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1. Secretary-General’s Message on World Refugee Day


New York, 20 June 2013


The number of forcibly displaced people in the world continues to rise. There are now more than 45 million refugees and internally displaced people – the highest level in nearly 20 years. Last year alone, someone was forced to abandon their home every four seconds.

世界上被强迫流离失所者的人数持续增加。目前有4 500多万难民和境内流离失所者——这是近20年来的最高数字。仅在去年,每四秒钟就有一人被迫离开自己的家园。

War remains the dominant cause, with the crisis in Syria a leading instance of major displacement. More than half of all refugees listed in a new report by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees come from just five war-affected countries: Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, Syria and Sudan. Major new displacements have also been occurring in Mali and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


Figures give only a glimpse of this enormous human tragedy. Every day, conflict tears apart the lives of thousands of families. They may be forced to leave loved ones behind or become separated in the chaos of war. Children suffer the most. Nearly half of all refugees are below age 18, and a growing number are fleeing on their own.


Forced displacement also has a significant economic, social and, at times, political impact on the communities that provide shelter. There is a growing and deep imbalance in the burden of hosting refugees, with poor countries taking in the vast majority of the world‘s uprooted people. Developing countries host 81 per cent of the world‘s refugees, compared to 70 per cent a decade ago.


Finding durable solutions for the displaced will require more solidarity and burden-sharing by the international community. On World Refugee Day, I call on the international community to intensify efforts to prevent and resolve conflicts, and to help achieve peace and security so that families can be reunited and refugees can return home.


2. Secretary-General’s Message on World Environment Day


5 June 2014


―Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level‖


World Environment Day 2014 falls during the International Year of Small Island Developing States, declared by the United Nations General Assembly to raise awareness of the special needs of this diverse coalition as part of the global discussion on how to achieve a sustainable future for all.

在为所有人建设一个可持续未来的全球讨论中,联合国大会宣布2014年为小岛屿发展中国家国际年,以提高人们对这个多样化群体的特殊需求的认识,2014年世界环境日应时而办。The world‘s small island nations, which are collectively home to more than 63 million people, are renowned as prized destinations: places of outstanding natural beauty, vibrant culture and music appreciated around the globe. While small in total, the land size of small island nations does not reflect their importance as stewards of nature‘s wealth on land and sea. They play an important role in protecting the oceans and many are biodiversity hotspots, containing some of the richest reservoirs of plants and animals on the planet. 全世界的小岛屿国家共有居民6 300多万,都以旅游胜地而著名:自然景观奇美,文化和音乐生机勃勃,令全球为之倾倒。小岛屿国家虽然地域狭小,然物华天宝,海陆奇珍荟萃,重要性不言自明。他们在保护海洋方面发挥重要作用,其中许多是生物多样性热点地区,所藏动植物品类繁盛。

Despite these assets, Small Island Developing States face numerous challenges. For a significant number, their remoteness affects their ability to be part of the

global supply chain, increases import costs – especially for energy – and limits their competitiveness in the tourist industry. Many are increasingly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change – from devastating storms to the threat of sea level rise.

小岛屿发展中国家尽管有此等奇珍,却面临诸多挑战。许多国家因地处偏远,难以融入全球供应链,进口成本上升,能源尤甚,并限制了他们在旅游业中的竞争力。许多国家越来越难以经受气候变化的冲击,其中既有毁灭性的风暴,也有海平面上升的威胁,不一而足。Small Island Developing States have contributed little to climate change. Their combined annual output of greenhouse gases is less than one per cent of total global emissions, but their position on the front lines has projected many to the fore in negotiations for a universal new legal climate agreement in 2015. Others are leaders in disaster preparedness and prevention or are working to achieve climate neutrality through the use of renewable energy and other approaches. 小岛屿发展中国家造成的气候变化很小,其温室气体年度合并排放量不足全球总量的百分之一,但因地处前线,许多国家在2015年谈判达成有普遍意义的气候变化新法律协议进程中居于显要位置。其他国家要么在备灾和防灾方面执牛之耳,要么正试图通过使用可再生能源和其他方法,达到不影响气候的目标。

Small island nations share a common understanding that we need to set our planet on a sustainable path. This demands the engagement of all sectors of society in all countries. On World Environment Day, millions of individuals, community groups and businesses from around the world take part in local projects – from clean up campaigns to art exhibits to tree-planting drives. This year, I urge everyone to think about the plight of Small Island Developing States and to take inspiration from their efforts to address climate change, strengthen resilience and work for a sustainable future. Raise your voice, not the sea level. Planet Earth is our shared island. Let us join forces to protect it. 小岛屿国家有一项共识,即我们必须让我们的地球走上可持续的道路。这要求所有国家的社会各阶层均参与其中。在世界环境日这天,世界各地有数百万个人、社区团体和企业投身于清洁活动、艺术展览和植树活动等当地项目。今年,我促请大家思考小岛屿发展中国家的困境,从他们努力应对气候变化、加强适应能力和建设可持续未来的过程中汲取灵感。提高你的声音,不要提高海平面。地球是我们共同的岛屿。让我们携起手来加以保护。

3. Message from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, on the Occasion of World Oceans Day


―One Planet, One Ocean‖


Together we have the power to protect the ocean


8 June 2014


The importance of the ocean for sustainable development was recognized at the 2012 International Conference on Sustainable Development, and it lies at the heart of negotiations within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. World Oceans Day is an opportunity to celebrate the importance of the ocean for life on earth and to stand up for its protection. 2012年国际可持续发展大会强调了海洋对可持续发展的重要意义,海洋也是围绕《联合国气候变化框架公约》谈判的焦点。世界海洋日为我们提供了一个机会,强调海洋对地球上的生命所具有的重要意义并大力促进对海洋的保护。

At a time of rising threats, ?business as usual‘ is no longer acceptable – we must change how we understand, manage and use ocean resources and coastal areas. For this, we need to know more about the ocean and draw on stronger science to craft sustainable, ecosystem-based policies for the ocean and coasts.


