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Chapter1 Geographical Features and Natural Resources

1.In area, the United States is the 4th largest country in the world.

2.The Midwest in the US refers to the region around the Great Lakes and the upper Mississippi Valley.

3.The Backbone of North America refers to the Rocky Mountains

4.Death Valley is on the western edge of the Great Basin.

5.The Great Plains might have a dust storm in summer.

6.The western part of Washington State has the highest rainfall in the US.

7.The US primary suppliers of foreign oil are the following countries except Japan

8.The US largest open-pit copper-mining center is in Utah.

1. The United States is bordered on the north by Canada, on the south by Mexico and the Guff of Mexico,on the east by the Atlantic Ocean , and on the west by the Pacific Ocean.

2.The large territory of the continental US is divided into three basic areas:

A. the Atlantic seacoast west to the Appalachians

B. the Mississippi River Basin

C. the Rockies west to the Pacific

3. The Middle Atlantic States are the most densely populated region in the US, where the land is flat and fertile.

4. The Central Valley of California is a highly productive area, which produced enormous amounts of fruits and vegetables.

5. Most production of oil and natural gas in the US comes from offshore areas of Louisiana and Texas, and from onshore areas of Texas, Oklahoma and California. Her big consumption of energy now has made America insufficient in oil supply. The US reliance of foreign oil has reminded consistently in the 40% ranges.

6. The United States has little trouble caused by the shortage of fresh water. Farmlands in the US making up about 12% of the arable lands in the world, and they are among the richest and most productive.

Chapter 2 American Population

1.The over 3 million of early Americans in 1790 were mostly of British ancestry.

2.About 700,000 immigrants were legally received by the US each year during the 1980s.

3.The official racial segregation continued to be the law of the US until 195


4.American Indians now mainly live in the South .

5.The majority of American Hispanics are from the following countries except Spain.

6.The West now leads in percentage increase in population.

7.According to the 1994 US census, the second most populous state in the US is Taxes.

8.The trend in migration from cities to suburbs now prevailed in all regions except the South .

1.The United States is the third most populous nation in the world.

2.Prior to 1875 anyone from any country could enter the US freely and take up permanent residence there. Later the US Congress passed laws restricting immigration on the basis of morality, race , and national origin. The 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act reaffirmed national origin as the chief criterion for eligibility and established a preferential system for skilled workers and for relatives of the US citizens. For many years the US restricted to total number of immigrants to 270,000 each year, although the real immigrants numbered much greater than the limit. The 1990 Immigration Act limits

the total number of immigrants to 700,000 from 1992 to 1995 and 675,000 thereafter.

3.The first blacks arrived in Jamestown in 1619 as indentured servants, but soon[ after 1619 they were brought to colonies

as slaves. The blacks were formally freed in 1863, but continued to suffer the institutionalized segregation for about a century. Today many blacks still live in the South, some have entered the middle class, but one-third of all black families

still live below the poverty line .

4.The Chinese-Americans have proved to be industrious and intelligent. They are now viewed as a model“minority ” in the US. According to the 2010 US census, there were about 3.8 million Chinese-Americans living in the US. The figure was more than twice what it was in 1990.

Chapter 3 Discovery and Colonization of the New World

1. The ancestors of the present American Indians came from Asia.

2.“ Theambition for the vast lands”is not correct to explain the reasons for the sudden daring exploration of the unknown in

the mid-15 th century.

3.On his voyage of 1492, Columbus expected to reach India .

4.Vasco da Gama discovered the route to India.

5.John Cabot was sent by the English King to explore the new way to the east.

6. New York was not founded first by the English.

7. The breadbasket colonies include the following ones except Virginia . (New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland)

8. The last one of the 13 colonies was Georgia, which was established in 1733.

1. In 1488 Bartholomew Diaz, sailing under the Portuguese flag, went to the Cape of Good Hope at the southern Africa. In 1492 Christopher Columbus, financed by rulers of Spain sailed west across the Atlantic Ocean and discovered the islands of the Caribbean . He was convinced that he had found the continent of Asia.

2.The South Africa was discovered by Amerigo Vespucci who showed the land he arrived in was a new continent. Before long the land was named America after his name.

3.Jamestown, the first permanent English settlement, was founded in 1607 . In 1620, Pilgrims and others arrived in

4.By 1775, the 13 colonies in North America could be classified as the following three kinds. Specify how the governors

were chosen in each.

a. Royal: appointed by the English King

b. Proprietary: chosen by proprietors

c. Self-governing: elected by residents

5. Because the New England colonies were difficult of farming, they become a center for fishing and shipbuilding . The middle colonies were known as the breadbasket , which produced wheat and potatoes as the major staple. The southern colonies developed a plantation system. The main crop in the South was tobacco. Much later, cotton became important crop.

Chapter 4 American Revolution

1. There was a great change in policy towards the 13 colonies after1763.

2.The Stamp Act of 1765 first set a large scale of opposition in the colonies.

3.The Tea Act of 1773 was passed by the British Parliament in order to help the British East India Company .

4. The First Continental Congress was attended by the representatives from all the colonies except Georgia .

5. The first shot of the American War of Independence was fired in Lexington .

6. Thomas Paine ’ s Common Sense urged the American colonistsdeclareto their in dependence .

7. The principal author of the Declaration of Independence was Thomas Jefferson .

8. The victory at Saratoga was considered as the turning point of the War of Independence.

1. During the colonial days the English ruling class did everything they could to control the development of the colonial economy. The colonies in North America were supposed to complement and not compete with English industry.

