当前位置:文档之家› Unit 8 作业设计

Unit 8 作业设计

Unit 8 作业设计
Unit 8 作业设计

Unit 8 When is your birthday? Second A 1a-1c)


1. The day of is New Y ear’s day.

2 .Children’s Day(儿童节) is in .

3. is the third month of the year.

4. The month of the year is December.

5. is the ninth of the year.

6. China’s National Day(国庆节)is 1st .

7. -- is your birthday? -- April 3rd .

8. The first month of a year is J .

9. My brother’s b is in July.

10. May is the f month of a year.


1. Jeff has (three) French friends.

2. June 8th 2000 is her (eight) birthday.

3. Miss Green is our new teacher. This is her (one) lesson.

4 .The (five) desk is my desk.

5.The letter ―B‖ is the(two) in the alphabet(字母表).

6..Today is her ____________(nine) birthday.

7.There are______months in a year. The _____ month is December.( twelve)

8.March is the _______( three) month of the year.

三根据答语写出问句1 .A:

B: My birthday is October 10th.

2. A:

B: My mother’s birthday is November 12th.

3. A:

B: His birthday is August second.

4. A:

B: Her birthday is Januany third.

Unit 8 When is your birthday? Second A (2a-4b)


( )1. -- is your brother?

-- He is twelve.

A Where

B What

C How old

D How ( )2. ______you like apples?

A. Can

B. Do

C. Are

D. Does

( )3.March is the month of a year.

A. first

B.second C third D.three

( )4. —What's that _____English?

—It's a hamburger.

A. on

B. in

C. for

D. at

( )5.New Y ear’s Day(元旦)is .

A.on December

B. in October

C. on February

D.in January

( )6.—When is Women’s Day? --It’s. A.May 1st B.June 1st C.July 1st D. March 8th

( )7.—When is National Day(国庆节)?

--It is .

A.Jan. 1st

B.Aug .1st

C. Oct. 1st

D.Sep. 10th

( )8.My birthday is January 3rd.


B.fath er Cmother’s D. fathers’

( )9.—How old are you? --

A.I’m fourteen

B.I’m fourteen years old

C.I’m fourteen old

D.I’m fourteen years

( )10.—When is Linder’s birthday? -- .

A. May fifth

B.May the fifth

C.She is on May fifth

D.She is five years old


1. your when is friend’s birthday

2 . old is how the grandparent

3. November 11th her is birthday

4. Mother’s his is age 30

5. much red sweater how is the Unit8 When is your birthday? Section B(1-2c)

( )1.________ shirt is white.

A.My brother B.My brothers C.My brother’s D.My brothers’( )2.Where’s ________?

A.Tom’s pants B.Tom’s pen’s C.Tom’s pen D.pen of Tom ( )3.________ is your mother? She’s forty.

A.How old B.How C.What old D.What ( )4.________ is very difficult.

A.Lesson fifth B.The lesson fifth C.Fire lesson D.The fifth lesson

( )5.There are ______ months in a year. The ______ month is December. A.twelve, twelve B.twelfth, twelfth C.twelve, twelfth D.twelfth, twelve

( )6.Mrs Green is ________ mother.

A.Jim and Kate B.Jim’s and Kate’s

C.Jim and Kate’s D.Jim’s and Kate

( )7.The baby is only ________.

A.ten months old B.ten monthes old

C.ten month old D.ten old months

( )8.When _______ you have a school trip? Sorry, I _____ know.

A.are, don’t

B.do, aren’t

C.are, aren’t

D.do, don’t

( )9.--What______ do you want? – Red.




D.food ( )10.March is the _______ month of the year.

A. first




Unit 8 When is your birthdy? Section B(3a-4)


( )1. -- When were you born(出生)?

-- I was born _____ December 3rd, 1995.

A. for

B. in

C. on

D. at

( )2. The Music Festival is _____ May.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. from

( )3.–When are your father’s and mother’s birthdays?

-They _____November12th and July 2nd.

A. am

B. is

C. are

D. be

( )4. In May, many _________ have a _______ in Y ellow Mountain.

A. Chineses; festival

B. Chinese; party

C. Chineses; trip

D. Chinese; trip

( )5. --_____ is your birthday? –It’s October _____

A. When, six

B. What; sixth

C. When; sixth

D. What; six

( )6 _______ comes before(在…之前)May.

