

This year is the 75th anniversary of the UN. The organization said it would keep working to make our planet a peaceful, equal and healthy one.

( ) 41.There are problems which the passage mentions in our world except_________________:




D. Disease

( ) 42.According to the passage, what is the largest and most powerful intergovernmental organization in the world?

B.The UN B.The World Health Organization


D. The International Committee of the Red Cross

( ) 43.How many staff in the UN who work in the front lines:?

C.44000 B.26400 C.17600

D.Fewer than 20000 ( ) 44.When was the UN founded?

D.In 1985 B.In 1949 C.In 1945 D. In 2000

( ) 45.What problems aren’t the UN staff working to solve?

A.dealing with poverty

B. protecting the environment

C.defending human rights

D.ending the war



Traffic safety tips are something that is not just for kids! Remember that most accidents happen because of adults! We should remember some traffic safety dos and don’ts, and this article will help you do exactly those!

_______46_________. Remember when you are driving a car with your kids sitting next to you, they are watching how you drive. If you don’t follow traffic rules today, they won’t tomorrow. So you must make sure that you follow all the necessary traffic rules to set a good example.

The first thing that you are supposed to do, and make sure that others in the car also do, is to put your seat belt on. _________47___________. If there is a child in the car between the age of 4 and 8, a booster seat(儿童座椅) should be used. Kids under the age of 12 should never sit on the front seat.

Do you listen to music, eat your sandwich and speak on the phone when you drive? _____48___________.Once you are driving, whether you are alone or with your friends and family . You are responsibly for everyone in the car.

Driving under pressure with your mind filled with problems at work or at home would easily allow you to draw your mind off the road, causing an accident. So make sure that you let the things outside your car when you are in the car. ______49__________

So these were some of the main traffic safety tips that should be followed by one and all in order to stay safe and be an example for others. Remember, rules and regulatons are made for your own safety.________50________. Take care and have a safe ride.








4.朋友Alice 买了一本有趣的书,你想知道她买了多久了,可以这样问她:

_____________________________________________________, Alice?

5.David 因为玩游戏错过了他盼望已久的演唱会,你可以这样感叹:



1. __________________________________________

2. __________________________________________

3. __________________________________________

4. __________________________________________

5. __________________________________________

VI. 短文填词(满分10分)

_______1_______to Project Hope, a village school _______2______(call) Quanzigou School has changed a lot. The old name of this school is named _____3_______a river around.In the past, most of its students dropped out of school(辍学) ______4______their families were very poor. Their parents could

not____5______their education. The classroom was only ____6____old house. Things are different now. All the ____7_______(child) have come back to school. Now there is a new teaching _____8_____(build) with enough classrooms in

it. The school, with a new name Hope School, has _____9______sports facilities(设施). Project Hope is really ____10_______(help).

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________



1-5 CBCBA 6-10 BBCCB 11-15 AACCB

II. 16-20 AACAB 21-25 CBACB

III.26-30 BCCDA 31-35 DBCAB 36-40 DCCDB 41-45 CABCD 46-50 DAECB


1. What has happened here?

2.I have already made great progress this term.

3.Let’s be greener persons/pe ople.

4.How long have you had the interesting book, Alice?

5.What a pity/shame!

V. 1. He used to listen to the radio.

2. I have seen the film twice.

3.There is a girl jumping ropes now.

4.Smoking does harm to our health.

5. Planting trees is good for the environment.

VI. 1. Thanks 2. called 3.after 4.because 5.afford 6. an 7.children 8.building 9.enough 10.helpful

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