当前位置:文档之家› 2009年3月上海市英语中级口译资格证书第





Part A: Spot Dictation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. You might think that hamburgers were invented in the United States, but that is not totally true.

These________ (1), or patties, actually came from Germany in the middle of the nineteenth century. They were brought to the United States by________ (2) who came from the city of Hamburg. That is why ________(3)was "hamburger steak' However, people in other place________ (4) that 'they invented the hamburger. Perhaps we'll never have a ________ (5).the there's no question that the hamburger was a________ (6). Why? Perhaps because at that time, industry was growing and a kind of food was need_________ (7) for workers.

The hamburger became even more popular_________ (8) when the first chain of fast food restaurants was started. This chain was called “White Castle”. It served tiny hamburgers that were sold for only _________ (9). Then, in the 1930s there came the _________ (10) where customers were served in their cars by waiters in uniform. And the humburger was one of the most _________ (11).By now, The hamburger was ready to_______ (12) the world. And this happened with McDonald’s, which was actually a _________ (13) at first. But by the early 1950s the hot dog was replaced by the hamburger. McDonald’s and other fast food restaurants ________ (14) around the world throughout the rest of the twentieth century. McDonald’s alone has________ (15) for everyone person in the world. The importance of the hamburger to _________ (16) remains significant. About _______ (17)of all sandwiches that are eaten are hamburgers. According to some sources,_________(18)of current workers in the United States had their first job at McDonald’s . But the face of the hamburger is changing _______ (19). Nowadays it is possible to buy a chicken burger, a turkey burger, ________ (20),or veggie burger.

Part B: Listening Comprehension1. Statements Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short statements. These statements will be spoken ONLY ONCE and you will not find them written on the paper, so you must listen carefully. When you hear a statement, read the answer choices and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard .Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSER BOOKLET.

l. (A) We were met by the head of the company at the airport.

(B) We haw Mrs. Jones was the president of the company,.

(C) Mrs. Jones used to be the secretary of the company

(D) Mrs. Jones came to see us off at the airport.,

2. (A) The board of directors asked about the changes.

(B) The board 'of directors decided to invest more on the project.

(C) The board of directors approved the revisions.

(D) The board of directors could not understand her explanation.

3. (A) Many university students prefer soft drinks to fresh fruits.

(B) Most of them are first-or-second year college students

(C) A number of college students refuse to disclose their identities

(D) Not many students are interested in our research projects.

4. (A) We decided to sell the car when the oil Prices rose.

(B) We should not delay solving the problem of oil prices.

(C) We were at a loss as to whether to buy that expensive car or not. B y n e s t z h a o @h o t m a i l .c o m

(D) We didn't buy a car because of the floating oil prices.

5. (A )Most of them are from low-income belies.

(B) Most of them are in favor of a tax cut.

(C) I know the Congress will veto the tax reform.

(D) I propose the tax reform be debated in the Congress.

6. (A) Effective self management skills are key to academic and career success.

(B) If you spend a lot of time on your school work, you will become a good manager later

(C) School work can be time-consuming and is likely to make you feel exhausted after class.

(D) Good management calls for more time and energy on the part of the academic staff

7. (A) Mr. Paul White has just been fired.

(B) Mr. Paul White has forgotten the woman's name.

(C) Mr. Paul White is looking for a job.

(D) Mr. Paul White has the woman Promoted.

8. (A) I shall give you a discount

(B) The crisis is affecting the Whole world.

(C) I shall come in my Sunday best.

(D) The price is still too high.

9. (A) He finished the negotiation in three days.

(B) He was on a business trip ten days ago.

(C) His toughness cost him three more days.

(D) His business trip lasted thirteen days.

l0. (A) We are sure that our children will become positive members of the changing society.

(B) Children with self esteem can make positive adjustment and achieve career success.

(C) Personal goals can be reached with the help of parents who are competent members of the society

(D) Parents with confidence will adapt themselves to the changes and accomplish personal goals.

2. Talks and Conversations

Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear several short talks and conversations. After each of these, you will hear after questions. Listen carefully because you will hear the talk or conversation and questions ONLY ONCE when you hear a question, read the four answer choices and choose the best answer to that question. Then write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

Question8 11--14

l1. (A) The products were all made from fresh vegetables and fruits

(B) The homemade products were actually made in the factory

(C) The factory was equipped with the most sophisticated machinery

(D) There were homemade fresh vegetables and fruits in the factory

l2. (A) You are special. (B) You are natural. (C) You are stupid. (D) You are dumb

l3. (A) To better explain how to use that product.

(B) To help reduce the promotion cost of that product.

(C) To induce more famous people to use that product.

(D) To get TV viewers to remember that product.

l4. (A) Be easily affected by other products.

(B) Be aware of the same kind of product.

(C) Stick to that particular product. B y n e s t z h a o @h o t m a i l .c o m

(D) Strike a bargain for other products.

Questions 15--18

l5. (A) A flight over time zones. (B) A loss of one's characters.

(C) A symptom of leg problems. (D) A condition of sleep disorders.

l6. (A) Six hours. (B) Seven hours. (C) Eight hours (D) Nine hours.

l7. (A) Avoid junk food, salty foods, caffeine and alcohol.

(B) Drink as little water as possible between meals

(C) Take drinks with less Sugar, carbonation or caffeine

(D) Always have other fluid on the plane.

l8. (A) Sleep as soon as possible. (B) Nap even during daytime.

(C) Get a good night's sleep. (D) Relax yourself in a cafe.

Questions 19--22

l9. (A) He is overweight. (B) He is seriously ill (C) He is down with cold. (D) He is hale and hearty

20. (A) Two (B) Ten. (C) twenty (D) Thirty

2l. (A) It is the best (B) It is nutritious. (C) It is not enough (D) It is no healthy.

22. (A) the man is a heavy smoker (B) The man is rather short.'

(C) The man drives a car (D) The man works with a computer.''

Questions 23--26

23. (A) Chainman of the African Club. (B) Chainman of the International Club.

(C) Chainman of the Irish Club. (D) Chainman of the Folk Music Club.

24. (A) Once a week (B) Once a month (C) Once a semester (D) Once a year

25. (A) The minutes of the last meeting. (B) The treasurer's report.

(C) The Scottish and Irish Folk Dances. (D) The International Display Week.

26. (A) to help the students from the same countries overcome their homesickness and other problems.

(B) To set up booths decorated with pictures and things of interest in the respective countries.

(C) To recruit anyone who can sew to help make costumes so that every club member can wear their national costume.

(D) To teach the American students Scottish and Irish folk dances during the special even of the display.

Que8tions 27--30

27. (A) In Bath (B) In London. (C) In York (D) In the suburbs.

28. (A) Students live in halls residence around the university buildings.

(B) Students are encouraged to conduct their independent research project

(C) Students first live in halls of residence and then are allowed to move out.

(D) Students can share the common rooms with faculty members.

29. (A) She couldn't find a room in the residential hall. (B) She could save money to pay for her studies.

