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Steamturbinemodel (3)

Steamturbinemodel (3)
Steamturbinemodel (3)

Steam turbine model

Ali Chaibakhsh,Ali Ghaffari *

Department of Mechanical Engineering,K.N.Toosi University of Technology,Pardis Street,Vanak Square,P.O.Box 19395-1999,Tehran,Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o Article history:

Received 9November 2007

Received in revised form 20May 2008Accepted 20May 2008

Available online 6June 2008

Keywords:Power plant Steam turbine

Mathematical model Genetic algorithm

Semi-empirical relations Experimental data

a b s t r a c t

In order to characterize the transient dynamics of steam turbines subsections,in this paper,nonlinear mathematical models are ?rst developed based on the energy balance,thermo-dynamic principles and semi-empirical equations.Then,the related parameters of devel-oped models are either determined by empirical relations or they are adjusted by applying genetic algorithms (GA)based on experimental data obtained from a complete set of ?eld experiments.In the intermediate and low-pressure turbines where,in the sub-cooled regions,steam variables deviate from prefect gas behavior,the thermodynamic characteristics are highly dependent on pressure and temperature of each region.Thus,nonlinear functions are developed to evaluate speci?c enthalpy and speci?c entropy at these stages of turbines.The parameters of proposed functions are individually adjusted for the operational range of each subsection by using genetic https://www.doczj.com/doc/088486612.html,parison between the responses of the overall turbine-generator model and the response of real plant indicates the accuracy and performance of the proposed models over wide range of operations.The simulation results show the validation of the developed model in term of more accurate and less deviation between the responses of the models and real system where errors of the proposed functions are less than 0.1%and the modeling error is less than 0.3%.

ó2008Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.


Over the past 100years,the steam turbines have been widely employed to power generating due to their ef?ciencies and costs.With respect to the capacity,application and desired performance,a different level of complexity is offered for the structure of steam turbines.For power plant applications,steam turbines generally have a complex feature and consist of multistage steam expansion to increase the thermal ef?ciency.It is always more dif?cult to predict the effects of proposed control system on the plant due to complexity of turbine structure.Therefore,developing nonlinear analytical models is nec-essary in order to study the turbine transient dynamics.These models can be used for control system design synthesis,per-forming real-time simulations and monitoring the desired states [1].Thus,no mathematical model can exactly describe such complicated processes and always there are inaccuracy in developed models due to un-modeled dynamics and parametric uncertainties [2,3].

A vast collection of models is developed for long-term dynamics of steam turbines [4–11].In many cases,the turbine models are such simpli?ed that they only map input variables to outputs,where many intermediate variables are omitted [12].The lack of accuracy in simpli?ed models emerges many dif?culties in control strategies and often,a satisfactory degree of precision is required to improve the overall control performance [13].

Identi?cation techniques are widely used to develop mathematical models based on the measured data obtained from real system performance in power plant applications where the developed models always comprise reasonable complexities

1569-190X/$-see front matter ó2008Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.simpat.2008.05.017

*Corresponding author.Tel.:+982188674841;fax:+982188674748.E-mail address:ghaffari@kntu.ac.ir (A.Ghaffari).

Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 16(2008)1145–1162

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory

j o ur na l h om e pa ge :w w w.e ls e v ie r.c o m/lo c at e/s im pa t

that describe the system well in speci?c operating conditions [14–18].Moreover,in large systems such as power plants,breaking major control loops when systems run at normal operating load conditions may put them in dangerous situations.Consequently,the system model should be developed by performing closed loop identi?cation approaches.System identi-?cation during normal operation without any external excitation or disruption would be an ideal target,but in many cases,using operating data for identi?cation faces limitations and external excitation is required [19–21].Assuming that paramet-ric models are available,in this case,using soft computing methods would be helpful in order to adjust model parameters over full range of input–output operational data.

Genetic algorithms (GA)have outstanding advantages over the conventional optimization methods,which allow them to seek globally for the optimal solution.It causes that a complete system model is not required and it will be possible to ?nd

Nomenclature C speci?c heat (kJ/kg K)

D droop characteristics (N m/rad/s)h speci?c enthalpy (kJ/kg) h absolute enthalpy (kJ/kmol)J momentum of inertia (kg m 2)k index of expansion _m mass ?ow (kg/s)

m molecular weight (kg)M inertia constant (kg m 2/s)p pressure (MPa)P power (MW)

Q heat transferred (MJ)q ?ow (kg/s)

s entropy (kJ/kg K)t time (s)

T temperature (°C)Tr torque (N m)

U machine excitation voltage (V)V terminal voltage (V)v speci?c volume (m 3/kg)W power (MW)


D-axis synchronous reactance (X )

Greek letters


steam quality

d rotor angl

e (rad)g ef?ciently q speci?c density (kg/m 3)s time constant (s)x frequency (rad/s)

Subscripts e electrical ex extraction f liquid phase fuel fuel g vapor phase in input m mechanical out output p constant pressure s saturation spray spray v constant volume w water 0standard condition HP high pressure IP intermediate pressure LP low-pressure

1146 A.Chaibakhsh,A.Ghaffari /Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 16(2008)1145–1162

parameters of the model with nonlinearities and complicated structures[22,23].In the recent years,genetic algorithms are investigated as potential solutions to obtain good estimation of the model parameters and are widely used as an optimiza-tion method for training and adaptation approaches[24–30].

In this paper,mathematical models are?rst developed for analysis of transient response of steam turbines subsections based on the energy balance,thermodynamic state conversion and semi-empirical equations.Then,the related parameters are either determined by empirical relations obtained from experimental data or they are adjusted by applying genetic algo-rithms.In the intermediate and low-pressure turbines where,in the sub-cooled regions,steam variables deviate from prefect gas behavior,the thermodynamic characteristics are highly dependent on pressure and temperature of each region.Thus nonlinear functions are developed to evaluate speci?c enthalpy and speci?c entropy at these stages of turbines.The param-eters of proposed functions are individually adjusted for the operational range of each subsection by using genetic algo-rithms as an optimization approach.Finally,the responses of the turbine and generator models are compared with the responses of the real plant in order to validate the accuracy and performance of the models over different operation conditions.

In the next section,a brief description of the plant turbine is presented.It consists of a general view of the steam turbine and its subsystems including their inputs and outputs.It follows by the analytical model development and the training pro-cedure of proposed models based on the experimental data.The next section presents the simulation results of this work by comparing the responses of the proposed model with the actual plant.The last section is the conclusion and suggestions for future studies.

2.System description

A steam turbine of a440MW power plant with once-through Benson type boiler is considered for the modeling approach. The steam turbine comprises high,intermediate and low-pressure sections.In addition,the system includes steam extrac-tions,feedwater heaters,moisture separators,and the related actuators.The turbine con?guration and steam conditions at extractions are shown in Fig.1.

The high-pressure superheated steam of the turbine is responsible for energy?ow and conversion results power gener-ating in the turbine stages.The superheated steam at535°C and18.6MPa pressure from main steam header is the input to the high-pressure(HP)turbine.The input steam pressure drops about0.5MPa by passing through the turbine chest system. The entered steam expands in the high-pressure turbine and is discharged into the cold reheater line.At the full load con-ditions,the output temperature and pressure of the high-pressure turbine is351°C and5.37MPa,respectively.The cold steam passes through moisture separator to become dry.The extracted moisture goes to HP heater and the cold steam for reheating is sent to reheat sections.The reheater consists of two sections and a de-superheating section is considered between them for controlling the outlet steam temperature.

The reheated steam at535°C and with4.83MPa pressure is fed to intermediate pressure(IP)turbine.Exhaust steam from IP-turbine for‘the last stage expansion is fed into the low-pressure(LP)turbine.The input temperature and pressure of the low-pressure turbine is289.7°C and0.83MPa,respectively.Extracted steam from?rst and second extractions of IP is sent to HP heater and de-aerator.Also,extracted steam from last IP and LP extractions are used for feedwater heating in a train of low-pressure heaters.The very low-pressure steam from the last extraction goes to main condenser to become cool and be used in generation loop again.

