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Quick Quizzes

1. Figure 1 shows the supply and demand curves for cookies, with equilibrium quantity Q1 and

equilibrium price P1. When the government imposes a tax on cookies, the price to buyers rises to P B, the price received by sellers declines to P S, and the equilibrium quantity falls to Q2. The

deadweight loss is the triangular area below the demand curve and above the supply curve

between quantities Q1 and Q2. The deadweight loss shows the fall in total surplus that results

from the tax.

Figure 1

2. A tax on beer would have a larger deadweight loss than a tax on milk, since the demand for beer is

more elastic than the demand for milk and the deadweight loss of a tax is larger the greater is the elasticity of demand.

3. If the government doubles the tax on gasoline, the revenue from the gasoline tax could rise or fall,

depending on where the tax falls on the Laffer curve. However, if the government doubles the tax on gasoline, you can be sure that the deadweight loss of the tax rises, since deadweight loss always rises as the tax rate rises.

Questions for Review

1. When the sale of a good is taxed, both consumer surplus and producer surplus decline. The

decline in consumer surplus and producer surplus exceeds the amount of government revenue that is raised, so society's total surplus declines. The tax distorts the incentives of both buyers and

sellers, so resources are allocated inefficiently.

2. Figure 2 illustrates the deadweight loss and tax revenue from a tax on the sale of a good. Without

a tax, the equilibrium quantity would be Q1, the equilibrium price would be P1, consumer surplus

would be A+B+C, and producer surplus would be D+E+F. The imposition of a tax places a wedge


between the price buyers pay, P B, and the price sellers receive, P S, where P B = P S + tax. The

quantity sold declines to Q2. Now consumer surplus is A, producer surplus is F, and government revenue is B+D. The deadweight loss of the tax is C+E, since that area is lost because of the

decline in quantity from Q1 to Q2.

Figure 2

3. The greater the elasticities of demand and supply, the greater the deadweight loss of a tax. Since

elasticity measures the response of quantity to a change in price, higher elasticity means the tax induces a greater reduction in quantity, hence a greater distortion to the market.

4. Experts disagree about whether labor taxes have small or large deadweight losses because they

have different views about the elasticity of labor supply. Some believe that labor supply is

inelastic, so a tax on labor has a small deadweight loss. But others think that workers can adjust their hours worked in various ways, so labor supply is elastic, and thus a tax on labor has a large deadweight loss.

5. The deadweight loss of a tax rises more than proportionally as the tax rises. Tax revenue,

however, may increase initially as the tax rises, but as the tax rises further, revenue eventually


Problems and Applications

1. a. Figure 3 illustrates the market for pizza. The equilibrium price is P1, the equilibrium

quantity is Q1, consumer surplus is area A+B+C, and producer surplus is area D+E+F.

There is no deadweight loss, as all the potential gains from trade are realized; total surplus

is the entire area between the demand and supply curves A+B+C+D+E+F.

Figure 3

b. With a $1 tax on each pizza sold, the price paid by buyers, P B, is now higher than the price

received by sellers, P S, where P B = P S + $1. The quantity declines to Q2, consumer

surplus is area A, producer surplus is area F, government revenue is area B+D, and

deadweight loss is area C+E. Consumer surplus declines by B+C, producer surplus

declines by D+E, government revenue increases by B+D, and deadweight loss increases

by C+E.

c. If the tax were removed and consumers and producers voluntarily transferred B+D to the

government to make up for the lost tax revenue, then everyone would be better off than

without the tax. The equilibrium quantity would be Q1, as in the case without the tax, and

the equilibrium price would be P1. Consumer surplus would be A+C, because consumers

get surplus of A+B+C, then voluntarily transfer B to the government. Producer surplus

would be E+F, since producers get surplus of D+E+F, then voluntarily transfer D to the

government. Both consumers and producers are better off than the case when the tax

was imposed. If consumers and producers gave a little bit more than B+D to the

government, then all three parties, including the government, would be better off. This

illustrates the inefficiency of taxation.

2. a. The statement, "If the government taxes land, wealthy landowners will pass the tax on to

their poorer renters," is incorrect. With a tax on land, landowners can not pass the tax on.

Since the supply curve of land is perfectly inelastic, landowners bear the entire burden of

the tax. Renters will not be affected at all.

b. The statement, "If the government taxes apartment buildings, wealthy landowners will

pass the tax on to their poorer renters," is partially correct. With a tax on apartment

buildings, landowners can pass the tax on more easily, though the extent to which they do

this depends on the elasticities of supply and demand. In this case, the tax is a direct

addition to the cost of rental units, so the supply curve will shift up by the amount of the

tax. The tax will be shared by renters and landowners, depending on the elasticities of

demand and supply.

Chapter 8 /Application: The Costs of Taxation 158 3. a. The statement, "A tax that has no deadweight loss cannot raise any revenue for the

government," is incorrect. An example is the case of a tax when either supply or demand

is perfectly inelastic. The tax has neither an effect on quantity nor any deadweight loss,

but it does raise revenue.

b. The statement, "A tax that raises no revenue for the government cannot have any

deadweight loss," is incorrect. An example is the case of a 100 percent tax imposed on

sellers. With a 100 percent tax on their sales of the good, sellers won't supply any of the

good, so the tax will raise no revenue. Yet the tax has a large deadweight loss, since it

reduces the quantity sold to zero.

4. a. With very elastic supply and very inelastic demand, the burden of the tax on rubber bands

will be borne largely by buyers. As Figure 4 shows, consumer surplus declines

considerably, by area A+B, but producer surplus doesn't fall much at all, just by area C+D.

Figure 4

b. With very inelastic supply and very elastic demand, the burden of the tax on rubber bands

will be borne largely by sellers. As Figure 5 shows, consumer surplus does not decline

much, just by area A+B, while producer surplus falls substantially, by area C+D.

Compared to part (a), producers bear much more of the burden of the tax, and consumers

bear much less.

