当前位置:文档之家› 常用英语情景对话:天气




The weather 天气

A very common way to start a conversation is to talk about the weather. When you're traveling, remember that there is considerable variation in climate in the United States.

1.A:Beautiful day, isn't it?

B:Yes, it's not like what the radio said at all.

A:I wish it would stay this way for the weekend.

B:As long as it doesn't snow!

2.A:It seems to be clearing up.

B:It's such a nice change.

A:I really don't think this weather will last.

B:Let's just hope it doesn't get cold again.

3.A:It looks it's going to be sunny.

B:Yes, it's much better than yesterday.

A:They say we're going to get some rain later.

B:Oh, let's just hope it stays warm.

4.A:I think it's going to be a nice day.

B:It's certainly a big improvement over yesterday.

A:But it's supposed to get cloudy and windy again this afternoon.

B:Well,the worst of the winter should be over.


Hao: Good morning madam. What can I get you? Hao: 早上好,您要点什么? Jenny: I’d like a coffee please. Jenny: 我要一杯咖啡。 Hao: Certainly madam, what kind of coffee would you like? Hao: 您要哪一种? Jenny: What have you got? Jenny: 你们都有什么? Hao: Well we have espresso, cappuccino, latte, skinny latte or americano. Hao: 我们有义式浓缩咖啡,花式咖啡,拿铁咖啡,脱脂拿铁咖啡或美式咖啡。 Jenny: Goodness me! What a choice! I think I’ll have a cappuccino please Jenny: 这么多种类! 请给我一杯花式咖啡吧。 Hao: Here you are. You’ll find the sugar just over there. Hao: 给您,砂糖就在那边。 Ling: Would you like something to drink? Ling: 你想喝点什么? Jenny: Yes please. Do you have any teas? Jenny: 好的,你们有茶吗? Ling: Of course we have lots of teas? Ling: 当然,我们有很多。 Jenny: What do you recommend? Jenny: 你给推荐一种吧? Ling: What about a green tea or perhaps a jasmine tea? Ling: 你看绿茶或茉莉花茶,怎么样? Jenny: What’s this one? Jenny: 这是什么? Ling: That’s Oolong tea – it’s a Cantonese tea. Ling: 这是乌龙茶-是一种广东茶。 Jenny: Ok, I’ll try that. Jenny: 好吧,我想试试。 What can I get you? 你要点什么? What have you got? 你们有什么? What do you recommend? 你给推荐一下好吗? I’ll try that. 我来试试那个。


情景对话 你有什么计划吗? Nancy:Have a nice weekend! 周末好! Jerry:Thanks. You too! 谢谢!你也好! Nancy:Do you have any plans? 你有什么计划吗? Jerry:Well, my family's away and I can't afford to do much. What about you? 嗯,我家里人都走了,我承受不起做太多的事。你呢? Nancy:Oh, I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet. 哦,我还没决定我要做什么呢。 这几天真是太打扰你了 John:Have you had a good time these past few days? 这几天玩得怎么样啊? Lily:Yes. Kunming is really a beautiful place. 好极了。昆明这地方真漂亮。 John:Thank you. You're welcome here anytime you want. 谢谢夸奖。什么时候想来就过来玩儿。 Lily:I'm afraid I've been a bother these past few days. 这几天真是太打扰你了。 John:Don't mention it. You know, we're old friends. 别这么客气。咱俩都老朋友了。 Lily:Well. Please come to Beijing if you have time, and let me do the honors. 好。有时间的话,一定来北京玩儿,让我也尽尽地主之宜。John:Okay. Have a safe trip. 好的。一路顺风。


小升初英语口语面试的基本话题训练 话题一个人情况(Personal information) ?能够向他人介绍个人的基本情况(姓名、年龄、出生日期、家庭成员、爱好和自己的生活情况等)。 话题二家庭(Family and home) ?能够介绍家庭成员(姓名、年龄、职业、外貌特征、爱好等)的基本信息。 ?能够利用所学的语言,互相询问有关对方家庭的基本情况。 ?能够简单地写出家庭成员的基本信息。 ?能够介绍家庭住房的各种房间的名称,并能简单描述部分室内的物品。 ?能够简单介绍家庭成员平时经常在这些房间做的事情。

