当前位置:文档之家› 民航英语2习题2


















1.We had a good time together when we met in the plane _____.

A. last

B. at last

C. till last

D. the last

2.You must go through security checkpoint _____ you haven’t got any

dangerous articles.


B.as though

C.even though

D.as if

3.Visitors are surprised at the modern facilities _____ which the airport is


A. by

B. from

C. with

D. on

4.The airport is a big enough to _____ its purpose for any large Boeing






5.One of the requirements is _____ every pilot must contact the control tower

for more information.

A. which

B. that

C. whether

6.As weather conditions _____ aircraft in flight, special aviation forecasts are

provided by meteorologists at weather offices all over the world.





7.Since 1978, the country’s aircraft industry _____ rapidly.

A. is developed

B. is developing

C. was developing

D. has developed

8. Tom has already given up the _____ of smoking for the sake of health.

A. custom

B. habit

C. hobby

D. convention

9. Stephen Bullon is the only man in the village _____ today that has survived the war.

A. live

B. lived

C. alive

10. As she entered the room she could see big bright lights hung from the _____.

A. roof

B. top

C. ceiling

D. height

11. Some developed countries are trying to _____ the serious problems resulting from the

energy crisis.

A. step up

B. cope with

C. cut off

D. end up

12. The football star was born _____ December 26, 1978.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. to

13. After he retired from office, Rogers _____ painting for a while, but soon lost interest.

A. took up

B. saved up

C. kept up

D. drew up

14. _____ fire, all exits must be kept clear.

A. In place of

B. Instead of

C. In case of

D. In spite of

15. My parents will move back into town in a year or _____.

A. later

B. after

C. so

D. about

16. Anderson is one of those _____appear friendly but in fact are hard to deal with.

A. who

B. they

C. that

D. which

17. The house _____I grew up has been taken down and replaced by an office building.

A. in it

B. in what

C. in that

D. in which


1.Chicken pox can be very serious for a child who is not in good health.The

child develops red spots,and feels hot and uncomfortable.A healthy child gets well quickly.

A.a kind of animal

B.a kind of food

C.a kind of childhood disease

D.a lack of pure water

2.Mr. Brown is an amateur photographer.He is an engineer.But in his free

time he likes to take pictures.

A. as a hobby

B. for money

C. as a job

D. as work

3.When an army officer gives a command, his men and women must fo1low





D. present

4.This small Christmas tree is made of plastic.It is not a real tree.It is


A. beautiful

B. not natural

C. for a special holiday

D. in an art museum

5.I cannot afford a new car.I have to buy a used one.

A.have enough money to buy something

B.search for

C.gather the necessary information

D.use one in an emergency


With only about 1,000 pandas (熊猫) left in the world, China is desperately (极度地) trying to clone the animal and save the endangered species (物种). That's a move similar to what a Texas A&M University researcher has been undertaking for the past five years in a project called “Noah's Ark”(诺亚方舟).

Dr. Duane Kraemer, a professor in Texas A&M’s College of Veterinary Medicine (兽医) and a pioneer in embryo(胚胎) transfer work and related procedures, says he salutes (致敬) the Chinese effort and “I wish them all the

best success possible. It's a worthwhile project, certainly not an easy one, and it's very much like what we're attempting here at Texas A&M—to save animals from extinction.”

Noah's Ark is aimed at collecting eggs, embryos (胚胎), semen(精子) and DNA of endangered animals and storing them in liquid nitrogen (液氮). If certain species should become extinct (绝种), Kraemer says there would be enough of the basic building blocks to reintroduce the species in the future.

It is estimated that as many as 2,000 species of mammals (哺乳动物), birds and reptiles (爬行动物) will become extinct over the next 100 years. The panda, native only to China, is in danger of becoming extinct in the next 25 years.

This week, Chinese scientists said they grew an embryo by introducing cells from a dead female panda into the egg cells of a Japanese white rabbit. They are now trying to implant (种植) the embryo into a host animal.

The entire procedure could take from three to five years to complete.

“The nuclear transfer (细胞核移植) of one species to another is not easy, and the lack of available panda eggs could be a major problem,”Kraemer believes. “They will probably have to do several hundred transfers to result in one pregnancy (妊娠). It takes a long time and it's difficult, but this could be groundbreaking science if it works. They are certainly not putting any live pandas at risk, so it is worth the effort,”adds Kraemer, who is one of the leaders of the Missyplicity Project at Texas A&M, the first ever attempt at

cloning a dog.

