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1. 中美两国经贸领域的互补性很强,两国的发展水平、资源结构存在很大的差异,在劳动力、资本、技术等方面具有各自的比较优势,因而加强中美经贸合作有助于各自的优势互补。
The two countries are highly complementary in economic and trade areas. Given their big differences in the level of development and structure of resources, as well as their respective comparative advantages in labor, capital and technology, China and the USA can reinforce each other’s strengths by enhancing their economic and trade cooperation.

2. 把经贸问题政治化或采取贸易保护主义的措施,只能损害双方的利益,中美两方应以发展的眼光拓展利益交汇面,实现互利共赢。
Politicizing the economic and trade issues or adopting trade protective measures would only jeopardize the interests of both sides. China and US should expand areas of common interest and achieve mutual benefits and win-win results from a developmental perspective.

3. 发展互利共赢的中美经贸关系,对增强中美两国人民的福祉,对推动新世纪中美关系全面健康发展有着重要的意义。
Developing the mutually beneficial and win-win economic and trade ties are of great significance to the enhancement of the welfare of the peoples of China and the United States and the promotion of all-around, healthy growth of the China-US relations in the new Century.

4. Zhou came through to Kissinger as subtle, brilliant, and indirect, a politician of vision who refused to get bogged down in petty detail.

1. 世博会是展示世界各国社会、经济、文化、科技成就和发展前景的舞台,是各国人民交流经验、相会学习和开展合作的盛会。
The World Expo constitutes an arena for the participating countries to display the achievements and prospects in their social, economic, cultural and technological sectors and is a grand event where people from various countries gather to exchange experiences, learn from one another and develop cooperation.

2. 中国进出口商品交易会,又称“广交会”,创办于1957年,每年4月、10月在广州举办,迄今已成功举办了102届。
China Import and Export Fair, also renowned as the Canton Fair, has been held successfully without any suspensions for 102 sessions in Guangzhou every spring and autumn since its inauguration in 1957.

3. 广交会以其84万平方米的展览总面积、超过15000家代表本行业先进水平、产品优良、资信良好的参展商、以及近20万名来自210多个国家和地区的到会客商而被誉为“中国第一展”
The Canton Fair, a comprehensive exhibition, has won its reputation of “China’s No.1 Fair” for its exhibition space of 840,000 m2, ov

er 15,000 credible exhibitors representing the advanced level of their own industries, and the fair attracts nearly 200,000 buyers from more than 210 countries and regions.

4. 广交会以其84万平方米的展览总面积、超过15000家代表本行业先进水平、产品优良、资信良好的参展商、以及近20万名来自210多个国家和地区的到会客商而被誉为“中国第一展”
The Canton Fair, a comprehensive exhibition, has won its reputation of “China’s No.1 Fair” for its exhibition space of 840,000 m2, over 15,000 credible exhibitors representing the advanced level of their own industries, and the fair attracts nearly 200,000 buyers from more than 210 countries and regions.

5. 2006年10月15日,在第100届广交会开幕式暨庆祝大会上,温家宝总理宣布:“为了更好地适应对外开放的新形势,扩大进口,增加出口,推动进出口贸易的协调平衡发展,中国政府决定:从第101届开始,广交会更名为中国进出口商品交易会。”
On October 15, 2006, at the Opening and Celebration Ceremony of the 100th session of the Canton Fair, Mr. Wen Jiabao, the Premier of the State Council of People’s Republic of China, announced on behalf of the Chinese Government that: “In order to better adapt to the new circumstances of opening up, expand import, increase export and promote the harmonious and balanced development of import and export trade, Chinese government decide to change the name of Chinese Export Commodities Fair into China Import and Export Fair starting from its 101st session”.

1. 复旦大学目前拥有17个全日制学院、69个系、73个学士学位点、201个硕士学位点,22个一级学科和134个二级学科可授予博士学位。
Fudan University, currently, comprises 17 full-time colleges and schools, 69 departments, 73 bachelor’s degree programs, 201 master’s degree programs, 22 disciplines and 134 sub-disciplines authorized to confer Ph. D. degrees.

2. 复旦大学以其民主自由的学术风气,对中国东南的知识分子文化和都市文化的建构,产生了及其重要的影响。
With it’s liberal, democratic academic ambience, Fudan University has played a pivotal role in shaping the academic and urban culture of southeast of China.

