当前位置:文档之家› 2020秋季湖南省长沙市青竹湖初三第一学期第一次月考考试英语





21.These days,COVED-19has been sweeping across India.________poor life the people there are



B.What a


22.Most kids think________as cartoon characters at parties is fun.

A.dressing up

B.dress up

C.dressed up

23.Your learning habits can decide you can learn well or not.




24.________your smart phones,and you can spend more time with your families and friends.You

know,they are the ones who matter most to us.

A.To put away

B.Put away

C.Putting away

25.Judy used to be very independent so that she________do a lot of things on________own.




26.The________life skills you have,the________you can deal with the problems.


B.fewer,more easy

C.more;more easily

27.The doctor warned the old man________anymore and they suggested he________some

exercise to keep healthy.

A.not smoke;did

B.not to smoke;do

C.no smoking;does

28.Neither Emma nor her parents________to America,but________of them speak American

English very well.

A.have been;all

B.have been;none

C.has been;neither

29.________August11th,2020,Zhong Nanshan received the“Order of Republic”(共和国勋章).

As a hero,he tells us love is what we are born________,while duty is what we learn________ life.




30.—Do you know________?

—Since last September.

A.when the milk tea house opened

B.how long the milk tea house has been open

C.how soon the milk tea house will open


第一节语法填空从A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳答案填空。(共10小题,计10分) It was a late night My mom and I were driving home when we passed by a convenience store, where my mom found a corn man.As we drove back around,we____31____in front of the store so that we could buy corn.

I knew I had a$20bill(钞票)in my wallet,so my mom and I could each get a corn cob(玉米棒)and we could also get some sweet potatoes to take to my____32____at home.As soon as I opened up the bill,I____33____it was actually a$5bill.However,we had to pay6dollars.

I could have gone inside the store to get more money from the ATM(自动柜员机),but I honestly wasn’t comfortable going inside alone because it was too____34____and not safe enough,

so my mom told me to just____35____my cousin’s sweet potatoes.

I told the man I didn’t have enough money,so I would leave the sweet potatoes and give him the$5.As I put the sweet potatoes down,my mom and I were about to start walking to the car.A young guy next to us,waiting to get his order,offered to____36____them He said,“Hey,take the ____37____.I’ll get them,”I honestly thought to____38____I shouldn’t do that,but he insisted(坚持)doing so.Finally,we said“Thank you”and left.

It may have“just”been a dollar short,but still,he did not have to do that and it was like his first instinct(本能)as soon as he saw me put the sweet potatoes down.My mom and I were so ____39____.Thanks to that man,my cousin was moved,too.

Sometimes,being kind doesn’t mean doing big things.A small action,an instinct to help others can also____40____a difference.

31.A.left B.stopped C.turned

32.A.daughter B.friend C.cousin

33.A.realized B.thought C.remembered

34.A.far https://www.doczj.com/doc/0614361429.html,te C.early

35.A.sell1 B.buy C.leave

36.A.prepare for B.look after C.pay for

37.A.bill B.corn cobs C.sweet potatoes

38.A.myself B.himself C.herself

39.A.bored B.moved C.nervous

40.A.make B.tell C.see




Travel Package(包价旅游)to Penghu



9:00Pick-up at Makung Airport

→The Old Tree→Penghu Great Bridge

12:30Lunch(The famous fish feast(盛宴)

→Bird watching→Sunset on the beach

18:00Dinner(Pumpkin rice noodles)

→Rainbow Bridge→Hotel


9:00Breakfast(At hotel)

→Animal Farm→Back

18:00Drop-off at Songshan Airport

Cost:$450per person(If you book this travel package before the Mid-Autumn Festival(10/1), you can get20%off)Kids under10are free.

41.If Jack and his parents book the travel package to celebrate Jack’s first year in the primary

school on October1st,they should pay________.




42.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Tourists will stay at least 2nights in Penghu.

B.The travel package offers a good chance to get close to nature.

