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GRE Exercise
GRE Exercise


Exercise 37

1、Currently, pumps that could boost the natural pressure sufficiently to drive the crude through a pipeline to the shore do not work (i)____ because of the crude’s content. Crude may consist of oil or natural gas in (ii)____ states-combinations of liquids, gases, and solids under pressure-that do not reach the wellhead in (iii)___ proportions. The flow of crude oil, for example, can change quickly from 60 percent liquid to 70 percent gas.

2、Because painting frescoes requires an unusually sophisticated hand, particularly

in the representation of human form, the development of drawing skill was (i)___ to artistic training in Tuscany, and by 1500 the public there tended to distinguish artists on the basis of how well they could draw human figures. In Venice, a city virtually without frescoes, this kind of skill was acquired and (ii)___ much later. Gentile Bellini, for example, although regarded as one of the supreme painters of the day, was (iii)___ at drawing.

3、Currently, legal scholars agree that in some cases legal rules do not specify a definite outcome. These scholars believe that such (i)___ results from the (ii)___ of language: the boundaries of the application of a term are often unclear. Nevertheless, they maintain that the system of legal rules by and large rests on clear core meanings that do determine definite outcomes for most cases. Contrary to this view, an earlier group of legal philosophers, called “realists”, argued that (iii)___ pervades every part of the law.

4、The kind of civil disobedience King had in mind was, in fact, quite different from Thoreau’s view of civil disobedience. Thoreau, like most other transcendentalists, was primarily interested in reform of the (i)___ ,whereas King was primarily

interested in reform of society. As a protest against the Mexican War, Thoreau refused to pay taxes, but he did not hope by his action to force a change in national policy. While he (ii)___ others to adopt similar protests, he did not attempt to mount

any mass protest action against unjust laws. In contrast to Thoreau, King began to (iii)___ the use of mass civil disobedience to effect revolutionary changes within the social system.

5、The old belief that climatic stability accounts for the high level of species diversity in the Amazon River basin of South America emerged, strangely enough, from observations of the deep sea. Sanders discovered high diversity among the mud-dwelling animals of the deep ocean. He argued that such diversity could be attributed to the absence of significant (i)___ in climate and physical conditions, without which the (ii)___ of species should be rare. In the course of time new species would continue to evolve, and so the rate of speciation would be greater than the rate of (iii)___ , resulting in the accumulation of great diversity.

6、The advantages of (i)___ the scope of such studies is immediately apparent in Pelling and Webster’s study of sixteenth-century London. Instead of (ii)___ officially recognized and licensed practitioners, the researchers defined a medical practitioner as “any individual whose occupation is basically concerned with the care of the sick.”Using this definition, they found primary source information suggesting that there were 60 women medical practitioners in the city of London in 1560. Although this figure may be slightly exaggerated, the evidence (iii)___ with that of Gottfried, whose earlier survey identified only 28 women medical practitioners in all of England between 1330 and 1530.

7、Modern architecture has been criticized for emphasizing practical and technical issues at the expense of (i)___ concerns. The high-rise buildings constructed throughout the industrialized world in the 1960s and 1970s provide ample evidence that (ii)___ and utility have became the overriding concerns of the modern architect. However, Otto Wagner’s seminal text on modern architecture, first published in Germany in 1896, indicates that the failure of modern architecture cannot be (iii)___ on the ideals of its founders.

8、Most of Watteau’s nineteenth-century admires simply ignored the (i)___ background of the works they found so lyrical and charming. Those who took the (ii)___ historical facts into consideration did so only in order to (iii)___ the widely held deterministic view that the content and style of an artist’s work were absolutely dictated by heredity and environment.

9、The legislation of a country recently considered a bill designed to reduce the

(i)___ inherent in the ownership of art by specifying certain conditions that must be met before an allegedly stolen work of art can be reclaimed by a plaintiff. The bill places the burden of proof in reclamation litigation entirely on the plaintiff, who must (ii)___ that the holder of an item knew at the time of purchase that it had been stolen. Therefore, the bill creates a uniform national statute of (iii)___ for reclamation of stolen cultural property.

10、J. G. A. Pocock’s numerous investigations have all revolved around the fruitful assumption that a work of political thought can only be understood in light of the linguistic (i)___ to which its author was subject, for these prescribed both the choice of subject matter and the author’s conceptualization of this subject matter. Only the occasional epic theorist, like Machiavelli or Hobbes, (ii)___ in breaking out of these (iii)___ by redefining old terms and inventing new ones.

Exercise 38

1、The language Pocock has most closely investigated is that of “civic humanism”. For much of his career he has argued that eighteenth-century English political thought should be interpreted as a (i)___ between rival versions of the “virtue”central to civic humanism. On the one hand, he argues, this virtue is described by representatives of the Tory opposition using a vocabulary of public spirit and

(ii)___ .For these writers the societal ideal is the small, independent landowner in the countryside. On the other hand, Whig writers describe such virtue using a vocabulary of commerce and economic progress; for them the ideal is the (iii)___.

2、There is no direct evidence linking increased quality of underfunded segregated

black schools to these improvements in earning potential. In fact, even the evidence on relative schooling quality is (i)___. Although in the mid-1940s term length at black schools was (ii)___ that in white schools, the rapid growth in another important measure of school quality, school expenditures, may be explained by increase in teachers’ salaries, and historically, such increases have not necessarily increased school quality. Finally, black individuals in all age groups, even those who had been educated at segregated schools before the 1940s, experienced post-1960 (iii)___ in their earning potential.

3、Art historians’ approach to French Impressionism has changed significantly in recent years. While a decade ago Rewald’s History of Impressionism, which emphasizes Impressionist painters’ stylistic innovations, was (i)___ , the literature on impressionism has now become a kind of ideological battlefield, in which more attention is paid to the subject matter of the paintings, and to the social and moral issues raised by it, than to their (ii)___. Recently, politically charged discussions that address the impressionists’ unequal treatment of men and women and the exclusion of modern industry and labor from their pictures have tended to (iii)___ the stylistic analysis favored by Rewald and his followers.

4、In order to make economic development agreements more attractive to investors, some developing countries have attempted to (i)___ the security of such agreements with clauses specifying that the agreements will be governed by a set of legal principles or rules shared by the world’s major legal systems. However, advocates of governments’ freedom to modify or (ii)___ such agreements argue that these agreements fall within a special class of contracts known as administrative contracts, a concept that originated in French law, but their argument its (iii)___.

5、Suppose I am watching a movie and see a snake gliding toward its victim. Surely

I might experience the same emotions of panic and distress, though I know the snake is not real. These responses extend even to phenomena not conventionally accepted as real. A movie about ghosts, for example, may be terrifying to all viewers, even those who firmly (i)___ the possibility of ghosts, but this is not because viewers are confusing cinematic depiction with (ii)___. Moreover, I can feel strong emotions in response to objects of art that are interpretations, rather than (iii)___ ,of reality: I am moved by Mozart’s Requiem, a composition for the dead, but I know that I am not at a real funeral.

6、Anthropologist David Mandelbaum makes a distinction between life-passage studies and life-history studies which emerged primarily out of research concerning Native Americans. Life-passage studies, he says, “emphasize the requirements of society, showing how groups socialize and enculturate their young in order to make them into (i)___ members of society.” Life histories, however, “emphasize the experiences and requirements of the (ii)___ , how the person copes with society rather than how society copes with the stream of individuals.” Life-passage studies bring out the general cultural characteristics and commonalities (a common feature or attribute) that broadly define a culture, but are (iii)___ an individual’s choices or how the individual perceives and responds to the demands and expectations imposed by the constraints of his or her culture. This distinction can clearly be seen in the autobiographies of Native American women.

7、Because his work concentrates on the nineteenth century, McLaughlin unfortunately overlooks earlier sources of influence, such as eighteenth-century White resident traders and neighbors, thus (i)___ the relative impact of the missionaries of the 1820s in contributing to both acculturation and resistance to it among the Cherokee. However, McLaughlin is (ii)___ in recognizing that culture is an ongoing process rather than (iii)___ , and he has made a significant contribution to our understanding of how Cherokee culture changed while retaining its essential identity after confronting the missionaries.

8、Many argue that recent developments in electronic technology such as computers and videotape have enabled artists to vary their forms of expression. By contrast, others claim that technology (i)___ the artistic enterprise: that artistic efforts achieved with machines preempt human creativity, rather than being inspired by it. Some even worry that technology will (ii)___ live performance altogether, but these negative views seem unnecessarily cynical. In fact, technology has traditionally (iii)___ our capacity for creative for creative expression and can refine our notions of any five art form.

9、Until recently, it was thought that the Cherokee, a Native American tribe, were compelled to (i)___ Euro-American culture during the 1820s. During that decade, it was supposed, White missionaries arrived and, together with their part-Cherokee intermediaries, forced Cherokee tribes to (ii)___ the benefits of “civilization” and the United States government actively promoted acculturation by (iii)___ the Cherokee to switch from hunting to settled agriculture, an agricultural form which is more common in Euro-American Culture. This view was based on the assumption that the end of a Native American group’s economic and political autonomy would automatically mean the end of its cultural autonomy as well.

10、The orthodox view that the wealthiest individuals were the most powerful is

(i)___ by Rubinstein’s study. In his analysis, this orthodox view has a problem that many millionaires who are totally unknown to nineteenth-century historians: the reason for their (ii)___ could be that they were not powerful. Indeed, Rubinstein (iii)___ any notion that great wealth had anything to do with entry into the governing elite, as represented by bishops, higher civil servants, and chairmen of manufacturing companies. The only requirements were university attendance and a father with a middle-class income.

