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外研社必修五module4 carnival全单元教案

外研社必修五module4 carnival全单元教案
外研社必修五module4 carnival全单元教案

Module 4 Carnival

I. 教学内容分析



Introduction 部分设计以西方的五种主要传统节日(Carnival, Holi, Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving Day)作为导入,让学生通过图片做配对练习了解西方的节日习俗,激发学生对西方节日的好奇心,达到导入整个模块的效果。

Reading and Vocabulary介绍有关狂欢节的一些知识,主要介绍了狂欢节的面具。课文前后的四个相关练习帮助同学们学习和了解了相关词汇和文章主旨。


Vocabulary and Listening分为词汇部分和听力两大部分。词汇部分学习和巩固一些关于食物的单词;听力部分是关于西方节日的,对于同学们来说,听力材料偏生疏,因此听力要做一定的处理。

Learning to learn是关于通过听听力提高语音面貌的英语学习方法,对于提高学习策略水平有很大的帮助。

Everyday English通过学习复习Vocabulary and Listening中的句子学会一些非常有用的日常生活用语:give up, go wild about, more or less, high spot, funnily enough, in your blood, wash down 和walk off a meal。


Reading and Writing集说话和写作于一体,培养的是学生语言综合运用的能力。首先是阅读一篇讲述亲历Notting Hill carnival的E-mail。其次探究描写气氛、音乐和食物的形容词。最后仿写一篇E-mail介绍中国某个节日的气氛、音乐和食物。

Cultural Corner 通过阅读The Meaning of Carnival的文章,了解狂欢节的意义和发展演变,并且要求同学们思考哪一个中国节日最像狂欢节,进行跨文化的思考。




III. 教学重点和难点

1. Teaching important points

(1) Enable Ss to know the new words and phrases in this module.

(2) Enable Ss to understand how to talk about or give a description of festivals over the world.

(3) Enable Ss to know how to show likes, dislikes and preferences.

2. Teaching difficult points

(1) Review the usage of the passive voice.

(2) Enable Ss to write an article to introduce Chinese festival

(3) enhance Ss’ awareness of differences between Chinese and western cultures.

III. Teaching plan

Period 1 Task, Introduction

Period 2 Reading (Workbook P87), Reading and Vocabulary (1)

Period 3 Reading and Vocabulary (2), Cultural Corner

Period 4 Learning to learn, Vocabulary and Listening, Everyday English

Period 5 Grammar, Function, Reading and Writing

Period 6 Workbook, Module File

IV.Teaching procedure

Period 1 Task, Introduction

Teaching Goals:

1. To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about this module.

2. To develop Ss’ speaking ability.

3. Enable Ss to get some information about five western festivals: Carnival, Holi, Halloween, Christmas, and Thanksgiving Day.

4. Enable Ss to describe a Chinese festival.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Lead-in

Purpose: To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about this module.

Show the word “festivals” on the screen and then encourage the students to talk about as much information on festivals in China as possible.

Step 2: Speaking

Purpose: To develop Ss’ speaking ability and get a general idea about Chinese festivals.

Ask the Ss to make a list of the Chinese festivals according to solar calendar and lunar calendar and talk something about them.

Suggested answers:

Step 3: Introduction

Purpose: Enable Ss to get some information about five western festivals: Carnival, Holi, Halloween, Christmas, and Thanksgiving Day.

Ask Ss to talk something about Western festivals and finish Introduction in our textbook on P31.

Suggested answers of Activity 1: 1. Christmas 2. Holi 3. Carnival

4. Thanksgiving Day

5. Halloween

The answers of Activity 3&4 are open. They depend on the students. Step 4: Pair work

Purpose: To teach Ss how to describe a festival.

Christian festival which come in the middle of winter.




Christmas old man


Ask the Ss to describe

Christmas , and pay attention to the following points.

Since about 400 AD, Christians have celebrated the birth of Jesus.


是基督教的一个重要的节日,定于每年12月25日,纪念耶稣基督的诞生,同时也是普遍庆祝的世俗节日。 costumes Step 5: Free talk

Purpose: Enable the students to describe a Chinese festival.