A. March

B. July

C. February

D. April ( )7. The baby is only _________.

A. ten months old

B. ten monthes old

C. ten month old

D. ten old months

( )8. Mrs Green is ______ mother.

A. Jim and Kate

B. Jim’s and Kate’s

C. Jim and kate’s

D. Jim’s and Kate


1.__________________________? She’s thirteen years old.

2.____________________________? She is fine.

3__________________________? His birthday is November eleventh.

4.__________________________? It’s March 8th.

5. ___________________________? No, we don’ t have an Art Festival.


1.School Day is October 10th.(画线部分提问)


2.My grandfather is seventy.(画线部分提问)


3.She likes volleyball and basketball.(一般疑问句)



设计封面和封底教学设 计 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

设计封面和封底 ■教材分析 教材中“制作封面和封底”是作为电子杂志制作的最后一步,实际上是对综合运用图文混排知识的一次考察,也是立足于提升学生用图文混排技能诠释作品主题的水平。 ■学情分析 学生前面没有足够的图文混排的操作经验,这就需要在这节课中有图文混排的技术指导和学习。 因学生没有自己的杂志作品,可能对给定主题的理解会较浮浅,必然影响他的创作思维,这就需要通过欣赏已有封面、封底作品,拓宽创作眼界。 ■教学目标 1、知识与技能目标 (1)了解封面、封底在杂志中的功能及基本要素; (2)掌握封面封底创作中背景设计、内容设计、修饰设计的基本技能。 (3)能在合作中创作出主题鲜明、风格统一的封面封底作品。 2、过程与方法 (1)通过鉴赏他人作品,拓宽设计的眼界,感受技术表现的丰富性; (2)通过剖析他人作品,掌握剖析作品的基本方法,并从剖析中学习图文混排技术。 3、情感态度与价值观 (1)通过积极参与课堂活动,享受作品创作的乐趣和作品完成后的满足感; (2)认同“和谐”是封面、封底设计的目标,并努力创作出“和谐”的作品。 4、行为与创新 经历课堂中鉴赏和剖析他人作品的学习过程,能有意识地在生活中用信息技术的眼光去欣赏各类杂志的封面,从而获得更多作品创作的灵感。 ■教学重难点 重点:封面封底中的基本元素,图文混排的技巧 难点:作品的表现力 ■教学方法与手段 两人合作,自主探究,交流讨论 ■课前准备 分组,公布作品主题,明确作业提交方式

新人教版英语必修三Unit2 Grammar课时作业含答案

《Unit 2 Healthy eating Grammar & Writing》Ⅰ.用适当的情态动词完成下列句子

Thank you for your letter. I don't think I 1.________ give you any advice. I don't think the manager 2.________ trust you. It sounds as if he has decided that you 3.________ be the thief. Do you have to continue working at this company? Maybe you 4.________ find another job where the people are friendly. I think you 5.________ enjoy that more. If you stay at the meat factory, you 6.________ not be able to be happy. Besides, if you stay, the thief 7.________ do something bad to you. I don't think that 8.________ be very pleasant. If he played a trick on you, the manager 9.________ say you were the thief and call in the police. That 10.________ have serious results. I think the best thing you 11.________ do now is to look for another job and hope that it 12.________ turn out better. Yours sincerely, Mike 答案:1.can 2.will 3.must 4.should/ought to/can/need 5.may/might/will 6.will 7.may/will/might 8.will 9.might/would 10.may/will/might 11.can/should/ought to/need 12.will/would Ⅴ.阅读理解 Today fast food restaurants are very popular. One famous name is Harry's Hamburgers. Harry's Hamburgers come from America and have been in business for thirty years. There are about 5,000 Harry's Hamburgers in different countries. The food is the same everywhere. In London, New York or Paris people eat the same hamburgers and drink the same drinks. Hamburger Harry is a special friend of children everywhere. He goes to schools and talks to pupils. He goes into different classrooms, sits down on the carpet or at the desk and asks the pupils to relax. Then he begins his talk. Harry teaches children about litter. “Don't throw your boxes on the floor in my restaurants,” he says. “And don't throw my bags away in the street. If you see boxes and bags in the street, pick them up and throw them into the bin (垃圾箱).” Hamburger Harry visits children in hospitals and tells them funny stories. His restaurants give wonderful birthday parties. Parents telephone the restaurant or go there. They choose a good day for the party, arrange the food and drink and send invitations to friends. Hamburger Harry sometimes comes to the party with a bag of presents and a big birthday cake. The boys and girls sit round the tables and eat all their favorite food. They all wear paper hats and party badges(徽章). Hamburger Harry dresses in green, red and yellow and he wears two big badges. He works hard at the party. He tells jokes, sings songs and gives everyone a present. The children get colored pencils, balloons and books to draw on. They always have a good time. Their parents enjoy the party too because they don't prepare the tables and they don't cook the food. They don't have to clean the restaurant after the party. All they do is pay the bill. 1.Harry's hamburgers are sold ________. A.without drinks B.at a high price C.in the same style D.with different tastes 2.If a child holds a birthday party at Harry's restaurant, Harry may ________. A.give a big cake to the child as a gift B.ask his workers to sing for the child C.play a joke on the child for fun D.decorate the restaurant with balloons

