当前位置:文档之家› 常见熟词辟义列表




address v. 应付,处理(问题等)

aging n. n陈酿

appropriate v. 擅用,挪用,占用,盗用appreciate v.领会 (realize) ,欣赏,增值I appreciate that I maybe worng.

This land has appreciated in value. apprehension 忧虑、担心;逮捕、理解apprehensive 理解的不安的,忧虑的(意思和用法等同于afraid) apprehensive for sb.'s safety

approach 着手To begin to deal with or work on: eg. approached the task with dread. arch adj 调皮的,顽皮的n.弓形an arch smile 调皮的微笑


as not so much...as"表示"与其说是……倒不如说"。否定前者肯定后者

eg. He is not so much a writer as a reporter. article n. 物品;制品,商品

arrested adj. 不良的,滞留的。arrested development发育不良

articulate adj. 有关节的;有节的; articulate structure; n. 节体动物

assume v. 承担,担任。假装,装作…的样子,采取(…态度)

bark n. 树皮; 三桅帆船

balance n. 秤, 天平, 平衡, [商] 收支差额, 结余, 余额v. 平衡, 称, 权衡, 对比, 结算n. 资产平稳表习惯用语in the balance (命运)未定,在危急中balance sheet 资产负债表余额

Something that is left over; a remainder.


bill n. 账单;清; 议案,法案; .(水禽等细长而扁平的)嘴〔猛禽的钩状嘴通常叫beak 〕

book vt. 预定,定(戏位、车位等);托运(行李等)

bottle vt.bottle up 装入瓶中控制(抑制)To hold in; restrain: bottled up my emotions. build n. 骨格,体格,成形catch n. 陷阱,圈套,诡计;料不到的困难

cater 食物,投合(cater for)

catering 公共饮食 catering industry 公共饮食业

champion vt. 维护,拥护,主张;为…而奋斗。champion a cause 维护一项事业。chest n. 1) 箱,函,柜,匣2) 银箱;金库,公款,资金

claim n.索赔The sum of money demanded. 赔款:要求得到的金额

close adj. 闷气的,闷热的

complex n. 络合物,复合物,综合体compound n.集中营、围栏隔开或保围的建筑物或建筑群、化合物

compromise n.妥协,折中vi.妥协vt.危及,放弃(原则等)

A concession to something detrimental or pejorative:危害:对于一些有害或恶劣情况的让步:

Such conduct will compromise your reputation.


contain v.制服(To halt the spread or development of)

The man was later contained by the police. concern n. 商行,公司;财团;康采恩;事业,业务

consume vi. 枯萎;憔悴The flowers consumed away. 花枯萎了。be consumed [away] with (envy, fever, ambition, grief) control v. (科技)对照(实验) controlled experiment

controller n.大企业的会计

couch vt.表达(express),隐含 n. 躺椅

eg.The reply was couched in insolent terms. 回答措辞蛮横

count n&v 1.计算, 2.包括there are 10 people in classroom counting 2 teachers

3.控诉的罪The prison was found not guilty on all counts(完全、各方面)

4.以为,视为 She was counted among the greatest dancers

5.有价值It is not how much you read but what you read that counts

(重要的不是你读了多少,而是你读了什么) 6.count for 有价值 To have a specified importance or value:

Their opinions count fo r little. 他们的观点没什么价值。

Each basket counts for two points.每投一球得两分

7 .count on 信任、依靠、指望 rely on,depend on

critical adj. 危急的;决定性的,重大的coat v. 涂上一层(例如油漆)

cream n.精华 The choicest part

crook n.小偷,钩子=thief

That salesman is a real crook.

cultivate vt.结交(朋友), cultivate sb. 结识某人eg. He always tried to cultivate famous people

custom n.[ pl.]海关,关税

cure v. (鱼等用腌、熏、晒、烤等的)加工保藏(法)。

cut vt. 生,长,出(牙齿)

date n. 海枣

damages n. 赔偿金(复数)=compensation

deal n. (松等的)木板;木材,木料; adj. 松木的

dear adj. 昂贵的,高价的

deed v. 立契转让

deposit n. 押金定金

eft a $100 deposit toward the purchase of a stereo system.为了买一套立体声系统,留下了100美元的订金

default n.&v. 不履行;违约;拖欠

dock n. 草本植物vt. 剥夺,扣去…的应得工资

down n. 〔美国〕沙丘; (蒲公英等的)冠毛; 鸭绒,绒毛;(鸟的)绒羽;柔毛。汗毛,软毛,毳毛

draw vt. 提取(钱款); 使打成平局

drill vt. (用钢钻)钻(孔);在…上(用钢钻)钻孔

drive n. 冲力,动力;干劲;努力;魄力;精力

eat vt. 蛀;腐蚀;消磨

element n. the elements 天气(一定是复数形式)

The football match went on as scheduled even though the elements were against it.

尽管天气很坏,足球比赛还是按计划进行。exploit n. 功绩,功劳,勋绩

exponent n. 典型,样品

factor n. 因子,因数; 倍;乘数;商

fair n. 〔英国〕定期集市,庙会。商品展览会,展销会,商品交易会

fashion vt. 形成,铸成,造,作(into; to) felt n. 毛毡;毛布;毡制品;油毛毡。figure n. 人影,人形;人物

fine n.罚款;adj.细小,精致

fly n.(男裤的)拉链

functional adj. 从使用的观点设计[构成]的

game n. & adj. 〔集合词〕猎物,野味;(鹄等的)群;野外游戏[游猎、鹰狩等]

give n. 弹性

hide n. 兽皮

hit vt. 偶然碰见,遭遇

hold n. (货船)船舱

humor n. (眼球的)玻璃状液体;(旧时生理学所说动物的)体液;(植物的)汁液。import n. 意义,含义

inviting adj. 引人注目的,吸引人的involved adj. 复杂的,难缠的

issue n.&v. 流出,(血、水等的)涌出; 【法律】子孙,子女

jar vi 1.给人烦躁[痛苦]的感觉,刺激(on) (发出刺耳声地)撞击(on upon against)。3.震动,震荡(不和谐地)反响,回荡。4.(意见、行动等)不一致,冲突,激烈争吵(with)。jar on sb. 给某人不快之感。

late adj. 已去世的,已故的

lay adj. 1.一般信徒的,俗人的,凡俗的(opp. clerical)。2.无经验的,外行(人)的(opp. professional)。

lead n. 铅

leave n. 1.许可,同意。2.告假,休假;假期

letter n. 出租人; letters证书,许可证literature n. 文献

lot n. 土地

make n. 构造

means n. 财力、资产

measure n. 准绳;韵律a measure of = is determined by; …的体现:The rate at which a molecule of water passes through the cycle is not random but is a measure of the relative size of the various reservoirs. [9810-p01-L8]

meet n. 比赛

minute adj. 微小的,细小的

novel adj. 新的,新颖的;新奇的,珍奇的,异常的

observe vi.陈述意见,评述,简评(on; upon) strange to observe 讲起来虽奇怪。I have very little to observe on what has been said. 关于刚才所听到的我没什么话好讲。vt. observe silence 保持沉默。observe a rule 遵守规则。

organ n. 【音乐】(教堂用的)管风琴(=〔美国〕pipe organ);(足踏)风琴;手摇风琴;口琴。机构;机关;机关报[杂志];喉舌;报刊。

outstanding adj. 未付的,未清的;未解决的;未完成的

partial adj. 【植物;植物学】后生的,再生的。

pen n. 1.(家畜等的)围栏,槛。2.一栏[一圈]家畜。


pile n. 1. 高大建筑;2. 痔疮3. 软毛,绒毛;毛茸。(布、绒的)软面。

pitch n. 沥青;含有沥青的物质;松脂,树脂

pool n. 【医学】淤血

pound n. 兽栏v. .(连续)猛击;乱敲;砰砰砰地乱弹(钢琴等),乱奏(曲子) preserve n. 1) 禁猎区;2)蜜饯

produce n. 物产;产品,农产品;制品,作品project v. 使突出,使凸出; 伸出。The upper storey projects over the street. 二楼伸出街上。

