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外贸函电第六章 签约成交


浙江省2018年7月高等教育自学考试 外贸函电试题 课程代码:00094 一、单项选择题(在每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的序号填 在题干的括号内。每小题1分,共20分) 1. ( ) the delay on the part of the suppliers, we must ask you to extend the date of shipment from July 11th to August 12th. A. Owing to B. According to C. In order to D. So as to 2. The buyer made a bid ( ) $600 per ton for peanut meat. A. in B. at C. for D. with 3. So far we ( ) business relations with the firms in more than one hundred countries in the world. A. are established B. have established C. had established D. shall establish 4. ( ) the goods under Contract No.1986 are ready for shipment, please rush your L/C with the least possible delay. A. If B. Unless C. Although D. As 5. Under separate cover, we have already sent you samples of ( ) sizes of shoes. A. varying B. various C. variable D. variant 6. We shall be glad to send you the necessary information about our machine tools on ( ). A. reply B. order C. request D. call 7. We wish to ( ) that this is the best price we can quote, and therefore any counteroffer from you cannot be considered. A. point at B. point to C. point of D. point out 8. We find your price is rather on the high side. We wonder ( ) you can do better in the near future. A. if B. why C. what D. as 9. All the cases are strongly packed ____compliance _____ your request.( ) A. for...with B. in...with C. for...in D. in...for 10. Please ( ) that the letters of credit are established with the least possible delay. A. see to them B. see them C. see it D. see 11. Can you offer us machine tools with the following ( ). A. informations B. messages


外贸函电心得体会 篇一:函电学习心得体会 心得体会 一个学期的函电学习很快就结束了,在这短短的一学期时间里我觉得学到了很多。在学习前英语就不是很好,不知道该如何组织和使用各种优美、恰当的英文词句来很好地完成一篇英文信函,信函中的一些语言明明是我们在生活中常常接触到的,但是就是不知道怎样把它们翻译成比较恰当或优美的英文,我觉得在信函中应用一些比较优美很恰当的句子是很重要的,如果是初次建立关系会给别人一个比较好的第一印象,会让对方觉得你专业、有内涵,也让对方更加相相信你方的实力。 在学习中遇到了不少问题,首先是对课本知识掌握得不够,在写信函的过程中很难写出一个比较好的句子,所以只好参照课本的句式和一些比较好的专业词句。其次,因为所有的信函都是用英文写的,跟以前的英语学习有很大的不同,所以一开始速度有点慢,感觉很难写出来一篇完整的规范的信函。这次学习对我们的英文水平也是一个很大的考验,如果英文水平比较高的话,写信函的时候就会觉得比较容易。这次学习也是对外贸专业知识的掌握情况的一个检验。外贸信函跟我们平时写的中文信件之间是有差别的,中文信件只

有一种布局,而外贸信件有多种布局比如有缩行式、齐头式等等,写信件的时候要特别注意不要把各种信件布局混淆。还有要注意组织好信函的句式,选择比较好的词句,尽量使对方在阅读你的信件时能感到愉悦,给对方留个好印象。同时要明确指出你方来函的目的,要把关键内容表述清楚。 在这一学期的时间里,我掌握了更多书写英文信函的技巧,学到很多适合运用到外贸信函中的英文词句以及一些外贸专业术语。我明白了要写出一篇好的外贸函电,需要多方面的积累,比如外贸专业知识的掌握程度、英语水平的高低、语言组织能力的高低等等。所以还有很多知识、技能等着我去学习。 篇二:外贸函电实训心得体会 外贸函电实训心得 随着我国市场经济体制的逐步完善和对外开放的不断扩大,我国经济将完全融入世界经 济体系之中。而教育水平的高低与经济的发展密切相关。作为我国高等教育的全新组成部分, 职业教育应确立怎样的培养目标来适应时代要求,已成为人们普遍关心的问题。高等职业教 育的培养目标,主要强调能力的培养和技术的应用,他要求我们的教育能够不断造就基本功