(C) She could mix well with the local people. (D) She could live in a comfortable house.

30. (A) Give her some advice on how to strike a bargain. (B) Introduce her to the local people

(C) Help her with the volunteer work. (D) Show her around the ancient cathedral city

Part C: Listening and Translation1. Sentence Translation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 5 sentences in English. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. (l)


(3) B y n e s t z h a o @h o t m a i l .c o m



2. Passage Translation Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages in English. You will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. After you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. You may take notes while you are listening.



SECTION 2: STUDY SKILLS(45 minutes)Directions: In this section, you wiIl read several passages. Each passage is followed by several questions based on its content. You are to choose ONE best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question. Answer all the questions following each passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

Questions 1--5

I came across an old country guide the other day. It listed all the tradesmen in each village in my part of the country, and it was impressive to see the great variety of services which were available on one's own doorstep in the late Victorian countryside Nowadays a superficial traveler in rural Eng1and might conclude that the only village tradesmen still flourishing were either selling frozen food to the inhabitants or selling antiques to visitors. Nevertheless, this would really be a false impression. Admittedly there has been a contraction of village commerce, but its vigor is still remarkable. Our local grocer's shop, for example, is actually expanding in spite of the competition from supermarkets in the nearest town. Women sensibly prefer to go there and exchange the local news whi1e doing their shopping, instead of queueing up anonymously at a supermarket. And the proprietor knows well that persona1 service has a substantial cash value. His Prices may be a bit higher than those in the town, but he will deliver anything at any time. His assistants think nothing of bicycling down the village street in their lunch hour to take a piece of cheese to an old age pensioner who sent her order by word of mouth with a friend who happened to be passing. The more affluent customers telephone their shopping lists and the goods are on their doorsteps within an hour. They have only to hint at a fancy for some commodity outside the usual stock and the grocer a red-faced figure, instantly obtains it for them.. The village gains from this sort of enterprise, of course. But I also find it satisfactory because a village shop offers one of the few ways in which a modest individualist can still get along in the world without attaching himself to the big battalions of industry or commerce. Most of the village shopkeepers I know, at any rate, are decidedly individualist in their ways. For example, our shoemaker is a formidable figure: a thick-set, irritable man whom children treat with marked respect, knowing that an ill-judged word can provoke an angry eruption at any time. He stares with contempt at the pairs of cheap, mass-produced shoes taken to him for repair: has it come to this, he seems to be saying, that he, a craftsman, should have to waste his skills upon such trash? But we all know he will in fact do excellent work upon them. And he makes beautiful shoes for those who can afford such luxury.

1.The services available in villages nowadays are normally_________.

(A) fewer but still very active

(B) less successful than earlier but managing to survive

(C) active in providing food for the village and tourists

(D) surprisingly energetic considering the little demand for them

2.The local grocer’s shop is expanding even though________.

(A) town shops are more attractive

(B) town shops are larger and less well-known B y n e s t z h a o @h o t m a i l .c o m

(C) people like to shop where they are less well-known

(D) people get extra service in town shops

3.How do the village grocer’s assistants feel about delivering goods?

(A) They tend to forget it. (B) They will not consider it. (C) They take it for granted.

(D) It does not seem worth their while

4.Another aspect of personal service available in the village shop is that_________.

(A) there is a wide range of goos available

(B) goods not in stock can be obtained whenever they are needed

(C) special attention is given to the needs of wealthier customers

(D) goods are always restocked before they run out

5.In what way is the village shoemaker a “formidable figure”?

(A) He seems to pay little attention to public opinion.

(B) He refuses to mend cheap, mass-produced shoes.

(C) He has a very rough temper.

(D) He has very high standards of workmanship.

Questions 6--10

Drivers on the Basingstoke by-pass used to have their attention diverted by a sign that read—A MOMENT'S INATTENTION CAUSES ACCIDENTS.

This self-defeating warning has now been removed, but its message is still very much to the point. Almost anything can cause an accident. Apart from momentary inattention, it might be a minor miscalculation, a sudden fit of coughing, a bop on the head with a teddy-bear from a child in the back seat, an argument with the wife, fog, falling asleep at the wheel, bad eyesight, a glaring sun, ice, rain, wind, or snow—a1l these can make the difference between a tragic hit and a lucky miss. Although human error plays its part, it is by no means the only cause of accidents. There must be some cause other than simple human error. Road construction plays its part: researchers have found that it is not at the obvious danger spot—sharp corners, cross-roads, narrow lanes —that accidents happen. It is on those roads where there are subtle visual traps, unexpected changes in the shape or surface of the .road, or even insufficient or badly-placed signs. Wherever there is a 'black spot', it means that something is seriously wrong with the road. Why else did the careless driving of so many come out at that particular spot? What the law requires when you have an accident There are, firstly the legal formalities of exchanging names and addresses with others involved in an accident and, in certain cases, informing the police. However, you are required by law to stop after an accident only if :l Somebody other than yourself in or outside your car has been injured.2 A vehicle not your own has been damaged.3 Any horse 、cow 、donkey 、sheep, or dog has been injured. It has been said that if a driver continues unaware of causing injury he must be acquitted. But the courts are wary of that excuse. Furthermore, the driver himself must wait at the scene; it is not enough for him to leave his chauffeur or a friend to attend to the boring formalities while he goes off on more important business. If you have been involved in an accident and have stopped, you must give your name, address, and registration number to anyone who has a good reason for requesting it; this means anyone affected by the accident. If these formalities are complied with it is not necessary to wait for the arrival of the police. It is, however, often wise to do so. The police are expert at drawing plans, taking measurements and photographs and gathering other evidence. In your absence the police could be given a biased story against you; and you yourself migh wam to point out certain features of the accident to the police.

6. A MOMENT'S INATTENTION CAUSES ACCIDENTS' (para.l) is a self defeating Warning because______.

(A) it will make a driver wait at the scene

(B) it will distract the driver's attention B y n e s t z h a o @h o t m a i l .c o m

(C) it is too difficult to understand

(D) it is too long to be read by drivers

7. According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

(A) After an accident you have to give your name to anyone who asks for it.

(B) Drivers on the Basingstoke by-pass used to ignore the sign.

(C) Road construction problems can be a major cause of accidents.

(D) A 'black spot' is a part of the road where there are no signs.

8. 'Subtle visual traps' (para.3) are ______.

(A) places where the police hide in order to trap motorists

(B) parts of the road which are deceptive to the driver's eye

(C) danger spots such as sharp corners and cross-roads

(D) places where there are man road-signs

9. As required by the law, you must stop after an accident, if ______.

(A) you have been injured by somebody.

(B) your car has been damaged.

(C) you have injured somebody else

(D) you have witnessed the accident

l 0. After an accident it is recommended that you wait for the police because _________.