Figure 5

5. a. The deadweight loss from a tax on heating oil is likely to be greater in the fifth year after it

is imposed rather than the first year. In the first year, the elasticity of demand is fairly low,

as people who own oil heaters are not likely to get rid of them right away. But over time

they may switch to other energy sources and people buying new heaters for their homes

will more likely choose gas or electric, so the tax will have a greater impact on quantity.

b. The tax revenue is likely to be higher in the first year after it is imposed than in the fifth

year. In the first year, demand is more inelastic, so the quantity does not decline as much

and tax revenue is relatively high. As time passes and more people substitute away from

oil, the equilibrium quantity declines, as does tax revenue.

6. Since the demand for food is inelastic, a tax on food is a good way to raise revenue because it does

not lead to much of a deadweight loss; thus taxing food is less inefficient than taxing other things.

But it is not a good way to raise revenue from an equity point of view, since poorer people spend a higher proportion of their income on food, so the tax would hit them harder than it would hit

wealthier people.

7. a. This tax has such a high rate that it is not likely to raise much revenue. Because of the

high tax rate, the equilibrium quantity in the market is likely to be at or near zero.

b. Senator Moynihan's goal was probably to ban the use of hollow-tipped bullets. In this

case, a tax is as effective as an outright ban.

8. a. Figure 6 illustrates the market for socks and the effects of the tax. Without a tax, the

equilibrium quantity would be Q1, the equilibrium price would be P1, total spending by

consumers equals total revenue for producers, which is P1 x Q1, which equals area

B+C+D+E+F, and government revenue is zero. The imposition of a tax places a wedge

between the price buyers pay, P B, and the price sellers receive, P S, where P B = P S + tax.

The quantity sold declines to Q2. Now total spending by consumers is P B x Q2, which

equals area A+B+C+D, total revenue for producers is P S x Q2, which is area C+D, and

government tax revenue is Q2 x tax, which is area A+B.

b. Unless supply is perfectly elastic, the price received by producers falls because of the tax.

Total receipts for producers fall, since producers lose revenue equal to area B+E+F.

Figure 6

c. The price paid by consumers rises, unless demand is perfectly elastic. Whether total

spending by consumers rises or falls depends on the price elasticity of demand. If

demand is elastic, the percentage decline in quantity exceeds the percentage increase in

price, so total spending declines. If demand is inelastic, the percentage decline in

quantity is less than the percentage increase in price, so total spending rises. Whether

total consumer spending falls or rises, consumer surplus declines because of the increase

in price and reduction in quantity.

9. Since the tax on gadgets was eliminated, all tax revenue must come from the tax on widgets. The

tax revenue from the tax on widgets equals the tax per unit times the quantity produced.

Assuming that neither the supply nor the demand curves for widgets are perfectly elastic or

inelastic and since the increased tax causes a smaller quantity of widgets to be produced, then it is impossible for tax revenue to double--multiplying the tax per unit (which doubles) times the

quantity (which declines) gives a number that is less than double the original tax revenue from

widgets. So the government's tax change will yield less money than before.

10. a. Figure 7 illustrates the effects of the tax increase on the new car market in New Jersey.

The quantity of cars sold declines from Q1 to Q2, the price paid by consumers rises from P B1

to P B2, and the price received by producers declines from P S1 to P S2, where P B1 = P S1 +

$100 and P B2 = P S2 + $150.

Figure 7

b. The following table shows the welfare impact of the change in the tax.

c. The change in government revenue is B + F – E, which could be positive or negative.

d. The change in deadweight loss is positive, as it increases by C+E+G, meaning that the

economy as a whole is worse off.

e. The demand for cars in New Jersey is probably fairly elastic, since people could travel to

nearby states to buy cars. With elastic demand, area B in the figure will be very small, so

the additional tax is less likely to increase government revenue. New Jersey could try to

reduce the elasticity of demand by requiring people to pay sales tax to New Jersey when

they buy a car outside the state.

11. From the standpoint of economic efficiency, the British poll tax is wonderful, because it does not

distort any economic incentives, so it has no deadweight loss. But such a tax is inequitable,

because it is more burdensome on the poor than on the rich. As a result, the tax was quite


12. Figure 8 illustrates the effects of the $2 subsidy on a good. Without the subsidy, the equilibrium

price is P1 and the equilibrium quantity is Q1. With the subsidy, buyers pay price P B, producers receive price P S (where P S = P B + $2), and the quantity sold is Q2. The following table illustrates the effect of the subsidy on consumer surplus, producer surplus, government revenue, and total surplus. Since total surplus declines by area D+H, the subsidy leads to a deadweight loss in that amount.

Chapter 8 /Application: The Costs of Taxation 162

Figure 8

13. a. Setting quantity supplied equal to quantity demanded gives 2P = 300 –P. Adding P to

both sides of the equation gives 3P = 300. Dividing both sides by 3 gives P = 100.

Plugging P = 100 back into either equation for quantity demanded or supplied gives Q =


b. Now P is the price received by sellers and P+T is the price paid by buyers. Equating

quantity demanded to quantity supplied gives 2P = 300 - (P+T). Adding P to both sides

of the equation gives 3P = 300 –T. Dividing both sides by 3 gives P = 100 - T/3. This is

the price received by sellers. The buyers pay a price equal to the price received by sellers

plus the tax (P+T = 100 + 2T/3). The quantity sold is now Q = 2P = 200 – 2T/3.

c. Since tax revenue is equal to T x Q and Q = 200 - 2T/3, tax revenue equals

200T - 2T2/3. Figure 9 shows a graph of this relationship. Tax revenue is zero at T = 0

and at T = 300.

Figure 9

Chapter 8 /Application: The Costs of Taxation 163 d. As Figure 10 shows, the area of the triangle (laid on its side) that represents the

deadweight loss is 1/2 x base x height, where the base is the change in the price, which is the size of the tax (T) and the height is the amount of the decline in quantity (2T/3). So the deadweight loss equals 1/2 x T x 2T/3 = T2/3. This rises exponentially from 0 (when T = 0) to 45,000 when T = 300, as shown in Figure 11.