Through its Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, drawing on 46 marine World Heritage sites and the implementation of the Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage, UNESCO acts at the forefront of intergovernmental efforts to deepen ocean research and policy.


UNESCO works to strengthen the evidence base for sharper decision-making on the ocean and to link science more tightly with policy and society. This includes strong partnerships with civil society. UNESCO is supporting a comprehensive platform of Non-Governmental Organizations to raise the profile of ocean issues in the run-up the Conferences of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP), in Lima in 2014 and in Paris next year. 教科文组织努力增强海洋决策的实证基础,强化政策与社会间的联系。其中包括与公民社会的紧密合作。教科文组织正在为一个全面的非政府组织平台提供支持,以便在联合国气候变


Simultaneously, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, the Oceanography Society and the Fundació Navegació Ocèanica Barcelona are bringing together ocean science experts to shape international collaboration in marine sciences and technology at the 2nd International Ocean Research Conference that will be held this November in Barcelona, Spain. In collaboration with a variety of UN and other institutional stakeholders, UNESCO is also actively engaged in the World Ocean Assessment and the Global Environment Facility‘s Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme, to improve knowledge about the ocean and deliver science-based information to decision-makers.


All of these efforts are important for mitigating ocean hazards and the impact of climate change, essential in this International Year of Small Island Developing States. UNESCO is fully on-board to help prepare the 3rd International Conference on Small Island Developing States that will be held this September in Apia, Samoa, with an emphasis on engaging young people.


The ocean is essential to our well-being and the future of our planet, and World Oceans Day is a moment for all Governments and all societies to join forces in ensuring its protection.


One Planet, One Ocean – Together, we have the power to protect them both. 同一个地球,同一片海洋——携手同心,我们有能力将二者一同加以保护。

4. Message on International Day of UN Peacekeepers


29 May 2014


United Nations peacekeeping has a long and proud history, with more than one million peacekeepers having served in more than 70 operations on four continents since its establishment in 1948. Looking to the future, we can be confident that as new challenges emerge, United Nations peacekeeping will evolve to meet them.


Today, more than 116,000 UN personnel from more than 120 countries serve in 16 peacekeeping operations. At great personal risk, these military, police and civilian personnel help stabilize communities, protect civilians, promote the rule of law and advance human rights. Last year, 106 Peacekeepers perished carrying out their duty under the UN flag, bringing the total number of lives lost in the history of peacekeeping to more than 3,200. We mourn the passing of every one of these courageous individuals. We grieve with their friends and families and we recommit ourselves to ensure that their contributions to the cause of peace will never be forgotten.


United Nations peacekeeping is modernizing to ensure that it can tackle tomorrow‘s peace and security challenges. It is deploying new technologies such as unarmed, unmanned aerial vehicles, refining its practices to better protect civilians, and boosting the representation of women among its ranks while strengthening its partnerships with regional organizations. The United Nations is improving logistics and administrative practices, strengthening infrastructure and taking other steps to harness the power of our personnel. Our goal is to ensure that peacekeeping is a cost effective, valuable investment that brings enormous benefits and, above all, saves lives.


Over the past year, the Security Council has established two peacekeeping operations – in Mali and the Central African Republic – again highlighting its trust in UN peacekeepers to take on tough challenges. The UN Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo helped the Government defeat the M23 rebels that had preyed upon civilians in the country‘s East. In South Sudan, for the first time in UN peace-keeping history, our peacekeepers systematically opened the gates of their bases to tens of thousands of civilians, saving their lives and protecting them from either government or opposition forces. In an historic breakthrough, a woman was named the first female Force Commander of a UN peacekeeping operation.


Earlier this month, the Security Council established the ―Captain Mbaye Diagne Medal‖, named after an unarmed Senegalese peacekeeper who lost his own life after saving as many as a thousand people during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. This medal will honour UN personnel who demonstrate exceptional courage. Let us all commit to following the selfless example of Mbaye Diagne and other fallen heroes, as we work together to help our blue helmets be a force for peace, a force for change, and a force for the



5. Message on International Mother Earth Day


22 April 2014


Each year, on Mother Earth Day, we reflect on our relationship with the planet that supports us. The air we breathe, the water we drink and the soil that grows our food are part of a delicate global ecosystem that is increasingly under pressure from human activities. From tropical deforestation to depleted ocean fisheries, from growing freshwater shortages to the rapid decline

of biodiversity and increasingly polluted skies and seas in many parts of the world, we see the heavy hand of humankind.


As our population grows we have to recognize that our consumption of the planet‘s resources is unsustainable. We need a global transformation of attitude and practice. It is especially urgent to address how we generate the energy that drives our progress. Burning fossil fuels is the principal cause of climate change, which increasingly threatens prosperity and stability in all regions. That is why world leaders have pledged to reach a global legal climate agreement in 2015. 世界人口不断增长,我们必须认识到,我们对地球资源的消费是无法持续的。我们必须从根本上改变我们的态度和做法。当务之急是要解决如何生产推动我们社会进步的能源的问题。燃烧化石燃料是造成气候变化的主要原因,它日益威胁着世界各个地区的繁荣和稳定。正因为如此,世界各国领导人承诺在2015年就全球气候问题达成协议。

Action on climate change presents multiple opportunities to reset our relationship with Mother Earth and improve human well-being, especially for the poorest and most vulnerable. Sustainable energy for all can increase health, wealth and opportunity for billions of people, as can climate-smart agriculture, more efficient cities and better managed and protected forests.


To generate ambitious action on the ground and raise momentum for a new climate treaty in 2015, I am convening a Climate Summit in New York on 23

September this year. I am inviting Heads of State and Government along with private sector and civil society leaders to showcase initiatives and forge alliances that can help launch a sustainable future. But they need support and encouragement, for change is never easy. So today, on International Mother Earth Day, I appeal to all people everywhere to raise their voices. Speak out on behalf of this planet, our only home. Let us care for Mother Earth so she can continue to care for us as she has done for millennia.


