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【公开课教案】外研版高一英语必修四unit4 reading 教案

【公开课教案】外研版高一英语必修四unit4 reading 教案
【公开课教案】外研版高一英语必修四unit4 reading 教案

Lesson plan for Great Scientists


外研版高中英语必修8 全册教学设计教案

目录 Module 1 Deep South Period II Module 1 Deep South Period III Module 1 Deep South Period IV Module 1 Deep South Period V Module 1 Deep South Period VI Module 1 Deep South Period Ⅰ Module 1《Deep South》 Module 2 The Renaissance--cultural corner and task Module 2 The Renaissance--function and grammar Module 2 The Renaissance--reading and vocabulary 1 Module 2 The Renaissance--reading practice Module 2 The Renaissance--Vocabulary and writing Module 2 The Renaissance--word list and introduction Module 3 Foreign Food--function and grammar Module 3 Foreign Food--reading and vocabulary Module 3 Foreign Food--reading practice Module 3 Foreign Food--vocabulary and writing Module 3 Foreign Food--word list and introduction Module 4 Which English--Cultural corner Module 4 Which English--Grammar Module 4 Which English--Introduction Module 4 Which English--Listening Everyday English Speaking Module 4 Which English--Reading and Vocabulary Module 4 Which English--Reading Practice Module 4 Which English--Speaking-Reading and Vocabulary (2)-Writing-Task Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe-- Introduction Reading and speaking Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe-- Listening Everyday English Speaking Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe-- Reading and Vocabulary Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe--Grammar Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe--Reading and Vocabulary (2) Writing Task Module 5 The Conquest of the Universe--Reading Practice Module 6 《War and Peace-grammer》 Module 6《The Tang Poems-Introduction》 Module 6《The Tang Poems-Language Points》 Module 6《The Tang Poems-Reading and writing》

新人教版高一英语必修四Unit 5 Theme parks 教案

新人教版高一英语必修四Unit 5 Theme parks 教案 Unit 5 Theme parks 1. 教材分析 本单元以Theme parks 为话题,旨在通过本单元的教学,使学生了解分散于世界各地的各种各样的主题公园,学会向别人介绍某个景点的大体情况,以及计划各项活动,同时培养学生对世界及生活的热爱。 Warming up通过向学生呈现四个风格各异的世界著名主题公园,激发学生学习本单元的兴趣。 Pre-reading 通过学生对主题公园里活动的想象,交流了解主题公园的有关知识。 Reading 通过介绍世界各地形式各异的主题公园概况,使学生了解风格迥异的各国主题公园。 Comprehending 让学生从文章的标题及各段大意来整体理解课文。 Learning about Language 分词汇和语法两部分。 Discovering useful words and expressions 中的练习1是

以给出意思写出相对应词汇的形式考查对文章中重要词汇及短语的理解。练习2 是以短文填词完型的形式考查对练习1中词汇的运用。练习4则以完成句子的形式考查学生对get/ be closer to这一短语不同意义及用法的准确运用。 Discovering useful structures 是通过填表格的练习方式向学生呈现英语词汇不同的构词法(合成及派生)。 Using Language 分为四个部分练习听、说、读、写。 1) Listening练习听力可配合Listening on P69 in Workbook及Listening Task on P73 进行。 2)Reading and speaking这是一篇泛读文章,介绍更新奇的主题公园(观察未来)。然后让学生练习朗读课文的第二段,注意个别特殊的发音方式。接着把(观察未来)公园的各项活动性质归类及解释理由。然后根据自己对文章的理解为该主题公园绘制一张地图。最后分别说出(观察未来)主题公园会让你体验到的三种时间及空间的经历。 3)Writing要求介绍某一主题公园的概况,包括种类,方位,各活动项目及门票收费。 4)Speaking根据所准备的公园概况介绍写一段 对话,作为导游回答一位正在游览公园的朋友对公园情况的一些询问。 2. 教材重组 因本教材重点强调的是阅读能力,故将Warming-up,


