当前位置:文档之家› 冀教版四年级英语上(三年级起始版)



Lesson 1: Skirt and Pants

1.What is it?

Skirt blouse pants shirt sweater

2.What is he/she wearing?

He is wearing a green sweater.

She is wearing a pink and purple skirt.

She is wearing a pink and white blouse.

He is wearing blue pants.

3.Let’s play: Who is it?

She is wearing a pink blouse. Yang Meng. Wang Li. She is wearing a purple skirt. Wang Li.

Lesson 2:New and Old

1.New or old?

new pants old pants new sweater old sweater

2.Let’s chant.

I like my new shirt.

It’s black and white.

You like your old skirt.

It fits you right.

New and old,

Old and new,

Shirt and skirt,

On me and you.

3. I like your skirt.

I like your skirt. Thanks!

Is it new? Yes! It was a birthday gift from my mom.

I like your pants. Are they new?

No. They’re old

They’re my favourite pants.

They’re nice!

Lesson3: Coat and scarf

1. What is it?

Coat scarf hat gloves boots

2. Whose hat is this?

Whose hat is this? Is this your hat, Danny?

No! It’s not mine. It’s Kim’s hat

Whose gloves are these? Danny, are these your gloves? Yes, Danny. I see!

No, Miss Zhang. see?

3. Let’s play: Find the owner.

Are you ready? Yes!

Whose coat is this? Is this your coat?

No, it’s not mine

Is this your coat? Yes, it’s mine.

Lesson 4: Shoes and Socks

1. What is it?

Shoes socks dress shorts


This is a pair of shorts.

Gloves socks shoes pants boots

3. Are these his shorts? Is this her dress?

Whose shorts are these?

Are these her shorts? No!

Are these his shorts? Yes!

Whose dress is this?

Is this his dress? No!

Is this her dress? Yes!

Lesson 5: Days of the Week

1. What day is it?

What day is it? It’s Sunday. We don’t go to school. I like Sundays. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 2. Let’s sing a song

He’s wearing red pants, On a Sunday morning.

She’s wearing a green dress, On a Monday morning.

She’s wearing a white sweater, On a Tuesday morning.

He’s wearing a blue coat, On a Wednesday morning.

He’s wearing purple shorts, On a Thursday morning. She’s wearing red shoes, On a Friday morning.

She’s wearing a yellow hat, On a Saturday morning.

Lesson 6: Pyjamas

1. Too big, too small, just right

This housecoat is too big!

These pyjamas are too small!

Housecoat pyjamas

These new slippers are just right!


2. Let’s sing a song.

I saw a dog in a purple hat, On a Sunday morning.

I saw a cow in an orange scarf, On a Monday morning.

I saw a pig in pink shorts, On a Tuesday morning.

I saw a chicken in a red dress, On a Wednesday morning.

I saw a sheep in a blue shirt, On a Thursday morning.

I saw a cat in yellow socks, On a Friday morning.

I saw a duck in a green sweater, On a Saturday morning.

3. Letters and sounds

a name game

e she he

i time Friday

o cold close

u student Tuesday

gate me bike rose cube

Lesson 7: Betty’s closet

Story time

1. I will have a party today. What shall i wear?

2. I am new. Betty will wear me today.

3. I’m blue. Blue is her favourite colour. She will wear me today.

4. You’re too big. I’m just right.

5. I’m soft. I’m pink and purple. She’ll wear me.

6. No! Me, me! I’m very nice. Betty will wear me today.

7. I am beautiful. And she likes me. She will wear me.

8.You’re too old. I am…You’re too small

9. Oh, no! Wait!

10. I will wear my dress today. It was a birthday gift from my mom. I like it very much.

Lesson 8: Again, Please!

1. Listen and talk.

What are those? They are gloves. They are new.

Whose gloves are they? Are they Miss Zhang’s gloves? No, they are too small.

Are they Danny’s gloves? No, he’s wearing his gloves.

Are they your gloves, Kim? Yes! Thank you!

3. Read and match.

Jenny is wearing a dress and a pair of boots.

Li Ming is wearing a hat, a scarf, a coat, a pair of pants and a pair of shoes.

Danny is wearing a pair of pyjamas and a pair of slippers.

Lesson 9: Bedroom

1. What is it?

bed dresser bedroom lamp closet teddy bear

2. What’s in your bedroom?

There is bed, a closet and a dresser in my bedroom. What’s in your bedroom?

There are three teddy bears. I like teddy bears.

3. Let’s chant.

Three little teddy bears jumping on the bed. One falls off and bumps his head. Jenny calls the doctor and the doctor says, “No more teddy bears jumping on the bed!” Two little teddy bears jumping on the bed. One falls off and bumps his head. Jenny calls the doctor and the doctor says, ”No more teddy bears jumping on the bed!” One little teddy bear jumping on the bed. He falls off and bumps his head. Jenny calls the doctor and the doctor says, “No more teddy bears jumping on the bed!”

Lesson 10: Homework

1. Doing homework

In the evening, I do my homework.

I read my book.

I write a story.

I draw a picture for my story.

2. let’s sing a song.

This is the way we wash the clothes, On a Sunday morning.

This is the way we do our homework, On a Monday morning.

This is the way we read a book, On a Tuesday morning.

This is the way we draw a picture, On a Wednesday morning.

This is the way we write a story, On a Thursday morning.

This is the way we sing a song, On a Friday morning.

This is the way we sit and rest, On a Saturday morning.

Lesson 11: TV and Telephone

1. What is it?

TV telephone computer radio

2. At home

I walk home after school. I talk on the phone with my friends. I watch TV after supper. I play on the computer. I listen to the radio in my bed. What do you do at home?

Lesson 12: In the bedroom

1. Where is it?

Above, below

The picture is above the bed. The bed is below the picture.


The dresser is beside the bed.


The dresser is between the bed and the closet.