6. Secretary-General’s M essage on the 100-Day Countdown to the International Day of Peace


13 June 2014


Today marks the 100-day countdown to the International Day of Peace, when the United Nations calls on nations, communities and individuals to renounce conflict and promote harmony.


The theme for the Day this year acknowledges the 30th anniversary of the General Assembly Declaration on the Right of Peoples to Peace, with its central message that humanity‘s sustainable progress and the realization of fundamental rights and freedoms depend on peace and security. This understanding is central to the Rights up Front approach, which calls on the international community to act earlier and more concertedly in the face of human rights violations, which are often the precursors of worse to come.


Over the coming 100 days we need to unite as a human family to deliver the right to peace by encouraging fighters to lay down their arms. Let us stand

in solidarity with the civilians killed by terrorism and war, the traumatised families whose homes and futures lie in ruins, the countries whose development has been set back by decades.


History has shown that, no matter how fierce, conflict can end, peace can prevail and reconciliation can triumph. On 21 September, at concerts around the world -- in major cities and small towns, in conflict zones and peaceful communities – people will broadcast this essential message. They will celebrate the value of human diversity and the strength of our unity.


As we start the countdown, I urge every peace-loving person to engage with their friends and neighbours, their community organizations and governments. Together, let us demand the right of peoples to peace.



写给鲁迅先生的一封信 【篇一:写给鲁迅先生的一封信】 尊敬的鲁迅先生: 您好! 至今,我不止一次听过您的事迹,从对您略知 一二到深知熟解,对您的敬仰之心也日益增强。 最近读了您的作品,我受益匪浅。您的作品都 充分表现出您对封建社会的憎恨,对人们受到封 建社会的毒害而感到悲伤。 读了您的《三味书屋》,就好像看到了您幼年 的时候,您为了上课不迟到,在课桌上刻了一个 早字;好像看到您,在蜡烛的灯光下,刻苦学习,奋笔疾书的身影。 在这篇文章中,每当读到您在幼年时,专心致志,勤奋学习的片段,我就会想到自己三年级的 时候:一天晚上,我正在写作业,可是遇到了不 会的题目,我烦躁的算来算去,怎么也做不对, 我一气之下把作业重重的摔在地上,第二天早上,数学老师把我叫到办公室狠狠地批评了一顿,可 我心里始终不服气。您勤奋学习,遇到难题努力 思考,可我遇到难题就不肯做,我不禁为自己感

到惭愧。 鲁迅先生,我知道您早已离我们远去,但我却 能从您留下的文章中,知道您是个工作勤勤恳恳 的人,为了革命事业您奉献了自己的一生,把所 有的心血都投入到工作里。因为您忘我献身的精神,让后人永远记住了您,以您为榜样。 鲁迅先生,我也一定会以您为榜样。在生活中,我会牢记您的教导,在学习中,我也会投入您那 种忘我的精神。 此致 祝您在天堂过得开开心心 【篇二:写给鲁迅先生的一封信】 尊敬的鲁迅先生: 你好! 在我的眼里一张瘦小的脸庞,两道尖锐的眼神,一头不屈的白发,他,就是鲁迅。 鲁迅先生是中国无产阶级文学家、思想、教育家、革命家,鲁迅先生的一生都是坎坷不堪的。 我佩服鲁迅我不敢说我了解鲁迅,但至少敢说 今身也不忘鲁迅的作品。有人说如果不是因为考试,没有人会读鲁迅更多的作品,从小到大我已 经记不清读过多少遍了鲁迅的作品了每次阅读,


写给窃我雨衣的人一封信 可恨实在“可恨”的小偷:你好! 上周六风雨交加,下班时在寒风中冻的我瑟瑟发抖,这时,想起了跟我相处很久的雨衣,当我打开车筐,顿时,犹如晴天霹雳,竟发现我的雨衣不知被哪个“小人”偷走了! 承蒙你看得起,在风雨交加的下午偷我雨衣,为何你不把我电车偷走哪?不知该说你是“良心”发现,还是“技术水平”有待提高,虽然雨衣不是什么贵重物品,但是你的行为却是见不得人的勾当,可恨的小偷,我不知你是一位已过而立之年的中年人,还是风华正茂的年轻人?我在想,如果你是一位中年人,那一定是上有老,下有小了吧?!不知道,你这种“职业”被你的儿女知道,他(她)们会如何看待你这位父亲?是崇拜?是羞耻?又或无所谓,只要你按时给钱就行?假如你是一位年轻人,不知你是否已有女朋友?若有,又不知她知道你是做这“行当”的,会作何感想!或许她和你是“同行”吧?! 可恨的小偷,看在你“良心”发现,没有偷我电车的份上,我想劝劝你——放弃这个“职业”吧!无论是为你的家人有脸面在人前生活,还是为了你自己的前程,下决心放弃这见不得人,人见人恨,如过街老鼠般的“行当”吧!以你这份“手上技术活”的天分,踏踏实实工作,有何难?再着,做事情不会一直风调雨顺的,总会有个磕磕绊绊,你被逮进去,你的家人怎么办?,你无时不承受着巨大压力作案,在工作生活中承受生存的压力更不在话下!我坚信,只要你放弃你现在所“从事的职业”,踏踏实实工作,以堂堂正正的人去生活,你的前程一定会光明无限!在这里送你一首诗。 你临人世之辰光,父望成龙喜欲狂。 母倾心血来哺育,期待儿男能自强。 孰料龙种成跳蚤,殷切期望付黄梁。 顺手牵羊成职业,铤而走险饱私囊。 智者千虑必有失,法网恢恢日夜张。