2. Within the five years from 1763 to 1767 after the war with France, the British government adopted several measures to extract more money from colonies. The Sugar Act of 1764 and the Stamp Act of 1765, for example, laid taxes on certain imports and numerous articles in America to help pay for the costs of British government in the colonies.

3. The Sons of Liberty was formed in 1765 to organize the opposition to the Stamp Act. They favored to take violent action to the stamp collectors.

4.The first Continental Congress was held in Philadelphia in Sep.1774. The majority of the representatives still favor to take peaceful means to settle the quarrel with the British. They agreed to refuse to buy English goods, hoping in this way to

force the British government to give in to their demands. This united action could be called boycott .

5. The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4, 1776 . Karl Marx once called it the first declaration“ of the rights

of the individual ”.

6. The American War of Independence lasted 7 years. The fighting was actually ended in 1781, but the final treaty between Britain and the United States was signed in Paris in 1783. The boundaries of the United States were fixed roughly from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River on the west and from the Great Lakes on the north to Spanish Florida on the south.

The direct social change brought about by the American Revolution was the emancipation of slaves who fought against the British.

Chapter 5 the Confederation and the Constitution

1.The confederation created in 1781 was a very loose union of states .

2.James Madison was called the Father of the US Constitution.

3. The Constitution was frames on the following ideals except that the new government should impose its authority on the people through states.

4. Those who supported the Constitution and preferred a strong national government were called Federalists.

5. Nine States were needed to ratify the Constitution.

6. They“ spell out the people ”’ isr i ncorrectght to comment on the Federalist Papers.

7. The amendment of the Constitution requires the approval of at least three-fourths of the states.

8. When the Second War of Independence broke out in 1812, the US president was James Madison.

1. Under the Articles of Confederation the national government consisted of only a legislature ; it had no separate executive and judicial divisions. The state government was left the exclusive powers to regulate commerce and to tax their citizens.

2. The Constitutional Convention was held in Philadelphia in 1787. Fifty-five delegates from all states except Rhode Island attended the opening session. The president of the convention was George Washington .

3. The Antifederalists opposed the constitution and preferred a more decentralized federal system of government.

4. George Washington was elected unanimously as the first US President in 1788 . The first Vice-President was John Adams, and the first Secretary of Treasury was Alexander Hamilton , and the first Secretary of State was Thomas Jefferson .

5. the most glorious achievement of Jefferson as President was the Louisiana Purchase , which was about 828,000 square miles. This Purchase doubled the area of the then United States.

6. The War of 1812 is also called the Second War of Independence . This war lasted three years and ended in another American victory. An important result of the war was the strengthening of national unity and patriotism . And it was after this war that the US was able to make the change of a semi-colonial economy into a really independent national economy.

Chapter 6 American Expansion and the Civil War

1. The Monroe Doctrine had the following features or ideas except Latin America for Europeans .

2. The US continental expansion was almost complete by 1848.

3. Cotton became the most profitable crop in the South mainly because of the Whitney ’ s cotton gin.

4. In 1854, the Republican Party was founded by some abolitionists .

5. In his inaugural address in 1861, Lincoln showed clearly that he would not abolish slavery immediately but to preserve

the Union .

6. It“immediately freed all slaves living in the United States ” about the Emancipation Proclamation is not accurate.

7. the most important advantage the North had over the South in the Civil War was its industrial superiority .

8. An advantage the South had over the North was its superior military leadership .

1.The essence of the Monroe Doctrine was “America for Americans ”which later became the cornerstone of the US foreign policy.

2.The US expansion to the west may be treated in three stages;

A. the settlement of the region between seaboard states and the Mississippi River

B. the settlement of the Louisiana Territory

c. the occupation of the far Southwest.

3. The great majority of dwellers in Louisiana Territory were the descendants of the French pioneers. They settled mainly in two cities: St. Louis and New Orleans .

4. Oregon Territory was settled between Britain and the United States in1846. Its boundary on the north was fixed at the forty-ninth parallel of north latitude.

5. Under Missouri Compromise, Missouri was admitted as a slave state, but the balance of political power maintained by admission of Maine as a free state. In addition, slavery was to be prohibited in the rest of Louisiana Territory north of the

line 36° 30parallel’.

6.In 1862, the federal government took two revolutionary measures: (1) Homestead Act and (2) Emancipation proclamation.

7. In July 1863 came the turning point of the war at Gettysburg . Here the Confederate army under the general Robert E. Lee was defeated. The battlefield was made a national cemetery , where Lincoln gave his famous speech, the Gettysburg Address, on November 19, 1863.

8. In 1865, the Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution was adopted, which abolished slavery throughout the United States.

Chapter 7 Reconstruction and the Birth of US Imperialism

1. The first US president who faced impeachment proceedings was Andrew Johnson .

2. The radical Reconstruction was ended under the President Rutherford B. Hays

3. Gold was discovered in California in 1848 .

4. The first transcontinental railroad in the US was completed in 1869 .

5. Telephone was invented in 1876 by Alexander D. Bell .

6. The value of manufactured goods in the US was worth twice as that of her agricultural products by 1900 .

7.The first imperialist war, the US —Spanish War, broke out in 1898 .

8.After the US —Spanish War, the US acquired all the following areas except Cuba (Puerto Rico, Guam, the Philippines)

1. The Reconstruction Acts divided all the former Confederate states, except Tennessee, into five military districts and each was put under the control of a Northern army officer. The officer had the power to keep order and to enforce martial law if necessary.

2. During the Reconstruction period many Northerners moved to the south .Whatever their motives, these Northerners

came to be called carpetbaggers because they were said to have brought all their belongings to the South in a small, cheap suitcase made out of a carpet like material.

