当前位置:文档之家› 北语12春《英美文学选读》作业1(第4次)



1. How many periods are divided into in the creation years of Shakespeare?
A. three
B. four
C. two
D. five

2. Defoe's Robinson Crusoe created the image of an enterprising Englishman, typical of the English bourgeoisie in the ______ century.
A. 17th
B. 18th
C. 19th
D. 20th

3. In English poetry the _______ is regarded as the most common foot.
A. iamb
B. anapest
C. trochee
D. dactyl

4. The excerpt The Other Side of the Island was chosen from Chapter___ in Rubinson Crusoe.
A. Ⅸ
B. Ⅺ
C. Ⅹ
D. Ⅷ

5. "Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless?…And if God had gifted me with some beauty, and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you." The above quoted p
A. Pride and Prejudice
B. Jane Eyre
C. Wuthering Heights
D. Great Expectations

6. William Wordsworth, a romantic poet, advocated all the following EXCEPT
A. the use of everyday language spoken by the common people
B. the expression of the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings
C. the use of humble and rustic life as subject matter
D. the use of elegant wording and inflated figures of speech

7. All the following poets belong to lake poets EXCEPT
A. Wordsworth
B. Coleridge
C. Robert Southey
D. Shelley

8. In Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice, Antonio could not pay back the money he borrowed from Shylock, because ______.
A. his money was all invested in the newly-emerging textile industry
B. his enterprise went bankrupt
C. Bassanio was able to pay his own debt
D. his ships had all been lost

9. "Bassanio: Antonio, I am married to a wife Which is as dear to me as life itself; But life itself, my wife, and all the world, Are not with me esteem'd above thy life; I would lose all, ay, sacrifice them all, Here to the devil, to deliver you. Portia: Your wife would give you little thanks for that, If she were by to hear you make the offer." The above is a quotation taken from Shakespeare's comedy The Merchant of Venice. The quoted part can be regarded as a good example to illustrate___
A. dramatic irony
B. personification
C. allegory
D. symbolism

10. In the conversation with his wife in Chapter One of Pride and Prejudice, Mr. Bennet uses a(n) ______ tone with sarcastic humor.
A. solemn
B. harsh
C. arrogant
D. teasing

11. The term tone in literature means__________.
A. sound effect such as rhyme and metrical device
B. the pitch of a word used to determine its meaning in the given context
C. the manner of expression to indicate the speaker's attitude towards the subject
D. a shade of colour to reflect the change of the light


12. What does Wordsworth's poem "The Solitary Reaper" tell us about Romanticist?
A. To romanticists, poetry is an expression of an individual's feelings and experiences no matter how fragmentary and momentary these feelings and experiences are.
B. Romanticist take delight only in sound effect, the theme of a work is not their concern.
C. Ro

13. Which of the following is NOT a tragicomedy?
A. Timon of Athens
B. Cymbline
C. The winter's tale
D. The tempest

14. Which of the following is a tragedy?
A. Antony and Cleopatra
B. Twelfth Night
C. Julius Caesar
D. Much ado about Nothing

15. How many lines are there in a sonnet?
A. 16
B. 18
C. 14
D. 12

16. The poem Ode to a Nightingale was written by___
A. William Wordsworth
B. John Keats
C. Shelley
D. Coleridge

17. In Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth Bennet finds out some weak points about herself in the process of judging others. Which of the following is NOT a weak point of hers?
A. Blindness
B. Partiality
C. Snobbishness
D. Prejudice.

18. Hamlet is a prince of ___
A. England
B. Ireland
C. Britain
D. Denmark

19. Charles Dickens takes the French Revolution as the background of his novel ______.
A. Great Expectations
B. A Tale of Two Cities
C. Bleak House
D. Oliver Twist

20. The poem I wandered Lonely as a Cloud was written by ___
A. Dorothy Wordsworth
B. William Wordsworth
C. Coleridge
D. John Keats

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