3. 复旦大学已经成为一个包容文理工医等学科的综合性大学,当前,正在大力推进学科建设和教学改革,提高办学质量和效益,全面提升复旦学术研究的知名度和影响力。
Fudan University has become a comprehensive University with a complete range of disciplines in liberal arts, science, engineering and medicine.

4. 当前,正在大力推进学科建设和教学改革,提高办学质量和效益,全面提升复旦学术研究的知名度和影响力。
Currently, it’s working hard in the hope of spurring discipline construction and education reform, and improving education qualit

y and efficiency, and elevating Fudan’s academic influence and visibility in all dimensions.

One of China’s six ancient capital cities, Hangzhou has a history of more than 2.000 years. It’s famous not only for its natural beauty but also for its cultural traditions.

2. 杭州人观西湖有一种说法:“晴湖不如雨湖,雨湖不如夜湖.” 您在杭州,一定要去领略一下西湖的风韵,看看次说是否有道理。
Hangzhou residents have their way of enjoying the beauty of the West Lake. According to them, “The West Lake looks more delightful on rainy days than on clear days, but it is at its best after darkness has fallen.”

3. 东方明珠广播电视塔位于黄浦江畔、浦东陆家嘴嘴尖上,塔高468米,三面环水,是亚洲第一,世界第三的高塔。
The Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower stands on the Huangpu River and at the point of Lujiazui in Pudong. Surrounded by waters on three sides, the 468-meter-high tower ranks first in Asia and third in the world in height.

1. 五年前的今天,我代表中央政府,在这里宣告中国政府恢复对香港行使主权,中华人民共和国香港特别行政区正式成立。今天,我们再次聚会,隆重庆祝香港回归祖国五周年。
Five years ago today, I declared here, on behalf of the Central Government, the resumption of the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong by the Chinese Government and the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. Now we are gathered here once again to celebrate the fifth anniversary of Hong Kong's return.

2. 今天的香港,“一国两制”、“港人治港”、高度自治方针得到全面落实,原有的资本主义制度保持不变,广大居民继续以自己习惯的方式生活。
Today, the policies of "one country, two systems," "Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong" and a high degree of autonomy have been implemented in an all-round way, and the capitalist system and the lifestyle that Hong Kong residents are accustomed to have remained unchanged.

3. 中华民族历来珍惜个民族大团结和祖国统一,中国的56个民族,从古代开始就在华夏大地上劳动和繁衍,经过长期的相互帮助、相互学习,形成了统一的多民族国家。
The Chinese nation has always valued the great unity of all the ethnic groups and the reunification of the country. Since ancient times, people of the 56 ethnic groups have toiled and multiplied on the vast land of China.

4. 中国政府在香港实行,“一国两制”、“港人治港”、“高度自治的基本方针
The Chinese government carries out the basic policies of “one country, two systems”, “admin

istration of Hong Kong by the Hong Kong people” and “a high degree of autonomy” in Hongkong.

5. “一国两制”就是在中国统一的国家内,内地实行社会主义制度,香港保护原有的资本主义制度和生活方式,50年不变。
“One country, two systems” refers to the fact that in China, a unified country, the mainland practices the socialist system, and Hong Kong’s existing capitalist system and way of life will remain unchanged for 50 years.

6. 今天,香港依然是一座美丽四射、充满活力的现代都市,其作为国际上一个金融、贸易、航运中心的地位得到了进一步的加强,被誉为全球“透明度最高、治理的最好、政府干预最少的范例。”
Today, Hang Kong remains an enchanting modern metropolis full of vitality, and its position as an international center for finance, trade, and shipping has been strengthened further. It’s praised as a global model with the highest transparency, the best administration, and the least government intervention.

7. 10年前的今天,中英两国政府举行了香港交接仪式,中国政府庄严宣告对香港恢复行使主权,中华人民共和国香港特别行政区成立。
Ten years ago today, at the handover ceremony of Hong Kong held by the Chinese and British governments, the Chinese government solemnly announced its resumption of the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong and the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China (Hong Kong SAR).