话题三学校(School life) ?能够介绍自己的学校生活(学校名称、任课教师、专业教室的名称等)。 ?能够介绍自己的学习科目,喜欢和不喜欢的科目,并能简单说明理由。 ?能够向他人介绍自己的课程表,并设计自己喜欢的课程表。 话题四朋友(Friends) ?能够简单介绍自己的朋友(姓名、年龄、外貌特征、爱好等)。 ?能够简单地写出朋友的主要信息。

?能够谈论有关天气情况。 ?能够听懂简单的天气预报,并记录相关的信息。 ?能够根据天气情况,设计自己的活动计划(合适的着装、活动去向、活动目的等)。 话题六饮食(Food and drink) ?能够表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的食物,并简单说明理由。 ?能够简单介绍自己一日三餐的饮食。 ?能够根据自己的喜好,为自己或他人点餐。 ?知道什么是良好的饮食习惯。 ?初步了解中西方关于饮食文化的差异。

?能够表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的动物,并说出为什么。 ?能够描述动物的外貌特征以及它们的习性。 话题八购物(Shopping) ?能够询问物品的价格。 ?能够描述自己对所需物品的看法(如颜色、尺寸、大小等)。 ?能够帮助顾客选择喜欢的商品,提出自己的建议。 ?能够设计购物清单,进行合理的购物。


与天气有关的英语词汇大全frost 霜 snow 雪 thunder 雷 wind 风 cloud 云 haze 霾 rain 雨 land wind 陆风 hail 冰雹 snowflake 雪花 mist 薄雾 rainfall 降雨 downpour 暴雨 shower 阵雨 storm, tempest 暴风雨/雪 thundershower 雷阵雨 sleet 雨夹雪;雹;冻雨 hail/hailstone 冰雹 frosty 霜冻 sandstorm 沙尘暴 lightning 闪电 hurricane 飓风 tornado 旋风;龙卷风 cyclone 旋风 typhoon 台风

whirlwind 龙卷风 breeze 微风 gust of wind 阵风 breeze 微风 fog 浓雾 dew 露水 drizzle 毛毛雨 humidity 湿度 drought 干旱 high temperature 高温 less rainfall 少雨 cold snap 寒潮 stormy wind 暴风 ice rain 冻雨 waterspout 海上龙卷风 Tsunami 海啸 Indian summer: a period of unusually dry, warm weather occurring in late autumn 深秋干暖的气候,小阳春,秋老虎 (a period of happiness or success occurring late in life晚年的幸福时光;兴旺的晚年) desertification 沙漠化 sandstorm 沙尘暴 sand and dust weather 沙尘天气 天气预报常用词组 fine becoming cloudy 晴天转阴 cloudy with occasional showers 阴,有阵雨


?日常用语: 就是日常生活中的交际用语,如Thank you. Sorry.等 谚语: 即是人们生活中常用的现成的话。 谚语类似成语,但口语性强,通俗易懂,而且一般都表达一个完整的意思,形式上差不多都是一两个短句。 例如:Helaughsbestwholaughslast.谁笑到最后,谁就笑得最好。 Nopains,nogains.没有付出,就没有收获。 ?英语日常交际用语分类: 打招呼与告别用语(Greeting and Saying Good-bye) 1.-How are you ? -I’m fine, thanks. 2. -Nice to meet you. -Nice to meet you, too. 谈论颜色(Talking about colour) 1. -What colour is it? -It’s red. 2. -What’s you favourite colour, Jenny? -My favourite colour is blue. 3. -How many colours do you like? -Three. 谈论高度(Talking about height) 1. -Are you short or tall? -I’m short/tall. 2. -How tall am I, Mr Wood? -You’re 1.6 metres tall. 看病用语(Seeing a doctor) 1. -What’s the matter? -I cut my knee. It hurts. 就餐用语(Having meals) 1. -Would you like some dumpling? -No, thanks./ Yes please. 2. I’d like porridge for breakfast. 3. It’s /Thery’re delicious. 4. What would you like for supper? 5. -Are you ready to order? -Yes, please. I’d like……. 谈论天气(Talking about weather) 1 -How is the weather today?/What’s the weather like today?

