当前位置:文档之家› 三年级《小摄影师》课文原文

























1、当上当直截了当; 当代当机立断

2、少多少; 少年

3、相相对; 照相

4、卷胶卷; 试卷

5、转转告; 转圈































部编版本三年级上册语文课文原文 默读课文,想想课文讲了一件什么事,和同学交流你对这件事的看法。把有新鲜感的词句画下来和同学交流。 孙中山小时候在私塾读书。那时候上课,先生念,学生跟着念,咿咿呀呀,像唱歌样。学生读熟了,先生就让他们一个一个地背诵。至于书里的意思,先生从来不讲。 一天,孙中山来到学校,照例把书放到先生面前,流利地背出昨天所学的功课。先生听了,连连点头。接着,先生在孙中山的书上又圈了一段,他念一句,叫孙中山念一句。孙中山会读了,就回到座位上练习背诵。孙中山读了几遍,就背下来了。可是,书里说的是什么意思,他一点儿也不懂。孙中山想:这样糊里糊涂地背,有什么用呢?于是,他壮着胆子站起来,问:“先生,您刚才让我背的这段书是什么意思?请您给我讲讲吧!” 这一问,把正在摇头晃脑高声念书的同学们吓呆了,课堂里霎时变得鸦雀无声。 先生拿着戒尺,走到孙中山跟前,厉声问道:“你会背了吗?” “会背了。”孙中山说着,就把那段书一字不漏地背了出来。 先生收起戒尺,摆摆手让孙中山坐下,说:“我原想,书中的道理,你们长大了自然会知道的。现在你们既然想听,我就讲讲吧!” 先生讲得很详细,大家听得很认真。 后来,有个同学问孙中山:“你向先生提出问题,不怕挨打吗?” 孙中山笑了笑,说:“学问学问,不懂就要问。为了弄清楚道理,就是挨打也值得。” 当雷云在天上轰响,六月的阵雨落下的时候,润湿的东风走过荒野,在竹林中吹着口笛。 于是一群一群的花从无人知道的地方突然跑出来,在绿草上跳舞、狂欢。 妈妈,我真的觉得那些花朵是在地下的学校里上学。 他们关了门在做功课。如果他们想在放学以前出来游戏,他们的老师是要罚他们站墙角的。 雨一来,他们便放假了。 树枝在林中互相碰触着,绿叶在狂风里簌簌地响,雷云拍着大手。这时,花孩子们便穿了紫的、黄的、白的衣裳,冲了出来。 你可知道,妈妈,他们的家在天上,在星星住的地方。


Great European Cities PARIS Paris is the capital and largest city of France, situated on River Seine. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world and is visited by more than eight million tourists every year. The most popular place for tourists is the Eiffel Tower, the famous symbol of Paris. One of the world’s largest art galleries, the Louvre, is also located in Paris. The city is also located in Paris. The city is also famous for its restaurants, cafes and theatres. About two-thirds of France’s artists and writers live in Paris. BARCELONA Barcelona is the second largest city of Spain and is situated on the northeast coast, about five hundred kilometres east of the Spanish capital, Madrid. One of Barcelona’s most famous landmarks is the Church of Sagrada Familia, which was designed by an architect called Antonio Gaudi. Gaudi worked on the project from 1882 until his death in 1926. The church hasn’t been finished yet! FLORENCE Florence is an Italian city which became famous because of the Renaissance, a great artistic movement which began in the 1300s and lasted for three hundred ears. During the Renaissance, some of the greatest painters of all time lived and worked in Florence. Many of Florence’s most beautiful paintings and sculptures were produced by great artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. Florence is visited each year by about a million tourists who come to see the art galleries, churches and museums. The Uffizi Palace is the most famous art gallery in the city. ATHENS Athens, the capital of Greece, is known as the birthplace of western civilization. Two thousand four hundred years ago, it was the world’s most powerful city. Buildings such as the Parthenon on the Acropolis Hill were built during this period. Greece’s best writers lived in ancient Athens. Their work has influenced other writers ever since. The Human Development Report In the year 2000, 147 world leaders agreed to work together to reduce poverty by 2015 or earlier. From this agreement came the Human Development Report. One of the most important sections of this report is the Human Development Index. This examines the achievements of 175 countries. The Index measures a country’s achievements in three ways: life expectancy (how long people usually live), education and income. The index has some surprises. Norway is at the top of the list, while the US is at number 7. The other top five countries are: Iceland(2), Sweden(3), Australia(4), the Netherlands(5). The UK is in the thirteenth position, while China is in the middle of the list. The bottom ten countries are all African countries, with Sierra Leone(in West Africa) at the bottom of the list. The report describes eight Development Goals. The most important goals are to: Reduce poverty and hunger; Make sure that all children have education up to the age of 11; Fight AIDS and other diseases; Improve the environment of poor people, e.g. make sure they have safe drinking water; Encourage developed countries to give more help to other countries. The 2003 Human Development Report gives examples of successful development. For example, in nine years, China increased life expectancy by 13 years. In the last ten years in China, 150 million people moved out of poverty. However, the challenges are still great. Every day 799 million people in developing countries are hungry. Over half of these are in South Asia or Africa. Although more than 80% of children in developing countries go to primary school, about 115 million children are not being educated. More than 1 billion people in developing countries do not drink safe water. However, in other regions of the world, e.g. Eastern Europe, water is now mostly safe to drink.