Figure 10

Figure 11

e. A tax of $200 per unit is a bad idea, because it's in a region in which tax revenue is

declining. The government could reduce the tax to $150 per unit, get more tax revenue ($15,000 when the tax is $150 versus $13,333 when the tax is $200), and reduce the

deadweight loss (7,500 when the tax is $150 compared to 13,333 when the tax is $200).


144 WHAT’S NEW IN THE S EVENTH EDITION: A new In the News box on ―The Tax Debate ‖ has been added. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of this chapter, students should understand: how taxes reduce consumer and producer surplus. the meaning and causes of the deadweight loss from a tax. why some taxes have larger deadweight losses than others. how tax revenue and deadweight loss vary with the size of a tax. CONTEXT AND PURPOSE: Chapter 8 is the second chapter in a three-chapter sequence dealing with welfare economics. In the previous section on supply and demand, Chapter 6 introduced taxes and demonstrated how a tax affects the price and quantity sold in a market. Chapter 6 also described the factors that determine how the burden of the tax is divided between the buyers and sellers in a market. Chapter 7 developed welfare economics —the study of how the allocation of resources affects economic well-being. Chapter 8 combines the lessons learned in Chapters 6 and 7 and addresses the effects of taxation on welfare. Chapter 9 will address the effects of trade restrictions on welfare. The purpose of Chapter 8 is to apply the lessons learned about welfare economics in Chapter 7 to the issue of taxation that was addressed in Chapter 6. Students will learn that the cost of a tax to buyers and sellers in a market exceeds the revenue collected by the government. Students will also learn about the factors that determine the degree by which the cost of a tax exceeds the revenue collected by the government. 8 APPLICATION: THE COSTS OF TAXATION


曼昆《经济学原理(宏观经济学分册)》(第6版) 第32章开放经济的宏观经济理论 课后习题详解 跨考网独家整理最全经济学考研真题,经济学考研课后习题解析资料库,您可以在这里查阅历年经济学考研真题,经济学考研课后习题,经济学考研参考书等内容,更有跨考考研历年辅导的经济学学哥学姐的经济学考研经验,从前辈中获得的经验对初学者来说是宝贵的财富,这或许能帮你少走弯路,躲开一些陷阱。 以下内容为跨考网独家整理,如您还需更多考研资料,可选择经济学一对一在线咨询进行咨询。 一、概念题 1.贸易政策(trade policy) 答:贸易政策指直接影响一国进口或出口物品与劳务量的政府政策。一国的对外贸易政策,是一国政府为实现一定的政策目标在一定时期内对本国进出口贸易所实行的政策,它是为国家最高利益服务的,是统治阶级意志的集中反映。它包括:对外贸易总政策、国别对外贸易政策、进出口商品政策。一个国家的对外贸易政策是这个国家的经济政策和对外政策的重要组成部分,它随着世界政治、经济形势的变化,国际政治、经济关系的发展而改变,同时它也反映各国经济发展的不同水平,反映各国在世界市场上的力量和地位,另外它还受到一国内部不同利益集团的影响。一国的对外贸易政策有两种基本类型:自由贸易政策和保护贸易政策。 2.资本外逃(capital flight) 答:资本外逃指出于安全或保值方面的考虑,短期资本持有者迅速将其从一国转移到另一国的行为或过程。引起资本外逃的具体原因有三种:①一国政局动荡不稳,资本外逃以求安全。②一国国内经济情况日益恶化,国际收支持续逆差,其货币可能发生贬值,资本逃至币值稳定的国家以期保值。③一国加强外汇管制或颁布新法,使资本使用受到限制或资本收益减少,资本外逃以免遭受损失。在本世纪发生的两次世界大战和20世纪30年代经济大萧条时期,欧美等国家曾出现过大规模的资本外逃现象。近年来,发生大量资本外逃的主要是发展中国家,主要是因为这些国家的国内经济形势严峻,债务负担沉重,国际收支状况不断恶化以及国内政局动荡。资本外逃对于一国的经济发展和国际收支稳定有着十分不利的影响。它将降低该国的国内储蓄水平,从而造成投资下降和生产萎缩;它将加剧国际收支逆差,从而引起外汇储备的减少和国际清偿能力的恶化;大量资本外逃时,如果一国试图维持一定的生产和消费水平,势必引起外债负担的迅速积累。因此,防止资本外逃是一国宏观经济政策的一项重要任务。 二、复习题 1.说明可贷资金市场与外汇市场的供给与需求。这两个市场如何联系? 答:可贷资金的供给来源于国民储蓄;可贷资金的需求来源于国内投资和资本净流出。外汇市场上的供给来源于资本净流出,外汇市场上的需求来源于净出口。连接这两个市场的是资本净流出。 2.为什么预算赤字和贸易赤字有时被称为孪生赤字?


南开大学经济学院本科2010级经济学原理期末考试(B 卷) 专业: 姓名 学号 成绩 任课教师: 一、单项选择(每小题2分,共30分) < 1、关于生产可能性边界,以下不正确的是:( ) A 、 生产可能性边界是一个国家利用资源所能生产出的最大商品集合的边界。 B 、 生产可能性边界的斜率代表了增加某种商品产出的机会成本。 C 、 生产可能性边界凹向原点是因为资源的稀缺性。 D 、 生产可能性边界随着技术进步而向右移动。 2、对一种奢侈品征税,很可能使税收负担( ) A 、 更多的落在买者身上 B 、 、 C 、 更多的落在卖者身上 D 、 在买者和卖者之间平等的分摊 E 、 完全落在买者身上 3、假设可以购买三个一样的鼠标。买者1愿意为一个鼠标支付60元钱,买者2愿意为一个鼠标支付50元钱,买者3愿意为一个鼠标支付40元钱。如果鼠标的市场价格是50元钱,将卖出多少鼠标,这个市场的消费者剩余值是多少( ) A 、 将卖出一个鼠标,消费者剩余值为60元钱 B 、 将卖出三个鼠标,消费者剩余值为0元 C 、 将卖出三个鼠标,消费者剩余值为10元 D 、 将卖出两个鼠标,消费者剩余值为10元 ; 4、如果一个竞争企业的产量翻了一番,它的总收益( ) A 、 翻一番 B 、 翻了一番还多 C 、 翻了不到一番 D 、 不能确定,因为物品价格可能上升或下降。 5、在能供给整个市场的产量时,其平均总成本一直下降到最小的企业称为( ) A 、 完全竞争者 B 、 自然垄断 C 、 政府垄断