3.Turbine model development

The behavior of the subsystems can be captured in terms of the mass and energy conservation equations,semi-empirical relations and thermodynamic state conservation.The system dynamic is represented by a number of lumped models for each

subsections of turbine.There are many dynamic models for individual components,which are simple empirical


Fig.1.Steam turbine con?guration and extraction.

A.Chaibakhsh,A.Ghaffari/Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory16(2008)1145–11621147

between system variables with a limited number of parameters and can be validated for the steam turbine by using real sys-tem responses.In addition,an optimization approach based on genetic algorithm is performed to estimate the unknown parameters of models with more complex structure based on experimental data.With the respect to model complexity,a suit-able ?tness function and optimization parameters are chosen for training process,which are presented in Appendix A .The models training process is performed by joining MATLAB Genetic Algorithm Toolbox and MATLAB Simulink .It makes it possible model training be performed on-line or based on recorded data in simulation space (Appendix B ).3.1.HP-turbine model

The high-pressure steam enters the turbine through a stage nozzle designed to increase its velocity.The pressure drop produced at the inlet nozzle of the turbine limits the mass ?ow through the turbine.A relationship between mass ?ow and the pressure drop across the HP turbine was developed by Stodola in 1927[31].The relationship was later modi?ed to include the effect of inlet temperature as follows:


in ?K

??????T in

p ????????????????????

p 2in àp 2


q e1T

where K is a constant that can be obtained by the data taken from the turbine responses.Let k be de?ned as follows:

k ?

????????????????????p 2in àp 2


T in

s e2T

By plotting k via inlet mass ?ow rate based on the experimental data,the slope of linear ?tting is captured as K =520(Fig.2).Generally,Eq.(1)has a suf?cient accuracy where water steam is the working ?uid.A comparison between the model re-sponse and the experimental shown in Fig.3indicates the accuracy of the de?ned


Fig.2.Mass ?ow rate versos k


Fig.3.Response of pressure–mass ?ow model.

1148 A.Chaibakhsh,A.Ghaffari /Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 16(2008)1145–1162

The input output pressure relation for HP turbine based on experimental data is shown in Fig.4.It shows a quite linear relation with the slope of 0.29475.Noting that the time constant for HP turbines are normally between 0.1and 0.4s,here the time constant is measured to be about 0.4s and therefore the transfer function of the input–output pressure is

p out p in



0:4s t1e3T

The time response of the proposed transfer function is shown in Fig.5.

To develop the dynamic model of HP turbine,the pressure,mass ?ow rate and temperature of steam at input and output of each section is required.The input and output relations for steam pressure and steam ?ow rate are de?ned in previous section.The steam temperature at turbine output can be captured in the terms of entered steam pressure and temperature.By assuming that the steam expansion in HP-turbine is an adiabatic and isentropic process,it is simple to estimate the steam temperature at discharge of HP turbine by using ideal gas pressure–temperature relation.

T out T in ?p out p in

k à1

k eT


where k ?C p =C v is the polytrophic expansion factor.

The energy equation for adiabatic expansion,which relates the power output to steam energy declining by passing through the HP turbine,is as follows:

W HP ?g HP á_m

in eh in àh out T?g HP áC p á_m in eT in àT out Te5


Fig.4.Pressure ratio of the HP-turbine cylinder input and


Fig.5.Responses of pressure model.

A.Chaibakhsh,A.Ghaffari /Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 16(2008)1145–11621149

It is possible to de?ne the steam speci?c heat as a function of pressure and/or temperature.Here,for more simpli?cation,water steam is considered ideal gas.In addition,the turbine ef?ciency can be expressed as a function of the ratio of blade tip velocity to theoretical steam velocity.In this paper,turbine ef?ciency is considered as a constant value.Then,

W HP ?g HP áC p á_m

in T in àT in

p out in k à1eT

!?g HP áC p á_m in áeT in t273:15T1àp out in

k à1eT



The nonlinear model proposed for HP turbine is a parametric model with unknown parameters,which are associated with

ef?ciency and speci?c heat.These parameters can be de?ned by performing a training approach over a collection of input–output operational data.The model parameters adjustment is executed through a set of 650points of data and for transient and steady state conditions in the range of operation between 154and 440MW of load.The error E is given by the mean value of squared difference between the target output y *and model output y as follows:

E ?

1X N j ?1

ey ?j ày j T2


where N is the number of entries used for training process.

The optimized value for speci?c heat,C p ,in order to reach the best performance at different load conditions,is obtained 2.1581and consequently,the polytrophic expansion factor,k ,be equal to 1.2718.The ef?ciency of a well-designed HP tur-bine is about 85–90%.A fair comparison between the experimental data and the simulation results shows that the obtained HP turbine ef?ciency equal to 89.31%is good enough to ?t model responses on the real system responses.The proposed model for HP turbine is presented in Fig.6,where K 1?K ?520and K 2?C p ?g HP =1000?1:921?10à3.

The outlet steam from the HP turbine passes through the moisture separator to become dry.There are obvious advantages in inclusion of steam reheating and moisture separation in terms of improving low pressure exhaust wetness and need for less steam reheating.In this section,a considerable fraction of steam wetness is extracted which supplies the required steam for feedwater heating purpose at the HP heaters.The outlet ?ow from moisture separation is captured as follows:


d q

d t

?e1àb T_m

in àq e8T

where b is the fraction of moisture in output ?ow.In the technical documents,it is declared that the amount of liquid phase extracted as moisture form steam mixture is approximately 10%of total steam ?ow entered to HP turbine.3.2.IP and LP turbines model

The intermediate and low-pressure turbines have more complicated structure in where multiple extractions are em-ployed in order to increase the thermal ef?ciency of turbine.The steam pressure consecutively drops across the turbine stages.The condensation effect and steam conditions at extraction stages have considerable in?uences on the turbine per-formance and generated power.In this case,developing mathematical models,which are capable to evaluate the released energy from steam expansion in turbine stages,is recommended.At turbine extraction stages,where in the sub-cooled re-gions,steam variables deviate from prefect gas behavior and the thermodynamic characteristics are highly dependent on pressures and temperature of each region.Therefore,developing nonlinear functions to evaluate speci?c enthalpy and spe-ci?c entropy at these stages of turbines is necessary.The steam thermodynamic properties can be estimated in term of tem-perature and pressure as two independent variables.A variety of functions to give approximations of steam/water properties is presented,which are widely used in nuclear power plant applications [32–36]


Fig.6.HP-turbine model (B =273.15,K 1=520,K 2=1.927?10à3,f (u )=[u (1)/u (2)]0.2137).

1150 A.Chaibakhsh,A.Ghaffari /Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 16(2008)1145–1162

In1988,very simple formulations were presented by Garland and Hand to estimate the light water thermodynamic prop-erties for thermal-hydraulic systems analysis.In the proposed functions,saturation values of steam are used as the dominant terms in the approximation expressions.This causes that these functions have considerable accuracy at/or near saturation conditions.However,these functions are extended to be quite accurate even in the sub-cooled and superheated regions [37].The approximation functions for the thermodynamic properties in sub-cooled conditions are presented as follows:

Fep;TT?F sep seTTTtReTT?epàp sTe9T

where p

s is the steam pressure at saturation conditions.The proposed equations to estimate steam saturation pressure,p



a function of temperature are listed in Appendix C.In addition,the approximation functions for the thermodynamic prop-erties in superheated conditions are presented as follows:

Fep;TT?F gepTtRep;TT?eTàT sTe10Twhere T s is the steam saturation temperature.The equations to evaluate steam saturation temperature,T s,as a function of steam pressure are presented in Appendix D.It is noted that,these functions are not able to cover the entire range of pressure changes and therefore the pressure range is divided into many sub-ranges.The proposed functions are quite suitable for esti-mating the water/steam thermodynamic properties;however,these functions are tuned for a given range from0.085MPa to 21.3MPa and they have not adequate accuracy for very low-pressure steam particularly for the extractions conditions.In this paper,it is recommended that these functions be tuned individually for each input and output and at desired operational ranges.It should be mentioned that pressure changes have signi?cant effects on the steam parameters and therefore,it is focused on adjusting the?rst term of functions,which depend on pressure and the functions ReTTand ReP;TTare considered the same as presented by Garland and Hand.