高一英语人教版必修三-全册课文原文 Unit 1 Festivals around the world FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times. Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. Sometimes celebrations would be held after hunters had caught animals. At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months. Today’s festivals have many origins, some religious, some seasonal, and some for special people or events. Festivals of the dead Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm. For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors. They also light lamps and play music because they think that will lead the ancestors back to earth. In


人教版:小学三年级上册语文第6课《小摄影师》教案 【篇一】 教学内容:P21-P24 教学目的: 1、学会13个生字、10个新词。 2、能联系上下文和生活实际理解:“吩咐”“摆弄”“突然”等词语的意思,能用“突然”说一句话。 3、感受到老一辈革命家对少年儿童的关怀、爱护。 4、有感情地朗读课文。 教学重点: 1、理解词语的意思。 2、感受高尔基对孩子的爱。 教学难点: 1、思考练习2。 2、用“突然”说一句话。 教学准备: 生字卡片、文字投影片、收集关于高尔基的资料。 教学流程: 第一课时 一、齐读课题。 二、借助拼音通读全文,标画出有多少个自然段,想一想课文讲了谁和谁之间发生的一件什么事? 出示生字卡片,检查部分词语的读音:吩咐、胶卷、秘书、贴在、侧过。 学生汇报:(共有15个自然段;讲了小男孩给高尔基照相的事。)

三、生生之间、师生之间交流关于高尔基的资料。(教师相机板书) 四、默读全文,围绕着“小男孩给高尔基照相的事”说说你都读懂了什么,结合课后思考题,说说你还有什么不懂的问题。 五、学生汇报交流,教师将学生不懂的问题板书在黑板上。 六、学生默读,根据课文内容将质疑的问题梳理、排序。 七、逐一解决问题。在这个流程中,重点理解摆弄、吩咐、突然等词语,初步知晓联系上下文,联系生活实际理解词语的方法。 第二课时 一、有感情地朗读课文。 1、学生根据自己的体会朗读自己喜欢的段落。 2、指名分角色朗读,想一想:小男孩还会回来吗?为什么? 3、讨论。 4、续编故事,以后还会发生什么事呢? 二、学习生字。 1、出示生字卡片,齐读。 2、你认为哪个字不好记,你有什么好方法记住它? 3、你认为哪个字写时有需要注意的地方,你来提醒大家。 教师指导“秘”的笔顺。 4、写一写你认为不太好记、不太好写的字。 5、听写:摄影师、杂志社、秘书、突然。 6、出示投影:比较几名同学同一个字的书写,集体评议。 7、自己对照书订正,教师随机批改。 三、指导用“突然”说一句话。 四、作业:有感情地朗读课文。


