当前位置:文档之家› 必修5选修6练习



1. In Britain today women ______ 44% of the work force, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.

A build up

B stand for

C make up

D turn up

2. Did you ____ the meeting yesterday afternoon?

A join

B attend

C take part in

D join in

3. The writer was _____ in his writing that he forgot to flick the ashes from his cigar.

A concentrated

B devoted

C absorbed

D fixed

4. It is said that driving after drinking ______ thousands of traffic accidents every year.

A results from

B contributes to

C devotes to

D lies in

5. No matter how I tried to read it,the message did not ______ to me.

A understand

B make out Ct turn out D make sense

6. How many nationalities ______ or country ______?

A is;consisted of

B does;make up

C is;made from

D does;consist of

7. Everyone knows it is not right for Taiwan to ___________ from China.

A break away

B give away

C turn away

D put away

8. The records of S.H.E are______ being bought,for their songs can bring energy into us.

A worthy

B worth

C worthwhile

D worthy of

9. It is Mary’s own fault id she feels ______ at the party;she makes no effort to be friendly to people.

A left out

B kept out

C let out

D left out

10. I was going to attend Ma ry’s wedding party, but I could not make,for my car ___ on the way.

A broke down

B put down

C broke up

D put up

11.Washigton, a state in the United State, was named ____ one of the greatest American presidents.

A in honor of

B instead of

C in favour of

D by means of

12.Robert _____ business two years ago, but he did not get along well at first for _____ of experiment.

A took up;lack of

B put up;short of

C set up;need of

D pick up; want of

13. Thousands of houses fell down in the earthquake in Taiwan. It seem ed that everything happened ________.

A in a while

B in a hurry

C in good time

D in a flash

14. He will agree to do what you require ______ him.

A of

B from

C to

D for

15. Children usually ____ their parents for food and cloth.

A turn into

B live on

C ask for

D depend on

16. In our childhood, we were often _____ by Grandma to pay attention to our table manners.

A demanded

B allowed

C reminded

D hoped

17. Danis is ____ hunting for a new job and has no eye for his wife and children.

A occupied in

B busied for

C absorbed to

D engaged with

18. It took her a long time to ____ the skills she needed to become a famous player.

A acquire

B inquire

C require

D request

19. Tom _______ his boss of having broken the labor law.

A blamed

B accused

C charged

D scolded

20. ______ catch the early bus,he got up early.

A In order that

B In order to

C So that

D So as to

21.I ______ of your trying to earn som e money,but please do not neglect your studies.

A permit

B promise

C agree

D approve

22.You will find this map of great _____ in helping you to get round London.’

A price

B cost

C value

D usefulness

23. He was lucky in the accident,but his car was totally ______.

A. destroyed B ruined C hurt D damaged

24. I had walked as long as for four and my leg began to ________.

A be injured

B be hurt

C be wound

D hurt

25. Many people like white as a color as it is a _____ of purity.

A symbol

B sign

C signal

D symptom

26.Once a decision has been made, all of us should ______ it.

A direct to

B stick to

C lead to

D refer to

27. I don’t think George is the right person to __________ the plan.

A carry out

B set out

C put out

D bring out

28. He can speak English,German,French and J apanese. He is nearly a man with a(an)______ for language.

A gift

B present

C ability

D skill

29. --Have you read this book?

-- Yes. It is _____ worth reading. I suggest you read it if you have time.

A best

B well

C better

D more

30. I do every single bit of housework _____ my husband Bob just does the dished now and then.

A since

B while

C when

D as

31.--Does the young man standing there ________ the company.

-- No,the company is _____his father.

A in possession of;in the possession of

B have possession of;in the possession of

C take possession of;in possession of

D have possession of;in possession of

32. Shall we ____ our discussion and have some tea or coffee,please?

A break off

B break down

C break into

D break out

33. Although at one point I accidentally played two keys ___ the intended one,I continued to move my figures automatically.

A in spite of

B instead of

C in the way of

D in the shape of

34._____ the youth ____ the rising sun at 8 or 9 o’clock at a.m.,Mao Zedong expressed his great hope for the young men.

A Comparing; with

B Compared; to

C Compared; with

D Comparing; to

35.Mr Liu suggested _____ to the seaside, but I considered _____ a TV play.

A to go;to watch

B going; watching

C to go; watching

D going ;to watch

36. The Great Wall _______ one of the greatest man-made projects in the world.

A is regarded for

B considered to be

C is considered as

D looks like

37.The cigarette end thrown away by a careless farmer ______ the big forest and brought us great loss.

A brought in

B brought up

C led to

D led out

38. I admire my classm ate Lisa very much,_______ her prettiness, she was sm art and helpful.

A Except for

B But for

C Apart from

D In spite of

39. I feel like _____ along walk. Would you like _____ with me ?

A taking ;going

B taking;to go

C to take ;to go

D to take; going

40. _____ all London taxis were black,but now you sometimes see other colors.