Across from

The TV is across from the bed.

2. Where is the computer?

What’s in your bedroom? There is a bed, a dresser, a closet and a computer. Where is the computer? It’s on the desk.

3. The teddy bear is on the dresser.

The teddy bear is in the dresser.

Lesson 13: Brush and Comb

1. What is it?

Brush comb soap toothbrush

2. What do you do in the morning?

I brush my teeth.

I wash my face.

I comb my hair.

I put on my clothes.

3. Let’s sing a song.

This is the way we brush our hair, On a Sunday morning.

This is the way we brush our teeth, On a Monday morning.

This is the way we comb our hair, On a Tuesday morning.

This is the way we wash our hands, On a Wednesday morning.

This is the way we wash our face, On a Thursday morning.

This is the way we take a shower, On a Friday morning.

This is the way we wear our clothes, On a Saturday morning.

Lesson 14: Toys

Ball doll kite skipping rope

2. Danny plays with his friends.

On Saturday afternoons, I like to play with my friends. We fly kites.

We play with jenny’s skipping rope. I like to jump rope.

We play catch with Li Ming’s ball. Then we feel tired.

So we rest and read our books. Jenny plays with her doll. Saturdays are fun.

J juice jump jeep

X six box fox

Lesson 15: Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Story time

1. Father bear , Mother bear, and Baby Bear are a happy family. One day, the bear family goes for a walk before supper.

2. While the bears are away, a small girl comes along. Her name is Goldilocks. She goes into the bears’ house.

3. She sees the porridge on the table. She tastes Father Bear’s porridge. It’s too hot. She tastes Mother Bear’s porridge. It’s too cold. She tastes Baby Bear’s porridge. It’s just right. And she eats it all.

4. Next, she sees three beds. She lies on Father Bear’s bed and then on Mother Bear’s bed. They’re too big. Finally, she lies on baby Bear’s bed. This bed is just right. And she goes to sleep.

5. The three bears come home. They are hungry. They go to the table. Father Bear and Mother Bear say, ”Someone was eating my porridge.”Baby Bear says, “Someone was eating my porridge, and ate it all up.”

6. Then they go to bed. Mother Bear and Father Bear say, ”Someone was sleeping in my bed!” Baby Bear says, ”Someone was sleeping in my bed, and her she is!”

7. Just then, Goldilocks wakes up. She sees the three bears looking at her.

8. She runs out of the house. She runs and runs, far away. The three bears never see her again.

Lesson 16: Again, Please!

1. Hi, Danny! Hi, Li Ming! Let’s play a game.

Let’s make a bedroom. OK

Danny, what’s in the bedroom? There is a bed, a dresser and a TV Where is the dresser? It’s beside the bed

Lesson 17: Where’s the Library

Classroom gym library playground

2. Where’s the gym?

Excuse me, Miss Zhan. Where’s the gym?

I can show you.

Here it is. Thanks!

Lesson 18: Turn right, Turn left

1. Where?

Turn right. Turn left. Go straight. Go up the stairs. Go down the stairs. office

2. Where are you going?

Where are you going? To the office.

Lesson 19: Near and far

1. near far

2. Is the library far from here?

Excuse me! Where’s the library? Across from the office.

Is it far from here? No. It’s just up the stairs!

Let me help you. Thank you.

Follow me. Here it is! Thanks!

3. The library is near the school. The library is far from the zoo.

Lesson 20: Cars and Trucks

1. car truck bus taxi bicycle

Drive a car. Ride a bicycle. Take a taxi.

2. What are they doing?

Jenny’s father is driving a car.

Jenny is riding a bicycle.

The woman is taking a taxi.

3. Let’s sing a song.

The wheels on the bus go around and around.

The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish.

The horn on the bus goes beep, beep, beep.

The children on the bus go up and down.

The babies on the bus go waa, waa, waa.

The mothers on the bus go shh, shh, shh.

All through the town.

Lesson 21: Let’s Go to the city!

1. What is it?

City office building apartment building hotel hospital 2. Where are you going?

Where are you going? To the hospital.

Why? I have a headache. I want to see a doctor.

3. Number

20 twenty

21 twenty-one

22 twenty-two

23. twenty-three

24. twenty-four

25. twenty-five

26. twenty-six

27. twenty-seven

28. twenty-eight

29. twenty-nine

30. thirty

Let’s count!

Lesson 22: Streets 1. What is it?


Traffic lights

Red is stop. Green is go. Yellow is wait.

2. Let’s chant.

Red light, red light. Stop! Stop! Stop!

Yellow light, yellow light. Wait! Wait! Wait! Green light, green light. Go! Go! Go!

3. I’m lost!

Excuse me. Can you help me? Yes?

I’m lost. Where’s the hotel?

Yes. Here it is.

Do you have a map?

Good. Go down this street and turn left. There’s the hotel.

Thanks! You’re welcome!

y yes you yard my fly sky

Lesson 23: Lost in the City

story time

1. I have a sister. Her name is Kitty. She lives in the city. I miss her very much. Today, I am going to visit her.

2. There are many new streets, hotels and department stores in the city. Where is my sister’s home?

3. Excuse me! I’m lost. Where is the MICE Apartment? Yes?

I meet a nice dog. The dog looks at a map and says, ”look! Go down this street and turn left.”

4. But when I get there, I only see the NICE Apartment, not the MICE Apartment. Oh, no!

5. Excuse me. Where is the MICE Apartment? I’ll show you. Thank you.

I meet an old bird. The old bird tells me the way. He says,”Go straight down this street. You’ll see the traffic lights. Turn right at the traffic lights. Then you well see the MICE Apartment on the left.”

6. I missed you. I missed you, too.

Finally, I get to the MICE Apartment. My sister is happy to see me. She asks,” Was it hard to get here?”“Yes !” I say. “What a big city! I got lost, but I got much help.”