E、受管制的垄断 6、垄断竞争企业在长期内经济利润为零,是因为:() A、市场上存在许多卖者。 B、虽然产品有差异,但产品之间的差异不够大。 C、企业可以无成本的自由进入与退出市场。 D、以上都是。 7、在以下商品中,提高价格最有可能使生产者的收入提高的商品是:() A、粮食。 B、》 C、高档服装。 D、汽车。 E、手机。 8、下列哪个事件影响了2010年中国的国内生产总值GDP() A、2010年中国人的家庭劳动 B、2010年中国公司在海外承包的大型建设工程 C、2010年在中国的一家钢铁公司为另一家在中国的造船厂生产的特种钢材。 D、2010年在中国的一家汽车公司把生产出来的汽车封入库存,以便明年旺季销售。 . 9、X与Y两种商品的价格分别由去年的10元与2元上涨至今年的11元与元,如果一个篮子是由4个X和10个Y组成的,那么以去年为基期,今年的通货膨胀率是() A、10% B、15% C、20% D、25% 10、下列情况中可能会降低社会的失业率的是() A、政府组织公共培训计划 B、政府提高最低工资水平 C、工会为其会员争取更高的工资待遇 D、| E、企业实行效率工资 11、下列不属于中央银行货币政策工具的是() A、公开市场操作 B、法定准备金 C、贴现率 D、发行或回购国债 12、假定货币供应量是万亿,真实GDP是5万亿,物价水平是2,货币流通速度则是()


WHAT’S NEW IN THE S EVENTH EDITION: A new Case Study on Left-Digit Bias has been added and a new In the News feature on "Can Brain Science Improve Economics" has been added. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of this chapter, students should understand: how to examine problems caused by asymmetric information. the market solutions to asymmetric information. why democratic voting systems may not represent the preferences of society. why people may not always behave as rational maximizers. CONTEXT AND PURPOSE: Chapter 22 is the last chapter in the microeconomics portion of the text. It is the second of two unrelated chapters that introduce students to advanced topics in microeconomics. These two chapters are intended to whet their appetites for further study in economics. The purpose of Chapter 22 is to give students a taste of three topics on the frontier of microeconomic research. The first topic addressed is asymmetric information , a situation when one person in an economic relationship has more relevant knowledge than the other person does. The second topic is political economy , the application of economic tools to the understanding of the functioning of government. The third topic addressed is behavioral economics , the introduction of psychology into the study of economic issues. 22 FRONTIERS OF MICROECONOMICS


曼昆《经济学原理》微观经济学分册第3章课后习题答案P63-P66 ■复习题 1.在什么情况下,生产可能性曲线是直线,而不是外凸的? 【重要级别】☆☆☆【难度级别】☆☆☆ 【考查要点】生产可能性边界定义 【参考答案】当生产一种产品的机会成本为常数时,生产可能性曲线是直线而不是外凸的。 2.解释绝对优势和比较优势有什么不同。 【重要级别】☆☆☆☆【难度级别】☆☆☆ 【考查要点】绝对优势定义;比较优势定义 【参考答案】绝对优势和比较优势都是用于衡量不同生产者生产效率差异的概念,绝对优势以生产效率为评价标准,比较优势以机会成本为评价标准。同一生产者可能同时在两种物品上都具有绝对优势,但不可能同时在两种物品上都拥有比较优势。绝对优势反映了生产率的高低,比较优势反映了相对机会成本的高低。 3.举例说明一个人在做某件事上有绝对优势,而另一个人有比较优势。 【重要级别】☆☆☆【难度级别】☆☆ 【考查要点】绝对优势应用;比较优势应用 【参考答案】工程师A每小时的工资为500元,一个小时可以把自己的家打扫干净。B每小时的工资为50元,两个小时可以把与A相同面积的房屋打扫干净。在此例中,无论是赚钱还是打扫房间,A都拥有绝对优势。但从比较优势的角度来看,打扫A的家,A的机会成本是500元,而B的机会成本是100元,所以B在打扫房间上具有比较优势。 4.对贸易来说,是绝对优势重要还是比较优势重要?以你对上一道题的答案为例来解释你的推理。 【重要级别】☆☆☆☆【难度级别】☆☆ 【考查要点】绝对优势应用;比较优势应用 【参考答案】对贸易而言,比较优势重要。如果按照绝对优势,A和B之间没有从事贸易的可能。但是如果从比较优势来看,A专门工作而B专门打扫房间,在相同的时间内,A和B都可以获得更高的收入,这样双方的状况都变得更好。 5.一国是倾向于出口还是进口自己有比较优势的物品?解释原因。 【重要级别】☆☆☆☆【难度级别】☆☆ 【考查要点】比较优势应用 【参考答案】倾向于出口自己具有比较优势的产品。因为在该国的生产效率和资源禀赋不变的条件下,出口自己具有比较优势的产品并进口自己没有比较优势的产品可以获得更多的消费者组合。 6.为什么经济学家反对限制各国之间贸易的政策? 【重要级别】☆☆【难度级别】☆ 【考查要点】比较优势应用