A At one time

B At a time

C From time to time

D At the sam e time

41. Do not leave the water ______ while you brush your teeth.

A run

B running

C being run

D to run

42. The flat _____ us$100,000, but our neighbors say it is not _____ so much.

A cost; worth

B cost; worthy

C cost;cost

D is worth; worth

43.The Scientific Dictionary is ____$ 500. it is really ______ for your youth.

A worthy; worth to read

B worth; worth reading

C worth; worth to read

D worthy; worthy of reading

44. Please _____ a sentence where you can use this phrase.

A make out

B make up

C make up for

D Put up

45. One of the advantages of living on the top of a high-rise building is that you can get a good ____.

A sight

B view

C sign

D scene

46.We thought of selling this old furniture,but we have decided to _____ it.

A hold on to

B keep up with

C turn to

D look after

47. He accidentally ____ he had quarreled with his wife a nd that he had not been home for a couple of weeks.

A let out

B took care

C made sense

D made out

48. Those who are of great determination are ____ to make great achievement.

A like

B likely

C probably

D possible

49. I can not imagine how he _____ to move the big stone away all by himself.

A wanted

B tried

C managed

D made

50. Mother is in the kitchen _____ dinner while Father is sitting at the table,______ dinner.

A prepare;preparing

B preparing; prepared for

C prepared for; preparing

D prepared for;prepared for

51. This is your last chance to go abroad for further education,do not ____ it away.

A take

B keep

C put

D throw

52. Before the war broke out,many people ___ in safe places the possessions they could not take with them.

A threw away

B put away

C gave away

D carried away

53. Te appointment of our new headmaster ___ from the very beginning of the next sem ester.

A takes effect

B takes places

C takes turns

D takes part

54. When considering how to settle the problem the most important factor-weather, he had________.

A let out

B left behind

C left off

D left over

55. I was a little afraid as soon as the plane _____.

A flew by

B took off

C landed on

D got out

56. It is a common them e in many science fiction stories that the world may one day be ______ by insects.

A broken in

B run over

C taken over

D filled

57. The weather was fine when the plane _______.

A took off

B took away

C took up

D took on

58. _____ the high price,demands for these cars are very high.

A Because of

B In spite of

C In case of

D Thanks to

59. DC Rep _____ Discipline Committee Representative.

A stand for

B ask for

C calls for

D looks for

https://www.doczj.com/doc/0f11308646.html,e the umbrella to ______ yourself from the rain.

A prevent

B keep

C save

D protect

61. Your performance in the driving test did not reach the required standard, _____,you failed.

A in the end

B after all

C in other words

D at the same time

62. It is hard to ____ the dem and for more and better houses.

A meet

B satisfy

C supply

D all the above

63. On my way home yesterday,I ____ an old friend of mine.

A came across

B came up

C came out

D came about

64. –How is Dennis getting along with his work?

-- Well,he can always ___ a new idea for increasing sales.

A come up with

B come about

C get away with

D get up

65.Can you ______ the point?If you can,please explain it to me.

A make sense

B make a difference

C make sense of

D make any difference

66. Two passengers fell into the lake. ________,neither of them could swim.

A In face

B However

C Unfortunately

D Naturally

67.The fist textbooks written for teaching English as a foreign language ___ in the 16th ce ntury.

A came about

B came out

C came along

D came up

68. The idea puzzled me so much that I stopped for a few seconds to try to ______.

A make it out

B make it off

C make it up

D make it over

69. After all it takes great ____ to master any foreign language.

A effort

B effect

C affect

D offer

70.Rather than ____ on a crowded bus, he always prefers ____ a bicycle.

A ride;ride

B riding ;ride

C ride;to ride

D to ride ;riding


1-5CBCBD6-10 DAAAA11-15 AADAD16-20 CAABB 21-25 DCAAA26-30 BAABB31-35 BABDB36-40 CCCBA 41-45 BABBB46-50 AABCB51-55 DBAAB56-60 CABAD 61-65 CDABC66-70 CBAAC