自考外贸函电历年真题 并附答案

2002年4月全国高教自考外贸函电试题 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1. Fifty cases of Green Tea you sent us were found to be badly damaged. This was apparently attributable to _____ packing.( ) A. inferior B. superior C. faulty D. mistake 2. We trust you will do your best to have this matter _____ right away.( ) A. settle B. to settle C. settling D. settled 3. By joint efforts we can _____ both friendship and business.( ) A. increase B .promoted C .expand D. extend 4. We _____ you for the special offer you send us.( ) A. thank B. appreciate C. be grateful D. beindebted 5. We are looking forward to _____ your L/C for Order No 123.( ) A .receive B. receiveing C. be received D. be receiving 6. This is our best price, _____ which we have concluded many orders with other buyers in your city.( ) A. on B. for C. by D. at 7. As it involves only a small _____, we hope you will have no difficulty on promotion.( ) A. quality B .figure C. quantity D. number 8.Our payment terms(付款方式)are _____, irrevocable letter of credit for the full invoice value.( )



全国4月高等教育自学考试 外贸函电试题 课程代码:00094 请将答案填在答题纸相应的位置上 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在答题纸相应的位置上。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1. We __________ your quoting us your competitive prices on a CIF basis for the following. A.appreciate B.are appreciated C.appreciate it D.Will be appreciated 2. Under the __________, it is impossible to decline our price again. A.circumstance B.circumstances C.case D.Cases 3. Please see to __________ that goods should be delivered in 3 equal lots. A.us B.it C.the L/C D.them

4.We regret having to remind you that 20% of the freight is still ______ ____. A.owned B.owning C.standing D.Outstanding adj. 优秀的, 突出的, 未支付的, 未完成 5. Marketing is __________,we have received a crowd of enquires from o ur customers. A.declining B.advancing C.weak D.Going 6. Through our joint efforts, we have successfully concluded a __________ with your company. A.business B.order C.trade D.deal 7. The __________ creates a power of acceptance, permitting the offer by accepting the offer to transform the offeror’s promise into a contractual o bligation. A.free offer B.firm offer


外贸英语函电写作4大原则 刚接触外贸的小白都立志要好好学外贸英语,但具体落实下来还是发现自己不会写外贸英语函电。他们发出了一连串的疑问:外贸英语类信函有什么特点呢?写这类信函的时候有没有什么标准?我们该把握一个什么样的度呢?看到大家这么手足无措,今天就和大家聊聊写外贸英语信函时应该把握的4个原则。 一、多一词不如少一词 外贸英语函电写作的首要原则是简洁。我们都知道国际贸易的竞争是十分激烈的,所以一封简洁明了的信函可以给读信的人节省很多时间。要做到简洁,可以从3个方面入手。第一,省去那些繁琐的客套话,直接开门见山,直奔主题。如:Could you make us an offer for your newest motors?第二,应该使用简单的句子结构,多用单词少用词组和定语从句,如:We require TV which is of the new type就显得啰嗦了,可以直接写成We require new type TV。第三,适当使用缩略语。外贸英语中有许多既定的专业缩略语,如D/P(付款交单),F.O.B(离岸价),L/C(信用证)等等,要尽量掌握。 二、失之毫厘差之千里 准确性是外贸英语函电写作的另一个要求。由于中西方的文化差异加上思维方式的不同,外贸活动中的交流极易产生误解,所以外贸英语函电措辞的准确性就显得尤为重要。而且外贸英语函电还具有一定的法律效力。为了确保准确性,在选词的时候尽量用含义相对单

一的词,不要用含义太丰富的词。另外,外贸函电专业术语较多,尽量按照惯例来使用这些词。 三、话可不能乱说 这一点要求我们除了词汇、语法上需要准确无误外,还要注意表达恰当、得体。首先是要尊重双方的文化差异,毕竟大家的政治、经济环境、传统习俗、商业价值观、消费心理等都迥然不同。因此我们在表达的时候要小心,防止触犯了对方的文化禁忌。其次是要对写作的对象有一定的了解。除了注意对方的文化背景外,还有留意其他方面,千万不要碰到对方的“雷区”。 四、礼多人不怪 礼貌也是商务英语函电写作中需要注意的一个细节。生意往来向来讲究以和为贵,所以即使是有分歧,礼貌的交流也能为今后的合作打下基础。要做到礼貌,我们需要把握两点:一是信函中尽量少用否定句,因为否定往往会给人消极被动的感觉。二是可以多使用祈使句和疑问句,其中疑问句是首选。疑问的方式客气、委婉,给对方留有余地,让对方有被尊重的感觉。 以上就是诚商新视界小编想要跟大家分享的外贸英语信函写作原则。本着这4个原则,希望大家都能写出出色的外贸英语函电。 文章来源:诚商新视界