promise n. (前途有)希望;(有)指望pronounced adj. 决然的,断然的,强硬的;明白的,显著的。

provide v. 规定

Provided/providing conj. 倘若…,只要,在…条件下。

quality adj. 1.优质的,高级的。2.上流社会的。

quarters n. 寓所,住处;【军事】营房,驻地,营盘,宿舍;岗位。

rate v. 1) 被估价;被评价The ship rates as a ship of the line. 这条船列入战列舰级。

2) 申斥,斥责,骂


relief n. 【雕刻】凸起;浮起,浮雕;浮雕品;【绘画】人物凸现,轮廓鲜明

rent v. 1. (rend 的过去分词) 撕碎;n. 【地质学;地理学】断口; (意见等的)分裂,分歧;(关系等的)破裂

retire vi. 就寝,去睡觉

run n. 丝袜上的洞

save conj. 除了

say n. 发言权

scale n. 阶梯,梯子; v. 用梯子爬上;爬越,攀登; n. 天平;n. 鳞;(锅垢、锈) v. 剥鳞/垢、锈

school n. (鱼、鲸等水族动物的)群;队。a school of dolphins 一群海豚。

score n. 【音乐】总谱,乐谱;(电影歌舞等的)配乐

scores n. 许多scores of fossil remains screen n. 筛子

season vt. 1.使熟练;使(习)惯。2.风干;晒干(木材);晾干,对…进行干燥处理;使陈化。3.使适应(气候等)。4.给…加味[调味]。


6.缓和,调和。secretary n. 1.(上部附有书橱的)写字台。


secure vt. 搞到;把…拿到手;得到;获得serve vi. 【网球】开球;发球

shower n. (美)(为新娘等举行的)送礼会;(婚前、产后)的聚会

shrink n. 精神病医师

sound vi. 1.测水深;探测(上层空气)。2.试探(别人的意见);调查(可能性)。3.(鱼或鲸鱼)突然潜入海底。

sow n. 大母猪

spell vt. 1. 招致,带来; 2. 轮班,换班;替班; 3.符咒,咒语。2.吸引力,诱惑力,魔力,魅力。

spoke n. (车轮的)辐条

spot vt. 认出,发现,定位

spring n. 弹簧;泉水v. 扭伤(腿)涌现vt.突然提出

stand v. 忍受;n. 床头柜

standard n. 直立支柱;灯台;烛台,电杆,垂直的水管(电管)。

start v. (船材、钉等)松动,翘曲,歪,脱落。

stem v. 起源于,起因于,(由…)发生,来自

in the absent of 缺少,没有

2. be absorbed in 专心从事

3. abuse v. 辱骂,过量使用

4. have access to可以获得或使用

5. account n. 解释,解说,叙述

6. account for解释说明

7. in action起作用

8. adapt v. (将某领域成果)应用于(另一领域)

9. address sb.对某人说话,发言

10. adopt v. 收养

11. advocate n. 倡导者

12. agree with适合,使觉得舒适

13. allow sb. to do让某人做某事

14. ambitious adj. (中性)野心或雄心

15. anchor v. 定位,固定

16. appeal to 吸引

17. appeal to (court)上诉

18. apply v. 涂抹,申请,应用

19. approach n. 方法, 解决处理办法

20. acquisition n. (企业)兼并

21. argue v. 认为

22. argue for 支持

23. argue against 反对

24. argument n. 观点

25. arrest v. 吸引(注意力等)

26. art n. 技术,技艺

27. associate v. 联想

28. assume v. 承担(任务,角色等)

29. attachment n. 依恋,依赖

30. attend to sb. 伺候,照顾31. authorities n. 政府,(上下文中最高机构)

32. bargain v. 讨价还价

33. bargain v. 物超所值的商品

34. American based adj. 总部在美国的

35. bear v. 装载

36. bearing v. 方向

37. best v. 优于,胜过

38. better v. 优于,胜过

39. beyond prep. 无法…

40. bid v. 命令,

41. bid n. 企图

42. board n. 委员会

43. boast v. 以…著称,拥有

44. bold v. 粗体(字)

45. boom v. 兴旺发达

46. be born to do 天生

47. be bound to 一定

48. bridge the gap 缩短差距

49. by accident 偶然的

50. by chance 偶然的

51. campaign n. (有益的大型)活动

52. at capacity 全速,完全地

53. capture v. 吸引

54. cast v. 投掷,铸造

55. challenge v. 提出疑问

56. challenging adj. 不服权威的

57. chance n. 偶然性

58. channel v. 引导

59. charge n. 费用,电流

60. be in charge 负责

61. check v. 阻止,遏止

62. chip n. 芯片

63. claim v. 要…的命

64. climate n. 风气,风俗

65. coach n. 长途客车,教练

66. code n. 法规,规则

67. colony n. (微生物)群

68. command v. 掌握,通晓,负责

69. be committed to sth 决心做某事

70. commitment n. 决心

71. community n. 社会,(学术)界

72. company n. 同伴

73. composition n. 作文,成分

74. be conditioned to 被限制在

75. conduct v. 做(有益的事)

76. confidential adj. 机密的

77. constitution n. 组成(成分),宪法

78. be content with 满足于

79. contract v. 得(急病)

80. convention n. 惯例,公约,会议,大会

81. copy v. 模仿,效仿

82. corner v. 追问,围追堵截

83. count v. 算数,起作用

84. count on 指望

85. course n. (河流)路径

86. court v. 追求

87. credit v. 归功于

88. cross adj. 生气的

89. cushion v. 缓解,减轻

90. cut v. 削减

91. cut and dried 顺手做的

92. far cry 相差甚远

93. damage n. 赔偿金

94. date v. (男女之间的)约会

95. dawn n. 开始

96. decode v. 理解

97. degree n. 程度

98. deliberate v. 沉思

99. deliver v. 送货上门,做(演讲)100. deposit n. 存款,押金

101. desert v. 抛弃

102. deserted adj. 荒无人烟的

103. detached adj. 超然物外的

104. digest v. 理解

105. direct v. 指导,命令

106. discipline n. 学科107. disorder n. (身心,机能)失调,轻病108. dispose v. 处理(废物)

109. disposal n. 垃圾

110. document v. 记录

111. dramatically adv. 剧烈地,大幅度的112. drastically adv. 大幅度的

113. drive n. 动力

114. drill n. 训练

115. due adj. 到期

116. duty n. 关税

117. dwell upon 深思

118. easy adj. 安逸舒适的

119. economy n. 节约

120. effect v. 产生,导致

121. engage sb. 雇佣

122. be entitled to sth. 享有

123. escape n. 远离喧嚣

124. establish v. 公认

125. establishment n. 机构,建筑物126. in the event of 如果

127. evident adj. 明显的

128. execute v. 执行

129. exhaust v. 耗尽(自然资源)

130. expense n. 代价

131. be expert in 精通

132. be exposed to 接触

133. fabricate v. 编造

134. faculty n. 大学全体教工,天赋135. fall back on 依靠

136. feed on 以…为食

137. figure out 计算,估计

138. finance v. 资助

139. flood v. 充满,充斥

140. forge v. 伪造,塑造

141. friendly adj. 赞成,支持

142. fund v. 资助

143. game n. 规则

144. gear to 适合于

145. get by 侥幸度过

146. gift n. 天赋

147. be gifted with 有…天赋

148. give rise to 引起,引发

149. grant n. 资助,助学金

150. hit n. 流行一时的东西

151. hold v. 认为

152. horizon n. 眼界,见识

153. in that 在于,因为

154. on installment 分期付款

155. institution n. 制度,机构,思维方式156. instrument n. 方式,手段

157. interests n. 利益,利害关系

158. inventory n. 存货(清单)

159. inviting adj. 有吸引力的

160. item n. (量词)一件(商品)161. juicy n. 丰富的,翔实的

162. just adj. 公正的

163. know down 降价

164. lane n. (马路的)行车道

165. launch v. 展开(大型活动)

166. learned adj. 博学的,后天袭得的167. liability n. 责任义务,倾向

168. light adj. 清淡的,易消化的

169. literally adv. 实际上

170. literature n. 文献材料,印刷品171. live adj. 实况转播的

172. lodge v. 提出(投诉,诉讼)173. long v. 渴望,盼望

174. be at loss 不知所措

175. maintain v. 保养;坚持;主张;断言176. margin n. 余数,余量,差额177. marginal adj. 极小的

178. marked adj. 显著的,明显的179. market v. 销售

180. measure n. 措施

181. in…measures在…程度上182. at the mercy of 由…支配控制183. merit v. 值得

184. meter n. 仪表

185. might n. 巨大的威力

186. mine v. 开采

187. minister v. 管理

188. minute adj. 微小的

189. mouth v. 说话

190. move n. 动议

191. move v. 卖,销售

192. nature n. 本质,本性

193. negotiate v. 费力地完成

194. net adj. 净(重,收入等)195. note v. 记录

196. novel adj. 新奇的,新颖的197. be obliged to 不得不做

198. observe v. 遵守,庆祝

199. occur v. 出现

200. office n. (公共)职务

201. oriented adj. 以…为中心的202. over prep. 胜过,优于

203. be particular about 挑剔

204. peace n. 内心的平和,宁静

205. perform v. 表现,执行

206. perspective n. 观点,看法,前景207. piece together 拼凑

208. pick up 不经意的学得,获得

209. plant n. (重工业)工厂,电站210. policy n. 原则,保险单

211. polish v. 雕琢,完善

212. pose v. 造成(不好的情况)