Lesson 24: Again, Please!

1. Listen and talk.

I’m going to the library. Where are you going? To the gym.

Excuse me. Where is the gym? Well, go straight down this street and turn left at the traffic lights.

Is that far from here? No. It’s across from the hospital.

Thank you! You’re welcome.

3. Excuse me. Where is the hotel? Go down this street and turn right. Then turn left at the traffic lights. Go straight. You’ll see the hotel.

Lesson 25: Let’s Go Shopping!

1. What is it?

Silk shop clothes shop bicycle shop toy shop tea shop 2. Let’s go shopping!

What do you want to do? Let’s go shopping, Danny. Okay. Where? Hmmmm. Let’s go to the clothes shop. I want to buy a dress. No, please! I don’t want to buy a new dress.

Well, what do you want to buy? Ice cream!

Lesson 26: Department store

1. What is it?

Department store

Bicycle department

Book department

Clothes department

Toy department

2. May I help you?

May I help you? Yes! I want to buy a dress, please. Where are the dresses?

I’ll show you. This way, please.

Here they are!

Excuse me! Yes? May I help you? Where’s the ice cream?

Ice cream? I’m sorry. This store sells shoes, clothes, toys, books and bicycles, but not ice cream.

Lesson 27: Restaurant and Supermarket

1. What is it?

Restaurant park supermarket cinema

2. Let’s go to a restaurant to eat ice cream.

Let’s go to a restaurant to eat ice cream!

No, Danny! Not now! I want to buy a dress.

I’m tired. I don’t want to buy a dress.

Well, I’m not hungry. I don’t want to eat ice cream.

Let’s go to the cinema to see a film. No!

Let’s go to the park to fly kites! No!

Let’s go to the library to read a book! No, Danny! Stop!

Do you like this dress? No!

3. let’s sing a song.

Let’s go to the restaurant, The restaurant, the restaurant.

Let’s go to the restaurant, To eat ice cream.

Let’s go to the cinema, The cinema, the cinema.

Let’s go to the cinema, To see a film.

Lesson 28: Cashier and Clerk

1. What are they?

Cashier clerk waitress businesswoman

2. What does you mother do?

My mother is a doctor. What does your mother do? She is a clerk. 3. Let’s sing a song.

As I was going down the street, A teacher I chanced to meet.

As I was running down the street, A businessman I chanced to meet. As I was skipping down the street, A waitress I chanced to meet.

As I was walking down the street, A clerk I chanced to meet.

As I was jumping down the street, A doctor I chanced to meet.

Lesson 29: Where Do They Work?

1. What is it?

Mall grocery store waitress restaurant cashier

supermarket office building businessman doctor hospital A waitress works in a restaurant.

A cashier works in a supermarket.

A businessman works in an office building.

A doctor works in a hospital.

3. Pair work: Ask and answer.

Where does a waiter work? A waiter works in a restaurant.

Lesson 30: Months of the year.

1. December, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October. November.

2. Let’s chant.

January, February, Days are cold.

March and April, Warm days come.

May and June, We like the days a lot.

July and August, Hot! Hot! Hot!

September, October, Cool days are here.

November, December, Twelve months in one year!

3. How’s the weather?

The weather is cold.

It is warm.

It’s hot.

The weather is cool.

C rice face cent

Coat cat candy

Lesson 31: Etta’s Teddy bear.

Story time

1. Etta has a teddy bear. His name is teddy. Teddy is her best friend. She takes teddy everywhere she goes.

2. Etta cannot find teddy today. Where could he be? She looks for him everywhere! But she can’t find her teddy bear.

3. Don’t cry. We can buy a new teddy bear.

Etta starts to cry. Her mother takes her to the department store.

4. Let’s go to the clothes department to buy a new skirt.

They go to the toy department. But Etta does not like the new teddy bears there.

5. Let’s go to the restaurant to have pizza and ice cream.

They go to the clothes department. Etta would like a new skirt. But she wants her Teddy back.

6. They go to the restaurant. Etta likes pizza and ice cream. But she can’t forget her teddy bear.

7. It is time to go to sleep. Etta puts on her pyjamas. Then she sees something …it’s her TEDDY!!!

8. Mom, I found my teddy bear!

“how did you get in there?!?!” Etta is so glad to find her Teddy.

**Etta can’t find her teddy bear. What happens next?

Lesson 32: Again, Please!

1. How’s the weather? It’s cool.

2. What do you want to do? I want to go to the park to fly a kite.

3. Jenny, where are you going? To the supermarket.

4. May I help you? Yes. I want to buy a pair of shoes.


三年级上unit1练习 Lesson1 一.抄写 Hello, My name is Danny. What’s your name? Hi, My name is LiMing. 二.选择 A.what’s your name? B Hi! Lesson2 一.对号入座 teacher boy girl ()()() 二.选择 ()---what’s ______ name? ---Her name is Jenny. A his B your C her ()name is Tom..He is a student.. A Her B His C My ()This is a . A juice B girl C her 三.( ) What’s your name? A His name is wanghong . ( ) What’s his name ? B Hello! ()What’s her name? C My name is zhanghua . ( ) Hi! D Her name is kate. 四.抄写 boy girl teacher

一.完成对话 A How are you ? B I ’m fine,thanks. C I ’m fine .How are you? 二.填上适当的单词 book chair desk ---what ’s this? ---what ’s this? ---what ’s this? ---It ’s a ---It ’s a ---It ’s a 三.选择 ( ) How are you? A It is a book. ( ) What’s his name ? . B My name is LiHua. ( ) Hello! C Hi ( ) What’s this? D Nice to meet you ,too ( ) What ’s your name? .. E His name is Li Ming. ( ) Nice to meet you . F. Fine,thanks. lesson4 一.圈出图片对应的单词 one two three four five book books one two three four five boy boys one two three four five chair chairs 二. 抄写 one two three four five 三. 算一算 five-four= one+three= three+two= four-two= two+one = four+one = two-one = five-two=