(A) it is against the law to drive off

(B) they have to examine your licence and insurance certificate

(C) they have to noto the position of your car

(D) somebody may give them a false account of the accident

Questions 1l--15

Just as word oil scarcity is already causing international conflicts, so will the scarcity of water reach a point where wars will break out. The statistics on water are already scary. Already well over l billion people suffer from water shortages and 30 countries get more than a third of their water from outside their borders—an obvious source of disputes and instability especially as the climate changes. The whole of the sub-Saharan Africa, most of South Asia and western South America are most at risk. The reason: the rapid melting of glaciers due to global warning. At the meeting of the coalition of 27 Internaional charities last month, Gareth Thomas, minister of Internatonal Development of the British government, wrote to prime minister Gordon Brown demanding action to ensure fresh water to l.l billion people with poor supplies. "If we do not act now, the reality is that water supplies may become the subject of international conflict in the years ahead. We need to invest now to prevent us having to pay that price in the future", Thomas said. The department warned that two-thirds of the word's population will live in water-stressed countries by 2025.The coalition of charities has appealed for a global effort to bring running water to the developing world and supply sanitation to a further 2.6 billion people. It said that international investment is needed now to prevent competition for water to destabilize communities and escalate into conflicts. Tackling the water and sanitation crisis is essential if the Millennium Development Goal Call to Action is to be a success. Otherwise, progress on health, education, and environment sustainability will be undermined. Each year 443 million school days are lost globally to diarrhea and l .8 million children die from these diseases. In fact, it is often not realized that investing in sanitation and water brings the greatest public health gains, more than any other single development intervention and delivers enormous economic gains. Already, some Asian countries have put tackling these issues at the forefront of their development efforts. The Millennium Development Goals aim to halve the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water by 20l5. To achieve that urgent action needs to be taken. There is no doubt that climate change is potentially the most important factor affecting water shortage. This, B y n e s t z h a o @h o t m a i l .c o m

compounded with a growing and increasingly urbanized global population will put pressure on food and water. For a temperature rise of 2 C, which is likely to happen by 2050, there would be a catastrophic 2 to 3 billion people suffering from water stress.

l l. What does the author think is primarily responsible for water shortages in the world ?

(A) Climate chance. (B) Border dispute. (C) World competition. (D) Political instability

l2. According to Gareth Thomas, _______ is the price we have to pay for water shortage if we do not take immediate action.

(A ) sanitation crisis (B) international conflict (C) global warming (D) over-urbanization

l3. What can the coalition of charities do to prevent competition for water ?

(A) Appealing for international investment.

(B) Bringing running water to the developing world.

(C) Supplying sanitation to billions of water-stressed people.

(D) Enhancing world environment sustainability

l4. The Millennium Development Goals aim to_______ in the near future.

(A) tackle the water and sanitation crisis

(B) yield economic gains as well as public health gains

(C) make progress on health, education and environment sustainability

(D) provide more people with clean drinking water

15. According to the passage, what will add to water shortage ?

(A) Oil scarcity. (B) A drop in temperature (C) A growing population. (D) Reduced food supply

Questions 16.-20

Parenting was never a piece of cake in any age, but probably the greatest source of headache for parents today in Japan is the ubiquitous cellphone . Today, 96 percent of senior high school students and 58 percent of junior high school students have cellphones. Even among primary school children, 3l percent have them. By enabling youngsters to stay connected with their parents at all times, these gadgets help to keep children safe. For the kids, they are fun toys, too, that let them text to or chat with their pals whenever they want, play Internet games, and enjoy blogging for their own profile and diary purposes. But terrible dangers lurk beneath all that fun and convenience. Every year about l,000 children become involved in rape and other crimes through dating service sites. Violent and obscene images are only a couple of clicks away. On gakkoura saito, or so-called unofficial school websites where kids can post whatever they want, anyone can fall victim to brutal ''verbal mob lynching" by their peers. Amid today's urgent need to address these problems, the government’s Meeting on Education Rebuilding has issued a report. In response to the Prime Minister's recent comments---“I cannot think of one good reason for (letting youngsters) have a cellphone" and "I would like everyone to discuss whether cellphones are really necessary:" ----the report recommended that "parents, guardians, schools and all parties concerned should cooperate among themselves, so that elementary school pupils and junior high school students do not have a cellphone unless there is a compelling reason for them to do so. "But since many parents believe in the necessity of cellphones as a safety tool, it is unrealistic to expect everyone to do away with them. Rather, it would make more sense for guardians, schools and cellphone companies to consider, from their respective standpoints, how cellphones should be used by children. We suggest that parents sit down with their offspring and talk about their “house rules” for cellphone use. For instance, set the hours allowed, so the kids won't be texting to their friends late into the night, remind them never to give away personal information online, and so on.But there are limits to what individual families can do, and this is where we also suggest that schools should educate their pupils on the dangers of cellphone use. One way to go about this, for instance, may be for each class to set its own rules on sending e-mail messages. B y n e s t z h a o @h o t m a i l .c o m

l6. The word "ubiquitous" (para.l) is closest in meaning to ________.

(A) updated (B) sophisticated(C) prevalent (D) obsolete

l7. Many parents let their kids have cellphones because they ________.

(A) want their kids to keep up with the IT World

(B) can't think of anything better for their kids to have fun

(C) don't want their kids to miss 'what other kids have

(D) believe cellphones enable them to stay connected

l8. Which of the following is NOT the potential risk kids may face when using cellphones?

(A) Involvement in rape-related crime

(B) Exposure to violent and obscene images

(C) Falling victim to brutal curses.

(D) Being tracked down by unofficial school websites.

l9. The report issued by the government’s Meeting on Education Rebuilding______.

(A) recommended minimizing the use of cellphones among kids

(B) suggested setting “house rules” for cellphone use

(C) urged parents to remind their children about ce1lphone use

(D) pressed schools to educate their pupils on the dangers of cellphone use

20. What is the main idea of the passage?

(A) Parents neglect to protect their kids from cellphones.

(B) Parenting with cellphones is a source of headache.

(C) Cellphones should be banned from campus.

(D) Kids need lessons on the uses of cellphones

Question 21--25

Extract I

A stylish dining room with cream walls and curtains and black carpet as perfect foil to an eclectic array of furniture. Many of the pieces are classics of their particular era, and demonstrate how old and new designs can be happily mixed together The prototype chair in the foreground has yet to prove its staying power and was thought up by the flat's occupant. He is pictured in his living room which has the same decorative theme and is linked to the dining room by a high Medieval-styled archway where was once a redundant and uninspiring fireplace.

Extract 2

Old bathrooms often contain a great deal of ugly pipework in need of disguising. This can either be done by boxing in the exposed pipes, or by fitting wood paneling over them.As wood paneling can be secured over almost anyting---including oid ceramic tiles and chipped walls--- is an effective way of disguising pipework as well as being an attractive form of decoration. The paneling can be vertical, horizontal or diagonal.An alternative way to approach the problem of exposed pipes is to actually make them a feature of the room by picking the pipework out in bright strong colours.