213. post n. 岗位,职位

214. practically adv. 实际上

215. practice n. 惯例,(长期一贯的)做法216. press n. 出版社,新闻界

217. prime n. 鼎盛时期,青壮年时期218. produce n. (农副)产品

219. profoundly adv. 非常地

220. program n. (教学或其它)项目221. project v. 投射,放映

222. promising adj. 有前途的

223. prompt v. 敦促,鼓励

224. race v. 运行,行进

225. raise v. 养育,养殖

226. rate n. 速度,比率

227. at any rate 无论如何

228. rear v. 抚养

229. rear adj. 后部,后面的

230. reason with sb. 和某人理论

231. refined adj. 有修养的

232. reflect v. 反映,仔细思考

233. hold…in high regard尊敬

234. with regard to 就…而言

235. regular adj. 定期的

236. relate v. 叙述

237. relieve v. 救济

238. remedy n. (补救)办法

239. remove v. 消除,撤(职)

240. render v. 使得,给

241. repeat v. 模仿

242. reproduce v. 繁殖

243. resort n. (旅游)胜地

244. resort to 诉诸,借助

245. respect n. 方面

246. with respect to 关于,谈到

247. rest on/upon 在于248. rewarding adj. 有收获的

249. rich adj. 油腻的

250. roll n. 花名册

251. routine adj. 一成不变,无聊的252. rule v. 统治

253. be saddled with 承受…的负担254. scale n. 秤,规模

255. school n. (学术)流派;水生动物种群

256. screen v. 阻挡

257. secure v. 获得

258. make sense 有道理

259. make sense of 理解

260. sensible adj. 合理的,讲道理的261. setting n. 背景

262. show off 炫耀

263. size up 估计,揣度

264. skirt n. 边缘(地带)

265. slim adj. (机会)微小

266. solution n. 溶液

267. sophisticated adj. (机械设备)复杂的

268. sound adj. 健全的,合理的

269. spare v. 节省出,饶恕

270. spark v. 引发,激起

271. spell n. 咒语, 一段时间, vt.意味着272. spot n. 现场

273. spot v. 无意发现,偶然看到

274. stage n. 阶段

275. stand out 显眼

276. start v. 令…吃惊

277. station v. 安置,驻扎

278. stay v. 保持

279. stem from 来自于

280. stress v. 强调

281. stress n. 压力

282. stroke v. 抚摸

283. stroke n. 中风

284. stuff v. 塞满

285. subject n. 被测试对象

286. be subject to 从属于,受…制约287. suit n. 法律案件

288. sympathetic adj. 有同感的

289. tackle v. 处理,解决

290. tailor v. 使适合于

291. take care of 教训,处置

292. tap v. 开发利用

293. tell v. 显现

294. think tank 智囊团

295. tip v. 倾斜

296. toast v. 庆祝

297. by the same token 由于同样原因298. top adj. 最好的

299. trade n. 手艺

300. treat v. 请客

301. treat n. 有乐趣的事情

302. trim v. 少量削减

303. uniform adj. 统一的

304. get the upper hand 占上风

305. value v. 重视

306. versatile adj. 用途多的

307. version n. (变化,不同的)形式308. virtual adj. 电脑仿真的,虚拟的309. virtually adj. 实际上

310. wage v. 展开(战争,大运动)311. want v. 缺少

312. wind up (商业活动等)结束

313. it follows that 结果就是

314. weigh against 权衡

315. by far 好得多

316. close in on 逐渐接近

317. introduce 引进


1 . allow vi.(for)考虑到,使可能vt.允许,承认,断定,留出

allow 承认admit

We must allow that he is right on this matter

2 address

address vt 处理To deal with:

addressed the issue of absenteeism. 处理旷工事宜

3 advantage

take advantage of 欺骗(deceive) 对……加以利用

took advantage of the customer. 欺骗消费者4 appreciate

appreciate v.意识到(realize) 抬高…价格、涨价

I appreciate that I maybe worng.

This land has appreciated in value.


5 apprehension

apprehension 忧虑、担心;逮捕、理解

The student looked around the examination room with apprehension.


6 apprehensive

apprehensive 理解的不安的,忧虑的(意思和用法等同于afraid)

apprehensive for sb.'s safety


7 approach

approach 着手To begin to deal with or work on:

approached the task with dread.


8 arch

arch adj 调皮的,顽皮的n.弓形

an arch smile 调皮的微笑

He tapped the side of his nose in an uncharacteristically arch gesture.

9 argument

argument 论点,论据

10 as

not so much...as"表示"与其说是……倒不如说"。否定前者肯定后者

1. He is not so much a writer as a reporter.

2. Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tool.(摘自真题) It's not so much a hobby as a career (= more like a career than a hobby).

11 assume

assume 承担,假装,假定,设想,assume an obligation 承担义务

12 balance n. 秤, 天平, 平衡, [商] 收支差额, 结余, 余额v. 平衡, 称, 权衡, 对比, 结算n. 资产平稳表习惯用语in the balance (命运)未定,在危急中balance sheet 资产负债表

13 balance

balance 余额

Something that is left over; a remainder.


14 bottle

bottle up 装入瓶中控制(抑制)To hold in; restrain:

bottled up my emotions.

15 cater vi.(for,to)迎合;(for)提供饮食及服务

cater 食物,投合(cater for)

catering 公共饮食 catering industry 公共饮食业

Most of our work now involves catering for weddings.

16 check

check 控制阻碍The condition of being stopped or held back; restraint:

kept my temper in check; holding agricultural pests in check with sprays.


17 chest

chest 箱子

trunk 箱子、象鼻子

18 claim

claim 索赔

The sum of money demanded. 赔款:要求得到的金额

You can make a claim on your insurance policy.

19 compound

compound n.集中营、围栏隔开或保围的建筑物或建筑群、化合物

21 compromise n.妥协,折中vi.妥协vt.危及,放弃(原则等)

A concession to something detrimental or pejorative:

危害:对于一些有害或恶劣情况的让步:Such conduct will compromise your reputation.


22 contain vt.包含,容纳,克制,抑制vi.自制contain v. 制服(To halt the spread or development of) The man was later contained by the police.

23 context n.上下文,环境,背景

social context 社会大环境

24 control

control (科技)对照(实验)

controlled experiment

25 controller

controller 大企业的会计

26 couch[kaut?]

couch vt.表达(express),隐含 n. 躺椅

The reply was couched in insolent terms. 回答措辞蛮横

27 count[kaunt]

count n&v


2包括there are 10 people in classroom counting 2 teachers

3控诉的罪The prison was found not guilty on all counts(完全、各方面)

4以为,视为 She was counted among the greatest dancers

5 有价值It is not how much you read but what you read that counts

(重要的不是你读了多少,而是你读了什么) 6 count for 有价值 To have a specified importance or value:

Their opinions count fo r little. 他们的观点没什么价值。

Each basket counts for two points.每投一球得两分

27 count on 信任、依靠、指望 rely on,depend on

28 crack

crack down vi 制裁,To act more forcefully to regulate, repress, or restrain

The police cracked down on speeding. 警察取缔超速行车

The government cracked down on violators. 政府对于违法者采取严厉手段。

29 cream

cream 精华 The choicest part

30 crook

crook 小偷,钩子=thief

That salesman is a real crook.

31 cultivate[?k?ltiveit]vt.培养,耕作,栽培,

结交(朋友), 促进增长,教养

cultivate sb. 结识某人

He always tried to cultivate famous people

32 custom

custom n 海关,关税

33 damages

damages 赔偿金(复数)=compensation

34 deposit

deposit 押金定金

eft a $100 deposit toward the purchase of a stereo system.


35 desert

desert vt抛弃,沙漠 deserter 叛离者,逃兵,She was deserted by her husband.

36 dictate

dictate n. 指示(指理智,变心) 指导原则 A guiding principle

followed the dictates of my conscience.


37 digest

digest 忍受To endure or bear patiently.

I can't digest her endless complaint noise a moment longer.

我一刻也忍受不了她那没完没了的抱怨。38 discipline

discipline 学科,纪律

The new recruits were drawn from a range of academic disciplines.

39 element

the elements 天气(一定是复数形式)

The football match went on as scheduled even though the elements were against it.

尽管天气很坏,足球比赛还是按计划进行。40 embarrass

embarrass 阻碍(embar v.囚禁, 阻遏)To hinder with obstacles or difficulties; impede. What embarrasses your making an early start? 什么事妨碍你早些动身?41 even

even n. adj 偶数(奇数odd)

42 exclusive

exclusive n.独家新闻,专卖店里的商品,adj.排他的,唯一的

A news item initially released to only one publication or broadcaster.


An exclusive right or privilege, as to market a product.


We feature an exclusive on the mothers whose babies were swapped at birth.

43 express

express adj. 急速的,快捷的

44 fare

fare v 生活=live n费用

Panda cub fares well!


45 fitting

fitting n.配件 adi.适宜的

46 fumble

fumble v 摸索(grope fro) v 失球To mishandle (a ground ball).

fumble for a key. 摸索着找钥匙

A ball that has been fumbled.