天气话题 英语口语

So do you like the weather? 开始天气话题。。。。。 You know, Fuqing is a coastal city , and the weather in Fuqing is so changeable. several days ago , it was summer. Hot in the day time. The sun is shining brightly. The high temperature would go up to 27 degree centigrade. And in fact we have just had our Tomb-Sweeping Day, which meant that the rainy season has come. In fact at this time last year, it was rainy for a whole month. And everything went mouldy['moldi]. But now the sun shines happily every day . And maybe a mouth later, we would have our real summer when the temperature would rise up to 30-40 degree centigrade, burning the air . And there would be nowhere to hide the heat . What we have to do is stay in the office or home where we have the air conditioner to cool us down. And there would be dozens of typhoons every year. Hopefully, we have lots of mountains here in Fujian province . And the mountains act as sheltering greenbelts to reduce the strength of the typhoons . So at last when typhoon arrives in Fuqing , it would bring just big winds and rains. So kids like that . For it would be holidays for them when typhoon’s here. That is why lots of people don’t like summer here in Fuqing . So what about you ? What is the climate like in your hometown now? 标题:今年夏天下雨很少 A It seldom rains this summer. 今年夏天下雨很少。 B Yeah, some places are very short of water. 就是,有些地方十分缺水。 标题:天气会很潮湿 分类:天气话题 A I’m sure it will be wet when we arrive. 我肯定我们到达的时候天气会很潮湿。 B Yes. I dare say it will be.是的。我敢说会是这样的。


关于购物对话用语 一、问好 hello/hi 你好 Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。 Nice to meet you too. 见到你很高兴。How are you 你好吗 I am fine, thank you, and you 我很好,你呢I am fine too. 我也很好。 How do you do 你好。(初次见面问候语)How do you do 你好。 二、迎宾 Welcome to Prada! 欢迎来到普拉达专卖! 三、打招呼 Good morning, sir/ madam早上好,先生/女士afternoon下午evening晚上What can I do for you/ May I help you 您需要什么 I am looking for/ need/ want to buy a... 我需要买...... Do you have any ... 你们有...... I'm just looking/ browsing.我只是随便看看。 四、询问衣服 How are these 这些怎么样 This one is great. May I try this on这款很不错。我可以试试吗 Sure, the fitting/dressing room is there.当然可以,试衣间在那边。 What's your size/ What size do you want你穿多大号的 Size (S, M, L, XL, XXL...)/数字 OK/ Is it fit 可以吗/合适吗 The fit isn't good. 尺寸不合适 It is too big/ small. Can I have a larger/ smaller size 太大了/太小了. 可以给我个大一点/小一点的吗 I’m sorry, it is out of stock for the time being.很抱歉,这个暂时缺货。 It fits well. 很适合 How do I look/ What do you think/ Does this look good on me 这件我穿着怎么样 You look very good. 你看起来很不错。 I will take it. 我要这件。 五、询问价格 How much does it cost/ is it 这件多少钱What is the price for this suit/...这套西装/......多少钱 5025 yuan/ dollars It's so expensive./ It costs too much.太贵了Can you make it cheaper能便宜些吗 Can you give me any discount/ Any discount 能给我一点折扣吗