“They are trying to do something that’s never been done, and this is very similar to our work in Noah's Ark. We’re both trying to save animals that face extinction. I certainly applaud (赞同) their effort and there’s a lot we can learn from what they are attempting to do. It's a research that is very much needed.”

1. The aim of “Noah's Ark”project is to _____.

A.implant embryo into a host animal

B.salute the Chinese efforts in saving pandas

C.save endangered animals from extinction

D.introduce cells from a dead female panda into the egg cells of a Japanese white rabbit

2. How long will the Chinese panda cloning project take according to the passage?

A.1 Year.

B.3 to 5 years.

C.2 years.

D.25 years.

3. The word “groundbreaking”(Paragraph 7) can be interpreted as _____.





D.Exploring the Possibility to Clone Pandas

Passage 2

Research programs on flight-crew distractions have identified 34 different types of activities that have led to errors in the cockpit (驾驶舱). Ninety percent of these fall into one of three broad categories: communication, head-down work (精神过于集中), and responding to abnormal situations.

A well-known example is the December 1972 crash of an Eastern Airlines on approach into Miami International airport. The crew was so busy looking at a landing gear light and did not notice that someone had turned off the autopilot by mistake.

A review was made of reports of accidents caused by crew error. Nearly half involved a loss of attention because of interruptions, distractions or thinking about one task and forgetting others. Several ideas help crews to prevent errors. Conversation is a powerful distracter so it must be kept brief at critical moments. “Head-down” tasks greatly reduce the ability to monitor what the other pilot and the aircraft are doing, so one pilot must be clearly assigned to flying pilot-flying (PF) and one to non flying responsibilities pilot-not-flying (PNF). Vital tasks need to be scheduled so that they will not conflict with another vital task. When two important tasks must be performed at the same time, the pilots must set up a scan and avoid letting attention linger too long on either duty. They must treat interruptions as red flags.

Research into the way the brain works shows that people can only perform two tasks at the same time in a few circumstances, even if they are skillful in performing e ach task separately. “Broadly speaking, humans have two mental systems with which they perform tasks,” they wrote. “One involves conscious control; the other is an automatic system that operates largely outside of conscious control.”

Conscious control is required when the task is new, difficult or dangerous; when an automatic process must be put aside to prevent “habit capture” going back to an old habit because a new system must be followed.

4. Which of the following is NOT the main reason for pilot’s di straction? _____

A. Communication.

B. Competing activities.

C. Head-down work.

D. Searching for responding to abnormal situations.

5. The Miami accident in December 1972 was caused by _____.

A. failure to notice a mis-operation

B. a landing gear

C. a light

D. the autopilot

6. The researchers’ suggestion is to _____.

A. recognize the distraction of conversation and head-down work.

B. plan activities to avoid tasks all the same time and pay attention to tasks

alternately when two do occur.

C. treat interruptions as not allowed, and assign pilot-flying and pilot-not-flying


D. all of the above.

7. Which of the following is WRONG according to this passage? _____

A. In most cases, humans can perform two tasks at the same time.

B. Humans have two mental systems with which to perform tasks.

C. One mental system is controlled by consciousness

D. The other operates out of the control of consciousness.

8. When is conscious control required? _____

A. When the task is new.

B. When the task is critical, difficult or dangerous.

C. When an automatic process must not be adopted in order to avoid habit


D. All of the above.








My View on Environmental Protection



1.radio detection and ranging

2.airside facilities

3.send out a short burst of radio waves

4.from point of origin to point of destination

5.make a regular practice of shipping by air

6. a visual control room

7.marked with the airway bill number

8. a safe separation distance

9.the wind direction and speed

10.freight forwarding agencies

11.a heavily travelled route

https://www.doczj.com/doc/0112039980.html,y down the time limit



1. C

2. A






1.He went out of the terminal building, immediately surrounded by three


2.He said that three engines meant the chances of an engine breaking down

are three times greater.

3.It is hard to say which plane is bigger in the sky.

4.We must keep calm in case of emergency.