四年级下册美术教案-第8课 纸筒人|冀美版(2014秋

《地心游记》导读课教学设计 一、教学目标: 1.认识封面,了解作者及本书的主要内容。 2.教给学生阅读科幻小说的方法,并尝试着这种方法阅读1-3个故事,激发学生的好奇心,心中有阅读期待。 3.培养学生有计划阅读,激发学生对科学的热爱与兴趣。 教学难点:知道如何阅读整本书。 教学重点:掌握阅读方法,制定阅读计划,精读第一个故事。 二、教学过程: (一)谈话导入 1.“领导人类前进的,是科学;领导科学前进的,是幻想。科幻小说,既是科学的花朵,又是天马的丝缰。”《地心游记》就是一部将知识巧妙的穿插在小说的情节及人物的刻画上,在向读者描述一个神奇的地下世界,展示曲折生动、饶有趣味的情节同时,又让读者学到丰富的科学知识,感受人类征服自然的坚强意志的充满传奇色彩的科幻小说。 2.今天,老师将和大家一起走进《地心游记》这部经典之作。相信大家一定很感兴趣。 (二)阅读封面 1.你从封面上知道了什么? A、书名。你的小脑袋里蹦出怎样的问题? B、插图。看到这幅图,你的眼前浮现出怎样的场景?你迫切的想知道什么?(请认真阅读的孩子介绍:在广阔的海洋里,出现了两头怪兽。其中一头怪兽长着海蜥蜴的头,有着一张鼠海豚的嘴巴以及鳄鱼的牙齿,那是鱼龙。另一头怪兽是一头看似海蛇却有着龟壳的蛇颈龙。它们在大海里拼命地厮杀,仿佛一定要把对方置于死地。它们搅得海洋掀起了滔天巨浪,似乎要把周围的一切都要淹没到海底似

的。)思考:这是一个怎样的故事?(板书:惊心动魄、扣人心弦、引人入胜) C、出版社——上海人民美术出版社(这本是肖宝荣改写的,通俗易懂。感兴趣的话,可以读《地心游记》的译文版,文学味道更浓厚一些。) D、作者。法国儒勒·凡尔纳(1828.2.8—1905.3.24),是19世纪法国著名作家,创作了大量优秀的文学作品,被誉为“现代科学幻想小说之父”。代表作有《海底两万里》、《八十天环游地球》、《气球上的五星期》等,其中《格兰特船长的儿女》、《海底两万里》和《神秘岛》被称为凡尔纳三部曲。近年来,随着对于其作品研究的不断深入以及原始手稿的发现,学界对于凡尔纳的认识也在趋于多样化。凡尔纳作为一位纯文学意义上的作家开始为一些学者所重视。1863年起,凡尔纳开始发表科学幻想冒险小说为主的作品,以总名称为《在已知和未知的世界中的奇异旅行》的系列作品集粗略地概括,他的主要作品涉及了两个背景:十九世纪末期的世界(如《格兰特船长的儿女》、《八十天环游地球》、《沙皇的信使》等)和想象中的世界(如《太阳系历险记》、《征服者罗比尔》等)。 据联合国教科文组织的资料,凡尔纳是世界上被翻译的作品最多的第二大名家,仅次于阿加莎·克里斯蒂,位于莎士比亚之上。联合国教科文组织最近的统计显示,全世界范围内,凡尔纳作品的译本已累计达4702种,他也是2011年世界上作品被翻译次数最多法语作家。在法国,2005年被定为凡尔纳年,以纪念他百年忌辰。 旅行经历尽管凡尔纳的创作很大程度上要依靠广泛的阅读,但另一方面,他的每一次旅行都和小说的创作有着密不可分的关系。1893年,在接受采访时凡尔纳说道:“我喜欢乘游艇,但同时并不会忘记为我的书采集些信息。…每部小说都能从我的出游中获益。譬如在《绿光》中便可觅得我个人在苏格兰的艾奥纳岛和斯塔法岛游览中的经历