8. 此时此刻,我们不禁回忆起香港回归祖国的历史进程。我们要向创造性地提出“一国两制”科学构想、直接指导中英香港问题谈判和香港特别行政区基本法起草、为祖国和平统一开辟了崭新道路的邓小平先生,表示深深的怀念!
As I speak to you, I cannot but recall the historical process of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. Mr Deng Xiaoping creatively put forward the scientific concept of "one country, two systems" and personally oversaw China's negotiation with Britain on Hong Kong and the drafting of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong SAR, thus breaking a new ground in striving for China's peaceful reunification.
9. 我们坚信,广大香港同胞同祖国人民心连心、肩并肩,一定能够创造香港发展的新辉煌,一定能够为实现中华民族的伟大复兴作出新贡献!
We are fully convinced that working closely with the people of the motherland, the Hong Kong people can surely create another success story in Hong Kong's development and make new contribution to the rejuvenation of the great Chinese nation!

10. 7月7日,是中国抗日战争爆发68周年纪念日。中国抗战既是世界反法西斯战争的一个重要组成部分,也是一场相对独立的反侵略战争。
July 7 this year marks the 68th anniversary of the outbreak of China’s War of Resistance against Japanese

Aggression. The Chinese Anti-Japanese War is both an important component of the anti-fascist war of the world and a relatively independent war against aggression on its own soil

11. 在战略层面上,中国抗战打乱了日军的战略部署,为盟国调整部署争取了战略间歇。
On the strategic level, China’s War of Resistance upset the strategic deployment of Japanese troops, winning a strategic interval for the Allies to adjust their military deployment.

12. 假如没有中国,假如中国被打败了,日本军队局可以占领澳大利亚,进兵印度,并一直冲到中东,再与希特勒来个大会师,孤立苏联,其战略后果不堪设想。
If it had not been for China, or if China had been defeated, the Japanese army could have occupied Australia and advanced toward India, charging all the way to Middle East to join forces with Adolf Hitler and completely isolate the Soviet Union. The strategic consequence of all this was really hard to imagine.

1. Henry Ford was himself a born mechanic and could build a car with his won hands. So he respected his workers and treated them well. He believe in the dignity of work, and did not wish his men to become underpaid robots.

2. For any Englishman, there can never be any discussion as to who is the world’s greatest poet and greatest dramatist. Only one name can possibly suggest itself to him: that of William Shakepeare.
对于任何一个英国人来说,谁是世界上最伟大的诗人和最伟大的戏剧作家,这个问题根本 用不着讨论。他可能想到的只是一个人的名字,是那就是威廉莎士比亚。

3. It’s paradoxical that we should know comparatively little about the life of the greatest English author. He was born in 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon, and that he died there in 1616.

4. 莎士比亚一生大部分时间是在伦敦渡过的,并在那里写出了杰作。他生平中最重要的不是无关紧要的琐事,而是其作品—戏剧和诗歌。
What is important about Shakespeare’s life is not its incidental details but its products, the plays and poems.

5. 莎翁诗歌及其笔下的人物,长期以来不仅为英国人所喜爱,而且也为世界各地的文学爱好者所喜爱,在那些学者和评论家及其所有论著统统被遗忘后,人们照样还会喜欢他的作品。
Shakespeare’s poetry and Shakespeare’s people have long delighted not just the English but lovers of literature everywhere, and will continue to do so after the scholars and commentators and all their works have been forgotten.

. 上海浦东新区地处中国海岸线中点和长江出海口的交汇处,仅靠繁华的上海市区,背倚长江三角洲,面对太平洋及东南亚的发达国家和地区,有着得天独厚的地理优势。
The Pudong New Area lies at the mid-point of China’s coastline where the Changjiang River empties into the sea. Adjacent to the properous downtown area of Shanghai, backed by the rich and Yangtze River Delta and located vis-à-vis the Pacific and Southeast Asian developed countries and regions, it enjoys a unique geographic advantae.

7. 浦东开发是中国改革开放的重要标志,浦东新区已成为当今中国投资环境最好、经济发展最快的地区之一。
The development of Pudong is an important symbol of China’s reform and opening up to the outside world. The Pudong New Area has become one of the areas in China that have the best investment environment and fastest economic growth.

8. 上海大剧院位于市中心人民广场,占地面积约为2.1公顷,它成为上海又一个标志性建筑,使人民广场成为上海名副其实的政治文化中心。
The Shanghai Grand Theater, located at the People’s Square in the center of the city, occupies and area of 2.1 hectares. It has become another landmark in Shanghai, making the People’s Square the veritable political and cultural center of the city.

