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一.根据读音规则拼读本课的生词,弄清他们的词义词性,把不会读的记下来______________________________________________________________ 二.. 预习48页最上面一行介词的图解,你能根据图示理解每个介词的含义吗?你能辨别across 和through 的区别吗?


across____________, along____________, over____________, to__________

up_____________, down____________, through__________, round_________ from____________, 池塘___________, 隧道____________, 楼梯__________ 台阶____________, 侧、边__________, 桥___________









4. Can you come down _________ the lift? I have something to ask you.

5. The moon goes __________ the earth.

6. Many years ago there was an old wooden bridge _________ the river.

7. Would you please have a talk with me _________ the beach?

8. There is a Great Green Wall _________northern part of China.

9. he jumped _________ from the chair.


1. The thief got in from the window._____________

2. Look, they are acrossing the street. _____________

3. A train is going across the tunnel. _____________

4. Runyang Bridge is on the Yangtze River. _____________

5. We will take a taxi for Phoenix Island tomorrow. _____________

6. Can you find the correctly way to the underground? _____________

7. A plane is flying onto the sky. _____________

8. How can I get Children’s Hospital? _____________


1. The third girl ________ the left is a famous film star.

A. at

B. beside

C. next to

D. on

2. My uncle buys a house _______ a small garden in front of it.

A. with

B. of

C. near

D. in

3. Don’t tell anybody about it, keep it _________ you and me.

A. with

B. in

C. between

D. over

4. We are going to have a meeting ________ lunchtime.

A. for

B. in

C. of

D. at

5. They quickly close the door of the car and drive ________.

A. to

B. off

C. away

D. out



____________________________________________________ 2.看!老师正朝教师走来。

____________________________________________________ 3.地球围绕着太阳转。

____________________________________________________ 4.你能看见图书馆就在你的左边。

____________________________________________________ 5.河上有一座桥。

____________________________________________________ 6.你能告诉我去阳光镇火车站的路吗?


译林版牛津高中英语模块三unit1 grammar 名词性从句

GRAMMAR ――――名词性从句 一、定义: 名词性从句是由if, whether, that, how和各种疑问词充当连接词所引导的从句,其功能同名词一样。 二、类型:主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句 (请说出以下句子中的画线部分在句子中充当的成分) 1. When we’ll hold the sports meeting has not been decided yet. 2.The fact that Great Britain is made up of three countries is still unknown to many people.. 3.He wonder if he could use my bike. 4. I am thinking about who will be given the job. 5. That he has won the first prize is true. 6. My parents’ wish is that I can go to a key university. 7. They are discussing the problem whether they should ban(禁止) fishing in the lake. 8. The problem is how I can get in touch with them. 9. It is not clear whether she will attend his wedding. 10. I have no idea when he would return. 三、用法 1、主语从句:在复合句中做主句的主语。引导词有连词that (that 不可省),whether; 代词有who, what ,which; 副词when ,where, how, why 等。如: A. That he is a famous singer is known to us. (It is known to us that he is a famous singer.) B. When he will go to America is not yet fixed. (It is not yet fixed when he will go to America.) 2.宾语从句:在复合句中做主句的宾语.引导词有连词that (that 常可省


初中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji Grammar(语法归纳) 一、写出下列动词的过去式 1. be ________ 2. bring ________ 3. buy ________ 4. come ________ 5. find ________ 6. drive ________ 7. fly ________ 8. give ________ 9. go ________ 10. hear ________ 11. leave ________ 12. let ________ 13. make ________ 14. put ________ 15. sing ________ 16. read ________ 17. take ________ 18. teach ________ 19. spend ________ 20. cost ________ 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. Tom and Mary _________ (come) to China last month. 2. Mike __________ (not go) to bed until 12 o’clock last night. So he _______ (get) up late. 3. My mother ___________ (not do) housework yesterday. 4. She watches TV every evening. But she ___________ (not watch) TV last night. 5. ________ your father ________ (go) to work every day last year? 6. The boy_______ (not go) to school yesterday. He _______ (be) ill in bed. 7. What _________ (make) him cry just now? 8. Last year the teacher ________ (tell) us that the earth moves around the sun. 9. There ___________ (be not) any hospitals in my hometown in 1940. 10. I was afraid when I _______ (hear) a whisper. 三、完形填空。 Can flowers sing? You must be 1 to find the answer is ‘YES’. And the plants can sing, 2 . Flowers are beautiful and they 3 nice. Most people 4 to plant them. If they can sing for us, it's really wonderful. In fact, the flowers or plants in vases really can sing. 5 can they sing? That's because there is a speaker system (音响系统) inside the vases . The speaker system uses the flowers or plants to make 6 . If you like the music or song very much, you can 7 the music or the song 8 the plants in your garden. Music and plants are 9 for you .Do you like to 10