The working?uid at different turbine stages can be single or two phases.In this condition,it should be assumed that both phases of steam mixtures are in thermodynamic equilibrium and liquid and vapor phases are two separated phases.The steam conditions at each section are presented in Table1.The proposed functions for speci?c enthalpy for liquid phase and speci?c entropy in both liquid and vapor phases are de?ned by three parameters as follows:


where three parameters a,b and c are adjusted for four different steam conditions at35,50,75and100%of load.In addition, the proposed function for speci?c enthalpy in vapor phase is de?ned by three parameters and one constant as follows: F?aepàdT2tbepàdTtc

Here,the constant d can be chosen manually with respect to pressure variation ranges.The error E is given by the mean value of absolute difference between the target output y*and model output y as follows:





j y?


ày j je11T

where N is the number of entries used for training process.

3.2.1.Speci?c enthalpy,liquid phase

The following function is presented for estimating speci?c enthalpy of water in liquid phase.

hep;TT?h fep seTTTt1:4à




epàp sTe12T

As seen in Table1,the steam condition for extractions5,6and7are in two-phase region where it can assume that p%p


.In this condition,the speci?c enthalpy of steam for their ranges can be de?ned as a function of steam pressure.The functions listed below estimate the speci?c enthalpy of water in liquid phase,h(kJ/kg).


Steam condition at turbine extractions

Extraction No.Pressure(saturation temperature)Temperature(°C)Steam condition IP turbine1 2.945(233.91)456.6One phase

2 1.466(197.58)359One phase

30.830(171.85)289.1One phase

LP turbine40.301(133.63)182.7One phase


60.045977.5Two phases

70.006838.2Two phases

A.Chaibakhsh,A.Ghaffari/Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory16(2008)1145–11621151

h f?44:12782275?e1000pT0:60497549t19:300600270:0038MPa

h f?194:57965086?e100pT0:33190979t1:732494420:0180MPa

h f?258:51219036?e100pT0:17513608t11:833935260:0683MPa


3.2.2.Speci?c enthalpy,vapor phase

The following function is presented for estimating speci?c enthalpy of water/steam in vapor phase.

hep;TT?h gepTà











It should be noted that in two-phase region,it could assume that T%T s.Therefore,speci?c enthalpy can be de?ned as a function of steam pressure.The functions listed below estimate the speci?c enthalpy of water/steam in vapor phase for the pressure range in3.8–4.83MPa.

h g?à0:48465587?e1000pà5T2t6:47301169?e1000pà5Tt2560:912384520:0038MPa

h g?à1:82709298?e100pà2T2t17:40365447?e100pà2Tt2606:6808212850:0180MPa

h g?0:50205745?e100pà12T2t6:64525736?e100pà12Tt2679:806093220:0683MPa

h g?à2:07829396?e10pà3T2t25:01448122?e10pà3Tt2704:849205570:195MPa

h g?à0:49047808?e10pà8T2t10:48902998?e10pà8Tt2740:05764510:432MPa

h g?à0:21681424?e10pà14:5T2t6:13049409?e10pà14:5Tt2771:189012880:753MPa

h g?à0:08217055?e10pà29T2t3:07429644?e10pà29Tt2816:820242341:471MPa

h g?à0:11673499?e10pà48T2t0:13784178?e10pà48Tt2862:433394722:388MPa

e15T3.2.3.Speci?c entropy,liquid phase

The optimized functions for estimating speci?c entropy of water/steam in liquid phase based on steam pressure where p%p


are as follows:

s f?0:27490714?e1000pT0:60265499à0:228650890:0038MPa

s f?1:26673390?e100pT0:17853959à0:617031220:0180MPa

s f?0:92671704?e100pT0:14323925à0:036604770:0683MPa



4.Speci?c entropy,vapor phase

In addition,the following function is presented for estimating speci?c entropy of water/steam in vapor phase.

sep;TT?s gepTà












The optimized functions to evaluate the speci?c entropy water/steam of phase vapor in the pressure range between3.8kPa and0.301MPa.

s g?8:83064734à0:12141594?e1000pT0:779328060:0038MPa

s g?9:0863247à0:96869236?e100pT0:261392470:0180MPa

s g?8:36610497à0:45436108?e100pT0:342467780:0683MPa

s g?7:42364087à0:10328045?e10pT1:278279230:195MPa


The proposed functions are depending on pressure and temperature of the steam and these variables are necessary to be de?ned at deferent operational conditions.The steam temperature at each extraction stage is expressed as a function of en-tered steam temperature.The proposed transfer functions for steam temperature at extraction stages are presented in Table 2.It is possible to calculate the steam pressure at extractions as a function of the mass?ow through turbine stages.Here,it is recommended that the steam pressure be de?ned as a function of steam pressure entered to turbine.As shown in Fig.7,the pressure drops across the turbine stages are approximately linear and can be de?ned by?rst order transfer functions.The proposed transfer functions for steam pressure at extraction stages are presented in Table2.In addition,the mass?ow rate through the turbine stages is sequentially decreased as by subtracting extracted steam?ow.The extraction?ow at each sec-tion can be de?ned as a function of entered steam?ow to turbine.As shown in Fig.8,the input–output steam?ow ratio at 1152 A.Chaibakhsh,A.Ghaffari/Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory16(2008)1145–1162

Table 2

Fig.7.Steam pressure at extractions.

Fig.8.The steam ?ow rate at extractions.

A.Chaibakhsh,A.Ghaffari /Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 16(2008)1145–1162


different load conditions,except 2nd extraction,are linear.However,considering a linear function of steam ?ow rate is good enough to ?t the model response on the real experimental data.

For the two-phase region,the enthalpy of the extracted steam is depending on its quality.By considering expansion of steam in extraction chamber is an adiabatic process;the steam quality can be captured base on the steam entropy as follows:

s 0?s f tx ás fg )x ?

s 0às f s fg



h ?h f tx áh fg e20T

The steam entropy at two-phase region (at ?fth,sixth and seventh extractions)is considered to be equal with steam entropy at fourth extraction (one-phase region).The proposed model for two-phase region is presented in Fig.9.The thermodynamic cycle for the steam turbine with seven extraction stages is shown in Fig.10.By considering steam expansion at turbine


Fig.9.Enthalpy model for two-phase


Fig.10.Power plant cycle T –S diagram.

1154 A.Chaibakhsh,A.Ghaffari /Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 16(2008)1145–1162

be an ideal process,the energy equations for steam expansion in turbine,which relates the power output to steam energy declining across turbine stages can be captured.Therefore,the work done in IP turbine can be captured as follows: W0


?_m IPeh IPàh ex1Tte_m IPà_m ex1Teh ex1àh ex2Tte_m IPà_m ex1à_m ex2Teh ex2àh ex3Te21TNow,the performance index can be considered for IP turbine.

