当前位置:文档之家› 初二上英语句型转换与汉译英专项练习




I 句型转换:

1 Mike is thinner than John.(用stronger将句子改为选择问句)

_____ Mike________ ______ thinner than John?

2.He does some reading every day.(改为否定句)

He______ ______ _______ reading every day.

3.There is some fruit juice in the glass.(改为一般疑问句)

_______ _______ _______ fruit juice in the glass?

4.My mother goes to work by bike.(对划线部分提问)

_______ _______ your mother _______ to work?

5.They play football every Friday.(对划线部分提问)

________ ________ they play football?

6.She has brothers and sisters.(改为否定句)

She has_______ brothers _______ sisters.

7. To eat a balanced diet is very important.

_____ very important _____ ______ a balanced diet.

8. They are watching TV at home now.

They are watching TV at home ___ ___ ___

9. I 'm feeling terrible.

I 'm ____ feeling ____

10 I feel nervous before the exam.

I feel ____ ____ before the exam.

11 They went home after they had finished their homework

They ______ go home ______ they had finished their homework

12. Shall we go out for a walk after supper?(改为同义句)

Why _____ _____ ______ for a walk after supper?

13. They never see Mr John .(改为反义疑问句)

They never see Mr John ,_____ _____ ?

14 .Let‘s start at eight tomorrow morning .(改为同义句)

_____we _____ at eight tomorrow morning?

15.We don't know how we use this computer.(改为同义句)

We don't know ___ ___ ___ this computer.

16.Get up early, or you'll be late for school.(改为复合句)

___ you ___get up early, you will be late for school.

17 .I hope I can improve my English soon.(改为同义句)

I hope___ ___my English soon.

18 Jim always does his homework after school.(改为否定句)

Jim ____ _____his homework after school.

19 .I spend two hours on my homework. every day.(同意问)

____ ____ ____two hours _______ ________ my homework every day.

20 .My home is ten minute’s walk from my school.(划线提问)

____ ___ _____your home from your school?

21 .The girl will be back in five minutes.(划线提问)

____ _____ _____the girl be back?

22.The picture is the same as that one.(反义句)

The picture is _____ _____that one.

23 She doesn’t want to drink milk now.

She doesn’t ______ ______ ______ milk now.

24It’s time for our lunch.

It’s time for ______ ______ ______ lunch.

25.Don’t worry. I’ll look after your baby carefully.

Don’t worry. I’ll _____ ______ ______ ______ your baby.

26.It may have different tastes.

______ it ______ different tastes.

27.It takes about fifteen minutes on foot.

It is about ______ ______ ______.

28.How sweet her voice is!

______ ______ ______ ______ she has!

29Beethoven didn’t say any more.

Beethoven said ______ ______.

30.Lin Tao runs faster than the other two boys.

Lin Tao runs ______ of the ______ boys.

31.This kind of medicine is much too expensive for poor people.

The poor people ______ ______ ______ ______ this kind of medicine.

32.I bought this dictionary for 58 yuan.

I ______ 58 yuan ______ this dictionary.

33.Mark Twain wrote the book.

Mark Twain ______ ______ ______ of the book.

34.Everyone is healthy.

______ one is ______.

35.Math is more difficult than physics.

Physics is ______ difficult than math.

Physics isn’t ______ ______ ______ math.

36.His first visit to China was in 2000.

He ______ China ______ ______ ______ ______ in 20000.

37.I can help my father with the farm work, or my brother can help him with it.

______ my brother ______ I ______ ______ my father with the farm work.

38.What other things would you like?

______ ______ would you like?

II 汉译英:


She_______ ________ _________ _______ a new job.


I ________ _______ _________ ________ last week.


Hawaii is a good piace______ _____ ______ _________.


I don"t _______ _______ _________ _________too long.


This _______ I______ _________ ________ something __________


The Blacks _______ _______ _______ ______ in Hainan.


Lily ______ ___ _________ _______.(has a sore throat)


I like ________ ________ _________(coffee with milk)


I hope she can _________ __________soon(get better)


_______ you should _______ ______ ________ _______ _________


They will __________ _________ ________English well


He _______ ________ ________ sports.