18 19Unit1SectionⅢGrammar名词性从句

Section山Grammar --------- 名词性从句 [语境自主领悟] [语法精要点拨] 考点一名词性从句的连接词 引导名词性从句的关联词有三个连词、五个连接代词、四个连接副词

考点二主语从句 主语从句是指在句中作主语的从句,位置与陈述句的主语相同。 What is not to our satisfaction s that the price of the meal is a little too high. 我们不满意的是饭菜的价格有点高。 How the book will sell depends on its author. 这本书如何销售取决于作者本人。 Where we shall have the meeting makes no differe nee. 我们在哪儿开会都无所谓。 ⑴that引导主语从句,在从句中不充当任何成分,仅起连接作用,但不可省略。 That you will win the medal seems un likely. 你想获得奖牌看起来是不可能的。 ⑵whether引导的主语从句既可放在句首也可放在句尾,但if引导的主语从 句只能放在句尾,前面需要用it作形式主语。 Whether the sports meeting will be helc ifc not certa in now. 运动会是否将举行现在不能确定。 Whether the work can be completed)n time is doubtful. =It is doubtful whether/if the work can be completed)n time. 这项工作能否按时完成还不确定。 (3)若主语部分结构较长,可以使用形式主语it,把真正的主语从句放于后面。 It is announced that our school is going to start an activity of “ Crazy English before daily morni ng exercises. 学校通知每日早操前将开展“疯狂英语”活动。


Grammar构词法作业 第一节.完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) Jake Olson lost his left eye when he was eight months old because of a born cancer. __1__ it was controlled through treatments, it reappeared and __2__ the loss of his right eye. But after years of cheering for his favorite football team, Jake has __3__ the impossible dream. He's now a part of the team, despite his total __4__,playing the game not based on sight but on __5__. Being a __6__ fan of the USC Trojans, one of Jake's last __7__ before he lost his eye was to watch the team play at Notre Dame. His strong liking for the sport didn't go __8__ — former USC coach Pete reached the boy, inviting him to meet the __9__. Inspired by those players, Jake hoped to be __10__ in his school's football team. At first he didn't think he would be of any real __11__,but when he heard people's cheers for football players, his love for football strengthened. So Jake __12__ the coach, asking to join the team. The coach told him to __13__ the next season. So Jake spent his time practicing hard. __14__,he became a starter on the team in the next season. Having made his high school football team, it didn't seem too __15__ to do the same in college. Coach Steve agreed that Jake __16__ the requirements of the team. So Jake's dream came true. __17__ football, Jake is also a motivational speaker. “I went into football with the thought that I had nothing to __18__,” Jake said. “I really had no fear. Going through __19__ in life does make you stronger. Life's unfair, but it's __20__ me not to g ive up and keep fighting.” 1.A.Unless B.Though C.Only if D.Now that 2.A.backed off B.held back C.broke down D.led to 3.A.forgotten B.quitted C.realized D.ignored 4.A.blindness B.absence C.deafness D.innocence 5.A.ability B.guess C.feel D.imagination 6.A.responsible B.faithful C.careful D.temporary 7.A.chances B.promises C.courses D.wishes 8.A.unnoticed B.unsolved C.unreported D.unlimited