W IP?g IP W0IPe22TThe LP turbine consists of four extraction levels.The work done in the LP turbine can be captured as follows:



?_m LPeh LPàh ex4Tte_m LPà_m ex4Teh ex4àh ex5Tte_m LPà_m ex4à_m ex5Teh ex5àh ex6T

te_m LPà_m ex4à_m ex5à_m ex6Teh ex6àh ex7T

e23Twhere_m LP?_m IPà_m ex1à_m ex2à_m ex3then,

W LP?g LP W0LPe24TThe optimal values for ef?ciencies of IP and LP turbines are obtained83.12%and82.84%,respectively,which are?tting tur-bine model responses on the real system responses.The developed models for IP and LP turbines are presented in Fig.11.The overall generated mechanical power can be captured by summation of generated power in turbine stages as follows: P m?W HPtW IPtW LPe25T

3.3.Reheater model

Reheater section is a very large heat exchanger,which has signi?cant thermal capacity and steam mass storage.The reheater dynamics increase nonlinearity and time delay of the turbine and should take into account as a part of turbine mod-el.We have developed accurate Mathematical models for subsystems of a once through Benson type boiler based on the thermodynamics principles and energy balance,which are presented in[29,30].The parameters of these models are deter-mined either from constructional data such as fuel and water steam speci?cation,or by applying genetic algorithm tech-niques on the experimental data.The proposed equations for the temperature model is as follows:

d T out

d t

?K2eK1_m fuelt_m ineT inàT outtB1TtB2Te26TIn this model,the steam quality has signi?cant effects on output temperature and should be considered in related equations. The transfer function for fuel?ow rate and steam quality is as follows:

a _m fuel ?




A modi?ed version of the temperature model for the reheater sections is presented in Fig.12.According to the mass accu-mulation effects and by considering that the pressure loss due to change in?ow velocity is prevailing in the steam volume, the?ow-pressure model is presented as follows:

d p d t ?




e_m inà_m outTe28T

A model for the mass?ow responding to steam pressure changes is proposed by Borsi[38].The swing of main steam?ow strictly relies on the change of steam pressure as follows:

d_m out





d p


In Fig.13,the?ow-pressure model is presented.Generally,in power plants,the turbine inlet?ow is controlled by a governor or control valves to response to the grid frequency.Therefore,when this valve is acting,there is an interaction between steam pressure and?ow.When the control valve opening is completed,the pressure?uctuation is removed and the swing of steam?ow tends to zero.The adjusted parameters of the developed models are presented in Table3.

The reheater temperatures must be kept constant at speci?c temperature.The spray attemperators is implemented be-tween reheater sections to control outlet temperature.The attemperator has a relatively small volume and then its mass storage is negligible.In addition,it is considered that there is no pressure drop in this section.Then,the inlet temperature of the second reheater,T out is governed by the following equation[39].

D T out?1

C p

D h out?

e h inà h outT

C p _m out

D_m outt





D T inà

e h inà h sprayT

C p _m out

D_m spraye30T

where_m in is inlet steam?ow,h in is speci?c enthalpy of inlet steam h spray is speci?c enthalpy of water spray.The con?gura-tion of reheater section is presented in Fig.14.

A.Chaibakhsh,A.Ghaffari/Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory16(2008)1145–11621155

3.4.Generator model

The turbine-generator speed is described by the equation of motion of the machine rotor,which relates the system inertia to deference of the mechanical and electrical torque on the


Fig.11.IP and LP-turbine model.

1156 A.Chaibakhsh,A.Ghaffari /Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 16(2008)1145–1162

Fig.12.Temperature model for the reheater


Fig.13.Flow-pressure model K 3?P 0

s ám v ;K 4?_m out02eP in0

àP out0T

.Table 3

Parameters for reheater model

B 1

B 2

K 1

K 2

K 3K 4

Reheater a 0.1706 6.2893 2.41e à3

1.06e à20.012836.0257Reheater b



3.77e à4

1.06e à2



Fig.14.Reheater con?guration.

A.Chaibakhsh,A.Ghaffari /Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 16(2008)1145–11621157

P m àP e ?M


eD x m Te31T

where M =J áx m,which is called inertia constant.In the steam turbines,the mechanical torqueses of the prime movers for large generators are function of speed.It is noted that the frequency control of a generator is generally investigated in two main situations.In the ?rst case,the generator is in the islanded operation and feeding load to the electrical grid.In this case,actions of the frequency control would be in steady state conditions,where the system is running as a regulated machine.In the regulated machines,the speed mechanism is responsible for the steam turbine throttle valves controlling.Therefore,in order to stabilize overall system,the frequency should be controlled with respect to the speed droop characteristics [40].The regulation equation is derived as follows,

ex àx 0T



teTr m àTr m0T?0e32T


P m ?Tr m áx 0?P m0àex 0=D TD x


In the second case,the generator is part of a large interconnected system or be connected to an in?nite bus.In this case,the turbine controller regulates only the power,not the frequency.While the machine is not under an active governor con-trol and running at unregulated conditions,the torque-speed characteristics can be considered linear over a limited range as follows,

Tr m ?P m =x


For each case,the electrical power (P e )can be captured in term of terminal voltage (V ),machine excitation voltage (U ),direct axis synchronous reactance (x ),and the rotor angle (d )as follows,

P e ?eUV =x Tsin ed Te35T

The transient response of the machines are particularly investigated for turbine over-speed and load rejection conditions,where P e =0.It is noted that no difference is declared for the characteristics of transient and steady state conditions of unreg-ulated machines in the literature and therefore,Eq.(34)can be also used for the transient conditions [41].

In addition,it is recommended that the term of losses in rotating system be considered in Eq.(31)to complete the gen-erator model,which is presented in Eq.(36).

P L ?P L 0

x x 0



The proposed model for the turbine and generator is presented in Fig.15.4.Simulation results

In this section,responses of proposed functions for estimating the thermodynamic properties of water steam are ?rst compared with standard data,in order to show their accuracy.In this regard,the responses of proposed functions for speci?c enthalpy (extraction no.1)and speci?c entropy (extraction no.4)are presented as examples at different temperatures and pressures,which are shown in Figs.16and 17,respectively.In addition,we de?ne the error as the difference between the response of the proposed functions and standard values to evaluate the error functions.In Table 4the error functions are listed as;upper bound error Max(j e j ),lower bound error Min(j e j ),mean absolute error MAE,average absolute deviation AAD (e)and correlation coef?cient R 2(e).

The developed model for turbine is simulated by using Matlab Simulink .In order to validate the accuracy and performance of the developed model,a comparison between the responses of the proposed model and the responses of the real plant is performed.The load response in steady state and transient conditions over an operation range between 50%and 100%of nominal load is shown in Fig.18to illustrate the behavior of the turbine-generator system.Simulation results indicate


Fig.15.Overall turbine and generator models.

1158 A.Chaibakhsh,A.Ghaffari /Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 16(2008)1145–1162

the response of the developed model is very close to the response of the real system such that the maximum difference be-tween the response of the actual system and the proposed model is much less than 0.3%.The predicted values are plotted via real system response to subscribe the accuracy of developed models (Fig.19).In addition,by de?ning the error as the


Fig.16.Responses of enthalpy function at different temperatures and pressures (extraction


Fig.17.Responses of entropy function at different temperatures and pressures (extraction 4).

Table 4

Thermodynamic property error function

Max (j e j )

Min (j e j )MAE AAD (e)R 2(e)Enthalpy for Ext.10.8182 2.213e à40.4014 1.0884e à40.9982Entropy for Ext.4


1.101e à4


5.3533e à4


Fig.18.Response of the turbine-generator.

A.Chaibakhsh,A.Ghaffari /Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 16(2008)1145–11621159

ference between the response of the actual plant and the responses of the model,the error functions are evaluated in order to validate the accuracy of developed model,which are presented in Table 5.5.Conclusion

Developing nonlinear mathematical models based on system identi?cation approaches during normal operation with-out any external excitation or disruption is always a hard effort.Assuming that parametric models are available,in this case,using soft computing methods would be helpful in order to adjust model parameters over full range of input–out-put operational data.In this paper,based on energy balance,thermodynamic state conversion and semi-empirical rela-tions,different parametric models are developed for the steam turbine subsections.In this case,it is possible the model parameters are either determined by empirical relations or they are adjusted by applying genetic algorithms as optimi-zation method.

Comparison between the responses of the turbine-generator model with the responses of real system validates the accu-racy of the proposed model in steady state and transient conditions.The presented turbine-generator model can be used for control system design synthesis,performing real-time simulations and monitoring desired states in order to have safe oper-ation of a turbine-generator particularly during abnormal conditions such as load rejection or turbine over-speed.

The further model improvements will make the turbine-generator model proper to be used in emergency control system designing.