人教版语文三年级上册所有背诵的课文 早晨,从山坡上,从坪坝(bà)里,从一条条开着绒球花和太阳花的小路上,走来了许多小学生,有傣(dǎi)族的,有景颇(pō)族的,有阿昌(chānɡ)族和德昂(ánɡ)族的,还有汉族的.大家穿戴不同、语言不同,来到学校,都成了好朋友.那鲜艳的民族服装,把学校打扮得更加绚丽多彩.同学们向在校园里欢唱的小鸟打招呼,向敬爱的老师问好,向高高飘扬的国旗敬礼. “当,当当!当,当当!”大青树上的钟声敲响了. 上课了,不同民族的小学生,在同一间教室里学习.大家一起读课文,那声音真好听!这时候,窗外十分安静,树枝不摇了,鸟儿不叫了,蝴蝶停在花朵上,好像都在听同学们读课文.最有趣的是,跑来了几只猴子.这些山林里的朋友,是那样好奇地听着同学们读课文.下课了,大家在大青树下跳孔雀舞、摔跤(jiāo)、做游戏,招引来许多小鸟,连松鼠、山狸也赶来看热闹. 这就是我们的民族小学,一所边疆的民族小学.古老的铜钟,挂在大青树粗壮的枝干上.凤尾竹的影子,在洁白的粉墙上摇晃……

9 古 诗 两 首 夜 书 所 见 叶绍翁 萧 萧xiāo 梧wú 叶 送 寒 声, 江 上 秋 风 动 客 情. 知 有 儿 童 挑tiǎo 促cù 织, 夜 深 篱 落 一 灯 明. 注释: ① 萧萧:风声. ② 挑:用细长的东西拨弄. ③ 促织:俗称蟋(x ī)蟀(shu ài ),有的地区叫蛐(q ū)蛐. ④ 篱落:篱笆(b ā). 九 月 九 日 忆y ì 山 东 兄 弟 王 维 独在异y ì乡为异客,

每逢féng 佳jiā节倍bèi 思亲. 遥知兄弟登高处, 遍插chā茱zhū萸yú少一人. 注释: ① 九月九日:即重阳切题.古人有在重阳节登高、佩带茱萸、饮菊花酒的习俗. ② 山东:指华山以东,王维的家乡就在这一带. ③ 茱萸:一种有浓烈香气的植物. 11 秋 天 的 雨 秋天的雨,是一把钥(y ào )匙(shi ).它带着清凉和温柔,轻轻地,轻轻地,趁你没留意,把秋天的大门打开了. 秋天的雨,有一盒五彩缤(b īn )纷的颜料.你看,它把黄色给了银杏树,黄黄的叶子像一把把小扇子,扇(sh ān )哪扇哪,扇走了夏天的炎热.它把红色给了枫树,红红的枫叶像一枚枚邮票,飘哇飘哇,邮来了秋天的凉爽.金黄色是给田野的,看,田野像金色的海洋.橙红色是给果树的,橘子、柿(sh ì)子你挤我碰,争着要人们去摘呢!菊花仙子得到的颜色就更多了,紫红的、淡黄的、雪白的……美丽的菊花在秋雨里频频点头.