高中英语外研版必修1~3单词表高中英语外研版必修一单词表 Module 1 academic [,?k?'demik] adj. 学术的 province ['pr?vins] n. 省 enthusiastic [in,θju:zi'?stik] adj.热心的, amazing [?'meizi?] adj.令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的information [,inf?'mei??n] n. 消息 website [ web’sait] n.网站;网址 brilliant ['brilj?nt] adj.(口语)极好的 comprehension [,k?mpri'hen??n] n. 理解,领悟 instruction [in'str?k??n] n.(常作复数)指示;说明method ['meθ?d] n. 方法 bored ['b?: d] adj.厌烦的;厌倦的 embarrassed [im'b?r?st] adj.尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的attitude ['?titju:d] n. 态度

behaviour [bi'heivj?] n. 行为;举动 previous ['pri:vi?s] adj.以前的;从前的 description [di'skrip??n] n.记述;描述 amazed [?'meizd] adj. 吃惊的;惊讶的 embarrassing [im'b?r?si?] adj.令人尴尬的;令人难堪的technology [tek'n?l?d?i] n. 技术 impress [im'pres] vt.使印象深刻 correction [k?'rek??n] n. 改正;纠正 encouragement [in'k?rid?m?nt] n. 鼓励;激励enjoyment [in'd??im?nt] n.享受;乐趣 fluency ['flu:?nsi] n.流利;流畅 misunderstanding [,mis?nd?'st?ndi?] n. 误解disappointed [,dis?'p?intid] adj. 失望的disappointing [,dis?'p?inti?] adj.令人失望的 system ['sist?m] n. 制度;体系;系统 teenager ['ti:nid??] n.少年


1、下列各项中加点字注音有误的一项是()(2分) A宽恕(shù)胚(pēi)芽阔绰(chuò) 风雪载(zài)途 B收敛(liǎn)愧怍(zuò) 慰藉(jí) 妇孺(rú)皆知 C彷(páng)徨沉湎(miǎn) 繁衍(yǎn) 颔(hàn)首低眉 D哺(bǔ)育告罄(qìng) 馈(kuì)赠粗制滥(làn)造 2、下列加点字注音全部正确的一项是()(2分) A、峥嵘(zhēng)黝黑(y?u)地窖(jiào)头晕目眩(xuán) B、慰藉(jí)攫取(jué)羁绊(bàn)水皆缥碧(pi?o) C、胆怯(qiè)蹿升(cuān)蓦然(mù)随声附和(hè) D、嗔视(chēn)干瘪(bi?)怄气(òu)气息奄奄(y?n) 3、下列词语中加点字的注音有错误的一项是() A.觅食mì惧惮dàn 萧索xiāo 臆测yì B.山麓lù栈桥jiàn 惘然mǎnɡ煞白shà C.汲取jí诅咒zǔ孕育yùn 窒息zhì D.亵渎xiè搓捻cuō芳馨xīn 繁衍yǎn 4、下列各组词语中,加点字的注音不全正确的一项是()(2分) A. 扒(pá)窃枯涸(hé)背(béi)包小心翼翼(yì) B. 稽(jì)首嫉(jì)妒屏(píng)蔽迥(jiǒng)异不同 C. 哽(gěng)咽亢(kàng)奋豆豉(ch?)苦心孤诣(yì) D. 蜷(quán)伏星宿(xiù)空乘(chéng)毛骨悚(sǒng)然 5、下列词语中加点的字,读音全部正确的一组是(3分) A.落难(nàn) 确凿(záo) 触(cù)目伤怀长吁(xū)短叹 B.称(chèn)职勾(gòu)当百鸟啾(jiū)啾大彻(chè)大悟 C.嗤(chī)笑倒坍(tā) 一抔(póu)黄土苦心孤诣(yì) D.绮( qí)丽执拗(niù) 影影绰(chuò)绰味同嚼(jiáo)蜡 6、下列各项中书写有误的一项是()(2分) A瞻望深遂陨落翻来覆去 B疮痍伎俩迁徙沧海桑田 C嶙峋荒谬涟漪忍俊不禁 D点缀骸骨蓦然天伦之乐 7、下列词语书写全部正确的一项是() A.禀告滑稽险象叠生随机应变 B.归咎潺弱骇人听闻恪敬职守 C.鄙夷阴霾囊萤印雪肃然起敬 D.匀称酬和望眼欲穿鳞次栉比 8、下列词语中有两个错别字的一项是()(2分) A.高谈阔论坛花一现迫不及待窃窃私语 B.神采奕奕彬彬有礼破镜重圆月白风清 C.世外桃园晓风残月顺藤摸瓜事半功倍 D.四面楚歌挺而走险厚此薄彼貌和神离 9、下列词语中没有错别字的一项是 A.和谐其实是美丽的一种更高境界,它能够平和心境,净化心灵。 B.中华大地喜迎盛事,北京将张灯节彩迎接各地嘉宾。 C.正因为我们心中有盏红绿灯,我们的生活才能井然有绪,多姿多彩。