1)通常将飞机划分成哪5个部分? Fuselage(机身) Empennage(尾翼)Wing(机翼)Landing gear (起落架)Powerplant(动力装置) 2)飞机有哪几根轴?绕着每根轴各实现哪种运动?分别是由哪个操纵面来实现的? 3)飞机的稳定性有哪几种?飞机上哪些部件可以分别为飞机提供这些稳定性? 4)作用在飞机结构上的应力种类有哪几种? 5)ATA100规范通常分为几大类? 6)ATA章节中21、24、27、28、29、30、35、36分别是哪个系统? 7)AFM、FCOM、QCL、AMM、SRM、IPC、CMM、FIM分别是飞机的什么手册? 8)废阻有哪些? 9)机身结构包括哪些?机翼结构包括哪些? 10)液压系统按照功能来分可以分为哪些? 11)刹车装置有哪几种类型? 12)储压器有哪几种类型? 13)燃油箱有哪几种类型? 14)飞机刹车系统的功能有哪些? 15)空调系统中压力控制器控制哪几个参数?

16)压力控制系统中有哪几个安全活门? 17)气源系统的空气来源有哪几个? 18)一般飞机上需要用到气源系统的空气的系统有哪些? 19)稀释耗氧调节器的功能有哪些? 20)飞机上哪些部位需要防冰? 21)飞机上哪些部位需要防火? 22)飞机上的增升装置有哪些?减升装置有哪些? 23)为了使飞机降落时能够缩短滑跑距离,可以采用哪些措施?24)一个完整的飞机实施过程包括哪几个阶段? 25)发动机的基本构造 26)起落架收放系统是如何实现顺序控制的? 27)飞机上灭火瓶的种类有哪几种? 28)火的类型有哪些?对应的灭火剂为什么? 29)风挡玻璃除雨的方法有哪几种? 30)PRSOV的作用是什么? 31)飞机升力是如何产生的? 32)空调系统中控制的参数有哪几个? 33)液压油箱增压的方法有哪几种? 34)主操纵面包括哪些? 35)辅助操纵面有哪些?


民航英语题库 一、Phrase traslation (短语翻译) 1、take off 起飞 2、airline ticket office 航空公司售票处 3、reservation agent 订座代理人,订座工作人员 4、direct flight 直达航班 5、non-stop flight 不经停航班 6、connecting flight 中转航班 7、schedules flight / regular flight 定期航班 8、one-way ticket 单程客票 9、round-trip ticket 往返客票 10、open ticket 不定期客票 11、first class 头等舱 12、business class 公务舱 13、economy class 经济舱 14、baby service 婴儿服务 15、free ticket 免票 16、half fare ticket 半价票 17、full fare ticket 全价票 18、reservation agent 订座代理 19、ticket agent 售票代理 20、handicapped passenger 残障旅客 21、peak season 旺季 22、ID card 身份证 23、health card 健康卡 24、long-haul flight 远程航线 25、short-haul flight 短程航线 26、airport coach 机场巴士 27、parking lot 停车场 28、pick-up service 上门接旅客服务 29、terminal building 候机楼 30、ticketing counter 售票柜台 31、information desk 问讯处 32、Left Baggage 行李寄存 33、estimated arrival time 预计到港时间 34、estimated departure time 预计离港时间


习题2 一、单项选择题 1. What has your car done ? A. miles B. distance C. gas D. mileage 2. Is there any ______flight that leaves on Sunday? A. toward B. unchanged C. direct D. straight 3. The observation group traveled from South Africa to Oxford ______eight other African countries. A. with B. via C. by D. through 4. The captain described the wreck accident in details in the ship' s . A. deck B. cabin C. walls

D. log 5. Jenny could the stolen money from the thief after he was arrested. A. take B. repay C. redeem D. obtain 6. We’ve made preliminary arrangements for your charter flight. A. essential B. complete C. prior D. necessary 7. The observation group traveled from South Africa to Oxford eight other African countries. A. with B. via C. by D. through 8. That passenger service girl went to so much trouble over my suitcase . A. I would thank her B. that I’m most grateful for all she did C. that I would like her paged for her help