13. 玛丽很擅长数学,她在每次考试中都取得好成绩。

Mary_____ _____ ___ math, and she______ ______ ________ in every examination.

14. 刚才我花两个小时完成了这幅画。

I _________ two hours ________ ________ the picture just now.

15. 汤姆年纪太小,不能开车。

Tom is ______ ________ ________ ________ a car.

16. 工人们停下来休息是非常必要的。

It is _______ for the workers______ _______ ____ ___.


______ ______ _______people like _________ in villages for vacation now.


The _______popular _______ of _______is subway in some big of China.


I ________ ________ English is ______ ________ _______ math.


I ________ ________ apples , but ________ than you.


You ______ _______ ______ ______ English than I am.


2015年中考英语复习二轮专项练习—句型转换练习题及答案 句型转换(5分) 1.The movie is very exciting.(改为感叹句) _________ ________ exciting movie ! 2. There is some milk in the bottle.(改为一般疑问句) _________ there ________ milk in the bottle? 3.We had a good time last night. (保持句意基本不变)We ________ ________ last night. 4.The girl eats little to make herself slim.(对划线部分提问) _________ _________ the girl eat little ? 5.Tonny has ten story books. Jimmy has five story books. (保持句意基本不变) Tonny has ________ books _______ Jimmy. 根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。 6.He did his homework last night. (改为否定句) He __________ __________ his homework last night. 7.The kid is playing the piano at the school music club. (对划线部分提问) __________ is the kid __________ the piano? 8.Visitors love this city because it has historical sights and delicious food. (改为同义句) Visitors love this city ________ ________its historical sights and delicious food. 9.他两个月没有收到他儿子的信了。(完成译句) He hasn’t ________ ________ his son for two months. 句型转换:(共5小题,共计5分,每空0.5分) 10.He can play the guitar.(改为一般疑问句) he __________the guitar ? 11.It’s ten forty now. (对画线部分提问) __________ is it now? 12.She usually takes the bus to school. (改为同义句) She usually goes to school________ _________. 13.You can’t run in the hallways. (改为祈使句)________ _________ in the hallways! 14.She wants to join the English club. ( 对画线部分提问 )________ club_______ she want to join? 句型转换(每空1分,共10分) 15.I can sing English songs.(变一般疑问句) __________ _________ sing English songs? 16.She usually gets up at six. (就划线部分提问) ____________ __________ does she usually get up? 17.Jack goes to school by bike. (就划线部分提问) ___________ __________ Jack go to school? 18.Can Lily and Lucy swim? (作否定回答) ___________ , they ___________. 19.school / your / from / it / is / how far / home / to / ?(连词成句)______________________________________________________________________________ 句型转换(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) 20.I eat dinner in the evening. (就画线部分提问) you eat dinner? 21.They get home at 7:30 pm.(改为同义句)。They get home at 7:30 the . 22.David can play the guitar. (改成一般疑问句) ____ ___ David ___ ___ the guitar? 23.I can sing and dance. (改成否定句) I ______ sing ________dance. 24.want, join, art, they, club, to, the (连词成句) _________________________________________________ . 句型转换。根据要求完成下列句子,一空一词。(每空1分,共10分) 25.Your key is on the floor. (对划线部分提问) ___________ ___________ your key?



参考答案 第一讲 1. 注意安全,小心路滑。C aution, slipper floor. 2. 禁止吸烟,违反者将被罚款100元。Smoking is prohibited, penalties for violators is 100 yuan. 3. 雨天,雪天,减速行驶。 Slow in case of rain or snow. 4. 老年人优先上车。 Senior Citizens First. 5. 桥上严禁超车。No Overtaking On Bridge. 第二讲Task: Please translate the following passage into English.(Open) A 广西中医学院护理学院成立于1999年, 其前身--广西中医学院附设护士学校创建于1979年。回首20多年的风雨历程,至今已发展成为广西仅有的两所高等护理院校之一。近几年,学院紧紧围绕教学与产业并举,中职教育与高职教育并重,传统培养与特色培训相结合的办学思路,开创了教学产业化道路的新局面, 使学院步入了持续快速健康发展的轨道, 如今学院无论是"硬件"还是"软件", 均已颇具规模,现有在校生2663人, 教职工71人, 专兼职教师46人, 其中高中级职称教师40人,占全体教师比例的86.5%。开设有西医护理、中医护理、中医医疗、中西结合、针灸推拿5个专业。今年经自治区教育厅批准又