47 gravity

gravity n.重大的后果;严重或重大

They are still quite unaware of the gravity of their problems.


48 ground

ground 根据,论据(常用复数)

Often grounds The foundation for an argument, a belief, or an action; a basis.

常作grounds 根据:争论,信仰或行动的基础;依据

Often grounds The underlying condition prompting an action; a cause:

常作grounds 理由,原因:促使采取行动的根本条件;原由:

grounds for suspicion; a ground for

divorce.See Synonyms at base 1

怀疑的原因;离婚的理由参见base1 49 harbor

harbor (harbour海港的变体) 窝藏To give shelter to

harbor refugees; harbor a fugitive. 收留难民;窝藏逃犯

50 husband

husband 节省(economize),节俭,保存,管理

husband one's energy. 保存体力

to husband one's resources 节约使用资金

51 impart


To grant a share of; bestow: 分给;授予:给予某物的一部分;赠予:

impart a subtle flavor; impart some advice. 加少许调料;给予一些建议

To make known; disclose: 告知;透露:persuaded to impart the secret. 劝说透露秘密52 inspire

inspire 吸入,鼓舞(inspirator 注射器)

To draw in (air) by inhaling. 吸入空气

53 issue

issue n 结果(A final result) vi 造成...结果issue from 由于...的原因(用法和result一样) His difficulties in his work issue from his lack of experience.

issue in 结果是,以…结束

The accident issued in his death.


54 kite

kite n. 风筝, 空头支票vi.使用空头支票vt. 骗钱

A piece of negotiable paper representing a fictitious financial transaction and used temporarily to sustain credit or raise money.


55 lead

lead adj 主要的

lead role 主要作用,lead guitar 首席吉他手56 measure measure up to =live up to 符合, 达到, 够得上

57 metro

metro 地铁 an underground train system, especially the one in Paris

58 might

might as well 倒不如

There is nothing to do, so I may as well go to bed.


59 might

might n. 力量,权威

I pushed the rock with all my might.

60 minor

minor n. 未成年人, adj.未成年的

61 novel

novel adj. 新颖的

Job-sharing is still a novel concept and it will take a while for employers to get used to it. 62 obscure

obscure 不出名的

an obscure poet; an obscure family.


63 odd

odd 不出名的, 偏僻的:偏远的;位置偏僻的

Found the antique shop in an odd corner of town.


64 odd

odd job 临时工作

65 off

better off (尤指钱)达到某数量的,经济状况好的,富裕的

they are not well off. 他们不富裕

66 offset

offset 平版印刷抵消;

67 outstanding

outstanding 已公开发行且出售的Publicly issued and sold

outstanding stocks and bonds. 已发行的股票和债券

68 particular

particular 挑剔的be particular about

69 phenomenal

phenomenal 异常的;非凡的

a phenomenal feat of memory.


70 policy

policy n. 保险单, 保险凭证

He took out a fire insurance policy for his house.


71 prejudice

prejudice v. n. 侵害Detriment, injury or compromise

to the prejudice of sb.'s rights


72 proceeds

proceeds n.收入(复数名词)

The amount of money derived from a commercial or fundraising venture; the yield. 收入,获利:从商业或基金机构获得的钱;收益

The proceeds of the concert will go to charity.

73 prospect

prospect 风景,期望,勘探 prospect for 勘探prospect for oil勘探石油

74 ready


1.敏捷的 She has a ready tongue 她口齿伶俐

2.甘愿的 She is always ready to help 她总是乐意助人

75 regimen

regimen 强化训练课强化身体训练的一课, 政体

76 royalty

royalty 税收,皇室,王权

A share in the proceeds paid to an inventor or a proprietor for the right to use his or her invention or services.


77 scale

scale 攀登,天平=climb

He has scaled the heights of his profession. 78 seek

sought-after adj. 很吃香的;广受欢迎的sought是seek的过去分词

a sought-after resort. 受欢迎的旅游胜地

79 sport

sport vt 炫耀(flash)

80 spot

on the spot 在现场

立刻(right now)

负责任(Under pressure or attention; in a pressed position.)

81 stomach

stomach n. 兴致(appetite),胃vt 忍受;容忍(endure; tolerate)

had no stomach for quarrels. 没有争吵的兴致

How can you stomach their affronts?你怎么能够忍受他们的侮辱?

82 tap

tap vt保护(protect),遮蔽n.帽子

Foreign governments also put pressure on the Chinese Government to cap its textile exports.

83 thrust

thrust n 要旨v 刺

The essence; the point: 本质;要点:

The whole thrust of the project was to make money. 计划的核心在于赢利

84 too

only too... 非常very:

only too pleased 再高兴不过了

85 try

try v. 磨难, 考验To subject to great strain or hardship; tax:

The last steep ascent tried my every muscle. 最后一次攀登使我每块肌肉都爱折磨

a trying experience 一段痛苦的经历

86 wild

wild adj 没有根据的Based on little or no evidence or probability; unfounded:

a wild guess 乱猜, 瞎猜

87 yield

yield v 退位

To give place, as to one that is superior:


88 peach

peach n.桃树vt. 告发vi. 告密To inform against:

He has peached me and all the others, to save his life


89 tap

tap 开采(develop),轻拍,

The highway taps a large district.


act, appeal, assume, claim, discipline, fair, figure, feature, issue, note

1) Act

n. ①法案, 法令②动作, 举动③节目, (戏剧的) 幕

v. ①行动, 产生...的效果②担当③表演, 表现, 见效

(07-01) this success, coupled with later research showing that memory itself is not genetically determined, led Ericsson to conclude that the act of memorizing is more

of a cognitive exercise than an intuitive

one. (名)行为


(07-04) Regulators will act if firms fail to provide adequate data security.(动)行动


(06-01) this turned shopping into a public and democratic act. (名)行为


(96-02) The commercial TV channels — ITV and Channel 4 — were required by the Thatcher Government's Broadcasting Act to become more commercial, competing with each other for advertisers, and cutting costs and jobs. (名)法案


2) Appeal

n. ①请求, 呼吁②上诉③吸引力(appealing: 有吸引力的)

v. ①求助, 诉求②控诉

(03-03) Shippers who feel they are being overcharged have the right to appeal to the federal government's Surface Transportation Board for rate relief, but the process is expensive, time consuming, and will work only in truly extreme cases. (动)上诉


(99-04) NBAC members also indicated that they would appeal to privately funded researchers and clinics not to try to clone humans by body cell nuclear transfer.



3) Assume /Assumption

v/n: ①假定, 设想②采取③呈现④承担

(05-01) Such behavior is regarded as ―all too human‖, with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance. (名)假定,假设


(98-02) What is harder to establish is whether the productivity revolution that businessmen assume they are presiding over is for real. (动)认为


(97-02) As is true of any developed society, in America a complex set of cultural signals, assumptions, and conventions underlies all social interrelationships.



4) Claim

v/n: ①索赔②声称③主张

(05-01) If you see an article consistently advertised, it is the surest proof I know that the article does what is claimed for it, and that it represents good value. (动)宣称


(05-04) Equally, in poetry, the highly personal, performative genre is the only form that could claim real liveliness. (动)主张


(01-05) A lateral move that hurt my pride and blocked my professional progress prompted me to abandon my relatively high profile career although, in the manner of a disgraced government minister, I covered my exit by claiming "I wanted to spend more time with my family".(动)主张


(00-05) In an odd way, however, it is the educated who have claimed to have give up on ambition as an ideal. (动)声称


(99-01) As personal injury claims continue as before, some courts are beginning to side with defendants, especially in cases where a warning label probably wouldn't have changed anything. (名)索赔


(99-05) He has put forward unquestioned claims so consistently that he not only believes them himself, but has convinced industrial and business management that they are true. (名)主张


5) Discipline



(96-03) The cruel discipline of the strike and lockout taught the two parties to respect each other's strength and understand the value of fair negotiation. (名)纪律


(96-04) With a mind prepared by thorough school discipline, the American boy develops rapidly into the skilled workman. (名)训练


6) Fair

adj. ①(肤色)白皙的②(头发)金黄的③干净的④公平的⑤(天气)晴朗的

n. 展览会, 市集

(07-03) During the past generation, the American middle-class family that once could count on hard work and fair play to keep itself financially secure had been transformed by economic risk and new realties. (形容词)公平的


(03-02) For example, a grandmotherly woman staffing an animal rights booth at a recent street fair was distributing a brochure that encouraged readers not to use anything that comes from or is tested in animals — no meat, no fur, no medicines. (名)集市


7) Feature



(07-02) For the past several years, the Sunday newspaper supplement Parade has featured a column called ―Ask Marilyn.‖ (动)特定,突出


(06-04) Our magazines feature beaming celebrities and happy families in perfect homes. (动)特定,突出


(04-01) It's an interactive feature that lets visitors key in job criteria such as location, title, and salary, then E-mails them when a matching position is posted in the database. (名)特点,特征