一、单项选择题(每小题只有一个符合题意的正确答案,请将你认为是正确答案的序号写在答卷纸上。本大题30个小题,每小题1分,共30分) 1、价格是影响需求的最重要的因素,一般来说,价格和需求的变动成( B )。 A.成正方向变化 B.成反方向变化 C.不相关 D.完全等价 2、某消费者逐渐增加某种商品的消费量,直到实现效用最大化。在这一过程中,该商品的(C ) A.总效用和边际效用不断增加 B.总效用不断下降,边际效用不断增加 C.总效用不断增加,边际效用不断下降 D.总效用和边际效用不断减少 3、亨利花了一个小时购物并买了一件价值30美元的衣服,购买该衣服的机会成本是()。 A.一个小时 B.30美元 C.一个小时加30美元 D.一个小时加30美元的次优用途 4、整个行业只有唯一供给者的市场结构是()。 A.完全垄断市场 B.完全竞争市场 C.寡头垄断市场 D.垄断竞争市场 5、如果价格下降10%能使买者总支出增加1%,则这种商品的需求量对价格()。 A.富有弹性 B.具有单位弹性 C.缺乏弹性 D.其弹性不能确定 6、完全竞争市场上的企业之所以是价格接受者,是因为()。 A.它对价格有较大程度的控制 B.它生产了所在行业绝大部分产品 C.它的产量只占行业的全部产量的一个很小的份额 D.该行业只有很少数量的企业 7、假如某教授的年薪是20万元,若他从事其他的职业,最多只能得到3万元,那么,他所获得的经济租金为()。 A. 20万元 B. 17万元 C. 3万元 D.不确定 8、一年内在本国领土所生产的最终产品的市场价值总和被称为()。 A.国民生产总值 B.国内生产总值 C.国民生产净值 D.实际国内生产总值 9、政府的财政收入政策通过()对国民收入产生影响。 A.政府转移支付 B.政府购买 C.消费支出 D.出口 10、中央银行降低再贴现率,会使银行准备金()。 A.增加 B.减少 C.不变 D.以上都有可能 11、中央银行在公开市场卖出政府债券是企图()。 A.收集一笔资金帮助政府弥补财政赤字 B.减少商业银行在中央银行的存款 C.减少流通中基础货币以紧缩货币供给 D.通过买卖债券获取差价利益 12、如果某商品的需求收入弹性大于1,则该商品属于()。 A.高档品 B.必需品 C.低档物 D.生活用品 13、已知某消费者的收入是200元,商品X的价格是20元,商品Y的价格是6元。假定他打算购买7单位X和10单位Y,这时商品X和Y的边际效用分别是50和18,如要获取最大效用,他应该()。 A.停止购买 B.增购X,减少Y的购买量 C.增购Y,减少X的购买量 D.同时增购X、Y 14、国民生产净值等于国民生产总值减去()。 A.折旧 B.间接税 C.所得税 D.政府的转移支付 15、一般认为,只有在()市场上,企业的生产成本从长期来看才是最低的,市场机制才能实现资源的有效配置。 A.寡头垄断 B.垄断竞争 C.完全竞争 D.不完全竞争 16、现代西方宏观经济学的研究正式开始的标志是()。 A.《国富论》 B.《就业、利息和货币通论》 C.《经济学原理》 D.《经济学:原理、问题和政策》 17、如果其他各种条件均保持不变,当X商品的互补品Y商品的价格上升时,对X商品的需求:()。 A.增加 B.减少 C.不变 D.无法确定 18、在研究消费者行为时,我们需要假定消费者是追求效用最大化的和理性的,这是()假设。 A.社会人 B.经济人 C.复杂人 D.自我实现人

曼昆《经济学原理(微观经济学分册)》(第6版)课后习题详解(第5章 弹性及其应用)

曼昆《经济学原理(微观经济学分册)》(第6版) 第5章 弹性及其应用 课后习题详解 跨考网独家整理最全经济学考研真题,经济学考研课后习题解析资料库,您可以在这里查阅历年经济学考研真题,经济学考研课后习题,经济学考研参考书等内容,更有跨考考研历年辅导的经济学学哥学姐的经济学考研经验,从前辈中获得的经验对初学者来说是宝贵的财富,这或许能帮你少走弯路,躲开一些陷阱。 以下内容为跨考网独家整理,如您还需更多考研资料,可选择经济学一对一在线咨询进行咨询。 一、概念题 1.弹性(elasticity ) 答:弹性指作为因变量的经济量的相对变化对作为自变量的经济变量的相对变化的反应程度或灵敏程度。弹性用来表明两个经济变量变化的关系,当两个经济变量之间存在函数关系时,作为自变量的经济变量的变化,必然引起作为因变量的经济变量的变化。弹性的大小由弹性系数来表示,弹性系数等于因变量的相对变化对自变量的相对变化的比值。即: =因变量的变动比例弹性系数自变量的变动比例 设两个经济变量之间的函数关系为()Y f X =,则具体的弹性公式为: Y Y X Y E X X Y X ??==??? 其中,E 为弹性系数;X ?、Y ?分别为变量X 、Y 的变动量。 弹性概念在西方经济学中广泛应用,经济理论中有多种多样的弹性概念,例如,需求价格弹性、需求收入弹性、供给价格弹性等等。由于弹性是两个量的相对变化的比,因此,弹性是一个具体的数字,它与自变量和因变量的度量单位无关。 2.需求价格弹性(elasticity of demand )(华南理工大学2009研) 答:需求价格弹性指某种商品需求量变动的百分比与价格变动的百分比之比,它用来衡量商品需求量变动对于商品自身价格变动的敏感程度。用公式表示为: =需求变动的百分比需求价格弹性价格变动的百分比 需求价格弹性的经济含义可表示为“当价格变化百分之一时,需求量可能会有百分之几的变化”。这一概念是由马歇尔在解释价格与需求的关系时提出的。需求价格弹性按照其大小可分为五种:①若0d E =,则称该物品的需求完全无弹性;②若01d E <<,则称该物品的需求相当缺乏弹性,如多数生活必需品;③若1d E =,则称该物品的需求为单位弹性。此时需求量的相对变化幅度与价格的相对变化幅度相等;④若1d E <<∞,则称该物品的需求相当富有弹性。大多数奢侈品的需求弹性便是如此;⑤若d E =∞,则称该物品的需求为完全有弹性。