蕊要去美国做手术?又为什么,包括王治郅、巴特尔在内的诸多篮球运动员也都要飞往美国治疗呢?要让人家相信你,就得拿出成功的例子,这样才不会出现对中医的“妖魔化”。 第三讲 A 护理科研论文写作中常见句型 1. 本文介绍/叙述/报告/讨论了…… T his paper (report, article) presents/describes/reports/discusses 2. 在这篇文章中,我们介绍/叙述/报告/讨论了… In this paper (report, article), we present/describe/report/discuss 3. 我们描述了一例…… We describe a case of 4. 本文报告一例…… A case is reported in which...... 5. 本文报告了……的研究。 A study of ... is reported 6. 本研究旨在……


初一英语上册句型转换专题测试题 1 .I am Jim Green.(同义句) ______ _______ _______ Jim Green. 2.This is an ID card. (提问) ________ _______ in English? 3.Her family name is Green. (同义句) Her ________ ________ is Green. 4.That’s my pencil case.(变否定句) _______ _______ my pencil case. 5.Is this your dictionary? (变复数句) ______ _______ your _________? 6.Are you a teacher? (做肯定回答) _______ , ______ _______. 7.The pencil is blue. (提问) ________ ________ ______ the pencil ? 8.These are my friends. (变否定句) _______ _______ my friends. 9. Mrs Green is Kate’s mother. (同义句) Kate is _______ _______ ______ . 10.Those are Tom’s photos. (变单数句) ______ _______ Tom’s photo. 11.That woman’s Jim’s aunt. (提问) ________ ________ that woman ? 12.My backpack’s behind the chair. (提问) ________ ________ backpack ? 13.My books are in the bag. (变一般疑问句) ______ ______books in the bag ? 14.We have seven classes every day. (变否定句) We _______ _______ seven classes every day . 15.He has two basketballs. (变一般疑问句并作出否定回答) ______ ______ ________ two basketballs ? ________ , he ________ . 16.He has a computer game. (变否定句) He _______ _______ a computer game . 17.Mary does homework at home. (变一般疑问句) _______ Mary _______ homework at home? 18.She has two eggs for breakfast. (提问) ________ ________ she ________ for breakfast ? 19.This is a strawberry . (变复数句) ______ ________ ________ ________. 20.Tom likes salad and ice cream.(变否定句) Tom ______ ______ salad _______ ice cream. 21.My brother plays sports in the morning. (变一般疑问句) ______ your brother ______sports in the morning?


八年级英语上句型转换专项练习 1.1 am going to watch movies.(对划线部分提问) _______________ y ou going to _______ ? 2.What sport do you like best?(改为同义句) What is your _________________ ? 3? I'm sure. She will come on time.(合并为一句) Fm sure _________________ will come on time. 4.Jim goes cycling once a week.(对划线部分提问) _______________ d oes Jim go cycling? 5.苹果和香蕉,你更喜欢哪个? Which do you ________ , the apple _______ the banana? 6.1will join you.(改为否定句) I _________________ you. 7. Would you mind my sitting here?(改为同义句) Would you mind _______ I ________ here? & John is good at playing football』对划线部分提问) ________________ John good at? 9.If you keep trying, you will be sure to play well.(改为同义句) ________________ , and you will be sure to play well. 10.谁为你做的这个生日蛋糕?(完成译句) Who _______ the birthday cake ________ you? 11.I will take part in the 800-meter race.(对划线部分提问) ________________ will you take part in? 12.The 2016 Olympics are going to come.(改为同义句) The 2016 Olympics _________________ . 13.Little Tom can count from 1 to 100.(改为同义句) Little Tom _________________ to count from 1 to 100. 14.The school sports meet is held every year/对划线部分提问) ________________ is the school sports meet held? 15.我和妈妈轮流照看妹妹。(完成译旬) Mother and I took care of my sister ________________ . 16.I will play football tomorrow because I have a new football.(刈'划线部分提问) ________________ you play football tomorrow? 17.Which sport do you prefer, football or basketball?(改为同义句) Which sport do you _________________ , football or basketball? 18.Put the cup on the desk.(改为否定句) ________________ the cup on the desk. 19.起初,他爸爸在一家报社上班。(完成译句) ________________ , his father worked for a newspaper. 20.You should drink something cold after running/改为否定句) You _______ drink ________ cold after running? 21.You should brush your teeth twice a day.(对划线部分提问)


