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Unit 6 Outdoor fun

ReadingⅠ Down the rabbit hole


Teaching aims:

By the end of this class, students are expected to be able to:

The knowledge aims:

● Understand the beginning of the story “Alice in wonderland”.

● Know some new important words and expressions.

The ability aims:

● Grasp more details with different reading reading tasks.

● Know how to retell something interesting according to key words and pictures.

The emotional aims:

● Arouse and keep their interest in reading fairy tales.

Teaching procedures:

Step Ⅰ Guide-reading

1.Talk about the famous stories the students have read recently in their Reading Club.

(Introduce some main characters in them, and then arouse their interest about Alice and her story.)

2.Enjoy a short video about Alice in Wonderland

(Introduce more clues and main characters to the students.)

Step Ⅱ Pre-reading

1.Learn some new words (notice, pass by, hole, fall, hit, lock, alone)

(Show students some pictures about part of this story and present some new words.)

https://www.doczj.com/doc/072956129.html,anize a competition between Rabbit group and Alice Group.

(Practise the new words and the past forms of the verbs in the story) Step Ⅲ While-reading

Task 1Fast-reading (Read the story quickly and answer the questions.)

1.What’s the name of this chapter(章节)?

2.How long did Alice fall?

3.Could Alice go through the door? Why?

Task 2 Careful-reading (Read from Para1-Para3.)

Scene One Ask and answer questions about Paragraph One.

Try to retell it according to the key words.

“Oh dear! I’ll be l______!” said the rabbit. It took a w_______ out of its pocket and l____________ at the time.

Scene Three Try to retell this part according to the pictures and key words.

Task 3 Consolidation ( Put on an English play according to Para1-3) (旁白)One sunny day, Alice sat by a river. Then she heard a sound. She looked up and saw a white rabbit in a coat passing by.

Alice: ……

White Rabbit:……

Alice: ……

White Rabbit:…

(旁白) How amazing! Alice stood up and ran across the field

after the rabbit.


White Rabbit:……

(旁白) Alice came into a rabbit hole. She began to fall down.


(旁白) Down, down, down…Alice fell for a long time…

Scene Four Enjoy a video and guess the feeling of Alice.

How does Alice feel when she is down? “Maybe she is feeling ….”

Task 4 Filling in the form

Step Ⅳ Post-reading

1.Let’s dub (我来配音)

2.Go on reading the story. (书虫系列)

3.A notice. (A reading show )

Step V Homework

1.Remember the past form of the verbs in the passage.

2.Read and retell the story.

3.Go on reading the story in English.

7B Unit 6 Reading(I)说课稿

Down the rabbit hole



本课是7B Unit 6第二模块Reading阅读课的第一课时,阅读部分是经典童话故事Alice In Wonderland中的开篇部分Down the rabbit hole。本课时的教学目标不仅仅涵盖梳理文本、提高阅读技能,还承担着培养学生正确的情感态度和价值观,以及阅读兴趣等内容。




1. 根据视频,图片和关键词猜测语境,理解相关的词汇和短语。

2.通过阅读文章,理解并拓展有关Alice In Wonderland故事情节。


1. 设置不同的阅读任务,抓关键词,迅速并准确找到所需信息。

2. 运用视频和关键词,学生能简单复述,甚至通过角色展示其中的故事情节,提高学生说的能力。






1. 角色体验,抓住人物心理变化,猜测故事情节发展。

2. 利用关键词进行角色表演和故事配音。




1.阅读前,以英语赏读课中的优秀童话故事回放为话题,简单交流其中经典的主人公,导出本课时的主人公Alice。通过一段自制的视频介绍Alice In Wonderland 的故事概要。在悦耳的音乐背景衬托下,用easy English呈现了故事及故事中可爱的人物,激发学生想要了解故事,阅读故事的兴趣。把学生分成Alice Group 和Rabbit Group, 以比赛的方式完成重点词汇和表达法的学习和巩固;同时温故课文中动词过去式的构成,为下文的阅读和复述作铺垫。

2.阅读中,一至三段,引导学生有感情读;学会对信息进行提问回答;看图并能简单地复述故事。通过拓展活动,Put on a short English play让学生分工表演、展示并互动点评。

四至五段,先欣赏一段Down the rabbit hole 的视频,充分发挥童话故事想象的空间,激发学生丰富的想象力。引导学生阅读后,提取文本信息并进行对比,进一步推动故事的深入发展。








7B Unit 6 Outdoor fun Reading 教学设计


Teaching aims:

By the end of this class, students are expected to be able to:

The knowledge aims:

● Understand the beginning of the story “Alice in wonderland”.