18 19 Unit 1 Section Ⅲ Grammar名词性从句Ⅰ

Section Ⅲ Grammar ——名词性从句(Ⅰ) ] 拨点 精语 [ 法 要因此,表语、宾语和同位语。名词性从句相当于名词,可分别作主句的主语、都不能用逗号与宾语从句和同位语从句,名词性从句分为主语从句、表语从句、 主句分开。) When we will start is not clear.(主语从句) 宾语从句Mrs.Black won't believe that her son has become a thief.() My idea is that we should do it right now.(表语从句) I had no idea that you were her friend.(同位语从句 一、引导名词性从句的连接词 她

页 1 第 二、主语从句.主语从句是在复合句中充当主语的从句,通常放在主句谓语动词之前或1、主语从句通常由连词代替,由形式主语it而本身放在句子末尾。that 和whether 连接代词或连接副词引导。在句中无词义,只起连接作用,在口语和非正式文体中可以省略,2.that 但不能省略。thatthat从句位于句首时,连词.连接代词和连接副词在句中既保留自己的疑问含义又起连接作用,在从3句中充当成分。That the football match will be put off is certain now. 足球赛将会推迟一事现在已经确定。Whether he will come or not is still a question. 他是否会来仍然是个问题。Whoever breaks this law deserves a fine. 违反该法者应予以罚款。飞机何时起飞还没有宣When the plane is to take off has not been announced. 布。众所周知,光沿直线传播。It is known to all that light travels in straight lines. 即时演练[1]单句改错Bob failed in the exam disappointed his parents. ①页 2 第 Bob前加That ②If Peter will attend the ceremony remains unknown.If→Whether ③That Alice said at the meeting was of great value. That→What 三、表语从句


主语从句专项练习 副标题 一、单句语法填空(本大题共17小题,共17.0分) 1.It doesn't matter ____you help me or not. I will try all the ways to finish the task. 2.____ annoyed me last night was the noise of the firecrackers from the neighbourhood area till midnight. 3.It?s known to all ________ the gun powder was first invented by the Chinese. 4.单句语法填空 (1)This is the first time we __________(see) a film in the cinema together as a family. (2)We were all __________(inspire) when we heard the news that the rescue team found another survivor. (3)Self-driving is an area _________ China and the rest of the world are on the same starting line. (4)________ interested Zhang Pingyu most was the longitude line at Greenwich. (5)You need to make some adjustments ________ the article before it is published. 5.___________ the old bus station should be replaced with a modern hotel is still under discussion. 6.The fact that the mainland of great Britain is made up of 3kingdoms is still unknown to many It______ still______ to many______ the mainland of great Britain is made up of 3kingd oms. 7.__________ we understand things has a lot to do with how we feel. 8.It is three days since they got lost. ______________ they’re safe is still unknown. 9.________surprise d me most was that she didn?t even know________ the difference between the two lies. 10.Generally speaking, ________we have seen seems more believable than ________we have been told. 11.___ (Whoever/NO matter who) breaks the law should be punished. 12.It is doubtful________ the government of that country can accept them as permanent residents. 13.________Barbara Jones offers to her fans is honesty and happiness. 14.________ there is life on another planet is almost impossible. 15.It's often the case ______ anything is possible for those who hang on to hope. 16.___________ they want to get now __________ (be) help.他想得到的是帮助。 17.________ (Whoever, Who) gains the most points wins the competition. 二、单句改错(本大题共10小题,共20.0分) 18.What China got the first place in the 2008 Olympic Gaines made the whole nation very

2019-2020同步外研英语选修七新突破讲义:Module 4 Section Ⅲ Grammar——时间状语从句和省略

Section Ⅲ Grammar ——时间状语从 句和省略 ②“The moment I heard it ,”he said ,“I knew it was a completely new kind of music.” ③The first time that rap artists recorded their music ,musicians recorded the backing tracks (the music without the 1.句①~⑤中黑体部分在句中引导的是时间状语从句,句⑥~⑦为省略句。 2.句④⑤为no sooner...than.../hardly...when...句式,表示 一、时间状语从句 在复合句中起时间状语作用的句子称为时间状语从句。时间状语从句常用when ,while ,as ,until ,since 或表示时间意义的名词短语等引导。 1.when ,while ,as 的用法