(98-05) The complementary coastlines and certain geological features that seem to span the ocean are reminders of where the two continents were once joined. (名)特点,特征


8) Figure

n. ①外形, 轮廓, 体形②图形, 画像③数字④名人, 人物, 身份⑤雕像

vt. ①认为出现, ②考虑, 计算(figure out)

(07-02) It’s not obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers. (动)计算


(06-03) Dr. Worm acknowledges that these figures are conservative. (名)数字


(05-04) American no longer expect public figures, whether in speech or in writing, to command the English language with skill and gift. (名)人物


(98-04) As a result, California's growth rate dropped during the 1970s, to 18.5 percent —little more than two-thirds the 1960s' growth figure and considerably below that of other Western states. (名)数字


9) Issue

n.①出版, 发行②(报刊等)期、号③问题,事件④(水, 血等的)流出

v.①发行, 流出②发行(钞票等), 发布(命令), 出版(书等)

(07-04) ―Setting the proper investment level for security, redundancy, and recovery is a management issue, not a technical one,‖ he says. (名)问题


(06-01) Are there divisive issues and pockets of seething anger in America? Indeed. It is big enough to have a bit of everything. (名)问题


(99-01) At the same time, the American Law Institute — a group of judges, lawyers, and academics whose recommendations carry substantial weight —issued new guidelines for tort law stating that companies need not warn customers of obvious dangers or bombard them with a lengthy list of possible ones. (动)发行,发布


(94-02) One hundred and thirteen million Americans have at least one bank-issued credit card. (动)发行


10) Note

n. ①笔记②注解, 注释③票据④纸币


v. ①注意到,指出②记录

(07-02) Sternberg notes that traditional test best assess analytical and verbal skills but fail to measure creativity and practical knowledge, components also critical to problem solving and life success. (动)注意到,指出


(00-03) But it is a little upsetting to read in the explanatory notes that a certain line describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge(名)注解



(00-05) There is a heavy note of hypocrisy in this, a case of closing the barn door after the horses have escaped — with the educated themselves riding on them.



Interest yield odd account rest class l ong

1) Interest

n. ①兴趣, 关心②利息,利益, 利害


(07-03) Steelworkers, airline employees, and now those in the auto industry are joining millions of families who must worry about interest rates, stock market fluctuation, and the harsh reality that they may outlive their retirement money. (名)利息


(04-01) "I would not rely on agents for finding everything that is added to a database that might interest me," says the author of a job-searching guide. (动)引起兴趣


(04-02) Shortlists for job interviews, election ballot papers, lists of conference speakers and attendees: all tend to be drawn up alphabetically, and their recipients lose interest as they plough through them. (名)兴趣


2) Yield

v. ①出产, 生长, 生产②(~to)屈服, 屈从, 被取代

n. 产量, 收益

(06-03) That matters because theory suggests that the maximum sustainable yield that can be cropped from a fishery comes when the biomass of a target species is about 50% of its original levels. (名)产量


(00-01) Few Americans attribute this solely to such obvious causes as a dued dollar or the turning of the business cycle. Self-doubt has yielded to blind pride. (动)屈服,屈从


3) Odd

adj. ①奇数的, 单数的, (反义词even: 偶数的) ②奇怪的③带零头的

n. (复数)可能性

at odds争执;意见冲突

by all odds毫无疑问地 (00-05) In an odd way, however, it is the educated who have claimed to have give up on ambition as an ideal. (形)奇怪的


(07-03) Even demographics are working against the middle class family, as the odds of having a weak elderly parent – and all the attendant need for physical and financial assistance – have jumped eightfold in just one generation. (名)可能性



又如:The odds are that she will get the nomination on the first ballot.



n. ①计算, 帐目, ②说明, 论述③理由


中考英语熟词僻义总汇A a set 一套 act n. 短节目,表演者 add v. 继续说 address n. 演说,致词 v. 向……致词,向……发表演说 afraid adj. 犯愁的 after prep. 鉴于,由于,仿照,模仿 alive adj. 在世的 appointment n.任命,委派 athletic adj. 活跃的 awful adj. 十分的,大量的 B band vt. 使聚集,使团结 bank n. 堤,岸,田埂 bargain n.特价商品,便宜货 blender n. 搅拌器 blue adj. 沮丧的,忧郁的,猥亵的,下流的board n. 膳食,伙食,舞台,委员会,董事会body n. 尸体 build n. 体格,体形 business n. 职责,分内事,权利,商行 by prep. 到(某时)之前,不迟于 C calendar n. 日程表 call v. 称呼,为……取名

can n. (装液体等的)容器(如罐、壶、桶等) captain n. 首领 case n. 事实,案例 character n. 特色,名声,汉字 china n. 瓷器 class n. 社会等级,种类 cool adj. (口)令人满意的,绝妙的 coach v. 训练,指导 consider v. 思考,认为 cross n. 磨难,苦难 crowd v. 挤满,充满 collect V. 开车去某地接某人 count v. 对……重要 D date n. 枣 deal v. 分配,分给,经营,交易 develop v. 冲洗(底片),养成……的习惯 doctor n. 博士 draw v. 拖长,开支票,吸引 dress v. 穿衣,给(伤口)敷药,打扮,调制(色拉) E easy adj. 安逸的,自在的 empty v. 排空,倒出 eraser n. 黑板擦 exam n. 检查 excuse n. 辩解,借口 F


四级阅读熟词僻义归纳 CET-4考试大纲规定,阅读文章的语言难度中等,无法猜测 而又影响理解的关键词,如果超出教学大纲词汇表的范围,用汉语标明词义。这样命题者在词汇难度方面没有太多的发挥余地。换句话说,命题者主要是要考查考生在阅读中的推断能力,即根据上下文,运用背景知识、逻辑推理、语法及语篇完整性来推测词义的能力。而考生往往单纯注重一些生词及短语,忽视了熟词僻义。殊不知,掌握熟悉的词汇在特定语境中的取义,往往成为理解语句结构的枢纽,意义重大,可以帮助考生把握作者的思想意图,是解题的关键所在。例如,2003年1月CET-4 Passage 3倒数第二段中有这样一句话:A second language isn't generally required to get a job in business, but having language skills gives a candidate the edge when other qualifications appear to be equal. 句中的edge一词就属于熟词僻义,edge不是常见的"边缘"或"刀口"的意思,而应解释为"优势,优越地位"。考生如果对此不够熟悉,势必会影响阅读的效果。因此在这里,笔者分析历年四级真题,对照大纲词汇表,就阅读时常见并影响阅读的熟词僻义现象予以归纳,供考生备考之用。 1. address 对……说话, 向……致意 He addressed his complaints to themanager. 他向经理诉了苦。 2. anchor 担任(电视节目等的)主持人 Mary anchored the TV programme. 玛丽主持了这个电视节目。 3. appeal (to) 上诉,申诉 Tom appealed to the higher court against his sentence. 汤姆对判决不服而向高级法院上诉。 4. arrest 吸引 Mary's beauty arrests many eyes. 玛丽的美貌吸引了众多的目光。 5. attend (to) 料理,处理,照顾


应以常见单词熟词僻义 1)allow allow)承认admit We must allow that he is right on this matter 2)address address)vt 处理To deal with: addressed the issue of absenteeism. 处理旷工事宜 3)advantage take advantage of 欺骗(deceive))对……加以利用 took advantage of the customer.)欺骗消费者 4)appreciate appreciate)v.意识到(realize) 抬高…价格、涨价 I appreciate that I may be wrong. This land has appreciated in value. 这块土地增值了。 5)apprehension apprehension)忧虑、担心;逮捕、理解 The student looked around the examination room with apprehension. 那名学生恐惧地观看检查室的四周。 6)apprehensive apprehensive)理解的不安的,忧虑的(意思和用法等同于afraid) apprehensive for sb.'s safety 担心某人的安全 7)approach approach)着手To begin to deal with or work on: approached the task with dread. 惶恐地开始着手这项任务 8)arch arch adj 调皮的,顽皮的n.弓形 an arch smile)调皮的微笑 He tapped the side of his nose in an uncharacteristically arch gesture. 9)argument argument 论点,论据 10)as not so much...as"表示"与其说是……倒不如说"。否定前者肯定后者 1. He is not so much a writer as a reporter. 2. Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tool.(摘自真题) It's not so much a hobby as a career (= more like a career than a hobby). 11)assume assume 承担,假装,假定,设想, assume)an obligation 承担义务 12)balance balance sheet 资产负债表 13)balance balance 余额