● Know some new important words and expressions.

The ability aims:

● Know how to make use of the context clues to guess words.

● Extract the messages from the text with different reading skills individually or in groups.

The emotional aims:

● Arouse and keep their interest in reading.

● Be imaginative to find wonderful things in their daily life.

Teaching procedures:

StepⅠ Greetings

Say hello to students, try to make them be relaxed.

StepⅡ Pre-reading

1. Brainstorming (prediction)

Ask students to brainstorm something about the story from the title and pictures.

E.g. “Who was in the story? What happened?”

2. Teaching some new words

Show students a cartoon about a part of this story and present some new words.

pass by a river pass-passed

fall down a hole fall-fell

hit the ground hit-hit

StepⅢ While-reading

Task 1Read the story quickly and finish the form.

Task 2 Read the story again and tick out the places in the story.

Match the places with the paragraphs

Para 1-2: By the river Para 3-4: Over the hole Para 5: In the hall Task 3 Read Para.1—Para. 4 and reorder some sentences.

(1) The strange rabbit took a watch out of its pocket.

(2) Alice saw a white rabbit passing by.

(3) Alicejumped down the hole after the rabbit.

(4) Alice ran across the field after the rabbit.

(5) Alice could see no one in the hall.

(6) Alicefell for a long time and hit the ground.

Task 4 Read Para.4—Para.5 and tick out “What was in the hall?”

Task 5Enjoy the whole story ,think about Alice’s different feelings in the story and find

supporting sentences.

Step ⅣPost-reading 1. Tell the story vividly in groups.

2. Imagine“How was Alice’s wonderland?”

Tips: How did Alice go into the garden?

What did Alicesee and do? (Weather, sky, trees, flowers, animals…)


1. Try to tell this part of the story to your family and friends vividly.

2. Read the story book or watch the film to find out what wonderful things Alice met later.


I. Pre-reading:

(Prediction)使用头脑风暴的形式导入,让学生快速进入本课的主题。视频欣赏,让学生了解Down the rabbit

hole (from Alice In Wonderland)故事情节,降低阅读难度,为下一步的文本阅读做好铺设。

II. While-reading:

1. Fast reading: Read and finish the form.

阅读策略:1)Underline new words and phrases you don’t understand.

2)Guess the meaning of a word with the context clues.

2. Careful-reading:

(1) Read and tick out the places(2)Reorder the sentences (3) Guess (What could Alice see in the hall?)


3) Catch the changes of places while reading a story

4) Rearrange the information to know better about the clues

III. Post-reading:

(1)Enjoy the whole story and discuss Alice’s feelings

(2) Imagine what Alice’s wonderland was like?


5)Discuss the main character’s changes of.feelings.

6) Promote students’ imagination and creation while reading fairy tales.

7B Unit 6 Outdoor fun Reading (I)教学设计分析




通过Down the rabbit hole的标题和图片,请学生预测人物和故事,而预测所获得的话题知识与背景知识可以有效的帮助学生阅读并理解文章。视频欣赏让学生了解Alice In Wonderland 故事情节,降低阅读难度,为下一步的文本阅读做好铺设,并且能激发学生阅读的兴趣。请学生回味视频内容时,处理了三个重点短语pass (passed) by the river; fall (fell) down the hole; hit (hit) the ground,改变了以往过于重点讲单词,操练短语的模式。








寻读是为获得特定的信息而进行的符号辨认的过程,让学生很快能抓住中心句,并能对文章中除引导阶段呈现过的生词做出猜测,以提高学生阅读理解的能力和学习语言知识的能力,同时,培养学生有效阅读的策略。执教者通过Read the story again and tick out the places in the story.的任务设计指导学生采用寻读的策略


under a tree in a house in a boat in a pumpkin

by a river on the field over a hole in a hall

Alice 的活动场所随着故事情节的发展分布于文章的各大段落,这符合有效进行阅读教学的理念,帮助学生在理解文章内容的同时,清晰的发现文章的结构。这样的任务设计,可以有效的引导学生将阅读的注意力转移到文章的内容的理解、结构的感知和情节的把握上,而不是过于抠生词、抠语法,有利于培养学生有效的阅读策略。