Extract 3

Cooking takes second place in this charming room which, with its deep armchairs, is more of a sitting room than a kitchen, and the new Rayburn stove as a good choice, as it blends in well with the old brick and beamed fireplace. There are no fitted units or built-in appliances, so all food preparation is done at the big farmbouse table in the foreground; and the china, pots and pans have been deliberately left on show to make an attractive display. What about the kitchen sink? It's hidden away behind an archway which leads into a small scullery. Here there's a second cooker and--- in the best farmhouse tradition--- a huge walk-in larder for all food storage.

2l. Why is the colour of the carpet described in Extract l a particular advantage? B y n e s t z h a o @h o t m a i l .c o m

(A) It livens up the colour in an otherwise dull room.

(B) It provides a contrast to the furniture.

(C) It blends in with the tones of the furniture.

(D) It gives the room a classical style.

22. What is the purpose of the archway described in Extract l ?

(A) To hide an unattractive fireplace.

(B) To give the room an exotic eastern style.

(C) To join the dining room with the sitting room

(D) To make room for the unusual seating arrangements.

23. Extract 2 is probably taken from ________.

(A) an architect's blueprint (B) a plumber’s manual

(C) a home renovation magazine (D) an advertisement for new bathrooms

24. Extracts 2 and 3 deal with _________.

(A) old and classic furniture (B) attractive colour schemes

(C) cheap improvement schemes (D) home decoration

25. Compared with Extract l the room described in Extract 3 appears to _______.

(A) be more comfortable (B) be more colourful

(C) contain more furniture (D) possess a greater variety of style


Large parts of the world have not enjoyed the remarkable global progress in health conditions that have taken place over the past century. Indeed, millions of deaths in impoverished nations are avoidable with prevention and treatment options that the rich world already uses. This year, l0 million children will die in low-and middle-income countries. If child death rates were the same as those in developed countries this figure would be lower than 1 million. Conversely, if child death rates were those of rich countries just 100 years ago, the figure would be 30 million. Today's tools for improving health are so powerful and inexpensive that health conditions could be reasonably good even in poor countries if policy makers spent even relatively little in the right places.Recent research for the Copenhagen Consensus identifies several highly cost-effective options that would tackle some of the planet's most urgent health problems. The most promising investment is in tuberculosis treatment. Some 90 percent of the l.6 million tuberculosis deaths in 2003 occurred in low-and middle-income countries. Because tuberculosis affects working-age people, it can be a trigger of household poverty .The cornerstone of control is prompt treatment using first-line drugs, which doesn't require a sophisticated health system. Spending $l billion on tuberculosis treatment in a year would save l million lives. Because good health accompanies higher levels of national economic welfare in the long run, the economic benefits are worth $30 billion.The second most cost-effective investment is tackling heart disease. Heart disease might not seem like a pressing issue for poor nations, but it represents more than a quarter of their death toll. Measures to reduce risk factors other than smoking--high intake or saturated animal fat, obesity, binge drinking of alcohol, physical inactivity , and low fruit and vegetable consumption-- have had little success. Treating acute heart attacks with inexpensive drugs is, however, cost-effective. Spending $200 million could avert several hundred thousand deaths, yielding benefits that are 25 times higher than costs.The third option is prevention and treatment of malaria. A billion dollars would expand the provision of insecticide-treated bed-nets and facilitate provision of highly effective treatment. This would save more than a million child deaths and produce economic benefits worth $20 billion.The fourth alternative for policymakers is to focus on child health initiatives. The best measures are familiar ones expanding immunization coverage, promoting breastfeeding, increasing the use of simple and cheap treatments for diarrhea and childhood pneumonia, and so on.Even if the costs of all these initiatives were two or three times higher than we B y n e s t z h a o @h o t m a i l .c o m

estimate, these efforts would still provide amazing opportunities to reduce health inequality and do good in the world.

26. Over the past century, the child death rates have _________.

(A ) climbed steadily in impoverished countries

(B) dropped remarkably in developed countries

(C) fluctuated wildly in low-income countries

(D) remained stable in middle-income countries

27. The most effective investment is in the treatment for ________.

(A) tuberculosis (B) heart disease (C) malaria (D) diarrhea

28.All of the following could be the contributing factors to heart disease EXCETP________.

(A) heavy smoking (B) binge drinking(C) saturated animal fat intake (D) vegetable consumption

29.According to the author, if $ l billion were invested in the prevention and treatment of heart discase, whih of the following economic benefits would be produced?

(A) $20 billion. (B) $25 billion. (C) $30 billion.' (D) $35 billion

30. What would be the best title for this passage ?

(A) Best Options for Tackling World’s Killer Diseases.

(B) Cost-effective Investment in Impoverished Nations.

(C) Health Inequality between Developed and Developing Countries.

(D) Earth’s Killer Diseases: Tuberculosis, Heart Attack and Malaria...

SECTION 3: TRANSLATION TEST (1) (30 minutes)

Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

In a normal recession, the to-do list is clear. Copies of Keynes are dusted off, the banks lower interest rates, the president and Congress cut taxes and hike spending. In time, purchasing, production and loans perk up, and Keynes is placed back on the shelf. No larger alterations to the economy are made, because our economy, but for the occasional bump in the road, is fundamentally sound. This has been the drill in every recession since World War II. Republicans and Democrats argue over whose taxes should be cut the most and which projects should be funded, but under public pressure to do something, they usually find some mutually acceptable midpoint and enact a stimulus package. This time, though, don’t expect that to be the end of the story-----because the coming recession will not be normal, and our economy is not fundamentally sound. This time around, the nation will have to craft new versions of some of the reforms that Franklin Roosevelt created to steer the nation out of the Great Depression. SECTION 4: TRANSLATION TEST (2) (30 minutes) Directions: Translate the following passage into English and write your version in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

钟表上的秒针一下一下地移动,每移动一下就是表示我们的寿命已经缩短了一部分。再看看墙上挂着的可以一张张撕下的日历,每天撕下一张就是表示我们的寿命又缩短了一天。因为时间即生命。 没有人不爱惜他的生命,但很少人珍视他的时间。如果想在有生之年做一点什么事,学一点什么学问,充实自己,帮助别人,使生命成为有意义,不虚此生,那么就不可浪费光阴。这个道理人人都懂,可是很少人能积极不懈地善为利用他的时间。 B y n e s t z h a o @h o t m a i l .c o m