《民航英语1》复习纲要B 一、短语翻译 (1)中国南方航空公司(2)空中交通管制员 (3)维修工程师(4)机场巴士 (5)靠窗口座位(6)经济舱票 (7)中转柜台(8)手提行李 (9)交运行李(10)接受海关检查 二、单选题 1. Two birds escaped _____ their cage. A. from B. with C. out 2. She’s going to _____ that new dres s. A. try out B. try on C. try for 3. Tom _____ his flight by twenty minutes. A. missed B. caught C. took 4. He checked in late, _____ he didn’t get a window seat. A. that B. so that C. until 5. He was _____ a box on his shoulder. A. carrying B. keeping C. bringing 6. We can finish this work _____ a few hours. A. in B. for C. after 7. I’d like to have an economy _____. A. service B. class C. kind 8. He took the other road to avoid _____ her. A. meeting B. to meet C. meet 9. He is excited _____ the good news. A. with B. for C. about 10. She took her handkerchief out _____ her pocket. A. from B. of C. in 11. The question was so difficult that _____ people could answer it. A. little B. a few C. few


习题1 一、单项选择题 1.He was not for the examination because he was over age. A. intelligent B. legal C. visional D. eligible 2. A man has a duty to money for his family. A. learn B. look for C. earn D. Take 3. Those planes are ______for charter. A. available B. useful C. handful D. helpful 4. You must pay ______fare, because there is no discounts for this flight. A. complete B. all C. enough D. full 5. We already gave you a on each item. A. cheap B. bargain C. discount D. counting 二、阅读理解题 Complete the dialogue according to the context. 补全对话,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能完成所给句子的最佳答案。 Dialogue 1 S:How was your meal? P1: 1 ! P2:Everything is splendid. S: 2 ? P2:No, thanks. P1:I’m stuffed ful l to the brim. Dialogue 2 P:Excuse me, Miss. 3 ? S:Go ahead. P:The man over there is a friend of mine. 4 . S:Well. Let me try to talk with the girl beside him to change the seat with you. 5 please. (To another passenger) 6 , Miss? The man over there would like to sit together with the passenger here. Would you be kind enough to change to another seat? M:Ok, 7 . S:Thank you, Miss. P:(To the stewardess) 8 . S:You’re welcome. Dialogue 3


2014年秋航空专业期末考试《英语》试题 1、考试时间:90分钟,满分100分。 2、请首先按要求在试卷标封处填写您的班级、姓名、学号。 3、请仔细阅读各种题目的回答要求,在规定位置填写答案。 ⅠChoose the best answer. (共15分,每题1分) 1.--- Hello, this is Baosheng Booking Office. May I help you. ----Yes, I want ___ tickets from Beijing to Shang. A. book B. books C. booking D. to book 2. Which class would you prefer? ___,please. A. Next Wednesday B. Two C. Business class D. Ok 3. Thank you for _______Baosheng. A. to call B. calling C. call D. called 4.Could you please arrange it ___ me? A. to B. from C. of D. for 5. You should____ two hours before the departure time. A. check B. check out C. check in D. checking 6. Please put them___ the conveyor belt. A. up B. on C. off D. down 7. Please give me an aisle seat if it's not____ trouble. A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many 8. I want to know how many pieces of luggage i can carry___ the plane. A. on B. onto C. in D. into 9. Your ticket ______to china Eastern Airlines A. belong to B. belong C. belongs to D. is to 10. Do you have any luggage to check in? A. much B. many C. any D. some 11. It___ at 10:00 in the morning and ____ in at 2:00 in the afternoon. A. leave ; arrives B. leaves; arrive C. leave; arrive D. leaves; arrives 12. Thank you for________. A. wait B. waiting C. to wait D. waited 13. This is electronic ticket, you can change____ boarding check on the left. A. to B. in C. into D. of 14. Here is your ticket, passport _______your boarding pass. A. include B. except C. besides D. including 15. You can board your flight _____Gate 26 A. at B. in C. on D. of Ⅱ.(1) Put the following words into Chinese or English. (共10分,每题1分) 1.安全检查 ____________________________ 2.除此之外_______________________________ 3.接待员________________ 4.直达航班________________ 5.国内航班__________________ 6business class____________________________ 7. high season__________________ 8.inquiry _________________________ https://www.doczj.com/doc/0112039980.html,plicated ________________________ 10.transport __________________________ (2) Put the following sentences into English or Chinese. (共20分,每题2分) 1.请问我能问你个在这儿办理登记手续吗? 2.您的行李体积是90×50×48cm. 3.请问您的姓名和电话号码是? 4. 请问您的姓名和电话号码? 5. 没有直达航班,但我们能为您安排很好的衔接航班。 1 / 4