A brief teaching design A taste Of English humor(新人教版高中英语必修4) 一、教材分析(教材的地位及作用): 该课选自新人教版高中英语必修4第3单元阅读部分。该部分以“无声的幽默”为题,介绍了世界著名的电影演员、喜剧大师查理卓别林以及他在无声电影时代的精湛表演。他运用滑稽、夸张的动作表情,让观众在捧腹大笑之余,体会在琐屑、卑微之中隐藏的深刻本质。因此,教授该单元时要让学生认识到这一点。同时鼓励学生保持乐观的人生态度,培养幽默感,陶冶情操。还要通过阅读这篇课文,进一步提高学生听、说、读、写的综合素质能力。以此达到《英语课程标准》中提出的“让学生通过感知,体验,实践,参与和合作等方式感受成功。形成积极的学习态度,促进语言交际应用能力的提高。 二、学情分析 高一学生,虽然经过了初中三年的学习,但所掌握的单词量少,口语表达能力弱,又缺乏良好的英语语言环境,学生学习英语的兴趣低。这些原因导致了课堂上师生的配合不够融洽。但学生对课堂中设置的学习活动参与性较好,在同组同学的配合及教师的帮助下可以取得良好的效果。因此,将知识直观呈现,从易入手,使学生感觉到容易理解容易掌握,调动学生的学习兴趣和积极性成为教师要攻克的主要难关。借助多媒体,让学生感受真实情境,通过对本的学习提升学习英语的兴趣。 三、确立教学目标,重难点 根据课程标准的要求,及本课在教材中所处的地位和作用,结合学生的实际学情,确立教学目标及重点与难点: (一)教学目标 1.知识目标: 通过对阅读的学习,进行全面、整体理解,引发思考,达到强化学生语言意识、积累语言经验的目的。从而提高英语的口头与书面表达能力。 2.过程与方法目标: 通过Reading简单了解无声幽默大师---卓别林。 3.情感、态度与价值观目标


第一学期中段考试 高一级英语试卷(必修模块I)I. Listening(22.5分): 第一节:请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项(15分): 听第1段对话,回答第1至第3题: 1. Who enjoys the stay in Hong Kong? A. Mr Bush B. Miss King C. Mrs Brown 2. What kind of food does the man prefer? A. Chinese food B. European food C. American food 3. Where will the speakers have lunch? A. At a Chinese Restaurant B. At a Korean Restaurant C. At Brown’s Restaurant 听第2段对话,回答第4至第6题: 4. What’s the relationship between the speakers? A. Teacher and student B. Manager and secretary C. Father and daughter 5. How did the woman do her work? A. Efficiently B. Quickly C. Carelessly 6. What is the customer’s name? A. Sam B. Seam C. Sean 听第3段对话,回答第7至第9题: 7. Where are the two speakers now? A. In the office B. At the airport C. On the street 8. What is the most probable result of the conversation? A. The woman refuses to help the man. B. The woman helps to type the report immediately. C. The woman accepts the man’s request. 9. What’s the relationship between the speakers? A. Colleagues B. Classmates C. Cousins 听第4段对话,回答第10至第12题: 10. What is the man’s telephone number? A. B. C. 11. Which language will the man learn? A. German B. French C. Japanese 12. Which level of class will the man take? A. Elementary B. Secondary C. Advanced 听第5段对话,回答第13至第15题: 13. What are the speakers talking about? A. Holidays B. Mr Green’s son C. The weather 14. When does Tom go to school?