与天气有关的英语词汇及句型 天气是英国人迷恋的话题,英式英语中有许多与天气有关的英语成语,一起来看看吧! it never rains but it pours 祸不单行 throw n CaUti On to the Wind 冒险 a storm in teacup 大惊小怪 twisti ng in the Wind 孤立无援 rainy day艰难的时刻/困境 ill Wind that blows nobody any good 有祸也有福/有人愁有人喜 every cloud has a SiIVer Iining (每一块乌云后面都有银色的一面)困难中必有希望 bolt from the blue 突如其来的 Under the Weather 身体不舒服 Weather the storm 渡过危机 as right as rain 万事顺禾U 跟天气有关的英语俚语 1. What's UP With him today? He has a face like thu nder! 他今天怎么了?他看着怒气冲冲的。 2. I'm a bit disappo in ted in Joh n and David. It tur ned out they Were Only fair-weather frien ds. 我对约翰和大卫有点失望,原来他们不过是靠不住的酒肉朋友。 3. We don't have a Sno wball's Cha nce of Winning that Con tract! 我们根本就没有一点希望能签那份合同。 4. Don't worry about those two arguin g. it's just a storm in a teacup. 不用为他俩的争执担心,他们不过是小题大做罢了。 5. The exam WaS a breeze. 这次考试真是太容易了。 6. We're Sno Wed Un der at work. 我工作忙得不可开交。 7. They're blow ing hot and cold over this issue. It's impossible to know What they want! 他们在这件事情上摇摆不定,根本不可能知道他们到底想要什么! 8. He's always work ing in his garde n - come rain Or shine. 他总在花园里干活,风雨无阻。 9. It's going to get Very busy on ThUrSday. Today and tomorrow are just the lull before the storm. 我们周四会很忙的,今天和明天只是暴风雨来临之前暂时的宁静。 10. I don't want to SPe nd this extra money.门I SaVe it UP for a rainy day. 我不想把这些额外收入花掉,我打算存起来以备不时之需。 11. I'm going to See WhiCh Way the Wind blows before ask ing her about a raise. 我打算先观察一下形势,然后再提加薪的事。 12. You'll steal her thu nder if you Wear that dress toni ght! 如果你今晚穿那条裙子,你会抢了她的风头的! 13. I'm feeli ng a bit Un der the Weather at the mome nt.


吃饭英语日常对话情景 吃饭英语日常对话情景:invitation邀请 A:Jerry,would you be interested in dinner with me ? B:Thank you for your invitation,I m free tonight。 A:Which food do you like best? chinese food or western food? B:I prefer some Chinese traditional food。 A:I ll pick you up at 7:00。 B:Thank you 吃饭英语日常对话情景:ready to order A:What would you like to drink? beer,coffee or tea? B:Tea is fine. A:A pot of dragonwell tea。一壶龙井 A:What would you like to eat? yangzhou fried rice扬州炒饭or west lake beef soup? B:I wanna some west lake beef soup. 西湖牛肉羹 What is your special?你们的特色菜是什么?特色菜the specials= specialty A:Would you like anything else? B:No, I m fine 吃饭英语日常对话情景:请客 A:Thanks for lunch. It was delicious. 谢谢你请的午餐。它

很美味。 B:It s OK. 不客气。 A:Next time lunch is on me. 下次的午餐我请。 B:Don t be silly. 别傻了。 A:I m serious. 我是认真的。 B:All right. Next time you will treat. 好的。下次你请。 A:It s a deal. 一言为定。 重点词汇: 口语里It s a deal. 是很常见的,尤其是遇到谈话双方对某一交易或事情达成一致意见时,就会用到这句话,表示一言为定。


与天气有关的英语词汇大全 frost 霜 snow 雪 thunder 雷 wind 风 cloud 云 haze 霾 rain 雨 land wind 陆风 hail 冰雹 snowflake 雪花 mist 薄雾 rainfall 降雨 downpour 暴雨 shower 阵雨 storm, tempest 暴风雨/雪 thundershower 雷阵雨 sleet 雨夹雪;雹;冻雨 hail/hailstone 冰雹 frosty 霜冻 sandstorm 沙尘暴 lightning 闪电 hurricane 飓风 tornado 旋风;龙卷风 cyclone 旋风 typhoon 台风 whirlwind 龙卷风 breeze 微风 gust of wind 阵风 breeze 微风 fog 浓雾 dew 露水 drizzle 毛毛雨 humidity 湿度 drought 干旱 high temperature 高温 less rainfall 少雨 cold snap 寒潮 stormy wind 暴风 ice rain 冻雨 waterspout 海上龙卷风 Tsunami 海啸 Indian summer: a period of unusually dry, warm weather occurring in late autumn 深秋干暖的