课程作业 (第8次)

《深基坑工程技术》课程作业 第7章土钉墙 1、土钉墙有哪些特点?土钉墙与土层锚杆有哪些相似和不同? 1土钉墙有哪些特点?土钉墙与土层锚杆有哪些相似和不同? 答: 1.土钉墙有以下特点: (1)土钉墙尽可能的保持并提高基坑侧壁土体的自稳定,土钉与土体形成一个密不可分的整体,共同作用,同时混凝土护面的协同作用也强化了土体的自稳定。 (2)土钉长度范围内形成类似于重力式的挡土墙,用于支撑墙后土体传来的水平荷载。(3)土钉墙提高了边坡整体稳定和承受坡顶超载能力,增强土体破坏延性,土钉墙破坏一般是从一个土钉处开始,随后周围土体破坏,最后导致基坑失稳,一次它改变了边坡突然塌方性质,有利于安全施工。 (4)土钉墙体位移很小,一般测试约为20mm,对相邻建筑影响小。但由于施工是分段分层进行,易产生施工阶段的不稳定,因此必须在施工开始就进行土钉墙位移监测,以便于采取必要的措施。 (5)设备简单,施工方便,噪音小,与土方开挖实行平行流水作业是,可缩短工期;一般来说,成本低于排桩及地下连续墙支护,经济效果好。 2.土钉墙与锚杆的异同 土钉可视为小尺寸的被动式锚杆,两者的差异主要表现在以下几个方面:(1) 土钉墙由上而下边开挖边分段施工,而锚杆是自下而上整体施工的; (2) 锚杆应设法防止产生变位;而土钉一般要求土体产生小量位移,从而使土钉与土体之间的摩阻力得以充分发展。 (3) 锚杆只在锚固段内受力,自由段只起传力作用;土钉则是全长范围内受力。 (4) 锚杆的密度小,每个杆件都是重要的受力部件;而土钉密度大,靠土钉的相互作用形成复合整体,因而即使个别土钉失效,对整个结构物影响也不大。 (5) 锚杆将库仑破裂面前的主动区作为荷载,通过锚杆传至破裂面后的稳定区内;土钉墙是在土钉的作用下把潜在破裂面前的主动区的复合土体视为具有自撑能力的稳定土体。 (6) 锚杆可承受的荷载较大,为防止墙面冲切破坏,其端部的构造较复杂;土钉一般不需要很大的承载力,单根土钉受荷较小,


七年级上册英语unit2课时作业练 习 第1课时(Section A 1a-2d) 一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1.My father’s mother is my g. 2.My father’s father is my g. 3.My father’s sisters are my a. 3.My father’s sisters are my 4.Li Ming is my f.He is 10 years old. 4.Li Ming is my 5.She is my s. 二、选词填空。 his parents apples grandmother those 1.My father and my mother are my . 2.This is my https://www.doczj.com/doc/0c12008895.html, is Jack. 3.What are these? They are . 4.are my sisters. 5. Your mother’s mother is your . 三、用this,that,those或these填空。

1.is a ruler and is a pen. 2. –Are your friends? --Yes,they are. 3.—Are your cups? --No. These are her cups. 4.Dad,is my friend ,Kate. 5.—What’s over there? --It’s a school. 第2课时(Section A Grammar Focus –3c) 一、用be动词的适当形式填空。 1.I eleven. 2.-Is this your ball? --Yes ,it . 3.Who they? 4.“I”an English letter or an English word. 5.Here two red apples. 二、单项选择。 ()1.There are three in the basketball. A.potato B. book C.toy D. apples ()2.My mother gives a nice toy bike for my birthday. A. I B. me C. my D. mine