1课:裙子和裤子 1.What is it? 1。它是什么? Skirt blouse pants shirt sweater 裙子上衣裤子衬衫毛衣 2.What is he/she wearing? 他(她)穿的是什么? He is wearing a green sweater. 他穿着一件绿色的毛衣。 She is wearing a pink and purple skirt. 她穿着一件粉色和紫色的裙子。 She is wearing a pink and white blouse. 她是穿着粉红色和白色上衣。 He is wearing blue pants. 他穿着蓝色的裤子。 3.Let’s play: Who is it? 让我们玩:他是谁? She is wearing a pink blouse. Yang Meng. Wang Li. 她穿着一件粉色衬衫。杨梦。王力。She is wearing a purple skirt. Wang Li. 她穿着一件紫色的裙子。王力。 Lesson 2:New and Old 2课:新与旧 1.New or old? 新的还是旧的? new pants old pants new sweater old sweater 新裤子旧裤子新毛衣 旧毛衣 2.Let’s chant. 让我们唱。 I like my new shirt. 我喜欢我的新衬衫。 It’s black and white. 它是黑白相间的。 You like your old skirt. 你喜欢你的旧裙子。 It fits you right. 这正好适合你。 New and old, 新的和旧的, Old and new, 旧的和新的, Shirt and skirt, 衬衫和裙子, On me and you. 我和你。 3. I like your skirt. 我喜欢你的裙子。 I like your skirt. Thanks! 我喜欢你的裙子。谢谢。 Is it new? Yes! It was a birthday gift from my mom. 它是新的吗?是的!这是我妈妈的生日礼 物。 I like your pants. Are they new? 我喜欢你的裤子。它们是新的吗? No. They’re old. 不,它们是旧的。 They’re my favourite pants. 他们是我最喜欢的裤子。 They’re nice! 他们都是很好的! Lesson3: Coat and scarf Lesson3:外套和围巾 1. What is it? 1。这是什么? Coat scarf hat gloves boots


单词 物品名称:pen 钢笔pencil 铅笔ruler 直尺pencil box 铅笔盒school 学校crayon 彩色蜡笔book 书window 窗户chair 椅子desk 书桌数字:one 一two 二three 三four 四five 五six 六 seven 七eight 八nine 九ten 十 颜色:red 红色yellow 黄色blue 蓝色green 绿色orange 橙色brown 棕色white 白色black 黑色 感觉:cold 冷的hot 热的cool 凉爽的warm 温暖的 tired 劳累的happy 开心的sad 悲伤的 身体部位:body 身体face 脸arm 胳膊leg 腿hair 头发hand 手head 头eye 眼睛mouth 嘴ear 耳朵nose 鼻子foot脚(复数是 feet) 家人:family 家人father 父亲mother 母亲brother 兄弟sister 姐妹职业:teacher 教师policeman 警察driver 司机worker 工人doctor 医生其他:China 中国hello 你好hi 嗨boy 男孩girl 女孩friend 朋友bus 公共汽车cake 蛋糕birthday 生日party 聚会 left 左边right 右边young 年轻的old 老的tall 高的short 矮的

句子: 1、Hello ! 你好! Hi!你好! What’s your name ? 你叫什么名字?My name is Li Ming. 我的名字是李明。 What’s his name? 他的名字是什么?His name is Danny . 他的名字是丹尼。 What’s her name ? 她的名字是什么?Her name is Jenny . 她的名字是詹妮。 2、How are you? 你好吗? Fine, thank you. And you ? 我很好,谢谢。你呢? I’m fine, thanks. 我很好,谢谢。 3、Nice to meet you . 见到你很高兴。 Nice to meet you, too. 见到你也很高兴。 4、Good-bye! Bye! See you later! 再见! 5、What’s this ? 这是什么? It’s a school. 这是一所学校。 (pen pencil ruler pencil box crayon book window chair desk )6、Jenny, this is Wang Hong. 詹妮,这是王红。 She is my friend. 她是我的朋友。 7、Open the window. 打开窗户。 Close the window. 关上窗户。 8、What colour is it ? 它是什么颜色的? It’s red. 它是红色的。 (red yellow blue green orange brown white black )


A. Our Class This is our class. There are fifty students in our class. There are twenty-five boys and twenty-five girls. There is an American student in our class. Her name is Mary. Her English is very good. We all like her. She likes eating bread and cakes. She likes drinking milk and orange juice. We like eating rice and drinking tea. We are very happy together. I. Read carefully and write “T” for True and “F” for False beside the statements. 仔细阅读,在下列句子前标上T(对)或F(不对)。( 10分) ( )1. There is an American boy in our class. ( )2 .Mary is an English girl. ( )3. She likes rice, tea, and bread. ( )4. We are good friends. ( )5. There are twenty-four girls in our class. II. Choose the best answer, A, B, C or D, to these questions. 在A, B, C, D中选出一个最佳答案。( 10分) ( )1. How many students are there in the class? A. Twenty-five. B. Fifty-five. C. Fifty. D. Seventy-five. ( )2. What does the American girl like eating? A. Bread B. Cakes C. Cakes and bread D. Oranges