3.During the Reconstruction the Southern whites who supported the radical reconstruction and joined the Republican Party were called scalawags. They were considered as traitors by the Southern Democrats.

4. The KKK, founded in Tennessee in 1866, was a secret society for restoring white supremacy and driving blacks out of politics .

5. During Theodore Roosevelt ’ s presidency the US got control ofPanama Canal.

Chapter 8 World War I and the Depression

1. By the beginning of the 20 th century the country that took the first place in economy in Europe was Germany .

2.When the First World War began, President Wilson immediately called upon the American people to observe strict neutrality .

3.The US joined the First World War in 1917.

4. Wilson’ s Fourteen Points did not include the point creationof of an international peacekeeping force.

5.Only“ the rich could afford new consumer goods ” about the US in 1920s is not true.

6.In responding to the Depression, President Hoover thou ght that the basic role of the Government was to “create conditions favorable to the development of private enterprises ”.

7. The agricultural Adjustment Act was an attempt to deal with the farmers overproduction’problem. of

8. It“reduced the commodity prices by limiting production and devaluing the dollar ” is not right to comment on the New Deal.

1. The First World War was waged between two groups of imperialist powers: the Allies and the Central European Power .

2. The direct cause that made the US declare war on Germany in 1917 was the Germany unlimited’s campaign.

3. The major triumph for Wilson at the Paris Peace Conference was the formation of the League of Nations .

4. The United States didn ’ t join the League of Nations becauseSenatetheUSrefused to approve the Treaty of Versailles.

5. Three major treaties were concluded at the Washington Conference:

(1)The Four-Power Treaty, respecting the status quo in the Pacific.

(2)The Five-Power Treaty, on naval arms apportionment .

(3)The Nine-Power Treaty, guaranteeing the independence and integrity of China in appearance, but actually a public international affirmation of the Open Door policy.

6. The Nineteenth Amendment to the US Constitution was adopted in 1920, which granted women the right to vote .

7. The Great Depression started with the sudden collapse of the Stock Market in New York in October, 1929. This economic distress extended to Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and South America.

Chapter 9 American During and After World War II

1. Between 1935 and 1939, American foreign policy included all of the following except active intervention to prevent aggression.

2.The US formally entered the Second World War in 1941.

3.Normandy Landing took place on June 6, 194


4.At Yalta Conference , in Feb. 1945 did Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin agree to call a conference of all the United

Nations in San Francisco in April 1945.

5. The post-World War II program of economic assistance to Western Europe was known as Marshall Plan .

6. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., advocated the philosophy of nonviolence .

7. Thousands of American soldiers were sent to Vietnam under the President Lyndon B. Johnson.

8.The formal diplomatic relation at the ambassadorial rank between China and the US was established under the President Carter .

1. The cash-and-carry policy allowed US citizens to sell certain no prohibited goods to belligerent nations as long as those

goods were not transported on American ships.

2. Lend-Lease Act enabled any country whose defense the President considered vital to that of the US to receive arms and other equipment and supplies by sale, transfer, exchange, or lease. F.D. Roosevelt explained the Act would make the US

the arsenal of world democracy.

3. Civil rights involve government protection of individuals against discrimination based on their race, religion nation origin, gender, age, and other factors. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was honored for his effort to fight discrimination . In 1964, he won the Nobel Prize for peace.

4. Star Wars program was proposed by President Reagan in 1983 . The program seeks to construct a defensive “ shield ”against incoming missiles . The shield would be made of laser and electronic devices that would destroy such missiles launched to attack the US.

5. In 1990, President Bush ordered Operation Desert Storm to punish Iraq , more than 200000 US troops were sent to Saudi Arabia, and the US navy blocked all oil exports from Iraq and all imports except food .

6. Under Clinton, the US enjoyed an economic growth for nine consecutive years. This phenomenon, hardly seen before,

has been termed the new“economy ” by some. The fundamental reason for it is that American economic structure went through essential changes because of the promotion of scientific and technological progress.

Chapter 10 the Federal System and Congress

1.The power of the state in the US is actually from both B and C. (the state constitution, the US Constitution)

2.The supreme law of the United States includes all the above three.

3. The terms of the senator and representative are six and two years respectively.

4. ”The 17th Amendment (1913)” provided for the direct election of senators.

5. Certain presidential appointments must be approved by a majority vote in the Senate .

6. All revenue or tax bills must be originated in the House .

7. The Speaker of the House is second in line in presidential succession.

8. In the House, the power to decide when the full House will hear the bill is vested in the Rules Committee .

1. Federalism means the division of powers by a constitution between the central government and state government. It operates only on two levels, the national and the states. Units of government within a state enjoy no independent existence.

2. Separation of powers in the United States means not only allocating legislative power to Congress, executive power to President and judicial power to the Supreme Court, but also giving each branch constitutional and political independence

and checks and balances that ensure each of the three branches a sufficient role in the actions of the others.

3.According to the Constitution, members of the House of Representatives must be 25 years old and must have been citizens

for 7 years. Senators must be at least 30 and must have been citizens for 9 years.

4. The Vice President is officially the presiding officer and is called the president of the Senate. In fact he seldom appears

in the Senate chamber in this role unless it appears that there might be tie vote in the Senate. In such instances, he casts

the tiebreaking vote. To deal with day-to-day business, the Senate chooses the president pro tempore .

5. A senator who wants to delay action on a bill or kill it altogether may use a tactic called a filibuster. It can be cut off only through cloture .