他父亲去世时他才九岁。 Jack was working in the lab when the power cut occurred.杰克正在实验室里工作,这时突然停电了。 They arrived while we were having dinner. 他们到时我们正在吃晚饭。 While I played the piano,my sister did her homework.我弹钢琴的时候姐姐在做作业。 As years go by,China is getting stronger and richer.随着时间一年一年过去,中国变得越来越富强了。 I saw my mother as I was getting off the bus. 我下公共汽车的时候看见了我妈妈。 [名师点津] when在be about to do...when...,be doing...when...,had done...when...,be on one's way...when...,be on the point of doing...when...等结构中,作“正在那时”讲,表示某个动作正在发生或刚刚发生,另一动作同时发生。 He was about to leave when someone knocked at the door. 他刚要离开就有人敲门。 [即时演练1]选词填空:when,while,as ①It's much easier to make friends when you have similar interests. ②While/When in Vienna he studied music. ③You will grow wiser as you grow older.

Grammar 代词

LESSON5 代词 一、学习目标 1.掌握代词的分类; 2.掌握代词的拼写; 3.掌握物主代词与人称代词的区分。 二、学习内容 1.代词的分类; 2.代词的拼写和用法; 3.物主代词与人称代词的区分。 三、重点难点 考点一:人称代词与物主代词 1、人称代词的用法 (1)人称代词的主格在句中作主语 I love my country.我爱我的国家。 She is a good student.她是一位好学生。 (2)人称代词的宾格在句中作动词、介词的宾语或表语。 I don’t know her.我不认识她。

(3)人称代词的语序 单数形式(二、三、一)you,he/she and I 复数形式(一、二、三)we,you and they 2、物主代词的用法 (1)物主代词分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。 His parents are both office workers. My name is Tom. (2)名词性物主代词常用来避免与前面已提及的名词重复,相当于“形容词性物主代词+ ” --This is my dictionary.Where is yours? --It’s over there,on the desk. My idea is quite different from hers . (3)名词性物主代词可用在of后面作定语,相当于“of+名词所有格” He is a friend of mine. 考点二:指示代词 1.this/these (1)近指 This is my pen. These are my books. (2)指下文要提到的事、 Please remember this:No pay,no gains. 2.that/those (1)That is her bike. (2)Those are my sheep. 3.打电话时用this介绍自己,用that询问对方。 This is Mike speaking. Who is that speaking. 4.that, those 常用在比较句型中(as...as同级比较,...than不同级别比较) The weather in Shenzhen is different from that in Beijing. The population of China is larger than that of Japan.

Chapter 2 Grammar 名词性从句(一)

Chapter 2 Grammar 名词性从句(一) 同位语从句 同位语从句在句子中作某一名词的同位语,一般位于该抽象名词之后,其作用是对前面的抽象名词的具体内容作进一步的解释或者补充说明。 这些常见的抽象名词有:idea, fact, news, hope, belief, thought, doubt, promise, suggestion, order, proposal等。 一、连词that引导的同位语从句 连词that引导同位语从句时,无词义,不作句子成分,只起引导从句这一语法作用,不能省略,从句用陈述句语序。 e.g. They expressed t he hope that we would go and visit Shanghai again. 他们表示希望我们再去上海参观。 The news that we won the game is exciting. 我们赢得这场比赛的消息令人激动。 The fact that his daughter is going to marry a foreigner seems to weigh heavily on his mind. 他的女儿要和一个外国人结婚,这总使他心事重重的。 二、连词whether引导的同位语从句 连词whether引导同位语从句时,表示“是否”,也不做句子成分,只起引导从句这一语法作用,不能省略,也不能用if代替,从句用陈述句语序。 e.g. The students asked me the question whether the book was worth reading. 学生问我这本书是否值得一读。 The question whether he will join us is uncertain. 他是否加入到我们中来(的问题)还没有确定。 I have small doubt whether he is suitable for the job. 他是否适合这份工作我有点怀疑。 三、连接代词引导的同位语从句 连接代词who, how many, what等引导同位语从句时,其本身有词意,并且在从句中充当主语、宾语、表语或定语,从句的语序用陈述句语序。 e.g. The question who should do the work requires consideration. (who在从句中作主语) 谁该做这项工作,这个问题需要考虑。 Next comes the problem what measures we should take. (what在从句中作定语) We don’t have any idea how many people were killed in the car accident. (how many 在从句中作定语) 我们不知道有多少人死于这起车祸。 四、连接副词引导的同位语从句 连接副词when, where, why, how等引导同位语从句时,其本身有词意,并且在从句中充当状语,从句用陈述句语序。 e.g. He has solved the problem why the radio was out of order. 他解决了收音机为何出故障的问题。 I have no idea when he will be back. 我不知道他什么时候回来。