经济学原理名词解释 CHAPTER 1 Scarcity : the limited nature of society’s resources. Economics : the study of how society manages its scarce resources. Efficiency : the property of society getting the most it can from its scarce resources. Equity : the property of distributing economic prosperity fairly among the members of society. Opportunity cost : whatever must be given up to obtain some item. Marginal changes : small incremental adjustments to a plan of action. Market economy : an economy that allocates resources through the decentralized decisions of many firms and households as they interact in markets for goods and services. Market failure : a situation in which a market left on its own fails to allocate resources efficiently. Externality : the impact of one person’s actions on the well-being of a bystander. Market power : the ability of a single economic actor (or small group of actors) to have a substantial influence on market prices. Productivity : the quantity of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker’s time. Inflation : an increase in the overall level of prices in the economy. Phillips curve : a curve that shows the short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment. Business cycle : fluctuations in economic activity, such as employment and production. CHAPTER 2 Circular-flow diagram : a visual model of the economy that shows how dollars flow through markets among households and firms.


第六章供给、需求与政府政策复习题 1 ?举出一个价格上限的例子和一个价格下限的例子。 答:为了保障城镇中低收入居民的住房需求,国家对城镇居民中的安居工程售房制定最 高限价。为了保护农民种粮的积极性,对粮食的国家合同定购部分收购时制定最低限价,以保护农民的利益;。 2?什么引起了一种物品的短缺?是价格上限还是价格下限?用图形证明你的答案。 答:当价格上限低于市场均衡价格时会引起一种物品的短缺。当价格下限高于市场均衡 价格时会引起一种物品的过剩。 3?当不允许一种物品的价格使供给与需求平衡时,配置资源的机制是什么? 答:当政府对竞争市场实行限制性价格上限时,就产生了物品的短缺。卖者必然在大量 买者中配置稀缺物品。这时的配给机制可能是排长队,或者是卖者根据自己的偏好来配给物品。当政府对竞争市场实行限制性价格下限时,就产生了过剩。过剩会引起一些不合意的配 给机制,例如那些也许由于种族或家族之故而受买者青睐的卖者能比那些没有受到青睐的卖者更好地出售自己的物品。 4 ?解释为什么经济学家通常总是反对价格控制? 答:因为在市场经济中,价格对资源配置起着调节作用。如果人为的控制价格,往往会 造成某种物品的过剩或短缺,从而使生产者和消费者的利益受到伤害,破坏市场配置资源的有效性。 5?假设政府取消向一种物品的买者征税,而向这种物品的卖者征同样的税。税收政策的这种变动如何影响买者为这种物品向卖者支付的价格、买者所支付的包括税在内的货币量、卖者扣除税收得到的货币量以及销售量? 答:税收政策的变动对它们都不产生影响。因为税收的归宿取决于供给和需求的价格弹性,而不取决于向买者征税还是向卖者征税。 6 .一种物品的税收如何影响买者支付的价格、卖者得到的价格,以及销售量? 答:一种物品的税收使买者支付的价格上升,卖者得到的价格下降,销售量下降。 7.什么决定了税收负担在买者与卖者之间分摊?为什么? 答:需求弹性和供给弹性决定了税收负担在买者与卖者之间的分摊。税收负担将更多地 落在缺乏弹性的市场一方身上。因为弹性实际上衡量当条件变得不利时,买者或卖者离开市 场的意愿。当对某种物品征税时,市场中其他合适选择少的一方不能轻而易举地离开,从而必须承担更多的税收负担。 问题与应用 1古典音乐的爱好者说服了国会实行每张门票40美元的价格上限。这种政策使听古典音乐 会的人多了还是少了? 答:如果40美元高于门票的市场价格,对市场没有影响,听古典音乐会的人数不会改变。如果40美元的价格上限低于门票市场价格,会有更多的人想购票去听音乐会。但是,在40美元的价格下,古典音乐会的举办者所愿意并且能够提供的音乐会门票数量比实行价格上限之前下降,市场上形成了短缺。这种价格控制政策使听音乐会的人少了。 2 ?政府确信奶酪自由市场的价格太低了。 A ?假设政府对奶酪市场实行限制性价格下限。用供求图说明,这种政策对奶酪价格和奶酪销售量的影响。是存在奶酪的短缺还是过剩? 答:从图中看,存在奶酪的过剩。 图6—1奶酪市场供求图 B ?农民抱怨价格下限减少了他们的总收益。这种情况可能吗?解释原因。


2005年秋季学期《经济学原理》期末试题 注意:请全部用中文回答(留学生可用英文)。试卷的答案必须写在答题册上才有效,请记住在答题册上写下姓名和学号。 Good luck! 一、判断题(判断并必须说明理由,可以用文字或图形。每题5分,共40分) 注意以下各题中出现的斜体字部分是已知条件,不用做出判断。 1.垄断厂商的定价总是选择在其需求曲线缺乏弹性(即需求价格弹性小于1)的地方。 错。垄断者选择在弹性大于1的地方生产。参见作业第15章第13题答案。 2. 如果一个行业的企业的定价在边际成本以上,经济学家就认定存在市场势力。小王这么说,一个行业所有的企业的成本情况都相同,且利润都等于零,那么该行业一定不存在市场势力。请判断小王的说法。 不对,垄断竞争企业的长期利润等于零,但是存在市场势力(定价高于边际成本)。 3.由于存在边际产量递减,所以企业的长期平均总成本曲线最终会向上弯曲。 不对,边际产量递减是短期平均成本曲线向上弯曲的原因。长期平均成本曲线向上弯曲的原因是规模不经济。 4.虽然某垄断厂商所面临的需求曲线从D1变为D2,但是有可能该厂商所生产的产品数量不变。请用图形来说明你的判断(不用图形,即使判断正确也扣3分)。 正确。如下图: 5.价格歧视虽然增加了垄断者的利润但是也都对经济效率带来了无谓损失。 错误,完全价格歧视就没有任何效率损失。 6.在完全竞争的情况下所有的农民采用新技术降低了小麦的生产边际成本(随着边际成本的 P Q D2 D1 MR1 MR2 MC P2 P1