沪江英语绿宝书之 2011年3月上海中级口译考试 听力原文及解析 SECTION 1: LISTENING TEST (45 minutes) Part A: Spot Dictation Directions:In this part of the test, you will hear a passage and read the same passage with blanks in it. Fill in each of the blanks with the word or words you have heard on the tape. Write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET. Remember you will hear the passage ONLY ONCE. My topic for today?s lecture is communication, culture and work. When most people use the word culture, they think of people from different national backgrounds. National cultures certainly do exist and they play an important role in shaping the way people communicate, but there are other dimensions of culture too. Within a nation, regional differences can exert a powerful influence on communication. New Yorkers and Alaskans may find one another?s styles of behaving so different that they might as well be from different countries. Race and ethnicity can also shape behavior. So can age. The customs, values and attitudes of a twenty-year-old girl may vary radically from those of her parents who were raised in the 1960s or her grandparents who lived through the Great Depression and World War Ⅱ. Still, other differences can create distinctive cultures. Gender, sexual orientation, physical disabilities, religion and socio-economic background are just a few. All of these factors lead to a definition of culture as a set of values, beliefs, norms, customs, rules and codes that lead people to define themselves as a distinct group, giving them a sense of commonality. It?s important to realize that culture is learned, not innate.A Korean-born infant adopted soon after her birth by American parents and raised in the United States will think and act differently than his or her cousins who grew up in Seoul. An African American who grew up in the inner city will view the world differently than he or she would if raised in the suburbs or in a country like France where African heritage has different significance than it does in the United States. The norms and values we learn as part of our cultural conditioning shape the way we view the world and the way we interact with one another. In short, culture has such an overwhelming influence on communication that famous anthropologist Edward Hall once remarked, …culture is communication and communication is culture.?



整体思路 一句话概括口译听力训练“听得懂、记得住、写得快” 听得懂 复习思路:听力有效词汇量,熟悉背景知识及常考套路,适应各类发音现象 练习内容:VOA,BBC标准语速及类似难度的听抄与跟读练习,昂立教师博客听抄练习,高级口译笔试听力Q6-10新闻题听抄练习 记得住 复习思路:个人笔记习惯训练,属于自己的笔记符号,以复述强化短期记忆 练习内容: *0709-030910套真题中的SpotDictation+Sentence/PassageTranslation(中级包括statements,高级包括Note-TakingandGap-Filling) *听力教程(Statements+非对话类的篇章+Sentence/PassageTranslation)(中级包括statements) *昂立版预测试卷(8套) 写得快 复习思路:强化“在规定时间内写下想表达的大意”,熟练,果断 专项练习 SpotDictation 复习思路:记录单词快速、准确、精炼,熟悉自己的书写习惯,快速誊写

练习内容:真题(10),昂立版预测试卷(8),听力教程(12/16) 评分标准:20题,每题分,共计30分。只对名、动、形、副词直接扣分,其余错误作标记,统一酌情扣1-3分 17%oftheemployees分) 请对以下答案模拟打分: 卷面回答一:70%oftheemployees 卷面回答二:17%ofemployee 卷面回答三:17%oftheemployers 保底分数:70%,21分 潜力指数:★★★★ 重要性指数:★★★★ 对三类单词的不同处理 本身难度较大的词 syntheticfertilizers,lucrative,discernable,obsolete,dismantling不妨放弃 发音带来难度的词processedfood,frostresistant,safeforhumanconsumption 通读补全 常考的核心词 communication,unconsciously,cooperation,satisfaction,relationship熟练书写 对考试难度的正确理解:以0703中级真题的部分答案为例 atfault coverup



1997.9 上海市英语中级口译资格证书第一阶段考试 参考答案: SECTION1:LISTENING TEST Part A: Spot Diction 1. feel healthy 2. content 3. on average 4. six minutes 5. laugh more 6. 400 times 7. adulthood 8. growing up 9. effects of laughter 10. blood and stomach 11. physical exercises 12. facial and stomach 13. jogging 14. pain relief 15. forty university students

16. funny cassette 17. intended to relax 18. tolerate the discomfort 19. humour 20. immune system Part B: Listening Comprehension 1-5 B D C A D 6-10 D D C B B 11-15 B D A A C 16-20 D A B A D 21-25 B D C A C 26-30 D A C B C Part C: Listening and Translation Ⅰ.Sentence Translation 1.这类独特的酒被认为是世界上最好的一种酒。 2.由于她打算扩店,她开价要买下隔壁的房产。 3.我再也不准备容忍你的无能。你被开除了。 4.会上有人提议在委员会里应该有一位教工代


上海教师资格证考试面试真题(一) 2014年教师资格国考笔试已如期结束,教师资格证国考面试即将拉开,为了能够不断拓宽考生的思维,为了能够帮助众多考生顺利入围,中公教师考试网将依据教育改革的热门话题来与大家一起探究教师资格考试的本质思维。 一:践行素质教育的理念 素质教育的内涵为面向全体学生的发展、促进学生的全面发展与个性发展、不断培养学生的创新力与思维力。教育改革中提及的要促进教育优先发展、公平发展,正是素质教育的具体体现。素质教育理念,作为教育的总体理论与精髓,作为教资面试的必考点,考生需引起足够重视。而且,在教资结构考试中,总会出现与此相关的题目,它主要是通过一定的现象来测查,如“针对教师暴力对待学生一事,你怎么看”,再如,“很多孩子晚上做作业到很晚,导致第二天在课堂上睡觉,你是如何看待这一现象”。 对于这样的题目,作答思路很简单:开头首段提出观点,表明自己的态度,点明本质(透过现象看本质);中间部分论证观点,或是论证其背景,或是论证其原因,或是论证其造成的重大影响(包括意义与危害);落脚点为落实观点,主要从教育相关部门进行建议的补充与列举。下面,我们就上面引用的两道题目来进行详细列举,供考生参考。 真题1:针对教师暴力对待学生一事,你怎么看 【提出观点】暴力对待学生一事,实属违法行为,与职业道德相背离。考生在表态时可以暴力对待学生一事带来的影响来论述。 《中华人民共和国义务教育法》第四章明确规定“教师应该尊重学生的人格,不得歧视学生,不得对学生实施体罚、变相体罚或是其他侮辱人格尊严的行为,不得侵犯学生合法权益”。然而,近年来,老师暴力对待学生事件却频频在网上曝光,引起了社会各界的广泛关注。老师的职责本在于传道授业解惑,学生的调皮与叛逆确实会让做老师的我们伤透脑筋,甚至无奈叹气,但以暴力对待孩子,伤害学生自尊自信甚至让他们从此有了心理阴影的事件,是与教师的为人师表、关爱学生的职业道德相背离的,是违法行为。 【论证观点】论述其产生的原因,可采用深层原因与直接原因相结合的方式论述。 深层原因:不打不成器的教育观念根深蒂固。不论是教师还是家长,面对调皮与叛逆小孩的最快解决办法就是体罚,因为他们认为棍棒的力量是无穷的。 直接原因:一方面,部分老教师甚至较为偏远山区的教师,面对现今个性鲜明的学生不能够充分懂得素质教育下的个性发展的真实内涵,而是视小孩个性于眼中钉,视素质教育于纸上言,依旧采用过去陈旧老式的教育方式,致使不仅伤害了学生的自尊,而且让小孩脆弱的心灵蒙上了阴影。