初中英语句型转换专项练习 一、用同义词(组)或近义词(组)改写。 1. The children are wearing beautiful clothes. The children are _____beautiful clothes. 2. Every day, Yao Ming receives E-mails from thousands of basketball fans. Every day,Yao Ming _____thousands of basketball fans. 3. Mr. Smith is working. Mr. Smith is__________ __________. 简析:英语中有不少同义、近义词(组),在平时学习中要注意总结归纳。如:enjoy oneself/have a good time, look after/take care of, difficult/hard, can/be able to, over/more than, receive(get)a letter from/hear from等等。 二、用反义词(组)改写。 4. Chinese is more popular than Japanese. Japanese is ___popular ______Chinese. 5. The runner couldn't catch up with the others in the race. The runner __ __the others in the race. 6. A computer is more useful than a VCD. A VCD is not ____useful __a computer. 简析:此类转换应注意有时主语位置 会改变,并要特别总结归纳反义词(组)。如:new-old, big-small, long-short, more than-less than等。 三、用同义句型改写。 7. Ann spent two weeks getting ready for the exams. It ___Ann two weeks to ____ready for the exams. 8.She spent 30 dollars on the English-Chinese dictionary. The English-Chinese dictionary __ __30 dollars. 简析:此类转换必须弄清每个句型的 构成特点,而且还要注意句中每个句 型的固定搭配。如:give sb. sth.与give sth. to sb.的转换,spend some time(in)doing sth./on sth.与It takes sb.some time to do sth.的转换等等。 四、二句并一句转换为简单句。 9. Jim doesn't like noodles,and Jack doesn't, either. ____Jim ____Jack likes noodles. 10. Mrs. Smith is my teacher. She is also my good friend. Mrs. Smith is_____ ____my teacher____ ____my good friend. 简析:英语中常用not only... but also,either... or,neither... nor,both... and等连词把两个意义相关的简单句合并成一 个简单句。解题过程中要注意连词的


练习:将下列句子变成否定句 1. I am a teacher. I am not a teacher. 2. We are students. We aren;t students. 3. Jane is a girl. Jane not a girl. 4. They like English. They not like Chinese 5. I come from China. I don`t come from China. 6. He likes Chinese. He not like Chinese. 7. Maria comes from Cuba. Maria don`t come from Cuba. 8. We know Maria. We not know Maria. 练习:将下列句子变成一般疑问句 1. I am a teacher. are you a teacher? 2. They are students. are they Students? 3. Jane is a girl. is jane a girl? 4. They like English. are they like English? 5. I come from China. do you come from China? 6. He likes Chinese. is he likes Chinese? 7. Maria comes from Cuba. does Maria come from Cuba? 8.We speak Chinese. you Chinese? 练习:给下列句子做肯定回答或否定回答 1.Are you a student? Yes, i m . No, i`m not . 2. Do they like English?