降低,平均成本也会向下移动),结果小麦的供给上升,价格下降,由于小麦的需求缺乏弹性,那么农民的收入下降,这就是“谷贱伤农”。既然情况如此,为什么每个农民都希望发明新技术来降低边际成本呢?小王的解释是对于每个农民来讲,采用新技术是其优势战略,所以出现了斜体字部分所描述的那种“谷贱伤农”情况;小张的解释是每个农民都采用新技术是一种纳什均衡状况,但不是优势战略均衡状况。小张的说法正确,小王的说法错误。错误。根据题中的条件可以知道采用新技术是每个农民的优势战略。理由是当其他农民都不采用新技术时,采用新技术(正利润)要好于不采用新技术(利润为零);当其他农民都采用新技术时,采用新技术(利润为零)也要好于不采用新技术(亏本)。 7. 一个完全竞争行业处于长期均衡,然后政府决定对于该行业的每个企业(注意只要进入该行业即可获得补贴)给予一次性的补贴(即补贴与产量无关)。给予补贴后,该行业再一次达到长期均衡。小王认为,补贴并达到长期均衡后,补贴前就已经在该行业的边际企业的产量将下降。 正确,因为补贴使得平均成本下降(边际成本不会变化),每个原有企业获得正利润,吸引其他企业进入,市场价格下降,原有的边际企业就会沿着边际成本减少产量。 8.当对一个完全竞争行业进行价格上限管制(该价格上限低于市场均衡价格)时,达到长期均衡后,该价格上限等于边际企业的边际成本,同时也等于该企业的最低平均总成本。 正确。限制性价格上限低于市场均衡价格,使得一部分企业退出市场。达到长期均衡后,边际企业的经济利润等于零。即限制性价格上限等于边际成本,也等于最低平均成本。 二、选择题(每题3分且只有一个正确答案。共30分) 1.Accounting profit is equal to (i) total revenue – implicit costs. (ii) total revenue – opportunity costs. (iii) economic profit + implicit costs. A. (i) only B. (iii) only C. (i) and (ii) D. None of the above are correct. 2. Because each oligopolist cares about its own profit rather than the collective profit of all the oligopolists together, A. they are unable to maintain the same degree of monopoly power enjoyed by a monopolist. B. each firm’s profit always ends up being zero. C. society is worse off as a result. D. All of the above are correct. 3. As new firms enter a monopolistically competitive market, profits of existing firms A. rise and product diversity in the market increases. B. rise and product diversity in the market decreases. C. decline and product diversity in the market increases. D. decline and product diversity in the market decreases. 4.垄断厂商的边际成本曲线是MC=8,该厂商所面临的需求曲线是P=40-Q,其中P代表价格,Q代表数量。下面哪个产量使得该垄断厂商的利润最大: A 32 B 16


Examine why people tend to use common r esour ces too much Consider some of the impor tant common r esour ces in our economy Consider some of the impor tant public goods in our economy Lear n t he def ini ng characteristics of public goods and common r esour ces Examine why private markets fail to pr ovide public goods See why the cost-benefit analysis of public goods is both necessar y and dif ficult An old song lyric maintains that “the best things in life are free.” A moment’s thought reveals a long list of goods that the songwriter could have had in mind. Na-ture provides some of them, such as rivers, mountains, beaches, lakes, and oceans.The government provides others, such as playgrounds, parks, and parades. In each case, people do not pay a fee when they choose to enjoy the benefit of the good.Free goods provide a special challenge for economic analysis. Most goods in our economy are allocated in markets, where buyers pay for what they receive and sellers are paid for what they provide. For these goods, prices are the signals that guide the decisions of buyers and sellers. When goods are available free of charge,however, the market forces that normally allocate resources in our economy are absent. In this chapter we examine the problems that arise for goods without market prices. Our analysis will shed light on one of the Ten Principles of Economics P U B L I C G O O D S A N D C O M M O N R E S O U R C E S 225


曼昆经济学原理宏观经济学第六版答案【篇一:曼昆经济学原理(宏观部分答案)】 >第二十三章一国收入的衡量 复习题 1 .解释为什么一个经济的收入必定等于其支出? 答:对一 个整体经济而言,收入必定等于支出。因为每一次交易都有两方: 买者和卖者。一个买者的1 美元支出是另一个卖者的1 美元收入。 因此,交易对经济的收入和支出作出了相同的贡献。由于gdp 既衡 量总收入 135 又衡量总支出,因而无论作为总收入来衡量还是作为 总支出来衡量,gdp 都相等. 2 .生产一辆经济型轿车或生产一辆豪华型轿车,哪一个对gdp 的 贡献更大?为什么? 答:生产一辆豪华型轿车对gdp 的贡献大。因 为gdp 是在某一既定时期一个国家内生产的所有最终物品与劳务的 市场价值。由于市场价格衡量人们愿意为各种不同物品支付的量, 所以市场价格反映了这些物品的市场价值。由于一辆豪华型轿车的 市场价格高于一辆经济型轿车的市场价格,所以一辆豪华型轿车的 市场价值高于一辆经济型轿车的市场价值,因而生产一辆豪华型轿 车对gdp 的贡献更大. 3 .农民以2 美元的价格把小麦卖给面包师。面包师用小麦制成面包,以3 美元的价格出售。这些交易对 gdp 的贡献是多少呢? 答: 对gdp 的贡献是3 美元。gdp 只包括最终物品的价值,因为中间物 品的价值已经包括在最终物品的价格中了. 4 .许多年以前,peggy 为了收集唱片而花了500 美元。今天她在 旧货销售中把她收集的物品卖了100 美元. 这种销售如何影响现期gdp? 答:现期gdp 只包括现期生产的物品与劳务,不包括涉及过去生产的东西的交易。因而这种销售不影响 现期gdp. 5 .列出gdp 的四个组成部分。各举一个例子. 答:gdp 等于消费(c)+投资(i)+政府购买(g)+净出口(nx) 消费是家庭用于物品与劳务的支出,如汤姆一家人在麦当劳吃午餐. 投资是资本设备、存货、新住房和建筑物的购买,如通用汽车公司 建立一个汽车厂. 政府购买包括地方政府、州政府和联邦政府用于物品与劳务的支出,如海军购买了一艘潜艇.