冀教版小学英语三年级上册教案 UNIT 1 School and Numbers Lesson 1 Hello! 【教学内容】Lesson 1 【教学目标】掌握最基本的打招呼方式及询问对方的姓名并回答其提问。【教学重、难点】 1. 培养学生学英语的兴趣,敢于用英语和人交流。 2. 帮助学生掌握单词及句子正确发音。 【教学准备】 教师:准备中国地图和加拿大地图的图片 学生:开始新的学期和英语学习的愉悦的心情 【教学课时】1课时 【教学过程】 【教学目标】 A. 知识目标: a. 认识三个人物:Li Ming 、Jenny Smith 、Danny b. 掌握新句型:Hello/Hi. My name is ________. What ’s your name ? B. 能力目标: 让学生学会怎样有礼貌地和别人打招呼,怎样来介绍自己,并能应用自己所学到的知识。 C. 情感目标: 通过本课的学习,让学生知道怎样有礼貌地打招呼,做个有礼貌的好孩子。【教学重、难点】 1. 学习新单词,做到三会(会读、会听、会说):

hello / hi 你好 2. 掌握新句子,做到两会(会听、会说): What’s your name? 你叫什么名字? My name is ______. 我的名字是______。 I live in ______. 我住在______。 【教学过程】 Part 1:导入 Greeting a.用Hello /Hi 向学生打招呼问好 b.再用英语向同学们做简单的自我介绍 T: Hello. My name is ______. 指着自己,说出名字。重复几次让学生明白是什么意思。 (设计意图:引起学生对英语的好奇心,激发学生的兴趣) Part 2:新授 1. 介绍书中的人物。 由于学生是刚接触到这几个小朋友,而且他们要和我们一起学习、一起成长,所以教师很有必要让学生认识这几个人。利用图片分别介绍Danny、Jenny Smith 和Li Ming。同时告诉学生Danny和Jenny 住在Canada (加拿大),Li Ming 住在China (中国)。 2. 领读Canada China I live in ___.(因为这几个单词也要作为重点的知识,同时还为学习教科书奠定基础。) 3. 带领学生学习课文的part1 (1) Hello/Hi是英语中最基本的招呼用语,意思相同,只是Hello比Hi正式。 (2) 初次见面,询问别人姓名使用“What’s your name?” 回应别人时使用“My name is……” 4.教师和自告奋勇的学生扮演初次见面和作自我介绍的情况。 (设计意图:创设真实及近似真实的环境,让学生自我介绍,为学生提供了一个极佳的语言实践机会) 5. Let’s sing!


三年级上册单词表(带音标)第一单元 hello [ h??l?u ] 喂;你好 hi [ hai ] 嗨,你好 boy [ b?i ]、[ b?i ] 男孩 girl [ g?:l ] 、[ g?:l ] 女孩teacher [ 'ti:t??] 教师 school [ s k u:l ] 学校;上 book [ buk ] 书 chair [ t?e? ] 椅子 desk [ desk ] 书桌 one [ w?n ] 一 two [ tu: ] 二 three [ θri: ] 三 four [ f?: ] 四 five [ faiv ] 五 pencil [ 'pens(?)l ] 铅笔 pen [ pen ] 钢笔 ruler [ 'ru:l?] 直尺crayon [ ?krei?n ] 彩色蜡笔 pencil box [ 'pens(?)l b?ks ] 铅笔盒six [ siks ] 六 seven [ 'sevn ]七 eight [ eit ] 八 nine [ nain ] 九 ten [ ten ] 十 第二单元 friend [ frend ] 朋友 window [ 'w?nd?u ] 窗户 red [ red ] 红色;红色的 yellow [ 'jel?u ] 黄色;黄色的blue [ blu: ] 蓝色;蓝色的 green [ gri:n ] 绿色;绿色的orange [ '?rind?] 橙;橘黄色的brown [ braun ] 棕色;棕色的white [ wait ] 白色;白色的 black [ bl?k ] 黑色;黑色的

第三单元 cold [ k?uld ] 冷的 hot [ h?t ]、[ h?t ] 热的 tired [ tai?d ] 疲劳的;累的happy [ 'h?pi ] 高兴地;幸福的sad [ s?d ] 悲伤地 body [ 'b?di ]、[ 'b?di ] 身体hand [ h?nd ] 手 arm [ ɑ:m ] 胳膊 leg [ leg ] 腿 foot [ fut ] 脚(复数为feet)left [ left ] 左边的;左边 right [ rait ] 右边的;右边 hair [ he?] 头发 eye [ ai ] 眼睛 mouth [ mauθ] 嘴 ear [ i?] 耳朵 nose [ n?uz ] 鼻子 face [ feis ] 脸;面 warm [ w?:m ] 暖和的;温暖的cool [ ku:l ] 凉爽的;绝妙的,酷的doctor [ 'd?kt?]、[ 'd?kt?] 医生 第四单元 family [ 'f?m?li ] 家庭;一家人father [ 'fɑ:e?] 父亲 mother [ 'm?e?] 母亲 brother [ 'br?e?] 兄;弟 sister [ 'sist?] 姐;妹 China [ 't?ain?] 中国 short [ ??:t ] 矮的;短的 tall [ t?:l ] 高的 policeman [ p?'li:sm?n ] 男警察bus [ b?s ] 公共汽车 driver [ 'draiv?] 司机 worker [ 'w?:k?]、[ 'w?:k?] 工人old [ ?uld ] 年老的;……岁的young [ j??] 年轻的 birthday [ 'b?:θdei ] 生日