常见熟词辟义列表 address v. 应付,处理(问题等) aging n. n陈酿 appropriate v. 擅用,挪用,占用,盗用appreciate v.领会 (realize) ,欣赏,增值I appreciate that I maybe worng. This land has appreciated in value. apprehension 忧虑、担心;逮捕、理解apprehensive 理解的不安的,忧虑的(意思和用法等同于afraid) apprehensive for sb.'s safety approach 着手To begin to deal with or work on: eg. approached the task with dread. arch adj 调皮的,顽皮的n.弓形an arch smile 调皮的微笑 argument论点,论据 as not so much...as"表示"与其说是……倒不如说"。否定前者肯定后者 eg. He is not so much a writer as a reporter. article n. 物品;制品,商品 arrested adj. 不良的,滞留的。arrested development发育不良 articulate adj. 有关节的;有节的; articulate structure; n. 节体动物 assume v. 承担,担任。假装,装作…的样子,采取(…态度) bark n. 树皮; 三桅帆船 balance n. 秤, 天平, 平衡, [商] 收支差额, 结余, 余额v. 平衡, 称, 权衡, 对比, 结算n. 资产平稳表习惯用语in the balance (命运)未定,在危急中balance sheet 资产负债表余额 Something that is left over; a remainder. 余额:剩下的某物;余数 bill n. 账单;清; 议案,法案; .(水禽等细长而扁平的)嘴〔猛禽的钩状嘴通常叫beak 〕 book vt. 预定,定(戏位、车位等);托运(行李等) bottle vt.bottle up 装入瓶中控制(抑制)To hold in; restrain: bottled up my emotions. build n. 骨格,体格,成形catch n. 陷阱,圈套,诡计;料不到的困难 cater 食物,投合(cater for) catering 公共饮食 catering industry 公共饮食业 champion vt. 维护,拥护,主张;为…而奋斗。champion a cause 维护一项事业。chest n. 1) 箱,函,柜,匣2) 银箱;金库,公款,资金 claim n.索赔The sum of money demanded. 赔款:要求得到的金额 close adj. 闷气的,闷热的 complex n. 络合物,复合物,综合体compound n.集中营、围栏隔开或保围的建筑物或建筑群、化合物 compromise n.妥协,折中vi.妥协vt.危及,放弃(原则等) A concession to something detrimental or pejorative:危害:对于一些有害或恶劣情况的让步: Such conduct will compromise your reputation. 如此举动将会损害你的名誉。 contain v.制服(To halt the spread or development of) The man was later contained by the police. concern n. 商行,公司;财团;康采恩;事业,业务 consume vi. 枯萎;憔悴The flowers consumed away. 花枯萎了。be consumed [away] with (envy, fever, ambition, grief) control v. (科技)对照(实验) controlled experiment controller n.大企业的会计 couch vt.表达(express),隐含 n. 躺椅 eg.The reply was couched in insolent terms. 回答措辞蛮横 count n&v 1.计算, 2.包括there are 10 people in classroom counting 2 teachers 3.控诉的罪The prison was found not guilty on all counts(完全、各方面)


英语常见熟词僻意列表(超级实用) Address v.应付,处理(问题等) Appropriate v.擅用,挪用,占用,盗用 Article n.物品;制品,商品 Arrested adj.不良的,滞留的:arrested development 发育不良 Articulate adj.有关节的,有节的:articulate structure;n.节体动物 Assume v.承担,担任;假装,装作…的样子,采取(…态度) Bark n.树皮;三桅帆船 Bill n.账单;清单;议案,法案;(水禽等细长而扁平的)嘴[猛禽的钩状嘴通常叫beak] Book vt.预定,定(戏位、车位等);托运(行李等) Build n.骨骼,体格,成形 Can n.&v.(制)罐头 Catch n.陷阱,全套,诡计;料不到的困难 Champion vt.维护,主张,拥护;为…而奋斗; Chest n.1.箱,函,柜,匣;2.银箱;金库,公款,资金 Close adj.闷气的,闷热的 Complex n.络合物,复合物,综合体 Concern n.商行,公司,财团;康采恩;事业,业务 Blue adj.沮丧的,阴郁的 Condition n.健康状态;【口】疼痛 Consume vi.枯萎;憔悴 Count n.起诉理由,罪状 Critical

adj.危急的;决定性的,重大的 Coat v.涂上一层(例如油漆) Cure v.(鱼等用腌、熏、晒、烤等的)加工保藏法 Cut v.生,长,出(牙齿) Date n.海枣 Deal n.(松等的)木板;木材,木料;adj.松木的 Dear adj.昂贵的,高价的 Default n.&v.不履行;违约;拖欠 Dock n.草本植物vt.剥夺,扣去…的应得工资 Down n.【美国】沙丘;(蒲公英等的)冠毛;鸭绒,绒毛;(鸟的)绒羽;柔毛;汗毛,软毛,毫毛 Draw vt.提取(钱款);使打成平局 Drill vt.(用钢钻)钻(孔);在…上钻孔 Drive n.冲力,动力;干劲;努力;魄力;精力 Eat vt.蛀;腐蚀;消磨 Exploit n.功绩、功劳、勋绩 Exponent n.典型,样品 Factor n.因子,因数;倍;乘数;商 Fair n.【英国】定期集市,庙会。商品展览会,展销会,商品交易会 Fashion vt.形成,铸成,造,作(into/to) Felt n.毛毡;毛布;毡制品;油毛毡 Figure n.1.(著名)人物;2.雕像;画像 Fine adj.细小的


2018考研英语常考熟词僻义单词(92) 2018考研是场艰巨的战役,对于考研英语词汇是它的先锋兵,只有攻克词汇,才能确保考研分数的稳固和万无一失。小编祝愿考研的学子们再接再厉,勇往直前! place vt投(资);存(款);开出(订单)I placed an order with them for 500 pairs of shoes. 我向他们定购了五百双鞋子。 (常用在疑问句、否定句中)看清,想起[(+as)] I remember her name but can t place her face. 我记得她的名字,但记不清她的脸了。 寄托(希望), 给予(信任) His father placed great hopes on [in] him.他的父亲对他寄于很大希望。 评价, 分类My son s income can probably be placed as £5000 a year.我儿子的年收入估计达5000英镑。 列为I would place her among the world’s greatest sopranos.我把她列为世界上最伟大的女高音歌唱家。 plague vt. 折磨, 使苦恼, 使得灾祸A severe back injury plagued him all his life. 严重的背伤终身折磨着他。 plant n重型机械, 机械设备They have made a huge investment in new plant.他们投入巨资购置新设备。 vt放置; 安插They must have planted many explosives there.他们一定在这里埋了很多炸药。[俚]给与打击, (拳击)看准打plant one s fists in sb. s face用拳头打某人的脸 plant in 把…灌输给…Whatever planted that idea in your head?究竟是谁把那个念头灌输到你的脑子里? plaster vt 在...上涂灰泥;厚厚地涂抹[(+over/with)]My shoes were plastered with mud. 我鞋上沾满烂泥。 These rough places on the wall could be plastered over.可以在墙上这些毛糙的地方涂上灰泥。 粘贴;贴满[(+on/with)]He plastered his room with pictures of actors and actresses. 他在他房间里贴满了男女演员的照片。 掩饰;使过分承受[(+with)]They tried to plaster over the differences. 他们试图掩盖分歧。【俚】(彻底)击败;重创Our football team really got plastered last week. 我们的足球队上星期遭到惨败。 plastic n〈口〉信用卡Nowadays we can use plastic instead of cash in many places buying things.


阅读熟词僻义词汇表 appropriate v. 擅用,挪用,占用,盗用 article n. 物品;制品,商品 arrested adj. 引人注目的 assume v. 承担,担任。假装,装作…的样子,采取(…态度) bark n. 树皮; 三桅帆船 bill n. 账单;清; 议案,法案; .(水禽等细长而扁平的)嘴〔猛禽的钩状嘴通常叫beak 〕book vt. 预定,定(戏位、车位等);托运(行李等) build n. 骨格,体格,成形 catch n. 陷阱,圈套,诡计;料不到的困难 champion vt. 维护,拥护,主张;为…而奋斗。champion a cause 维护一项事业。 chest n. 1) 箱,函,柜,匣2) 银箱;金库,公款,资金 close adj. 闷气的,闷热的 complex n. 络合物,复合物,综合体 concern n. 商行,公司;财团;康采恩;事业,业务 consume vi. 枯萎;憔悴The flowers consumed away. 花枯萎了。be consumed [away] with (envy, fever, ambition, grief) count n. 起诉理由,罪状。 critical adj. 危急的;决定性的,重大的 coat v. 涂上一层(例如油漆) cure v. (鱼等用腌、熏、晒、烤等的)加工保藏(法)。 cut vt. 生,长,出(牙齿) date n. 海枣 deal n. (松等的)木板;木材,木料; adj. 松木的 dear adj. 昂贵的,高价的 default n.&v. 不履行;违约;拖欠 defer v. 1) 拖延,迁延,展缓;扣存; 2) 服从,听从,遵从(to) dock n. 草本植物vt. 剥夺,扣去…的应得工资 down n. 〔美国〕沙丘; (蒲公英等的)冠毛; 鸭绒,绒毛;(鸟的)绒羽;柔毛。汗毛,软毛,毳毛 draw vt. 提取(钱款); 使打成平局 drill vt. (用钢钻)钻(孔);在…上(用钢钻)钻孔 drive n. 冲力,动力;干劲;努力;魄力;精力 eat vt. 蛀;腐蚀;消磨 exploit n. 功绩,功劳,勋绩 factor n. 因子,因数; 倍;乘数;商 fair n. 〔英国〕定期集市,庙会。商品展览会,展销会,商品交易会 fashion vt. 形成,铸成,造,作(into; to) felt n. 毛毡;毛布;毡制品;油毛毡。 figure n. 人影,人形;人物 fine fly functional adj. 从使用的观点设计[构成]的