Exercise 39

1、Blassingame has taken pains to show that the editors of several of the more famous antebellum slave narratives were “noted for their integrity” and thus were unlikely to (i)___ the facts given them by slave narrators. From a (ii)___ standpoint, however, it is not the moral integrity of these editors that is at issue but the linguistic, structural, and tonal integrity of the narratives they produces. Even if an editor (iii)___ reproduced the facts of a narrator’s life, it was still the editor who decided what to make of these facts, how they should be emphasized, in what order they ought to be presented, and what was extraneous or germane.

2、Generally languages define social groups and provide (i)___ for social structures. Hence, a (ii)___ language sets a cultural group off from the dominant language group. Throughout United States history this pattern has resulted in one unhappy consequence—(iii)___ members of the cultural minority.

3、If the United States is truly a (i)___ nation——that is, if it is one culture reflecting the contributions of many——this demand should be seen as a demand not for (ii)___ but for (iii)___.

4、More direct efforts to force inclusion can be misguided. For example, movements to declare English the official language do not truly advance the (i)___ of a multicultural nation. In fact, they (ii)___ the twenty million people who do not speak English as their mother tongue. Further, it would be unwise to require the (iii)___ use of English.

5、It is the result of the fundamental change that occurred as European monarchies were replaced by (i)___ governments. That is, these governments began to reject

what had been a primary intent of extradition, to (ii)___ the return of political offenders, and instead sought to protect (iii)___ fleeing despotic regimes.

6、Genetically considered, social democracy is something (i)___ and unintended to communities where there is (ii)___ competence and no marked personal eminence. There be no will (iii)___ but instead an intelligent readiness to lend a hand and to do in unison whatever is done.

7、Political democracy, on the other hand, is a late and (i)___ product. It arises by a gradual extension of aristocratic privileges, through (ii)___ abuses, and in answer to restlessness on the people’s part. Its principle is not the absence of eminence, but the discovery that existing (iii)___ is no longer genuine and representative. It may retain many vestiges of older and less democratic institutions.

8、Hughes’s expression of the vibrant folk culture of Black people established his writing as a (i)___ in the history of African American literature. Especially and predictably, most of his folk poems have the (ii)___ marks of this folk culture’s oral tradition. There is a deceptive veil of artlessness in these poems. Hughes prided himself on being an (iii)___ and impressionistic writer of poetry. His, he insisted, was not an artfully constructed poetry. Yet an analysis of his dramatic monologues and other poems reveals that his poetry was carefully and artfully crafted.

9、(i)___ of compulsory national service claim that such a program is not in keeping with the liberal principles upon which Western democracies are founded. This reasoning is reminiscent of the argument that a tax on one’s income is (ii)___ because it violates one’s right to property. Such conceptions of the liberal state fail to take into account the intricate character of the social agreement that (iii)___ our liberties.

10、It might be objected that the cases of taxation and national service are not

(i)___: while taxation must be (ii)___ , the military is quite able to find recruits without resorting to conscription. Furthermore, proponents of national service do not limit its scope to only those duties absolutely necessary to the defense of the nation. Therefore, it may be contended, compulsory national service (iii)___ the acceptable boundaries of governmental interference in the lives of its citizens.

Exercise 40

1、The myth persists that in 1492 the Western Hemisphere was a (i)___ and that it was European settlers who harnessed and transformed its ecosystems. But scholarship shows that forests, in particular, had been altered to varying degrees well before the arrival of Europeans. Native populations had (ii)___ much of the forests to successfully cultivated stands, especially by means of burning. Nevertheless, some researchers have maintained that the extent, frequency, and impact of such burning was (iii)___ .

2、Burning also converted mixed stands of trees to (i)___ forest, for example the longleaf, slash pine, and scrub oak forests of the southeastern U.S. natural fires do account for some of this vegetation, but regular burning clearly (ii)___ it. Burning also influenced forest composition in the tropics, where natural fires are rare. An example is the pine-dominant forests of Nicaragua, where warm temperatures and heavy rainfall naturally favor (iii)___ tropical or rain forests. While there are primarily grow in cooler, drier, higher elevations, regions where such vegetation is in large part natural and even prehuman.

3、In contrast, some critics maintain that whatever authority judicial pronouncements have is exclusively institutional. Some of these critics go further,

claiming that intellectual authority does not really exist—— i.e., it reduces to institutional authority. But it can be (i)___ that these claims break down when a sufficiently broad historical perspective is taken: Not all arguments accepted by institutions withstand the test of time, and some well-reasoned arguments never receive institutional (ii)___ . The reasonable argument that goes unrecognized in its own time because it (iii)___ institutional beliefs is common in intellectual history; intellectual authority and institutional consensus are not the same thing.

4、While right-to-work laws may not “destroy” unions by (i)___ the absolute number of unionized workers, they do (ii)___ the spread of unions and thereby (iii)___ wages within right-to-work states.

5、Among the factors that (i)___ the competitiveness of integrated producers are excessive labor, energy, and capital costs, as well as manufacturing (ii)___ : their equipment is old and less automated, and does not (iii)___ many of the latest refinement in steelmaking technology.

6、Nonprofessional women are concentrated in secretarial work and department store sales, where their (i)___ can be covered easily by substitutes and where they can enter and leave the work force with (ii)___ loss, since the jobs offer so little personal gain: indeed, as long as family roles continue to be allocated on the basis of gender, women will be seriously (iii)___ in that labor market.

7、Political theorists have been (i)___ of these applications of classical theory to the civil rights movement. Their arguments rest on the conviction that, implicitly, the classical theory trivializes the political ends of movement participants, (ii)___ rather on presumed psychological dysfunctions: reduction of complex social situations to

simple (iii)___ of stimulus and response obviates the relevance of all but the shortest-term analysis.

8、It is this (i)___ characteristic, Dahl argues, that makes polyarchy the nearest possible approximation to the democratic ideal. Polyarchy achieves this diffusion of power through party (ii)___ and the operation of pressure groups. Competing for votes, parties seek to offer different sections of the electorate what they most want; they do not ask what the (iii)___ thinks of an issue, but what policy commitments will sway the electoral decisions of particular groups.

9、Many critics pointed to a gap between the model and the reality of Western political systems. They argued that the (i)___ of power resources other than the vote was so (ii)___ that the political order systematically gave added weight to those who were already richer or organizationally more powerful. So the power of some groups to exclude issues altogether from the political agenda effectively countered any (iii)___ of influence on decision-making.

10、To critics (i)___ to the style of fifteenth-century narrative paintings by Italian artists from Tuscany, the Venetian examples of narrative paintings with religious subjects that Patricia Fortini Brown analyzes in a recent book will come as a great surprise. While the Tuscan paintings present large-scale figures, clear narratives, and (ii)___ settings, the Venetians filled their pictures with (iii)___ and elaborate building, in addition to a wealth of carefully observed anecdotal detail often irrelevant to the paintings’ principal subjects——the religious stories they narrate.

Exercise 41

1、In Democracies and its Critics, Robert Dalh defends both democratic value and pluralist democracies, or polyarchies. Dalh argues convincingly that the idea of democracy rests on political equality—— the equality capacity of all citizens to determine or (i)___ collective decisions. Of course, as Dahl recognizes, if hierarchical ordering is (ii)___ in any structure of government, and if no society can guarantee

perfect equality in the resources that may give rise to political influence, the democratic principle of political equality is (iii)___ of full realization. So actual systems can be deemed democratic only as approximations to the ideal.

2、Although the legal systems of England and the United States are superficially similar, they (i)___ in their approaches to and uses of legal reasons: substantive reasons in the United States, whereas in England the (ii)___ is true. This (iii)___ reflects a difference in the visions of law that prevail in the two counties. In England the law has traditionally been viewed as a system of rules; the United States favors a vision of law as an outward expression of the community’s sense of right and justice.

3、Although some censure became (i)___ during the 1980s, Dahl himself seems to support some of such earlier criticism. Although he (ii)___that some Western intellectuals demand more democracy from polyarchies than is possible, he nevertheless ends his book by asking what changes in structures and consciousness might make political life more (iii)___ in present polyarchies.

4、A major tenet of the neurosciences has been that all neurons (nerve cells) in the brains of vertebrate animals are formed early in development. An adult vertebrate, it was believed, must make do with (i)___ neurons: those lost through (ii)___ or injury are not replaced, and adult learning takes place not through generation of new cells but through (iii)___ among existing ones.

5、Evidence that the defendant in a criminal prosecution has a prior conviction may

(i)___ jurors to pressure the defendant’s guilt, because of their preconception that a person previously convicted of a crime must be inclined toward repeated criminal behavior. That commonly held belief is at least a (ii)___ ; not all former convicts engage in repeated criminal behavior. Also, jury may give more probative weight than objective analysis would allow to vivid photographic evidence depicting a shooting victim’s wounds, or may (iii)___ the weight of defense testimony that is not delivered in a sufficiently forceful or persuasive manner.

6、The usage suggests that the creation and critical interpretation of literature are not (i)___ but mechanical processes; that the author of any piece of writing is not (ii)___ artist, but merely a laborer who cobbles existing materials (words) into more or less conventional structures. The term deconstruction implies that the text has been put together like a building or a piece of machinery, and that it is in need of being taken apart, not so much in order to (iii)___ it as to demonstrate underlying inadequacies, false assumptions, and inherent contradictions.