冀教版四年级上册英语教学案 Lesson1 Skirt and trousers 教学目标 知识目标 1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写词汇:shirt, skirt, trousers, sweater, this, these 2.学生能认读、理解并运用句型结构:This is a… These are… 3.学生能听懂、会说句子:He/She is wearing a green sweater / white T-shirt. 能力目标在日常情境中注意观察,并用简单的英语对话(对每季度所穿 衣服能加上颜色进行描述) 情感目标 1.培养对英语的兴趣和学习英语的好奇心。 2.找机会练习学生的听力技巧。 3.在每天的生活中试着模仿和运用英语。 重点同知识目标1—2 难点运用wear一词进行说话和交流 教具教学光盘、单词卡、不同种类的衬衣、裙子、裤子、衬衫、和毛衣图片在教室里挂一些本单元要学的服装实物,以便有真实的例子供学生练习。 教学过程 Ⅰ. Class opening and review Greeting。并复习学过的衣服单词 Lesson hook:这节课,我们将要学习如何谈论每天所穿的衣服。男孩、女孩穿什么衣服。什么衣服男孩子从来不穿?(可以用汉语说出裙子或连衣裙) Ⅱ. New concepts: 1. This is a red skirt. 介绍本课单词。出示单词卡shirt, skirt, trousers, sweater, T-shirt,利用句型What’s this/What are these? This is a… These are…学习新词。同时要说明:当谈论复数事物时要用These are…句型,但裤子不同,即使只有一条裤子(这是一个复数单词),也要用The se are…句型。 板书:This is a shirt, skirt,sweater, T-shirt. These are shirts, trousers, pants. 将颜色词和衣服词结合起来,可使衣服更加具体。出示图片,说:a red skirt, the yellow trousers, a green shirt, a blue T-shirt… 让学生跟读、练习。 2. Let’s do it! 课件分别出示a red T-shirt, black trousers, a green shirt图片, 图1(a red T-shirt):读句子:This is a T-shirt. It’s red. 将两句话合并成一句:This is a red T-shirt. 同理:This is a a green shirt. These are black trousers. 3. What is he/she wearing? 看书讨论每个人穿的衣服,针对每幅图提问What is he/she wearing?让学生回答:He/She is wearing a green sweater / white T-shirt.听录音跟读并练习背诵。 根据学生的穿着练习对话。 4. Let’s play!


三年级英语总结 将近半学期的教学中,留给我的思考却很多。如何进一步加强英语教学,提高英语教学质量?总结如下: 1、更新语言教学观念。进一步学习英语课程标准中的教学理念,突出语言的实践性,在教学中应少一些机械记忆,多一些灵活运用。 2、改革课堂教学模式,注重培养学生语言实践能力。在课堂教学中,要引导学生进行观察、比较、分析、讨论和归纳总结等。把更多的时间给学生进行听、说、读、写的语言实践。 3、课堂训练形式要更加灵活,采用多种方式对单词、句型进行训练,注重知识的积累与运用,在培养兴趣的同时传授学生掌握单词的方法。 4、创设情景,让学生活用英语。英语教学要求学生在特定情境中灵活运用,在以后教学中我一定要对学生加强交际能力的训练,把教材教活,让学生学活。 5、多鼓励多表扬,培养学生自信心。在以后的教学中,一定要锻炼学生的胆量,多让学生当众演说,设立小组制,比一比、看一看,谁最有勇气主动发言,从多方面培养学生的自信心。 6、狠抓基础,培养能力。在平时的教学中,要在扎实和活用上下功夫,要在听、说的基础上,抓好读写的训练,要注意帮助学生积累知识,打好扎实的语言基础。 7、要适当增加语言的输入量拓展学生的知识面。在教学中,不仅要学好书本知识,还要适当增加一些听、读语言材料。 8、狠抓后进生。工作中要狠抓后进生,帮助他们查找落后的原因,课下及时辅导,发现问题及时纠正,争取让全体学生得到全面提高。对于基础较差的学生,要进行有针对性的帮助,如“互助式”、“一对一”、“组长带头式”等,

坚信“没有笨学生,只有懒学生”的信念,告诉他们“勤能补拙”,一定不能放弃任何一个学生。 总而言之,没有教不好的学生,只是没能找到教好学生的方法。需要我们教师做的事情还有很多,我们身上的担子也很重,每一个孩子都有成功的愿望,每一个孩子也都有成功的潜能。尊重孩子的差异,赏识孩子的成功,教育之目的就是让每一个孩子都抬起头走路。蹲下来,你会发现其实每一个孩子都很努力。英语作为一种语言,首要实践,其次要注意知识的积累,要经常的接触,反复运用。要明白实践越多,提高也就越快。


三年级英语上期末专项复习:句子/对话 1.This is Wang Hong . She is my friend. 2. This is Danny. He is my friend. 3.Open the door. Close the door. 4. Open the window. Close the window. 5.See you later. Look at me. 6.This is my family. 7.My father is a teacher. 8.I’m a student. 9.We are a happy family. 10.My brother is a policeman. 11.She’s short. He’s tall. 12.My brother is tall. 13.I love my family. 14.She is young. He is old. 15.This gift is for you. 16.Happy birthday to you. 17.I don’t feel good. I feel good now. 18.Let’s see a doctor. 19.I can’t go to school. 20.Your hair is red. My hair is red. 21.I have ten fingers.

1.What’s your name? My name is Jenny. 2.What is it? It is a ruler. 3.Are you okey? N0, I’m sick. 4.How do you feel? I feel happy, too!/ I feel very cold. 5.What’s your name? My name is Danny. 6.What’s his name? His name is Li Ming 7.What’s her name? Her name is Jenny. 8.What color is your eyes? My eyes are black. 9.How old are you? I’m(I am) ten years old. 10.What’s(What is) the matter? My head hurts. 11.Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you, too. 12.What color is it? It is orange. 13.What color is your pencil-box? It’s(It is)blue. 14.How many rulers do you have? I have one book. 15.How many books do you have? Ten books. 16.How are you? I’m fine, thank you.\Fine, thanks. 17.What’s this? It’s a school. 18.How many fingers do you have? I have eight fingers.