主语从句专项练习 副标题 17.017分)小题,共一、单句语法填空(本大题共1.It doesn't matter ____you help me or not. I will try all the ways to finish the task. 2.____ annoyed me last night was the noise of the firecrackers from the neighbourhood area till midnight. 3.It?s known to all ________ the gun powder was first invented by the Chinese. 4. 单句语法填空1This is the first time we __________(see) a film in the cinema together as a family. )(2We were all __________(inspire) when we heard the news that the rescue team )(found another survivor. 3Self-driving is an area _________ )(China and the rest of the world are on the same starting line. 4________ interested Zhang Pingyu most was the longitude line at Greenwich. )(5You need to make some adjustments ________ the article before it is published.()___________ the old bus station should be replaced with a modern hotel is still under 5.discussion. The fact that the mainland of great Britain is made up of 3kingdoms is still unknown to 6.many It______ still______ to many______ the mainland of great Britain is made up of 3kingdoms. __________ we understand things has a lot to do with how we feel. 7.It is three days since they got lost. ______________ theyre safe is still unknown. '8.________surprised me most was that she didn?t even know________ the difference 9.between the two lies. Generally speaking, ________we have seen seems more believable than ________we 10.have been told. ___ (Whoever/NO matter who) breaks the law should be punished. 11.It is doubtful________ the government of that country can accept them as permanent 12.residents. ________Barbara Jones offers to her fans is honesty and happiness. 13.________ there is life on another planet is almost impossible. 14.It's often the case ______ anything is possible for those who hang on to hope. 15.___________ they want to get now __________ (be) help.他想得到的是帮助。 16.________ (Whoever, Who) gains the most points wins the competition. 17.1020.0分)小题,共二、单句改错(本大题共What China got the first place in the 2008 Olympic Gaines made the whole nation very


Section Ⅲ Grammar—省略 语法图解 探究发现 1.(You) Come in, please! 2.John is a lawyer, and his wife (is) a cleaner. 3. a.First degree burns turn white when (they are)pressed. b.If burns are on arms or legs, keep them higher than the heart, if (it is) possible. 4. a.He is the man(who/whom/that) you can depend on. b.There is no doubt that John’s quick thinking and the first aid skills (that/which) he learned at school saved Ms Slade’s life. 5.The boy wanted to play football in the street, but his mother did not allow him to (play football in the street). 6. It shows (that) a knowledge of first aid can make a real difference. [我的发现] (1)例句1为简单句中的省略。 (2)例句2为并列句中的省略。 (3)第1组例句为状语从句的省略。当状语从句的主语和主句的主语指的是同一人或物,且由人称代词的主格担当,或当状语从句的主语为it,而且从句谓语中含有be动词时,可以把从句的主语和be动词一起省略。 (4)第2组例句为关系代词的省略。当关系代词在限制性定语从句中作宾语时可以省略。 (5)例句5为不定式的省略。有时可用不定式符号“to”来替代上文中出现的不定式。 (6)例句6体现的是当及物动词之后跟由连接词that引导的宾语从句时,that可以省略。 为了避免重复,或为了使句子更简练,在一些句子中常常省去一个或某几个成分,这种