高中数学必修5知识点 1、正弦定理:在C ?AB 中,a 、b 、c 分别为角A 、B 、C 的对边,R 为C ?AB 的外接圆的半径, 则有 2sin sin sin a b c R A B C ===. 2、正弦定理的变形公式:①2sin a R =A ,2sin b R =B ,2sin c R C =;(边化角) ②sin 2a A R =,sin 2b B R =,sin 2c C R =;(角化边) ③::sin :sin :sin a b c A B C =; ④sin sin sin sin sin sin a b c a b c A B C A B C ++=== ++. 3、三角形面积公式:111 sin sin sin 222 C S bc A ab C ac B ?AB ===. 4、余弦定理:在C ?AB 中,有2 2 2 2cos a b c bc A =+-, 2222cos b a c ac B =+-, 2222cos c a b ab C =+-. 5、余弦定理的推论:222cos 2b c a bc +-A =,222cos 2a c b ac +-B =,222 cos 2a b c C ab +-=. 6、设a 、b 、c 是C ?AB 的角A 、B 、C 的对边, 则:①若222 a b c +=,则90C =;(.C A B C ?? 为直角为直角三角形) ②若2 2 2 a b c +>,则90C <;(.C A B C ??为锐角不一定是锐角三角形) ③若2 2 2 a b c +<,则90C >.(.C A B C ?? 为钝角为钝角三角形) 注:在C ?AB 中,则有 (1)A B C π++=,sin 0,sin 0,sin 0A B C >>>(正弦值都大于0) (2),,.a b c a c b b c a +>+>+>(两边之和大于第三边) (3)sin sin A B A B a b >?>?>(大角对大边,大边对大角) 7、递增数列:从第2项起,每一项都不小于它的前一项的数列.10n n a a +-> 8、递减数列:从第2项起,每一项都不大于它的前一项的数列.10n n a a +-< 9、常数列:各项相等的数列.11,.n n a a S na == 10、数列的通项公式:表示数列{}n a 的第n 项与序号n 之间的关系的公式. 11、数列的递推公式:表示任一项n a 与它的前一项1n a -(或前几项)间的关系的公式. 12、如果一个数列从第2项起,每一项与它的前一项的差等于同一个常数,则这个数列称为等差数列,这个常数称为等差数列的公差.11()n n n n a a d a a d -+-=-= 13、由三个数a ,A ,b 组成的等差数列可以看成最简单的等差数列,则A 称为a 与b 的等差中项.若2 a c b += ,则

高中数学必修五 知识点总结【经典】

《必修五 知识点总结》 第一章:解三角形知识要点 一、正弦定理和余弦定理 1、正弦定理:在C ?AB 中,a 、b 、c 分别为角A 、B 、C 的对边,,则有 2sin sin sin a b c R C ===A B (R 为C ?AB 的外接圆的半径) 2、正弦定理的变形公式: ①2sin a R =A ,2sin b R =B ,2sin c R C =; ②sin 2a R A = ,sin 2b R B =,sin 2c C R =; ③::sin :sin :sin a b c C =A B ; 3、三角形面积公式:111 sin sin sin 222 C S bc ab C ac ?AB = A == B . 4、余弦定理:在 C ?AB 中,有2 2 2 2cos a b c bc =+-A ,推论:bc a c b A 2cos 2 22-+= B ac c a b cos 2222-+=,推论: C ab b a c cos 22 2 2 -+=,推论:ab c b a C 2cos 2 22-+= 二、解三角形 处理三角形问题,必须结合三角形全等的判定定理理解斜三角形的四类基本可解型,特别要多角度(几何作图,三角函数定义,正、余弦定理,勾股定理等角度)去理解“边边角”型问题可能有两解、一解、无解的三种情况,根据已知条件判断解的情况,并能正确求解 1、三角形中的边角关系 (1)三角形内角和等于180°; (2)三角形中任意两边之和大于第三边,任意两边之差小于第三边; ac b c a B 2cos 2 22-+=

(3)三角形中大边对大角,小边对小角; (4)正弦定理中,a =2R ·sin A , b =2R ·sin B , c =2R ·sin C ,其中R 是△ABC 外接圆半径. (5)在余弦定理中:2bc cos A =222a c b -+. (6)三角形的面积公式有:S = 21ah , S =21ab sin C=21bc sin A=2 1 ac sinB , S =))(()(c P b P a P P --?-其中,h 是BC 边上高,P 是半周长. 2、利用正、余弦定理及三角形面积公式等解任意三角形 (1)已知两角及一边,求其它边角,常选用正弦定理. (2)已知两边及其中一边的对角,求另一边的对角,常选用正弦定理. (3)已知三边,求三个角,常选用余弦定理. (4)已知两边和它们的夹角,求第三边和其他两个角,常选用余弦定理. (5)已知两边和其中一边的对角,求第三边和其他两个角,常选用正弦定理. 3、利用正、余弦定理判断三角形的形状 常用方法是:①化边为角;②化角为边. 4、三角形中的三角变换 (1)角的变换 因为在△ABC 中,A+B+C=π,所以sin(A+B)=sinC ;cos(A+B)=-cosC ;tan(A+B)=-tanC 。 2 sin 2cos ,2cos 2sin C B A C B A =+=+; (2)三角形边、角关系定理及面积公式,正弦定理,余弦定理。 r 为三角形内切圆半径,p 为周长之半 (3)在△ABC 中,熟记并会证明:∠A ,∠B ,∠C 成等差数列的充分必要条件是∠B=60°;△ABC 是正三角形的充分必要条件是∠A ,∠B ,∠C 成等差数列且a ,b ,c 成等比数列.