考研词汇熟词生义总结 Part A accommodate v.供应,供给 accompany v.为…伴奏 acute a. (疾病)急性的SARS里的A即为此意 administrate/administer v.实施,执行;给予,投(药) address vt. 解决address this issue admit v.让...进入,接纳【游客等】 air n.神气,架子 anchor vt.把…固定住 annual n.年刊,年鉴 appropriate vt. 1.擅用,挪用,占用,盗用。 artificial a.矫揉造作的 associate a. 【官职】副的 attribute n.属性,品质,特征; audience n.谒见,会见 avenue n.途径,手段 Part B backward a.迟钝的 balance n.差额,结余,余款【比如银行帐户里的结余款项】 bar v.闩上,阻拦,拦住,妨碍 bid v.祝愿;命令,吩咐;报价,投标 board n.伙食; bore v.钻(孔),挖(洞),打眼,钻探 boss v.指挥,支配,发号施令 bound a.准备(或正在)到...去的,开往...的 brand v.使铭记;在…上打火印,打烙印;在…身上刺字 Part C charter v.租船,租车 claim v.索赔n.索赔;权利,要求权,所有权 coach n.(铁路)客车,长途汽车,大客车 combination n.化合(物) combine v.(with) (使)化合 commission n.佣金,手续费 commit v.把...交托给,提交 communications n. 通讯系统;交通(工具) compass n. [pl.]圆规 complement n.余数;补语 complex n.联合体【an iron and steel complex钢铁联合企业】;情结【inferiority complex自卑情结】complication n.复杂,纠纷;并发症 condemn v.判刑,宣告有罪 conduct v.传导,传(热,电等) conductivity n.传导性,传导率 confirm vt.批准 Part D


常见熟词辟义列表 o address [??dres] v.应付,处理(问题等) o aging [?eid?i?+ n.陈酿 o appropriate [??pr?upriit] v.擅用,挪用,占用,盗用 o article [?ɑ:tikl] n.物品;制品,商品 o arrested [??restid] adj.不良的,滞留的.arrested development发育不良 o articulate [ɑ:?tikjulit] adj.有关节的;有节的; articulate structure;n.节体动物o assume [??sju:m] v.承担,担任.假装,装作…的样子,采取(…态度) o bark [bɑ:k] n.树皮; 三桅帆船 o bill [bil] n.账单;清; 议案,法案;.(水禽等细长而扁平的)嘴(猛禽的钩状嘴通常叫beak ) o blind [blaind] n.百叶窗 o book [buk] vt.预定,定(戏位、车位等);托运(行李等) o build [bild] n.骨格,体格,成形 o catch [k?t?] n.陷阱,圈套,诡计;料不到的困难 o champion [?t??mpj?n] vt.维护,拥护,主张;为…而奋斗.champion a cause 维护一项事业. o chest [t?est] n.1) 箱,函,柜,匣; 2) 银箱;金库,公款,资金 o close [kl?uz] adj.闷气的,闷热的 o complex [?k?mpleks] n.络合物,复合物,综合体 o concern [k?n?s?:n] n.商行,公司;财团;康采恩;事业,业务 o consume [k?n?sju:m] vi.枯萎;憔悴The flowers consumed away.花枯萎了. be consumed [away] with (envy, fever, ambition, grief) o count [kaunt] n.起诉理由,罪状. o critical [?kritik?l] adj.危急的;决定性的,重大的 o coat [k?ut] v.涂上一层(例如油漆) o cure [kju?] v.(鱼等用腌、熏、晒、烤等的)加工保藏(法). o cut [k?t] vt.生,长,出(牙齿) o date [deit] n.海枣 o deal [di:l] n.(松等的)木板;木材,木料;adj.松木的 o dear [di?] adj.昂贵的,高价的 o deed [di:d] v.立契转让 o default [di?f?:lt] n.&v.不履行;违约;拖欠 o dock [d?k] n.草本植物vt.剥夺,扣去…的应得工资 o down [daun] n.(美国)沙丘; (蒲公英等的)冠毛; 鸭绒,绒毛;(鸟的)绒羽;柔毛. 汗毛,软毛,毳毛 o draw [dr?:] vt.提取(钱款); 使打成平局 o drill [dril] vt.(用钢钻)钻(孔);在…上(用钢钻)钻孔 o drive [draiv] n.冲力,动力;干劲;努力;魄力;精力 o eat [i:t] vt.蛀;腐蚀;消磨 o exploit [iks?pl?it] n.功绩,功劳,勋绩 o exponent [eks?p?un?nt] n.典型,样品


abrupt 2008 (言语、行为等)粗鲁的、唐突的;absorb 2007 减轻;从容应付 acclaim 2010 给予高度评价 acknowledge 2005 承认 address 2014 致力于,处理,解决 advantage 2010(翻译题)利益 advocate 2005 拥护者 alert 2011 提醒 antique 2014 古董 articulate 2014 说清楚2013 inarticulate 沉默无言的 bar 2014 大律师;律师职业 2014 the bar exam 律师资格考试 the bar 法律专业;法律界人士 bear 2012 显示;带有 bird 2008 某种类型的人(an old bird行家,老手a queer bird古怪的家伙) blood 2009 bloodline 血统谱系 body 2014 团体,集团,机构 bother 2009 费工夫做 bubble 2007 幻想,想象 call 2010 (for)号召calling 职业,事业 canal 2008 管道 carry 2010 报道;出售 clause 2008 条款 clip 2008 删节 coherent 2014 连贯的 column 2007 报刊中的专栏 comb 2014 彻底搜寻 complete 2014 (with)装备有某事物,具有某特点,包含 compose 2013 (oneself)使镇静 compromise 2010 使陷入危险,使受到怀疑conceive 2007 受孕 2012完形区分concept(概念,观念)和conception(构想,理解) conduct 2008带领,领导2009 运作 confront 2009 面对,遭遇 considerable 2013 相当大(多)的 contest 2013 提出异议 coordinate 2005 使协调,使相配合 count 2012 视为2013 on that count 在那一方面court 2012 求爱,谈恋爱 cover 2007 报道decline 2008 婉言谢绝 default 2013 系统默认值 delicate 2007 微妙的 dependent 2009 仆人,侍从 develope 2008 患病,出现问题 dismiss 2010 驳回2009 解雇,认为……而不予以考虑,对……不屑一提 disposition 2009 性格,性情 disruption 2007 损失 distinguished 2008 卓越的,杰出的 eligible 2014 合格的,有资格的 embrace 2010 欣然接受 engage 2011 与……建立密切关系,尽力理解engineer 2012 策划,设计 entail 2007 使必须做某事,需要做某事 establish 2007 得到认可的,使被接受;查实,查明 executive 行政主管2007 经理 exercise 2005 使用,运用 fashion 2005 影响,形成,塑造 feature 2007 专题,介绍,2011 做……专题报道,特写 feed 2007 输送人才 fetch 2010 售得某价钱 field 2007 处理,应付,顺利处理一系列问题flesh 2008 充实,增加细节或详情 folk 2010 屈服 fomulate 2005 确切表达 foster 2009 促进,培养 game 猎物,2010年的翻译题引申为“种群” genre 2005 类型,体裁,风格 ground 2014 理由,根据 guild 2014 行会,协会 handsome 2008 数量可观的 harness 2005 控制,利用 hawk 2009 沿街叫卖,兜售 hedge 2010 规避(风险等) herd 2009 (贬义)人群,芸芸众生 at home 2014 驾轻就熟,运用自如的 ill 2013 苦难,不幸 imperative 2014 必要的事,重要紧急的事industry 2009 勤劳,勤奋 informed 2010+2014 了解情况的,见多识广的innocent 2014 固有的,无害的