1.Reorder the sentences. 运用“排列乱句”的方法,也能够较好的帮助学生培养读后的语言运用能力。将阅读的文章中的主要情节用6个陈述句呈现,但次序打乱,首先要求学生根据文章的内容将陈述句正确排列;然后,利用这些句子


2.Discuss Alice’s different feelings in the story 探讨主人公Alice 的情感变化可以发展学生的思维能力。通过抓关键句子分析体会主人公的情感变化。本课时作为阅读课时的第一课时,阅读的重心落在“理解与技能的培养”,而不是“语言知识”的学习上。





1. 请结合教学实际,举例说明阅读第一课时教学各步骤中设问的区别。

2. 你认为在阅读第一课时教学中应该采用什么方法有效提高学生的阅读理解能力。


江苏省初中牛津英语 Unit 6 Outdoor fun ReadingⅠ Down the rabbit hole 教学设计 Teaching aims: By the end of this class, students are expected to be able to: The knowledge aims: ● Understand the beginning of the story “Alice in wonderland”. ● Know some new important words and expressions. The ability aims: ● Grasp more details with different reading reading tasks. ● Know how to retell something interesting according to key words and pictures. The emotional aims: ● Arouse and keep their interest in reading fairy tales. Teaching procedures: Step Ⅰ Guide-reading 1.Talk about the famous stories the students have read recently in their Reading Club. (Introduce some main characters in them, and then arouse their interest about Alice and her story.) 2.Enjoy a short video about Alice in Wonderland (Introduce more clues and main characters to the students.) Step Ⅱ Pre-reading 1.Learn some new words (notice, pass by, hole, fall, hit, lock, alone) (Show students some pictures about part of this story and present some new words.) https://www.doczj.com/doc/072956129.html,anize a competition between Rabbit group and Alice Group.


9BU3 限时提高训练一 一、词汇运用(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 1. Someone in our company thinks that every decision the _______ (manage) do should be thought twice. 2. How_____________ (smooth) the ball pen I bought yesterday writes! 3. Have they been _________________ (proper) trained? They should finish the task on time. 4. It just looks really terrible, and they are like dancing ___________ (机器人). 5. You’d better give your ________ (大脑) a rest since you two have worked for hours without break. 6. In ___________ (总的), what you give to others will come back to you from the world around you. 7. Parents now will try their best to give their children __________ (一切事物) they want. 8. The government is taking action to satisfy people’s basic _____________ (需要的事物). 9. So far, nobody knows anything about the _________ (病毒) caught by the computer system of the bank. 10. If you want a strong feelings, pick black ______ (套装), matching a leather handbags with dark colors. 11. In the past, teachers were in ___________ (彻底的) control of classes. 12. I have __________ (放置) your clothes on the bed so you can put them away. 13. Your clothes should be _________ (储存) when they are not in use. Don’t litter your bed with them. 14. He always avoided talking about his _________ (私人的) life. It seemed a little bit strange to others. 15. Two Sardars went into a pub and after __________ (订购) two beers took some sandwiches out of their pockets and started to eat them. 二、单项选择(本大题共14小题,每小题1分,共14分) 1. Venice is a wonderful city to ________if you would like to travel abroad. A. expect B. spread C. explain D. explore 2. —What do you hear some of your friends ________about to you all the time? —About their work, their family and the social. Anything they are not satisfied with. A. complain B. complaining C. explain D. explaining 3. A smile ________slowly across her face when she finally won the championship. A. appear B. spread C. store D. cover 4. —I’m so sorry that the summer holiday is ________over—only a week left. —It seems to fly fast. A. as soon as B. as fast as C. as good as D. as well as 5. He was so busy____desks before rushing out because he had only twenty minutes left for his last train. A. to tidy up B. tidying up C. to take up D. taking up 6. —Why didn’t he finish his report? —He couldn’t because his computer ________ for quite a long time. A. has gone wrong B. has been wrong C. went wrong D. was wrong