7、Most psychologists, perplexed by the feelings they acknowledge are aroused by aesthetic experience, have claimed that these emotions are genuine, but different in kind from nonaesthetic emotions. This, however, is (i)___ rather than an empirical observation and consequently lacks explanatory value. On the other hand, Gombrich argues that emotional responses to art are (ii)___; art triggers remembrances of previously experienced emotions. These debates have prompted the psychologist Radford to argue that people do experience real melancholy or joy in responding to art, but that these are (iii)___ responses precisely because people know they are reacting to illusory stimuli.

8、Until recently many astronomers believed that asteroids travel about the solar system (i)___ satellites. These astronomers assumed this because they considered asteroid-satellite systems inherently (ii)___. Theoreticians could have told them otherwise: even minuscule bodies in the solar system can theoretically have satellites, as long as everything is in proper scale. If a bowling ball were orbiting about the Sun

in the asteroid belt, it could have a pebble orbiting it as far away as a few hundred radii (or about 50 meters) (iii)___ the pebble to the Sun’s gravitational pull.

9、For analytical purposes (i)___ political conduct has traditionally been divided into two categories. However, there are some common crimes that are so (ii)___ from a political act that the entire offense is regarded as political. These crimes, which are called “(iii)___” political offenses, are generally nonextraditable.

10、Social democracy is a general ethical ideal, looking to human (i)___ and brotherhood, and inconsistent, in its radical form, with such institutions as the family and (ii)___ property. Democratic government, on the contrary, is merely a means to an end, an (iii)___ for the better and smoother government of certain states at certain junctures. It involves no special ideals of life; it is a question of policy, namely, whether the general interest will be better served by granting all people an equal voice in elections.

Exercise 42

1、The volcanic-eruption theory, like the impact theory, accounts for the presence of iridium in sedimentary deposits; it also (i)___ matters that the meteorite-impact theory does not. Although iridium is extremely rare on the Earth’s surface, the lower regions of the Earth’s mantle have roughly the same composition as meteorites and (ii)___ large amounts of iridium, which in the case of a diaper (iii)___ would probably be emitted as iridium hexafluoride, a gas that would disperse more uniformly in the atmosphere than the iridium-containing matter thrown out from a meteorite impact.

2、Leaders of the new Royal Society of London in the 1660s insisted that authentic science (i)___ actual experiments performed, observer, and recorded by the scientists themselves. Rejecting the traditional contempt for manual operations, these scientists, all members of the English (ii)___, were not to think themselves (iii)___ the mucking about with chemicals, furnaces, and pumps; rather, the willingness of each of them to become, as Boyle himself said, a mere “drudge” and “under-builder” in the search for God’s truth in nature was taken as a sign of their nobility and Christian piety.

3、Grand, apart from medical licenses, the principal sources of information regarding medical practitioners available to researchers are wills, property transfers, court records, and similar (i)___, all of which typically underrepresent women because of restrictive medieval legal traditions. Nonetheless, the (ii)___ researchers choose when they define their investigations may contribute to the problem. Studies focusing on the upper echelons of “learned” medicine, for example, tend to (iii)___ healers on the legal and social fringes of medical practice, where most women would have been found.

4、To date, (i)___ pollution and regulating ocean resources have sill not been comprehensively addressed by law, but international law—— established through the customs and practices of nations—— does not (ii)___ such efforts. And two recent developments may actually lead to future international rules providing for ecosystem (iii)___.

5、The history of global diversity suggests that biological diversity was hard won and

a long time in coming. Furthermore, this pattern of increase was (i)___ by five massive extinction episodes. The most recent of these, during the Cretaceous period, is by far the most famous. But the cretaceous crisis was (ii)___ compared with the Permian extinctions 240 million years ago, during which between 77 and 96 percent of marine animal species (iii)___. It took 5million years, well into Mesozoic times, for species diversity to begin a significant recovery.

6、Many literary scholars believe that Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God (1937) has been the (i)___ influence on some of the most accomplished Black women writing in the United States today. Indeed, Alice Walker, the author of the prize-winning novel The Color Purple, has said of Their Eyes, “There is no book more important to me than this one.” Thus, it seems necessary to ask why Their Eyes, a work now viewed by a multitude of readers as (ii)___ in its complex depiction of a Black woman’s search for self and community, was ever (iii)___ to the margins of the literary canon.

7、Two impressive studies have reexamined Eric Williams’ conclusion that Britain’s abolition of the slave trade in 18th century were driven primarily by economic rather than humanitarian motives. Seymour Drescher provides a more (i)___ view. Rejecting interpretations based either on economic interest or the moral vision of abolitionists, he has reconstructed the populist characteristics of British abolitionism. Yet David Eltis’ answer actually supports some of Williams’ insight. (ii)___ Drescher’s idealization of British traditions of liberty, Eltis points to continuing use of low wages and draconian vagrancy laws in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries to ensure the (iii)___ of British workers. Indeed, certain notables even called for an acceptance of coerced labor that Eltis attributes to a preindustrial desire to keep it costs low and exports competitive.

8、Cultivation of a single crop on a given tract of land leads eventually to decreased yields, this can be (i)___ by crop rotation, denying the pathogens a suitable host for a period of time. However, even if crops are not rotated, the severity of diseases often (ii)___ after a number of years as the microbial population of the soil changes and the soil becomes “(iii)___” to those diseases.

9、Although the idea of (i)___ a woman physician was a (ii)___ one for most Western missionaries in China, the (iii)___ of a well-trained Western woman physician could not be ignored by Canton mission hospital administrators.

10、To raise the price a firm may charge for its product is (i)___ the availability of

close substitutes for the product. If a firm attempts to charge a higher price—— a

supracompetitive price—— consumers will turn to other firms able to supply substitute products at competitive prices. However, supracompetitive prices often (ii)___ consumers’ welfare because such prices force some consumers to buy a less attractive mix of products than they would ordinarily buy. Moreover, if a firm provides (iii)___ the products actually or potentially available, customers may find it difficult to buy from alternative suppliers. Consequently, a firm with a large share of the relevant market of substitutable products may be able to raise its price without losing many customers.


Exercise 43

1、Although adolescent maturational and developmental states occur in an orderly sequence, their timing ____ with regard to onset and duration.

(A) lasts

(B) varies

(C) falters

(D) accelerates

(E) dwindles

2、The prospects of discovering new aspects of the life of a painter as thoroughly studied as Vermeer are not, on the surface, ____

(A) encouraging

(B) daunting

(C) unpromising

(D) superficial

(E) challenging

3、The Chinese, who began systematic astronomical and weather observations shortly after the ancient Egyptians, were assiduous record-keepers, and because of this, can claim humanity’s longest continuous _____ of natural events.

(A) defiance

(B) documentation

(C) maintenance

(D) theory

(E) domination

4、The current demand for quality in the schools seems to ask not for the development of informed and active citizens, but for disciplined and productive workers with abilities that contribute to civic life only ____ , if at all.

(A) indirectly

(B) politically

(C) intellectually

(D) sensibly

(E) sequentially

5、Nearly two-thirds of the country’s mushroom crop is produced by 160 growers in

a single county, the greatest ____ growers anywhere.

(A) cause of

(B) agreement among

(C) indication of

(D) interaction between

(E) concentration of

6、The development of containers, possibly made from bark or the skins of animals, although this is a matter of ____ , allowed the extensive sharing of forage foods in prehistoric human societies.

(A) record

(B) fact

(C) degree

(D) importance

(E) conjecture

7、Contrary to the popular conception that it is powered by conscious objectivity, science often operates through error, happy accidents, ____ and persistence in spite of mistakes.

(A) facts

(B) controls

(C) hunches

(D) deductions

(E) calculations

8、Before about 1960, virtually all accounts of evolution assumed most adaptation to be a product of selection at the level of populations; recent studies of evolution, however, have found no ____ this pervasive view of selection.

(A) departures from

(B) basis for

(C) bias toward

(D) precursors of

(E) criticism of

Exercise 44

1、It is difficult to distinguish between the things that charismatic figures do ____ and those that are carefully contrived for effect.

(A) formally

(B) publicly

(C) prolifically

(D) spontaneously

(E) willfully

2、Imposing steep fines on employers for on-the-job injuries to workers could be an effective ____ to creating a safer workplace, especially in the case of employers with poor safety records.

(A) antidote

(B) alternative

(C) addition

(D) deterrent

(E) incentive

3、Despite the apparently bewildering complexity of this procedure, the underlying principle is quite ____.

(A) calculated

(B) elementary

(C) imaginary

(D) effective

(E) modern

4、Gould claimed no ____ knowledge of linguistics, but only a hobbyist’s interest in language.