2016-2017学年第一学期期末考试 《民航客舱服务实用英语》试卷(A) (时间90分钟满分100分) (适用于领航专业学生) 一、短语测试(10分,每题分) 1.海关规定 11.中转旅客 2.信用卡 12.摆渡车 3.胸口疼 13.安全措施 4.受伤区 14.咨询台 5.客舱压力 15.入境表格 6.氧气瓶 16.移民检查 7.防冲撞姿态 17.私人物品8.迫降 18.到达大厅 9.联程航班 19.报关物品 10.备用航班 20.广播系统 二、实用句型测试(20分,每题1分)。 1.先生,您要购买免税商品吗 _______________________________________________________ 2.我将为您算出汇率。 _______________________________________________________ 3.您最好躺下休息。 _______________________________________________________ 4.不用担心,应对这种情况我训练有素。 _______________________________________________________ 5.您可以通过吞咽咀嚼糖果来减轻耳痛。 _______________________________________________________ 6.打扰了,厕所有人吗 ________________________________________________________ 7.为了您的安全,请保持做好,系好安全带。 ________________________________________________________ 8.我们机长已经决定紧急降落。 ________________________________________________________ 9.目前我们还没有得到确切的离港时间。 ________________________________________________________


《民航英语》单元测试1 一、词语翻译(3×10) 1、直达航班 2、往返机票 3、头等舱 4、旺季 5、国际航班 6、经济舱 7、附加费用8、凯华订票中心 9、身份证10、头等舱 二、单选题(2×10) 1、I want to ( ) tickets from Beijing to Hong Kong. A、take B、buy C、book D、use 2、Seats are ( ) on CA981 on January 13th,next Wednesday. A、available B、some C、many D、OK 3、How ()seats would you like? A、available B、some C、many D、OK 4、is there anything ()i can do for you? A、for B、else C、what D、but 5、May i have your (),please? A、name B、money C、water

6、Have a nice ()。 A、day B、body C、ticket D、trip 7、It leaves at 10:00 in the morning and ()in at 2:00 in the afternoon。Is that right? A.but B. and C. or D、arrives 8、I’ve booked one economy class seat from beijing to shanghai on feb 20th. but i don’t want to go there. could you ( ) it for me,please? A.failed B. missed C. cancle D. lost 9、let me ()my computer. A.see B、check C. look D. watch 10、which class would you ()? A. in B. since C. for D、prefer 三、汉译英(5×5) 1、我为您订了一张商务舱的客票。 2、请问您的姓名和电话号码? 3、感谢您打电话进行再确认。


民航实用英语词汇aircraft crew,air crew 机组,机务人员pilot 驾驶员,机长 co-pilot,second pilot 副驾驶员navigator 领航员 steward 男服务员 stewardess,hostess 空中小姐 radio operator 报务员 Bairliner 班机 monoplane 单翼飞机 glider 滑翔机 trainer aircraft 教练机 passenger plane 客机 jet (aircraft) 喷射飞机 amphibian 水陆两用飞机 seaplane,hydroplane 水上飞机transport plane 运输机 helicopter 直升机 supersonic 超音速 hypersonic 高超音速 transonic 跨音速 subsonic 亚音速 Airbus 空中客车 Boeing 波音 Concord 协和 Ilyusin 依柳辛 McDonald-Douglas 麦道 Trident 三叉戟 Tupolev 图波列夫 hatch 舱口 aeroengine,air engine 航空发动机navigation light 航行灯 fuselage,body 机身 nose 机头 wing 机翼 aileron 副翼 wing flap 襟翼 tail plane 水平尾翼 starboard wing 右翼 port wing 左翼 pilot’s cockpit 驾驶舱parachute 降落伞 passenger cabin 客舱 propeller 螺旋桨 pressurized cabin 密封舱 undercarriage 起落架 undercarriage wheel 起落架轮 elevator 升降舵 radio navigation device 无线电导航设备radio directive device 无线电定向设备luggage compartment 行李舱 (fuel) tank 油箱 auxiliary (fuel) tank 副油箱 main (fuel) tank 主油箱 autopilot 自动驾驶仪 airport 航空港,民航机场 airfield,aerodrome,airdrome 机场airport beacon 机场灯标 airport meteorological station 机场气象站main airport building,terminal building 机场主楼 emergency landing runway,forced landing runway 紧急着陆跑道 taxiway 滑行跑道 runway 跑道 omnirange radio beacon 全向式无线电航空信标 fuel depot 燃料库 control tower 塔台 tarmac 停机坪 radio beacon 无线电信标 boarding check 登机牌 plane ticket 飞机票 flight,flying 飞行 bumpy flight 不平稳的飞行 smooth flight 平稳的飞行 ramp 扶梯 altitude,height 高度 air route,air line 航线 extra flight 加班 economy class,tourist class 经济座 non-stop flight 连续飞行 climbing,to gain height 爬升