八年级英语上句型转换 附答案

句型转换 1.Why don’t you go with her?(改为同义句) with her? 2.Try to listen to the tape every day.(改为否定句) Try the tape every day. 3.To join an English club is a good idea.(用it 作形式主语改写句子) to join an English club. 4.You mustn’t forget to turn off the light.(改为祈使句) turn off the light. 5.What other things did you see?(改为同义句) did you see? 6.We should listen to the tape every day.(对划线部分提问) We ? 7. Let’s run as fast as possible.(改为同义句) Let’s run as fast as 。 8. He remembered new words on the Internet.(对划线部分提问) did he new words? 9.Don’t forget to buy me a new book for me next time.(改为同义句) buy me a new book for me next time. 10.You should speak English in class(改为否定句) You English in class. 11.The river is about 100 meters wide(对划线部分提问) is the river? 12.Today is cold. (对划线部分提问) today? 13.They went to school by boat. (对划线部分提问) they to school? 14.The blue box is two kilos heavy and the red one is one kilo(用than改写同义句) The blue box is kilo the red one. 15.It took us one year to finish the job.( 改为同义句) We one year the job. 16.The book is the most interesting of all the books. ( 改为同义句) The book is interesting book. 17.Let’s meet outside the gate at eight. ( 改为同义句) meeting outside the gate at eight? 18. Betty takes a bus to work.(改为同义句) Betty work . 19.To take care of environment is our duty.. (改为同义句) our duty.. care of environment. 20.Don’t worry about the children .The doctor told her. (改为同义句) The doctor told her about the children. 21.He was thin that he could n’t carry the heavy box. (改为同义句) .He was carry the heavy box.

初一英语句型转换练习 (2)

初一英语句型转换练习 一、按要求完成句子(要求:A:改为一般疑问句B:改为否定句) 1. I am a student.→A: B: 2. They are English cars. →A: B: 3. This is a pencil-box. →A: B: 4. Its name is Polly. →A: B: 5. These are my English books. →A: B: 6. I know his name. →A: B: 7. Please look after your cat. →A: B: 8. There is some money in the purse. →A: B: 9. There are many apples on the tree. →A: B: 10. You can go to have a look. →A: B: 11. Come here, please. →: 二、回答句子(A:肯定回答B:否定回答) 1. Are you a teacher? →A: B: 2. Is this your ruler? →A: B: 3. Are those banana trees? →A: B: 4. Is there a picture on the wall? →A: B: 5. Are there any trees on the hill? →A: B: 6. Can you see a bird in the sky? →A: B: 7. Do you know Mr Wang? →A: B: 三、单复数句变换(把单数的句子变成复数,复数的变成单数): 1.Is this your box? →: 2.There is a boy in the picture. → 3.That is his new book. → 4.It is a Chinese car. → 5.She is a woman worker. → 6.We have many old pictures. → 7.Are those English books? → 8.They are Japanese students. → 9.Who are those men over there? → 10.They are some policemen. → 四、将下列句子改为选择疑问句: 1.Tom is in Class Three.(用Class Two)→_________ Tom in Class Three __________ Class Two? 2.Sam is eleven. (用twelve)→___________ Sam eleven ___________ twelve? 3.Is she in Team Two? Is she in Team Three? (合并)→ 4.The girl is Lucy.(用Lily)→___________ the girl Lucy ___________ Lily? 5.Your English teacher is a man.(用a woman)→___your English teacher a man ___ a woman? 6.The tree is big.(用small)→________ the tree big _________ small?


初入江湖将下列句子变成否定句、一般疑问句、简略回答。 A 1. I am a student. 2 . He is ten years old. 3. She is a worker. 4. It is a bird. B 5. We are students. 6. They are workers. C 7. Tom is a worker. 8. Lucy is at home. 9. The little boy is at school. D boys are at home. 11. The girls are in the room. 12 . The books are his. 小有名气对划线部分提问 13 He is ten years old.

14. She is a worker. 15. Lucy is at home. 16. The little boy is at school. 17 Tom's books are here. 18. It is Monday. 19. It is 8:30 now. 20. It is December 24th today. 21. It is sunny today. 22. My birthday is April 5th. 名动一方将下列句子变成否定句、一般疑问句、简略回答。 A 23. I can play football. 24. He can swim in the river.. 25. She can play the piano. 26. It can fly in the sky. B boys can play football.