四年级下册美术教案-第8课设计生活标志▏人美版(3)四年级美术下册教案 《设计生活标志》的教学设计 一、教学目标设计 1、识别生活中的标志,了解有关标志的文化,初步认识标志的作用、特点以及基本的分类方法。 2、初步尝试运用联想与概括的方法设计生活需要的标志。 3、通过对标志的识别、欣赏、研究、启发学生设计、创作生活中、校园中需要的标志,培养学生物以致用的设计理念和健康向上的情感,从小树立学生的公德意识,进一步明确美术与生活的关系,提高形象表达力及创作欲望。 二、教学重、难点: 教学重点:识别标志,了解标志在生活中的作用,学习标志的创作设计方法。 教学难点:设计的标志易识别、简洁、美观。 三、教学流程 教学程序教师活动学生活动教学资源设计意图师生对话初识标志老师想知道在刚刚过去的两个休息日,你们都去了哪里?做了什么?你想知道老师去了哪里吗?你是根据什么猜出来的?(标志的含义)这节课我们就来学习《设计生活标志》。

老师为本节课也设计了一个标志,这是一个白色的调色盘,上面寄托着老师的三个希望:希望同学们学有所得,希望同学们通过努力获得这样一枚标志,还希望这是我们记忆中难忘的一课。 学生回忆并回答。 看录像,并回答问题。 学生观察。 播放录像片。 出示标志的范图。 这样既可以吸引学生的注意力、激发学生学习兴趣,又可以让学生在轻松的氛围中达到初识标志的目的。在此基础上自然地揭示课题,开始新内容的学习。 分类学习了解标志 那么通过这节课的学习,你想了解标志的哪些内容? 小结:标志的作用、特点、分类、设计标志的方法。 1、标志的作用: 看到垃圾箱的标志才可以扔垃圾,这个标志对我们的行为起到了引导和指示的作用。 (肯德基的门)原来有一些标志能告诉我们它自己是谁?那么它有什么作用? 2、标志的特点:

高考英语一轮复习 Unit2 Robots课时作业 新人教版选修7

课时作业(三十二) Unit 2 Robots Ⅰ.用所给词的适当形式填空 1.The superstar showed up at the court,________(accompany) by his manager. 2.The young lady dressed________(elegant) when she went to work. 3.He was right in his________(assess) and wrong in his prediction. 4.He is an________child.He always________his parents and never________rules in school or laws in society.(obey) 5.Everyone knows she is a________girl who has a________for singing.(talent) 6.It________in his________that the country was in a messy________.(state) 7.To the________of the boss,his products could________the need of the customers.(satisfy) 8.The old blind man asked me to do him a________and find his________book.(favour) 9.It is reported that the lost boy________(not find)so far. 10.Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple,but it remains________(see) whether they will enjoy it. 答案:1.accompanied 2.elegantly 3.assessment 4.obedient;obeys; disobeys 5.talented; talent 6.was stated; statement; state 7.satisfaction; satisfy 8.favour;favourite 9.hasn't been found 10.to be seen Ⅱ.完成句子 1.John__________________(极其渴望)to become a writer of the science fiction. 2.__________________(据宣布)the new library which is under construction would be opened to the public next year. 3.His father isn't__________________(支持)his thought while his mother always__________________(陪他去书店). 4.Do your parents often__________________(打电话)to ask your recent progress? 5.__________________(且不说费用多少),do we actually need a second car? 6.Owing to his hard work,his classmates all think John__________________(注定会成功). 7.I'm about to__________________(转身)and see who he is but my phone rings. 8.Her only fear was that her little son would______________(让……一个人留下)in the world in case something happened to her.