必修五Unit 5 1. It is ____________________cold,heat or pain.(feel) 它就是你感受冷、热和疼痛的地方。 2.____________________,if your skin gets burned,it can be very serious.(imagine) 正如你可以想象的一样,如果你的皮肤被烫伤了,它可能非常严重。 3. Remove clothing (using scissors________________) unless _____________________the burn.(necessary,stick) 去除衣服(必要时用剪刀)除非它粘在烧伤组织。 4.I _____________________the company for the position when he called me.(apply) 我正要来向这家公司申请这个职位的时候,他突然给我打来了电话。 5.For the great contribution _________________the family,she _______________the Best Wife Award.(make,present) 鉴于她对家庭所做的巨大贡献,她被授予“最佳老婆奖”。 6.It ___________________________whehter you go or stay.(difference) 你是去是留对我都无所谓。 7.I’ll not go to his birthday party_________________.(invite) 我不会去参加他的生日宴会,除非被邀请。 8.If you________________________ the job in hand, you’ll soon finish it.(apply) 如果你尽力做你目前的工作,你将能很快地把它做完。 9.He applied all the money ________________________.(set) 他把所有的钱都用来建一家工厂。 10.They just carried out the one instructions____________________. (tell) 他们只是按照吩咐执行这些指令的。 11.Be careful when you do the experiment by yourself, or you may _____________(get) 你独自做这个实验的时候要当心,否则你可能会烫伤。 12.On the top of the mountain,____________ an old tree with a history of more than 600 years, we had a picnic last weekend.(stand) 上周末我们在山顶上举行野餐,那儿长着一棵有600多年历史的老树。 13.This policy,_______________ raising women’s social status, however, may not fulfil its purpose because of the defects in the social system.(aim) 这项制度旨在提升妇女的社会地位,然而由于社会制度的缺陷,它或许不能达到其目的。 14. Burns are called first degree, second degree or third degree burns______________ which layers of the skins are burnt.(depend) 根据皮肤烧伤的层次而有一度烧伤、二度烧伤和三度烧伤。 必修六Unit 1 1.It is the music, rather than the books,________________________.(appeal) 吸引我的是音乐,而不是那些书籍。 2.It’s strange that the patient ___________________the medicine.(allergic) 真奇怪,那个病人居然对那种药过敏。 3.___________________,the teacher has never lost faith in him.(as) 尽管他很淘气,老师从未对他是去信心。 4.Our head teacher delivered a speech yesterday,__________ encouraging us.(aim) 我们的班主任昨天做了一番演说,旨在鼓励我们。 5.__________________________, the athlete decided to give up.(attempt) 又做了一次尝试之后,那个运动员决定放弃。 6.It is recommended that the government_________________________the problem.(adopt) 建议政府采取各种各样的措施来处理这个问题。


不等式总结 一、不等式的主要性质: (1)对称性:a b b a (2)传递性:c a c b b a >?>>, (3)加法法则:c b c a b a +>+?>; d b c a d c b a +>+?>>, (4)乘法法则:bc ac c b a >?>>0,; bc ac c b a 0, bd ac d c b a >?>>>>0,0 (5)倒数法则:b a a b b a 110,> (6)乘方法则:)1*(0>∈>?>>n N n b a b a n n 且 (7)开方法则:)1*(0>∈>?>>n N n b a b a n n 且 二、一元二次不等式02>++c bx ax 和)0(02≠<++a c bx ax 及其解法 有两相异实根 有两相等实根注意:一般常用因式分解法、求根公式法求解一元二次不等式 顺口溜:在二次项系数为正的前提下:大于型取两边,小于型取中间 三、均值不等式

1.均值不等式:如果a,b 是正数,那么 ).""(2 号时取当且仅当==≥+b a ab b a 2、使用均值不等式的条件:一正、二定、三相等 3、平均不等式:平方平均≥算术平均≥几何平均≥调和平均(a 、b 为正数),即 2112a b a b +≥+(当 a = b 时取等) 四、含有绝对值的不等式 1.绝对值的几何意义:||x 是指数轴上点x 到原点的距离;12||x x -是指数轴上12,x x 两点间的距离 2、则不等式:如果,0>a a x a x a x -<><=>>或|| a x a x a x -≤≥<=>≥或|| a x a a x <<-<=><|| a x a a x ≤≤-<=>≤|| 3.当0c >时, ||ax b c ax b c +>?+>或ax b c +<-, ||ax b c c ax b c +?∈,||ax b c x φ+?-<<,|| (0)x a a x a >>?>或x a <-. (2)定义法:零点分段法; (3)平方法:不等式两边都是非负时,两边同时平方. 五、其他常见不等式形式总结: ①分式不等式的解法:先移项通分标准化,则 ()()0() () 0()()0;0()0 () ()f x g x f x f x f x g x g x g x g x ≥?>?>≥??≠? ②无理不等式:转化为有理不等式求解 ()0()0()()f x g x f x g x ?≥????≥?? ?>? 定义域 ???<≥?????>≥≥?>0 )(0)()] ([)(0)(0)()()(2x g x f x g x f x g x f x g x f 或 ??? ??<≥≥?<2 )] ([)(0 )(0 )()()(x g x f x g x f x g x f