C.Tourists will have great fun experiencing the farm life on Oct 6th .

B How the Grinch Stole Christmas Writer.Dr.Seuss (from America)Number of pages (页码):64Price:$12.5Story:The Grinch is an unkind guy.He tries to stop Christmas from coming by dressing up as Santa Claus and stealing others’presents and decorations (装饰品)on Christmas Eve.However,everyone still celebrates the holiday happily.The Grinch decides to return everything.

The Story of Holly and Ivy Writer:Rumer Godden (from England)Number of pages:32Price:$6.5Story:This is an interesting story with a happy ending.As Christmas is coming,Holly,the doll (玩具),wishes for a child to love her.Ivy,an .orphan (孤儿),wishes to have a real home.Mr.and Mrs.Jones wish for a child to celebrate the holiday with them.Will the happy ending make you believe the magic of Christmas?

Angelina’s Christmas Writer:Katharine Holabird (from America)Number of pages:87Price:$9.5Story:When Angelina sees old Mr.Bell all alone at Christmas time,she decides to bring him some holiday cheer.She asks her cousin Henry for help,but he refuses at first.Anyway,he decides to join Angelina in the end.

43.Why did the Grinch steal Christmas gifts and decorations?A.To end Christmas.B.To play a trick on Santa Claus.C.To decorate his Christmas tree,44.Which of the following is TRUE about the books?A.Three writers are from the same country.B.The Story of Holly and Ivy is not as expensive as Angelina’s Christmas .C.How the Grinch Stole Christmas has the longest story among books.45.From the introduction above,we can know that ________.A.not all the stories take place around Christmas B.Holly,Ivy and the Jones may spend Christmas together C.Henry accepts Angelina’s invitation without thinking twice

第二节短文理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A 、B 、C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。(共10题,计20分)

A COVID-19is changing the world of travel,and now a new cabin design (机舱设计)is offering a look at what plane journeys could look like post-COVID-19(the time after COVID-19).The idea of “Pure Skies"has been created by PriestmanGoode,a British company,who wants to

find a way“taking in personal space and touch-free journeys”.

So,what could new cabins look like?

For a start,there would be no more touch screens for passengers to watch movies or play games. That doesn’t mean they won’t be able to do so.Instead,there will be screens which passengers can connect their phones or iPads with,and they can control from here.Besides,safety information will be written on the back of the seat,so passengers can read those all important rules without having to touch the safety card at all.

As for the seat pockets?We already know those sometimes are pretty dirty.So in the post-COVID-19world,you wouldn’t have a seat pocket at all.But there will be a removable(可移动的)bag for you to put some little things together.

The way the seats are put could also look different.PriestmanGoode advises that the rows(排) of seats should be staggered(错开的)so that people have more personal space.This also allows people to sit with a group of two or three friends or family members,while staying away from strangers on the plane.Between each row of seats,there would be a screen from the ceiling(天花板) to the top of the seat for further protection.

At the moment the“Pure Skies”cabin is just an idea,but it offers a look at what flying could look like in the future.

46.The idea of“Pure Skies"

https://www.doczj.com/doc/0614361429.html,es from Priestmangoode,a US company

B.may make it possible to take in personal space

C.will change the world of travel completely

47.The underlined word“touch-free”in the passage means“________”in Chinese.




48.Passengers can read safety information________.

A.on the back of the seat

B.in the seat pockets

C.from the middle of the ceiling

49.Which is NOT right in the passage?

A.Putting a screen between each row of seats is to further protect passengers.

B.Passengers can watch movies on screens by controlling from their phones or iPads.

C.The staggered seats allow people to sit with strangers as well as their friends.

50.This article is mainly about________.

A.how to make more personal space

B.why a company has created the new cabin

C.what flying could look like post-COVID-19


Today almost everyone has a smart phone.So street phone booths(亭)are out of date and seem to be useless.But cities like Shanghai are trying to bring the old

phone booths to life.