外贸函电期末复习试题及答案 1.We are sending you the samples C_requested. a.be b.are c.as d.for 2.We trust that you will find our goods D_. a.attracting b.to be attractive c.attract your attention d.attractive 3.The brochure covers_B wide range of products we deal in. a.the b.a c.of d.about 4.We would B_very much if you send us some samples immediately. a.thank

b.appreciate it c.appreciate d.appreciate you 5.We look forward to_A__a trial order. A.receiving B.receive from you C.receipt D.receipt your 6.We_C__some brochures to illustrate the products we manufacture. A.enclose,to you B.enclose,you C.enclose D.enclose, your 7.We shall_D__very much if you will send us a catalogue by air. A.appreciate B.appreciating C.appreciation D.appreciate it 8.We would like to take this_B__to establish business relations with you. A.step B.opportunity C.advantage D.opening 9.The shipment time is June or July at our_A__and the goods will be shipped in one___. A.option,lot B.option,consignment C.choice shipment D.decision,cargo10.The first shipment of pens has turned out to be_B. A.satisfy B.satisfied C.satisfaction D.satisfactory


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 外贸函电合同范文 篇一:外贸函电合同填制 Fillinthecontractinenglishaccordingtothechinesegive n 1.卖方:中国茶叶有限公司 2.买方:德国sunRY贸易公司 3.兹经买卖双方同意就以下货物按下列条款签订本合同: 4.品名:中国绿茶 5.数量:5600千克(净重) 6.单价:上海港离岸价每千克55美元 7.总金额:30.8万美元 8.支付条款:凭买方开具的不可撤消即期信用证付款,于装运期前一个月开到卖方,并于下述装运期后15天内在中国议付有效 9.唛头:由卖方选定

10.装运港:中国上海 11.目的港:德国汉堡 12.装运期:20XX年8月25日前从中国上海港发至德国汉堡港,允许分批装运和在香港转船 13.保险:按照国际惯例由买方按发票总值的110%投保基本险和破损险 合同填制练习答案 ?1.Thesellers:chinaTeaco.,Ltd. ?2.Thebuyers:suyTradingcompany,germany ?3.Thissalescontractissignedbyandbetweenthesell erandthebuyercoveringthe under-mentionedgoodsaccordingtothetermsandcondition sbelow: ? ? ? ?https://www.doczj.com/doc/0a10771096.html,modity:chinesegreenTea5.Quantity:5600kg,n et6.unitprice:usD55.00perkg.Fobshanghai7.TotalValue :usD308000.00(sayusDollarsThreehundredandeightThous and only)