Unit 5 The power of nature 1.★考点appoint vt.任命;委派 appoint sb.as/to be 任命某人担任…… appoint sb.to do sth.指定某人做某事 make/fix an appointment 约会,预约 2.★考点burn to the ground 把……烧光;全部焚毁burn to the ground 把……烧光;全部焚毁 burn...to death 烧死…… burn down 烧毁,烧光 get burnt 被烧伤;遭殃 3.★考点be about to do...when... 正要做……,这时……be about to do...when... 正要做……,这时…… be doing...when... 正在做……就在这时…… had (just) done...when... 刚做完……这时…… be on the point of doing...when... 正要做某事这时… 4.★考点make one’s way to/towards 前往;向……走去make one’s way 前往;向……走去;成功,有所成就

give way for 让路;让位于 feel one’s way 摸索着前行 on one’s/the way 在去……的路上 lose one’s way迷路 5.★考点shoot v.(shot,shot)射击,射中 辨析shoot/shoot at 6.★考点anxious adj.忧虑的;不安的 anxiety n.焦虑 anxiously adv.焦急地 be anxious to do 渴望做…… be anxious for/about 为……担心/担忧 7.★考点panic vt.& vi.恐慌;惊慌 温馨提示 panic 的过去式、过去分词均为panicked,动词-ing形式为panicking。be/feel panic over/about 因……而恐慌


精心整理 高二语文必修五知识点总结 【一】 一、文言实词 (2)众人匹之 古义:一般人今义:多数人,大家 (3)虽然,犹有未树也。

古义:虽然这样今义:转折连词 (4)穷发之北 古义:毛,草木今义:头发 (5)小年不及大年 生物之以息相吹也(名词,气息) 4.词类活用 (1)名词用作动词。而后乃今将图南(往南飞)/奚以之九万里而南为(往南飞) (2)使动用法。德合一君(使……满意)/彼于致福者(使……到

来)/而徵一国者(使……信任)二、文言虚词 1.之 (1)助词,的。鹏之背,不知其几千里也/其翼若垂天之云(助词,的) 悲乎 /而彭祖乃今以久特闻 (3)连词,表并列。若夫乘天地之正,而御六气之辩 (4)连词,表承接。而控于地而已矣 3.则

(1)连词,就。海运则将徙于南冥 (2)连词,或者。时则不至 (3)连词,那么。则其负大舟也无力 4.然 (2)副词,还。彼且恶乎待哉 (3)副词,将要。且适南冥也 7.于 (1)介词,对于。彼其于世/彼其于世

(2)介词,在。覆杯水于坳堂之上 8.其 (1)用在选择问句中,或许……或说得过去,是……还是……其正色邪?其远而无所至极邪 ) ) ) 朝来暮去颜色故。(古义:容貌。今义:色彩。) 又闻此语重唧唧。(古义:叹息声。今义:一般指虫鸣。) 凄凄不似向前声。(古义:刚才。今义:朝着前面。) 河内凶,则移其民于河东。(古:黄河。今义:泛指河流。)

(古:谷物收成不好。今义:凶恶,厉害。) 弃甲曳兵而走。(古:逃跑。今义:行,走路。) 是使民养生丧死无憾也。(古:供养活着的人。今义:保养身体。) 五十者可以衣帛矣。(古:可以凭借。今义:表示同意、认可。) ) ) ) ) ) 赢粮而景从。(古:背负,担负。今义:获得,获胜。) 山东豪俊遂并起而亡秦族矣。(古:崤山以东。今义:山东省。) 古之学者必有师。(古:求学的人。今义:有专门学问的人。) 吾从而师之。(古:跟随并且。今义:表因果的连词。)


必修五Module One 1.have… in common with 与…有相同的特点 2.make a difference to +n/doing 对…有影响,使不相同 3.get around 四处走动 4.confuse sb 是某人疑惑不解confusing 令人疑惑的 https://www.doczj.com/doc/0f11308646.html,pared with/to B,A… 跟B比起来,A… 6.in … ways 在…方面;用…方法 7.variety 种类variation 变化 a variety 一种;各种各样的 8.differ from 不同于differ in 在…方面不同 9.be similar to =resemble 与…相似 10.have difficulty/trouble/problems (in) doing 做某事有困难/麻烦 /问题 11.developed steadily稳定地发展 12.lead to 引起,导致 13.rapidly 迅速地 14.cute=attractive 喜爱的,有吸引力的 15.add to=increase 增加 16.in favor of 同意,支持 17.refer to A as B 称A为B 18.make an attempt to do…=attempt to do…=try doing… 尝试做 某事 19.simplify 简化