2018考研英语常考熟词僻义单词(110) 2018考研是场艰巨的战役,对于考研英语词汇是它的先锋兵,只有攻克词汇,才能确保考研分数的稳固和万无一失。小编祝愿考研的学子们再接再厉,勇往直前! straight adj直率的He is straight in his dealings.他待人接物正直老实。 strain n口吻,语气;笔调;情调[C]He wrote letters in a happy strain. 他用欢快的笔调写信。 旋律,曲调From within the flat could be heard the strains of country and western music. 可以听到从公寓里面传来的乡村和西部音乐的旋律。 性格, 倾向, 气质, He has a strain of melancholy in him.他有点忧郁的气质。 (人的)血缘,世系;种,族[C] The Irish strain in him makes him like jokes.他的爱尔兰血统使他喜欢诙谐。 stream n潮流;趋势[S1]He always goes with the stream. 他总是顺应潮流。 把学生按智力等分班The school streams pupils into three classes.学校按智力把学生分成三个班。 vt(头发、衣服等)飘扬,招展Her black cloak streamed behind her.她黑色的斗篷在身后飘舞。streamline vt(喻)精简,简化(机构,体系);使效率提高We must streamline our methods.我们必须简化方法。 strength n(团体的,尤指球队或军队的)实力,人数; 强度; 浓度;力量; The peacetime strength of the army was 415,000.那支军队和平时期的人数是415,000。 the political and military strength of European governments.欧洲政府的政治和军事实力。 The alcoholic strength of brandy far exceeds that of wine.白兰地的酒精浓度远远超过葡萄酒。 Many people find strength in religion.许多人从宗教中找到力量。 stretch n困难的任务;苛求的任务It was a stretch for me sometimes to come up with the rent.交租金对我有时是一件难事。 滥用,曲解She stretched the rules in favor of herself. 她为了利己目的曲解法规。 vi回溯His memory stretches back to his early childhood.他回想起自己的童年。 strike vt打动,感动,给...以印象[(+as)]That play struck me as silly.那出戏给我印象很无聊。(尤指偶然)发现;想到Pondering, she struck upon a brilliant idea.沉思了一下,她突然想到一个绝好的主意。 string vt挂,吊Lights were strung across the promenade.步行街上横挂着一溜溜灯火。 (非正式,主北美)欺骗,戏弄,愚弄I m not stringing you—I ll eat my shirt if it s not true. 我不骗你。如果不是真的,我就把衬衫吞下去。 当特约记者He strings for almost every French radio service.他几乎为每一家法国电台当特约


考研英语历年真题熟词僻义词汇总结 如果说核心词汇是重点的话,那么熟词僻义,即常见词的非常见意义就是难点。不少同学对于熟词僻义的掌握较差,一个重要原因是不能理解各个词义之间的关系,如本义与引申义之间的关系。一般而言,本义是词的常见义,引申义是词的非常见义。例如,embrace的本义是“拥抱”(=em进入+brace手臂),引申义是“包括,接受”。由“拥抱”的动作可以联想“包括”之义,因为“拥抱”就是将对方“包括”在手臂之内。由“拥抱”的象征意义也可以联想“接受”之义,因为“拥抱”对方,除少数情况外(如被迫与人拥抱),都表示“接受”对方。请看下列例子以巩固对embrace的常见义与非常见义的理解: 1.The two embraced, holding each other tightly.(拥抱) 2.His career embraced many activities——composing, playing and acting.(包括) 3.Much of the population embraced the scientific idea.(接受) 2007考研英语阅读部分的第二篇文章考到embrace的一个近义词,encompass(包括)。知道为何encompass这个词的意思是“包括”吗?encompass=en(进入)+compass(罗盘),意思是(如罗盘般)“包括”。 discipline(纪律;学科)这个词的非常见义也可以通过上述方法联想记忆。“纪律”是discipline的常见义,是不可数名词:“学科”是discipline的非常见义,是可数名词。可以这样联想:现代学科的掌握都需要严格的训练,严格的训练不是正包含“纪律”吗?如论文的格式、引用他人观点的方法等都属于学术训练的“纪律”一类。 这里的熟词僻义是按年总结的,不按字母顺序。有时间一定要过两遍,以增强对常见词的一词多义的掌握,也增强阅读与英译汉两部分的应对能力。 今天的结束语是:Familiarity breeds contempt(熟生蔑;亲近生轻侮)。不过,对于常见词可不要“熟生蔑”,否则吃大亏! 熟词僻义(1994-2000) embrace包括;接受,信奉;拥抱preferred有优先权的exceptional特殊的;例外的prejudice损害;偏见dormant暂停活动的;潜在的;睡着的serve有作用act法案;(戏剧的)一幕govern适用于,管理term条款,术语;学期personality人物,名人;个性,人格fine细微的secure获得,得到;a.安全的rather恰恰相反;相当knowledge知道;知识aggressive有进取心的,大胆的;侵犯的reasoning推理interpret解释,口译assume 假设,承担,采用mental心理的,精神的,智力的account描述;叙述coverage新闻报道,覆盖launch发起,开展,发射grant授予,同意,准予line思路engage雇用,使参与dictate 命令,口授,听写render使得;给予;翻译discipline训练,学科;纪律acute敏锐的;(病)急性的fair集市,交易会,博览会virtually几乎,实际上authority当局import 意义,重要性,含义;进口,输入implication含义,暗示passage通过;段落otherwise


热点熟词僻义总结【添加中】 1 allow allow 承认admit We must allow that he is right on this matter. 2 address address vt 处理 To deal with: addressed the issue of absenteeism. 处理旷工事宜 3 advantage take advantage of 欺骗(deceive) 对……加以利用 took advantage of the customer. 欺骗消费者 4 appreciate appreciate v.意识到 (realize) 抬高…价格、涨价 I appreciate that I may be wrong. This land has appreciated in value. 这块土地增值了。 5 apprehension apprehension 忧虑、担心;逮捕、理解 The student looked around the examination room with apprehension. 那名学生恐惧地观看检查室的四周。 6 apprehensive apprehensive 理解的不安的,忧虑的 (意思和用法等同于afraid)

apprehensive for sb.'s safety 担心某人的安全 7 approach approach 着手 To begin to deal with or work on: approached the task with dread. 惶恐地开始着手这项任务 8 arch arch adj 调皮的,顽皮的 n.弓形 an arch smile 调皮的微笑 He tapped the side of his nose in an uncharacteristically arch gesture. 9 argument argument 论点,论据 10 as not so much...as"表示"与其说是……倒不如说"。否定前者肯定后者 1. He is not so much a writer as a reporter. 2. Science moves forward, they say, not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tool. (摘自真题) It's not so much a hobby as a career (= more like a career than a hobby). 11 assume assume 承担,假装,假定,设想, assume an obligation 承担义务 12 balance balance sheet 资产负债表


2012年考研英语大纲5500词汇熟词僻义经典总结(完整版) abide vi.逗留, 居住They abide in a remote village.他们居住在一个偏远的村子里。 vt.容忍, 忍受屈从How can you abide such a person?你怎么能屈从于这样的人? about prep.转到相反的方向About turn 口令:向后转! 【真题例句】Curbs on business-method claims would be a dramatic about-face because it was the federal circuit itself that introduced such patents with is 1998 decision in the so-called state Street Bank case, approving a patent on a way of pooling mutual-fund assets. 【2010年阅读Txte2】 对商业方法专利权的限制表明了法庭的态度发生了重大的转变,因为正是联邦巡回法院在1998年被称为 “州街银行案”的决议中引入了这类专利,当时法院对一种共同的投资基金资产的管理方法授予了专利。 abrupt adj指语言上不连贯的an abrupt style of writing不连贯的写作风格;(指斜坡)陡峭的; absence n缺少,缺乏[U][(+of)];缺席的时间;外出期;不注意,心不在焉 The absence of color in that drawing makes it dull. 那幅画因没有着色而显得晦暗。 He repeated absences from school.屡次缺课。 【真题例句】There is “the democratizing uniformity of dress and discourse, and the casualness and absence of deference”characteristic of popular culture. 【2006年Text1】在美国,大众文化的特点就是“在服饰和谈吐方面大众化的一致性、漫不经心和不拘礼节。” absolute adj有无限权力的专制的An absolute ruler can do just as he please. 一个专制的统治者可以为所欲为。 非相对的There's no absolute standard for it. 它没有绝对的标准。 独立的;绝对的We now have the absolute proof of his guilt. 我们现在有他犯罪的确凿证据。 absorb vt并入,使合并;减少(冲击、困难等的影响) The surrounding villages have been absorbed by/into the growing city.周围的村庄已经合并到了日益扩大的城市。 Buffer absorbed most of the shock.减速器大大减少了震动。 academic n. [C]学术的学者 【真题例句】If the preoccupation of schools with academic work was lessened, more time might be spent teaching children surer values.【1995 年Text4】 如果学校对学业的强调减少一些,也许就有更多的时间教孩子更重要的价值观念。 【真题例句】Leonard Schlesinger, a Harvard academic and former chief executive of Au Bong Pain, a rapidly growing chain of bakery cafes, says that much “reengineering”has been crude.【1998年阅读text2】 哈佛学者伦纳德?施莱辛格是一家迅速扩张的美味面包店的前总裁,他说,许多“企业重组”都不成熟。

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