高一英语第十一次课----- 必修三module3 一、考点、热点回顾 (一)key words and phrases 1.experience vt.经历n(可数)经历n(不可数)经验 2.cause vt.引起,导致cause sb. to do sth.导致某人去做某事cause sb. trouble/problems 给某人带来麻烦/问题 cause n.起因,理由,事业-------指造成某事的直接原因,后常接of或to do reason n.原因,理由------指从逻辑推理上得出的原因,后常接for或定语从句。 3.bury vt.埋葬 bury oneself in =be buried in 专心于,埋头于bury one’s face in one’s hands 双手捂脸4.occur vi.发生-------指发生时,有计划无计划均可。脑海中出现某种想法。 happen vi.发生------指事先无计划偶然发生。碰巧作某事happen to do sth. take place 发生-------指事先安排,计划的事情。举行。 以上三词均无被动形式。 sth. Occurs sb. 某人想起=strike/hit eg: A good idea occurred to me . It occurs to sb. to do sth.某人想起It occurred to me to visit my teacher. It occurs to sb. that…某人想起It occurred to me that I should visit my teacher. 5.take off 去掉,脱掉,起飞,成功,休假,减去,移动 6.strike vt&n.(雷电,暴风雨等)袭击=hit,击打,碰撞,罢工,想起=occur to,打动 (1)The miners went on strike for higher pay. (2)Does this clock strike twelve? (3)A good idea struck me while I was walking along the river. (4)He hit me ,so I struck him back. (5)A huge forest fire broke out after the lighting struck. (6)I am still struck by the native beauty of the lake. 7.ruin vt.毁坏,破坏,使堕落n.毁灭,崩溃,废墟in ruins 变成一片废墟 8.warn vt.警告,告诫,提醒注意warn sb. of/about sth.提醒某人注意某事 warn sb. not to do sth.= warn sb.against doing sth. 提醒某人不要做某事 give a warning 发出警告without warning 毫无预警 9.in all 总共,总计 above all 最重要的是after all 毕竟at all 确实,根本first of all首all of a sudden突然all in all从各方面考虑all along一直,始终 10.possibility n.可能性,可能发生的事 There is a/no possibility that… 有(不)可能There is a/no possibility of doing sth.有(没有)的可能 possible adj.可能的It is possible (for sb.)to do sth. It is possible that……. 11.set fire to =set….on fire 放火(焚烧)……. on fire着火(状态)catch fire 着火(动作)put out a fire扑灭火 12.put out 扑灭(火),伸出,出版 put off推迟put up张贴,建造put away放好,收好put on 穿上,上演put forward 提出 1.拿起;拾起;搭载;学会;收听2.平均 3.有史以来4.到……时为止 5.结束;告终6.扑灭 7.放火烧…… 8.总共 9.带来损害10.使某人无家可归 pick up on average of all time by the time end up put out set fire to in all do/cause damage make sb. homeless

外研高一英语必修四教案:Module 6 单词点拨

result “结果;导致” ____1. ...result from sth.“由于某事导致……结果” His failure resulted from his carelessness. 他的失败是由他的粗心大意所导致的。 2. result in sth. “导致某种结果” His curiosity resulted in his death. 他的好奇心导致他的死亡。 3. as a result (of sth.)“结果;因为;作为某事的结果” It snowed heavily; as a result, the train was late. 天下大雪了;结果,火车晚点了。 →The train was delayed as the result of the heavy snow. 由于大雪火车晚点了。 escape “逃脱;逃离;逃跑” 1. escape sth. / being done “逃脱;避免” He was fortunate to escape punishment / being punished. 他很幸运避免了惩罚。 The fox escaped the hunter. 狐狸躲开了猎人。 2. escape from a place “从某处逃跑” He escaped from prison. 他从监狱逃跑了。 3. a narrow escape “九死一生” The workers experienced a narrow escape from the accident. 工人们九死一生逃离了事故现场。 forbid “禁止;不许” ____1. forbid sb. sth. “禁止某人某事” The doctor forbad him wine. 医生禁止他饮酒。 2. forbid sb. to do sth. “禁止某人做某事” The teacher forbids us to smoke. 老师禁止我们吸烟。 3. forbid sb?蒺s. doing sth. / that sb. (should) do sth. “禁止某人做某事” They forbid your entering / that you should enter the room. 他们禁止你进入这个房间。4. the Forbidden City “紫禁城” the forbidden fruit 禁果the forbidden zone 禁区

人教版高中英语必修四Unit 4课文翻译

人教版高中英语必修四Unit 4课文翻译 Unit 4 Body language ―Reading― COMMUNICATION: NO PROBLEM? 交际:没有问题了吗? Yesterday, another student and I, representing our university's student association, went to the Capital International Airport to meet this year's international students. 昨天,我和另一个学生代表我们学校的学生会,到首都国际机场迎接今年的留学生。They were coming to study at Beijing University. We would take them first to their dormitories and then to the student canteen. 他们来北京大学学习。我们会首先把他们带到宿舍,然后去学生食堂。After half an hour of waiting for their flight to arrive, I saw several young people enter the waiting area looking around curiously. 在等了半个小时之后,我看见几个年轻人走进了等候区,好奇地向四周张望。I stood for a minute watching them and then went to greet them. 站着观察了他们一分钟后,我便走过去跟他们打招呼。 The first person to arrive was Tony Garcia from Colombia, closely followed by Julia Smith from Britain. 第一个到达的是从哥伦比亚来的托尼?加西亚,随后紧跟着的是英国的朱莉娅?史密斯。After I met them and then introduced them to each other, I was very surprised. 在与他们碰面并介绍他们彼此认识之后,我(对看到的情景)感到很吃惊。