(A) manifest

(B) plausible

(C) technical

(D) rudimentary

(E) insignificant


工作联系函格式范文6篇 Sample format of work contact letter 编订:JinTai College

工作联系函格式范文6篇 前言:公函是正式的或官方的书信,是党政机关、人民团体、企事业单位间商洽和联系工作时使用的一种文体,平行机关或者不相隶属机关间联系工作是可以使用公函,上下级之间的联系、询问、答复工作时,也可以使用公函。本文档根据公函内容要求和特点展开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意调整修改及打印。 本文简要目录如下:【下载该文档后使用Word打开,按住键盘Ctrl键且鼠标单击目录内容即可跳转到对应篇章】 1、篇章1:工作联系函格式范文 2、篇章2:工作联系函格式范文 3、篇章3:工作联系函格式范文 4、篇章4:工作联系函格式文档 5、篇章5:工作联系函格式文档 6、篇章6:工作联系函格式文档 你知道如何写工作联系函吗?不知道没关系,下面是小泰给大家整理收集的工作联系函格式范文,供大家阅读参考。篇章1:工作联系函格式范文

致:xx市XXXXX局 承蒙贵局厚爱,有幸作为“xxXXXX展”设计施工单位, 不胜感激。 此展览项目施工期间,我司抱着对项目进度及质量认真 负责的态度,让施工顺利进行,遂支付了xxXXXXXX有限公司 经营管理分公司人民币X0000.00元作为布场押金(附件1为 押金收据)。现此展览已施工完毕且已移交贵局,顾我司向xxXXXXXX有限公司经营管理分公司申请退还此笔押金。经协商,xxXXXXXX有限公司经营管理分公司反馈我司的信息如下:“‘xxXXXX展’仍在xxXXXX进行展览,为预防展览过程中或搬移过程中对xxXXX造成损坏而无从索赔,顾布场押金不予以退还,待展览模型完全搬离xxXXXXX后,方可申请退还押金。“ 综上回复,此笔押金为布场押金,并不是场地使用押金。在展览行业中需支付布场押金的情况如下:在布展阶段,进场布展交布场押金至完成布展工作撤离现场时退还押金;在撤展 阶段,进场拆除展板交布展押金至完成拆展工作离场时退还。现此展览的施工工作已结束,布场押金不应作为场地使用押金,顾不应由我司继续支付。望贵局鉴于与我司良好的合作关系,


个人工作业绩报告范文6篇 个人工作业绩报告范文 个人工作业绩报告范文篇一本人自上班以来,一直注重自己的业务知识和操作技能学习,从一个普普通通的运行值班人员逐渐成长为运行值长。水轮发电机组值班运行是集脑力与体力的综合性技术工作。水轮发电机组安全可靠稳定运行,效率最高,发电量最多,耗水量最少,事故发生时保证损失最少是水轮发电机组值班的技术核心。因此,水轮发电机组值班技术是保证水电厂乃至电力系统安全、可靠、经济运行水平的根本保证。根据对水轮发电机组值班的严格技术要求,我在业务技术上刻苦学习,努力追求新知识、新技术,并取得可喜硕果,多次获厂内理论知识和操作技术能手,1998年在公司组织 的技能操作比赛中和同事一起获得一等奖,20xx年在竞争正值班理 论考试和实际操作考试中以高于第二名36分的成绩取得第一。20xx 年在竞争运行值长的岗位上脱颖而出。xxxx年又在公司举办的安全 知识竞赛和安全征文活动中双双荣获一等奖。 由于不断的学习和进取,自己的水轮发电机值班技术日趋成熟和完善,能针对机组运行中的问题进行判断,分析和处理,提出较好的技术改造和合理化建议。比如针对大机组的直流系统可能出现的运行不可靠,建议从小机组直流系统放一备用电缆至大机直流系统,这样既保证了大机直流系统在异常状况下的运行的可靠性,又使得小机组的直流备用容量得到充分利用。

作为水轮发电机组值班员在工艺革新的主要任务就是操作的准 确性与少走弯路,省时省工并保证操作的有效性,并在群体性的作业中充分发挥每一个人的才能和在实际工作中修订、完善工作流程,使其规范和准确标准化。在技术工艺革新中我通过自己多年的操作经验结合操作规程在班内作了如下工作:提高运行人员操作要素;保证巡回检查质量;消除生产薄弱环节与人为事故;阐述运行人员怎样防止 误操作;更多的发挥班组“内聚力”提高工作效率。 在技术管理工作中,每年自己都制定出班组技术培训年计划、月计划,主持班组的技术考问讲解,设备异常分析,提出事故预想,组织反事故演习。在生产中注意将图纸资料编号分类有序收集,将设备缺陷、设备异常状况、事故及故障原因、检修作业情况、定值修改、调度命令及调度运行方案、设备运行方式,设备更改等技术工作逐一归档管理,并参与本厂20xx年本厂运行操作规程的修订工作;帮忙拟定过大型事故演习方案,协助修改班组各类操作票,主持班组的安全工作并连续实现5年生产无事故的优秀生产工作成绩,并多次获得奖励。在技术管理工作中,自己对水电站的整个生产流程的技术管理流程有较强的了解和管理能力,能针对水电站的各个生产技术环节提出自己的看法和技术要领,能提出本班组生产计划、班组规划,生产重点、组织措施及技术措施,能抓住生产季节不同的技术要领,具有较强的班组管理综合能力。 在培训工作中,自己注意抓好值上的技术问答、反事故演习、事故预想、异常分析。并共带过3个徒弟,并在集团公司组织的“师带


校园景色(1单元) 春姑娘悄悄地来到我们身边,冰雪融化,万物复苏,那青的草,绿的叶,各种色彩鲜艳的花,给校园构成一幅生机勃勃的春景图。 在校园的草坪上,可以看见嫩绿的小草从土壤里探出头来,高兴地望着我们,仿佛在说:“亲爱的同学们,我们又见面了!”一个个圆圆的蘑菇,在春雨的浇灌下,也露出了笑脸。 校园的主道两旁,杨树挺立在那里,一动不动,像一位站岗的哨兵。枝条上长出了圆圆的新叶,远远望去,像一个绿色的小桃子。那一朵朵美丽鲜艳的花儿,争齐开放,使人感到格外舒服。 每当下课的时候,悦耳的铃声传来,同学们就像一只只鸟儿一样“飞”出了教室,校园里顿时一片欢腾。兵乓球台前,围满了人,一阵阵叫好声,一阵阵欢呼声,使校园里充满了活力,充满了欢乐。 美丽的春天,美丽的校园,真是一幅美丽的画卷。 校园春色(1单元) 春姑娘悄悄地来到我们身边,冰雪融化,万物复苏,那青的草,绿的叶,各种色彩鲜艳的花,给校园构成一幅生机勃勃的春景图。 在校园的草坪上,可以看见嫩绿的小草从土壤里探出头来,高兴地望着我们,仿佛在说:“亲爱的同学们,我们又见面了!”一个个圆圆的蘑菇,在春雨的浇灌下,也露出了笑脸。 校园的主道两旁,杨树挺立在那里,一动不动,像一位站岗的哨兵。枝条上长出了圆圆的新叶,远远望去,像一个绿色的小桃子。那一朵朵美丽鲜艳的花儿,争齐开放,使人感到格外舒服。 每当下课的时候,悦耳的铃声传来,同学们就像一只只鸟儿一样“飞”出了教室,校园里顿时一片欢腾。兵乓球台前,围满了人,一阵阵叫好声,一阵阵欢呼声,使校园里充满了活力,充满了欢乐。 美丽的春天,美丽的校园,真是一幅美丽的画卷。 爸爸,我想对你说 爸爸,我想对你说:你的父爱我能感受到,但你能不能不要太严了呢? 每天,我都要写一篇日记,但有时候作业太多,你还硬逼着我写日记;你不知道,我每次写完作业都很累很累,好想看一下电视,放松一下,但你硬逼我写,没办法,我只好受点委屈了。其实,我有时很不想学,但你又非要我学不可,我又不能不听你的话,只好跟你学,你不知道,我不想学的时候,你讲的知识,我一点也没听进去,所以你等于白讲了。你还把我心爱的漫画书藏起来,买来一大堆的试卷,叫我学到哪课就做到哪课,那里我是多么想看漫画书啊!有时,我放学回家把电视机打开看,但你却叫我过去写作业,那时我是多么不乐意呀!因为你不让我看电视,而你却在那里看电视。你知道吗?我人虽然在这边,但心却飞到电视机那里去了,所以作业才会出现一些不该错的地方。每天晚上,我叫你讲故事给我听,但你却拒绝了,叫我自己看,但睡着看书容易损伤眼睛,所以又看不成,你不知道,我那时是多么想听你讲那动听的故事呀! 爸爸,你说过,我们既是父子也是朋友,那你能不能给我一个自由的天地,让我自由地发展呀!


工作业绩怎么写 关于简历中的工作业绩怎么写? 一份好的简历,工作经历是核心。HR在查看简历时,最感兴趣的就是工作经历部分。因此,在填写简历时,一定要在描述工作经历上多花些功夫,要尽量详细地描述我们的工作内容和职责。例如:"负责华东地区的市场拓展工作:完成销售任务,贯彻执行公司的销售策略;因地制宜,制定和实施区域性的市场发展计划;发展和管理经销商,并与其保持良好合作关系;协助经销商建立运作架构,指导和管理其销售队伍。" 另外,不要仅使用空洞的描述,应更多的使用具体的实例或者数字等来展示我们的工作业绩。如: "改组了整个服务部门,提高了工作效率。" "提出新的流程,在减少工作压力的同时,提高了员工的生产能力。成功的向潜在的购买者解释并演示了技术产品和相关科技。" "将原来无利润的存货以10万美金的价格成交。" "开发了销售和市场项目,使购物中心的利润提高了33个百分点。在行政法规听证会上,作为法律代表为客户公司进行辩护,胜诉率达80%以上。" "通过对公司产品和公司形象的重新定位,使Medisoft的股票价格在9个月内翻了5翻。" "为××出版社管理23家生产厂家的代表公司的国际和国内销售力量。" "使邮政业务量提高9个百分点,从84%提高到历史最高纪录93%,而标准工作量则为74%。" "负责华东地区的23家商店的销售和损益。" "创作了两个有关国际旅行社的作品,揭开了国际旅行的艰辛,强调了自助旅行的益处。" 下面列出几个在工作经历方面的成功和不成功的案例并加以点评,以供参考。 【例1】 2003.06-至今:××公司 | 技术总监 | 上海 ——创立并扩充公司的开发部门。在一年多时间里,将部门从两位工程师为一个客户工作发展到有30位工程师为三个不同的客户工作。公司的年营业额增长了200%。(点评:善于用数字和对比证明自己的出色业绩。) ——在3年内成功地管理了8个项目并与3个不同的客户合作。所有的项目都按客户的要求按时高质地完成,使公司的业务得到了迅速的发展。 ——成功地为公司的软件开发建立了一整套质量保证体系并在实际中加以完善,使其逐渐符合ISO9001及CMM体系的要求。 ——成功管理并参与信令测试仪的GSM二代增强型协议、GPRS协议的开发,以及acceSS7系统的七号信令系统的开发。 ——管理、参与并按时高质地为客户开发了CDMA(IS—95A、IS—95B及cdma2000)系统建模及仿真软件。 (点评:强调自己主持或参与成功实施哪些重点项目。) 【例2】 2001.1-至今:某软件公司 | 行政人事部部长 | 北京 ——制定公司的管理制度和业务流程,协调各个部门之间的关系,创造了一种更具凝聚力的团队氛围;(点评:强调工作业绩。) ——制定人力资源战略,建立人才梯队,合理配备使用开发人力资源,有效控制人力资源的成本;(点评:强调工作业绩,如能再具体些,就更好。)


