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2016年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试数学一试题 一、选择题:1~8小题,每小题4分,共32分.下列每题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项符合 题目要求的,请将所选项前的字母填在答题纸... 指定位置上. 1、若反常积分01(1)a b dx x x +∞ +?收敛,则 (A )1a <且1b >. (B )1a >且1b >. (C )1a <且1a b +>. (D )1a >且1a b +>. 2、已知函数2(1), 1,()ln ,1, x x f x x x -


2016年考研西医综合真题 一、A型题:1~90小题,每小题1.5分;91~120小题,每小题2分;共195分。在每给出的A, B, C,D四个选项中,请选出一项最符合题目要求的。 1.下列关于机体内环境稳态的描述,错误的是 D A.稳态是一种动态平衡 B.稳态的维持是机体自我调节的结果 C.稳态调节中都有一个调节点 D.稳态是指细胞内液理化性质基本恒定 2.在引起和维持细胞内外Na+、K+不对等分布中起重要作用的膜蛋白是 B A.载体 B.离子泵 C.膜受体 D.通道 3.神经细胞的静息电位为一70mV, Na+平衡电位为+60mV, Na+的电化学驱动力则为 A A. -130Mv B. -10mV C. +lOmV D. +130mV 4.风湿热时,红细胞沉降率加快的原因是 C A.红细胞表面积/体积比增大 B.血浆白蛋白、卵磷脂含量增高 C.血浆纤维蛋白原、球蛋白含量增高 D.红细胞本身发生病变 5.阿司匹林通过减少TXA2合成而抗血小板聚集的作用环节是 A A. 抑制COX B.抑制TXA-,合成酶 C.抑制PGI7合成酶 D.抑制PLA2 6.心室肌细胞在相对不应期和超常期内产生动作电位的特点是 B A.0期去极化速度快 B.动作电位时程短 C.兴奋传导速度快 D.O期去极化幅度大 7。在微循环中,进行物质交换的血液不流经的血管是B A.后微动脉 B.通血毛细血管 C.微静脉 D.微动脉 8.下列呼吸系统疾病中,主要表现为呼气困难的是A

A.肺气肿 B.肺水肿 C.肺纤维化 D.肺炎 9.下列关于CO影响血氧运输的叙述,错谈的是 A A. CO中毒时血02分压下降 B. CO妨碍02与Hb的结合 C. CO妨碍02与Hb的解离 D.cO中毒时血02含量下降 10.下列关于颈动脉体化学感受器的描述,错误的是 D A.其流入流出血液中的Pa02差接近零,通常处于动脉血环境中 B. Pa02降低、PaC02和H+浓度升高对其刺激有协同作用 c.感受器细胞上存在对02,、C02、H+敏感的不同受体 D.血供非常丰富,单位时间内血流量为全身之冠 11.胃和小肠蠕动频率的决定性因素是 D A. 胃肠平滑肌动作电位频率 B.胃肠平滑肌本身节律活动 C. 胃肠肌问神经丛活动水平 D.胃肠平滑肌慢波节律 12.在胃黏膜壁细胞完全缺乏时,病人不会出现的表现是 C A.维生素B12吸收障碍 B.肠道内细菌加速生长 C.胰腺分泌HC03-减少 D.食物蛋白质消化不良 13.促进胰腺分泌消化酶最主要的胃肠激素是C A.胰多肽 B.促胰液素 C.缩胆囊素 D.胃泌素 14.人体发热初期出现畏寒、寒战的原因是B A.散热过程受阻 B.体温调定点上调 C.体温调节中枢功能异常 D.产热过程过强 15.利用肾清除率概念测定GFR,被清除物除能被肾小球滤过外,尚需满足的条件是 C


2016年考研英语一翻译真题及译文 (ctrl+D收藏即可)。更多考研信息请关注我们网站的更新! 2016年考研英语一翻译真题及译文 试题来源:Slowing Down to the Speed of Life: How to Create a More Peaceful, Simpler Life from the Inside Out 原文作者:Richard Carlson, Joseph Bailey 文章主题:Mental Health, 文章字数:

原文和逐句对照译文: 46. We don’t have to learn how to be mentally healthy; it is built into us in the same way that our bodies know how to heal a cut or mend a broken bone. 我们不必学习如何保持健康的心理;它与生俱来,正如我们的身体知道如何让伤口痊愈,如何让骨折好转。 47. Our mental health doesn’t really go anywhere; like the sun behind a cloud, it can be temporarily hidden from view, but it is fully capable of being restored in an instant. 健康的心理其实一直都在我们身边;正如乌云背后的太阳,人们有时会看不见它,但是它完全有能力立刻回来。 48. Mental health allows us to view others with sympathy


2016考研数学(一)真题及详细答案解析 一、选择题:1~8小题,每小题4分,共32分,下列每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求的,请将所选项前的字母填在答题纸...指定位置上. (1)若反常积分 () 11b a dx x x +∞ +? 收敛,则( ) ()()()()11111111 A a b B a b C a a b D a a b <>>><+>>+>且且且且 【答案】(C ) (2)已知函数()()21,1 ln ,1 x x f x x x -


2016考研数学(一)真题完整版 一、选择题:1~8小题,每小题4分,共32分,下列每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求的,请将所选项前的字母填在答题纸...指定位置上. (1)若反常积分 () 11b a dx x x +∞ +? 收敛,则( ) ()()()()11111111 A a b B a b C a a b D a a b <>>><+>>+>且且且且 (2)已知函数()()21,1 ln ,1 x x f x x x -



————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期: 2

2018年博士研究生导师招生资格申请-审核一览表 学院:外国语学院(盖章)填表人:科研成果、科研项目审核人:分管领导:院学位分会主席: 序号姓名及工号 (外兼填工作 单位) 拟招生学科专业 出生年 月 符合基本条件情况 (主持符合要求的在研项目,格式如下) 符合参考条件情况 (近三年主持符合要求的项目及发表的论文, 格式如下。符合基本条件的,此栏无需填写) 特殊情况(请写 明具体理由) 1 陈爱敏 04194 外国语学 院英语语言文学与 文化 1958- 10-22 ①江苏省哲学社会科学基金 重点项目:《20世纪美国转型期戏剧中 的都市空间研究》,2015-2018,编号: 15WW A001.主持,(经费8万) 项目: ①2013-2016, 江苏省哲学社会科学基金一般 项目:“元戏剧视阈中的帕克斯戏剧研究” 编号13WWB002。主持。(经费5万) ②2015-2018 江苏省哲学社会科学基金 重点项目:《20世纪美国转型期戏剧中的都市 空间研究》,,编号:15WW A001.主持,(经费8 万) 论文: ①“微妙”之戏—评2014年美国普利策戏剧奖 作品《电影》,《当代外国文学》, 2015.1,12-18。(第一作者)(CSSCI)(二 级权威) ② 20-21世纪之交美国两大戏剧主潮概述,《戏 剧艺术》,(CSSCI)2015.5,62-70.(第二作者, 与研合) ③身份的麻烦——20-21世纪美国戏剧中核心 3


Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) In Cambodia the choice of a spouse is a complex one for the young male. It may in volve not only his pare nts and his frien ds, 1 those of the young wome n, but also a matchmaker. A young man can 2 a likely spouse on his own and them ask his parents to 3 the marriage negotiations. or the young man's parents may make the choice of a spouse, giving the child little to say in the selection. 4 , a girl may veto the spouse her parents have chosen. 5 a spouse has been selected, each family investigates the other to make sure its child is marrying 6 a good family. The traditional wedding is a long and colorful affair. Formerly it lasted three days 7 by the 1980s it more commonly lasted a day and a half. Buddhist priests offer a short sermon and 8 prayers of blessing. Parts of the ceremony involve ritual hair cutting, 9 cotton threads soaked in holy water around the bride's and groom's wrists ,and 10 a candle around a circle of happily married and respected couples to bless the 11 .Newlyweds traditionally move in with the wife's parents and may 12 with them up to a year, 13 they can build a flew house nearby. Divorce is legal and easy to 14 ,but not common .Divorced persons are 15 with some disapproval. Each spouse retains 16 property he or she 17 into the marriage, and jointly -acquired property is 18 equally. Divorced persons may remarry, but a gender prejudice 19 up .The divorced male doesn't have a waiting period before he can remarry 20 the woman must wait the months. 1. [A] by way of [B] as well as [C] on behalf of [D] with regard to 2. [A] adapt to [B] provide for [C]compete with [D] decide on 3. [A] close [B] renew [C]arrange [D] postpone 4. [A] In theory [B] Above all [C] In time [D] For example 5. [A] Although [B] Lest [C] After [D] Unless 6. [A] into [B] within [C] from [D] through 7. [A] sine [B] or [C] but [D] so 8. [A] test [B]copy [C]recite [D] create 9. [A] folding [B] piling [C] wrapping [D] tying 10. [A] lighting [B] passing [C] hiding [D] serving 11. [A] meeting [B] association [C] collection [D]union 12. [A] grow [B] part [C] deal [D]live 13. [A] whereas [B] until [C] for [D] if 14. [A] obtain [B] follow [C] challenge [D]avoid 15. [A] isolated [B] persuaded [C] viewed [D] exposed 16. [A]wherever [B] however [C] whenever [D]whatever 17. [A] changed [B] brought [C] shaped [D] pushed 18. [A] divided [B] invested [C] donated [D] withdrawn 19. [A]clears