2010年市英语教研室参评论文贰等奖 浅析牛津高中英语模块七教材的整合利用 陈二丰红星中学 2010-04

浅析牛津高中英语模块七教材的整合利用 陈二丰红星中学 摘要:笔者在牛津高中英语选修七的教学过程中,发现为复习迎接高中学业水平测试,模块七的日常教学任务变重,且时间也比较紧。因此注重教材使用过程中的整合就比较必要了。本文通过笔者在牛津模块七(下文简称模块七)教材中的教学实践,初步探讨如何对教材进行整合运用。 关键词:牛津英语模块七整合案例 教材整合,就是教师根据自己的教学实际情况,面对自己学生接受知识的实际能力,把英语每个单元的教学环节加以重新整合。教育部《英语课程标准》研制核心组专家刘兆义明确阐述新课程改革的核心理念是“一切为了学生的发展”,即“基于学生发展,关于学生发展,为了学生发展。”新颁布的英语课程标准也提出:“在英语教学中,除了合理有效的使用教科书外,还应该积极利用其他课程资源……”。在新课程理念下,课本不是教学的全部内容,教材是可变的、发展的和开放的。而现在使用的牛津教材提供了大量的适合学生兴趣和年龄的内容,在教材的整合中老师只要设置好与教材相关的内容,辅助学生更好的理解所学的知识,注重提出学生感兴趣的话题,让他们由被动的学习英语变成主动的积极的去感受英语。这样的整合就能比较好地培养了学生实际运用语言的能力。也能促进每个学生身心健康发展,实现主动参与,探究发展,交流合作的学习方式,

改变过去教学中教师过分依赖教材,过于强调接受学习,死记硬背,机械训练的现象。 笔者根据模块七教材中的教学实践,以以下案例探讨如何对教材进行整合利用。 一、教学内容的调整和组合。 根据学生的认知特点、心理特点和教学的实际情况,教师可对教材内容的顺序进行适当的调整,使其符合学生的兴趣和能力发展,以引导学生更有效地学习。 1. 单元之间的调整:单元之间的调整主要是根据学生的认知特点,对单元的安排进行重新调整,使之更有利于学生知识的掌握。 在模块七 unit1 Reading :TV and audio devices: a review中,reading strategy 的内容是understanding subtitles。旨在让学生通过对副标题的理解来快速把握文章主旨。本单元的文章结构根据副标题分别是:early history of TV; the modern age: cable TV, satellite TV , digital TV…;early history of audio devices; tape recorders and players; sound goes digital. 学生可以根据副标题轻松地划出文章结构,理解文章主旨。笔者在设计教学过程中,把模块七的P19,P34,P46, P62 页的文章提出来,让学生根据副标题猜测文章的主旨。这些页上的标题和副标题分别是: P19 Title:Two life-saving medicines; Subtitles: ASPIRIN , PENICILIN. P34 Title:The effects of the internet on our lives; Subtitles: The internet has positive effects on our lives The internet has negative effects on our lives P46 Title: research on the internet Subtitles: step one: choosing a topic (research engines, subject directories); step two: how to search(1,2,3); step three: using your information P 62 Title: traffic accident and road safety Subtitles: drivers not paying attention; drivers being impatient;

江苏省永丰初级中学七年级英语下册 Unit 1 Dream homes知识点复习(无答案)(新版)牛津版

Unit 1 Dream homes s ow n invite sb to do sth 6. I have my own

三、重要语法(例句解读) 数词:表示数量和顺序的词叫做数词。数词又分基数词和序数词。 1.基数词:表示数量的数词叫基数词。 基数词的构成: (1)21~99的两位数,十位与个位之间用连字符“-”; (2)101~999的三位数,百位数和后面的数之间用连词and,百、千等数词一律用单数形式; (3)1000以上的多位数字,从右面向左数,每三位中间标“,”,第一个“,”前为“……个thousand”,第二个“,”前为“……个million”,第三个“,”前为“……个billion”。如: 19,958,300可写成:nineteen million nine hundred and fifty-eight thousand three hundred 2.序数词:表示顺序的数词。 序数词的构成: (1)序数词“第一”、“第二”和“第三”表达为first,second和third,其他序数词的构成是在基数词后加-th。如:four--,fourth,si x—sixth,seven--seventh,ten—tenth。(2)fifth(第五)、eighth(第八)、ninth(第九)和twelfth(第十二)是特殊变化。(3)二十、三十等逢整十的基数词变为序数词时,要把y变成ie再加-th。 如:thirty--thirtieth。(4)基数词几十几变成序数词时,表示整十的数词不变,只把个位数的基数词变成序数词。如:twenty-one-twenty-first 一、选择填空: ( )1. Mount Fuji is in_________. A. France B. the UK C. Japan D. the USA ( )2. I live_________ my family________ a flat_______ a busy street. A. in, in, on B. in, with, on C. with, in, on D. with, with, on( )3. I think Kun ming is a good place________. A. going B. goes C. to go to D. go to ( )4. There are_______ days in a year. A. three hundreds and sixty-five B. three hundred and sixty five C. three hundred and sixty-five D. three hundreds and sixty five