Appendix A.Optimization Parameters for GA

HP turbine

IP and LP turbine Functions Population size 2050100Crossover rate rate 50




Stochastic uniform Reproduction

Elite count:2

Appendix B.Linking simulink and GA toolbox

It is mentioned that the MATLAB Simulink is able to read parameters from speci?ed location on disk.Here,an example for a model with two parameters is


Fig.19.Predicted values via real system response.

Table 5

Turbine modeling error

Max (j e j )

Min (j e j )MAE AAD (e)R 2(e)Power


3.3156e à5




1160 A.Chaibakhsh,A.Ghaffari /Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 16(2008)1145–1162

Appendix C.Saturation pressure as a function of temperature

The proposed functions for estimating the steam saturation pressure,p s ,for the range of 89.965°C to 373.253°C are pre-sented below.

p s ?T t57:0236:2315



89:965 C 6T 6139:781 C p s ?T t28:0207:9248

??4:778504139:781 C 6T 6203:622 C p s ?T t5:0??4:304376203:622 C 6T 6299:40 C p s ?T t16:0??4:460843299:407 C 6T 6355:636 C p s ?

T t50:0??4:960785355:636 C 6T 6373:253 C

where,the modeling error is less than 0.02%[37].It should be noted it is not necessary to estimate saturation pressure for two-phase region.

Appendix D.Saturation temperature as a function of pressure

The proposed functions for estimating the steam saturation temperature,T s ,in the range of 0.070to 21.85MPa are pre-sented as follows:

T s ?236:2315p 0:1784767à57:00:070MPa 6p 60:359MPa T s ?207:9248p



0:359MPa 6p 61:676MPa T s ?158:0779p 0:2323217à5:01:676MPa 6p 68:511MPa T s ?195:1819p 0:2241729à16:008:511MPa 6p 617:690MPa

T s ?227:2963p 0:201581à50:00

17:690MPa 6p 621:850MPa

where,the modeling error is less than 0.02%[37].It should be noted it is not necessary to estimate saturation temperature for two-phase region.References

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新视野大学英语 第三版 读写教程

新视野大学英语第三版读写教程1 十五选十 University students come from different parts of the country with various purposes. However, a closer look at their reasons for studying at the university will enable us to 1) them roughly into three groups: those who have a(n) 2) for learning, those who wish to 3) a bright future, and those who learn with no definite purpose. Firstly, there are many students who learn simply because they 4) their goal of learning. Some read a wealth of British and American novels because they are keenly interested in literature. Others sit in front of the computer screen, working on a new program, 5) day and night, because they find some computer programs 6) . and they dream of becoming a “Bill Gates” one day. Secondly, there are students who work hard mainly for a better and more 7) future. It seems that the majority of students fall into this group. After admission to the university, they read books after books to 8) knowledge from all of the resources which are 9) to them, and finally, to succeed in the future job market. Thirdly, there are still some students who learn without a clear goal. They take courses, finish homework, enjoy life on campus, but don’t want to 10) anything new or challenging. They have no idea what they will be doing after college. And they may end up with nothing in their lives. Parents and teenagers have different or even opposite things to worry about. For example, while a mother might have a hard time understanding why her teenagers' room is always a(n) 1) of dirty stuff, the teenagers are more worried about their next exams and may think it is 2) for their mother to insist on keeping a clean room. It is therefore important for you to 3) the differences and learn to communicate with your teenagers properly. 4) , your teenagers may say nothing and shut you out of their personal lives. Their refusal to talk with you may even create 5) stress in your life. Learning effective ways to communicate can 6) the situation of a difficult relationship, 7) the stress of your life, and lead to a friendly relationship with your teenagers. First, you should learn to discuss serious problems in daily conversations. So, important topics, such as driving a vehicle and building a(n) 8) relationship, could be dealt with through daily conversations. Second, learn to be an active listener. Many parents are so 9) with their work that they could hardly take some time for their 10) children. Spend your time listening carefully to what your children like to talk about, and make sure your children feel they are being taken seriously. This will increase the chances of good communication.


承揽合同案例分析 (一)基本案情 2010年2月25日,大连铭阳公司与无锡凯灵公司签订《设备购买合同》《设备合同及技术协议》。合同约定大连铭阳公司向无锡凯灵公司购买镀铬手工生产线一套,总价108万元(含17%税价)。技术协议明确约定钢槽衬钛槽体部分镀铬槽需要衬2mm厚度的钛板。2010年2月24日,大连铭阳公司给付无锡凯灵公司32万元预付款,无锡凯灵公司于2010年6月3日完成设备定作。随后向向大连铭阳公司开具了价税总额为108万元的江苏增值税专用发票。2010年6月28日,大连铭阳公司到无锡凯灵公司进行了预验收,合格后,给付无锡凯灵公司32.8万元(总价款的30%),于2010年11月15日向无锡凯灵公司出具了安装电镀设备验收合格的书面意见。事后,因大连铭阳公司未能付清设备尾款,无锡凯灵公司于2012年1月诉至法院,要求大连铭阳公司支付剩余价款43.2万元及逾期付款利息,法院判决予以支持。2012年6月,大连铭阳公司向辽宁省普兰店市人民法院提出起诉,请求判决无锡凯灵公司退货并返还货款64.8万元及利息,后因管辖权原因被移至江苏省无锡市北塘区人民法院审理,2012年12月,因大连铭阳公司未缴纳诉讼费用而作撤诉处理。2013年9月,大连铭阳公司提起诉讼,要求无锡凯灵公司按约定重作并更换镀铬槽,否则赔偿损失50万元,于2013年12月撤诉。2014年6月,大连铭阳公司再次以相同诉由起诉。

(二)主要争点 1.公司代表现场验收合格出具的书面意见是否有效?能否形成有效交付? 2. 不符合规定的方式、期限的标的物质量异议的通知是否有效?(三)法院裁判 1.驳回大连铭阳镀业有限公司的诉讼请求。 2.案件受理费8800元(大连铭阳镀业有限公司已预交),由大连铭阳镀业有限公司负担。 一、案例评析 (一)法院确定该案的争点正确 1.承揽合同主要理论 首先,必须明确承揽合同的性质。承揽合同专章规定在《合同法》第十五章。《合同法》第二百五十一条明确规定:“承揽合同是承揽人按照定作人的要求完成工作,交付工作成果,定作人给付报酬的合同。”可以看出,在签订合同时,除了一般要素外,标的物是承揽合同的一项非常重要内容。标的物定作的意愿是承揽合同签订的前提,标的物的制造、验收、检验的相关规定是承揽合同条款中的重中之重。当今社会,存在的承揽合同一般都是满足特定需要的一种经济活动,尤其是涉及案件中类似的大型生产设备的承揽合同更是汗牛充栋。在具体的实践中,承揽合同的标的是特定的劳动成果,具有特定性,当