6. Lobbying is part of the citizen right’s to petition government in the US. Now there are thousands of lobbyists in Washington D.C. Their influence in making the US policy is so great that some people call them the third house ”.“

Chapter 11 The President and the Judiciary

1. The 22nd Amendment in following limits the President to two successive terms only.

2. The American President has all the following powers except declaring war on another country .

3.The president’ s major appointments should be approvedthebySenate.

4.It“requires the approval of Congress ” is not correct to explain the executive agreement.

5.The President’ s veto can be overridden by-thirdtwovotes in both houses.

6. The federal courts that regularly employ grand and petit juries are the district courts.

7. The highest authority of the Supreme Court is to interpret the US constitution .

8. The case involving copyright, trademark, counterfeiting, and bank robbery are usually first tried in the federal district courts.

1. By law any natural-born American citizen of and over 35 years of age and of being a resident within the United States

for 14 years can run for the President. The duly elected and duly qualified president-elect takes office on the 20th of January following his election.

2.The war powers resolution (1973) requires the President to consult congress and withdraw troops after sixty days unless Congress specifically approves the continued deployment of troops.

3. A federal law gave President an item veto in 1996, which is an authority to reject specific sections of a bill without having to veto the entire bill.

4. The Supreme Court has the power to examine the bills passed by Congress and policies made by President, and declare them unconstitutional and thus abolish them. John Marshall, the most famous chief justice in American history called this power of interpretation judicial review

5. There are three federal court levels: 1) the district courts 2) the courts of appeal 3) the Supreme Court . All the judges of federal courts are appointed by President with the consent of the Senate. The state court system also has a hierarchy of three levels: 1) superior courts , 2) appellate courts , 3) a state supreme court . The state court judges are usually elected . The term of the country court judges is usually four years. And the judges in higher state courts usually sever eight or twelve years for one term

Chapter 12 Political Parties and Elections

1.The emblem of the Democratic Party is donkey .

2.The first Democratic President was Thomas Jefferson .

3.The first Republican President was Abraham Lincoln.

4.The only Democratic President who served two separate terms between the end of Civil War and 1912 was Grover Cleveland .

5. The presidential candidate of the major party is nominated at the national convention .

6. In the presidential election year the American voters vote on the Tues, after the 1st Mon .

7. The number of the presidential electors in each state is equal to the number of its senators and Representatives .

8. The American President is actually elected by presidential electors .

1. Two factions emerged during the ratification of the US Constitution. One group was called Federalists led by Alexander Hamilton. They favored business development, a strong national government, and a loose interpretation of the Constitution. Another group led by Thomas Jefferson was called Democratic-Republicans. They called for a society based on small farms, a relatively weak central government, and a strict interpretation of the Constitution. The roots of today Republican Party lie in the Federalists, while the Democrats can trace their beginnings back to Antifederalists or Democratic-Republicans .

2. In general, Democrats traditionally have supported workers and minorities , while the Republicans are known for known for their support of business and conservative positions on social issues.

3. Before 1971 the only state that gave 18-year-old the right to vote was Georgia; all other states set the age at 21. In 1971 the 26th Amendment to the Constitution lowered the voting age to 18.

4. The voting percentage now is very low in the United States. In general older people with more education and high income tend to vote, while the youth, especially aged 18 to 21, has the lowest voting percentage in the Unites States.

5. The candidate with the most votes in a state wins all of that state ’electorals votes. This is known as the “winner-take-all”principle. The candidate who wins the majority of the 538 Electoral College votes will be the US President in the next four years.


一、选择题(共10道题,每道题有4个选项,只有一个选项是正确的;每道题2分,共计20分) 1.下面哪一个文件包含名为HelloWorld的类的字节码(B)。 A.HelloWorld.java B.HelloWorld.class C.HelloWorld.exe D.HelloWorld.javadoc 2.JDK6.0版本成功安装后,在指定的安装位置将出现jdk1.6.0_21目录,该目录下用于存放编译器、解释器等各类工具的子目录是(C)。 A.jre B.lib C.bin D.demo 3.编译运行以下程序后,关于输出结果的显示正确的是(D)。 public class Test{ public static void main(String args[ ]){ byte b=2, e=3; //---------------1 byte f=b+e; //----------------2 System.out.println(f); } } A.编译通过,运行时打印输出5B.编译通过,运行时打印输出23 C.编译不通过,在//1处有错误,不能这样定义变量 D.编译不通过,在//2处有错误,因为此处f必须是一个int类性的变量 4.类的设计要求它的某个成员变量不能被任何外部类直接访问,则使用下面的哪个修饰符能够获得需要的访问控制(A)A.private B.default C.protected D.public 5.已知给出以下代码,则下列选项中正确的是(C)。 public interface Top{ public void twiddle(String s); } A.public abstract class Sub implements Top{ public abstract void twiddle(String s){ } } C.public abstract class Sub implements Top{ } B.public class Sub extends Top{ public void twiddle(Integer i){ } } D.public class Sub implements Top{ public void twiddle(Integer i){ 6.下列哪个选项可以计算出角度为42度的余弦值(B)。 A.double d=Math.cos(42); B.double d=Math.cos(Math.toRadians(42)); C.double d=Math.conine(42) ; D.double d=Math.cos(Math.toDegrees(42)); 7.给定一个未完成的方法,代码如下: 1: 2:{ success = connect( ); 3:if (success==-1) { 4:throw new TimedOutException(); 5:} 6:} 已知TimedOutException不属于RuntimeException,那么在第一行的位置上填写哪段代码能够完成该方法的声明?(D)A.public void method() B.public void method() throw TimedOutException C.public void method() throws RuntimeException D.public void method() throws TimedOut Exception 8.当编译并运行下列代码时其运行结果是(A)。