第六章 外贸汉译英信函翻译

第六章外贸汉译英信函翻译 外贸函电作为其中最主要的、应用范围最广泛的涉外文书,在国际贸易中扮演着非常重要的角色。如何把函电准确、完整、贴切地翻译成不同的文字,已引趋越来越多的外贸工作人员和外贸文教人员的普遍重视。函电属于应用文体,在翻译上与其它文体既有相通之处,又有相异所在。 1词语翻译方法 1.1一词多义和一义多词 如果查阅一本英汉或汉英的词典,我们会发现许多词的意思并不是一对一的关系。一词多义、一义多词是一种十分普遍的现象。因而在外贸汉译英时,我们可以充分利用英语词汇这一特点,灵活选择英语词语来表达汉语意义。 1.1.1一词多义 例1现另邮给你方最新的价目单和剪样。 译文:We are now airmailing you under separate cover our latest price list and cutting sample.例2望你方能早日装运我方第2213号定单项下的十箱茶叶为宜。 译文:Please ship the ten chests of tea covered by our Order No 2213 at an early date 例33356号定单下的货物已投保了一切险。 译文:The goods under our order No 3356 are covered against All Risks . 例4秋季展览会展出面积为5,000平方米。 译文:This autumn exhibition covers an area of 5ooo square meters. 例5三天后,开证行将在通知书上告知受益人有关信用证的开证情况。 译文:The initiating bank will inform the beneficiary of the relative L/C in the covering letter three days later. 以上五个句子中翻译成英文时都用“cover”一词,但每一个句子中“cover”的意思相差甚远。 1.1.2一义多词 在外贸函电中,价格是十分重要的因素.没有价格就没有贸易。买卖双方交易时,买方当然希望卖方能报商品的最低价,以获取最高的利润。中文中的“最低价”在英文中有许多的表达方法,请看下面的例子: 例6我们的报价已是最低价,折扣不能再给了。 译文:As we have quoted you our rock—bottom price,we can't grant you an discount. 例7请报永久牌自行车最低价。 译文:please make us your lowest quotation for“Forever”brand bicycle 例8你们将会看出我们这批货物的价格是最低的。 译文:You will find our prices for these goods on the lowest side. 例9如果有兴趣与我方做生意,请报最低价。 译文:If you feel interested in doing business with us,please quote us your best price 例10我们已接最低价向你方报盘。 译文:We have made you an offer at the most competitive price. 例11如果你方向我方报最低价,我方将考虑向你方大量订购。 译文:Should you offer us at the most favorable price,we'll consider placing substantiate orders with you. 上述6句中文中都有“最低价”一词,但在翻译具体句子时,应灵活处理cheapest一词.虽也有“最低价”的意思.但一般不用于外贸函电的报价,因为此词常含有贬义,表示“廉价质扶”的意思,应引起注意。 1.2词的重复和省略 在外贸英语的翻译中,词的重复是不可避免的,这就需要我们在翻译过程中,根据英、汉两种语言


Final Paper Part One: Explain the following terms in appropriate English or Chinese.(16points) 1.信头包括: 2. 2. 商务信函的写作原则: 3.3. 订单一般包括的内容: 4.4. 保险索赔的条件 Part Two: Please fill in the blanks with appropriate words.(20 points) 1.As we are interested ____ Art. No. 503, please make us a firm offer for 1000 pieces. 2.We ______ from the Commercial Counselor's Office in your country that you are one of the large buyers of color TV sets . 3.We shall be glad to send you samples upon receipt _____ your specific enquiries . 4.Electric goods ______ within our scope of business. 5.Please let us have all necessary information concerning your products ____ exports. 6.We shall be _____ to establish business relations with your company. 7.As we deal ____ sewing machines, we shall be pleased to enter into business relations with you. 8. We are keenly desirous _____ entering into business relations with your firm. 9.On receipt of your specific inquiry, we shall airmail you immediately our _____ sheet. 10.We write to ____ ourselves as one of the leading exporters of a wide range of electronic goods in the UK. 11.We would prefer FOB Lagos, introducing our _____ of 8%. 12.Any _____ you supply will be highly appreciated. 13.Several of our customers have expressed ____ in your watches and inquired about their quality and prices. 14.One of our buyers has made us an enquiry _____ 150 dozen men's shirts. 15.If your samples are satisfactory _____ our customers, we will place substantial orders with you. 16.Your prompt attention_____ this inquiry is appreciate. 17.We have a considerable demand here ______ your goods and should welcome your samples. 18. Will you please quote us your lowest prices ______ the goods listed above? 19.We would very much ______ an early reply from you. 20.Please _____ us your competitive price for the following items. Part Three :Judge whether the following statements are true or false with V or X. (10 points) 1.外贸函电的日期应写在信函最后。() 2.缩进式英文信函格式最不正式。() 3.如果知道收信人的名字,最好称呼他们的头衔或姓。() 4.英文信函只有打印签名即可。() 5.英文信函的结束语一般不用标点。() 6.当你方因某种原因不能接受订单时,你可以采用送上代用品的方法。() 7.在进出口业务中只能是买方向买房提出索赔要求。() 8.常见的国际贸易支付方式只有汇付和托收。( ) 9.拒绝订货信要写得委婉,解释清楚原因,并要表示对将来生意的期盼。( )