气候,小阳春,秋老虎 (a period of happiness or success occurring late in life晚年的幸福时光;兴旺的晚年) desertification 沙漠化 sandstorm 沙尘暴 sand and dust weather 沙尘天气 天气预报常用词组 fine becoming cloudy 晴天转阴 cloudy with occasional showers 阴,有阵雨 cloudy with scattered showers 阴,局部阵雨 cloudy at first,becoming fine 阴转晴 fine apart from isolated showers 晴,局部阵雨 cloudy becoming fine 多云转晴 maximum/minimum temperature 最高/最低温度 fair to cloudy 晴到多云 extreme weather 极端天气El Nino phenomenon 厄尔尼诺现象 La Nina phenomenon 拉尼娜现象 其他相关词汇 weather modification 人工影响天气 artificial precipitation/rainfall enhancement 人工增雨 artificial rainfall infiltration 人工降雨 forestation 植树造林 air quality rating 空气质量评级 visibility 能见度 adverse weather condition 恶劣的天气状况 thermometer [θ?` m ?m i t?]温度计 dead calm 风平浪静 rain check 因……而取消,延期 rain or shine 风雨无阻 meteorology [m i t i ?`r ?l ? d? i] 气象学 atmosphere 大气 element 自然力量 observatory 气象台 weather man 天气预报员 Three-North Shelter Forestation Project “三北防护林”工程 arid and semi-arid areas 干旱和半干旱地区 topsoil 表土层 rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨


二十一个场景对话 目录 1、你有什么计划吗? (2) 2、这几天真是太打扰你了 (3) 3、英文问路指路 (4) 4、这位子有人坐吗? (6) 5、打电话预定餐厅位子 (8) 6、商务宴会中的英文点菜方式 (10) 7、At Breakfast 吃早餐 (14) 8、如何用英语买火车票 (16) 9、谈薪水必备英语口语 (17) 10、On a Bus 在公共汽车上 (21) 11、Asking Favors 求助 (23) 12、Making an Appointment 预约 (25) 13、Saying Goodbye 告别 (26) 14、Meeting old friends 老友重逢 (28) 15、Saying Thank You 道谢 (30) 16、介绍和开场白 (32) 17、Finding a Room 找住房 (34) 18、At a Hotel 在旅馆 (36)

19、The weather 天气 (38) 20、这里停车每小时多少钱? (39) 21、为什么突然要辞职呢? (40) 1、你有什么计划吗? Nancy:Have a nice weekend! 周末好! Jerry:Thanks. You too!

谢谢!你也好! Nancy:Do you have any plans? 你有什么计划吗? Jerry:Well, my family's away and I can't afford to do much. What about you? 嗯,我家里人都走了,我承受不起做太多的事。你呢? Nancy:Oh, I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet. 哦,我还没决定我要做什么呢。 2、这几天真是太打扰你了 John:Have you had a good time these past few days? 这几天玩得怎么样啊? Lily:Yes. Kunming is really a beautiful place. 好极了。昆明这地方真漂亮。