高考语文作文备考:名校模拟题作文及例文汇编 四、写作(60分) 10.阅读下面的材料,根据要求写作。 近日,某中学举行了一场以“拥有了实力,行事是该高调还是该低调”为主题的辩论赛。 正方的观点是:拥有了实力,行事就应高调。因为拥有了实力,你也掩盖不了,高调做事是一种责任,一种气魄,一种精益求精的风格,一种执著追求的精神。 反方的观点是:拥有了实力,行事也应低调。因为做事必先做人,低调是一种姿态,一种修养,一种风度,一种智慧,一种谋略。 时代发展到今天,无论个人、集体还是国家,你觉得拥有了实力应该采取何种态度呢?请你在正反双方中选择一方观点作为自己的立场,写一篇辩论稿。要求:选好角度,确定立意,自拟标题,注意格式;不要套作,不得抄袭,不少于800字。 【分析】本题考查学生写作的能力。本文属于任务驱动型文章。写作时要整体理解把握材料的内容,明白材料蕴含的道理,选取合适的角度进行立意构思。写作指令:选择辩题,写一篇辩论稿。写好材料作文的关键在于理解材料主旨并进行立意。本题材料的中心事件是某中学举行的一场以“拥有了实力,行事是该高调还是该低调”为主题的辩论赛,正方的观点是拥有了实力,行事就应高调,反方的观点是拥有了实力,行事也应低调。考生可以选择正方观点,指出高调做事是一种责任,一种气魄,一种精益求精的风格,一种执著追求的精神;可以选择反方观点,指出做事必先做人,低调是一种姿态,一种修养,一种风度,一种智慧,一种谋略。最后还要分析文体,材料要求写成“辩论稿”,这就要求观点要明确,辩论要有力,论据要充足。无论选择哪一个辩题,分析都要有思辩性,切不可完全否定对方的观点(将对方说得一无是处)。 参考立意:1、高调做事是一种责任,一种气魄。2、低调做人是一种修养,一种风度。 【解答】低调做人是一种智慧 尊敬的各位评委老师、同学们: 大家好,我方的辩题是“低调做人是一种智慧”。 山不解释自己的高度,并不影响它的耸立云端;海不解释自己的深度,并不影响它容纳百川;地不解释自己的厚度,但没有谁能取代她作为万物的地位……做人,我认为关键是要学会低调,低调是一种人生的智慧。 莫言是中国第一个获得诺贝尔奖的人,圆了所有中国人几个世纪的“诺奖梦”。但让人可歌


财务工作业绩总结范文 一个企业的兴衰与财务工作息息相关,财务工作是企业管理的基础,是企业内部管理的中枢,财务管理工作处理着同各个方面的经济关系,今天管理资源吧小编给大家找来了财务工作业绩总结,供大家参考和阅读。 财务工作业绩总结范文1xx年在全行员工忙碌紧张的工作中又临近岁尾。年终是最繁忙的时候,同时也是我们心里最塌实的时候。因为回首这一年的工作,我们会计出纳部的每一名员工都有自已的收获,都没有碌碌无为、荒度时间。尽管职位分工不同,但大家都在尽最大努力为行里的发展做出贡献。现将全年的工作情况向全行职工作以汇报: 一、重视业务核算质量,贯彻市行各项制度 今年是我们商业银行具有转折意义的一年,经过六年的打拼和积累,我行的羽翼已经逐渐丰满,准备更名挂牌,开始新的征程。然而,如果要使我们景星支行真正走在全行的前列,我们首先要做的是提高我们的业务能力。我行会计出纳部经常组织员工进行理论学习、岗位练兵。对市行传达的每一个文件、通知都认真贯彻。让员工树立主人翁精神,在工作中不推、不等、不靠,积极主动的完成自己的本职工作。我部一直坚持向时间要效益、向工作

要质量。在核算上无重大差错事故。 二、加强日常工作管理,做好安全防范工作 我部的内部制度是比较健全的,各项工作都有明确分工,员工并事假都严格按照规定及时请假。 在安全防范方面,对柜员日常工作所用的各种公章、名章都严格做到每日下库保管;对重要凭证的领用,都有专人负责;明确柜员的权限,不得擅自授权;对于市行要求上报的反洗钱可疑业务及时上报;随时提高警惕,杜绝诈骗。总之,我们要将一切防忠于未然,不做亡羊补牢的无用功,力求使全行的工作在稳健中谋发展。 三、培训员工操作能力,顺利通过柜员考试 今年是对全行职工个人业务考核要求最严格的一年,综合柜员上岗考试,直接关系到了每个员工的切身利益。行里不想让任何一个职工掉队,我会计出纳部,为了使每个员工顺利的通过考试,带领员工们利用工作之外一切所能利用的时间,积极准备考试。其间,我们组织了员工点钞,打字的基本技能考试。组织员工去培训中心进行业务上机打操作的练习。 有些员工工作、家庭的各方面负担都很重,考试给其带来了很大的心理压力,思想包袱很重。为帮助这样的同志,我部各个员工在考试期间,经常互相交流思想,一起钻研考试的命题,接受能力快的同志,耐心的给其他同


2018高考任务驱动型作文习题及范文汇编 阅读下面的材料,根据要求写一篇不少于800字的文章。(60分)【原创预测题8】《南方周末》报道,2016年4月14日,在山东发生了一起辱母杀人案。女企业家苏银 霞欠了当地涉黑团伙头目吴学占的高利贷,仍欠17万未还清。被于欢刺死的杜志浩等人有 涉黑行为,辱骂殴打、限制并侮辱于母等情节恶劣,警察调解无效后,于欢拿起办公室桌上水果刀,乱刺催债人员,至一死三伤,, 2017年3月17日山东省淄博城市法院一审以故意伤害罪判处于欢无期徒刑,还需赔偿死者家属30598.5元和伤者53443.47元。在社会引起强烈深刻的反响。案件进展:全国高 检派人、山东高法介入指导工作。2017年6月23日山东高法二审裁定于欢犯故意伤害罪, 判处有期徒刑五年并经济赔偿。 比较情、理和法三者,你认为哪个更重要?请综合材料内容及含意作文。要求选好角度,确定立意,明确文体,自拟标题;不要套作,不得抄袭。 法律,高于情理的利剑 ①2016年,在山东发生一起辱母杀人案。由于嫌疑人于欢杀人合情合理,且受害者为 涉黑人员,引起社会强烈反响。最终涉黑者被抓,于欢二审得到减刑。此案看似于欢为母出气,合情合理但不合法。法律是高悬情与理之上的利剑,它约束情与理,以免失控。 ②从事件本身看,我认为,于欢因母亲受辱,在多方求助无果的情况下挥刀,这个举动 似乎合情合理。哪一个孩子看见母亲受辱能无动于衷?但用刀伤人,属于防卫过当,造成严重后果就违法了,他被判刑五年,这是对冲动的惩罚。正因为于欢所为合情合理,因而才引

发社会强烈反响,减轻刑罚并惩处恶人。但合情合理不能作为评判的唯一标准,法律是不可逾越的红线,它是约束情与理的尺度。情理不能大于法,否则社会就会混乱。 ③若没有法律约束,人便为所欲为。荀子曰“木受绳则直,金就砺则利。”进入依法治国时代,任何事物都必须按章办事,一视同仁。就拿网购说吧,它是一件新鲜事,存在利润 空间。初期因法律不健全,假货次品充斥市场,诚信遭遇冰河,网购受到巨大损失。当相关 法律出台,市场秩序迅速恢复,网络经济成为我国支柱产业。因此,合情合理又守法,就会 得到保护,避免遭受损失。最近出台的“信联”措施就很好,严惩那些不讲诚信的违法者。 ④合情合理是谁都想要的但必须依法办事,以其道得之,最终不受处罚。其实,想要减少情与理的影响,依法办事也容易。首先,应明法懂法守法。懂法的途径是读法律条文;其 次,遇事时要冷静,不要完全被情理支配。当然了,法律建立在情理之上,在法律范围内, 保护合情合理的事情。本次事件,于欢正被情理冲昏头脑忘却法律,最终导致悲剧发生。 ⑤因此,我认为在处理看似合情合理的事物前,要理性与理智的思考,自己行为的利弊得失,然后在行动。最后,请时刻谨记康德的话:世界上有两样东西是我最敬畏的,一是天 上的星星,另一个是道德法律。知法明理,敬法守法。只有如此,才不会完全被情理支配, 依法办事,就不会出现问题。 ⑥然而,守法并不意味忘却情理。在现实社会中,经常出现“扶不扶”“救不救”的两难事情。试问那些不扶的人违法吗?没有。他们“不为”却践踏道德底线,伤害情理。那么 世界就会变得冷漠。好在新的法律保护讲道德见义勇者,他们要受到奖励和表彰。 ⑦法律是高悬于情理之上的利剑,遵法守纪是情理的红线。铭记教训,莫让悲剧重演。 辽宁省沈阳市第11中学2018届17班李浩然指导教师:孙延堂