职业:teacher student doctor(Dr.)policeman bus driver worker 老师学生医生男警察公共汽车司机工人家人:family grandfather grandmother father mother 家庭爷爷奶奶爸爸妈妈 brother sister me 兄弟姐妹我 国家:China中国Canada加拿大 形容词:tall short old young 高的矮的年老的年轻的 其他:man男人woman女人 生日:birthday cake birthday gifts birthday party Happy birthday! 生日蛋糕生日礼物生日聚会生日快乐 句型 1 This is my ________.(father mother brother sister family) 2 We live in China. We live in Canada. We are a happy family. I love my family. I love you. 3 How old are you? I am ____ years old. (two three four five six seven eight nine ten) 4 Happy birthday to you! Thank you. 或者Thanks. This gift is for you. How nice! 5 I don’t feel good. I can’t go to school today. I feel good now. Lynn sees a doctor. 琳去看医生。Is Lynn sick? 琳生病了吗? I am… You are… He is a … She is a … It is a… We are… They are… My name is.. Your name is…His name is…Her name is…


1.A.What is he wearing ? B He is wearing a green sweater 2. A..What is she wearing ? B She is wearing a pink and white blouse. 3. A.Are they Li Ming’s pants? B Yes, they are. 4. A.Is it new ? B Yes, it is B No, it is not. 5. A.Are they new? B No, they are old. 6. A.Whose hat is this? B I t’s Danny’s hat. 7. A.Is this your hat? B No,it not mine. B Yes,it is mine. 8.A.Are these your gloves? B Yes,they are mine. B No,they are Jenny’s gloves. 9. A.Is this her dress? B Yes,it is. B No,it is not 10. A.Are these his shorts? B No,they are Jenny’s shorts. 11. A.What day is it? B It’s Sunday. 12.a pair of shorts/ socks/ shoes/ pants/ gloves/ boots. 13.two pairs of shorts/ socks/ shoe/ pants/gloves/boots. 第二单元知识点总结: 1. A.What’s in your bed room? B There is a bed ,a closet and a dresser in my bedroom. 2. A.What’s in the bedroom? B There are three teddy bears in the bedroom. 3. A.Where is the computer? B It’s on the desk. 4. A.Where is the picture? B The picture is above the bed. 5. A.Where is the shoes? B The shoes are below the bed. 6. A.What do you do in the morning? B Ibrush my teeth. B I wash my face in the morning . 7.talk on the computer with my friends. 8..play on the computer. 9..listen to the radio. 10..draw a picture / draw pictures 11. read a book / read books. 12.sing a song / sing songs 13. W rite a story / write stories 14. comb one’s hair 15. B rush one’s teeth 16. W ash one’s face 17. do one’s homework. 18.play cards 19.play games 20.walk home 21 watch TV 22.put on my clothes 23. skipping rope 24. A fter school /after supper. 25. in the morning/ afternon /evening. 26.between A and B 27.play with A 28.like to 29.on a Sunday morning. 二类词汇:blouse scarf hat gloves boots housecoat pygamas slippers just right D resser lamp closet teddy bear TV telephone computer radio comb S oap toothbrush doll. 动词:talk play listen to draw watch sing read brush wash comb 方位介词:in on above below beside between across from .


Lessoon1 Hello! 教学目标 知识与技能: 1. 通过创设情境学习What's your name? My name is ..../I'm....等简单句子。并能在实际情景中进行运用。 2.在情景学习中培养学生用英语进行交际的良好习惯。 3.能听懂所接触的指示语,并按指令做出相应的动作。 情感态度: 1.能使用礼貌用语打招呼。培养学生的合作意识,培养学生敢于使用英语的品质。 2.通过游戏活动和歌曲培养学生说英语、学英语的兴趣。 教学重点 询问对方的姓名及回答的用语What’s your name? My name is… 的学习。教学难点 What’s your name? My name is…中name 的发音打招呼用语Hello的发音。教学准备 1.多媒体课件 2.录音机磁带头饰姓名卡片 教学过程 Step1热身(Warm-up)(5分钟) 今天是我们三年级英语的第一课,请学生说说他们了解的英语单词和日常用语。 T: Hi, boys and girls. Look, what's this?(可以用汉语解释。) Ss: CD/VCD/mp3. T: OK. You're very good!(做动作:竖大拇指表扬学生。)看来你们已经知道了一些英语知识。 T: 那老师今天老师将把你们带入一个更奇妙的英语世界,OK? S: OK! 与学生讨论一下英语的作用以及学习英语的意义。

1.英语是全球使用最广泛的语言。 2.英语是国际交往和科技、文化交流的重要工具。 3.英语的学习和使用英语对吸取人类文明成果、借鉴外国先进科学技术、增进中国和世界的相互理解具有重要的作用。 给学生播放光盘,了解所学语言运用的环境。内容为金太阳教学软件中第一课的片段同学们在他们喜爱的动画节目中了解、学习打招呼用语Hell o/Hi。(大部分学生能跟唱,情绪高涨。)(出示课件) 老师用动画中的方和同学们打招呼:Hell o./Hi (设计意图:因为是孩子的第一节英语课,所以我采用活泼、富有吸引力的卡通片来增强他们对英语学习的兴趣。首先由孩子平时生活中所熟悉的VCD入手,动画片是孩子最感兴趣、最喜欢的,再加上让学生自我挖掘已知道的英语,消除了畏惧心理,进一步激发了他们的英语学习兴趣。让孩子学到了知识、也消除了对英语学习的恐惧。) Step2 呈现新课(Presentation)(15分钟) 教师在教室前面对全体学生招手问好并用简单的方式向学生介绍自己。 T:Hello!boys and girls。I'm your teacher。教师走到学生身边,向学生招手问好,并示意学生用同样的方式和自己问好并做简单介绍。 T:Hello I'm....My name is... S: Hello I'm.... 在对话进行中,和同学们握手拥抱,拉近和同学们的距离。有助于缓解孩子们对新课的的紧张情绪。 (设计意图:老师在打招呼时,可随时将hello 替换为hi,让学生了解两者意思相同。整个活动过程中教师要注意语速,并配合肢体动作帮助学生了解对话的意思,如果有必要可用汉语解释。) 1.(显示单词课件)教师拿出一个小猪手偶:和同学们打招呼:Hello./Hi反复说三到四遍速度由慢到正常。先是全班说,然后以的形式和整列整排的同学说。注意学生对hello一词中 e 的发音。同学们特别容易把字母e的读音[e] 发成[?]的读音要加以注意和纠正。 同桌两个人练习对话。找几组同学展示。