Ask the Ss to follow the listening material and talk something about a Chinese festival with their partner or give us an introduction/description of a Chinese festival. Step6: Homework

Write a description about a Chinese festival.

Period 2 Reading (Workbook P87) , Reading and Vocabulary (1)

Teaching Goals:

1. To get some information about Christmas traditions.

2. To develop some basic reading skills —Skimming, and Scanning.

3. To deal with the new words and phrases.

4. Help Ss to talk about the development of carnivals.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Lead in

Purpose: To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about the festivals.

Ask Ss to share the information that they have known about the festivals over the world in groups.

Festivals over the world

世界消费者权益日(3月15日)-----World Consumer Right Day

世界水日(3月22日)-----World Water Day

世界卫生日(4月7日)-----World Health Day

世界地球日(4月22日)-----World Earth Day

世界无烟日(5月31日)-----World No-smoking Day

世界环境日(6月5日)-----World Environment Day

世界人口日(7月11日)-----World Population Day

世界旅游日(9月27日)-----World Tourism Day

世界爱滋病日(12月1日)-----World Aids Day

世界残疾日(12月3日)-----World Disabled Day

Step 2 Reading (Workbook P87)

Purpose: To develop some basic reading skills and get some information about Christmas traditions.

1. Ask the Ss to read the headings and match the headings with the paragraphs.

Suggested answers: A5 B1 C2 D6 E3 F4

2. Ask the Ss to read the passage again and choose the correct answer on P88.

Suggested answers: (1) c(2)a (3)b (4)a (5)c

3. Ask the Ss to skim the passage and answer the questions of Activity 9.

Suggested answers:

(1) The 25th December was the old mid-winter festival in pre-Christian times.

(2) The tradition of the Christmas tree started to give people hope that spring will come again.

(3) As a way of keeping in touch with family and friends.

(4) Children enjoy Christmas because they received lots of presents.

(5) Some people love Christmas and others hate it.

(6) Yes, because it is about the birth of Christianity. / No, because people who are not Christians celebrate it as well.

Step 3 Pre-reading

Purpose: Enable Ss to talk about the origins of carnivals and two different kinds of carnivals and help them to talk about the development of carnivals.

1. Ask Ss to look at the pictures of carnivals and discuss the following questions.

Q1. What’s the feature of carnivals?

Q2. What is the food?

Q3. What do you think of their costumes?

Suggested answers:

A1. The feature of the carnivals is the mystery of the mask.

A2. In some places, the food is just like Thanksgiving Day. There are turkey, turkey dressing and some pumpkin pies.

A3. The costumes that they wear are very strange and exaggerated.

Step 4 While-reading

Purpose: To get more information about carnivals.

1. Scanning: Ask Ss to scan the passage and finish activity 1.

Suggested answers:

The first and the fourth topics are mentioned in the passage.

2. Skimming Ask Ss to skim the passage and finish activity 2.

Suggested answers:(1)c (2)b (3)c 4(a) (5)b (6)b (7)b (8)b

3. Pair work: New words studying

Purpose: To deal with the new words and phrases in the passage.

1. Ask Ss to read the passage again and finish Activity 3 and 4.

Suggested answers of activity 3:

(1) confusion (2) excitement (3) mask

(4) mystery (5) magic (6) costume

(7) crowd (8) tradition (9) atmosphere

Suggested answers of activity 4:(1) b (2)a (3) b (4)b (5)a (6) b (7)b (8)b

2. Ask Ss to use dictionary and wordlist to deal with the new words and phrases.

Step 5 Post-reading (group work)

Purpose: Enable Ss to talk about the origins of carnivals and two different kinds of carnivals.

Ask Ss to read the passage again and then work in groups to talk about the origins of carnivals and two different kinds of carnivals.

Step 6 Homework

Try to find the difficult sentences for you in the passage.

Period 3 Reading and Vocabulary (2), Cultural Corner

Teaching Goals:

1. To develop a basic reading skill—analyzing the text.

2. To deal with the language points in the text.

3. To know the different festivals, culture and custom in different countries and getting more information about our country and world.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Lead in

Purpose: To review what we learnt in the last period and to develop a basic reading skill—analyzing the text.

Ask Ss to work in pairs, try to analyze the text and get the main idea of each paragraph. Several minutes later, ask some students to show their opinions.