名词性从句连接词的选用 (一)t hat 和what的选用: that 和what都可引导所有的名词从句。但是,what除起连接作用外,还在名词性从句中充当成分,可做从句的主语、宾语、或表语。而that在名词性从句中不充当任何成分,只起连接作用。 that / what 1.______ he wants is a book. 2. ______ he wants to go there is obvious. 3.The result is ______ we won the game. 4.This is _____ we want to know. 5.Is _____ he told us true ? 6.We should pay attention to ______ the teacher is saying. 7. I have no doubt _____ he will come. 8. I have no idea _____ he did that afternoon. (二)if 和whether 的选用 不能使用if 的情况: a. 主语从句 b. 表语从句 c. 同位语从句 d. 介词后的宾语从句 e. whether to do 做动词宾语不能用if to do. f .whether or not 连在一起引导宾语从句时不用if. 1. I asked her __________ she had a bike. 2.______ we will hold a party in the open air tomorrow depends on the weather. 3. We’re worried about ________ he is safe. 4. I don’t know ___________ he is well or not. 5. I don’t know ________ or not he is well. 6. The question is _________ he should do it. 7.The doctor can hardly answer the question ______ the old man will recover soon. 8. I don’t know _______ to go. (三)其它连接代词和副词的连用 主要根据名词性从句中的具体意义,正确的选择who、which、when、where、why、how 等连接词,这些连接词既具有疑问含义,又起连接作用,同时在从句中充当各种成分。我们何时举行运动会还没有决定。 ________ we shall hold our sports meeting is not decided. 我不知道昨天谁打破了玻璃。 I don’t know _________ broke the glass yesterday. 我不知道他长的什么样子。 I have no idea _________ he looks like. 这就是我忘记眼镜的地方。 This is _________ I left my glasses. (四)引导词that 的省略 that 可省略的情况: 单个宾语从句中的that可省略 that不可省略的情况: a. 主语从句


Exercise for Grammar 1.The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors, most of ________ are beyond our control. 2.______________ has passed the test will get a prize. 3._________________ (show) around the Water Cube, we were taken to see the Bird’s Nest. 4.The last time we had great fun was _________ we were visiting the Water Park. 5.You will be successful in the interview _______ _______ _______ you have confidence and get well prepared. 6._______ ________ ________ I went to Japan, I was amazed at their efficiency of doing business. 7. A warm thought suddenly came to me ______ I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mother’s birthday. 8.I failed in my exam and I found it no use _____________ (complain). 9.The flowers his friend gave him will die unless ____________ (water) every day. 10.The agreed with each other on the whole, but much remain __________________ (discuss) at the following meeting. 11.The party was successful, but we thought it a pity ______________ (not invite) you. 12.His _________ (puzzle) look indicated that he didn’t know the truth. 13.Shopping in Auchan usually leaves me ____________ (amaze). Why is there always such a huge crowd. 14.________ __________ I hear the song, it reminds me of my childhood. 15.________ __________ he tried his best, he still couldn’t satisfy his boss. 16.The local health organization is reported _______________ (set up) 25 years ago when Dr. Alice became its first president. 17.The trees __________ (blow) down in the storm have been moved off the road. 18.Choosing the right dictionary depends on _________ you want to use it for. 19.We can surely overcome these difficulties ______ ______ ______ we are closely united. 20.____________ (not realize) there was danger before her, Jane Goodall entered the thick bush to observe the chimps. 21.________ you made a promise, you should try to carry it out. 22.Sandy was caught __________ (cheat) in the exam, which surprised his parents. 23.Some pre-school children go to a day-care center, __________ they learn simple games and songs. 24.Some deer happened ______________ (look) for food when a tiger appeared. 25._________ carries animals into the country must hold a certificate issued by the exporting country or region. https://www.doczj.com/doc/0c11936055.html,st Sunday in Carrefour I was about to check out when I found my pocket ___________ (steal). 27.Jack mad another wonderful discovery, which I think ________ (be) of great importance to science. 28.___________ you do, you must do it well. 29.The _______ (spoil) boy was crying _________ (ask) his father to buy the boy for him. 30.He is never discouraged, ____________ difficulty he may face.

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