一、句型专项练习(后附答案) 1.I know the answer.(一般疑问句) know the answer? 2.We can see some birds.(一般疑问句) see birds? 3.There is a computer in my house.(一般疑问句) a computer in house? 4.There are some flowers on the teachers'desk.(一般疑问句) flowers on the teachers'desk? 5.There are some apples on the tree.(否定式) There apples on the tree. 6.I think he is very old.(否定句) I think he very old. 7.Please colour it green.(否定句) colour it green. 8.We can speak good English.(变否定句) We speak good English. 9.Thank you for helping me.(同义句) Thank you for . 10.There aren't any pears in thebox.(同义句) There are pears in the box. 11.Whose are these clothes?(同义句) are these? 12.Let me look at your book.(同义句) Let me your book. 13.Her sweater is red.(对划线部分提问) is her sweater? 14.My pencils are in the pencil-box.(对划线部分提问) your pencils? 15.I get up at six every day.(对划线部分提问) do you get up every day? 16.There are fifty students in my class.(对划线部分提问) students are there in your class? 17.These are cars.(用buses 改写成选择疑问句) Are these cars ? 18.The book is in my schoolbag.(变否定疑问句) the book in your school-bag? 19.Two boys are in our house.(改为 there be 句型) two boys in our house. 20.Can't you find the map?(作肯定回答) ,I .