学校 班级 姓名 学号 ///////密 封线内不要答题 ////////////// 2016-2017学年第一学期期末考试试卷(C 卷) 考试科目:航空英语 考试时间:90分钟 适用班级:16春 航一、航二 一、 填空题(15分) 1. 单词的重读符号标在重读音节的 __________,次重读符号 标在次重读音节的___________ . 2. 连读符号用______表示,连读只能发生在同一个意群内。 3.不完全爆破一共有五类 爆破音+________ 、爆破音 +________ 、爆破音+________ 、爆破音+________ 、爆破音+________ 。 4. 英语中连读的种类有三类,分别是 ___________、 _________ 、________________ 5. 双元音的发音规则是前 ________ 后 _______ ,前 ______ 后 _______. 二、 选择题(20分) 1.Could you tell me where to check ______? A in B out C at D bellow 2. Let me check ______ you again A. on B and C with D do 3. Air China ________ , taking off from Beijing at 9 o’ clock and arriving in Los Angeles at 8 o’clock. A.CA124 Flight B. CA124 flight C. flight CA124 D. flight CA124 4. China Eastern airlines Flight MU256 to Shanghai will be delayed because ____ weather conditions. A. of B. in C at D. with 5.I’d like to ______ a reservation to Hong Kong tomorrow. A take B make C look D save 6.The price is 300 yuan .Shall I book it _______ you ? A for B at C with D to 7.I have booked one seat for you ______ the American Airline Flight No.234. A at B on C in D to 8.Airlines may ask for volunteers to give _______ their seats ,or refuse boarding to certain passengers. A away B for C up D down 9.I’m going to take Flight US125 to New Y ork, but the _______ shows it’ll be delayed. A. boarding pass B. boarding gate C. boarding time D. notice board 10. The notice board says UA345 is running 30 minuts ________ schedule. A behind B between C front D bellow 三. 搭配(15分) (1)( )善意的谎言 A. ticket office ( )视而不见 B. a white lie ( )护照 C. passport ( )出口 D. Exit ( 订票处 E. turn a blind eye (2)( )United Airlines A.中国国际航空公司 ( )Air China B.中国东方航空公司 ( )U.S AIR C.全日航空公司 ( )China Easten Airlines D.美国联合航空公司 ( )All Nippon Airlines E.美国航空公司 四.英汉互译(共15分) 1.luggage 2. aisle seat 3.smoking section ____________ 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 合计 得分


