当前位置:文档之家› 会计英语


Unit 1
Tips: The Securities and Exchange Commission took an important step toward what many hope will eventually lead to global accounting standard,dropping a requirement that non-U.S companies with U.S listing reconcile their results to U.S rules.

美国证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission,简称SEC)取消了在美国上市的外国企业所提交的财务报告必须符合美国公认会计原则(GAAP)的规定,许多人希望此举能成为全球会计准则的最终形成带来的重要推动。

Scction 5 Journalizing and Posting Entries(翻译)
In the according cycle,journalizing is the secord step after analyzing the transactions and business documents.Journalizing is the process to record transactions in a journal.The merits of journalizing are:providing a chronological record of transactions,help locate errors in recording, simplifying the ledger entries, and enabling division of labor. A journal can be broken into two kind:the general(or journal)and special jouranal.

Useful Expressions
Accounting equation 会计等式
Owner’s equity 所有者权益
Accounting period 会计期间
Accounts receivable 应收账款
Salaries payable 应付工资
Chart of accounts 会计科目表
Bank deposit 银行存款
Cash deposit 现金收入
Financial position 财务状况
Debit 借方
Credit 贷方
Enter 登录,记账
Double-entry 复式记账的
Supplies expense 物资费用
Miscellaneous expense 其他费用
Posting 过账
Accounting cycle 会计周期
General journal 现金收入
Journalizing 调整及结账分录

Unit 2
Tips: Inventory shall be accounted for by using the perptual inventual method. The balance of the inventory account under the perpetual system should give the cost of inventoryon hand at any time.


Useful Expressions
Cash in bank 银行存款
Cash equivalents 现金等价物
Bank draft 银行汇票
Short-term investements 短期投资
Trade acceptance 商业承兑汇票
Allowance for bad debts 坏账准备
Semi-finished goods 半成品
Differences betweeen purchasing and sekking price 商品进

Principal 本金

Unit 3
Tips: According to the According Standards for Business(2006), internally created goodwill and internally generated brands and publishing titles are all excluded frim intangible assets.

Useful Experrsions
Tangible assets 有形资产
Issuance of securities 发行股票
Long-term asset 长期资产
Useful life 使用寿命
Overhead cost 管理费
Acquisition cost 购置成本
Lump sum purchase 整批购买
Non-monetary asset 非货币性资产
Debt restructuring transaction 债务重组
Recognition criteria 确认条件
Measurement base 计量基础
Estimated resdual value 预计净残值
Despreciation rate 折旧率
Intangible asset 无形资产
Finite intangibles 使用寿命有限的无形资产
Franchise 特许权,公民权
Assessed value 评估价格
Impairment test 减值测试
Amortization charge 摊销费
Common amount 惯例
Dedcut 扣除
Straight-line method 年限平均法(直线法)
Double declining balance method 双倍余额递减法
Wear and tear 磨损,损耗
Staight-line rate 直线折旧率
SYD 年数总和
Accumulated amortization 累计摊销额
Expenditure 支出,花费,开销
Professional fee 专业人员服务费

Unit 4
Useful Expression
Uneared revenue 预收账款
Drawing exense in advance 预提费用
Debenture ,bond 债券
Face value ,par value 债券面值
Premium on bonds 债券溢价
Accrued interest 应计利息
Contingent liability 或有负债

Unit 5
Rights and Privilige of Preferred Shareholders (翻译)
Preferred shareholds are owners who have certain rights superior to those common shareholders. These right wil

l pertain to either the earning or the assets of the corpration. Preferences as to earnings exist when the preferred shareholders have a stipulated dividend rate. Preferences as to assets exist when the preferred shareholders have a stipulated liquidation dividend value. Preferred shares may also have the following feature:participation in eaining beyound the stipulaed dividend rate; a cumulative feature, affording the perferred shareholders the protection that their dividends in arrear, if any, will be fully satisfied before the common shareholders participate in any earning distribution; and convertibility by the corporation.
In exchange for the preferences, the preferred shareholders rights are limited.. The righe to vote,and the right to participate without limitation in the earings of the corpration, may be restricted to common sharehoulders.

Useful Expression
Amortize 分期清偿
Subtotal 小计
Preferred stock 优先股
No-par value stock 无面直股票
Paid-in capital 实收资本
Additiona; paid-in capital 多收资本
Capital surporation 资本公积
Retained earning 留存收益
Declaration of dividend 股利宣告,鼓励公告
Reserve 计体准备金,准备金
Appropriation of retained earnings 留存收益的分配
Appropriated retained earnings 核定的留存收益
Reserve found 盈余公积
Bylaw 附则,细则,公司章程

Tips: Derivative A derivative is a instrument whose value depends on the price of an underlying insturment, such as currencies, commodities or securties. Common examples of derivatives include swaps; option, futures and FRAs. These particular types of derivatives are called ove-the-counter (OCT) derivatives and futures in particular are traded on an exchange. In terms of options, the most common are called put (sell) and call(buy)option. Swapas on other hand, come in many different forms. The most common forms include interest-rate swaps, currency swaps and credit swaps.

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