化工原理试题库(上册) 第一章流体流动 一、选择题 1. 连续操作时,物料衡算通式中的过程积累量GA为( A )。 A.零 B.正数 C.负数 D.任意值 2. 热量衡算中,物料的焓为相对值,通常规定( A )的焓为零。 A.0℃液体 B.0℃气体 C.100℃液体 D.100℃气体 3. 流体阻力的表现,下列阐述错误的是( D )。 A.阻力越大,静压强下降就越大 B.流体的粘度越大,阻力越大 C.流体的流动状况是产生流体阻力的根本原因 D.流体的内摩擦力在流体激烈流动时不存在 4. 压强的具有专门名称的国际单位是Pa,用基本单位表示是( C )。 A.atm B.mmHg C.Kg/m.s2 D.N/m2 5. 水在直管中流动,现保持流量不变,增大管径,则流速( B )。 A.增大 B.减小 C.不变 D.无法判断 6. 对可压缩流体,满足( C )条件时,才能应用柏努力方程求解。 A. )%(20ppp121式中压强采用表压表示 B. )%(01ppp12 1式中压强采用表压表示 C. )%(20ppp121式中压强采用绝压表示 D. )%(01ppp1 2 1式中压强采用绝压表示 7. 判断流体的流动类型用( C )准数。 A.欧拉 B.施伍德 C.雷诺 D.努塞尔特 8. 流体在圆形直管中滞流流动时的速度分布曲线为( B )。 A.直线 B.抛物线 C.双曲线 D.椭圆线 9. 增大流体的流量,则在孔板流量计的孔板前后形成的压强差( A )。 A.增大 B.减小 C.不变 D.无法判断 10. 流体在管内流动时的摩擦系数与( B )有关。 A.雷诺准数和绝对粗糙度 B. 雷诺准数和相对粗糙度 C.欧拉准数和绝对粗糙度 D. 欧拉准数和相对粗糙度 11. 测速管测量得到的速度是流体( C )速度。 A.在管壁处 B.在管中心 C.瞬时 D.平均 12. 在层流流动中,若流体的总流率不变,则规格相同的两根管子串联时的压降为并联时的( C )倍。 A. 2; B. 6; C. 4; D. 1。 13. 流体在长为3m、高为2m的矩形管道内流动,则该矩形管道的当量直径为( C )。 A. 1.2m; B. 0.6m; C. 2.4m; D. 4.8m 2 14. 流体在长为2m、高为1m的矩形管道内流动,则该矩形管道的当量直径为( A )。 A. 1.33m; B. 2.66m; C. 0.33m; D. 0.66m。 15. 流体在内管外径为25mm,外管内径为70mm的环隙流道内流动,则该环隙流道的当量直径为( D )。 A. 25mm; B. 70mm; C. 95mm; D. 45mm。 16. 当流体在园管内流动时,管中心流速最大,滞流时的平均速度与管中心的最大流速的关系为( C ) A. u =3/2.umax B. u =0.8 umax C. u =1/2. umax D u =0.75 umax 17. 判断流体流动类型的准数为( A ) A . Re数 B. Nu 数 C . Pr数 D . Fr数 18. 流体在圆形直管内作强制湍流时,其对流传热系数α与雷诺准数Re 的n 次方成正比,其中的n 值为( B ) A . 0.5 B. 0.8 C. 1 D. 0.2 19. 牛顿粘性定律适用于牛顿型流体,且流体应呈( A ) A.层流流动 B 湍流流动 C 过渡型流动 D 静止状态 20. 计算管路系统突然扩大和突然缩小的局部阻力时,速度值应取为( C ) A. 上游截面处流速 B 下游截面处流速 C 小管中流速 D 大管中流速 21. 用离心泵在两个敞口容器间输送液体。若维持两容器的液面高度不变,则当输送管道上的阀门关小后,管路总阻力将( A )。 A. 增大; B. 不变; C. 减小; D. 不确定。 22. 流体的压强有多种表示方式,1标准大气压为 ( C ) A.780mm汞柱 B.1Kgf/cm2 D.10130Pa 23. 流体在圆管中层流流动,若只将管内流体流速提高一倍,管内流体流动型态仍为层流,则阻力损失为原来的( B )倍。 A.4 B.2 C.2 D.不能确定 24. 阻力系数法将局部阻力hf表示成局部阻力系数与动压头的乘积,管出口入容器的阻力系数为 ( A ) A.1.0 B.0.5 25. 在柏努利方程式中,P/ρg被称为 ( A ) A.静压头 B.动压头 C.位压头 D.无法确定 26. 流体的流动形式可用雷诺准数来判定,若为湍流则Re ( D ) A.<4000 B.<2000 C.>2000 D.>4000 27. 不可压缩性流在管道内稳定流动的连续性方程式为( A )可压缩性流体在管道内稳定流动的连续性方程式为( D ) 3 A.u1A1=u2A2 B.u1A2=u2A1