四年级下册美术教案-第8课设计生活标志▏人美版(20)四年级美术下册教案 设计生活标志教材分析: 《设计生活标志》是人美版四年级下册的第八课,属于“设计·应用”领域的美术课程,目的是引导学生了解和掌握有关标志方面的知识,学会运用所学知识为校园设计实用、美观的标志。通过这种动脑思考、动手创作的方式,来提高学生的设计意识以及动手装饰美化生活的能力,进而提高学生的审美创造能力和学习美术的兴趣。本科教材从生活出发,内容涉及从识别标志的涵义到研究、学习标志的用途、特点及设计标志的构思、取材等方面。 课程内容:人美版小学四年级下册第8课 课 型:设计与应用教学目标: 1、知识与技能: 识别生活中的标志,了解有关标志的知识,初步学习标志的构思、设计要领。 2、过程与方法: 用画或剪贴造型的方法为校园设计标志。 3、情感、态度与价值观:

通过对标志的识别、欣赏、研究,引导学生设计、创作生活中、校园中需要的标志,培养学生物以致用的实践能力和健康向上的情感,提高形象表达力及创作欲望。 教学重点: 识别标志,了解标志在生活中的作用,学习标志的创作设计方法。 教学难点:设计的标志简洁、美观、易识别。 教学方法: 讲授法、观察法、讨论法 教具准备: 课、彩色纸、磁扣。 学具准备: 彩笔、彩纸、毛线、剪刀、双面胶、胶水等。 课时:第一课时教学过程: 一、组织教学、导入新课。 (用语言组织教学) 1、请大家看大屏幕,猜一这是哪里?(生答) 2、师:这又是什么店呢?(生答) 3、师:日常生活中,我们在大路上行走时,就能看到不少图案。你们知道课上的这些图案各代表什么意思吗?(生答) 3、师:刚才大家看到的就是在日常生活中经常会出现的一些图案,他们叫做标志,是用来表示一定含义的。


机械设计课程设计 计算说明书 设计题目: 小组名称: 姓名: 学号: 专业班级: 指导教师: 成绩: 日期:2013年4月

目录 第一章设计目的 (1) 1.1 设计任务说明(二级标题) (1) 1.1.1 设计题目(三级标题) (1) 1.1.2 相关说明 (1) 1.2 设计目的 (1) 第二章设计方案 (1) 第三章设计计算过程 (2) 3.1 变速器基本参数的确定 (2) 3.1.1 中心距的确定 (2) 3.1.2 轴向尺寸的确定 (3) 第四章心得体会 (4) 参考文献 (4) 计算说明书格式说明 (5)

第一章设计目的1.1 设计任务说明(二级标题) 1.1.1 设计题目(三级标题) 1.1.2 相关说明 1.2 设计目的 第二章设计方案

第三章设计计算过程 中心距的确定3.1 变速器基本参数的确定 3.1.1 中心距的确定 变速器简图如图3.1所示。 初选中心距时,可根据下述经验公式: 3 max1 A e g A K T iη =(3-1) 式中:A——变速器中心距(mm); A K——中心距系数,对轿车,8.9~9.3 A K=,对货车, 8.69.6 A K= ,对多档 主变速器,9.511 A K= ; max e T——发动机最大转矩(N m ); 1 i——变速器一挡传动比; g η——变速器传动效率,取96%。 根据设计要求可知, max 2400 e T N m = , 1 6.540 i=,故: 3 max1 A e g A K T iη = () 32400 6. 8.6~9.540 696% =?? ? 212.42237.11mm = 初选215 A mm =。 初选 215 A mm =