Shanghai will make changes to263phone booths in Xuhui District.The Library Booth is one of the six new kinds of booths,offering60booths for people

to borrow and read.Another kind allows users to listen to audio books(有声书)and

even record their own voices.

Shanghai is not the only city trying to save the old phone booths.London cares

about them even more,because the red booths have long been a special scene in London since the 1930s when they were painted all red.In recent years,London has come up with many ideas to help phone booths stay useful.The UK company British Telecom has added screens and free Wi-Fi to some https://www.doczj.com/doc/0614361429.html,ers can use them to surf online and search for maps and weather reports.The company also allows people to rent(租)some booths to change them as they want to.Since2009, more than1,500phone booths have been turned into flower shops,mini-cafes,art museums and even shower rooms.

In New York City,three phone booths in Time Square are turned into places for immigrant(移民)voices.When visitors pick up the phone,they can listen to oral histories of immigration from the newest New Yorkers.They can also open the books inside the booth to know more about the storytellers.Or they can share a part of their own stories if they wish.

Brazil made phone booths works of art.Sao Paulo paired100artists with100phone booths. Some artists painted on the booths,and others made them sculptures(雕塑)-one was shaped like a brain and another wore a pair of shoes.

Phone booths are finding creative ways to live on.Will they succeed?Only time will tell.

51.Street phone booths are out of date and seem to be useless because________.

A.the street phone booths are very old

B.smart phones are widely used in daily life

C.there is no Wi-Fi and screens in the booths

52.London tried harder than Shanghai to keep the phone booths useful in the following ways


A.providing screens and free Wi-Fi

B.turning the old phone booths into six new kinds of booths

C.giving people a chance to change old phone booths for other uses.

53.For the special use of phone booths in New York,visitors CAN’T________.

A.share their own stories if they wish

B.read books inside the booth about Time Square

C.listen to oral histories from the newest New Yorkers

54.Brazil made phone booths artworks by________.

A.changing them into sculptures

B.making one booth look like a pair of shoes

C.pairing100artists with100phone booths

55.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Phone booths will be sure to succeed living on in the near future.

B.Different cities may use different ways to bring phone booths back to life.

C.Some visitors in New York City may be glad to share their own stories in the Library Booth.


You spent many nights on your schoolwork.In the end,you still did not make it.You failed your exam.It is very normal to feel depressed(抑郁),especially if you have given it your all.56. ________.Learn to deal with exam failure quickly and properly.


Everyone has gone through tons of injures.Some of them may have worse experiences than you. Winston Churchill did not pass sixth grade.Though he became prime minister(首相)in1962,he lost

all of the other elections(选举)he took part in.Abraham Lincoln did not become a successful businessman and lawyer,and he also lost a lot of public elections.But just imagine if they had allowed failures to get the best of them,they would never achieve their goals.

Try again.

Check if there is a possibility you can retake the exam.58.________.At the same time,you can put more work into what you are doing.

Stop yourself from falling into depression.

The last thing you want to happen is to be depressed.59.________You will lose proper concentration(专注力),you will not sleep and eat well,you will lose a lot of weight,and you will get sick so easily.Stress is often one of the leading causes of worry and depression.Take a break.Go out with friends or your family.Take a trip.Do something meaningful with your time like taking up a sport.By the time you are ready to take the time,you will feel refreshed.

A.Know that you are not alone.

B.It will only make things even worse.

C.Tell yourself the failure won’t last long.

D.If you cannot,you can just make up for your failure in your next examination.

E.However,you cannot allow your failure to get in the way of your future success.


In1871,when she was twelve years old,Florence Kelley’s

father took her to a Pennsylvania glass factory to show her the

wonders of America’s factories.When she went inside,she saw small

children working with pots full of acid(酸).

Kelley was angry.She later learned that there were over one

million children working in hot,crowded and unsafe factories.The

work was very dangerous.Every year tens of thousands of kids died

or were seriously hurt.In1889,Kelley knew that she had to do

something.She wrote a book called Our Tolling Children.Kelley

asked people not to buy things made by child workers.