全国2002年10月高等教育自学考试 电力系统分析试题 课程代码:02310 一、填空题(每小题1分,共10分) 1.依据一次能源的不同,发电厂可分为火力发电厂、水力发电厂、核电厂、风力发电厂等。 2.采用分裂导线的目的是减小电流和电抗。 3.电力系统中一级负荷、二级负荷和三级负荷的划分依据是用户对供电可靠性要求。 4.潮流计算中的电压数值约束条件是由电压质量标准决定的。 5.发电机定子三相短路时为维持定子绕组的磁链守恒在定子绕组产生直流分量电流。 6.从发电厂电源侧的电源功率中减去变压器的功率损耗,得到的直接连接在发电厂负荷侧母线上的电源功率称为等值电量标准。 7.电力系统零序等值电路与正序等值电路不同。 8.短路电流最大可能的瞬时值称为短路冲击电流。 9.简单系统静态稳定依据为______。 10.减少原动机出力将提高系统的暂态稳定性。 二、单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分)从每小题的四个备选答案中,选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案的号码写在题干后面的括号内。 11.在有名单位制中,功率的表达式为( 1 ) ①S=1.732×V×I ②S=V×I ③S=3×V×I ④S=VICOS? 12.电力系统的中性点是指( 4 ) ①变压器的中性点②星形接线变压器的中性点 ③发电机的中性点④②和③ 13.我国电力系统的额定电压等级为( 4 ) ①3、6、10、35、110、220(KV) ②3、6、10、35、66、110、220(KV) ③3、6、10、110、220、330(KV) ④3、6、10、35、60、110、220、330、500(KV) 14.有备用电源接线方式的优缺点是( 3 ) ①可靠性高、电压高 ②可靠性高、造价高 ③供电可靠性和电压质量高、造价高、调度复杂 ④供电可靠性高、调度方便、造价高 15.电能质量是指( 4 ) ①电压的大小②电压的大小和波形质量 ③电压大小,电流大小④电压大小,波形质量,频率 16.牛顿—拉夫逊迭代的主要优点是( 2 ) ①简单②收敛快 ③准确④占用内存少 17.无限大功率电源供电系统,发生三相短路,短路电流非周期分量起始值( 2 ) ①iap=ibp=icp ②iap≠ibp≠icp ③iap=ibp≠icp ④iap≠ibp=icp


机械设计基础考试试题库(选择题) 一、选择题(本大题共小题,每小题分,共分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1 ?机器中各运动单元称为(D) A、零件 B、部件 C、机构 D、构件 2 ?在平面机构中,每增加一个低副将引入( C ) A、0个约束 B、1个约束 C、2个约束 D、3个约束 3. 当机构中主动件数目(B )机构自由度数目时,该机构具有确定的相对运动。 A、小于B 、等于C 、大于D 、大于或等于 4. 曲柄摇杆机构处于死点位置时,角度等于零度的是( B ) A、压力角 B、传动角 C、极位夹角 D、摆角 5. 铰链四杆机构中,若最短杆与最长杆长度之和小于其余两杆长度之和,则为 了获得曲柄摇杆机构,其机架应取(B) A、最短杆 B、最短杆的相邻杆 C、最短杆的相对杆 D、任何一杆 6. 在曲柄滑块机构中,若取曲柄为机架时,则可获得(A ) A、曲柄转动导杆机构 B、曲柄摆动导杆机构 C、摆动导杆滑块机构 D、移动导杆机构 7. 凸轮机构的从动件选用等速运动规律时,其从动件的运动( A ) A、将产生刚性冲击 B、将产生柔性冲击 C、没有冲击 D既有刚性冲击又有柔性冲击 8. 在设计直动平底从动件盘形凸轮机构时,若出现运动失真现象,则应( B ) A、减小凸轮基圆半径B 、增大凸轮基圆半径 C、减小平底宽度 D 、增加平底宽度 9. 能满足超越要求的机构是(B ) A、外啮合棘轮机构 B、内啮合棘轮机构 C、外啮合槽轮机构 D、内啮合槽轮机构 10. 槽轮机构所实现的运动变换是(C ) A、变等速连续转动为不等速连续转动 B、变等速连续转动为移动


6选4填*20套 一、选择题(单选) 1-1. 完全二叉树____B____二叉树。 A.一定是满 B.可能是满 C.不是 D.一定不是满 答案:B 难度:易 1-2.满二叉树_____A____二叉树。 A.一定是完全 B.可能是完全 C.不是 D.一定不是完全 答案:A 难度:易 1-3.完全二叉树中,若某个结点没有左孩子,则它____C____。 A. 有2个右孩子 B.一定有右孩子 C.一定没有右孩子 D.不一定有右孩子 答案:C 难度:中 2. 设一个完全二叉树共有699个结点,则在该二叉树中的叶子结点数为_______。 A.349 B.350 C.255 D.351 3.深度为n的完全二叉树的叶子结点有__________ A.n B.2n C.2n D. 2n-1 4.在一棵完全二叉树中,若编号为i的结点存在左子女,则左子女结点的编号为___C_____ A.2i B.2i-1 C.2i+1 D.2i+2 5.在有n个结点的二叉树的二叉链表表示中,空指针数为( b )。 a.不定 b.n+1 c.n d.n-1 6.下列二叉树中,( a )可用于实现符号不等长高效编码。 a.最优二叉树 b.次优查找树 c.二叉平衡树 d.二叉排序树 7.具有m个结点的二叉排序树,其最大深度为( f ),最小深度为( b )。 a. log 2 m b. └ log2 m ┘ +1 c. m/2 d .┌ m/2 ┐ -1 e. ┌m/2 ┐ 一、单项选择题 (1)-(5)BBCDC (6)-(10)BCABC (11)—(15)DABBD (16)-(19)CCABB (20)-(24) BBBAC (25)-(27)DBC 二、填空题 (1)有零个或多个(2)有且仅有一个 (3)根据树的广义表表示,可以画出这棵村,该树的度为4。 (4)树的深度为4 (5)树中叶子结点个数为8 (6)n0=14 (7)n-2m+1 (8)2k-1 (9)2i-1 (10)133 (11)59 (12)25=32 (13)?log2(n+1)?=?log269?=7 (14) 25-1+6=37 (15) 19 (16)27-1-20=107 (17)右(18)m+1 (19)n+1 (20) 2m-1 (21)中序(22)直接前驱结点(23)直接后继结点 1.关于二叉树的下列说法正确的是B。 (1):A.二叉树的度为2 B.二叉树的度可以小于2