上海新世纪英语高二全部课文及重点词组上海新世纪英语高二全部课文(包括additional reading)及重点词组 高二第二学期 17. words and their stories 18. english proverbs 19. tips on making a public speech 20. keep it short for the audience’s sake 21. making friends 22. what does friendship mean to westerners? 23. adjo 24. ryan, his friends, and his incredible torch run 25. the father of modern physics 26. the survival of the fittest 27. miracle in the rice field 28. newton’s three important laws 29. oliver wants more (adapted from oliver twist charles dickens)

30. enjoy the classics 31. is she guilty? (adapted from the prince and the pauper mark twain) 32. mark twain 高二第二学期 17. words and their stories eager beaver an eager beaver is a person who is always willing to do and is excited about doing what is expected of him. suppose, for example, that a teacher tells his students they each must solve one hundred math problems before coming to school the next day. the children complain about so much homework. but one student does not protest at all. that student is an eager beaver. he loves to do math problems, and does not mind all the homework. the expression is said to have come from the name of a hard-working animal---the beaver. beavers are strange-looking creatures. they spend a lot of time in the water, building dams to create little lakes or ponds. they use their huge teeth and work hard to cut down trees, remove branches and put them across streams. they use their tails to pack mud on the branches to make


1997.9 上海市英语中级口译资格证书第一阶段考试 参考答案: SECTION1:LISTENING TEST Part A: Spot Diction 1. feel healthy 2. content 3. on average 4. six minutes 5. laugh more 6. 400 times 7. adulthood 8. growing up 9. effects of laughter 10. blood and stomach 11. physical exercises 12. facial and stomach 13. jogging 14. pain relief 15. forty university students 16. funny cassette 17. intended to relax 18. tolerate the discomfort 19. humour 20. immune system Part B: Listening Comprehension 1-5 B D C A D 6-10 D D C B B 11-15 B D A A C 16-20 D A B A D 21-25 B D C A C 26-30 D A C B C Part C: Listening and Translation Ⅰ.Sentence Translation 1.这类独特的酒被认为是世界上最好的一种酒。 2.由于他打算扩店,他开价要买下隔壁的房产。 3.我再也不准备容忍你的无能。你被开除了。 4.会上有人提议在委员会里应该有一位教工代表。 5.“广告”这个词最简单的涵义就是“让某事物引起他人注意”。或者“将某事物告知某人”。 Ⅱ.Passage Translation 1. 请各位注意,图书馆马上就要关门了。请把参考书放回原处,如果要外借备用书籍以 便当夜使用,现在可以办理(手续),多谢各位合作。 2. 30年前,我还是个小孩子的时候,我父亲曾安排我去乡下一个农场过了两个暑假。他 认为那对我有好处,他是对的。那使我懂得了不少有关自立的重要意义。那地方非常偏僻,农场主的地位当时肯定已是二十出头的女儿说她从未离开过家门,也未见过火车。


上海中高级口译考试全解析 上海外语口译资格证书考试已经进行了将近十年,目前报考的人数越来越多,依然有很多第一次接触到口译考试的朋友对此考试感到疑惑,这里出一个解答的汇总,希望能解决大家心中的疑问1、口译报考新手入门常见问题解答2、英语中高级口译考试考试对象、考试流程、证书用途口译报考新手入门常见问题解答 上海市外语口译证书考试还有很多别名。比如我们通常叫的上海口译考试、中高级口译证书考试……目前十分火热,且报考人数连年增长,这里针对新手报考口译考试通常会遇到的一些问题做了一系列整理,帮大家理清思路,搞清楚这到底是个怎样的口译考试 问:什么是上海市外语口译证书考试? 答:上海市外语口译证书考试是上海紧缺人才培训工程重要项目之一,由上海市高校浦东继续教育中心(PCEC)负责组织实施。自1995年6月开考到现在,已有几十万人报考。考试通过者(含笔试和口试)获得由上海紧缺人才培训工程联席会议办公室颁发的《上海市外语口译岗位资格证书》 问:上海市外语口译证书考试有哪些考试项目?

答:目前的考试项目有四个。它们是英语高级口译、英语中级口译、日语口译、英语口译基础能力。 问:这四个项目的考试费用是怎样的? 答:在上海地区,考试收费标准由上海市物价部门审核批准。英语高级口译笔试、口试各210元; 英语中级口译笔试、口试各180元;日语口译笔试、口试各200元; 英语基础能力笔试、口试共200元。 (以上费用为上海地区考务费、报名费,外省市考点的考生另增加代办费)。也就是说不同地区的报名费会略有高低不同,以当地报名点的报名费用为主。 问:通过考试,我可以拿到什么证书? 答:英语高级口译、英语中级口译、日语口译笔试、口试全部合格者颁发《上海市外语口译岗位资格证书》; 笔试合格者可办理《上海市外语口译笔试合格证书》;对英语口译基础能力笔试、口试全部合格者颁发《上海市英语口译基础能力合格证书》。 问:要拿到《上海市外语口译岗位资格证书》,我需要通过哪几项考试? 答:上海市外语口译证书考试通常分为两部分,即笔试和口试。考生必须首先报考笔试,通过笔试部分考核的考生才能报考口


上海教师资格证流程 导语:教师资格证是教育行业从业教师的许可证。以下是上海教师资格证流程的资料,欢迎阅读参考。 根据《xx年下半年中小学教师资格证考试考务通知》可知,xx 年11月上海教师资格报名时间为9月6日起,考生可登报名官网完成报名。 xx年11月上海教师资格证考试时间为11月5日。 上海教师资格证网上报名步骤:考生注册→填写个人信息→上传照片→选择考区→选择类别→选择科目→提交审核→到确认点进行现场审核→审核通过考生→网上缴费→报名成功。 注意:以上信息根据xx年下半年中小学教师资格证考试考务通知发布的,具体内容以原公告为主。 教师资格分(自上而下兼容): (一)幼儿园教师资格; (二)小学教师资格; (三)初级中学教师和初级职业学校文化课、专业课教师资格(以下统称初级中学教师资格); (四)高级中学教师资格; (五)中等专业学校、技工学校、职业高级中学文化课、专业课教师资格(以下统称中等职业学校教师资格); (六)中等专业学校、技工学校、职业高级中学实习指导教师资格(以下统称中等职业学校实习指导教师资格);

(七)高等学校教师资格。 (八)成人/大学教育的教师资格,按照成人教育的层次,依照上款规定确定类别。[1] 凡报名当年年底未达到国家法定退休年龄,具备《教师法》规定教师资格条件并愿意从事教师工作的中国公民,均可申请并依法认定幼儿园、小学、初级中学、高级中学、中等职业学校(含实习指导)教师资格。 1.普通话水平应当达到国家语言文字工作委员会颁布的《普通话水平测试等级标准》二级乙等及以上标准。 2.各级各类学校非师范专业毕业生申请教师资格应按省教育厅部署补修教育学、心理学课程,并由省教育厅统一组织考试合格。(申请者学历为师范专业毕业人员免于教育学、心理学考试) 3.各级各类学校非师范专业毕业生申请教师资格应参加教师资格认定机构组织的说课(说课分为:面试、试讲)。(申请学历为师范专业毕业人员如能提供3个月或以上的教学证明,可免于面试、试讲) 4.具有良好的身体素质和心理素质,无传染性疾病,无精神病史,按《申请认定教师资格人员体检标准及办法》,在教师资格认定机构指定的县级以上医院体检合格。 5.报名需要学历证、身份证、照片。 6.没有教师资格证的是肯定无法取得正式编制的。