20.thanks to=due to=owing to=because of 幸亏,多亏 21.distinct 截然不同的,独立的;清楚的=clear distinctive 与众不同的,有特色的 Module Two 1. satisfy sb 使某人满意satisfied 令人满意的satisfying 使人感到满意的 2. stressful 充满压力的,紧张的 3. volunteer to do 自愿做某事 4. offer to do 主动做某事 5. particular 特定地in particular 尤其,特别 6. on average 平均 7. in theory 理论上in practice 实际上 8. pass by 经过 9. take… for granted 以为…理所当然 10. have a close encounter with 差点遇到 11. have an profound effect on 对…产生深远的影响 12. be qualified to do 有资格做某事 13. take up 占据;站好位置以备… 14. take notice of 注意到 15. temporary jobs暂时的工作 16. sign the contract 签合同


高中数学必修5知识点总结 第一章 解三角形 1、三角形三角关系:A+B+C=180°;C=180°-(A+B); 2、三角形三边关系:a+b>c; a-b,则90C <;③若 222a b c +<,则90C >. 注:正余弦定理的综合应用:如图所示:隔河看两目标


U5(选修六) 1 volcano n. 复数—volcanoes火山 an active volcano活火山 an extinct volcano死火山 a dormant volcano休眠火山 volcanology火山学 volcanologist火山学家 pianist钢琴家 physicist物理学家 Novelist小说家 2. erupt 1)(火山)爆发,喷发 Mount Vesuvius hasn’t erupted for a good many years. 维苏威火山已经多年没有爆发了。 2)(搏斗,暴力事件,噪音等)突然发生,爆发 Violence in street can erupt for no apparent reason. 街头暴力可以在没有明显原因的情况下爆发。 erupt into laughter/shouting/crying, etc.突然大笑/叫喊/大哭 He erupted into laughter without any reason. 他毫无理由地大笑起来。 3. alongside alongside= with “和” It’s a pleasure to work alongside such men. 与这样的人一起工作是一件乐事。 beside “在...旁边” The boat pulled up alongside the dock. adv. 在旁边;沿着;靠拢着;并排地 The police car pulled up alongside.那辆警车在旁边停下 4 equipment n.配备,装备 The complete equipment of the new hospital will take a year. 把这个新医院的设备配齐要化一年时间。 equip v.装备,使有准备使能够做某事 Equip ourselves with knowledge Equip the army with modern weapons 5. bored (人)厌烦的 boring (物)令人厌烦的 I am bored with the same old routine day after day. The book is boring. bore v. (尤指无聊的长话)使(人)厌烦


单词默写必修5 Unit 1 n. 特征;特性__________ n. 镭__________ n. 画家;油漆匠__________ 提出__________ adj. 科学的__________ vt. & vi. 结束;推断出__________ n. 结论;结束__________ 提出结论__________ vt. 分析__________ vt. 传染;感染__________ vt. 打败;战胜n. 失败__________ adj. 熟练的;经验或知识丰富的专家;行家__________ vt. 照顾;护理;出席;参加__________ n. 医生;内科医师__________ vt. 暴露;揭露;使曝光__________ 使显露;暴露__________ adj. 致命的__________ n. 治愈;痊愈__________ n. 爆发;发作__________ n.挑战vt. 向……挑战__________ n. 受害者__________ vt. 吸收;吸引;使专心__________ vt. 怀疑n.被怀疑者__________ n. 询问__________ n. 附近;邻近__________ adj. 严重的;剧烈的__________ adj. 线索;提示__________ n. 泵;抽水机vt. 抽水__________ vt. 预见;预知__________ vt. & vi. 调查__________ n. 调查__________ vt. 责备;谴责__________ vt. 污染;弄脏__________ n. 柄;把手vt.处理__________ vt. & n. 连接;联系__________ 将……和……联系或连接起来 __________ vt. 宣布;通知__________ n. 确信;确实__________ vt. 命令;指示;教导__________ adj. 有责任的;负责的__________ vt. 建设;修建__________ n. 建设;建筑物__________ vt. & vi. 捐献;捐助__________ 除……之外;此外__________ n. 烟火(燃放)__________ n. 图表__________ adj. 有创造力的;创造性的;独创 的__________ adj. 积极的;确实的__________ 对……严格的__________ n. 移动;运动;动作__________ 讲得通;有意义__________ adv. & adj. 向后地(的);相反地 (的);退步地(的)__________ n. 圈;环__________ adv. 私下地;秘密地__________ vi. & vt. (使)旋转;纺(线或纱) __________ n. 明亮;亮度;聪颖__________ adj. 小心的;谨慎的__________ vt. 拒绝;不接受;抛弃__________ n. 宇宙;世界__________ Unit 2 vi. & vt. 联合;团结__________ n. 王国__________ vi. 组成;在于;一致__________ 由……组成__________ n. 省;行政区__________ 把……分成__________ vt. 澄清;阐明__________ vt. 完成;达到;实现__________ n. 矛盾;冲突__________ adj. 不愿意(的);不乐意(的) __________ 挣脱(束缚);脱离__________ n. 联合;联盟;结合__________ n. 信任;学分;信贷__________ 为……带来荣誉;值得赞扬;在… 名下__________ n. 货币;通货__________ n. 制度;机制__________ adj. 教育的__________ n. 便利;方便__________ adj. 粗糙的;粗暴的__________ adv. 粗略地;粗糙地__________ adj. 全国性的;全国范围的 __________ vt. 吸引;引起注意__________ adj. 历史(上)的;有关历史的 __________ n. 建筑学;建筑艺术__________ n. 收藏品;珍藏;收集__________ n. 港口(城市)__________ n. 乡下;农村__________ adj. 令人愉快的;使人高兴的 __________ 省去;遗漏;不考虑__________ n. 机会;时机__________ n. 描写;描述__________ n. 传真(机)vt. 用传真传输(文件) __________ n. 可能(性)__________ prep. 加上;和adj. 加的;正的;零上的 __________ n. 争吵;争论;吵架vi. 争吵;吵架 __________ adj. 相同的;类似的__________ 代替__________ (机器)损坏;破坏__________ vt. 筹备;安排;整理__________ n. 婚礼__________ vt. 折叠;对折__________ n. 观光;游览__________ n.快乐;高兴;喜悦vt.使高兴;使欣喜 __________ adj. 王室的;皇家的;高贵的__________ n. 制服__________ adj. 壮丽的;辉煌的;极好的__________ n. 塑像;雕像__________ n. 共产主义__________ adj. 最初的;原始的;独创的;新颖的 __________ vt. 使激动;使胆战心惊__________