Suggested answers:

Paragraph 1: People’s general impression of carnival.

Paragraph 2: The meaning of carnival and how it was celebrated in history.

Paragraph 3: Carnival in Venice and the problem it caused when people celebrated it.

Paragraph 4: The law about wearing masks.

Paragraph 5: The revival of the tradition of celebrating carnival.

Paragraph 6: How carnival is celebrated in Venice today and the feature of the carnival in Venice.

Step 2 Language points

Purpose: To train Ss’ listening ability and to deal with the language points in the text.

Listen to the tape and deal with the language points in groups.

Listen to the tape and follow it in a low voice. Then Ss are divided into six groups. Each group is supposed to read through each heading, and then discuss them.

Paragraph 1.

think of考虑, 关心, 想起, 想象, 有……的看法, 记起


(1) think for认为, 预料

(2) think about 考虑, 回想

Paragraph 2.

at the end of 在...结尾,在....末端

Eg at the end of the day 1.在一天的末了;


(1) at the start开始, 起初

(2) at the beginning of在…初

2. dress up v. 盛装, 打扮, 装饰, 伪装

dress 用法:

1)不可数名词n.[U] 服装

The group of dancers wore national dress.

可数名词n.[C] 女装;童装

I haven't got a dress for the ball.

2)不及物动词vi. 穿衣

He washed, dressed and went out.

She always dresses in green.

3)及物动词vt. 给…穿衣

His mother dressed him in new clothes.

She hurriedly dressed the child and took him downstairs.

She is dressed in red.

及物动词vt. 装饰,打扮

The ship was dressed with flags.

及物动词vt. 敷药包扎

The doctor cleaned and dressed the wound.

及物动词vt. 整理;安排

She often spends hours dressing her hair.她经常花很多时间梳头。

dress 相关短语及其他用法:

dress up 穿着打扮;装饰

She likes to dress up for a party.

dress down 训斥,斥责

For this, the teacher dressed me down for a good while.

dress down a horse 给马梳刷

dress a salad 拌色拉

Paragraph 3.

1. For weeks on end people walked round the streets wearing masks, doing what they

wanted without being recognized.连续几个星期人们戴着面具走在街上,为所欲为而不会被认出来。

on end adv. 竖着;时间连续地:

for weeks on end 一连几个星期

she waited out side for hours on end.她在外面一连等了好几个小时。

2.pretend 假装

pretend to be sth. 假装是一种…….的事物; 自认为是……

pretend to be doing sth. 假装正在做某事

pretend that-clause

e.g. 他妈妈进来的时候他假装在读书。

He pretended to have read the book when his mother came in.

He pretended to be reading the book when his mother came in.

He pretended that he was reading the book when his mother came in.

3. while 作“而,却”讲时为并列连词,一般连接两个句式结构相似的句子,而意义却相


Eg (1) Some people like coffee, while others like tea. 有些人喜欢咖啡, 而有些人喜欢茶。

(2) While I like the color of the hat, I do not like its shape. 我倒喜欢这顶帽子的颜色,但不


4. Ordinary people could pretend to be rich and important, while famous people could

have romantic adventures.普通人可以装成阔佬和要人,而名人也可以偷偷地体验浪漫奇遇。

in secret = secretly 秘密地, 背地里(表情况或状态)


in despair/ surprise/ peace/ silence/ public/ wonder/ poverty/ love/ poor health

5. Many crimes went unpunished.很多罪行逃脱了惩处。

Paragraph 4.

1. Their use was limited by law, the first of which dates back to the fourteenth century.


dates back to 追溯到,也可以说成date from

2. If they broke the laws, they were put into prison for up to two years.如果他们违反了


put somebody in prison把某人关进监狱。相近词组:keep somebody in prison; send

somebody to prison (prison前均无冠词)

up to的意思:


①from a pauper up to a prince 从乞丐一直到王子;

②up to the present day 直到现在


①What are you up to now 你现在在做什么?