工作函格式范文 工作函格式范文1 XXX单位: 电子政务外网架设在贵单位机房内,现XXXXX管理信息化平台系统要在电子政务外网上运行,根据实地勘测贵单位机房条件符合平台系统运行条件。 XXXXX管理信息化平台(硬件)承建单位(XXXXX有限责任公司,<工程师3-5名,车辆:>)进入贵单位机房实施平台架设,请贵单位予以支持配合,建设单位进驻贵单位实施此项目需要与贵单位管理的电子政务外网对接,内部网络对接、设备安全、日常维护及设备存放(附件1)由贵单位负责。为了此项目能顺利实施望贵单位能大力支持,我们深表感谢! XXXXX单位(盖章) 20xx年月日 工作函格式范文2 _______公司: 截至_____年__月31日,我公司帐面尚有贵公司欠款_____元(大写人民币_____元整)。按照与贵公司的有关合同协议的约定,贵公司应当在_____年__月__日之前支付上述款项,但我公司至今仍未受到该笔款项。因此,特请贵公司能够在近期内及时向我公司支付上述款项。

此致 _____公司(印章) _____年___月___日 工作函格式范文3 XXXX技术开发总公司: 我司于X年X月X日去函给贵公司,联系我司在XX向贵公司购买二宗用地(7000平方米和3000平方米)的办证事宜,贵公司也根据当时实际情况向我司作出了回复。 近来,上级管理部门在检查我司工作时多次墩促我司着力解决上诉二宗用地的历史遗留问题,明晰权属,为企业改制创造必要条件。为此,我司特致函贵司,望尽快办出二宗用地国土规划两证或复函说明二宗用地的现状,提出比较具体解决问题的办法。 此函 盼复 xxxx年X月X日


工作业绩报告范文3篇 工作业绩报告范文篇一:我叫XXX,20xx年就职于市安全纠察XXX院安全监察检查队,任主任科员,主要承担队内安全监察、大型安全活动组织和安全系统开发等工作任务。近三年来,我认真履责,踏实敬业,较好地完成了本职工作和领导交办的工作,得到了领导和同事们的认可。三年中,先后两次被评为XXX院优秀共产党员,一次被评为优秀公务员并立三等功。 一、注重学习,不断提高自身综合素质 三年来,我严格按照XXX院机关学习培训要求,认真参加各项学习培训活动,不断充实武装自己的大脑;连续三年参加了网上在线学习,完成基本学时要求。同时,我还不断加强自学,在党的理论、国家方针政策、法律法规和业务知识方面不断充实自己,以适应安全生产安全监察工作的综合性和专业性的需要,更好的服务于日常业务工作。 二、严格开展安全监察,消除安全隐患 三年来,我参加了市XXX院安全检查队组织的各项大型安全任务,监察生产经营单位数百家,发现并处理安全隐患逾千项,实施行政处罚近20起,行政处罚额逾15万元。在安全检查中,我坚持依法行政,依法依规开展隐患排查,既消除了大量安全隐患,又得到被查企业和当事人的信服。在安全检查队工作期间,未发生错案或因本人安全工作引起诉讼和复议情况。

三、组织实施大型安全生产安全保障任务 20xx年,我参与组织了天阳奥运安全生产保障工作,得到领导认可。20xx年,我又参与组织了新中国成立60周年安全生产保障工作,直接参与了天安门广场临建设施搭建、游园保障和新中国60年成就展等多项保障任务,为各项活动的安全顺利进行做出了贡献。同时,20xx年-20xx年,安全检查队实施年度安全计划。我每年平均牵头组织4-6项安全任务的落实工作,涉及危险化学品、非煤矿山、建设施工、交通运输、人员密集场所、工业企业、烟花爆竹等多个行业领域,并保障各项计划任务得到有效有力的落实。 四、不断探索,创新工作机制 为适应天阳市特大城市的安全需求,按照领导安排,我牵头组织制定了《天阳市楼宇内生产经营单位安全生产规范》。期间,与市住房和城乡建设委、市消防XXX院等部门进行了多次沟通,最终以规范性文件形式下发全市,促进了全市综合楼宇安全生产管理工作。在多年的工作中,还配合队领导,创设集中安全、联合安全、交叉安全和专项安全等多种安全模式,成为市XXX院乃至全市安监系统安全检查工作的样板模式,为安全检查工作的开展起到了一定的探索作用。 五、牵头开展安全信息系统的开发建设工作 根据领导安排,20xx年我承担了全市安全生产安全信息系统的开发建设工作。面对全新的工作任务,我与有关设计单位、服务支持单位反复协调沟通,同时对有关部门、区县


中考作文范文汇编10篇 一、作文写作 1.阅读下面的文字,按要求完成微作文。 学校准备为高一新生设计制作校服。原定为一款参照国外校服样式设计的校服,男式帅气,女式俏丽,大家很喜欢。但有家长提出,这样的校服穿上后容易使学生分心,甚至会助长男女同学之间的爱慕之心。校方对此很为难。 请你给校长写一封短信,陈述自己的看法,对解决这一问题提供帮助。要求表达得体,150字左右。 【答案】示例:尊敬的校长: 关于高一新生的校服,我们希望学校能采用原定的设计方案。因为这款校服帅气美丽,能尽显青春气息,展示我们的阳光与朝气。至于有些顾虑,我们可以理解,但并不赞同。因为校服是每个人都穿,大家都美,天天都穿,很是平常。如果某一事物完全融入到我们的生活之中时,我们就不会因此而生出什么特别的关注,只有生活会因此多出一份美丽。我们期待着这份美丽。 祝您工作顺利,心情愉快! 高一学生:×××【解析】 这是一篇小作文。首先要仔细分析给出的材料,了解到学校定制的这套参照国外校服样式设计的校服深受学生的喜爱,可是学校方面有顾虑。给校长的信要申明学生的观点,观点要具体明确,符合题意,见解深刻,言之有理,有助于解决问题。注意字数的要求。 点睛:这是一篇微作文。“微写作”发源于“微博”“微信”,一般是指根据一定的情景或要求,写作200字左右的“微作文”。“微写作”对考生的写作能力和综合素养提出了更高的要求,中考“微写作”要求考生文字的表达、意境的创造等诸多方面,均应超过网络“微写作”。完成这篇微作文,要明确情境的内容,选择合适的角度写作。 2.作文。 “一切都将会过去;而那过去了的,就会成为亲切的怀恋。”这是普希金《假如生活欺骗了你》中的诗句。诗人告诉我们:生活不可能一帆风顺,当越过坎坷,蓦然回首时,你往往会发现,那些过去了的都已成为人生宝贵的财富,成为你“亲切的怀恋”。同学们,你也曾有过这样的经历和感受吧?请自拟题目,写一篇文章与大家分享。 要求:(1)题目自拟:(2)紧扣材料主题,内容具体充实:(3)有真情实感:(4)文体不限(诗歌、戏剧除外);(5)不少于600字;(6)文中请回避与你相关的人名、校名、地名。【答案】亲切的怀恋 一切都是瞬息,一切都将会过去;而那过去了的,就会成为亲切的怀恋。 ——题记学习之余,我坐在窗边遐想,想我那遥远的未来、我那充实的现实和那往日的点点滴滴。回忆涌现出的都是那亲切的怀恋。 那是一个阳光明媚的早晨,姥姥教我骑自行车。笨拙的我却驾驭不了这高傲的自行车。我一次次地从自行车上摔落,姥姥一次次将我扶起。她不厌其烦地教我骑自行车的方法,又


工作联系函的格式及参考范文 工作联系函作为公文中惟一的一种平行文种,其适用的范围相当广泛。对于工作联系函的格式大家清楚么?往下看看,希望对大家有 所帮助! 工作联系函格式 由于函的类别较多,从制作格式到内容表述均有一定灵活机动性。主要介绍规范性公函的结构、内容和写法。 公函由首部、正文和尾部三部分组成。其各部分的格式、内容和写法要求如下: (一)首部。主要包括标题、主送机关两个项目内容。 1、标题。公函的标题一般有两种形式。一种是由发文机关名称、事由和文种构成。另一种是由事由和文种构成。 2、主送机关。即受文并办理来函事项的机关单位,于文首顶格 写明全称或者规范化简称,其后用冒号。 (二)正文。其结构一般由开头、主体、结尾、结语等部分组成。 1、开头。主要说明发函的缘由。一般要求概括交代发函的目的、根据、原因等内容,然后用“现将有关问题说明如下:”或“现将 有关事项函复如下:”等过渡语转入下文。复函的缘由部分,一般 首先引叙来文的标题、发文字号,然后再交代根据,以说明发文的 缘由。 2、主体。这是函的核心内容部分,主要说明致函事项。函的事 项部分内容单一,一函一事,行文要直陈其事。无论是洽工作,询 问和答复问题,还是向有关主管部门请求批准事项等,都要用简洁 得体的语言把需要告诉对方的问题、意见叙写清楚。如果属于复函,还要注意答复事项的针对性和明确性。