2019-2020年新人教版英语必修三Unit2 Grammar课时作业含答案

2019-2020年新人教版英语必修三Unit2 Grammar课时作业含答案Ⅰ.用适当的情态动词完成下列句子

Thank you for your letter. I don't think I 1.________ give you any advice. I don't think the manager 2.________ trust you. It sounds as if he has decided that you 3.________ be the thief. Do you have to continue working at this company? Maybe you 4.________ find another job where the people are friendly. I think you 5.________ enjoy that more. If you stay at the meat factory, you 6.________ not be able to be happy. Besides, if you stay, the thief 7.________ do something bad to you. I don't think that 8.________ be very pleasant. If he played a trick on you, the manager 9.________ say you were the thief and call in the police. That 10.________ have serious results. I think the best thing you 11.________ do now is to look for another job and hope that it 12.________ turn out better. Yours sincerely, Mike 答案:1.can 2.will 3.must 4.should/ought to/can/need 5.may/might/will 6.will 7.may/will/might 8.will 9.might/would 10.may/will/might 11.can/should/ought to/need 12.will/would Ⅴ.阅读理解 Today fast food restaurants are very popular. One famous name is Harry's Hamburgers. Harry's Hamburgers come from America and have been in business for thirty years. There are about 5,000 Harry's Hamburgers in different countries. The food is the same everywhere. In London, New York or Paris people eat the same hamburgers and drink the same drinks. Hamburger Harry is a special friend of children everywhere. He goes to schools and talks to pupils. He goes into different classrooms, sits down on the carpet or at the desk and asks the pupils to relax. Then he begins his talk. Harry teaches children about litter. “Don't throw your boxes on the floor in my restaurants,” he says. “And don't throw my bags away in the street. If you see boxes and bags in the street, pick them up and throw them into the bin (垃圾箱).” Hamburger Harry visits children in hospitals and tells them funny stories. His restaurants give wonderful birthday parties. Parents telephone the restaurant or go there. They choose a good day for the party, arrange the food and drink and send invitations to friends. Hamburger Harry sometimes comes to the party with a bag of presents and a big birthday cake. The boys and girls sit round the tables and eat all their favorite food. They all wear paper hats and party badges(徽章). Hamburger Harry dresses in green, red and yellow and he wears two big badges. He works hard at the party. He tells jokes, sings songs and gives everyone a present. The children get colored pencils, balloons and books to draw on. They always have a good time. Their parents enjoy the party too because they don't prepare the tables and they don't cook the food. They don't have to clean the restaurant after the party. All they do is pay the bill. 1.Harry's hamburgers are sold ________. A.without drinks B.at a high price C.in the same style D.with different tastes 2.If a child holds a birthday party at Harry's restaurant, Harry may ________. A.give a big cake to the child as a gift B.ask his workers to sing for the child C.play a joke on the child for fun D.decorate the restaurant with balloons


辽宁工程技术大学 土木与交通学院 课程设计 课程名称:地下结构设计原理与方法 专业:地下建筑工程 班级:地建07-3 姓名:张顺 学号:0709170329 指导教师:兰常玉 学期:2009-2010 日期:2010/12/31

附件5: 辽宁工程技术大学本科毕业设计(论文)写作规范 第一章总则 一、毕业设计(论文)是人才培养过程中的重要教学环节,实行毕业设计(论文)的规范化管理,是保证毕业设计(论文)质量的前提,也是建立科学、严谨工作作风的重要手段。 二、为了保证本科毕业设计(论文)工作规范、有序进行,根据《论文写作规范国家标准GB7713-87》,特制订本写作规范。 第二章毕业设计(论文)的规范化要求 毕业设计(论文)由开题报告、附本、毕业设计(论文)、图纸等组成。 一、开题报告 开题报告要针对毕业设计(论文)所选题目,根据毕业实习期间收集资料并通过方案设计形成,各教学单位要统一开题报告格式,完成后的开题报告由指导教师审阅并签字。

二、毕业设计(论文)附本(以下简称《附本》) 《附本》中各项内容要由责任人按要求完整并准确地填写。《附本》包括毕业设计(论文)任务书、过程检查表、中期考核记录、指导教师评语、评阅教师评语、毕业设计(论文)答辩记录及答辩委员会意见。 1.毕业设计(论文)任务书 任务书由毕业设计(论文)题目、主要内容和工作阶段安排组成,由指导教师根据情况认真填写。 2.毕业设计(论文)过程检查表 检查表由指导教师按照每个时间段应完成的阶段性工作重点,根据检查学生毕业设计(论文)的质量和进度填写。 3.毕业设计(论文)答辩记录 答辩记录由答辩小组秘书根据学生答辩时答辩小组成员提出的问题及回答情况,即时以“问”和“答”的形式认真填写,不得做总结性记录。 4.毕业设计(论文)中期考核、评语及答辩委员会意见 毕业设计(论文)中期考核、评语(包括指导教师评语、评阅教师评语)及答辩委员会意见,按栏目要求分别由专业建设负责人、指导教师、评阅教师填写并签字,答辩委员会意见由答辩委员会主席(或秘书)填写,由答辩委员会主席签字(或加盖蓝色印章)。“考核”、“评语”及“意见”要根据毕业设计(论文)的实际水平和特点,实事求是地给出,内容要有针对性,切忌千篇一律。中期考核、评阅教师及答辩小组评定成绩填写分值,答辩委员会综合三项成绩按优秀、良好、中等、及格、不及格五个级别填写总成绩。 对于参加第二次答辩的学生,相关教师要认真填写《二次答辩修改说明》。《二次答辩修改说明》要重点填写第一次答辩存在的问题、针对存在问题提出的修改意见及毕业设计(论文)的改进情况。 三、毕业设计(论文) 毕业设计(论文)包括封面、“本科毕业设计(论文)诚信承诺保证书”、中文摘要、外文摘要、目录、正文、致谢、参考文献、附录等。 1.封面 封面填写要做到清晰完整,题目等项内容要与开题报告、毕业设计(论文)正文、档案袋等处保持一致。打印封面要与学校印制的《毕业设计(论文)》封