1. 2. 第1讲 简单句的五种基本结构 英语句子的基本结构可以归纳成五种基本句型及其扩大、组合、省略或倒装。掌握这五种基本句型,是掌握各种英语句子结构的基础。 英语五种基本句型结构如下: 主语 谓语 用符号表示为: ① S V (主+谓) ② S V O (主+谓+宾) ③ S V o O (主+谓+间宾+直宾) ④ S V O C (主+谓+宾+宾补) ⑤ S V P (主+系+表) 主语(subject ) 谓语(predicate ) 宾语(object ) 定语(attribute ) 状语(adverbial) 补语(complement ) 表语(predicative ) 考点1. 基本句型 一:S V (主+谓) 这类句子的谓语动词都是不及物动词,都不带宾语,但可以带状语,常见的不及物动词有: act, come, go, work, last, fall, cry, disappear, appear, smile, rise, ring, live, look, listen, laugh, hurry, talk, sleep, graduate, die, care, agree, jump, fail, wait, succeed, stay, sit, lie, shine, happen, take place, rain, snow, ect. 如: It is raining now. (S V) We've worked for 5 hours. (S V) The meeting lasted half an hour. (S V) Time flies. (S V) vi. vt . link.v. 宾语 宾语(间)宾语(直) 宾语 宾语补足语 表语 ① ⑤ ② ④ ③


外研版高中英语必修4 全册教学设计教案

目录 Module1 Period1 Introduction Reading and Vocabulary Module1 Period2 Function Listening and Speaking Module1 Period3 Grammar Pronunciation Module1 Period4 Writing Everyday English Module2 Period1 Introduction;Reading and Vocabulary Module2 Period2 Function;Listening and Speaking Module2 Period3 using language Module2 Period4 Speaking;Writing;Everyday English Module2 Period5 Cultural Corner;Task;Module File Module3 Period1 Introduction Module3 Period2 Module3 Period3 Module3 Period4 Module3 Period5 Module4 Period1 Introduction and writing Module4 Period2 Vocabulary and Reading Module4 Period3 Function;Grammar 1,2 Module4 Period4 Listening;Pronunciation;Speaking Module5 Period1 introduction; Vocabulary and Reading Module5 Period2 Grammar;Function;Pronunciation


Unit 1 Women of achievement 1. Target language a. achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote ... to b. Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day. P2 Everybody sits and waits while the animals in the group begin to wake up and move. P2 But the evening makes it all worthwhile. P2 ... we see them go to sleep together in their nest for the night. P2 2. Ability goals a. Learn Warming Up, and know how to tell the great women and the famous women. b. Learn the way to describe a person from what the person did, what she/he looks like and so on. 3. Learning ability goals Teach Ss how to describe a person. Teaching important points a. By reading A protector of African wildlife, students can learn from Jane Goodall in at least two aspects: b. Ask students to answer these questions: 1) What made her a great success? 2) What should we learn from Jane Goodall? Teaching difficult points Let everyone believe that all of us can become Jane Goodall. Teaching methods Inspiration, Questioning and Discussion. Teaching aids A computer, a projector and a recorder.