Unit 1 Hello 一单元教学内容简析: 本单元是小学生学习英语的起始单元。小学生对学习英语大多怀有好奇、兴奋、期待的心情。英语学习的起始阶段,教师应在帮助学生进行知识积累的同时,特别重视激发和保护学生学习英语的热情,培养学生运用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气。本着这一宗旨,本单元安排了“自我介绍”的功能项目,包括Story time,Fun time, Cartoon time, Letter time, Song time, Checking time, Ticking time等环节,训练学生综合运用语言的能力,这一安排有助于消除学生学习新语言的焦虑心理,进而激发学生参与教学的热情和信心。熟练掌握字母是认读单词的基础,本单元将教学Aa –Dd 四个字母。 二单元教学要求: 1.能听、说、读单词hello,hi,good,morning,afternoon,Miss,Mike和class。 2.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Hi! Hello! Good morning/afternoon, …I’m… 3.能灵活运用句型Hi! Hello! Good morning/afternoon, …I’m…与他人进行日常交流。 4.能听、说、读并正确、规范地书写英语字母Aa,Bb,Cc,Dd。 5.能有感情地演唱歌曲Good morning。 三单元教学重难点: 见教学要求1、2、3、4. 四单元课时安排: 共计五课时 五单元教学安排: 共计五课时 第一课时Story time & Song time 第二课时Fun time & Letter time 第三课时Checkout time & Letter time 第四课时C artoon time & Ticking time& 第五课时单元检测 六友情提示 1 本单元是小学生学习英语英语的起始单元。教师应特别重视激发和保护学生学习英语的热情,培养学生运用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气。 2 本单元Cartoon time 中出现的猫和老鼠将贯穿整册书,教师可提示学生根据它们的特征记住它们的名字。 3 字母是启蒙教学,教师要严格要求学生:一要发音准,二要书写规范,养成正确的书写习惯。


译林 9A Unit 1 Know yourself单元测试卷 15Name:______________ 一、单项选择(分) ()1. My cousin is _______ organized and she always keeps her things ______. A well; in a good order B good; in good order C well; in good order D good; in a good order ()2.“ Running man ” is _____ very popular TV program in China. One of ____ most famous actresses Angelababy, always appe ars in it. A a ; / B the; the C a; the D the; / ()3.. We will have a field trip this afternoon .The news makes everyone A excited B.frightened C. happily D. luckily ()4. Billy has all kinds of different ideas . He is to be a writer. A. enough creative B. creative enough C. energetic enough D. enough energetic ()5. His parents devoted all their energy ________ children. A. to educate B. educate C. to educating D. education ()6.“ 3 × 8=26 ” was a great _____ to a t.stIut dmeenans the student is very ______. A. miss; care B. miss; carelessness C. miss; careless D. miss; careful ()7.. What did he about the picture ? A. talk B. say C. call D. speak ()8. The rich woman always her wealth( 财富) . Nobody is willing to make friends with her. A. shows off B. shows up C. showing up D. showing off ()9. We just need one of you for the game. ______ you ______ your brother can join us. A. Both; and B. Either ;or C. Neither; nor D. Not only; but also ()10. It is necessary you English as often as you can . A. for; to read B. of; to read C. to; to reading D. of; reading ()11. Daniel is_______ to buy gifts_______ all of us. A. generous enough; to B. enough generous; for C. enough generous; to D. generous enough; for ()12. -When did you_______ the pen?-I_______ it for 3 years. A. had; have bought B. buy; have had C. buy; have bought D. had; have had ()13. He speaks_______ English_______ French. Instead, he speaks German. A. either; or B. not only; but also C. both; and D. neither; nor ()14. A year has four seasons and it_______ twelve different star signs. A. divided into B. is dividing into C. divided into D. is divided into ()15. -it's too hard for me to be an excellent speaker.-Never_______. Believe in yourself! A. put up B. give up C. hurry up D. look up 二、完型填空(本题共15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分15 分) Ever since I was a child ,my mouth has caused me trouble.I ’ m not a bad pers;onI have a16time