必修5知识点总结 1、正弦定理:在C ?AB 中,a 、b 、c 分别为角A 、B 、C 的对边,R 为C ?AB 的外接圆的半径,则有 2sin sin sin a b c R C ===A B . 2、正弦定理的变形公式:①2sin a R =A ,2sin b R =B ,2sin c R C =;②sin 2a R A =,sin 2b R B =,sin 2c C R =; ③::sin :sin :sin a b c C =A B ;④ sin sin sin sin sin sin a b c a b c C C ++=== A + B +A B . (正弦定理用来解决两类问题:1、已知两边和其中一边所对的角,求其余的量。2、已知两角和一边,求其余的量。) ⑤对于已知两边和其中一边所对的角的题型要注意解的情况。(一解、两解、无解三中情况) 如:在三角形AB C 中,已知a 、b 、A (A 为锐角)求B 画出图:法一:把a 扰着C 点旋转,看所得轨迹以AD 有无交点: 当无交点则B 无解、 当有一个交点则B 有一解、 当有两个交点则B 有两个解。 法二:是算出CD=bsinA,看a 的情况: 当ab 时,B 有一解 注:当A 为钝角或是直角时以此类推既可。 3、三角形面积公式:111 sin sin sin 222C S bc ab C ac ?AB = A == B . 4、余弦定理:在 C ?AB 中,有2222cos a b c bc =+-A ,2222cos b a c ac =+-B ,222 2cos c a b ab C =+-. 5、余弦定理的推论:222cos 2b c a bc +-A =,222cos 2a c b ac +-B =,222 cos 2a b c C ab +-=. (余弦定理主要解决的问题:1、已知两边和夹角,求其余的量。2、已知三边求角) 6、如何判断三角形的形状:设a 、b 、c 是C ?AB 的角A 、B 、C 的对边,则:①若2 2 2 a b c +=,则90C =o ; ②若2 2 2 a b c +>,则90C o . 附:三角形的五个“心”; 重心:三角形三条中线交点. 外心:三角形三边垂直平分线相交于一点. 内心:三角形三内角的平分线相交于一点. 垂心:三角形三边上的高相交于一点. 7、数列:按照一定顺序排列着的一列数. 8、数列的项:数列中的每一个数. 9、有穷数列:项数有限的数列. 10、无穷数列:项数无限的数列. 11、递增数列:从第2项起,每一项都不小于它的前一项的数列(即:a n+1>a n ). 12、递减数列:从第2项起,每一项都不大于它的前一项的数列(即:a n+1


必修1 第一章集合与函数概念 一、集合有关概念 1、集合的含义:某些指定的对象集在一起就成为一个集合,其中每一个对象叫元素。 2、集合的中元素的三个特性:1.元素的确定性;2.元素的互异性;3.元素的无序性 非负整数集(即自然数集)记作:N 正整数集N*或N+ 整数集Z 有理数集Q 实数集R 关于“属于”的概念 集合的元素通常用小写的拉丁字母表示,如:a是集合A的元素,就说a属于集合A 记作a∈A ,相反,a不属于集合A 记作a?A 二、集合间的基本关系 任何一个集合是它本身的子集。A?A ②真子集:如果A?B,且B?A那就说集合A是集合B的真子集,记作A?B(或B?A) 3. 不含任何元素的集合叫做空集,记为Φ 规定: 空集是任何集合的子集,空集是任何非空集合的真子集。 三、集合的运算 1.交集的定义:一般地,由所有属于A且属于B的元素所组成的集合,叫做A,B的交集.(即找公 共部分)记作A∩B(读作”A交B”),即A∩B={x|x∈A,且x∈B}. 2、并集的定义:一般地,由所有属于集合A或属于集合B的元素所组成的集合,叫做A,B的并集。(即A和B中所有的元素)记作:A∪B(读作”A并B”),即A∪B={x|x∈A,或x∈B}. 4、全集与补集 (1)补集:设S是一个集合,A是S的一个子集(即),由S中所有不属于A的元素组成的集合,叫做S中子集A的补集(或余集)(即除去A剩下的元素组成的集合) 四、函数的有关概念