高一上学期期末考试英语试卷 (考试时间为120分钟,满分150分) 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21.The moment the cat heard the mice noises,it of the door. A.make,rushed out B.making,rushing out C.make,rushing out D.making,rushed out 22.The naughty boy to me that the hen there just now had two eggs the day before.A.laid,laid,laid B.1ied,lying,laid C.1ied,laid,lain D.1aid,lay,lain 23.The police found that the house and a lot of things . A.has been broken into,has been stolen B.had broken in,had been stolen C.had been broken into,stolen D.has been broken into,stolen 24.一I hear Jane fell off her bike and had her arm hurt. —,why not go to see her? A.If so B.If it C.If not D.If ever 25.一I’d like to take a week’s holiday. 一.We’re too busy. A.Don’t worry B.Don’t mention it C.Pardon me D.Forget it 26.The look on her face suggested that she it before. A.amazing,wouldn’t know B.amazed,hadn’t known C.amazing,hadn’t known D.amazed,shouldn’t know 27.We spent a day in the country,picking wild flowers. the car full of flowers we went home. A.Filling B.Making C.On D.With 28.It is quite impossible for people to do work in a day. A.such little,such much B.so few,so much C.such few,so much D.so few,so little 29.Not only interested in football but beginning to show an interest in it.A.the teacher himself is,all his students are B.the teacher himself is,are all his students C.is the teacher himself.are all his students D.is the teacher himself,all his students are 30. made me unhappy was he didn’t give me a call and left. A.What,what B.Which,what C.That,that D.What,that 31.一This is picture I told you about. 一I see.Isn’t it beautiful one? A.a,a B.a,the C.the,the D.the,a 32.I will never forget the day Shenzhou VII was launched,has a great effect on my life. A.when,which B.that,which C.which,that D.when,that 33.Tuantuan and Yuanyuan are the names given to the two pandas which have been sent to Taiwan. A.commonly B.Officially C.personally D.generally 34.一What will happen to the children if Jim and Mary ? 一I don’t know but I think it’s a really terrible thing.


【推荐】2020年外研版高中英语必修一(全册)精品教案汇总 第一学期高一英语讲义1 Book 1 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 课时1词汇; 课型A(基础);课长30分钟 一、词汇互译 1.____________________ 换句话说 2. ____________________ 期待, 盼望 3. ____________________ 在……开始的时候 4. ____________________ 在……结束的时候 5. ____________________ 上大学 6. ____________________ 被(划)分成…… 7. take part in ____________________ 8. ____________________ 理科 9. ____________________ A 与 B 之间的区别 10. be similar to … ____________________ 11. ____________________ 对…的态度 12. teaching method ____________________ 13. ____________________ 写下, 记下 14. nothing like ____________________ 15. have fun ____________________ make fun of … ____________________ 16. 倍数表达法:

A is three times____________________ B. A is three times ____________________B. A is three times ____________________B. 17. ____________________ 不同于… 18. ____________________ 和…一样 二、词汇运用 1.the differences between A and B 你知道英语和美语有什么区别吗? _______________________________________________________________________________ 2.one’s attitude to \ towards sth. (doing sth.) 对于学习英语, 你的态度是怎样的? _______________________________________________________________________________ 3.behave oneself/behave badly 老实点! _______________________________________________________________________________ 4.be friendly to 他对待别人总是很友好。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 5.introduce A to B\oneself 首先请允许我介绍一下自己。 _______________________________________________________________________________ 6.in other words 你明天不用来上班了。换句话说, 你被炒了。 ______________________________________________________________________________


外研版高中英语必修1全册精品教案 外研版高中英语必修1 全册教学设计教案

目录 必修1教案Module 1 1st period 必修1教案Module 1 2nd period 必修1教案Module 1 3rd period 必修1教案Module 1 4th period 必修1教案Module 1 6th period 必修1教案Module 1 7th period 必修1教案Module 2 1st period 必修1教案Module 2 2nd period 必修1教案Module 2 3rd period 必修1教案Module 2 4th period 必修1教案Module 2 5th period 必修1教案Module 2 6th period 必修1教案Module 2 7th period 必修1教案Module 3 1st period 必修1教案Module 3 2nd period 必修1教案Module 3 3rd period 必修1教案Module 3 4th period 必修1教案Module 3 5th period 必修1教案Module 3 6th period 必修1教案Module 3 7th period 必修1教案Module 4 1st period 必修1教案Module 4 2nd period 必修1教案Module 4 3rd period 必修1教案Module 4 4th period 必修1教案Module 4 5th period 必修1教案Module 4 6th period 必修1教案Module 4 7th period 必修1教案Module 5 1st period 必修1教案Module 5 2nd period 必修1教案Module 5 3rd period 必修1教案Module 5 4th period 必修1教案Module 5 5th period 必修1教案Module 6 1st period 必修1教案Module 6 2nd period 必修1教案Module 6 3rd period 必修1教案Module 6 4th period 必修1教案Module 6 5th period 必修1教案Module 6 6th period 必修1教案Module 6 7th period

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