最新英汉对照演讲稿:潘基文 消除贫穷国际日致辞

最新英汉对照演讲稿:潘基文消除贫穷国 际日致辞 编者按:国际消除贫困日(International Day for the Eradication of Poverty)亦称国际灭贫日或国际消贫日是联合国组织在1992年12月22日会议上通过47/196决议,由1993年起把每年10月17日定为国际灭贫日,用以唤起世界各国对因制裁、各种歧视与财富集中化引致的全球贫富悬殊族群、国家与社会阶层的注意、检讨与援助。提高全球的灭贫意识,提醒所有人持续为2015年“1.靠每日不到1 美元维生的人口比例减半2.挨饿的人口比例减半”这个目 标而努力。2012年纪念日的主题强调“消除极端贫穷暴力:促进赋权,建设和平”,希望促进世界各地的人们对该主题继续进行深入的对话和讨论。 Secretary-General’s Message on International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 消除贫穷国际日致辞 17 October 2012 2012年10月17日 Poverty is easy to denounce but difficult to

combat. Those suffering from hunger, want and indignity need more than sympathetic words; they need concrete support. 要痛斥贫穷很容易,但要战胜它却很困难。遭受饥饿、匮乏和屈辱之苦的那些人需要的不仅仅是同情的言语,他们还需要具体支持。 We mark this year’s International Day for the Eradication of Poverty at a time of economic austerity in many countries. As governments struggle to balance budgets, funding for anti-poverty measures is under threat. But this is precisely the time to provide the poor with access to social services, income security, decent work and social protection. Only then can we build stronger and more prosperous societies –not by balancing budgets at the expense of the poor. 在我们举办今年的国际消除贫穷日活动时,很多国家正面临经济紧缩。由于各国政府要竭力平衡预算,除贫措施的供资面临威胁。但是,现在正是让穷人获得社会服务、收入保障、体面工作和社会保护的时候。只有这样我们才能建设更为强大和更加繁荣的社会——而不是通过牺牲穷人的 利益以平衡预算来做到这一点。 The Millennium Development Goals have galvanized


联合国秘书长潘基文2015年国际地球日致辞中英对照 The word …mother? holds great power. It evokes memories of the women who gave us life, nurtured us as infants and helped mould us into who we are today. The Earth is the ultimate mother – an astounding planet that has, since time immemorial, supported life in myriad forms. As humans, we outgrow the need for constant maternal care. But we can never outgrow our reliance on Mother Earth. As long as we live, we need air, water, fertile soil and the countless other gifts this planet bestows. “母亲”一词蕴含着巨大的力量。它使我们联想到妇女,她们赋予我们生命,把我们从婴儿养育成人,并帮助塑造我们的人格。地球是终极的母亲,这个神奇的星球自远古以来就一直承载着万物。生而为人,我们长大以后就不再需要母亲的持续呵护,却永远不能摆脱对地球母亲的依赖。只要活着,我们就需要空气、水、肥沃的土壤以及这个星球赐予我们的万物。This dependence makes it all the more astonishing that we have allowed rapid and often unwise human development to disrupt so many of the delicate systems that have functioned harmoniously for millennia. We are increasingly aware of the damage our species has wrought – the pollution, the dwindling resources, the species of flora and fauna forever gone, the rush towards tipping points that may alter the way our planet functions. Even with this knowledge, we have yet to change our ways. 我们如此依赖,却又允许开展快速、并且经常不明智的人类开发活动,破坏这么多已经和谐运行了几千年的微妙系统,岂不更加令人吃惊?我们日益意识到我们这个物种已经造成的损害:污染、资源日益减少、永远消失的动植物物种,并且我们正在急速走向可能会改变我们这个星球运行方式的临界点。我们即便已经认识到这一点,却还没有改变我们的行为方式。But we can change, and 2015 brings a critical opportunity to do just that. This year, the world aims to finalize the post-2015 sustainable development agenda and reach a new and meaningful universal climate change agreement. These processes have the potential to redefine our future for the better, by eradicating extreme poverty in all its forms and resetting our relationship with this planet and every living being it sustains. 但我们是可以改变的,2015年就是实现改变的一个关键机会。今年,全世界的目标是最后敲定2015年后可持续发展议程,并达成一个新的、有意义的普遍性气候变化协议。这些进程有可能通过消除各种形式的极端贫困,调整我们与这个星球及其维系的每一个生命的关系,从而重塑我们的未来,使之向更好的方向发展。


给家长的一封禁毒告诫信 敬爱的爸爸妈妈: 你们好! 毒品是指鸦片、吗啡、海洛因、大麻、甲基苯丙胺(冰毒)以及国家规定管制的其它能使人形成瘾癖的麻醉药品和精神药物,毒品的危害可概括为“毁灭自己、祸及家庭、危害社会”。 有关资料显示,吸毒人员主要为35岁以下的青少年,初中文化程度人员居多。大多数吸毒者在吸毒前没有受到过正规的禁毒教育,在校学生吸毒的现象时有发生。研究表明,初中或初中以下文化程度的个体,常对事物的认识比较肤浅、片面,因此也容易接受毒品产生的直接效果、奇特感受,却难于经过综合分析、抽象概括后认识毒品的本质危害。来自不同地区、不同研究人员的调查资料均显示,不论把导致吸毒的原因分为几类,对毒品的无知都是导致吸毒的重要原因之一。大多数吸毒人员没有从正规的禁毒教育渠道获得过关于毒品的知识,并不了解毒品的实际危害,而知道国家关于禁毒的有关法律、法规的更是寥寥无几。 老师说过,家长要以身作则,在孩子面前更要做榜样。无论家庭中有多大的矛盾和问题,父母首先不能沾染毒品。 要掌握了解毒品的危害和禁毒知识,成为子女拒绝毒品的老师。根据子女年龄的不同,采取民主协商的办法,不断完善一些必要的家规和准则,相互监督。认识子女的朋友和他们的父母,便于家长之间随时沟通,共同商讨毒品预防问题,用一致的思想、方法教育子女。 你们知道如何发现孩子可能染上毒瘾吗? 1、吸烟的孩子容易被人引诱吸毒,尽量别让孩子染上吸烟的恶习。如果子女经常躲藏在卫生间或自己房间吸烟,家长就要警惕了。 2、无精打采却又睡不好觉,老想找借口出去。向家长要钱,而且数量很大,又不见买回什么东西。 3、吸毒的孩子情绪往往有特殊的变化:爱发火、胃口不好、流鼻涕、眼睛无神。 4、在孩子的卧室或卫生间等处往往藏有硬纸卷的小圆管和有燃烧的锡纸或注射器、针头等吸毒工具。 我们每一个人都有责任做一个禁毒示范者,做一个禁毒志愿者,而这有待你们和学校一起努力! 爸爸妈妈,给我们多一些关爱吧!关注我们,让我们健康成长! 某某某 某年某月某日