承揽合同范本3 篇新整理版 在承揽合同中,完成工作并交付工作成果的一方为承揽人; 接受工作成果并支付报酬的 一方称为定作人。以下是华律网小编为大家精心准备的:3 篇承揽合同范本。欢迎参考阅读承揽合同范本一 经甲乙双方协商一致,签订本合同,共同信守。 一、甲方提供原料情况:品(材料)名:规格型号:单位:数量:单价:金额:交货日期:超 欠幅度%:供应办法: 二、乙方加工产品的义务 1.质量标准: 2.质量检验及验收办法: 3.包装要求及费用负担: 4.交货(运输)办法及地点: 5.货款共计人民币(大写): 6.结算办法及期限: 7.其他: 三、违约责任:第一点:甲方的违约责任 (1)变更产品品种、质量或包装的规格给乙方造成损失时,应负责赔偿乙方损失。 (2)中途退货的,偿付乙方以退货部分货款总值%的违约金。 (3)自提产品未按规定日期提货的,每延期一天,应偿付乙方以延期提货部分货款总值千分之的违约金。 (4)未按合同规定时间和要求提供原材料、技术资料、包装物的,除交货日期予以顺延外,每日应偿付乙方顺延交货产品总值千分之一的违约金。 (5)未按合同规定日期付款的,每延期一天,应偿付乙方以延期付款总值千分之一的违约金。 (6)实行送货或代运的产品无故拒绝接货的,应承担因而造成的损失并付给运输部门违约金。 (7)错填到货地点或接货人的,应承担因此造成的损失。 (8)其他。第二点:乙方承担的违约责任 (1)产品、花色、品种、规格、质量、包装不符合合同规定,甲方同意收货的,按质论价;甲方不同意收货的,乙方应包修、包退、包换,并承担因此造成的损失。 (2)未按合同规定的数量交货,少交而甲方仍然需要的,应照数补交;不需要的,可以退货,并承担损失;不能交货的,应偿付甲方以不能交货的货款总值%的违约金。 (3)包装不符合合同规定的,必须返修或重新包装,并承担因此而支付的费用;甲方不要求返修或重新包装,而要求赔偿损失的应予赔偿。 (4)未按合同规定时间交货的,每延期一天,应偿付甲方以延期交货部分货款总值千分之一的违约金。 (5)不符合合同规定产品,在甲方代保管期内应偿付甲方实际支付的保管、保养费。 (6)产品错发到货地点或接货人的,除按合同规定负责运到指定的到货地点或接货人外,并承担因此多付的运杂费和造成的延期交货责任。 (7)未按甲方对技术资料及图纸的保密要求履行保密义务而给甲方造成损失的,应负责赔偿。 (8)其他:本合同一式份。有效期自请填写有效起始时间到请填写有效终止时间止。甲方:请填写定 作方乙方:请填写承揽方 法定代表人:法定代表人:电话:填写定作方办公电话电话:填写承揽方办公电话地址:填写定作


Unit 1 TEXT A Language focus Word in use [3] 2. pursuit 3. inhibit 4. maintain 5. patriotic 6. transcend 7. endeavor 8. dedication 9. prestige 10. nominate Word building [4] [5] 2. tolerant 3. pollutants 4. inhabited 5. participants 6. descendants 7. attendants 8. respectful 9. contestants 10. neglectful 11. resourceful 12. boastful Banked cloze [6] 2. premier 3. endeavor 4. bypass 5. handicaps 6. committed 7. attained 8. transcend 9. feats 10. slightest Expressions in use [7]

1. removed from 2. failed in 3. in pursuit of 4. deviated from 5. precluded from 6. triumph over 7. work their way into 8. written off TEXT B Understanding the text [2] CBADBBCD Language focus Word in use [4] 2. propelled 5. alleviated 8. destined 10. Applause Expression in use [5] 1.up sentence structure [6] 1.He prefers to start early rather than leave everything to the last minute 2.She prefers to be the boss, to be in charge and to organize others rather than be organized by some whom she may not even rate very highly. 3.My brother prefers to take the whole blame himself rather than allow it to fall on the innocent. [7] 1. Try as he would 2. Search as they would 3. Hard as we work Try as we might Collocation Warm-up 1. repeated [8] 1. sudden opportunities 2. immense obstacles 3. amazing determination 4. profound difficulties 5. overwhelming failures 6. poverty-stricken


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 承揽合同纠纷代理词 篇一:加工承揽合同纠纷代理词 代理词(二) 审判长、审判员: 北京尚勤律师事务所接受青岛海之润国际贸易有限公 司及孙学雷的委托,指派刘斌律师、赵楠实习律师作为青岛海之润国际贸易有限公司及孙学雷的代理人,就原告日照华丽抽纱有限公司(反诉被告,下称“日照华丽”)诉被告青 岛海之润国际贸易有限公司(反诉原告,下称“青岛海之润”)、孙学雷加工合同纠纷一案本诉与反诉一并发表代理意见如下: 一、20XX年8月至20XX年底,青岛海之润在接到外商 客户订单后,与日照华丽建立加工关系,日照华丽按照青岛海之润提供的网布、胶膜、绣线及电脑版加工绣花台布,加工合同履行期间,日照华丽出现了延期交付、拒绝交付的行为,且因存在质量问题导致青岛海之润客户拒收、索赔。 (一)日照华丽加工绣花台布期间存在恶意拒绝履行、

迟延交付的违约行为,致使合同目的不能实现,贵院应当确认合同解除。 20XX年10月26日上午,日照华丽法定代表人阚俊久电话通知青岛海之润货号568aa,493套已备妥,可以发货;青岛海之润随即通知宁阳马军利及楼德西柴城赵培松,让二人前往日照华丽所在地提货;20XX年10月26日下午,二人赴日照华丽所在地,傍晚接近该厂时,日照华丽法定代表人电话告知二人,没有任何货物要发给青岛海之润,今后也不再给青岛海之润发货。二人经与青岛海之润法定代表人孙学雷电话沟通后空车返回,并且未收到日照华丽支付的任何货车运输费用。 20XX年12月1日,青岛海之润再次联系日照华丽,明确指出,日照华丽拒绝履行迟延交付的行为已经严重违反了约定,致使青岛海之润的客户取消合同,青岛海之润不得已只能分批折价转卖给其他客户,青岛海之润订单随时可能被客户终止;同时,青岛海之润要求将货号568as产品的1500套必须在20XX年12月2日之前发给本案追加青岛海之润临朐魏长胜。但日照华丽再次拒绝发货。 经青岛海之润统计,日照华丽拒绝履行、迟延交付的产品清单如下: 综上,日照华丽迟延履行、拒绝发货的行为,导致青岛海之润无法向客户交付订单,最终迫使客户解除与青岛海之


新视野大学英语(第三版)读写3答案 UNIT 1 Words in use 1.whereby 2.pursuit 3.inhibit 4.maintain 5.patriotic 6.transcended 7.endeavors/endeavours 8.dedication 9.prestige 10.nominate Banked cloze 1.eventually 2.premier 3.endeavor 4.bypass 5.handicaps https://www.doczj.com/doc/088486612.html,mitted 7.attained 8.transcend 9.feats 10.slightest Expressions in use 1.removed from 2.failed in 3.in the pursuit of 4.deviated from 5.(1)precludes (2)from 6.triumph over 7.work their way into 8.written off UNIT 2 Words in use 1.intervene 2.underestimate 3.recede 4.deem 5.bleak

6.appraise 7.paralyzed 8.symptoms 9.dismay 10.brink Banked cloze 1.characterized 2.aspects 3.amount 4.recede 5.exposed 6.vicious 7.challenge 8.excessive 9.reaction 10.paralyze Expressions in use 1.pulled to a stop 2.black out 3.pop up 4.stopped short 5.plowed through 6.threw himself into 7.let yourself go 8.grabbed for UNIT 3 Words in use 1.integral 2.cherish 3.afflicted 4.noteworthy 5.portray https://www.doczj.com/doc/088486612.html,pliment 7.domain 8.anonymous 9.conscientious 10.perpetual Banked cloze 1.domain


承揽合同纠纷案例承揽合同WORD范本 定作方: 合同编号: 承揽方: 签订地点: 签订时间:__年__月__日 一、项目名称、任务量、酬金、完成期限、备注 二、项目的内容及质量技术要求 三、技术资料、图纸提供办法及保密要求 四、验收标准、方法和期限 五、结算方式及期限 六、违约责任 七、解决合同纠纷的方式:执行本合同发生争议,由当事人双方协商解决。协商不成,双方同意由_____仲裁委员会仲裁(当事人双方不在本合同中约定仲裁机构,事后又没有达成书面仲裁协议的,可向人民法院起诉)。 八、双方协商的其它条款 ---------------------------------- |_______定作方_____|________承揽方____|鉴(公)证意见:________| |单位名称(章)____|单位名称(章)____|________________________| |单位地址:________|单位地址:________|________________________| |法定代表人:______|法定代表人:______|________________________| |委托代理人:______|委托代理人:______|经办人:________________|

|电____话:________|电____话:________|____鉴(公)证机关(章)| |电报挂号:________|电报挂号:________|______年______月_____日_| |开户银行:________|开户银行:________|(注:除国家另有规定外,| |帐____号:________|帐____号:________|鉴(公)证实行自愿原则)| |邮政编码:________|邮政编码:________|________________________| ---------------------------------- _有效期限:______年____月____日至____年____月___日 _监制部门: _印制单位: -