高中英语教材xx新世纪版单元标题高一上册 Unit 1 occupations Unit 2 Success stories Unit 3 English manners Unit 4 Holidays and festivals Unit 5 Animal friends Unit 6 Cartoons and comic strips Unit 7 Metropolises Unit 8 Hacking Unit 9 Personal hygiene Unit 10 School education Moudle 1综合 Moudle 2综合 Moudle 3综合 高一下册 Unit 1 travelling around China Unit 2 travelling around the world Module 1综合 Unit 3 English is changing Unit 4 A cushion or a kiss

Moudle 2综合 Unit 5 Classical and popular music Unit 6 Going to the Cinema Module 3综合 Unit 7 Newspapers Unit 8 Magazine Module 4综合 高二上册 Unit 1 Eating Around the World Unit 2 Global Drinks Unit 3 Sports Heroes Unit 4 Sports Around the World Unit 5 Animals Unit 6 The Environment Unit 7 Shopping Experiences Unit 8 Advertising Moudle 1综合 Moudle 2综合 Moudle 3综合 高二下册 Unit 1 Words and their stories


新世纪研究生公共英语教材 听说(下)第二版 听力全文 主编:李玉璞 上海外语教育出版社

Table of Contents LESSON ONE Resources and Energy (5) PART A (5) PART B (6) Passage I: (6) Passage II: (7) Part D (8) Lesson Two Crime and Punishment (8) Part A (8) Part B (9) Passage I (9) Passage II (10) Passage III. (11) Part D (12) Lesson Three Computers and the Internet (12) Part A (12) Part B (13) Passage I (13) Passage II (14) Passage III (15) Part D (16) LESSON FOUR Finance (16) PART A (16) Part B (17) Passage I (17) Passage II. Functions of Money (18) Passage III Credit Cards (19) Part D (20) LESSON FIVE Places to See in Britain (20) Part A (20) Part B (21) Passage I: (21) Passage Ⅱ: (22) Part D (23) LESSON SIX Education (23) Part A (23) Part B (24) Passage I SAT Examination (24) PART II Medical Education (25) LESSON SEVEN Business (26) Part A (26) Part B (28) Passage I How to Increase Business Profits (28)


上海外语教育出版社——新世纪英语高二全部课文 (包括Additional Reading)及重点词组 高二第二学期 17. Words and their stories EAGER BEAVER An eager beaver is a person who is always willing to do and is excited about doing what is expected of him. Suppose, for example, that a teacher tells his students they each must solve one hundred math problems before coming to school the next day. The children complain about so much homework. But one student does not protest at all. That student is an eager beaver. He loves to do math problems, and does not mind all the homework. The expression is said to have come from the name of a hard-working animal---the beaver. Beavers are strange-looking creatures. They spend a lot of time in the water, building dams to create little lakes or ponds. They use their huge teeth and work hard to cut down trees, remove branches and put them across streams. They use their tails to pack mud on the branches to make the dams solid. Few other animals work so hard. Historians say the beaver had an important part in the settlement of North America. There were hundreds of millions of beavers when European settlers first arrived. The settlers put great value on the fur of beavers. In fact, for two


1.哮喘asthma 2.肺炎pneumonia 3.肝炎hepatitis 4.胃炎gastritis 5.关节炎arthritis 6.支气管炎bronchitis 7.肥胖症obesity 8.糖尿病diabetes 9.阑尾炎appendicitis 10.消化不良indigestion 1科教兴国战略the strategy of revitalizing China through science,technology and education 2.培养高层次创新人才to train high-level creative professional manpower 3.有理想,有道德,有文化,有纪律的劳动者working people with lofty ideals,sound morals,good education and a strong sense of discipline 4.培养德智体全面发展的建设者和接班人to train builders and successors who are well-developed morally,intellectually and physically 5.协调发展coordinated and balanced program of development 6.优化教师队伍to optimize the teaching staff 7.培养独立分析问题和解决问题的能力to cultivate the ability to analyze and solve problems independently 8.启发式教学法elicitation method of teaching 9.填鸭式教学法cramming method of teaching 10.中国国际教育论坛China international Forum on Education 1. 不夜城everbright city 2. 沧海桑田ups and downs of time 3. 长江三角洲the Yangtze River Delta 4. 磁悬浮列车maglev train (magnetically levitated train), magnetic suspension train 5. 大都市metropolis, cosmopolis, metropolitan city, cosmopolitan city 6. 东方明珠电视塔Oriental Pearl TV Tower 7. 东海之滨的明珠the pearl on the coast of the East China Sea 8. 高架公路elevated highway, overhead highway 9. 高架立交桥overhead viaduct 10. 国际展览局IBE (International Bureau of Exhibitions) 11. 四项基本原则:Four Cardinal Principles 12. 和平共处五项原则:the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence 13. 一国两制:One Country, Two Systems 14. "引进来"和“走出去”政策:…Bring In ? and 'Going Out? 15. 计划生育基本政策:the basic state policies of family planning 16. 改革开放:reform and opening-up 17. adjoining room 相邻的房间 18. single room 单人房(一张床) 19. twin room 双人房(两张床) 20. double room 双人房(一张床) 21. triple room 三人房 22. standard room 标准房 23. deluxe room 豪华间 24. luxury suite 豪华套房 25. presidential suite 总统套房


博联兄弟同声翻译提醒大家专注本帖: 上海市中级口译考试历届试题前12套考卷的总结 2009-08-11 以下内容包括二百六十九个语言点 , 包括好句子 , 需要记忆的词组以及常见句型 , 关注于语言表达的结构功能 . 1. 我非常感谢 ... Reference:Thank you very much for... 2. 热情友好的欢迎辞 Reference:gracious speech of welcome 3...之一 Reference:be one of 4. 访问 ...是... Reference:A visit to...has... 5. 多年梦寐以求的愿望 Reference:has long been my dream 6...给予我一次...的机会... Reference:(The visit will) give me (an excellent ) opportunity to ... 7.我为 ... ,再次表达(我的愉快之情和荣幸之感)。 8.(我对您为我到达贵国后所做的一切安排)深表感谢。 note: 注意这里“到达”的动词向名词形式的转变。 Reference:I'm deeply grateful for everything you've done for me since my arrival in China. 9. (我很高兴)有此机会(来贵公司工作),与中国汽车业的杰出人士合作共事。 note :( 1)这里的“合作共事”可以不译,由前面的“工作”统领,用with 连接就可以了。(2)“杰出人士”的翻译 Reference:I'm very glad to have the opportunity to work in your company with a group of brilliant people in China's automobile industries. 10....多年来一直盼望... note :主要是对“盼望”一词的快速反应。 Reference:have been looking forward to ...for many years 11. 我很感激 ... note :出现“感激”,首先反应就是appreciate 及其同族词。 Reference:I appreciate... 12. 你若不在意的话,... Reference:If you don't mind,... 13. 去 ...走走 Reference:tour around... 14. 浦江商务旅游公司 note :注意其中的旅游的选词 Reference:Pu Jiang Business Travel Campany 15. 国家旅游局 note :局不一定要用bureau Reference:the Chinese National Tourist Administration