2010学年第一学期英语教研组具体活动计划 九月份: 1.参加区英语教研组长会议。 2.教研组长认真制定英语组的工作计划;各位英语教师认真制定各年级的英语教学计划。 3.组织教师每周三下午四点按时认真开展集体备课。 4.组队参加区小学生英语口语大赛。 内容:英语话剧pocketmoney. 人员:五年级共9人。 负责人:陈倩倩王健施婷玉 5.组织教师组内听课,并及时进行研讨,写好研讨记录。 执教者:施婷玉 执教内容:牛津小学英语5aunit3atamusiclesson(partbc) 6.组织一次英语组教研活动。 活动内容:各年级英语教材的分析 十月份: 1.组织教师参加学校第二届“春华杯”赛课,安排好参赛日程。 2.观看一节省级赛课的录像课,组织教师研讨,谈心得体会。

录像课来源:江苏省2010年小学英语教学观摩课 录像课执教人:江苏无锡市李恬平 录像课执教内容:牛津小学英语6aunit5onthefarm(parta) 3.组织好校内五年级英语调研考。 调研考日期:10月29日上午8:00—9:00负责人:陈倩倩 4.参加学校组织的教师读书沙龙。时间:10月24日 沙龙主题:我心目中的小班化教育(结合英语教学谈小班化教育) 5.确定“师徒结队”的人员。 英语组一共结成了三对师徒。 陈倩倩——施婷玉;张玲——张慧超;王健——乔治平 布置师徒结队工作的主要任务。 6.做好教学“五认真”检查工作。 7.做好“十一五”课题“优化课堂教学设计的个案研究”英语组子课题“优化英语课堂活动设计的个案研究”本学期的学习研讨工作。负责人:陈倩倩 十一月份: 1.组织好学期阶段检测(期中考试)。 2.观看一节省级赛课的录像课,组织教师研讨,谈心得体会。 录像课来源:江苏省2010年小学英语教学观摩课


柘汪镇第二中心小学电子备课教案 课题 Unit 2 A telephone call备课人徐梦蕾 教学内容: 5B. Unit 2 E部分 Read and act, F部分Play a game, G部分Listen and repeat 教学目标: 1. 通过复习,能较熟练地掌握本单元所学的词汇。 2. 能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的日常交际用 语和四会句型。 3. 听懂、会说、会读并理解E部分Read and act。 4. 了解元音字母o在单词中的读音。 5. 能熟练诵读本单元出现歌谣。 教学重、难点: 能正确地运用句型What’s wrong with you? I’ve got ... Take some medicine …,并能在具体情景中以口或笔头形式进行交流。 课前准备: 1. 准备E、G部分出现的投影片。 2. 准备医生道具(医生帽、听诊器等)。 3. 准备G部分的单词卡片。 教学过程: A Learn to say a rhyme学习歌谣I’m ill. 先让学生听一遍,后教师逐句领读,学生跟读。 B Free talk 师生交流 C Revision 复习 1. 出示B部分词汇图片,进行游戏:眼明手快。教师将图片贴在黑板上,然后快速读出其中某个词汇,哪一组学生代表最快指

出即为获胜。 2. 出示A部分会话投影片,看图让学生用所学句型描述。 D Look and read 1. 教师扮演医生,佩戴医生道具,模仿E部分内容进行师生问答。让学生熟悉E部分的会话。如: Open you mouth and say “Ah”.等。 2. 出示E部分投影,指导学生看图,放录音,让学生整体理解对话内容。 3. 学生跟读对话。 4. 在小组内朗读,在熟练的基础上进行表演。 E 学教师出示单词卡片,让学生认读 brother, love, monkey, mother。 2. 教师示范朗读单词,让学生跟读,后让学生体会单词中的共同音素。 3. 学生看G部分投影,听录音跟读单词和句子,教师通过表情、手势让学生体会该句的意思。 F Play a game 教师将学生分成四人一组,其中3人各写一个7(可灵活掌握)位数的号码,并在号码旁注上自己的姓名,并交给教师。没有号码的同学记住其中1个同学的号码,打电话(表演)给他,进行本课会话练习。 若学生打错电话,教师适时交授他说 Sorry, wrong number. 布置作业: 听录音跟读本课所学内容,要求学生能够根据本课所学句子和日常交际用语进行自编会话,同桌表演。 板书设计:


初一英语期末复习(7-8) 一. 单项选择 1. – You see, it’s my dream to buy ____ iphone 6. – Oh, you can ask your parents to buy ___ for you. A. a; it B. an; it C. a; one D. an; one 2. – We Chinese like drinking wine made _______ rice? –Really? It’s quite different from us. A. of B. from C. in D. for 3. – Sorry, the price of the trousers is too _____. – OK. Would you like to have a look at a cheaper ____? A. expensive; one B. expensive; pair C. high; one D. high; pair 4. – I don’t know ________ for the party. – You look so good now. I think the pink T-shirt ______ the grey jeans very well. A. what to wear; matches B. how to wear it; matches C. what to wear; match D. when to go; match 5. – Tom, go and _____ for the shoes. – Why me? They are your shoes! A. spend B. cost C. take D. pay 6. – Where is Alex? Mr. Lee ___ him. – Maybe he ___ in the library. You can go to have a look. A. looks at; reads books B. is looking at; is reading books C. looks for; is reading books D. is looking for; is reading books 7. About _________ films are on show during the 5th Shanghai International Film Festival. A. two hundred of B. two hundreds of C. two hundred D. two hundreds 8. --- How tall the boy is! --- Yes, he is taller than __________ in his class. A. any other student B. any student C. other student D. other students 9.---Why does Tommy look unhappy ? --- Because his teacher makes him _______ the classroom all by himself . A. to clean B. clean C. cleans D cleaning 10. Nobody teaches ______ English. I learn English by ________. A. me ; me B. my ; myself C. me ; myself D. myself ; myself 11. I want to buy a nice present _______ my mother and I must give it _______ her myself. A. for; to B. to; for C. for; for D. to; to 12.The shop is ________ from Monday to Friday. It’s ________ at weekends A. opens; closed B. open; close C. open; closed D opened; close 13. The city of Nanjing is 100 minutes ________ by bus ________ the city of Yangzhou. A away; from B far; from C away; to D far; to 14. more vegetables good for your . A. Eat; is, healthy B. Eating; are, health C. Eating; is, health D. Eat; are, healthy 15. He spends much time _______Eng lish every day. A. to practise speaking B. to practise to speak C. practise to speak D. practising speaking 二. 完形填空 Man has five senses(感官): sight, hearing, ____16___, taste and touch. They ___17___ information for the brain(大脑). For example, the eyes collect information __18___ pictures and the ears collect information on ___19___. Sight ___20___ of a human's two eyes has an eyelid(眼皮) and an eyebrow(眉毛). They protect the eyes. The eyes can only see with light. Light ___21___ the picture of something into the eyes so the human can see it. Hearing Sounds travel ____22___ the air like waves (波). They are called sound waves. Human ears ___23____ cups. They catch these waves for the brain and the brain changes them into different sounds. Sound waves are much slower than light. So you always see lightning first and then you ___24___ the thunder.(雷声) Smell

江苏省苏州市区2018届九年级英语上学期期末考试试题 牛津译林版

江苏省苏州市区2018届九年级英语上学期期末考试试题 第Ⅰ卷(客观题共69分) 一、听力测试 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) (一) 听对话回答问题 本部分共有10道小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后,你将有5秒钟的时间选择答案。 ( ) 1. How does Michel learn English? A. B. C. ( ) 2. When is the boy’s birthday? A. B. C. ( ) 3. Which actress does the woman like best? A. B. C. ( ) 4. Who left the watch on the desk? A. B. C. Peter Lucy Tom ( ) 5. What did Millie want to do? A. To go swimming. B. To see a doctor. C. To look after her mother. ( ) 6. What does Amy like better? A. Trousers. B. Jeans. C. Jackets.

( ) 7. What’s the woman’s idea? A. Both sports are exciting. B. Mountain climbing is more exciting. C. He prefers skiing. ( ) 8. Do the boy’s parents support his hobbies? A. Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t. C. We are not sure. ( ) 9. What does the man mean? A. He’s too nervous to calm down B. The woman shouldn’t wait to be interviewed. C. He should relax for the interview. ( ) 10. How many students are there in the class? A. 40 B. 27 C. 36 (二) 听对话和短文回答问题 你将听到一段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。每段对话或短文后各有几道小题。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你将有5秒钟的时间选择答案。 听下面一段对话,回答11-12题 ( ) 11. Where does the conversation most likely take place? A. On a train. B. On a bus. C. On a plane. ( ) 12. What does the man probably do? A. A businessman. B. A student. C. A government officer. 听第一篇短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案,完成13-15题。 ( ) 13. A. homework B. watching TV C. the radio ( ) 14. A. minds B. eyes C. eyes and minds ( ) 15. A. few B. Some C. A lot of 听第二篇短文,回答第16-20题。 ( ) 16. When is Jane with Ann?