②He is up to no good. 他净干坏事

(3) 胜任,适于

be up to the needs of an emergency 紧急时可用

(4) 是……的责任,轮到……;靠……

①It is up to me to do sth. 做(某事)是我的责任[义务]。

②It is up to us to organize the people. 民众靠我们去组织。

(5) up to/with 和…并排

①I could not get [catch] up to him. 我追不上他。

②Slow down a bit and let me come up with you. 跑慢一点让我赶上吧。

(6) (功绩、成功等)不相上下,可以相比,相近

He is up to his father as a scholar. 他是一个和他父亲不相上下的学者。

Paragraph 5.

be good for 对…有益;

Taking morning exercises is good for health. 做早操对身体有益。


1. do good to对…有益;

Fruit does good to you. 水果对你有用。

2. be harmful for 对…有害

Pollution is harmful for the earth.污染对地球有害。

3. do harm to对…有害

The drought did a lot of harm to the crops. 干旱给庄稼带来许多危害。

Paragraph 6.

the key to something 某事的关键(答案)

e.g. the key to a riddle 谜底

Step 3 Cultural Corner

Purpose:Know the different festivals, culture and custom in different countries and getting more information about our country and world. Get something about the different and commons between the East culture and the West culture.

Read The Meaning of Carnival and answer the questions in textbook.

Suggested answers:

1. Originally it meant “with no meat”, but now it symbolizes “life”.

2. Maybe we have not such a festival. (Various answers are accepptible.)

Step 4 Speaking

Purpose: To inspire Ss’ creation.

Ask Ss to create a new festival and explain why.(Nature Day/ Human Day)

Step 5 Homework

1. Use the new words and expressions to make some sentences.

2. Finish the exercises on P86 of the workbook.

Period 4 Learning to learn, Vocabulary and Listening, Everyday


Teaching Goals:

1. To develop Ss’ listening ability.

2. To review some useful everyday English.

3. To learn some new words about food.

4. Enable Ss to use the tapes to practice pronunciation as well as listening.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Lead-in

Purpose: Enable Ss to use the tapes to practice pronunciation as well as listening.

Ask Ss to read Learning to learn and discuss what is provided for their learning strategies. Have they tried the method? Is it good? Ask them to give two examples of the method.

Step 2 Vocabulary about food

Purpose: To learn some words about food

Show the following pictures and talk to Ss: There are so many delicious foods on the festivals. Today we will learn some new words about food.

egg: 100-year egg salted duck egg

meat: turkey pork


vegetable:pea onin herb flour bean garlic pepper

Suggested answers of activity 1:

1. beans, cabbage, eggs, flour, garlic, onion, pork, sausage, chicken

2. What we eat at a festival are pork, chicken, beef, fish, beans, dumplings, cabbage, peas, garlic, tomatoes, potatoes, cucumber, etc.

Suggested answers of activity 2:

1 pork and chicken

2 sausages

3 beans, cabbage, garlic, onion, peas

4 flour, eggs Suggested answers of activity 3:

These are possible answers:

Vegetables Meat

potatoes turkey

carrots duck

cauliflower goose

parsnip mutton

turnip lamb

swede beef

broccoli veal

fennels quail

courgette pheasant

marrow partridge

leek goat

Step 2 Listening

Purpose: To develop Ss’ listening ability and study some useful everyday English.

1. Pre-listening

Ask Ss to read through the questions, make sure they understand the questions and then ask them to guess what the listening material is about.(After that, let them listen to the material one by one, and check if they got the main idea of each paragraph.)

2. While-listening

Pair work: Listen and finish Activity 4 and 5.

Suggested answers of activity 4:

Picture bottom left: Carnival in Rio

Picture top left: Mardi Gras

Picture bottom right: Oktoberfest

Picture top right: Notting Hill

the tape again, and check the answers.

Suggested answers:

①The French.

②A plastic baby.

③Because of the weather.

④Caribbean immigrants to the UK. Because it is an important festival for them.

⑤Because Carnival is in the Brazilian’s blood.

⑥They go for a walk on the beach.


⑧Ten million.

3. Post-listening

Ask the students to finish the Everyday English individually and then check the answers and give some explanation.