Kelley started giving speeches and writing reports.Within a few years,she became famous. Everyone knew her as the leader against child labor(劳动力).In1893,Kelley fought for new law in Illinois,which said no factories could employ(雇佣)child workers under the age of fourteen.In the same year,a new job,Chief Factory Inspector,was also created,and Kelley got the job to make sure everyone followed the law.

However,in Kelley’s second year as Chief Factory Inspector,something bad happened. Smallpox(天花)broke out in Illinois.Lots of people died of it.Kelley knew that smallpox was passed easily from one person to another.It was even passed by clothing.

When Kelley knew that sick people were still making clothes and giving the clothes to the children and people in their village,she then visited factory after factory.Whenever she saw sick workers,she made them stop working.Kelley told the factory owners to burn the clothes.Even though they were very angry,they burned thousands of dollars’worth of clothes.Kelley’s actions saved many American children from smallpox,and she kept working for children’s rights for the rest of her life.

60.What were the wonders of America’s factories when Kelly was young?


61.How did Kelly make sure everyone followed the new law?

_________________________________________________________________________________ 62.When did Smallpox break out in Illinois?

_________________________________________________________________________________ 63.Why did Kelly tell factory owners to burn clothes?

_________________________________________________________________________________ 64.Kelly spent her whole life working for children’s rights,didn’t she?

_________________________________________________________________________________ IV.写作技能(三部分,共11小题,计32分)

第一节语篇翻译阅读下面的短文,将划线部分译成英文或中文。(共5小题,计10分) After76days of lockdown(封城)the city of Wuhan was set free on https://www.doczj.com/doc/0614361429.html,i Yun,65.a restaurant owner,was preparing to reopen his https://www.doczj.com/doc/0614361429.html,o Ji,a deliveryman(快递员),shared videos of the empty streets of Wuhan that be filmed during the lockdown.Xiao Fanfan and Xiao Sui,a couple, finally got to see each other after months of being apart and decided to get married.

You can watch these stories and more in the documentary Long Time No See,Wuhan.In this documentary,Japanese director Ryo Takeuchi,41,shows the real lives of10families in Wuhan after the city lifted its lockdown.66.Everyone in the documentary did his or her bit to bring the city back to normal,

67.这部纪录片已经在中国和日本都得到了大量的关注。Even Zhao Lijian,spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,praised it during a news conference(发布会).“This documentary is very touching,as it shows people’s lives in a simple,honest and heart-warming way.”Zhao said.

68.In August,Takeuchi shared his experience of making the film at the Beijing Film Festival. He said Zhao’s praise surprised him.“It was a great honor for us,”he told China Daily.According to Ryo,he wanted to help foreigners feel relaxed and have a fair opinion about Wuhan with the film.He said he worried that Wuhan would become like Fukushima,the Japanese province that is considered a dangerous place even nine years after the nuclear accident(核事故).So69.他想通过拍摄这部电影告诉世界这个城市是多么的安全。“This documentary is for not only Chinese movie-goers,but also people abroad,”Takeuchi said.“I want to show the world a real Wuhan.”






A:How’s it going,Alice?

B:70.____________________!Guess what?I’ve made great progress in English since the beginning of this term.

A:Wow,good for you!71.____________________?

B:Just by doing a lot of exercises and learning from mistakes.Reading English novels and watching English movies also helped a lot.

A:Wonderful.I’m also interested in English novels.72.____________________?

B:No problem.The nearest bookstore is in Wal-Mart on Fuyuan Road.73.____________________? A:Not yet!

B:74.____________________?We’ll have an8-day holiday soon.

A:Sounds great.We can go there by taxi.

B:OK.By the way,the new movie Mulan is on show these days.Let’s watch it together.

A:OK!I can’t wait.See you then!







Dear Li Hua,

I’m writing to express my thanks for your kind help during my stay in China.

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