以语篇、语境带动语言学习 ——小学牛津英语4AM2U2教学案例 案例背景: 近年,上海的小学英语教学正实行着一次前所未有的改革,在小学英语领军人物、市教研员朱浦老师的带领下,小学英语教学从改变教学方式出发,着力于构建独立语段,从语段和语境的整体推动带动学生的语言学习,从而有效实现小学英语课堂的转型。 当前,我校英语教研组以“语篇教学中的单元设计”为主题项目实行课堂教学研究,分别就“语篇教学中的单元设计”之“目标再构、文本再构、过程再构”实行了一一研讨,本学期重在“过程再构”的研究。开学初,我有幸又拜读了朱浦老师的《关于小学英语独立语段教学的实践与思考》报告,对于独立语段中的“过程再构”加深了理解,从报告中谈到的三种“过程再构”模式中不难看出“语段和语境的整体推动是激发学生学习兴趣,调动学生语用情趣,提升学习有效性的教学策略和方式。” 案例描述: 4AM2U2教学主题Jobs,要求学生能够使用所学的的词汇来准确描述某人的职业,能使用What does…do?句型来询问职业,并用He’s/She’s…做出准确回答。在语言交流的过程中,促使学生了解各种职业,并树立自己今后的职业理想。 1. Read the short passage and then answer the question. Hello, I’m Jill. I’m ten years old. I’m a student. My student number is sixteen. I live near our school. I walk to school every day. I like reading. And I can play basketball well. I can dance too. I like dancing very much. (1) Read it by one student (2) Read together (3) Answer:What does Jill do? (She’s a student.) 片段二:从文本中学习新授词汇,操练新授句型。 1. Listen to Jill and then answer questions. I have a big family. There are eight people in it. They are my grandparents, my parents, my uncle, my aunt, my cousin and I. My father is a firefighter. He works at a fire station. He’s brave. My mother works in a hospital. She’s a nurse. She’s nice. Do you want to know others? Q:How many people are there in Jill’s family? Who are they? Q:What does Jill’s father/ mother do?


牛津初中英语教学设计案 牛津初中英语8B Unit5 International Charities 第二课时Reading 教学设计 ————江苏省沭阳县北丁集中学王利设计的基本理念:根据新课标,突出学生自主学习的主体地位原则,培养学生自主、合作、探究精神、突出语言运用能力培养的理念而设计。 《英语课程标准》是以学生“能做某事”的描述方式来设定各级 目标要求的。这就决定了我们在教学中要尽量采用“任务型”的 教学途径。在这一教学环节中,教师的任务就是根据单元和课 堂教学内容和目标,给学生设计一个阶段、一个单元和每一课 的学习任务、目标,并锁定任务,吸引和组织他们积极参与, 通过思考、调查、讨论、交流和合作等方式,学习和使用英语, 完成学习任务。 一、教材分析 (一)教材的地位和作用 1、单元背景分析:慈善机构在当今人们的生活中,尤其是贫困地区人们的生活中起到了越来越重要的作用。这些机构通过不同的方式帮助世界各地的人们。本单元就是让学生重点了解UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会)、World Vision(世界宣明会)、ORBIS(奥比斯)、Oxfam(乐施会)、Wide fund for Nature(世界自然基金会)五个国际慈善机构。激发学生乐于助人的情怀,激励他们好好学习,为贫困地区的人们贡献自己的一份力量。 2、教材内容分析: 本单元主要谈论有关慈善机构的话题。本课是一篇阅读课文,通过学习对ORBIS一名医生的采访,了解ORBIS医生的基本工作状况。学生通过对比学习,引出新课标语言的学习,并通过一系列的听、说、读、写活动逐步深入,不仅让学生学会用正确的语言介绍ORBIS 医生的工作情况,又能让学生了解更多关于世界贫困人口的情况,激发学生乐于助人的情怀。所以本课是本单元的教学重点。 二、设计特色: 强调学生自主学习、合作讨论和语言表达能力,不同的学生提出不同的要求,让每个层

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