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除外贸函电感谢信常用语句 篇一:外贸英语函电经典语句 外贸英语函电范文 20XX年10月11日星期一 外贸英语达到何种等级能够做外贸? 一般很多外企都会要求过ceT4或者ceT6,当然最好是过了英语专业八级,也就是Tem8了。但是在实际工作中,企业最看重的还是于人沟通的能力,说英语的能力,也就是口语。口语不仅仅包括日常口语的交流,还有专门的外贸口语,讨价还价,报价,争取客户。 如何学好外贸英语? 在学校学习外贸英语,可以这样: 1,重视外贸口语,有条件的话最好是交个外国朋友,这样能在一定程度上提高你的与外国人交流的能力2,学校开的外贸函电课程还有相关书籍,实用性不是很大,但是还是要多看看,学到一些基本的方法和相关术语3,多去外贸论坛,如Fob上海外贸论坛学习

5,借鉴别人的方法,同时形成自己独特的方法 如果英语基础不好从事外贸,可以这样: 1,没必要专门全职去学习英语,学习英语不在于你每天可以花多少时间学习,而在于你能坚持多久 2,在工作的过程中,留心地道的外贸英语的用法,记 下来,找机会多用3,如果你想学的话,在自学的基础上也 一定要有一个朋友或者老师给你指导,这样可以少走很多弯路。 4,在跟外国客户交流的过程中,要多学习别人的正确 表达方式,尽量多用地道的表达方式,而不要满足于能交流就可以 5,会说英语不代表会教英语,有外国朋友一起交流是 很好的,但是最好还是能跟专业的老师系统的学习外贸英语。 外贸函电解析: 函电(1) 今天的题目是:self-introduction 例文如下: Dearsirs, weoweyournameandaddresstothecommercialcounselor’sofficeoftheswedishembassyinbeijingwhohaveinformedu sthatyouareinthemarketforTextiles.


全国自考2018年7月外贸函电试题 课程代码:00094 请将答案填在答题纸相应的位置上 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在答题纸相应的位置上。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1. For goods concluded on FOB basis, freight for shipment from Shanghai to Hong Kong is to be ________ to buyer’s account. A. borne B. paid C. changed D. charged 2. We wish to call your attention ________ the L/C covering your order No.185 has not reached us. A. to the fact that B. to that C. to D. that 3. We have received your enquiry of 15 October ________ you show great interest in our electric heaters. A. which B. at which C. in which D. from which 4. You can file a claim with the insurance company in your area, who will ________ the loss incurred. A. compensate B. compensate for C. compensate to you D. compensate you 5. ________ will be highly appreciated if you will send us a brochure. 1


合同协议模板 Fill in the contract in English according to the Chinese given 1. 卖方:中国茶叶有限公司 2. 买方:德国SUNRY贸易公司 3. 兹经买卖双方同意就以下货物按下列条款签订本合同: 4. 品名:中国绿茶 5. 数量:5600千克(净重) 6. 单价:上海港离岸价每千克55美元 7. 总金额:30.8万美元 8. 支付条款:凭买方开具的不可撤消即期信用证付款,于装运期前一个月开到卖方,并于下述装运期后15天内在中国议付有效 9. 唛头:由卖方选定 10. 装运港:中国上海 11. 目的港:德国汉堡 12. 装运期:2009年8月25日前从中国上海港发至德国汉堡港,允许分批装运和在香港转船 13. 保险:按照国际惯例由买方按发票总值的110%投保基本险和破损险 合同填制练习答案 ? 1. The Sellers: China Tea Co., Ltd. ? 2.The Buyers: Sunry Trading Company, Germany ? 3.This sales contract is signed by and between the seller and the buyer covering the under-mentioned goods according to the terms and conditions below: ? 4. Commodity: Chinese Green Tea ? 5. Quantity: 5600 kg, net ? 6. Unit Price: USD 55.00 per kg. FOB Shanghai ?7. Total Value: USD 308000.00 (Say US Dollars Three Hundred and Eight Thousand Only) ?8. Terms of Payment: (to be made) by an irrevocable sight L/C opened by the buyers, which is to reach the sellers 30 days before the date /time of shipment, and valid for negotiation in China until the 15th day/within 15 days after the under-mentioned date/time of shipment. ?9. Shipping Marks: at the sellers’option ?10. Port of Loading: Shanghai, China ?11. Port of Destination: Hamburg, Germany ?12. Time of Shipment:before August 25th, 2009, from Shanghai Port, China, to Hamburg Port, Germany, allowing partial shipments and transshipment at Hong Kong. ?13. Insurance: to be covered by the buyers for 110 % of the invoice value against W.P.A (W.A) and Breakage Risk as per the international practice. 可编辑可修改,欢迎下载