新世纪研究生公共英语教材听说 学生用书听力原文上(免费)

LESSON ONE Music 1. M: By the way, Jane, did you talk to the consultant顾问about our new health program? W: I contacted联系his office but his secretary said he would (be out for)试图得到lunch until two. Q: What does the woman mean? 2. W: We need to let everyone know about the charity [?t??riti] n. 慈爱concert, but we don't have much money for advertising. M: How about using the school radio station? They broadcast free public service 服务announcements.通告 Q: What does the man suggest they do? 3. W: I don't understand why this self-study自学book doesn't have answers to the questions. M: But it does. You can find them at the back of the book. Q: What does the man say about the self-study book? 4. M: The new sales manager says he has never met you before. W: We've been introduced about three times. He seems a little forgetful. Q: What do we learn about the new sales manager? 5. M: Have you had the brakes[breik] n制动器; 闸; 刹车. and tires checked? And do you have enough money? W: I have taken care of everything. And I'm sure it's going to be a wonderful极好的, 精彩的, 绝妙的trip. Q: What's the woman going to do? g. M: I've had my new stereo立体声for a whole week, but I haven't yet figured out 想到how to record music.


上海高中《牛津英语》教材与《新世纪英语》教材的对 比分析 摘要教材在英语教学中起着重要作用, 是英语课程资源的核心部分。进入新世纪, 我国启动了新一轮的课程改革, 课程改革的关键是教材。随着新课程标准的颁布, 教材由“一纲一本”向“一纲多本”转变, 越来越多的教材涌入市场。面对不同 品种的教材,如何评价和分析各种教材的优劣就成为当今教师面临的一个挑战。上海高中普遍使用的两套英语教材 ?? 《英语》 (牛津上海版) 和《英语》(新 世纪版) 就是为了满足新一轮课改的要求而改编和编写的。本论文以《普通高中 英语课程标准》为依据, 参照国内外教材评价的理论, 旨在对上海高中使用的两 套英语教材本身和使用效果进行对比和分析, 从而发现两套教材各自的优势和不 足之处,以便上海高中英语教师在使用教材的过程中可以对两套教材进行整合,

扬长避短,让教材更好地为教学服务,最终达到提高英语教学质量的目的。本论文共分为五个部分。第一章“引论”部分主要介绍了研究背景、研究目的与意义、研究内容与方 法以及本论文的框架结构。第二章“理论框架与文献综述”部分阐述了教材的定义和作用、教学大纲、 国内外外语教材评价的理论和国内外教材对比的研究现状。第三章“两套教材的对比研究”主要是对两套教材进行宏观和微观对比分析。 宏观对比分析了教材编写的宏观设计指导原则、教材编写的主框架结构和单元课 程设置模式。微观对比分析主要从语言知识、语言技能、学习策略和文化意识四 方面来对比,重点对比分析了两套教材的词汇、语法、听、说、读、写等方面。第四章“两套教材的效果对比分析”主要从教师调查、学生调查和两套教材 使用效率对比分析来看两套教材的使用效果。第五章“研究结果与思考”通过前面几章对两套教材的对比分析、调查和实 验总结出两套教材的优势和不足之处, 并提出一些建议, 供教材编写者和使用两 套教材的教师参考。 关键词 : 牛津教材,新世纪教材,对比分析vi ABSTRACTAs a core of curriculum resources, English teaching materials play an important


上海中级口译考试全 攻略

上海中级口译考试全攻略(笔试+口试) 两周前风尘仆仆地考完中级口译,常有人问我考得怎么样。我的答复总是:美女很多+非常紧张。 在参加考试之前,我常听到两种说法:中级口译太简单了,根本是没用的证,不如去考高口;中级口译太难了,只有高手才能拿到证。这两种说法都没错,对不同英语程度的人来说,中级口译的地位也不尽相同。我当初想到考中级口译并不是为了那一纸证书,因为我对于口译兴趣很小。想到报名完全是为了提高听力。上海交大去年做的一项调查显示,65%的同学认为经过口译训练,听力水平得到了大幅提高。当时我在《外国语》上看到这篇论文,立刻想到通过中级口译提高我可怜的听力。复习之后我还发现,口译对拓宽词汇量尤其是生活词汇作用巨大。 下面我就来谈谈怎么准备中级口译。 首先你需要买中级口译的教材,一共五本《中级听力教程》《中级阅读教程》《中级口语教程》《中级翻译教程》《中级口译教程》,但是,这五本中只需要买三本,那就是《中级翻译教程(第三版)》,《中级听力教程(第3版)》,《中级口译教程(第3版)》,另外两本千万别买,和考试根本没关系,除了这三本,我还推荐买《中级口译真题解析》,《中高级口译口试备考精要(附MP3)--新东方大愚英语学习丛书》,《英语口译资格考试分类词汇精编》。 书买好了,就可以开始准备了。

在准备之前,先确定打算何时考中级口译。中级口译一年两次,一次在3月笔试(同年5月初口试),另一次在9月(同年11月初口试),笔试部分考点较多,可以去上海中级口译官网查找,在哪个城市报名就在哪个城市考笔试,但是你也可以网上报名,网上报名必须在上海考试。注意报名时间:9月的考试在6月报名,3月的考试在12月报名,一定要随时关注官网的通知。 中级口译的笔试满分250分,149.5分以上通过笔试。一旦通过笔试,你就获得了接下来四次参加口试的机会(即两年有效期),我推荐在9月参加笔试,因为暑假时间较多,而寒假有春节的干扰,复习不充分,很多人都会放弃3月的考试。 下面我简要介绍一下中级口译的考试内容及复习方法。 笔试部分共三部分,即听力、阅读和笔译。 听力占90分,包含听写填空,段对话及长对话,听译。 听写填空,英文叫spot dictitation, 给400词左右的文章,抠去20个空,每个空需要填进去1~4个单词,文章只读一遍。这部分最重要的就是练习和预测了。反复的练习能够迅速提高正确率,而做这一题型的技巧就是预测。拿到一份试题,迅速阅读这篇文章,预测每一个空的词性和含义,最容易做错或漏听的是两个空格靠得很近的时候以及空格在一行行首的时候,在这时就要提前标出这些空,重点关注。

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