1.学校生活 School life 例一要点: 1.杰克是一名八年级学生,就读于伦敦附近的一所学校; 2.他最喜欢的学科是中文课,他认为学习外语很有趣; 3.学校每学期有一个“读书周”,他和他的同学们喜欢这个“读书周”,他们可以读到来自学校图书馆的许多书和杂志;他很 喜欢他的学校。 例二要点: 1.南希14岁,是七年级学生; 2.她放学后打排球,每周两次;她喜爱这项运动,花很多时间练习; 3.每周一她去“同伴俱乐部”;在那里,老生给新生讲学校生活情况;同伴朱莉帮助她全面了解新学校情况;朱莉是她的好 朋友。 2.节日 Festivals 例一要点: 1.万圣节前夜在10月31日; 2.在万圣节前夜,孩子们穿上特殊的服装,戴上面具;许多孩子玩一种游戏,他们敲邻居家的门,高声喊道:“不招待便使 坏”;邻居通常给他们一些糖果; 3.一些人也用橙色的大南瓜做灯,在南瓜上刻出眼睛、鼻子和尖牙的形状。 例二要点: 1.中秋节是一个传统性的中国节日,通常在9月或10月到来;当晚,月亮看起来更亮更圆;老人们给孩子们讲嫦娥的故事; 2.在中秋节,人们常吃月饼;月饼种类很多,有肉、蛋或水果馅的;每年此时,许多家庭都买月饼。 3.自己动手做 Do it yourself 例一要点: 1.我的表弟安杜鲁对DIY很着迷;他喜欢修理物品,装饰房间;但是当他完成之后,房间总是一团糟; 2.曾经有一次他试图在他的卧室里安装一盏更亮的灯,但是他犯了一个错误,整个房子都停电了;还有一次,他想在卧 室的墙上挂上一幅画,但是他却弄坏了一根水管,屋子里面全是水; 3.因此,我给他买了一些关于DIY的书籍,并建议他去选修一些DIY的课程。 例二要点: 1.如何制作一份水果沙拉? 2.首先,选择你最喜欢的水果,要用当季水果,保证它是新鲜的;其次,搭配不同颜色的水果,使其看上去色泽鲜艳, 和它的口感一样的好。比如,把红色的苹果、青色的梨子、紫色的葡萄、橙子搭配起来会使沙拉看上去颜色丰富。 3.你只有在准备食用沙拉时再准备沙拉。有些水果在空气中放置一段时间后会很快变色。 4.大熊猫 Giant pandas 例一要点: 1.人人喜欢大熊猫;大熊猫温顺且安静,他们以竹笋和竹叶为食; 2.世界上现仅有大约一千只大熊猫,它们的数目越来越少; 3.大熊猫生活的地方正在变为农田,而且人们也为取其毛皮而捕猎它们;如此下去,世界上很快将再无大熊猫。 例二要点: 1.熊猫宝宝名叫“希望”,出生时重约90克,每天喝母奶;6个月时,开始吃竹笋和竹叶; 2.可悲的是,大熊猫在野外很难存活;假如人们砍掉树和森林,大熊猫将无生存之处; 3.我们应当尽力保护它们。 5.饮食 Diet 例一要点: 1.为了更加健康,我已改变了饮食; 2.以前,我很少吃水果、蔬菜,喜欢糕点、糖果和可乐; 3.现在,早餐时总吃一根香蕉、一些面包,喝一杯牛奶;午餐时,通常吃鱼和蔬菜; 4.我现在正变得越来越健康,学习情况也因此而大大改善了。 例二要点: 1.以前,汤姆喜爱薯条和汉堡包,吃很多甜的零食,但很少吃水果和蔬菜; 2.现在,因为要更加健康,他已改变了饮食;早餐时,通常喝点牛奶和吃点面包;正餐时,通常吃米饭、鱼和蔬菜;饭后 常吃些水果; 3.汤姆现在健康多了,他知道改变不健康的饮食很重要。 6.爱好与学业 Hobbies and studies 例一要点: 1.我有许多爱好,喜欢游泳、唱歌和购物,目前旅游是我最喜欢的爱好; 2.但是,每天我有很多家庭作业;要花如此多的时间做家庭作业,以致不能为我的爱好找到时间了;对此我真的感到遗憾; 3.我不想因为家庭作业而放弃全部爱好。 例二要点: 1.迈克疯狂地迷恋足球,喜爱看足球比赛,当然也喜爱踢足球; 2.放学后,他经常花1小时左右的时间和同学们一起踢足球; 3.他的父母不喜欢这一点,要求他在5点半之前回家;他认为在爱好上花些时间是重要的,希望能得到父母的支持。 7.推荐 Recommendations 例一要点: 1.如果你在考虑去北京旅游,我推荐这本书; 2.这本书描述了在该市内的许多旅游景点,而且告诉你有关当地的纪念品;书中有许多漂亮的照片; 3.从这本书中你可以了解到有关北京的许多情况; 4.书的价格不贵,你可以在附近的书店里买到它。 例二要点:


英语情景对话——常用 英语情景对话一 对春节期间的烟花爆竹燃放问题的讨论 A:Happy new year, LIU, It is nice to enjoy New year holiday, but the noise of the fireworks and firecrackers bothers me recently. B: Happy new year, On the contrary,I think the fireworks and firecrackers is as nice as the Spring festival. A:Oh no, A t New Year’s Eve, I was up all night because there is too much noise outside. I think fireworks and firecrackers should be prohibited. B:I may not agree with you. The noise of them is a symbol of lively festive atmosphere. And I set off some fireworksat New Year’s Eve. It’s so interesting. A: Ok, the noise, is a piece of cake, it is just for me. But fireworks and crackers will cause air pollution. When firework is set off, it will produce lots of sulfur dioxide which is harmful to our environment. What’s more, fireworks and crackers do lots of harm to people. To make the matter worse, children love playing carelessly with firecrackers, which more often cause conflagration. B: Yeah, some of what you have said is true and It should cause the attention of people. But as long as people pay attention to safety when setting off, I think, It'sunderstandable to set off fireworks and firecrackers during the festival and they should not be prohibited. A:There also exist potential hazards in manufacturing, shipping and storing them. B: As a traditional way to celebrate the New Year, quite a few people think firecrackers have become part of our Chinese culture. Lots of fun will be gone with the ban of firecrackers. A: True, to change a custom is not easy, and people are not ready for such drastic action, but it will pay in the long run if the setting off of firecrackers is effectively banned in the cities. B: Maybe, we can celebrate our holiday by other ways instead of setting off firework.