给小偷的一封信_ 经典搞笑语录 尊敬的小偷阁下你好! 我知道谁活的都不容易,你们这个高危的职业更是难做。每天早出晚归的收入还不确定,另有牢狱之灾,拳打脚踢应该习以为常,佛说人与人相遇就是缘分,您能来我家更我是百年修来的缘分,另外,我也知道你们的行规:贼不走空。 我说我家很富有你信不?不信?我也不信。没有办法,我现在距离开薪水的日子还有15天,家里所剩全部资金99元,都在桌子上,你可以不用考虑我和孩子的死活全部拿走,也不用怜悯我的生死,本来想给你留更多的路费,上个月有1个生孩子的,2个孩子上学的,3个孩子结婚的,4个搬家的,5个家里有病,我随了3个月的工资还外欠人家10元零5毛。剩余的99元本来是100元,我把孩子的奶粉掐断了(主要是奶粉不知道喝什么好),孩子不听话非要喝豆浆,所以只能给你留99元。 我们家的情况我不说你也会看到,电视机你可以搬走,就是重了点儿,我看了19年零3个月加8天了,没有什么大毛病,质量杠杠的,现在显像管老化,画面有些儿模糊,图像发红,还有点跑磁右上角,不过还是可以对付看的,你要是喜欢,尽管拿去。 冰箱我不知道你需要不?我们早就断电了,据我维修的朋友说是什么压缩机坏了,换一个也就200多点儿,我现在是拿这个冰箱当碗架柜用,你要是不嫌弃沉也可以搬走。不过,有一个要求,我哪里的碗筷你要是讲究给我留下,我和孩子将对你万分感激。 还有一个值得提醒你的是我这个486电脑,如果你要是会打字的话,你就尽管拿去,这个东西我是买的二手的,8年前我花了200多元,现在的价格我就不知道了,它基本完好,电池不能用了,千万别忘记把电源也带走。没有光驱,cpu 频率是100赫兹的,是486最高级别的cpu,内存是16m的,硬盘是814m的,我装的是win98系统,练一练五笔,打个tt都可以,听歌就难说,主要是硬盘没有地方了。 对了,我家里很乱,你想找什么东西,我可以告诉你在哪里。你要是实在找


给藤野先生的一封信 给藤野先生的一封信 尊敬的先生: 您好!阔别二十余年,您一切安好吧! 二十多年的时间,并没有拂去您在我心中的印象,反而是更加的清晰和高大了。我忘不了您在仙台对我不倦的教诲;对我热心的希望;在我离开时,对我的依依不舍。在仙台,我与您相处的这段时间里,我就已经明白,您对我的所作所为,小而言之,是为中国,就是希望中国有新的医学;大而言之,是学术,就是希望新的医学传到中国去。您衷心于医学事业,对一个来自“弱国”的学生,抱着同情与尊重。在您那里,我不仅学到了医术,还得到了一笔终生用之不尽的财富。我为有您这样的先生而骄傲与自豪。 借此机会,我要对您说声“对不起”(我不能亲口对您说,希望您能谅解)。当年我离开仙台后,并没有去学生物学,而是去从事文学了。当时我告诉您我将不学医学时,我仿佛觉得您有点悲哀,因此才编了这么一个谎言,希望您能欣慰点。虽然,我弃医从文了,可是我的国家还很弱。这不仅仅是肉体,更可悲的是灵魂的“贫弱”,所以我想,拯救国人的灵魂比拯救国人的肉体更为重要。但无论我的路怎么走,我永远都感谢您! 离别了这么多你那,我竟没有给您写过一封信或寄过一张照

相,实在是愧疚莫及。我想,您对我一定非常失望吧。您给我修改的讲义,我弄丢了。但您的照相,至今还挂在我的寓居的东墙,书桌的对面,每当夜间疲倦,正想偷懒时,仰面在灯光中瞥见您黑瘦的面貌,似乎正要说出抑扬顿挫的话来,便使我又忽良心发现,而且增加勇气了。于是点上一支烟,再继续写些为“正人君子”之流所深恶痛疾的文字。 我之所以有今天的成就,全都是因为有您,我再一次感谢您,我尊敬的先生。 祝 平安、健康!