高一英语人教版必修三Unit 5 课文内容

Unit 5 CANADA- “THE TRUE NORTH” A TRIP ON “THE TRUE NORTH” Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were on a trip to Canada to visit their cousins in Montreal on the Atlantic coast. Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly to Vancouver and then take the train from west to east across Canada. The thought that they could cross the whole continent was exciting. Their friend, Danny Lin, was waiting at the airport. He was going to take them and their baggage to catch “The True North”, the cross-Canada train. On the way to the station, he chatted about their trip. “You’re going to see some great scenery. Going eastward, you’ll pass mountains and thousands of lakes and forests, as well as wide rivers and large cities. Some people have the idea that you can cross Canada in less than five days, but they forget the fact that Canada is 5,500 kilometres from coast to coast. Here in Vancouver, you’re in Canada’s warmest part. People say it is Canada’s most popular cities to live in. Its population is increasing rapidly. The coast north of Vancouver has some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world. It is so wet there that the trees are extremely tall, some measuring over 90 metres.” That afternoon aboard the train, the cousins settled down in their seats. Earlier that day, when they crossed the Rocky Mountains, they managed to catch sight of some mountain goats and even a grizzly bear and an eagle. Their next stop was Calgary, which is famous for the Calgary Stampede. Cowboys from all over the world come to compete in the Stampede. Many of them have a gift for riding wild horses and can win thousands of dollars in prizes. After two days’ travel, the girls began to realize that Canada is quite empty. At school, they had learned that most Canadians live within a few hundred kilometres of the USA border, and Canada’s population is only slightly over thirty million, but now they were amazed to see such an empty country. They went through a wheat-growing province and saw farms that covered thousands of acres. After dinner, they were back in an urban area, the busy port city of Thunder Bay at the top of the Great Lakes. The girls were surprised at the fact that ocean ships can sail up the Great Lakes. Because of the Great Lakes, they learned, Canada has more fresh water than any other country in the world. In fact, it has one-third of the world’s total fresh water, and much of it is in the Great Lakes. That night as they slept, the train rushed across the top of Lake Superior, through the great forests and southward towards Toronto. “THE TRUE NORTH” FROM TORONTO TO MONTREAL The next morning the bushes and maple trees outside their windows were red, gold and orange, and there was frost on the ground, confirming that fall had arrived in Canada. Around noon they arrived in Toronto, the biggest and most wealthy city in Canada. They were not leaving for Montreal until later, so they went on a tour of the city. They went up the tall CN Tower and looked across the lake. In the distance, they could see the misty cloud that rose from the great Niagara Falls, which is on the south side of the lake. The water flows into the Niagara River and over the falls on its way to the sea. They saw the covered stadium, home of several famous basketball teams. As they walked north from the harbour area, Li Daiyu said, “Lin Fei, one of my mother’s old schoolmates, lives here. I should phone her from a telephone booth.”


部编版三年级下册语文课文内容汇总 第一单元 1 古诗三首 《绝句》[唐]杜甫 迟日江山丽,春风花草香。泥融飞燕子,沙暖睡鸳鸯。 [迟日]春季太阳落山渐晚,所以说“迟日”。 [泥融]这里指泥土湿软。 [鸳鸯]一种鸟,常在水边嬉戏,雄鸟与雌鸟常结对生活。 诗人简介: 杜甫(712-770),字子美,自号少陵野老,世称杜工部、杜少陵等,唐朝河南府巩县(河南郑州巩义市)人,唐代伟大的现实主义诗人,杜甫被世人尊为“诗圣”,其诗被称为“诗史”。杜甫与李白合称“李杜”。 释义: 江山沐浴着春光,多么秀丽,春风送来花草的芳香。燕子衔着湿泥忙筑巢,暖和的沙子上睡着成双成对的鸳鸯。 赏析: 诗一开始,就从大处着墨,描绘出在初春灿烂阳光的照耀下,浣花溪一带明净绚丽的春景,用笔简洁而色彩浓艳。“迟日”即春日,语出《诗经·豳风·七月》“春日迟迟”。这里用以突出初春的阳光,以统摄全篇。同时用一“丽”字点染“江山”,表现了春日阳光普照,四野青绿,溪水映日的秀丽景色。这虽是粗笔勾画,笔底却是春光骀荡。 第二句诗人进一步以和煦的春风,初放的百花,如茵的芳草,浓郁的芳香来展现明媚的大好春光。因为诗人把春风、花草及其散发的馨香有机地组织在一起,所以读者通过联想,可以有惠风和畅、百花竞放、风送花香的感受,收到如临其境的艺术效果。 在明丽阔远的图景之上,三、四两句转向具体而生动的初春景物描绘。 第三句诗人选择初春最常见,也是最具有特征性的动态景物来勾画。春暖花开,泥融土湿,秋去春归的燕子,正繁忙地飞来飞去,衔泥筑巢。这生动的描写,使画面更加充满勃勃生机,春意盎然,还有一种动态美。杜甫对燕子的观察十分细致,“泥融”紧扣首句,因春回大地,阳光普照才“泥融”;紫燕新归,衔泥做巢而不停地飞翔,显出一番春意闹