2016年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)试题答案详解 (完整版) Section I Use of English 1、【答案】C how 【解析】根据空格所在句子可以看出,空格处应该是一个引导宾语从句的从属连词,做influence的宾语。四个选项的意思中,只有C. how引导后面的内容做influence的宾语,前后意思合理。 2、【答案】B In particular 【解析】空格的前一句话的内容是:坐落在幸福人群所在地的公司投资更多的钱。空格所在句的内容是:坐落在幸福人群所在地的公司在…方面投入更多的钱。很显然,前后句子是总分关系。选项中,只有B选项可以体现总分关系。 3、【答案】D necessary 【解析】根据空格处前后的内容,_____ for making investments for the future是做后置定语修饰longer-term thinking和happiness。幸福,这种持久的思维模式对于对未来进行投资_______,四个选项中只有D. necessary做后置定语符合前后内容。其他选项与原文内容语义不符。 4、【答案】C optimism 【解析】空格处的内容与inclination for risk-taking由and连接,构成并列关系,后面that come with happiness定语从句既修饰空格处的内容,也修饰inclination for risk-taking,所以选项中可以由that come with happiness修饰的只有C选项optimism。 5、【答案】D change 【解析】空格处的内容和the way companies invested构成动宾搭配。选项中A. echo 回声 B. miss 思念 C. spoil 溺爱 D. change 改变,所以只有D选项可以和the way companies invested构成通顺语义。故D项正确。 6、【答案】B measured 【解析】原文:So they compared U.S. cities’average happiness_______ by Gallup polling with the investment activity of publicly traded firms in those areas. 所以他们比较美国城市的平均幸福,这种幸福是根据盖洛普在上市公司的投资活动地区民意调查来________。A imagined 想象,D assumed 假定与民意调查的客观性是不符的,故排除,C invented 发明,与文意不符,故选B measured,衡量,测量。 7、【答案】A sure


2016年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试 英语(一)试题 Section 1 Use of English Directious: Read the following Text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A,B,C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points) In Cambodia, the choice of a souse is a complex one for the young male. It may involve not only his parents and his friends, 1 those of the young woman, but also a matchmaker.A young man 2 a likely spouse on his own and then ask his parents to 3 the marriage negotiations, or the young man’s parents may make the choice of a spouse, giving the child little to say in the selection. 4 , a girl may veto the spouse her parents have chosen. 5 a spouse has been selected, each family investigates the other to make sure its child is marrying 6 a good family. The traditional wedding is a long and colorful affair. Formerly it lasted three days, 7 by the 1980s it more commonly lasted a day and a half. Buddhist priests offer a short sermon and 8 prayers of blessing. Parts of the ceremony involve ritual hair cutting, 9 cotton threads soaked in holy water around the bride’s and groom’s wrists, and 10 a candle around a circle of happily married and respected couples to bless the 11 . Newlyweds traditionally move in with the wife’s parents and may 12 with them up to a year, 13 they can bulid a new house nearby. Divorce is legal and easy to 14 , but not common. Divorces persons are 15 with some disapproval. Easch spouse retains 16 property he or she Divorced persons may. 1. [A]by way of [B]with regard to [C]on behalf of [D]as well