Suggested answers:

(1) b (2) a (3) b (4) a (5) b (6) a (7)a (8) b


(1)give up v.放弃(念头、希望等), 停止, 抛弃, 认输, 把...送交, <口>对...绝望(=give up) give in v.投降, 屈服, 让步, 交上, 宣布


(quite/really) like

(quite/really) love

(quite/really) enjoy

be fond of

be crazy about

be wild about

(3)funnily enough 足够滑稽的是

(4) in one’s blood 血液里的事物即自然的事物

Blood is thicker than water.

(5) wash down 用水冲服

Wash down the medicine with water three time a day.

(6) walk off




You can walk off your headache.

Step 3 Speaking

Purpose: Enable Ss to know how to talk about festivals over the world.

Ask Ss work in pairs, and finish Activity 7 of Listening.

Step 4 Homework

1. Use Everyday English to make a conversation with your partner..

2. Finish the rest exercise about module 4 in workbook.

Period 5 Function, Grammar, Reading and Writing

Teaching Goals:

1. To get the Ss to know how to show likes, dislikes and preferences.

2. To get the Ss to have knowledge of the passive voice.

3. To develop Ss’ writing ability.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Leading-in

Purpose: To motivate Ss to learn how to show likes, dislikes and preferences.

Discussion:Ask the Ss to discuss how many ways in which we can show likes and dislikes and finish Function in our textbook on P37.

Step 2 Function

Purpose: Through exercises to get Ss to know how to show likes, dislikes and preferences.

Suggested answers (Activity 1):

They are speaking about likes and preferences:

1 Caitlin; King Cake

2 Maria; Feijoada

3 Stefan; sausages

4 Cameron; traditional Jamaican food —chicken with rich and peas

Suggested answers (Activity 2):

(1) I hate it. (2) I don’t think much of it. (3) It’s OK.

(4) I quite like it. (5) I really like it (6) I love it.

Step 3 Speaking

Purpose:Help Ss to know how to talk about their likes, dislikes and preferences.

Work in pairs, and finish Activity 3 in our textbook.

Step 4Grammar

Purpose: Enable Ss to use the passive voice.

1. Presentation

Purpose: To get the Ss to know the teaching content of Grammar

Show the following contents on blackboard or PowerPoint --- the passive voice.


被动语态的构成方式:be + 过去分词,口语只也有用get / become +过去分词表示。被动语态的基本用法:不知道或没必要提到动作的执行者是谁时用被动语态。强调或突出动作的承受者常用被动语态(by短语有时可以省略)。



My friend gave me an interesting book on my birthday.

An interesting book was given to me(by my friend)on my birthday.

I was given an interesting book (by my friend)on my birthday.


The boss made him work all day long.

He was made to work all day long(by the boss)


The children were taken good care of (by her).

Your pronunciation and spelling should be paid attention to.

④情态动词和be going to、be to、be sure to、used to、have to、had better等结构变被动语态,只需将它们后面的动词原形变为be +过去分词。


People say he is a smart boy.

It is said that he is a smart boy.

He is said to be a smart boy.

People know paper was made in China first.

It is known that paper was made in China first.

Paper was known to be made in China first.

类似句型有:It is said / known / suggested / believed / hoped/ thought that …



②表示状态的谓语动词,如:last、hold、benefit、contain、equal、fit、join、mean、last、look like、consist to等。

③表示归属的动词,如have、own、belong to等。






①当feel、look、smell、taste、sound等后面接形容词时;当cut、read、sell、wear、write 等词带状语修饰语时;当动词表示“开始、结束、关、停、转、启动”等意义时。

This kind of cloth washes easily.这种布易洗。

These novels won’t sell well.这些小说不畅销。

My pen writes smoothly.我的钢笔写起来很流畅。

The door won’t lock.门锁不上。

The fish smells good.鱼闻起来香。

②当break out、take place、shut off、turn off、work out等动词表示“发生、关闭、制定”等意思时。

The plan worked out successfully.

The lamps on the wall turn off.

③want, require, need后面的动名词用主动表示被动含义。

④be worth doing用主动形式表示被动含义。

⑤在“be + 形容词+ to do”中,不定式的逻辑宾语是句子的主语,用主动代被动。

This kind of water isn’t fit to drink.

The girl isn’t easy to get along with.