抓小偷的感谢信 您好! 近来,我在新闻里看见了许多被诈骗的消息。显然,你们的生意很入门。我这次是想对你们说,不要再当小偷了,你们这样东躲西藏的日子既不光荣又不容易。我冒昧的想劝你们不要再偷东西了,请你们找个工作来做吧。别人辛辛苦苦赚来的钱也不容易,可就这样被你们偷了,也不觉得可惜吗?我知道你们也非常辛苦,又要养家,又要赚钱。可是你们再偷东西,经查找晚会抓住你,法官也早晚会给你判刑的,有时,法官还会判死刑。如果是这样,别人家庭不仅会毁了,你们的家庭也会应为失去顶梁柱而毁了。 如果你们是真的找不到工作的话,你们可以去帮别人,当清洁工。喔,我可以推荐几个地方,你可以去那儿帮忙:第一个是学府小学海文部对面的包子店,第二个是桂庙新村百姓渔村的服务员和售货员,第三个,也是最后一个,就是在海岸城当演员——演小偷,因为你本身就是个小偷嘛! 最后,祝你们找到工作! 祝: 早日找到工作,工作顺利! 学府小学海文部四年级:徐小婷 抓小偷的感谢信 [篇2] 小偷先生:

如果你看到这封信,那么非常不幸,门高一尺,盗高一丈,你又成功地破坏了我们新买的防盗门,成为第10位进入我房子的小偷。 小偷先生,信封里有50元钱,你先拿着,算是彩头,然后耐着性子把这封信读完。这屋子虽然看上去挺乱的,但每一样东西都有秩序,你想找什么我一样一样告诉你,请你不要乱翻,有些东西对你一文不值,但对我们却很重要。 你来我家,主要目的肯定是“借”钱,我们都刚发了工资和津贴,但都打在银行卡里了,银行卡我们随身带着。为了不令你太失望,也感谢你的配合,我在电脑桌第一个抽屉里放了183块钱,你拿走100元,剩下的我们留着买菜。你可能嫌这100元钱太少,那就拿点东西吧。 电脑你千万别动,这是上大学时买的东西,现在老得连“大富翁”都打不起来,你就是拿出去也卖不了几个钱,这里面有我和老公网恋时的电子情书。为了感谢你对我们伟大爱情的支持,在键盘下面我也放了100元钱,请注意查收。 你看到墙角那把吉他没有?你把它拿走吧,能卖几个钱,以我的修养,我总不能把它从窗户丢出去,虽然我看到它就不爽。我们家最奇怪的就是阳台上那台冰箱了,你把它的电源插上试一下,听到没?它居然会唱歌。这是我从我妈妈家拉回来的淘汰产品。 我家那空调制冷也不太好,建议你也不要动。还有那台

潘基文 致辞(完整版)

潘基文致辞 潘基文致辞 第一篇: 潘基文世博致辞 our exellen premier en jiabao, distinguished heads of state and government, distinguished ministers, seretar-general of bie mr. losertales, missioners general hua junduo, exellenies, ladies and gentlemen, 尊敬的温家宝总理阁下, 尊敬的各位国家元首, 尊敬的各位部长阁下, 尊敬的国际展览局秘书长洛塞泰斯先生, 上海世博会中国政府总代表华君铎大使, 各位嘉宾,女士们、先生们: the ord has gone forth. sine ma of this ear, all around the orld, people have been talking about a remarkable, even histori, event. the have heard about daXXling ne tehnologies … rih ultural elebrations … star performanes b daners, singers, ators … all enated on the stage-set of these beautiful and splendid pavilions. and so the have e …

here to shanghai … from all orners of the orld. the ame to see ith their on ees … more than 70 million peopl e from dozens of ountries. and the ere not disappointed. to the ontrar, the ere aed … and inspired. 自从5月份以来全世界的人们都在谈论着一件非常卓越的历史盛事,所有这些都在美丽灿烂的展馆里得到了展现,所以他们来了,来到了上海,他们从世界各地纷至沓来,他们亲眼目睹了这一盛世。7000多万人次来自几十个国家,他们并没有失望,恰恰相反他们感到了惊叹和振奋。 the government of hina, the it of shanghai and the international bureau of expositions deserve the highest praise. the government and people of hina have proven our apait to organize suh an important international event of extraordinar expositions. and i sinerel ongratulate, on behalf of the united nations -- m most profound and siniere ongratulations on this most suessful orld expo 201X shanghai! 中国政府、上海市政府以及国际展览局理应得到这最高的誉。中国人民和政府已经证明了,他们有能力来举办这样一个重要的国际盛事。我在这里代表联合国对你们表示最衷心的祝贺,祝贺你们举行了这一次最成功的201X年中国上海世博会。 exellenies, ladies and gentlemen, 尊敬的各位阁下,女士们、先生们, at this great orld plaza, hina has brought nations together… elebrated global diversit… inspired the orld ith


1. Secretary-General’s Message on World Refugee Day 秘书长世界难民日致辞 New York, 20 June 2013 2013年6月20日纽约 The number of forcibly displaced people in the world continues to rise. There are now more than 45 million refugees and internally displaced people – the highest level in nearly 20 years. Last year alone, someone was forced to abandon their home every four seconds. 世界上被强迫流离失所者的人数持续增加。目前有4 500多万难民和境内流离失所者——这是近20年来的最高数字。仅在去年,每四秒钟就有一人被迫离开自己的家园。 War remains the dominant cause, with the crisis in Syria a leading instance of major displacement. More than half of all refugees listed in a new report by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees come from just five war-affected countries: Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq, Syria and Sudan. Major new displacements have also been occurring in Mali and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 战争仍是主要原因,而叙利亚危机是大规模流离失所的一个主要实例。仅五个受战争影响国家的难民就占了联合国难民事务高级专员新的报告中所列全部难民的一半以上;这五个国家是:阿富汗、索马里、伊拉克、叙利亚和苏丹。大量新的流离失所现象也已在马里和刚果民主共和国出现。 Figures give only a glimpse of this enormous human tragedy. Every day, conflict tears apart the lives of thousands of families. They may be forced to leave loved ones behind or become separated in the chaos of war. Children suffer the most. Nearly half of all refugees are below age 18, and a growing number are fleeing on their own. 数字只让人们看到了这一巨大人类悲剧的一瞥。每一天,冲突撕裂了数千个家庭。他们可能被迫离开亲人,也可能在战争的混乱局面中失散。儿童受苦最重。全部难民有近一半年龄不满18岁,越来越多的孩子自己逃离。 Forced displacement also has a significant economic, social and, at times, political impact on the communities that provide shelter. There is a growing and deep imbalance in the burden of hosting refugees, with poor countries taking in the vast majority of the world‘s uprooted people. Developing countries host 81 per cent of the world‘s refugees, compared to 70 per cent a decade ago. 强迫流离失所还对收容社区产生了重大的经济和社会影响,有时还产生了重大的政治影响。在收容难民的负担方面出现了日益严重的不平衡,穷国接收了世界上绝大多数流离失所者。发展中国家收容了世界难民中的81%,而十年前则为70%。