定义域补充 能使函数式有意义的实数x的集合称为函数的定义域,求函数的定义域时列不等式组的主要依据是:(1)分式的分母不等于零;(2)偶次方根的被开方数不小于零;(3)对数式的真数必须大于零;(4)指数、对数式的底必须大于零且不等于1. (5)如果函数是由一些基本函数通过四则运算结合而成的.那么,它的定义域是使各部分都有意义的x的值组成的集合.(6)指数为零底不可以等于零(6)实际问题中的函数的定义域还要保证实际问题有意义. (又注意:求出不等式组的解集即为函数的定义域。) 构成函数的三要素:定义域、对应关系和值域 4.了解区间的概念 (1)区间的分类:开区间、闭区间、半开半闭区间;(2)无穷区间;(3)区间的数轴表示. 7.函数单调性 (1).增函数 设函数y=f(x)的定义域为I,如果对于定义域I内的某个区间D内的任意两个自变量a,b,当a


必修五·· Unit 1 characteristic n. 特征;特性radium n. 镭 painter n. 画家;油漆匠 *put forward 提出 scientific adj. 科学的 *conclude v.结束 conclusion n.结论 *draw a conclusion得出结论analyse v.分析 &infect v.传染 &infections v.传染的 &cholera adj.霍乱 *defeat v. 打败 expert adj.熟练的 *attend v.照顾 physician n.医生 *exposev.暴露 *expose...to使显露 deadly adj.致命的 *cure n.治愈 outbreak n.爆发 *challage n.挑战 victim n.受害者 absorb v.吸收 *suspect v.怀疑 enquiry n.询问neighbourhood n.附近 severe adj.严重的 &clue n.线索

pump n.泵 &Cambridge Street剑桥大街 foresee v.预见 &investigate v.调查 &investigation n.调查 *blame v.责备 *pollute v.污染 *handle n.柄 &germ n.微生物 *linkv.连接 *link...to... 将…和…联系或连接起来*announce n.宣布 &certainty n.确信 instruct v.命令 &responsible adj.有责任的 construct v.建设 construction n.建设 *contribute v.捐献 *apart from 除……之外 firework n.烟火 chart n.图表 &creative adj.有创造力的 &co-operative adj.合作的 positive adj.积极的 *(be) strict with...对……严格的 &Nicolaus Copernicus尼古拉.哥白尼 &revolutionary adj.革命的 movement n.移动 *make sense讲得通 backward adj.向后的 &loop n.圈 &privately adv.私下的 *spin v.(使)旋转 &brightness n.明亮 enthusiastic adj.热情的 cautious adj.小心的 *reject v.拒绝


高中数学必修五知识点汇总 第一章 解三角形 一、知识点总结 正弦定理: 1.正弦定理:2sin sin sin a b c R A B C === (R 为三角形外接圆的半径). 步骤1. 证明:在锐角△ABC 中,设BC=a,AC=b,AB=c 。作CH ⊥AB 垂足为点H CH=a ·sinB CH=b ·sinA ∴a ·sinB=b ·sinA 得到b b a a s i n s i n = 同理,在△ABC 中, b b c c sin sin = 步骤2. 证明:2sin sin sin a b c R A B C === 如图,任意三角形ABC,作ABC 的外接圆O. 作直径BD 交⊙O 于D. 连接DA. 因为直径所对的圆周角是直角,所以∠DAB=90° 因为同弧所对的圆周角相等,所以∠D 等于∠C. 所以C R c D sin 2sin == 故2sin sin sin a b c R A B C === 2.正弦定理的一些变式: ()sin sin sin i a b c A B C ::=::;()sin ,sin ,sin 22a b ii A B C R R ==2c R =; ()2sin ,2sin ,2sin iii a R A b R B b R C ===; (4)R C B A c b a 2sin sin sin =++++ 3.两类正弦定理解三角形的问题: (1)已知两角和任意一边,求其他的两边及一角. (2)已知两边和其中一边的对角,求其他边角.(可能有一解,两解,无解) 4.在ABC ?中,已知a,b 及A 时,解得情况: 解法一:利用正弦定理计算 解法二:分析三角形解的情况,可用余弦定理做,已知a,b 和角A ,则由余弦定理得 即可得出关于c 的方程:0cos 2222=-+-a b Ac b c 分析该方程的解的情况即三角形解的情况 ①△=0,则三角形有一解 ②△>0则三角形有两解 ③△<0则三角形无解 余弦定理:

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