高一语文必修三课文背诵默写 1、上有六龙回日之高标,。黄鹤之飞尚不得过,。 2、,一夫当关,。所守或匪亲,。 3、青泥何盘盘,。,。 4、蜀道之难,难于上青天,,枯松倒挂倚绝壁。, 。 5、,杀人如麻。锦城虽云乐,。 6、其险也如此,! 7、玉露凋伤枫树林,巫山巫峡气萧森,,。 ,。寒衣处处催刀尺,。 8、 ,生长明妃尚有村。一去紫台连朔漠, ,画图省 识春风面, 。 , 9、风急天高猿啸哀,。,不尽长江滚滚来。万里 悲秋常作客,。,潦倒新停浊酒杯。 10、千呼万唤始出来,。转轴拨弦三两声,。 11、大弦嘈嘈如急雨,。嘈嘈切切错杂弹,。 12、曲终收拨当心画,四弦一声如裂帛。,。 13、,老大嫁作商人妇。 14、座中泣下谁最多? 。 15、同是天涯沦落人,! 16、浔阳江头夜送客,。 17、海外徒闻更九州,他生未卜此生休。 , 。此日六 军同驻马, 。如何四纪为天子,不及卢家有莫愁 18、别有幽愁暗恨生,。 19、填然鼓之,兵刃既接,。或百步而后止,。 以五十步笑百步,则何如? 20、,谷不可胜食也。,鱼鳖不可胜食也。, 材木不可胜用也。谷与鱼鳖不可胜食,材木不可胜用,。 21、,,五十者可以衣帛矣。,, 七十者可以食肉矣。百亩之田,勿夺其时,数口之家,可以无饥矣;, ,。七十者衣帛食肉,,然而不王者,未之有也。

22、木直中绳,,其曲中规;,不复挺者,。 故木受绳则直,,君子博学而日参省乎己,则知明而行无过矣。 23、吾尝终日而思矣,;吾尝跂而望矣,。 24、积土成山,;积水成渊,;积善成 德,,。故不积跬步,;不积小流,无以成江海。,不能十步;,功在不舍,,朽木不折;,。 25、,,上食埃土,下饮黄泉,用心一也。, ,用心躁也。 26、秦有余力而制其弊,,伏尸百万,;因利乘便,宰割天下, 分裂河山,强国请服,弱国入朝。 27、及至始皇,,,吞二周而亡诸侯,, ,威振四海。 28、于是废先王之道,,;,杀豪杰;收天下之兵, 聚之咸阳,销锋镝,铸以为金人十二,以弱天下之民。 29、据亿丈之城,,以为固。,。 30、蹑足行伍之间,,率疲弊之卒,将数百之众,转而攻秦;斩木为 兵,,,。山东豪俊遂并起而亡秦族矣。 31、然秦以区区之地,致万乘之势,,百有余年矣;然后以六合之家, 殽函为官;,身死人手,为天下笑者,何也?。 32、古之学者必有师。师者,。 33、吾师道也,?是故无贵无贱,无长无少,, 。 34、,,或师焉,或不焉,,吾未见其明也。 35、孔子曰:“三人行,。”是故,,闻道 有先后,,如是而已。