另外:be to blame(受谴责),be to rent(出租)也用主动形式表被动。


①be seated坐着

He is seated on a bench.(He seats himself on a bench.)坐在凳子上。

②be hidden躲藏

He was hidden behind the door.(He hid himself behind the door.)他藏在门后。

③be lost迷路

④be drunk喝醉

⑤be dressed穿着

The girl was dressed in a red short skirt.



The book was sold by a certain bookstore.(被动语态)

The book is well sold.(系表结构)



come true, consist of, take place, happen, become, rise, occur, belong, break out, appear, arrive, die, fall, last, exist, fail, succeed

It took place before liberation.

考点二:下列动词的主动语态表示被动意义, 而且常与well, quite, easily, badly等副词连用。

lock ( 锁) ; wash ( 洗); sell ( 卖); read ( 读); wear ( 穿); blame (责备);ride (乘坐);write ( 写);

Glass breaks easily. 玻璃容易破碎。

The car rides smoothly. 这车走起来很稳。

The case locks easily. 这箱子很好锁。

The book sells well. 这本书很畅销。


It is said…, It is reported…, It is widely believed…,It is expected…, It is estimated…,这些句子一般翻译为“据说……”,“人们认为……”,而“以前人们认为……” 则应该说:It was believed…, It was thought…

2. Examples

(1)(粤04-21)All the employees except the manager _____to work online at home.

A. encourages

B. encourage

C. is encouraged

D. are encouraged


(2)(沪04-30)The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people _____to eat more fruit and vegetables.

A. persuade

B. will persuade

C. be persuaded

D. are persuaded


(3)(京04-27)The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Olympics _____by 2008.

A. has been completed

B. has completed

C. will have been completed

D. will have completed


(4)(苏04-26)More patients _____in hospital this year than last year.

A. treated

B. have treated

C. had been treated

D. have been treated



3. Practice Review of verb forms

Purpose: To get the Ss to have knowledge of the grammar through exercises.

Ask the Ss to finish the exercises in our textbook about Grammar.

Suggested answers of activity 1:

a Sentence 2.

b Sentence 1.

c Sentence 2.

d By shows who performed th

e action(the agent).

Suggested answers of activity 2:

was followed was extended was limited were not allowed

were passed were put were banned was revived

was developed is celebrated are booked are crowded

Suggested answers of activity 3:

were held; celebrated; was decided; wanted; was followed; was discovered; brought; were added; has become; is celebrated; is known; climbs; flies; is watched; are fired

Suggested answers of activity 4:

1. Venice is visited by tourists from all over the world.

2. Many of the carnival masks are made by trained artists.

3. Parties were given every day for a month (by rich people).

4. Carnival was taken to South America by the Portuguese and the Spanish.

5. The Notting Hill Carnival in London was created by the West Indian community.

6. Carnival is enjoyed by millions of people today.

Step 5 Reading and Writing

Purpose: To develop Ss’ writing ability.

1. Read the email and number the things in the order you read them.

(1) the atmosphere at the festival

(2) the music

(3) the food

(4) what the writer’s doing

(5) what the writer’s going to do

2. Find the adjectives used to describe:

the atmosphere: noisy / colorful

the music: great / exciting / relaxing

the food: good / tasty

3. Write a short article to introduce a Chinese festival.

Step 6 Homework

1. Grammar on Workbook P85.

2. Review the new words and phrases that we have learnt.

Period 6 Workbook, Module File

Teaching Goals:

1. To deal with the exercise in workbook.

2. Enable the Ss to make a conclusion of this module.

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1 Workbook

Purpose: To deal with the exercise in workbook.

First, check the Ss whether they have finished the homework. And then give some instructions of the confusing exercises.

Step 2 Module File

Purpose: Enable the Ss to make a conclusion of this module and to deepen what we have learned in the module.

Ask the Ss to look at Module File of Module 4 and try to recall what we have learnt in the module. Then tick the things they are sure that they know and put a question mark next to the points they are not sure of and a cross to what they don’t know.

Help the students to share their ideas and deal with the difficult or confusing points.

Step 3 Assessment

1. Individual work for self-assessment

In this module, you have learnt about some festivals. How do you evaluate yourself in

2. Group work: Group Assessment

Step 6 Homework

1. Find more exercises about the passive voice.

2. Get a general impression of Module 5.


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