2016年全国硕士研究生招生考试英语(一)试题(完整版) Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text.Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points) In Cambodia, the choice of a spouse is a complex one for the young male. It may involve not only his parents and his friends, 1 those of the young woman, but also a matchmaker. A young man can 2 a likely spouse on his own and then ask his parents to 3 the marriage negotiations, or the young man’s parents may make the choice of a spouse, giving the child little to say in the selection. 4 , a girl may veto the spouse her parents have chosen. 5 a spouse has been selected, each family investigates the other to make sure its child is marrying 6 a good family.


2016年考研数学(三)真题 一、填空题:1-6小题,每小题4分,共24分. 把答案填在题中横线上. (1)()11lim ______.n n n n -→∞ +?? = ??? (2)设函数()f x 在2x =的某邻域内可导,且()() e f x f x '=,()21f =,则()2____.f '''= (3)设函数()f u 可微,且()1 02 f '=,则()224z f x y =-在点(1,2)处的全微分() 1,2d _____.z = (4)设矩阵2112A ?? = ?-?? ,E 为2阶单位矩阵,矩阵B 满足2BA B E =+,则=B . (5)设随机变量X Y 与相互独立,且均服从区间[]0,3上的均匀分布,则{}{} max ,1P X Y ≤=_______. (6)设总体X 的概率密度为()()121,,,,2 x n f x e x X X X -= -∞<<+∞L 为总体X 的简单随机样本,其样本方差为2 S ,则2 ____.ES = 二、选择题:7-14小题,每小题4分,共32分. 每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,把所选项前的字母填在题后的括号内. (7)设函数()y f x =具有二阶导数,且()0,()0f x f x '''>>,x ?为自变量x 在点0x 处的增量,d y y ?与分别为()f x 在点0x 处对应的增量与微分,若0x ?>,则 (A) 0d y y <


2016年全国硕士研究生招生考试英语(二)试题 Section I Use of English Directions:Read the following text.Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank and mark A,B,C or D on the ANSWER SHEET.(10points) Happy people work differently.They’re more productive,more creative,and willing to take great risks.And a new research suggests that happiness might influence_1_firms work,too. Companies located in places with happier people invest more,according to a recent research paper._2_firms in happy places spend more on R&D(research and development).That’s because happiness is linked to the kind of longer-term thinking_3_for making investment for the future. The researchers wanted to know of the_4_and inclination for risk-taking that come with happiness would_5_the way companies invested.So they compared U.S.cities’average happiness_6_by Gallup polling with investment activity of publicly traded firms in those areas. _7_enough,firms’investment and R&D intensity were correlated with the happiness of the area in which they were_8_.But is it really happiness that’s linked to investment,or could something else about happier cities_9_why firms there spend more on R&D?To find out,the researchers controlled for various_10_that might make firms more likely to invest---like size, industry and sales---and for indicators that a place was_11_to live in,like growth in wages or population.The like between happiness and investment generally_12_even after according for these things. The correlation between happiness and investment was particularly strong for younger firms, which the authors_13_to“less codified decision making process”and the possible presence of “younger and less_14_managers who are more likely to be influenced by sentiment.”The relationship was_15_stronger in places where most people are relatively happy,rather than in places with happiness in equality. _17_this doesn’t prove that happiness causes firms to invest more or to take a longer-term view,the authors believe it at least_18_at that possibility.It’s not hard to imagine that local culture and sentiment would help_19_how executives think about the future.“it surely seems plausible that happy people would be more forward thinking and creative and_20_R&D more than the average”said one researcher. 1.A.where B.how C.why D.when 2.A.In return B.In particular C.In contrast D.In conclusion 3.A.sufficient B.famous C.perfect D.necessary 4.A.individualism B.realism C.optimism D.modernism 5.A.echo B.miss C.spoil D.change 6.A.imagined B.assumed C.measured D.invented 7.A.Sure B.Odd C.Unfortunate D.Often 8.A.headquartered B.advertised C.overtaxed D.divided 9.A.overstate B.summarize C.explain D.emphasize 10.A.factors B.stages C.levels D.methods