给藤野先生的一封信作文(3篇) 给藤野先生的一封信作文(1)敬爱的藤野先生:您好!您现在是不是还站在讲台上用红笔批改着您现在的学生的讲义呢?您的领结是不是仍被您经常忘记躺在您家的某个角落里呢?您的记忆中是否还残存着几十年前那个中国学生的身影呢?如果都是的话,我很高兴还能看到和原来一样的那个不拘小节、一丝不苟的您。 也很高兴看您还能记得当年不太用功,有时也很任性的我。 几十年了,我竟一直没有勇气给您写一封信,我还记得您曾叮嘱我将来照了寄给您,并且时时通信告诉他此后的状况。 可我离开仙台之后,就多年没有照过相,又因为状况也无聊,说起来无非使他失望,便连信也怕敢写了。 经过的年月一多,话更无从说起,所以虽然有时想写信,却又难以下笔,这样的一直到现在,竟没有寄过一封信和一张照片给您。 对此,我感到深深的抱歉。 为了表达我对您的歉意,我终于鼓起勇气写下了这封信,希望您看后能够原谅。 我现在在中国过得还不错。 我放弃了医学,现在正从事于文学工作。 我想您也曾看到过我写的文章吧,我也曾写过一篇文章来怀念您,希望您能够喜欢。 您或许还在叹息我放弃了医学吧?其实这也是别无选择的。

您知道,我的国家正处于内忧外患的时代。 医学并非一件紧要事。 凡是愚弱的国民,即使体格如何健壮,也只能做毫无意义的材料和看客。 我们的第一要着,是在改变他们的精神,要提倡文艺运动。 所以,我选择了文学。 我想,您一定会为我在文学事业上做出的成绩而感到高兴吧?我希望能得到您的信任。 漆黑的夜,凉凉的风,丝丝的雨,一只白鸽带着我对你的思念飞行。 跨过黑夜,跨过风雨,跨过大洋,只为对您说一声:老师,谢谢您。 ”您的学生:鲁迅一九二七年十月二十一日初二:孙潼给藤野先生的一封信作文(2)尊敬的藤野先生:您好!离开仙台已有20多年了,您还好吗?十分抱歉,因总感事业无成,所以也就没有给您写过一封信,您不会怪我吧?当年,我因为觉得中国是个弱国,振奋民族精神势在燃眉,所以我弃医从了文,记得那时,我对您说我去学生物,其实是在骗您的,为的就是不想让您难过,不过,我相信,您一定能理解我这颗爱国之心的对吧?现在,我想我应该做的便是用文学来挽救那些已经麻木的中国人,作为青年应该放责任在自己身上,向前走,把革命的伟大扩大。


小偷先生: 如果你看到这封信,那么非常不幸,门高一尺,盗高一丈,你又成功地破坏了我们新买的防盗门,成为第10位成功进入我房子的小偷。 小偷先生,信封里有50元钱,您先拿着,算是头彩,然后耐着性子把这封信读完。这屋子虽然看上去挺乱,但是每一样东西都有秩序,你想找什么我一样一样告诉你,请你不要乱翻。有些东西对你一文不值,但对我们却很重要。还有,我生性不勤快,也不想回来辛苦的收拾屋子,还望配合。 你来我家,主要目的肯定是“借”钱,我刚发了工资,但都打在银行卡里了,银行卡我随身带着。为了不令您太失望,也感谢您的配合,我在电脑桌的第一个抽屉里放了183块钱,你拿走100,剩下的我们留着买菜,你可能嫌这100元钱太少,你还会在心里骂:“打发要饭的呢!”那就拿点东西吧。 电脑您千万不要动,这是上大学的时候买的东西了,现在老的连大富翁都打不起来,你就是拿出去也卖不了几个钱,还要雇车,再说也容易被人发现,这里面还有我和老公网恋时的电子情书,为了感谢你对我们伟大爱情的支持,在键盘下我也放了100元钱,请注意查收。 你看到墙角那把吉他没有?音质很好,是老公的一个婚前好友送的,你把它拿走吧,能卖几个钱,也算是帮了我的忙,以我的修养,我总不能把它从窗户上丢出去,虽然我看到它就不爽。我们家最奇怪的就是阳台上那台冰箱了,你把电源插上试一下,听到没?它居然会唱歌。是我从我妈妈家拉回来的淘汰产品。 这个东西大,制冷也不太好,建议你也不要动。还有那台电视,二手市场买的,花费80元,如果你一定要拿,我也不拦你。儿童房的那些玩具建议你不要动,我家穷,小孩子买不起玩具,那里有很多都是我老公用废弃物品制作出来的,可以说每件都倾注着老公的拳拳爱子之情,你将来也会做爸爸,你会理解的。 为了感谢您的理解,门下放了50元现金。卧室您就不用进了吧,毕竟是很私人的地方,什么?你进了,你可真不听话,你看到了吧,那窗帘和床罩都是我一针一针缝出来的。你一定看到床头柜了,别试图把它打开,其实里面什么都没有,只有针头线脑童话书之类的小东西,那个小米黄色按钮就是开关,如果你一定要看,那就按吧,不过建议你不要按。