1信 我学会了写信,用笔和纸,用手和心。我多么想写啊,写许多许多的信一一替雏鸟给妈妈写,让妈妈快回巢,天色已近黄昏。替花朵给蜜蜂写,请快来采蜜,花儿已姹紫嫣红①。替大海给小船写,快去航海吧,海面上风平浪静。 替云给云写,愿变成绵绵春雨;替树给树写,愿连成无边的森林。 给自己,我也要写一封封信,让自己的心,和别人的心,贴得紧紧、紧紧…… 【注释】①姹紫嫣红:形容各种颜色的花卉艳丽、好看。 2茉莉花 一天,我和妈妈在逛花市时买了一盆茉莉花,听摊主介绍说,茉莉花开,满屋飘香。 回家后,我把茉莉花放在阳台上,每天都精心照料它,焦急地盼望它能早日开放。妈妈说:“别着急,到了夏天,茉莉花会开的。”可是,茉莉花始终是那副老样子,稀疏的叶子,连花的影子也见不着。渐渐地,我不再关心它了。妈妈还是照样给它浇水,施肥。 初夏的一天早上,我在阳台上惊喜地发现茉莉花长出了好多叶子,整株茉莉花都绿油油的了。枝上还露出了一个个绿色的小苞,他们正在贪婪①地吮吸着甘甜的露水呢。 盛夏时节,骄阳似火。妈妈把别的花都拿了进来,却把茉莉花留在外面,原来它爱太阳。茉莉花已长出了一大簇枝丫,枝尖上鼓出了花蕾。过了几天,一朵朵白色的小花开放了。它洁白无瑕,似雪如玉,绽开了张张笑脸,送来了阵阵浓郁的清香。妈妈摘下一朵叫我闻,茉莉花的香味真醉人,花香沁入了我的心田。过了一段时间,妈妈泡了一杯茉莉花茶叫我品尝,那味道真是好极了! 【注释】①贪婪:指贪得无厌(含贬义),本课指不知满足。 3*我画什么 五个小学生坐在公园的草地上。三个男孩,两个女孩,沐浴着初冬温暖和煦的阳光。他们在一起看一 本十分有趣的连环画《神笔马良》。讲的是叫马良的孩子得到一支神笔,用它画什么,什么就变成真的了。画的公鸡会啼叫,画的犁头能耕地……多带劲啊!“要是我也有一支神笔,就好了!”卷发的小曼说。“不可能。”戴着近视眼镜的周明,俨然①是个大人,他说,“那是童话!” “假如嘛……”翘鼻 子元元说。 “假如有一支神笔,画什么呢?”男孩似的张小丽眨巴着一对大眼睛。“只准画一次。行不?”王斌非常认真地提议。大家都沉思了一会儿,又七嘴八舌地说了起来。 “听我说,我要给我们足球队画一个大球场,像世界杯赛那样的。”元元抢着说道。“我呀,”周明慢条斯理地说,“要画一个凉棚,给大街上的民警叔叔遮风挡雨。” “我……”张小丽欲言又止。“说呀,你。”大家着急地催促。 “我要画好多好多双眼睛,”张小丽深情地接着说,“送给爸爸、妈妈和他们的工友。” 同学们静下来,都在想:假如有一支神笔,又只能画一次,一定先让小丽画。因为,大家都知道,她的爸爸、妈妈在拐角的工厂做工。那是一家盲人工厂。 【注释】①俨然:很像。 4刮脸 小贝当大摇大摆地走进理发店。他嚷道:“我要剃头!”老板笑眯眯地说:“哟,是我们的小贝当啊,请坐。” 小贝当扶了扶鼻梁上的眼镜,对老板说:“我是大人了,你该叫我贝当先生。”老板递上报纸,改口道:“请贝当先生看报。” 小贝当才读二年级,报上许多字他还不认识,但是他读得很认真,把报纸翻得哗哗响。轮到贝当剃头 了。他坐在椅子上,请理发师给他理个小分头。 理好头发,小贝当又让理发师给他刮脸。他指指边上那位脸腮光净、容光焕发的先生说:“我要像他一样。” 理发师把椅子放平,让小贝当仰面躺下,自己坐到一边看报去了。 小贝当等了半天不见动静。那位理发师正悠闲自得地看着报纸,店里其他客人都一个接一个走了,只剩下小贝当一个人,傻乎乎地躺在椅子上。 小贝当大声喊道:“理发员,你怎么还不放下报纸,让我等到什么时候才刮脸哪?”理发师说:“等你长出胡子来。”