英语日常情景对话有用 的情景对话 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

二十一个场景对话目录 1、你有什么计划吗 Nancy:Have a nice weekend! 周末好! Jerry:Thanks. You too! 谢谢!你也好!

Nancy:Do you have any plans? 你有什么计划吗 Jerry:Well, my family's away and I can't afford to do much. What about you? 嗯,我家里人都走了,我承受不起做太多的事。你呢 Nancy:Oh, I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet. 哦,我还没决定我要做什么呢。 2、这几天真是太打扰你了 John:Have you had a good time these past few days? 这几天玩得怎么样啊 Lily:Yes. Kunming is really a beautiful place. 好极了。昆明这地方真漂亮。 John:Thank you. You're welcome here anytime you want. 谢谢夸奖。什么时候想来就过来玩儿。 Lily:I'm afraid I've been a bother these past few days. 这几天真是太打扰你了。

John:Don't mention it. You know, we're old friends. 别这么客气。咱俩都老朋友了。 Lily:Well. Please come to Beijing if you have time, and let me do the honors. 好。有时间的话,一定来北京玩儿,让我也尽尽地主之宜。 John:Okay. Have a safe trip. 好的。一路顺风。 3、英文问路指路 A: Excuse me, Where am I on this map? B: We are here, bus station, we are in the heart of the city. A: Oh ! I think I’m lost. Can I go from here to the railway station? B: Head straight up the street about two blocks then turn left. A:对不起,请问我在地图上的什么地方? B:我们在这里,汽车站,我们现在在市中心。


资料1 关于天气的英语单词 山地气候mountain climate 冬季季风气候winter monsoon climate 季风气候monsoon climate 高气压high-pressure 锋面frontal edge 亚热带气候sub-tropical climate 气团air mass 热浪heat wave 高原气候plateau climate 闪电lightning 雾fog 海滨气候littoral climate 凉cool 霜frost 极地气候polar climate 雪堆snowdrift 露dew 热带气候tropical climate 寒冷chilly 恒风constant wind 微风breeze 逆风headwind 台风typhoon 无风calm 轻风light 信风trade wind 微风gentle breeze 温带沙漠气候temperate desert climate 温带干燥气候temperate arid climate 大雨heavy rain breeze 热带季风气候tropical monsoon climate 大陆气候continental climate 天气预报weather forecast 和风moderate breeze 沙漠气候desert climate 甘霖welcome rain 清风fresh breeze 沿海气候coastal climate 冰柱icicle 强风strong breeze 高地气候highland climate 疾风near gale 海洋气候marine climate 地形雨local rains 大风gale 森林气候forest climate 狂风squall 烈风strong gale 温带气候temperate climate 雨季rainy season 狂风storm 湿润气候humid climate 雨点raindrops 暴风violent storm 温带草原气候temperate grassy climate 东北信风northeast trades 飓风hurricane 热带雨林气候tropical rainy climate 东南风southeaster 台风typhoon 热带海洋气候tropical marine climate 风级wind scale 龙卷风tornado 虹rainbow 间歇雨intermittent rain 小雨light rain 阵雨shower 平静calm 毛毛雨drizzle, fine rain 疾风gusty wind 微波rippled 反常天气freakish weather 气旋cyclone 微浪smooth wavelets 北风north wind 气压barometric pressure 细浪light seas 冰ice 阴天cloudy day 小浪moderate seas 冰点freezing point 雪花snow flake

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