联合国秘书长潘基文在南京大学的演讲 I am delighted to be here on this beautiful campus at one of the world's oldest centers of learning. Nanjing has long been one of China's most historic cities. It has seen dynasties rise and fall. It has endured natural disasters and the worst atrocities of war. Today, Nanjing is at the heart of China's growth, and this university is playing a central role. 很高兴能来到这里,来到这个美丽的校园,这是世界最古老的学府之一。南京一直以来都是中国最具历史意义的城市之一。它曾经经历了起起伏伏,遭遇了各种自然灾害,以及最严重的战争创伤。今天,南京是中国发展的中心城市,而南京大学则在其中发挥了关键的作用。 Thank you for welcoming me into your distinguished family. I accept this Honorary Doctorate not for myself but for the organization I serve, the United Nations. By honouring me, you are recognizing the critical role of the UN in shaping our modern world, a world that increasingly looks to China. 感谢各位邀请我,加入你们著名的大家庭中。我接受荣誉博士的称号,并不是为了自己,而是为了我服务的组织——联合国。而贵校之所以授予我这个荣誉称号,是因为你们意识到联合国扮演的重要作用,以及对现代世界的影响。中国在这个世界中越来越具有影响力。 Every time I come to China I marvel at its dynamism, the breath-taking speed at which it is changing. I saw this today on the new Huning High Speed Railway from Shanghai. Three hundred kilometres in just over an hour. This is not even your fastest train. Last week China introduced the world's fastest scheduled service between Shanghai and Hangzhou. And I read in the news that China is a front-runner to build a super-fast computer. China is, indeed, a country on the move. 每次我来到中国,都被中国所展现出来的活力深深地折服,同时我也赞叹于中国发生日新月异的变化。今天,这一点再次得到了印证。从上海到南京的沪宁高铁只需仅仅一个小时便可完成300千米的行程。但这却不是中国速度最快的火车。上周,中国速度最快的高铁沪杭高铁开通了。并且,从新闻中我获知中国在制造超速计算机领域也是个世界领跑者。中国,的确是个不断前进的国家。 Its transformation is profound. Its influence is global. Its power is real. By some accounts China's economy is now second only to the United States, larger than that of Japan or any single member of the European Union. The decisions China makes today, on the economy, on the environment, on its political evolution, will reverberate down the generations and across the globe. This is what I want to talk about today. 中国转型是深刻的。它实实在在的力量使得其在全世界具有重要的影响力。一些报道说,中国的经济总量目前仅次于美国——比日本或欧洲任何一个国家都要大。中国今天在经济发展、环境保护以及政治发展上所做的种种决策,都将极大地影响着我们的下一代,影响着全球。这是今天我希望向各位传达的内容。 Ladies and gentlemen, 女士们,先生们, China is on the cusp between the developing and developed worlds. You have met many of the Millennium Development Goal targets and you have the potential to meet them all by 2015. And yet per capita GDP is one-tenth that of the major developed countries. China's coastal cities are modern and sophisticated. And yet vast inland areas cry out for development. Your economy is mighty. And yet one hundred and fifty million Chinese live below the poverty line. That is why development remains China's top priority. The question on everyone's minds, here in China and abroad, is how to ensure that this development is sustainable. 中国目前正处于发展中国家向发达国家转变的过渡阶段。你们已经实现了众多的千年发展目标,并且,你们有能力去继续努力,实现所有的目标。然而,中国的人均GDP却只是世界主要发达国家的十分之一。中国的沿海城市是现代化发展程度高、发展程度深的城市。然而,广大的内陆地区仍亟须解决最基本的发展问题。你们的经济总量让人惊叹。然而,仍有1.5亿中国人生活在贫困线以下。这便是为什么发展仍是中国第一要务的原因。萦绕在中国以及世界人民脑海中的一个问题是:怎样确保实现可持续性的发展? Yesterday and this morning, in Shanghai, I visited Expo 2010, the first to be hosted in a developing country. The theme of the Expo is "Better City, Better Life". We have entered the urban century. More than half the world's population lives in towns and cities. This presents considerable challenges but also massive opportunities for sustainable development and improving people's well-being. Yesterday, at the China Pavilion, I saw some of the possible solutions: compact urban design, mixed land use, mass transit systems, renewable energy, low carbon living. China is becoming a world leader in pioneering these concepts. This, for me, is one of the most significant aspects of China's development.、、


Message on World Youth Skills Day 世界青年技能日致辞 15 July 2016 2016年7月15日 Today’s world has the largest generation of youth in history. Their needs and potential are increasingly recognized in the international community. I am proud to have made youth issues a priority, including by appointing the first-ever Youth Envoy to serve as a liaison between the United Nations and the world’s young people. 当今世界的一代青年人数众多,史无前例。青年的需要和潜力日益受到国际社会的承认。我引以自豪的是,我把青年问题列为优先事项,并任命首位青年特使,在联合国与世界青年之间搭起桥梁。 This elevation on the global agenda comes at a critical time. Young people hold the key to society’s future advancement, yet too often they face barriers to their personal progress. More than 73 million are unemployed, making youth three times more likely than adults to be out of work. 提升青年问题在全球议程的地位之时,正值一个关键时刻。青年人掌握着社会未来进步的钥匙,但他们自身的进步却往往受到太多阻碍。目前有7300多万青年失业,失业率比成年人高三倍。 The turmoil prevailing in many societies today adds to the urgency of addressing youth unemployment. Too many youth in developing countries are trapped into working poverty stemming from the irregularity of jobs. They toil without formal employment or social protection. Jobs creation is not keeping up with new entrants to the labour market. 今天许多社会动荡不安,使解决青年失业问题平添几分急迫性。由于不能正常就业,发展中国家有太多青年人沦为穷忙族。他们辛苦劳作,没有正规工作,得不到社会保护。新增就业机会赶不上新进入劳动力市场的人数。 Young people are understandably searching for the financial security, personal satisfaction and sense of purpose that come from meaningful employment. Leaders have pledged to assist them in this effort. The visionary 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls for

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