第七次课作业 请预习第七章:指针 请准备下次课默写一维字符数组的单个字符输入输出和整体输入输出、二维字符数组的输入输出及排序 习题7-1 92题码:章节:数组考查点:键盘输入技巧的掌握和二维数组的应用,判断条件的设定难度:3编写一程序P3-313.C实现以下功能 求任意的一个m×n矩阵的鞍点——鞍点是指该位置上的元素在该行上为最大、在该列上为最小,矩阵中可能没有鞍点,但最多只有一个鞍点。m、 n(2<=m<=20、2<=n<=20)及矩阵元素从键盘输入(只考虑int型和每行、每列中没有并列最大/最小的情况)。 编程可用素材:printf("Please input m and n:")...、 printf("Please input a juZhen(... hang, ... lie):\n...、printf(" \nmei you an dian.\n")...、printf("\nyou an dian, wei: juZhen[...] [...]=...\n...。 程序的运行效果应类似地如图1和图2所示,图1中的5 6和 31 42 36 74 2358 88 32 57 37 43 47 1447 97 51 257 7 445 459 33 65 44 3 425 43 68 3425 82 789 123 2134 及图2中的5 6和 31 42 1136 74 2358 88 32 57 4137 43 47 1447 97 51 1257 7 445 459 33 65 744 3 425 43 68 3425 2182 789 123 2134 是从键盘输入的内容。 图1 程序运行效果示例(无鞍点) 图2 程序运行效果示例(有鞍点) 提示: 1、用i控制行for(i=0; i


Unit 2 The Olympic Games 课时作业(九) 一、单句改错 1.The Olympics are held every fourth years .—— 2.We cannot do two things at one time ,can we?—— 3.It'S our turn to help Granny Li ,and let'S do it as good as we can.—— 4.Who is the man you said hello just now? —— 5.John is a man whom I believe is honest .—— 6.The traffic was held on by an accident yesterday morning .—— 7.Most of US think he can do the experiment real well .——— 8.Can you tell me which house Mr Zhang live? ——— 9.The gold medal was given him after he won the match .——— 10.He is not a man whom can be trusted .——— 二、单项选择 ( )1.When the work ————,the worker will have a bath . A.is going to do B.will be done C.is going to be done D.is done ( )2.He said the new bridge ——near his village the next year . A.built B.had been built C.was built D .would be built ( )3.Mary said,“ I' ve found the dictionary that 一——the other day .” A.was losing B.was lost C.would lose D .would be lost ( )4.The job——by a skilled worker . A.were done B.done C.has done D.will be done ( )5.I don't think the work ——soon. A.can be done B.is done C.will do D .would ( )6.The news————announced tomorrow . A.would B.is C.are to be D.will be ( )7.A basketball match between the two famous teams ——the coming Saturday afternoon .A.will have played B .will be played C.is played D.plays ( )8.A railway——between the two cities at present . A.built B.has built C.are being built D .is being built ( )9.When you come to our college again ,the new building ————. A.will have built B.will be building C.will build D .will have been built ( )1 o.A letter ——一to him next week . A.will be sent B.will send C.is sending D.will have sent ( )11.Your bike——tomorrow . A.will repair B.will be repaired C.repairs D.is going to repaired ( )12.The book——next month . A. will be published B. will publish ?C.will be publishing D .is publishing

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