一、理论题(共30分) (一) 选择题(15分) 1.数据库是()。 A.以一定的组织结构保存在计算机存储设备中的数据的集合 B.一些数据的集合 C.辅助存储器上的一个文件 D.磁盘上的一个数据文件 学生答案为: B 2.下列()不是Access数据库的对象类型? A.表 B.向导 C.窗体 D.报表 学生答案为: B 3.SQL的数据定义包括()。 A.)数据定义包括查找、编辑错误、控制、操纵。 B.)数据定义包括基本表、定义索引、定义视图和定义数据库。 C.数据定义包括定义视图、查询、控制。 D.数据定义包括控制、查询、删除、增加。 学生答案为: D 4.关系数据库中的表不必具有的性质是()。 A.数据项不可再分 B.同一列数据项要具有相同的数据类型 C.记录的顺序可以任意排列 D.字段的顺序不能任意排列 学生答案为: D 5.假设“公司”表中有编号、名称、法人等字段,查找公司名称中有“网络”二字的公司信息,正确的命令是()。 A.select * from 公司for 名称=“*网络*” B.select * from 公司for 名称like “*网络*” C.select * from 公司where 名称=“*网络*” D.select * from 公司where 名称like “*网络*” 学生答案为: D (二) 填空题(15分) 1.在Access数据库中,一个关系就是一个() 。 学生答案. 数据库 2.对二维表中的记录信息进行修改应该在表的()视图下。 学生答案. 设计视图 3. Access支持的查询类型有:()、交叉表查询、参数查询、操作查询和SQL查询 学生答案. 选择 4.数据库领域最常用的3种数据模型,层次模型、网状模型、(关系型)。 学生答案. 5.用于存放数据库数据的是(表)。 学生答案. 一、理论题(共30分) (一) 选择题(15分) 1.二维表由行和列组成,每一行表示关系的一个(元组)。 A.属性 B.字段


2014年CRH380B动车组中国铁路总公司动车组机械师职业技能竞赛500题库 (0618版) 1.填空200题 1、CRH380B是按照铁路总公司统型技术条件要求进行优化设计的CRH3型动车组,它实现了六方面的统一 2、CRH380B旅客界面的设计统一是指:、、、位置等统一; 3、CRH380B操作界面的设计统一是指:、等统一;统一名称。 4、CRH380B运用界面的设计统一是指:统一、车体两侧裙板上设、盖板,盖板采用内置滑道式,结构统一。 5、CRH380B维护界面的设计统一是指:、、等统一; 6、CRH380B制动界面的设计统一是指:、等统一; 7、CRH380B监测保护的设计统一是指:、、等统 1

一。 8、CRH380B动车组为时速干线动车组,采用编组方式。牵引、网络、辅助供电、制动、转向架以为基础,主体结构保持不变。 9、根据动车组统型技术条件要求,CRH380B动车组(非高寒)采用8辆编组,由二个“二动二拖”的牵引动力单元组成的结构。列车轮周牵引功率为,设计速度为。 10、时速350公里动车组设置双手柄模式,左手操作、右手操作。司机左手常握制动手柄,以便紧急情况下,可以快速反应,实施。 11、CRH380B车体承载结构由、侧墙、、及设备舱组成一个整体,头车设司机室,车体断面与CHR380BL型动车组。 12、CRH380B动车组车辆连接装置的中间车钩、、与CRH380BL动车组完全相同。 13、CRH380B动车组客室侧窗、司机室前窗均采用双框结构,螺栓连接。客室侧窗更换周期由原来的72h缩短到约,司机室前窗更换周期由原来的120h缩短到约。侧窗玻璃层厚度、性能与 CRH380BL动车组一致。 1


1、执行循环语句for i in range(1,5):pass后,变量i的值是【4】 2、循环语句for i in range(-3,21-4)的循环次数为【6】 3、Python语言是一种解释型、面向【对象】的程序设计语言 4、建立模块a.py,模块内容如下。 def B(): print(‘BBB’) def A(): print(‘AAA’) 为了调用模块中的A()函数应先使用语句【from a import A】 5、执行循环语句for i in range(1,5,2):print(i),循环体执行的次数 是【2】 6、函数定义以【def】开始,最后以【冒号】结束 7、Python表达式4.5/2的值为【2.25】,4.5//2的值为【2.0】, 4.5%2的值为【0.5】 8、循环语句for i in range(6,-4,-2):循环执行【5】次,循环变量i 的终值应当为【-2】 9、Python包含了数量众多的模块,通过【import】语句,可以导 入模块,并使用其定义的功能 10、下面语句的输出结果是【{1:’x’,3:’c’}】 d={1:’a’,2:’b’,3:’c’} del d[1] d[1]=’x’

del d[2] print(d) 11、Python语句print(tuple(range(2)),list(range(2)))的运行结果是 【(0,1)[0,1]】 12、Python表达式1/4+2.75的值为【3.0】 13、下列Python语句的输出结果是【编译错误或异常或出错 或报错或错误】 print(“数量{0},单价{1}”.format(100,285,6)) print(str.format(“数量{0},单价{1:3.2f}”,100,285.6)) print(“数量%4d,单价%3.3f”%(100,285,6)) 14、在直角坐标中,x,y是坐标系中任一点的位置,用x和y表示 第一象限或第二象限的Python表达式为【x>0 and y>0 or x<0 and y>0】 15、语句p rint(‘AAA’,”BBB”,sep=’-’,end=’!’)执行的结果是 【AAA-BBB!】 16、判断整数i能否同时被3和5整除的python表达式为【i%3==0 and i%5==0】 17、要关闭Python解释器,可使用函数【quit()】或快捷键【Ctrl+Q】 18、python语句既可以采用交互式的【命令】执行方式,又可以 采用【程序】的执行方式 19、语句a,a=10,20执行后,a的值是【20】 20、设有f=lambda x,y;{x:y},则f(5,10)的值是【{5:10}】