Win7系统绕过开机密码的具体操作方法 怎么才能绕过系统开机密码?如何不破解密码直接进入加密电脑?下面就给大家介绍Win7系统绕过开机密码的具体操作方法。 第一步: 首先进入windows错误恢复界面,选择启动启动修复(推荐),至于这个怎么进去很关键,这里小编教大家一个方法,就是在Windows启动时,就是启动电脑后显示Windows旗帜登录界面时按下主机的开关机键断电(把握好断电时机是成功与否的关键),人工造成异常关机之后,然后再开机就会出现这样的界面了。 第二步: 在进入“启动修复”界面之后,会自动“正在尝试修复”,这里需要几分钟大家稍等下。 第三步: 在扫描完之后,后弹出【启动修复】小窗口界面,窗口中选择“查看问题详细信息”,接着将滚动条拉下来,找到“如果无法获取联机隐私声明,请脱机阅读我们的隐私声明”点击下方的连接。

第四步: 在弹出【erofflps-记事本】中,点击“文件”选择打开,你也可使用组合键Ctrl+O进行打开。 第五步: 在弹出的【打开】窗口中,打开“计算机”选择C盘—Windows—System32。在窗口下面的“文件类型”选择“所有文件”。

第六步: 选择完“所有文件”类型之后,在列表中找到“Utilman”,右键点“重命名”更改为“Utilman1”,接着继续在列表中找到“cmd”右键点击“重命名”更改为“Utilman”。

第七步: 都改好名字之后,关闭“打开窗口”—“erofflps-记事本”—“启动修复”窗口。接着最后一个窗口注意要点击“取消”不要点击“完成”,电脑将会自动重启。 第八步: 在重启之后,点击登录界面的左下角“小按钮”,将会弹出“cmd”运行与命令。 第九步: 在cmd的窗口中,输入以下操作命令:


承揽合同格式 签订合同单位:______(以下简称甲乙方)签订条款如下: 1.产品名称、型号及规格、数量、价格及交货日期等如下表规定: ┌───┬───┬─┬─┬──┬────────┬──────────┐ │产品名│型号规│单│数│单价│总价金额│交货日期及数量│ │称│模│位│量│(元├────────┼─┬─┬─┬──┬─┤ │││││)│十万千百十元角分││││││ ├───┼───┼─┼─┼──┼────────┼─┼─┼─┼──┼─┤ ││││││││││││ ├───┼───┼─┼─┼──┼────────┼─┼─┼─┼──┼─┤ ││││││││││││ ├───┼───┼─┼─┼──┼────────┼─┼─┼─┼──┼─┤ ││││││││││││ ├───┼───┴─┴─┴──┴────────┴─┴─┴─┴──┴─┤ │合计│ 人民币(大写)│ └───┴──────────────────────────────┘ 2.交货办法: (1)交货地点:_________ (2)运输:由甲代办,但一切运杂费用等由乙负责,甲交运日期即为交货日期。 3.付款办法:货物交货后,供方随同提单向乙托收或将单据寄交乙方,乙方根据供方单据电汇供方。 4.验收办法:乙应派员到甲仓库验收,如不能派员验收,甲方即按合同规定产品规格数量代为检验。 5.附则: (1)合同如有修改须经双方同意,双方另行签订合同。 (2)在执行合同期间,如遇市场情况变化或其他原因乙方须在____天前通知撤销加工合同,否则按违约处以______罚金赔偿对方损失。 (3)本合同须经双方签章并鉴证后生效。


新视野第三册答案 Unit 1 Section A. The Expensive Fantasy of Lord Williams 《读写教程III》:Ex. II, p. 9 1. Because this is a title bought with stolen money. The guy‘s real name is Anthony Williams. 2. It‘s small, with a population of only 320. 3. No. He looks like a Scottish noble, soft-spoken and wealthy. 4. The truth is that the man with endless money and a friendly manner was not a lord at all but a government employee living out a fantasy that he was a Scottish noble and paying for it by stealing funds from Scottish Yard. 5. He stole more than eight million pounds over eight years and poured about five million pounds into the village. 6. Most of the stolen money was supposed to be used to pay spies and conduct secret activities against the Irish Republican Army. 7. He used the money to buy an estate, a beautiful home, and a dozen noble titles. But most of all, he sunk his dishonest gains into the village, buying multiple cottages, a pub and a run-down hotel and turning them into very good-looking places. 8. His bank deposits were so large that they were noticed by the bank‘s management. The bank then notified the police, who discovered that the criminal was one of their own. 9. Because in the eyes of some villagers Williams is a helper, pouring most of his stolen money into the village and giving jobs to 43 people. 10. He said in an interview after he was arrested: ―I discovered this bloody huge amount of money. I went from the need to pay off a few debts to what can only be described as greed. There is no way to just ify it.‖ 《读写教程Ⅲ》:Ex. Ⅲ, p. 9 1. suspicion 2. restored 3. considerate 4. inherited 5. furnish 6. justify 7. substantial 8. fantastic 《读写教程Ⅲ》:Ex. Ⅳ, p. 10 1. To his embarrassment he discovered 2. like that 3. strike deals with 4. live it out 5. falls upon dark days


承揽合同案例 某服饰经营公司与某服装厂签订了一份服装买卖合同。合同规定:服装厂向服饰经营公司出售高档男、女西服各200 套,其中男式西服每套1000元,女式西服每套800元,共计价款36万元。款式以服饰公司在服装厂车间看到的成衣样式为准,面料为纯毛料。交货时间为合同签订后3个月以内。服饰经营公司应向服装厂交付定金10万元,余款于提货时付清。还规定如任何一方迟延,则每迟延一天按货款的1%支付违约金。服装厂在服饰经营公司的要求下请A市某贸易公司作为保证人。服装厂为组织生产与某纺织厂订立了一份加工承揽合同。合同规定由纺织厂为其加工一批纯毛料,原料由服装厂提供。纺织厂交货时应将有关检验单、合格证明提交服装厂。服装厂应支付加工费5万元,于合同订立时先行支付定金5000元。合同订立后,纺织厂为降低成本在已有的纯毛原料中掺入了混纺成分,于合同约定期限到来时交货,并称由于时间紧迫检验证明还未拿到。服装厂急于拿回布料,又考虑到纺织厂多年的良好信誉,认为不会有问题,未仔细检验就接收货物,有关证明以后再取。服装厂用这批布料进行生产,但交货时已超过约定履行期10天。服饰公司在提货时发现质量问题,便拒绝接收。双方经过交涉同意30天后按质交货。服装厂另行购入合格布料进行生产,30天后按质按期向服饰公司履行。 请回答: (1)纺织厂在生产过程中掺假并向服装厂交付的行为是何性质?由此服装厂可向 纺织厂提出哪些要求? (2)服装厂能否以“服装厂不能按期履约是由于纺织厂未按规定履约造成,因此纺织厂应承担责任,并且此事件对服装厂来说属不可抗力,因此应予免责”为由向服饰公司提出抗辩?为什么? (3) 假设服饰公司在与服装厂订约前已和港方某公司签订一相同标的和履行期 限的合同,约定每迟一天向港方支付违约金2000元。服饰公司与服装厂订约时,明确告知服装厂该情况,并要求其必须按期按质履行。现因服装厂的违约行为,服饰公司向其提出哪些要求最有利,为什么?服装厂最多向服饰公司支付多少万元? (4)假设服装厂与纺织厂签订合同一周后,均发现对方有丧失履行债务能力的情形,双方是否均可向对方提出解除合同? [答案] (1)该行为属于瑕疵履行。根据《合同法》规定,作为定作人的服装厂可以要求作为承揽人的纺织厂承担修理、重作、减少报酬、赔偿损失等违约责任。 (2)不能。因为根据《合同法》规定,当事人一方因第三人的原因造成违约的,应当向对方承担违约责任。并且这种情况不符合《合同法》关于不可抗力的规定。 (3) 服饰公司有以下几种选择:①要求返还定金。但根据《担保法》第91条规定,定金不能超过主合同标的额的20%,即72万元。超过的部分无效,双倍返还应为144万元,加上无效的28万元,共应返还172万元。②要求支付迟延履行违约金。(10天×36万×1%)=36万元。③要求赔偿损失。损失为服饰公司要向港方支付40天迟延违约金8万元。根据以上分析,服饰公司选择