民航实用英语之——在值机柜台 UNIT THREE AT THE CHECK-IN COUNTER 第三单元在值机柜台 DIALOGUE 11 AT THE CHECK-IN COUNTER (1) S: hello, Sir. Please show me your ticket and passport. P: Certainly. Here you are. S: Have you got any baggage to check in? P: Yes, just one suitcase. S: Would you please put your baggage on the belt. P: OK. S: What kind of seat do you prefer? P: A window seat is better. This is the first time for me to come to China, you know? And that is my special trip to China to watch the Olympic football matches. During flight, I can look at the mountains, rivers, seas, lakes, oceans, and especially the Great Wall from the aircraft. That will be a wonderful memory for me. S: Oh, I see. Here are your boarding pass and baggage check. Your seat is t a window seat in the non-smoking section. P: That’s great. I hate sitting in the smoking area. Thank you very much. S: It’s my pleasure. Bye! 对话11-在值机柜台(I) 职员:您好!请出示护照和机票。 旅客:当然可以。 职员:您有行李托运吗? 旅客:有一个衣箱需要托运。 职员:请您把行李放在传送带上。 旅客:好的。 职员:您喜欢什么样的座位? 旅客:最好是靠窗的座位。你知道这是我第一次到中国来,我是专程到中国来看奥运会足球比赛的。所以,我想在飞行途中,再观看一下沿途的江、河、湖、海、大洋特别是长城。对我来说,那将是一个美好的记忆。 职员:好,我明白了。给您登机牌和行李牌。您的座位是在无烟区靠近窗口的座位。 旅客:真是太好了。我不喜欢坐在吸烟区。谢谢你! 职员:这是我应该做的。再见! DIALOGUE 12 AT THE CHECK-IN COUNTER (2) S: Good morning! What can I do for you? P: Yes, I would like to check in for Dalian by CA953. S: Would you please show me your ticket and ID card please? P: I have an electronic ticket. S: Ok, please show me your ID card please. Here we are, I have got it. Yes, you have a reservation for Dalian by CA953, so do you have any check-in baggage? P: No, thank you. S: Window seat or aisle seat? P: An aisle seat, please.


学 班级 姓名 学号 ///////密 封线内不要答题 ////////////// 2016-2017学年第一学期期末考试试卷(C 卷) 考试科目:航空英语 考试时间:90分钟 适用班级:16春 航一、航二 一、 填空题(15分) 1. 单词的重读符号标在重读音节的 __________,次重读符号 标在次重读音节的___________ . 2. 连读符号用______表示,连读只能发生在同一个意群内。 3.不完全爆破一共有五类 爆破音+________ 、爆破音 +________ 、爆破音+________ 、爆破音+________ 、爆破音+________ 。 4. 英语中连读的种类有三类,分别是 ___________、 _________ 、________________ 5. 双元音的发音规则是前 ________ 后 _______ ,前 ______ 后 _______. 二、 选择题(20分) 1.Could you tell me where to check ______? A in B out C at D bellow 2. Let me check ______ you again A. on B and C with D do 3. Air China ________ , taking off from Beijing at 9 o’ clock and arriving in Los Angeles at 8 o’clock. A.CA124 Flight B. CA124 flight C. flight CA124 D. flight CA124 4. China Eastern airlines Flight MU256 to Shanghai will be delayed because ____ weather conditions. A. of B. in C at D. with 5.I’d like to ______ a reservation to Hong Kong tomorrow. A take B make C look D save 6.The price is 300 yuan .Shall I book it _______ you ? A for B at C with D to 7.I have booked one seat for you ______ the American Airline Flight No.234. A at B on C in D to 8.Airlines may ask for volunteers to give _______ their seats ,or refuse boarding to certain passengers. A away B for C up D down 9.I’m going to take Flight US125 to New York, but the _______ shows it’ll be delayed. A. boarding pass B. boarding gate C. boarding time D. notice board 10. The notice board says UA345 is running 30 minuts ________ schedule. A behind B between C front D bellow 三. 搭配(15分) (1)( )善意的谎言 A. ticket office ( )视而不见 B. a white lie ( )护照 C. passport ( )出口 D. Exit ( 订票处 E. turn a blind eye (2)( )United Airlines A.中国国际航空公司 ( )Air China B.中国东方航空公司 ( )U.S AIR C.全日航空公司 ( )China Easten Airlines D.美国联合航空公司 ( )All Nippon Airlines E.美国航空公司 四.英汉互译(共15分) 1.luggage 2. aisle seat 3.smoking section ____________


《航空英语1》习题1 一、单项选择题 1.He was not for the examination because he was over age. A. intelligent B. legal C. visional D. eligible 2. A man has a duty to money for his family. A. learn B. look for C. earn D. Take 3. Those planes are ______for charter. A. available B. useful C. handful D. helpful 4. You must pay ______fare, because there is no discounts for this flight. A. complete B. all C. enough D. full

5. We already gave you a on each item. A. cheap B. bargain C. discount D. counting 6. A lot of people who previously had gone on charter flights were stranded in foreign countries. A. were held up B. were unable to get away from C. were wandering D. were assisted by strangers 7. Those planes are for charter. A. available B. useful C. handful D. helpful 二、阅读理解题 Complete the dialogue according to the context. 补全对话,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能完成所给句子的最佳答案。 Dialogue 1 S:How was your meal?