重点短语及句子 Unit1 第1课 This is a red skirt, I like it 这是一条红裙子,我喜欢它。 These are yellow Trousers. Yellow is my favourite colour. 这是一条黄色的裤子。黄色是我喜欢的颜色。What is she(he)wearing? 她(他)穿着什么? She is wearing a white T-shirt. 她穿着一件白色的T恤衫。 He is wearing blue Trousers. 他穿着一条蓝色的裤子。 She is wearing a yellow dress. 她穿着一条黄色的裙子 第2课 This is an old sweater. 这是一件旧的毛衣 These are new trousers. 这是一件新的裤子 I like your dress 我喜欢你的裙子. It is new? 它是新的吗? It′s my birthday gift 它是我的生日礼物。 They′re old. 这是旧的。 第3课 What is she wearing? 她穿着什么? She is wearing a new coat, It′s nice. 她穿着一件新的外套,很漂亮。 Is this your cap? No ,It′s Jim′s cap. 这是你的帽子吗?不,这是金的帽子。 Are these your gloves? 这是你的手套吗? 第4课 Are these her shorts? No,they aren′t. 这是她的短裤?不,不是。 Are these his shorts? Yes,they are. 这是他的短裤?是,是的。 Is this his dress? No it isn′t 这是他的连衣裙吗?不,不是。 Is this her dress? Yes,it is 这是她的连衣裙吗?是,是的 第5课 what day is today? It′s Monday 今天是星期几?是星期一。 How many days are these in a week? Seven 一星期有多少天?七天。 Unit 2 I help my mum and dad. I talk on the phone with my friends. I wach TV after dinner. I play on the computer. do my homework read a book draw a picture write a story sing a song play a game I make my bed. I clean my bedroom. I play with my teddy bear. I listen to music. I brush my teeth. I wash my face . I brush my hair. I put on my clothes. On Saturday, I play with my friends. We fly kites. We play catch with a ball. We read books jenny plays with her toy .Saturday is fun.


备课本冀教版三年级上册英语 全册教案 班级______ 教师______ 日期______

Lesson 1 Hello! 教学目标: 知识与技能目标:1. 能听懂、会说、认读单词hello, hi. 2. 能熟练运用hello, hi 与他人打招呼。 能够用My name is ____. 做自我介绍;并能用What’s your name? 来询问他人的姓名。 情感目标: 1. 怎样有礼貌地打招呼,做个有礼貌的好孩子。 2. 乐于开口,积极参与。 文化意识目标:了解中西方互致问候时的不同。 教学重点: 1. 词汇hello, hi. 2. 句型:My name is ______. What’s your name? 教学过程: I. Warm up T: Hello! Hi! 教师用“Hello or Hi”向学生不断地问好,使学生自然地明白要用“Hello”或“Hi”回答。 Ss: Hello! Hi! S1: Hello! / Hi! S2: Hello! / Hi! 同桌或前后桌用Hello和Hi互相问好。 II. New Concept 1. Introduce “ English’’ . T: This term we’ll study a new subject “English”, I hope you all study hard . (呈现一些说英语国家的图片,让学生了解英语的普及程度,为什么学英语,激发学生学英语的兴致和热情)。 2. 视频呈现三个人物:Li Ming, Jenny and Danny. (此处教师并不说出三个人的名字) (教师告诉学生这三个人将陪伴我们一起度过未来的四年英语学习时光。) Li Ming:Hello . Jenny : Hello . Danny : Hi . 出示China and Canada的地图,Li Ming is a Chinese boy. Jenny is from Canada. They are good


Unit 1 School and Numbers Lesson 1 本节课是本学期第一章第一节课的内容,本章是带领学生学习关于学校与数字的英语,本节课让孩子们学会日常打招呼的英语表达。 【知识目标】 1. 认识三个人物: Li Ming, Jenny Smith, Danny 2. 掌握新句型:Hello/Hi. My name is ________. What is your name? 【能力目标】 让学生学会怎样有礼貌地和别人打招呼,怎样来介绍自己,并能应用自己所学到的知识。 【情感目标】 通过本课的学习,让学生知道怎样有礼貌地打招呼,做个有礼貌的好孩子。 【教学重点】 1. 认识新单词三会(会说、会听、会读):hello / hi 你好 2. 掌握新句子:两会(会听、会说): What is your name? 你叫什么名字? My name is ______. 我的名字是______。 【教学难点】 What is your name? 你叫什么名字? My name is ______. 我的名字是______。 Tape recorder, Multimedia.

Step 1. Class Opening Greeting 1. Say “hello” to students. 2. Ask the students about English in Chinese. The problem is in the teacher's PPT. (1) Where do you speak English? (2) Do you know some English words? (3) Have you met anyone who can speak English? Step 2. New Concepts 1. Introduce yourself in English. (1) The teacher introduced himself. T: Hello. My name is ______. (2) Students introduce themselves. 2. Meet new people. Introduce three friends Danny Jenny and Li Ming to the students. Tell the students that the three of them will study English with us. T eacher’s PPT displays pictures to let the students know. 3. Practice the dialogue, the teacher’s PPT displays the dialogue content. D: Hello. My name is Dann y. What’s your name? L: My name is Li Ming. 4. Play game (1) Play “go—stop”(When you stop, ask each other names.) (2) Ask several students to come to the front and make friends with the rest of the students to see who has made more friends in the stipulated time. Make sure English is used correctly in the game, otherwise the friends will be invalid. Praise the winner and encourage others. Step 3. Student Book 1. Listen to the tape. 2. Students open their textbooks, play recordings, listen to the tape and read the tape twice. 3. Students read the dialogue once. 4. Students read dialogues in roles. Step 4. Class Closing 1.Conclusion.

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