(三)结尾。一般用礼貌性语言向对方提出希望。或请对方协助解决某一问题,或请对方及时复函,或请对方提出意见或请主管部门 批准等。 (四)结语。通常应根据函询、函告、函或函复的事项,选择运用不同的结束语。如“特此函询()”、“请即复函”、“特此函告”、“特此函复”等。有的函也可以不用结束语,如属便函,可以像普 通信件一样,使用“此致”、“敬礼”。 (五)结尾落款。一般包括署名和成文时间两项内容。 署名机关单位名称,写明成文时间年、月、日;并加盖公章。 五、撰写函件应注意的问题 函的写作,首先要注意行文简洁明确,用语把握分寸。无论是平行机关或者是不相隶属的行文,都要注意语气平和有礼,不要倚势 压人或强人所难,也不必逢迎恭维、曲意客套。至于复函,则要注 意行文的针对性,答复的明确性。 其次,函也有时效性的问题,特别是复函更应该迅速、及时。像对待其他公文一样,及时处理函件,以保证公务等活动的正常进行。 工作联系函格式范文一 _______公司: 截至_____年__月31日,我公司帐面尚有贵公司欠款_____元(大写人民币_____元整)。按照与贵公司的有关合同协议的约定,贵公 司应当在_____年__月__日之前支付上述款项,但我公司至今仍未受 到该笔款项。因此,特请贵公司能够在近期内及时向我公司支付上 述款项。 此致 _____公司(印章) _____年___月___日 工作联系函格式范文二


公司主要业绩范文 作为一名员工要想获得晋升或加薪的机会,就必须做出好的业绩。业绩包括个人的业绩、所在部门的业绩以及公司的业绩。正如一位 人力资源经理所说:“员工之间收入的高低,归根结底是取决于工 作业绩。” 好的业绩需要好的业绩报告来表现 公司对于业绩的重视使得写好业绩报告成为了至关重要的一件事。好的业绩还需好的业绩报告来表现,如果业绩报告写得不好,没有 突出自己所取得的成果,没有充分表现出自己业绩的全貌,就可能 影响考核部门对你形成正确的评价。 业绩报告的作用在于全面、系统地反映你在某个时期所取得的业绩,并对自己的表现进行客观的分析和总结,明确自己所取得的成绩,找出工作中存在的不足,并且总结上一阶段工作中的经验和教训。一份优秀的业绩报告能够把你的业绩客观地反映出来,使你的 辛勤工作有所回报,而失败的业绩报告则有可能掩盖你的实际贡献。 真实表现自己的成绩最重要 很多人在撰写业绩报告时总表现得很谦虚,尽量少写自己的贡献,甚至把自己努力取得的成绩也归功于别人。他们认为实事求是地说 出自己所取得的成绩是不好的,会有邀功的嫌疑,还显得骄傲自大。事实上,根本没必要对自己所取得的业绩羞于启齿,客观地反映自 己的贡献本身就是一种能力,而且公司看重的是员工创造业绩的能 力以及所取得的成就。如果过于谦虚,弱化自己的贡献,不了解实 际情况的主管可能很难对你作出真实的评价。即使主管了解你的真 实贡献,也会认为你不够自信,连真实的汇报自己的成绩的勇气都 没有,从而认为不能委以重任。因此,在撰写业绩报告时,切记不 要过谦,真实地反映自己的成绩是最重要的。

固然,要想使业绩报告赏心悦目,首先必须有好的业绩作为依托,但恰当的陈述也是必不可少的。一份完整的业绩报告应该包括以下 一些内容: 第一、基本情况概述 首先要概述工作内容、工作的主客观条件、有利和不利因素以及工作环境等。虽然这些与业绩的取得没有必然的联系,但是,显然 如果你处于不利的工作环境,工作条件也甚是恶劣的话,无疑能够 使你所取得的业绩大放光彩。比如说,你的工作是处理客户投诉, 这一工作的环境显然不是十分优越的,它要求员工能够忍受客户的 抱怨,甚至是谩骂、侮辱。环境本身的特殊性实际上是业绩的一部分,因此应该把工作环境陈述出来,以使自己的业绩/有所依托。当然,在陈述不利条件和环境时,千万不要理直气壮,不管怎么说, 这是工作性质所决定的,接受了这份工作就必须接受它所带来的特 殊的工作环境。 第二、陈述自己所取得的成绩 陈述自己的成绩是业绩报告的重点。撰写业绩报告的根本目的就是要肯定成绩,突出自己的贡献,从而为公司考核和晋升提供参考。 在撰写业绩报告之前应认真思考,尽可能把自己所取得的所有业绩都列出来,然后按照重要程度排序。在陈述时,首先要清楚地表 述自己所取得的成绩有哪些,是在什么样的情况下取得的,每项成 绩的分量有多大,对企业有多大的贡献。在陈述时,一定要注意有 条有理,突出重点,千万不能把各种成绩堆在一起,让人事经理去 挑选对你有利的成绩。这种做法不但加重了人事经理的工作,而且 还会给人马虎、做事没条理的印象。试想,一个人连自己所取得的 成绩都理不出头绪,工作时怎么能够做得有条有理呢? 这里需要注意的是,虽然大部分的成绩是看得见的,但是,有时候,也有许多不为人所知的成绩或贡献。这时候,需要把你那些不 为人所知的成绩或贡献明确地写出来,千万不要不好意思陈述,这 样做丝毫不会给人留下坏印象,相反,许多公司都希望员工能够对


公函的格式范文 今天,我给大家介绍的是公函的格式范文,希望对大家有帮助。 1.概述 函,即信函,或称书信。公函,即处理公务所用的书信。公函是党政机关、人民团体、企事业单位间商洽和联系工作时使用的一种文体。 公函的使用范围很广,平行机关或不相隶属机关间联系工作时可以使用公函,上下级机关之间联系、询问、答复工作时,也可以使用公函。 公函根据内容和性质,可以分为很多种类,如:用于商洽的商洽函、用于询问的询问函、用于答复的复函、用于委托的委托函等。另外,还有用于慰问的慰问信、用于祝贺的贺信、公开发表的公开信等,实际上只要它们使用于公务活动中,也应划入广义的公函范围。不过,从狭义的范围来讲,函和信也有一定区别,函的使用比信的范围窄,但比较庄重、严肃。 2.写作要点: 公函在结构上一般由标题、正文、落款三部分构成: (1)标题 跟一般的信函不同,公函的标题通常要包括发文机关、事由和文种类别(函)。有时可省写发文机关,但事由和文种类别不能省略。另外,标题的右上方要有编号。 (2)正文 正文的开头顶格写受文单位,然后另起一段写发函的原因、联系的事项,最后一般要用“请研复”、“请协助”等字样提出具体要求,结束正

文。 (3)落款 法定作者、日期,并加盖公章。 公函的写作要求是:一事一函,语言规范、明了,语气合乎内容要求。 3.范文 范文一 ××市政府关于在铁路压煤改线 ×××站建立交桥的函 [××××]×× ×××委员会: ××铁路压煤改线×××工业站,位于我市×县×××镇。由于该站的建设,原有的×××站西侧的平交道口按设计要求将要封闭。这样就阻断了沟通南北三乡一镇的交通要道,给乡镇企业和商品经济的发展造成了困难。另外,铁路以南五个村的大面积耕地在路北,由于铁路所阻,给群众的生产生活造成了很难克服的困难。工业站在设计在dk308+893处虽有一座净高2.5米,宽6米,长220米的单孔立交兼排水涵洞,但因纵深太长,宽度较窄,高度很低,农机车辆不能通行,农忙秋收人畜难以通过。为此,请贵委员会给予照顾,在dk308+430处(原×××站西侧的平交道口处)建立交桥一座,以适应当地生产和需要。可否盼复。 ××市政府 ××××年××月×日 范文二