9. 上海大剧院由法国一家著名的建筑设计公司设计,总建筑面积为62803平方米,总高度为40米,分地下2层,地面6层,顶部2层,共计10层。
Designed by a well-known French arcitectural desinging company, the Grand Theater is 62,803 square meters in floor space and 40 meters in height. It has ten stories, two under the ground, six on the ground, and another two on top.

10. 大剧院共有三个剧场,大剧场1800座,分为正厅、二层、三层楼座及6个包厢,中剧场750座,小剧场300座,舞台设施也是世界一流的。
It has three theaters respectively named the Lyric Theater, Drama Theater and Studio Theater in order of size. The Lyric Theater has 1,800 seats, with the auditorium divided into the stalls, the circle, the balcony and six boxes. The Drama Theater has 750 seats, and the Studio Theater, 300 seats. The main stage is equipped with world-class stage facilities.

1. 从前,人们日出而作,日落而息。没有人关心别的地方是否阳光灿烂。声音传达不到地球的另一端。时间只是个区域性的概念:挤牛奶有规定的时间、割稻收麦有规定的时间、坐下来休息也有规定的时间。
A long, long time ago, people rose with the sun, and set with it. Nobody cared if it was sunny somewhere else. Voices didn’t carry across the planet. Time was a local concept: time to milk the cows, time to get in the wheat and rice, tie to sit and rest.

2. 中华民族历来坚持独立自主的民族精神和发展道路。

The Chinese nation has persistently pursued an independent national spirit and road to development. We regard independence as the foundation on which to build the country. We have created a splendid Chinese civilization by making unremitting endeavor over 5,000 years.

3. 中华民族历来坚持独立自主的民族精神和发展道路。 中国人民把独立自主当作立国之本,在五千年的不懈奋斗中创造了灿烂的中华文明.并在近代反抗外来侵略、实现民族解放的斗争中自立自强,最终掌握了自己的命运。
We grew stronger by relying on our own efforts in the struggle to resist foreign aggression and gain national liberation in modern times and finally became masters of our own destiny.

4. 中华民族历来珍惜个民族大团结和祖国统一。中国的56个民族,在古代开始就在华夏大地上劳动和繁衍,经过长期的相互帮助、相互学习,行程了统一的多民族国家。
The Chinese nation has always valued the great unity of all the ethnic groups and the reunification of the country. Since ancient times, people of the 56 ethnic groups have toiled and multiplied on the vast land of China. They helped each other and learned from each other over long years and thus formed a unitary multi-ethnic country.

5. The human brain is not only digital and analogic, but it also has a built-in system of values which gives it a componentially incalculable advantage over machines.

6. Human translators will always be necessary for any text that is stylistically appealing and semantically complex – which includes most of what is worth communicating in another language.

7. The most difficult texts to translate are not, however highly literary productions, but rather those texts which say nothing, the type of language often used by politicians and delegates to international forums.

8. 坚持一个中国的原则,是发展两岸关系和实现祖国统一的基石。1949年来,尽管两岸尚未统一,但大陆和台湾同属一个中国的事实不能改变。
Adherence to the one-China principle serves as the cornerstone for both developing cross-Straits relations and achieving peaceful reunification of the motherland. Although the mainland and Taiwan are not yet reunified, the fact that the two sides belong to one and

the same China has remained unchanged since 1949.

9. 和平解决台湾问题,实现祖国和平统一,符合两岸同胞的根本利益,符合中华民族的根本利益,也符合当今世界和平发展的主流。
A peaceful resolution of the Taiwan issue leading to the peaceful reunification of the motherland is in line with the fundamental interests of compatriots across the Taiwan Straits as well as the Chinese nation as a whole. Similarly, it’s also in agreement with the current trend of peace and development of the world.

10. 如果两岸客运包机实现了“节日化”,还可以向常态化发展,两岸货运包机问题,也可以由两岸民间行业组织交换意见。
If the cross-Straits direct passenger charter flights can be conducted on all festivals and holidays, they can also gradually develop into a regular practice. On the issue of cross-Straits direct cargo charter flights, non-governmental trade organizations of both sides could also exchange views.

Anything beneficial to the Taiwan compatriots and conducive to the promotion of cross-Straits exchanges, to the maintenance of peace in the Taiwan Straits region and to the motherland's peaceful reunification, we will do it with our utmost efforts and will do it well. This is our solemn commitment to the broad masses of the Taiwan compatriots.

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