第6课《小摄影师》教学设计 导语:《小摄影师》表现了小男孩对高尔基的崇敬热爱、高尔基对小男孩无比慈爱、关怀备至的感情。下面是该课文的教学设计,欢迎参考! 学习目标 认识“摄、媚”等8个生字。会写“突、按”等14个生字。能正确读写“突然、立刻、人行道”等12个词语。 正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文,联系上下文,读懂文中的语句。 了解课文的主要内容,体会小男孩对高尔基的崇敬热爱、高尔基对小男孩无比慈爱、关怀备至的.感情。 课前准备 生字卡片。 教学挂图。 收集了解关于高尔基生平故事、资料。 第一课时 揭题导入 上节课大家学习了前苏联革命领袖列宁和一个小男孩的故事。今天,我们再来学习一位前苏联着名作家高尔基和一个小男孩的故事。这个男孩是一个小摄影师。 板书课题。读准生字:摄(shè)。 联系生活实际说说“摄影”是怎么回事,“摄影师”是干什么的人。 出示教学挂图,学生交流高尔基生平情况,教师相机补充讲解。 初读课文 选择自己喜欢的读书方式,可以默读、放声读、或者找同伴一起读,力求读准字音、读通句子。遇到不明白的词语、句子做上记号。 检查朗读情况:开火车读词语,重点指导“鞠(jū)躬(gōng)”、“胶(jiāo)卷”,轻声字“停当(dang)”、“打量(liang)”、注意:摆弄(nòng)声母是n。

给课文标好自然段序号,提醒学生课文共15段,小摄影师给高尔基写信的那部分内容属于第1自然段。 交流学习疑难,相机指导学生朗读该词、句所在段落,通过联系上下文的方法初步疏解课文字、词障碍。 齐读全文后,完整说说课文写了一件什么事。 合作识字 小组合作,想办法记住生字字形。 交流识记方法:利用熟字记生字(交—胶)、形声字构字(辆—形旁“车”—声旁“两”)。并且说说在书写时应该注意什么。 第二课时 复习导入,说话练习 巩固词语 纸团 墙报 鞠躬 打量 吩咐 摆弄 胶卷 秘书 杂志社 转告 用上以上词语来说说课文的主要内容。


人教版三年级上册语文课文 1、《我们的民族小学》 早晨,从山坡上,从坪坝里,从一条条开着绒球花和太阳花的小路上,走来了许多小学生,有傣族的,有景颇族的,有阿昌族和德昂族的,还有汉族的。大家穿戴不同、语言不同,来到学校,都成了好朋友。那鲜艳的民族服装,把学校打扮得更加绚丽多彩。同学们向在校园里欢唱的小鸟打招呼,向敬爱的老师问好,向高高飘扬的国旗敬礼。 “当,当当~当,当当~”大青树上钟声敲响了。 上课了,不同民族的小学生,在同一间教室里学习。大家一起读课文,那声音真好听~这时候,窗外十分安静,树枝不摇了,鸟儿不叫了,蝴蝶停在花朵上,好像都在听同学们读课文。最有趣的是跑来了几只猴子。这些山林里的朋友是那样好奇地听着同学们读课文。下课了,大家在大青树下跳孔雀舞、摔跤、做游戏,招引来许多小鸟,连松鼠、山狸也赶来看热闹。 这就是我们的民族小学,一所边疆的民族小学。古老的铜钟,挂在大青树粗壮的枝干上。凤尾竹的影子,在洁白的粉墙上摇晃…… 2、《金色的草地》 我们住在乡下,窗前是一大片草地。草地上长满了蒲公英。当蒲公英盛开的时候,这片草地就变成金色的了。 我和弟弟常常在草地上玩耍。有一次,弟弟跑在我前面,我装着一本正经的样子,喊:“谢廖沙~”他回过头来,我就使劲一吹,把蒲公英的绒毛吹到他脸上。弟弟也假装打呵欠,把蒲公英的绒毛朝我脸上吹。就这样,这些并不引人注目的蒲公英,给我们带来了不少快乐。