经济学试题 一、选择题(本题共5分,每小题2分,共10分) 1、边际消费倾向与边际储蓄倾向之和() A. 大于 1 B. 小于1 C. 等于1 2、根据简单的国民收入决定模型,引起国民收入减少的原因是() A. 消费减少 B. 储蓄减少 C. 消费增加 3、在IS曲线不变的情况下,货币量减少会引起() A. 国民收入增加,利率下降 B. 国民收入增加,利率上升 C. 国民收入减少,利率上升 4、在LM曲线不变的情况下,自发总需求增加会引起()A.国民收入增加,利率上升 B. 国民收入增加,利率不变C.国民收入增加,利率下降 5、紧缩性货币政策的运用会导致() A. 减少货币供给量,降低利率 B. 增加货币供给量,提高利率 C. 减少货币供给量,提高利率 二、名词解释(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 1、国民生产总值:

2、财政政策: 3、货币政策: 4、充分就业: 5、通货膨胀: 三、简答题(本题共10分) 1.说明经济增长的含义,指出名义经济增长和实际经济增长含义的不同。(6分)

2.指出可能对经济增长做出贡献的两种经济因素,并说明它们是如何对经济增长做出贡献的。(4分) 四、计算题(本题10分) 假定货币需求为L=0.2Y—4r,名义货币供给M=600,价格水平P=3,消费C=150+0.6YD,税收T=60,投资I=150—5r,政府支出G=80 (1)求IS和LM曲线 (2)求产品市场和货币市场同时均衡的利率、收入和投资

五、论述题(本题共10分) 试述通货膨胀的起因及应对方法


曼昆《经济学原理(微观经济学分册)》第6版 课后习题详解 第一篇导言 第1章经济学十大原理 一、概念题 1.稀缺性 稀缺性是指在给定的时间内,相对于人的需求而言,经济资源的供给总是不足的,也就是资源的有限性与人类的欲望无限性之间的矛盾。 2.经济学 经济学是研究如何将稀缺的资源有效地配置给相互竞争的 用途,以使人类的欲望得到最大限度满足的科学。 其中微观经济学是以单个经济主体为研究对象,研究单个经济主体面对既定资源约束时如何进行选择的科学;宏观经济学则以整个国民经济为研究对象,主要着眼于经济总量的研究。 3.效率 效率是指人们在实践活动中的产出与投入比值或者是效益 与成本比值,比值大效率高,比值小效率低。它与产出或收益大小成正比,与投入或成本成反比。 4.平等 平等是指人与人的利益关系及利益关系的原则、制度、做法、行为等都合乎社会发展的需要,即经济成果在社会成员中公平分

配的特性。它是一个历史范畴,按其所产生的社会历史条件和社会性质的不同而不同,不存在永恒的公平;它也是一个客观范畴,尽管在不同的社会形态中内涵不同对其的理解不同,但都是社会存在的反映,具有客观性。 5.机会成本 机会成本是指将一种资源用于某种用途,而未用于其他用途所放弃的最大预期收益。其存在的前提条件是:①资源是稀缺的; ②资源具有多种用途;③资源的投向不受限制。 6.理性人 理性人是指系统而有目的地尽最大努力去实现其目标的人,是经济研究中所假设的、在一定条件下具有典型理性行为的经济活动主体。 7.边际变动 边际变动是指对行动计划的微小增量调整。 8.激励 激励是指引起一个人做出某种行为的某种东西。 9.市场经济 市场经济是指由家庭和企业在市场上的相互交易决定资源 配置的经济,而资源配置实际上就是决定社会生产什么、生产多少、如何生产以及为谁生产的过程。 10.产权 产权是指个人拥有并控制稀缺资源的能力,也可以理解为人


《经济学原理》模拟试卷 一、单项选择题(30分,每题1分) 1、下列哪项不是经济学的基本问题() A、生产什么 B、如何生产 C、为谁生产 D、何处生产 2、引起生产可能性边界整体向右上方移动的因素是() A、投入要素的增加 B、某种产品的技术进步 C、某种产品的价格上升 D、所有产品的价格同比例上升 3、下列表述属于规范分析的是() A、流动性陷阱下,货币政策无效 B、中央银行应该提高利率来控制通货膨胀 C、利率上升会引起投资下降 D、需求等于供给决定均衡的价格和产量 4、下列选项属于宏观经济学分析对象的是() A、家庭如何选择不同产品的消费需求 B、不同市场结构下,企业如何制定价格 C、通货膨胀与货币量之间的关系 D、税收政策如何影响某种商品的市场均衡 5、小李毕业时面临三个选择,可以选择去银行工作,收入20万;可以选择去证券公司工作,收入25万;还可以选择出国学习,学费10万。问小李选择出国的机会成本是() A、20万 B、25万 C、10万 D、35万 6、下列因素会导致对商品A的需求量发生变化的是() A、收入上升 B、商品A的价格上升 C、商品A的替代品B的价格下降 D、人们变得更加喜欢商品A 7、下列因素不会导致商品A的供给变化的是() A、商品A的价格上升 B、投入品价格上升 C、生产商品A的技术进步 D、人们预期A 的价格将上升 8、政府对商品价格进行限制的有关说法正确的是() A、政府最高限价一定会降低产量 B、政府最低限价高于市场均衡价格时,可能出现供不应求的局面 C、政府最低限价政策只有在低于市场均衡价格时,才会对市场产生影响 D、政府的最高限价低于市场均衡价格时,会出现社会无谓损失 9、一个消费者对商品X的需求如下:当价格为4时,购买12个单位;当价格为6时,购买8个单位。那么该消费者对X的需求价格的弧弹性是() A、1 B、2/3 C、1.5 C、2 10、下列因素会引起商品价格上升的是()

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