外贸函电非常有用的英语句子 1)We have (take) pleasure in informing you that...... 兹欣告你方...... 2)We have the pleasure of informing you that...... 兹欣告你方..... 3)We are pleased (glad) to inform you that...... 兹欣告你方...... 4)Further to our letter of yesterday, we now have (the) pleasure in informing you that...... 续谈我方昨日函, 现告你方...... 5)We confirm telegrams/fax messages recently exchanged between us and are pleased to say that...... 我方确认近来双方往来电报/传真,并欣告...... 6)We confirm cables exchanged as per copies (cable confirmation) herewith attached. 我方确认往来电报,参见所附文本. 7)We learn from Messrs......that you are interested and well experienced in .....business, and would like to establish business relationship with us. 我方从...公司获悉,你方对...业务感兴趣且颇有经验,意欲与我方建立业务关系. 8)Although no communication has been exchanged between us for a long time, we trust that you are doing well in business.


外贸函电英语单元测试2 I.Translate the following phrases 1.在平等互利的基础上 2.商品交易会 3.一矣收到所寄资料 4.关于这些商品的资料 5.按要求 6.以….为条件(为准) 7.不受约束 8.畅销 9.一式四份 10.货真价实 11.the prospective customers 12.current pricelist 13.a trial order https://www.doczj.com/doc/0a10771096.html,plying with your request 15.in your favor 16.for your information 17.take all the necessary steps 18.other terms and conditions 19.based on 20’FCL 20.FOB II.Translate the following sentences 1.我们对你方样本里的彩笔很感兴趣,请寄报价单来。 2.求购种花工具,请寄带价目表的商品目录以供我们考虑。 3.请报800箱货号KC2048 的长毛猫成本加运费至加拿大的最底价。 4.应你方要求,现寄去我们最新的全套颜色的样品。 5.我们将要寄去有关这种商品的详细资料,包括尺码,颜色和你们到纽约 的成本加保险费,运费最底报价。 6.我们很高兴随函附上你们需要的购买40箱茶具形式发票000WYHD-0053 一式伞份,每套为USD16.3亚力山大CFR CI .

7.我们的丝织品颜色鲜艳,设计新颖,质量上乘。他们在本季度很畅销。 8.购买报盘的商品超过900件,我们给15%的折扣。 9.提请注意我们的报盘有效期仅10天。 10.现报盘如下,以货物未售出为准。 11.由于行情上涨,希望你们趁机购买。 12.试订后,你们便会相信以我们所报价格购买的软件,确实是物有所值。 13.我方缝纫机每台CIF拉各斯85英镑,接到你方定单后两个月装船。倘若 你方有兴趣的话,请即来电定货。 14.Please quote us your lowest prices on 20’FCL CIF Toronto in USD 15.We are making you , subject to your acceptance reaching us not later than April 20,the following offer based on 20’FCL.Quantities less than that are slightly higher. 16.As there has been a large demand for the two items , such a growing demand can only result in the increase in price. 17.For your information ,the goods you enquired for have commanded a good market, and we have received a lot of other enquiries about them. 18.From all the list prices ,a trade discount of 30% and a further special discount are allowed ,that is 35% in all, if orders arrive at us on or before May 11. 19.We advised you in our letter of Dec. 1, that we would like to place a trail order with you for 50 pieces flying pigeon bicycles.


外贸函电合同签订 外贸函电的规范与否直接影响到客户对公司的印象,对于外贸人员来说,每天写外贸函电,回复函电。你的函电是否规范呢?把直接的函电于下文对照看看。接下来小编为你带来外贸函电合同签订范文,希望对你有帮助。 篇一:外贸函电合同签订范文Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed is our new price list which will come into effect the end of this month. You will see that we have increased our prices on most models. We have, however, refrained from doing so on some models of which we hold large stocks. The explanation for our increased prices stems from the fact that we are now paying 10% more for our raw materials than we were paying last year, along with some of our subcontractors having raised their prices as much as 15%. As you know, we take great pride in our product an dare proud of the reputation for quality and dependability we have built over 15years. We will not compromise that reputation because of raising costs. We have, therefore, decided to raise the price of some of our products.

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