有一天,我起得很早去钓鱼,发现草地并不是金色的,而是绿色的。中午回家的时候,我看见草地是金色的。傍晚的时候,草地又变绿了。这是为什么呢,我来到草地上,仔细观察,发现蒲公英的花瓣是合拢的。原来,蒲公英的花就像我们的手掌,可以张开、合上。花朵张开时,它是金色的,草地也是金色的;花朵合拢时,金色的花瓣被包住,草地就变成绿色的了。 多么可爱的草地~多么有趣的蒲公英~从那时起,蒲公英成了我们最喜爱的一种花。它和我们一起睡觉,和我们一起起床。 3、《爬天都峰》 假日里,爸爸带我去黄山,爬山都峰。 我站在天都峰脚下抬头望:啊,峰顶这么高,在云彩上面哩~我爬得上去吗,再看看笔陡的石级,石级边上的铁链,似乎是从天上挂下来的,真叫人发颤~忽然听到背后有人叫我:“小朋友,你也来爬天都峰,” 我回头一看,是一位白发苍苍的老爷爷,年纪比我爷爷还大哩~我不再犹豫,点点头,仰起脸,问:“老爷爷,您也来爬天都峰,” 老爷爷也点点头:“对,咱们一起爬吧~” 我奋力向峰顶爬去,一会儿攀着铁链上,一会儿手脚并用向上爬,像小猴子一样…… 爬呀爬,我和老爷爷,还有爸爸,终于都爬上了天都峰顶。 在鲫鱼背前,爸爸给我和老爷爷照了一张相,留作纪念。老爷爷拉拉我的小辫子,笑呵呵地说:“谢谢你啦,小朋友。要不是你的勇气鼓舞我,我还下不了决心哩~现在居然爬上来了~” “不,老爷爷,我是看您也要爬天都峰,才有勇气向上爬的~我应该谢谢您~”


Unit 1 Festivals around the world FESTIVALS AND CELEBRATIONS Festivals and celebrations of all kinds have been held everywhere since ancient times. Most ancient festivals would celebrate the end of cold weather, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. Sometimes celebrations would be held after hunters had caught animals. At that time people would starve if food was difficult to find, especially during the cold winter months. Today’s festivals have many origins, some religious, some seasonal, and some for special people or events. Festivals of the dead Some festivals are held to honour the dead or to satisfy the ancestors, who might return either to help or to do harm. For the Japanese festival Obon, people should go to clean graves and light incense in memory of their ancestors. They also light lamps and play music because they think that will lead the ancestors back to earth. In Mexico, people celebrate the Day of the Dead in early November. On this important feast day, people eat food in the shape of skulls and cakes with “bones” on them. They offer food, flowers and gifts to the dead. The Western holiday Halloween also had its origin in old beliefs about the return of the spirits of dead people. It is now a children’s festival, when they can dress up and go to their neighbours’ homes to ask for sweets. If the neighbours do not give any sweets, the children might play a trick on them. Festivals to Honour People Festivals can also be held to honour famous people. The Dragon Boat Festival in China honours the famous ancient poet, Qu Y uan. In the USA, Columbus Day is in memory of the arrival of Christopher Columbus in the New World. India has a national festival on October 2 to honour Mohandas Gandhi, the leader who helped gain India’s independence from Britain. Harvest Festivals Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals can be very happy events. People are grateful because their food is gathered for the winter and the agricultural work is over. In European countries, people will usually decorate churches and town halls with flowers and fruit, and will get together to have meals. Some people might win awards for their farm produce, like the biggest watermelon or the most handsome rooster. China and Japan have mid-autumn festivals when people admire the moon and in China enjoy moon-cakes. Spring Festivals The most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring. At the Spring Festival in China, people eat dumplings, fish and meat and may give children lucky money in red paper. There are dragon dances and carnivals, and families celebrate the Lunar New Year together. Some Western countries have very exciting carnivals, which take place forty days before Easter, usually in February. These carnivals might include parades, dancing in the streets day and night, loud music and colourful clothing of al kinds. Easter is an important religious and social festival for Christians around the world. It celebrates the return of Jesus from the dead and the coming of spring and new life. Japan’s Cherry Blossom Festival happens a little later. The country, covered with cherry tree flowers, looks as though it is covered with pink snow. People love to get together to eat, drink and have fun with each other. Festivals let us enjoy life, be proud of our customs and forget our work for a little while.

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