2016年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试 历史学基础试题 一、单项选择题:1~20小题,每小题2分,共40分。 1.以“蛋壳黑陶”为代表的史前文化是()。 A.大汶口文化 B.龙山文化 C.仰韶文化 D.良渚文化 2.王莽改制在经济方面的新举措是()。 A.算缗告缗 B.盐铁官营 C.均输平准 D.五均六莞 3.东晋南朝时,推动佛教在江南传播的高僧是()。 A.僧肇 B.佛图澄 C.慧远 D.鸠摩罗什 4.隆庆年间,与明朝廷订立和议的蒙古糙靶部首领是()。 A.也先 B.阿鲁台 C.达延汗 D.俺答汗 5.下列关于清朝官员的选项中,按照官品高低顺序排列的是()。 A.巡抚、按察使、巡检、布政使、知县 B.巡检、巡抚、按察使、布政使、知县 C.巡抚、布政使、按察使、知县、巡检 D.巡抚、布政使、按察使、巡检、知县 6.第一次鸦片战争期间,英军伤亡人数最多的战役是()。 A.虎门之战 B.镇江之战 C.乍浦之战 D.广州之战 7.根据海关统计,1867-1884年,占中国进口商品值首位的外国商品是()。 A.鸦片 B.洋布 C.棉纱 D.煤油 8.下面各组报刊中,全部由革命党人创办的是()。

A.《知新报》《中国日报》《民立报》 B.《申报》《民报》《民立报》 C.《知新报》《民报》《时报》 D.《中国日报》《二十世纪之支那》《民立报》 9.聂荣臻领导创建的抗日根据地是()。 A.冀中根据地 B.晋察冀根据地 C.晋西北根据地 D.晋冀豫根据地 10.从1953年起,国家对民族资本主义企业的利润采取“四马分肥”的分配形式,“四马”指()。 A.国家税收、职工福利、企业公积金、资本家股息红利 B.国家公债、职工福利、企业公积金、资本家股息红利 C.国家税收、国家公债、职工福利、资本家股息红利 D.国家税收、国家公债、职工福利、企业公积金 11.著名的卡纳克神庙和卢克索神庙的大规模修建是在古埃及()。 A.古王国时期 B.中王国时期 C.第二中间期 D.新王国时期 12.西欧中世纪的封建制度中,封臣对封君承担的最主要义务是()。 A.服徭役 B.交地租 C.服军役 D.交猎物 13.日本文学史上第一部长篇小说《源氏物语》的作者是平安时代女作家()。 A.和泉式部 B.清少纳言 C.藤原道纲母 D.紫式部 14.印度德里苏丹时期实行国家土地所有制,苏丹以服军役为条件分封给穆斯林战士的土地称为()。 A.伊克塔 B.瓦克夫 C.伊纳姆 D.哈斯


2016考研数学(一)真题及答案解析 一、选择题:1~8小题,每小题4分,共32分,下列每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求的,请将所选项前的字母填在答题纸...指定位置上. (1)若反常积分 () 11b a dx x x +∞ +? 收敛,则( ) ()()()()11111111 A a b B a b C a a b D a a b <>>><+>>+>且且且且 (2)已知函数()()21,1 ln ,1 x x f x x x -


2016年全国硕士研究生英语试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) In Cambodia the choice of a spouse is a complex one for the young male. It may involve not only his parents and his friends,1those of the young women, but also a matchmaker. A young man can 2 a likely spouse on his own and them ask his parents to 3 the marriage negotiations. or the young man’s parents may make the choice of a spouse, giving the child little to say in the selection. 4 , a girl may veto the spouse her parents have chosen. 5 a spouse has been selected, each family investigates the other to make sure its child is marrying 6 a good family. The traditional wedding is a long and colorful affair. Formerly it lasted three days 7 by the 1980s it more commonly lasted a day and a half. Buddhist priests offer a short sermon and 8 prayers of blessing. Parts of the ceremony involve ritual hair cutting, 9 cotton threads soaked in holy water around the bride’s and groom’s wrists ,and 10 a candle around a circle

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