激动人心的电影和电视剧向我展示了不同的生活。The exciting movies and TV play series show me different kinds of life. 游泳之后总是精力充沛,工作效率更高。After swimming, I am always full of energy and work more efficiently. 我不开心的时候,游泳可以使我振作起来。When I feel upset, swimming can cheer me up. 游泳已经成为我生活的一部分。Swimming has become part of my life. 游泳可以使我保持健壮。Swimming can keep me fit. 我每次去游泳,我都尽可能快游。Every time I go swimming, I try to swim as fast as possible. 我的梦想是当一名职业游泳选手。My dream is being a professional swimmer. 游泳可以丰富我的生活。Swimming can enrich my life. 我喜欢的工作是当一名职业游泳选手。The job I like is being a professional swimmer. 我最喜欢的业余爱好是游泳。My favorite hobby is swimming. 我最喜欢的体育活动是游泳。My favorite sport is swimming. 6、在现代社会,人们搜集信息有很多种方式。In modern society, there are many means of getting information. 我最喜欢的电视节目是新闻。My favorite TV program is news.我最喜欢的乐曲是“月亮河”。My favorite piece of music is “Moon River”. 11、娱乐的方式很多,而我喜欢的娱乐方式是在空闲的时候看电视。 There are many forms of entertainment, but my favorite form of entertainment is watching TV in my spare time. 13、我兴致不高时就听这首曲子,过不了多久我就会又高兴起来。 When I am not in high spirit, I will listen to this piece of music. Then after a short while, I will be cheered up again. 15、冬天给我一种感觉,那就是春天很快就要到来了。Winter gives me a feeling that spring will not be far behind. 远程教学中我最喜欢的课程是英语。The course I like best of the online education is English. 我的爱好让我忙碌并且兴奋。My hobbies keep me busy and excited. 我最喜欢的食物是鸡蛋。My favorite food is egg. 它很软,又美味又有营养。It is soft, delicious and nutritious. 在小学的时候,我就知道如何做蒸蛋、煮蛋、炒蛋和蛋汤。When I was in primary school, I knew how to make steamed eggs, boiled eggs, fried eggs and egg soup. 在小学的时候,我就知道怎么样做鸡蛋给我父母吃。When I was in primary school, I got to know how to cook eggs for my parents. 我们能用鸡蛋做蛋糕、面条和其他食物。我非常喜欢鸡蛋。We can use eggs to make cakes, noodles and other food. 它对老年人、年轻人和身体虚弱的人都很有好处。It is good for the old, the young and the weak. 21、英语掌握得好,可以使我在竞争激烈的职场上拥有优势。 A good command of English can provide me with advantages in the competitive job market. 26、我喜欢收集卡片,还喜欢和朋友打牌。答案是:I like collecting cards and playing cards with my friends. 27、尽管公交车或小汽车更快捷、更方便,我仍然喜欢骑自行车,从中我得到了无穷乐趣。 Although buses and cars are faster and more convenient, I still prefer to ride a bike. I get much pleasure from it. 29、很多人出门的时候可能喜欢乘公交车或小汽车,但是我最喜欢的交通方式是骑自行车。 答案是:Many people may like to travel by bus or by car, but my favorite means of transportation is by bike. 这本书讲述了发生在清朝的贾宝玉和林黛玉之间的爱情故事。The book tells us a love story that happened between Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu in the Qing dynasty. 我最喜欢的书书名叫《红楼梦》,它是曹雪芹写的。The book I like best is a novel entitled “Dream of the Red Mansion”by Cao Xueqin. 下雪的时候,万物都变得雪白明亮。树上、房顶上都覆盖着厚厚的一层雪。 When it snows, everything turns white and bright. Trees and houses are all covered with thick snow. 下过雪后,我和朋友们通常会堆雪人,向对方掷雪球。这给我们带来了很大的乐趣。 After a snowfall, my friends and I usually make snowmen and throw snowballs at each other, which give us much pleasure. 我有相当多的爱好。I have quite a few hobbies. 我最喜欢冬天。I like winter best. 我对绘画、听音乐和唱歌都有兴趣。I am interested in drawing pictures, listening to music and singing songs. 36、在辛苦工作一天之后,我期盼能好好放松一下,而看电视正是一种好的放松方式。 答案是:After a day of hard work, I look forward to a good relaxation and watching TV is a good way to relax. 37、在现代社会,人们比以前越来越重视娱乐。In modern society, people pay more and more attention to entertainment than before. 38、总之,看电视确实娱乐了我。In a word, watching TV really entertains me a lot. 互联网能以非常快的速度给我们大量的信息,这能帮助我们学习知识。Internet gives us information in a great volume and at very fast speed, which helps us learn knowledge. 它随时都能给我们提供多种娱乐。Internet provides many kinds of entertainment to us at any time. 它给我们提供了一个交流的平台。Internet provides a platform for us to communicate. 40、这本书对我来说是非常有价值的。This book is very valuable to me. 41、新闻有好有坏,但都能帮助我更好地了解社会。There is good news and bad news, which helps me understand the society better. 44、我喜欢学习英语,因为我喜欢和外国人谈话,还喜欢看迪斯尼动画。 答案是:I enjoy learning English because I like speaking with foreigners and I like watching Disney cartoons. 45、我们能通过读书、读报和看杂志来得到信息,也可以通过听收音、看电视、上网来获取信息。 反馈正确答案是:We can get information by reading books, newspapers and magazines, by listening to radio, watching TV and using internet. 47、从这本书中,我还了解了清朝贵族们的生活,也能学到不少生活哲理。 反馈正确答案是:From this book, I also get to know the noble people’s life in the Qing Dynasty and learn some life philosophies from it. 48、和其他的经典曲目不同,这首曲子易懂易学。Unlike other classics, it is easy to learn and understand. 49、我被这个故事中的真爱深深地打动了。I was deeply moved by the true love in the story. 50、“月亮河”能使我处于良好的情绪状态。Moon River can help me to stay in good mood. 51、我最喜欢的获取信息的方式还是运用互联网。My favorite means of getting information is by using internet. 52、电视上的音乐让我忘却紧张。The pleasant music on TV can keep me away from tension. 53、我要抓住每个机会练习英语。I will catch every chance to practice English. 英语已经成为世界通用语,几乎每个国际间的场合都要用到英语。English has become a world-wide language. It is used on almost every international occasion. 57、新闻向我们介绍了很少发生在我们周围的有趣的人和事。News introduces interesting people and things that seldom appear around us. 59、通过新闻,我可以得知我们政府的政策。Through the news, I get to know the policies of our government. 60、虽然下雪天变得稀少了,我仍然期盼着冬天的到来,Although snowing days become rare, I’m still longing for the winter to come. 61、大多数的信息是用英语写成的,如果我的英语好,我就能从其他国家得到第一手信息。 Most information is written in English. If I master English very well, I can get first-hand information from other countries. 62、从中学开始我就喜欢听这首曲子。I have enjoyed listening to this piece of music ever since I was a high school student.通过新闻,我每天都能知道国内外正在发生的事情,跟得上形势。Through the news, I get to know what is happening at home and abroad every day and keep up with times. 1、骑自行车的时候,我能有更多的自由。我能选择自己的路线。我能在我喜欢的任何地方驻足停留。而且,我能看到一些在公交车上或小汽车里可能会错过的人和事物。When I travel by bike, I get more freedom. I can choose my own route. I can stop wherever I like. And I can see things and people that I might miss when I travel on a bus or in a car.

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