新视野大学英语3读写教程课后答案《新视野大学英语教材》是国务院批准的教育部“面向21世纪振兴行动计划”的重点工程“新世纪网络课程建设工程”项目之一,由郑树棠教授为项目总责任人和教材总主编。全国十几所重点院校的专家教授参加编写,胡文仲等国内外专家为顾问。下文为大家分享的是新视野大学英语3读写教程课后答案,希望对大家考试复习有帮助哦~ Unit 1 section A III 1 beneath 2 disguised 3 whistles 4 restrain 5 grasp 6 longing 7 praying 8 faithful 9 pledge 10 drain IV 1 tell … on you 2 track down 3 work it out 4 picking on me 5 reckoned with 6 call on 7 on his own 8 get through 9 in disguise 10 revolves around V G O D I K L B F A N VI 1 advise 2 level 3 problems 4 necessity 5 skills 6 experience 7 solution 8 value 9 tool 10 manner VII

1 air-conditioned( 装空调的;有冷气的 ) 2 handmade (手工制作的) 3 thunderstruck (非常吃惊的) 4 heartfelt (衷心的;诚挚的) 5 data-based (基于数据的) 6 self-employe d(自主经营的) 7 custom-built (定制的;定做的) 8 weather-beaten (饱经风霜的) VIII 1. well-informed (对……非常熟悉的) 2 new-found (新获得的) 3 hard-earned (辛苦挣得的) 4 soft-spoken (说话温柔的) 5 newly-married (新婚的) 6 widely-held (普遍认为的) 7 well-meant (出于好意的) 8 well-educated (受过良好教育的) IX 1 no matter how different it may seem form any other substance 2 no matter what a woman tries to do to improve her situation


承揽合同案例 原告:兴达通公司 被告:恒万实业公司 2011年3月22日,兴达通公司与恒万实业公司第九项目部签订《北京市承揽合同》,约定兴达通公司为恒万实业公司承揽的66318部队项目进行施工。施工项目及单价为:浮雕外墙施工单价为每平方米22元,一层仿石漆施工单价为每平方米50元;结算方式为:进场施工7天完成全部柔性腻子,付总款的30%,工程完成合格后付到总款的80%,年底付15%,保修二年期满付5%;兴达通公司自行提供材料;交付方式及期限为:工地现场交付;工期为:浮雕外墙施工3月28日开始施工,4月25日完成。仿石漆施工5月3日开始,至6月15日完工。李铁宝代表恒万实业公司第九项目部签字,并加盖恒万实业公司第九项目部公章,崔静书代表兴达通公司签字,并加盖兴达通公司公章。 合同签订后,恒万实业公司预付工程款20 000元。兴达通公司将所承包的工程分包给牛建元、刘秀花,由后者组织工程队负责施工。 2011年4月27日,恒万实业公司因现场施工人员讨要工资,垫付27名工人工资共计:39000元。现场施工人员收到工资后,从施工现场撤离。工人撤离后,恒万实业公司另行将仿石漆施工承包给第三方。 2011年8月19日,李铁宝就浮雕外墙工程向兴达通公司出具结算单,确认兴达通公司实际施工面积2241平方米,单价为每平方米22元,合计49302元,保修款为49302元的5%,即2465.10元。结算款项尚未支付。 个人分析: 重点信息请见黄色标记内容 本案的焦点问题如下: 1、是否可以恒万实业公司第九项目部名义对外签署合同 2、双方合同是否生效 3、兴达通公司将所承包的工程分包给牛建元、刘秀花是否合法 4、实际施工人员是否可向恒万实业公司讨要工资 5、李铁宝向兴达通公司出具的结算单是否有效 焦点问题分析: 1、2两问与《钢铁买卖合同纠纷》前两问情况相同,详细见该案例分析,此处不再赘述。 3、首先分包工程的承包人应当具有承接该项工程的相应资质,我国法律禁止个人承揽分包工程业务。且兴达通公司与牛建元、刘秀华之间不存在劳务合同,属于分包关系,不符合法律规定。此外,本案亦应查明恒万实业公司承揽的66318部队项目是否仅包含浮雕外墙施工以及一层仿石漆施工。如果仅为此两项,被告属于转包其承接的工程,转包是我国法律所禁止的,转包合同不具有法律效力。 4、兴达通公司与恒万实业公司存在合同关系,兴达通公司与牛建元、刘秀花存在合同关系,恒万实业公司与牛建元、刘秀花不存在直接的合同关系。根据合同的相对性,恒万实业公司与牛建元、刘秀花以及二人组织的施工队伍不存在直接的权利义务关系,因此恒万实业公司无义务向牛建元、刘秀花及其工人支付工程款。恒万实业公司垫付的工程款产生何种法律效力,需要进一步讨论。(貌似有跨级支付工程款的相关规定,本次未查到。如无规定,是否可做无因管理处理,待进一步研究)。 5、关于李铁宝出具的结算单的效力,分析服下:(1)如合同明确约定了项目负责人为李铁宝,其负责范围包含签署结算单,则该单证有效。 (2)如合同未明确约定,则可根据双方往来的合作习惯推定。如在双方的合作过程中李铁宝一直作为签证人或主要签证人,且恒万实业公司并未告知对方其公司内部分工,则李铁


承揽合同范本3篇 在承揽合同中,完成工作并交付工作成果的一方为承揽人;接受工作成果并支付报酬的一方称为定作人。以下是第一范文网小编为大家精心准备的:3篇承揽合同范本。欢迎参考阅读! 承揽合同范本一 经甲乙双方协商一致,签订本合同,共同信守。 一、甲方提供原料情况: 品(材料)名: 规格型号: 单位: 数量: 单价: 金额: 交货日期: 超欠幅度%: 供应办法: 二、乙方加工产品的义务 1. 质量标准: 2. 质量检验及验收办法: 3. 包装要求及费用负担: 4. 交货(运输)办法及地点: 5. 货款共计人民币(大写):

6. 结算办法及期限: 7. 其他: 三、违约责任: 第一点:甲方的违约责任 (1)变更产品品种、质量或包装的规格给乙方造成损失时,应负责赔偿乙方损失。 (2)中途退货的,偿付乙方以退货部分货款总值%的违约金。 (3)自提产品未按规定日期提货的,每延期一天,应偿付乙方以延期提货部分货款总值千分之的违约金。 (4)未按合同规定时间和要求提供原材料、技术资料、包装物的,除交货日期予以顺延外,每日应偿付乙方顺延交货产品总值千分之一的违约金。 (5)未按合同规定日期付款的,每延期一天,应偿付乙方以延期付款总值千分之一的违约金。 (6)实行送货或代运的产品无故拒绝接货的,应承担因而造成的损失并付给运输部门违约金。 (7)错填到货地点或接货人的,应承担因此造成的损失。 (8)其他。 第二点:乙方承担的违约责任 (1)产品、花色、品种、规格、质量、包装不符合合同规定,甲方同意收货的,按质论价;甲方不同意收货的,乙方应包修、包退、包换,并承担因此造成的损失。 (2)未按合同规定的数量交货,少交而甲方仍然需要的,应照数补交;不需要的,可以退货,并承担损失;不能交货的,应偿付甲方以不能交货的货款总值%的违

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