1.Good morning. Welcome aboard! 早上好,欢迎登机! 2.Excuse me. May I see your boarding pass? 对不起,能看一下您的登机牌吗? 3.What's your seat number? 您的座位号是多少? 4.I'm afraid you are in the wrong seat. 恐怕您坐错了座位。 5.May I help you with your bag? 我能帮您提行李吗? 6.Please carry your bag and follow me. 请提着行李跟我来。 7.I'm afraid you'll have to stow your bag under the seat in front of you. 恐怕您要将行李放您前排的座椅下面。 8.You may adjust your seat back by pressing the button on the arm of your seat. 您可以通过座椅扶手的按钮来调节座椅靠背。 9.If there's anything we can do for you, just press the call button. 如有任何需要,请按呼唤铃。 10.Your hot towel/wet towel, madam/sir. 请您用热毛巾/湿纸巾,女士/先生。 11.There are toilets in the front and rear of the cabin. 客舱的前面和后面都有洗手间。 12.Lavatory is not allowed to use during take-off. 飞机起飞期间,洗手间禁止使用。 13.We have People's Daily, China Daily, CAAC inflight magazines, Phoenix weekly, Commercial Travel and other local papers for you to read. Which would you like? 我们有《人民日报》、《中国日报》、《中国民航杂志》、《凤凰周刊》、《商旅报》和其他一些地方报纸。请问您想要哪一种? 14.-Do you speak English? -您说英语吗? -Yes, I speak a little English. -是的,说一点点。 15.-How long does our flight take? -我们要飞多久? -Our flight takes three hours. -我们的空中飞行时间为3小时。 16.-At what altitude are we flying? -飞机现在的飞行高度是多少?


2016-2017学年第二学期期末考试试卷(A卷)考试科目:航空英语考试时间:90分钟 适用班级:16春航空班 一、填空题( 15分) (1)英语语音音素一共有________ 个,其中元音_______ 个,辅音______个。 (2)辅音根据发音方法可以分为六类,分别是:________ ___________ ___________ ___________ __________ ________ 。 (3).所谓的连读,就是把前一个单词的 _______ 和后一个单词的 ________连起来读。 (4).一个音节有_______个元音,单独的一个______ 也可以是一个音节。 (5)英语单词中有一个音节的叫_______________词、有两个音节的叫______________词. 二、选择题(20分) 1.I’d like to ______ a reservation to Hong Kong tomorrow. A take B make C look D save 2.The price is 300 yuan .Shall I book it _______ you ? A for B at C with D to 3.I have booked one seat for you ______ the American Airline Flight No.234. A at B on C in D to 4.Airlines may ask for volunteers to give _______ their seats ,or refuse boarding to certain passengers. A away B for C up D down 5.Could you tell me where to check ______? A in B out C at D bellow 6. Let me check ______ you again A.on B and C with Ddo 7. Air China ________ , taking off from Beijing at 9 o’ clock and arriving in Los angeles at 8 o’clock. A.CA124 Flight B. CA124 flight C.Flight CA124 D. flight CA124 8. China Eastern airlines Flight MU256 to Shanghai will be delayed because ____ weather conditions. A. of B. in C at D. with 9.I’m going to take Flight US125 to New York, but the _______ shows it’ll be delayed. A. boarding pass B. boarding gate C. boarding time D. notice board 10. The notice board says UA345 is running 30 minuts ________ schedule. A behind B between C front D bellow 三.搭配(15分) (1)1.( )打折机票 A local airport 2.( )舱位等级 B. discount ticket 3.( )团体票 C. cabin class 4.( )当地机场 D. group ticket 5.( )紧急出口 E. emergency exit (2)1.( )Zurich A大阪 2. ( )Osaka B.新加坡 3. ( )Singapore C.苏黎世 4. ( )Madrid D.西雅图 5. ( )Seattle E.马德里 四.英汉互译(共10分) 1.flight number 2.notice board___________ 3.window seat ____________ 4. weather forecast ___________ 5.Airport __________ 6.Thailand _____________ 1 / 3

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