个人工作业绩范文怎么写 无论对于哪一个公司来说,业绩都是公司运作的核心,看重员工的业绩是企业生存的需要。因此,作为一名员工要想获得晋升或加薪的机会,就必须做出好的业绩。业绩包括个人的业绩、所在部门的业绩以及公司的业绩。正如一位人力资源经理所说:“员工之间收入的高低,归根结底是取决于工作业绩。” 好的业绩需要好的业绩报告来表现 公司对于业绩的重视使得写好业绩报告成为了至关重要的一件事。好的业绩还需好的业绩报告来表现,如果业绩报告写得不好,没有突出自己所取得的成果,没有充分表现出自己业绩的全貌,就可能影响考核部门对你形成正确的评价。 业绩报告的作用在于全面、系统地反映你在某个时期所取得的业绩,并对自己的表现进行客观的分析和总结,明确自己所取得的成绩,找出工作中存在的不足,并且总结上一阶段工作中的经验和教训。一份优秀的业绩报告能够把你的业绩客观地反映出来,使你的辛勤工作有所回报,而失败的业绩报告则有可能掩盖你的实际贡献。 真实表现自己的成绩最重要 很多人在撰写业绩报告时总表现得很谦虚,尽量少写自己的贡献,甚至把自己努力取得的成绩也归功于别人。他们认为实事求是地说出自己所取得的成绩是不好的,会有邀功的嫌疑,还显得骄傲自大。事实上,根本没必要对自己所取得的业绩羞于启齿,客观地反映自己的贡献本身就是一种能力,而且公司看重的是员工创造业绩的能力以及所取得的成就。如果过于谦虚,弱化自己的贡献,不了解实际情况的主管可能很难对你作出真实的评价。即使主管了解你的真实贡献,也会认为你不够自信,连真实的汇报自己的成绩的勇气都没有,从而认为不能委以重任。因此,在撰写业绩报告时,切记不要过谦,真实地反映自己的成绩是最重要的。 固然,要想使业绩报告赏心悦目,首先必须有好的业绩作为依托,但恰当的陈述也是必不可少的。一份完整的业绩报告应该包括以下一些内容:第一,基本情况概述 首先要概述工作内容、工作的主客观条件、有利和不利因素以及工作环境等。虽然这些与业绩的取得没有必然的联系,但是,显然如果你处于不利的工作环境,工作条件也甚是恶劣的话,无疑能够使你所取得的业绩大放光彩。比如说,你的工作是处理客户投诉,这一工作的环境显然不是十分优越的,它要求员工能够忍受客户的抱怨,甚至是谩骂、侮辱。环境本身的特殊性实际上是业绩的一部


八年级作文范文汇编10 篇 一、作文写作 1.根据要求作文。 目: ______如此美 要求:① 在横上添上恰当的,将目充完整;②除歌外,文体不限。③有真 情感,不得套写抄;④用行范的言文字表达;⑤不少于600 字;⑥文章中不 要出真的地名、校名和人名。 【答案】参考例文 微笑如此美 微笑是最好的止痛。人生在世,失在所免,正因有成功的喜悦与失的苦楚,才成了我五 彩的生活。 —— 步入初中以来,人的最大感就是考多,平凡的考,不免有所失意。一眨眼,月考来了,尽 管之前有很多考,但却只是在班上。面一次全校大考,提心吊胆是不必的,然而我却在如 此重要的考中失意了。 那是一个阴森的下午,老在教室里着考的排名,久久未能听我的名字,一个个熟悉的人 名,活像一把把陌生的尖刀,刺痛着我的心。那一卷就像一沉重的石,将我入无底的深 渊。下了,教室里的人影越来越少,最后独留我一个。 一人在与世隔之地,我迷茫的望着窗外,一云遮住了天,太阳同也遮住了我的心。 不知什么候,身后响起了脚步声,越来越清晰,似乎正在向我靠。我不由自主的扭去,是 他,他上着从未停歇的笑容是那么的,以至于我忘了前一秒的 痛。慢慢的,他走到我的身前,并未我感到惊,因他是我最知心的朋友阿A。 很久很久,我都没,只是他始微笑着我。我也不知所措的看着他。目光交的 一刹那,我看到了一种从未有的温暖,加上他那始不的笑容,更像是一熊熊烈火点燃了 我心底最后一希望。 很久之后,他于了:“不要苦着,笑一笑走你的愁吧。”尽管只是一句毫不起眼的,瞬我 体会到了笑的魔力,我的上也开始洋溢微笑,的。 云始未能抵住阳光的威力,我心中的那一片云也消散在微笑之中。微笑是如此的神奇, 又是如此的美,以至于医治好了我心中的痛。 【解析】 【解】 是一道半命作文,作文既了写作情境,又限定了写作范;比全命作文灵活,比作文 更具束性,具有收放自如的特点。半命作文比突出地考了学生的、构思及言表达等多 方面的能力。写作注意以下几点: ①要意,才能确定好的立意。理解“美”的含,“美”,可以从不同角度理解: (1) 具体事物 之美。可以从自己熟悉的人、事、物、景中取一种,而且必是“珍品”来写人、事、物、景的美 或外表、外形的美,如校园如此美,落叶如此美, 某人如此美,家如此美,春天如此美,大海如此美,??(2) 精神面的美:


主要工作业绩怎么写 第一,基本情况概述 首先要概述工作内容、工作的主客观条件、有利和不利因素以及工作环境等。虽然这些与业绩的取得没有必然 的联系,但是,显然如果你处于不利的工作环境,工作条 件也甚是恶劣的话,无疑能够使你所取得的业绩大放光彩。 比如说,你的工作是处理客户投诉,这一工作的环境显然 不是十分优越的,它要求员工能够忍受客户的抱怨,甚至 是谩骂、侮辱。环境本身的特殊性实际上是业绩的一部分, 因此应该把工作环境陈述出来,以使自己的业绩有所依托。 当然,在陈述不利条件和环境时,千万不要理直气壮,不 管怎么说,这是工作性质所决定的,接受了这份工作就必 须接受它所带来的特殊的工作环境。 第二,陈述自己所取得的成绩 陈述自己的成绩是业绩报告的重点。撰写业绩报告的 根本目的就是要肯定成绩,突出自己的贡献, 从而为公司 考核和晋升提供参考。 在撰写业绩报告之前应认真思考,尽可能把自己所取得的所有业绩都列出来,然后按照重要程度排序。在陈述 时,首先要清楚地表述自己所取得的成绩有哪些,是在什 么样的情况下取得的, 每项成绩的分量有多大,对企业有 多大的贡献风。在陈述时,一定要注意有条有理,突出重点, 千万不能把各种成绩堆在一起,让人事经理去挑选对你有 利的成绩。这种做法不但加重了人事经理的工作,而且还 会给人马虎、做事没条理的印象。试想,一个人连自己所 取得的成绩都理不出头绪,工作时怎么能够做得有条有理 呢? 这里需要注意的是,虽然大部分的成绩是看得见的,但是,有时候,也有许多不为人所知的成绩或贡献。这时 候,需要把你那些不为人所知的成绩或贡献明确地写出来, 千万不要不好意思陈述,这样做丝毫不会给人留下坏印象, 相反,许多公司都希望员工能够对自己作出客观的评价, 不隐瞒业绩,也不虚报业绩。撰写业绩报告时,实事求是 是最好的原则。 第三,总结经验和教训 对于过去做过的每一项工作,不管是做得好,还是失败,都要总结经验和教训,并在业绩报告中写出。这样做 不但有利于今后的工作,而且还可以使公司了解你的成长 轨迹。对以往的工作进行分析和概括,并总结出一两条经 验和教训,是智者的表现。 需要注意的是,总结经验固然是重要的,但坦陈尚需改进的弱点也不可忽略。很多人


【篇一:诚信与善良】 ?父亲是一个极其平凡的人。他10岁丧父13岁丧母,14岁独自从老家宁乡动身,一路打零工,历时近一年来到湘北。先是帮人看牛,后作区乡通信员,再到公安派出所当干警,最后调供销社工作。? ?老人又是一个命硬的人。1976年患颈部恶性肿瘤,死里逃生。1978年因血吸虫病引发肝硬化腹水,奇迹般康复。1986年从家里新房子的二楼摔下,至脊椎骶骨骨折。2008年74岁,患带状疱疹等病,以为阎王有请,但最终化险为夷。现身体状况不错,经常骑着一辆除了铃子(没铃)全身都响的旧单车在城里穿行,买菜或者购些日用品、药品等;在家则承担他与母亲老两口的炊事工作。? ?家父不善言辞,但他的三句话,我没齿难忘。? 第一句话,“必须分清公家与私人!”这话说在上世纪70年代末期。那时,我经常到父亲单位上去玩。父亲是多年的商店经理,几乎每天打烊后,都要带领大家一起点数钱币及粮票、布票、油票、糖票、火柴票等有价证券。我总担心钱和有价证券会出问题,谁弄(在我们小镇,“弄”有乘人不备非法谋取的意思)一张到腰包岂不拐了?我好多次都想提醒父亲。有一天与父亲一起回家,我终于把问题提了出来。不想我话一出口,从来性情温和的父亲脸上突变、雷霆大发,全然不顾是在小镇的大街上,“只有你有那样的坏思想!弄钱弄票是犯罪!你要好好地改造自己的思想,以后参加工作必须分清公家与私人,? ?不然以后会成为国家的罪人!”当时不到16岁的我被骂得措手不及、乌龟不眨眼睛,然后是泪眼婆娑。幸亏是在街上,父亲才没动手教育。父亲这么教育我和兄弟姊妹,也是这么做的。父亲工作期间多与钱物打交道,从未出过差错。 第二句话,“老实人不会吃亏的。”1984年起,父亲改任基建仓库保管员。1986年我们家做房子,没占单位半点便宜;借用仓库十多根杉木支撑模板,工程结束及时归还。在将杉木从二楼撤下准备运还仓库时,父亲从楼上摔下。记得有个亲戚从仓库买几包水泥,想多拿几包回去,被父亲严词拒绝。单位上一些人认为我们家建房肯定占了公家的大便宜。仓库就父亲一个人管理,要作弊确实不难。但在父亲因伤病提出提前退休、对仓库进行盘底交接后,一切*大白。仓库账目清楚,实物齐全,升溢16万多元。16万元的升溢,这在当时的一个基层供销社可是天文数字。后来供销社主任亲自上门慰问父亲,说差点冤枉了一个好同志。父亲笑道,“我建房借了一大半。我宁可欠账,也不能拿公家的一包水泥、一根钢筋。一个是图个心安,二个是为崽女带过好头。”主任走后,我小心地问父亲,“您一生清白、老实。您说说,做老实人好吗,划得来吗?”父亲望着已是高中语文老师的儿子,

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