细胞生物学试题库 填空题 1细胞是的基本单位,是的基本单位,是的基本单位,是的基本单位。2实验生物学时期,细胞学与其它生物科学结合形成的细胞分支学科主要有、 和。 3组成细胞的最基础的生物小分子是、、、,它们构成了、、和等重要的生物大分子。 4按照所含的核酸类型,病毒可以分为病毒和病毒。 目前发现的最小最简单的细胞是,它所具有的、 、是一个细胞生存与增殖所必备的结构装置。 1.病毒侵入细胞后,在病毒DNA的指导下,利用宿主细胞的代谢系统首先译制出以关闭宿主 细胞的基因装置。 2.与真核细胞相比,原核细胞在DNA复制、转录与翻译上具有的特点。 3.真核细胞的表达与原核细胞相比复杂得多,能在、、、、和 等多种层次上进行调控。 4.分辨率是指显微镜能够分辩。 5.电镜主要分为和两类。 6.生物学上常用的电镜技术包括、、等。 7.生物膜上的磷脂主要包括、、、 和。 8.膜蛋白可以分为和。 9.生物膜的基本特征是和。 10.内在蛋白与膜结合的主要方式、和。 11.真核细胞的鞭毛由蛋白组成,而细菌鞭毛主要由蛋白组成。 12.细胞连接可分为、和。 13.锚定连接的主要方式有与和和。 14.锚定连接中桥粒连接的是骨架系统中的,而粘着带连接的是。 15.细胞外基质的基本成分主要有、、和、层粘连蛋白和纤粘连 蛋白等。 16.植物细胞壁的主要成分是、、、伸展蛋白和蛋白聚糖等。 17.植物细胞之间通过相互连接,完成细胞间的通讯联络。 18.通讯连接的主要方式有、和。 19.细胞表面形成的特化结构有、、、、等。 20.物质跨膜运输的主要途径是、和与作用。 21.被动运输可以分为和两种方式。 22.协助扩散中需要特异的完成物质的跨膜转运,根据其转运特性,该蛋白又可以分 为和两类。 23.主动运输按照能量来源可以分为、和。 24.协同运输在物质跨膜运输中属于类型。 25.协同运输根据物质运输方向于离子顺电化学梯度的转移方向的关系,可以分为(同向运输) 和。 26.在钠钾泵中,每消耗1分子的ATP可以转运个钠离子和个钾离子。 27.钠钾泵、钙泵都是多次跨膜蛋白,它们都具有酶的活性。 28.真核细胞中,大分子的跨膜运输是通过和来完成的。


花都电大政治学原理《复习指导》填空题、选择题目题目及答案 (2010-12-29 16:58:18) 转载 《复习指导》填空题、选择题目题目及答案 一、填空题 1、中国儒家学说对政治的阐释,直接寄托了他们对于仁义礼智信的道德追求。 2、马克思主义认为,国家政权问题是全部政治的基本问题,根本问题。 3、在中国历史上,权力政治观的代表当属春秋战国时期的法家。 4、直到马克思主义的产生,才给“政治”一个较为准确而深刻的定义。 5、道德政治观或伦理政治观认为政治是一种社会价值追求,是一种规范性的道德。 6、亚里士多德把国家等同于“最高的善”,认为它是人相互间的一种道德性结合。 7、柏拉图在《理想国》一书中明确指出,政治的本质在于公正,一个“理想国”具有智慧、勇敢、节制和正义四种美德。 8、马克思主义的经济分析方法内含着唯物辩证法的思想,它将社会划分为经济基础、上层建筑和意识形态三大结构。 9、政治权力是政治的核心,一切政治活动,都是围绕着这一核心展开和进行的。 10、西方现代政治学的经济学研究方法把政治生活中的个人看作是理性经济人,他们遵循着个人利益最大化原则进行政治活动。 11、理想主义方案政治设计的核心是寻求一个清官明君式的好人统治,这是“人治”社会的政治设计思路。 12、马基雅维利被认为是近代西方政治科学的奠基人。 13、政治研究的科学化进程遇到的三个难题是数据问题、隐性价值问题、价值中立问题。 14、伦理与政治不分是儒家思想的特色。 15、自秦汉到晚清,中国中央集权的君主专制政治延续2000多年。 16、儒家政治学说的核心是仁政,主张为政以德,修己治人。 17、儒家和法家的主张分别形成了中国历史上的王道和霸道。 18、墨子的政治学说以兼爱、“非攻”为中心,主张以缓和社会矛盾来维持统治。 19、道家的政治学说以“法自然”为思想核心,在统治手法上强调无为而治。 20、行为主义就是坚信社会科学应该建立在可观察的人类行为基础之上、并只能就可量化的数据展开研究的观点。 21、公民权利指的是根据宪法、法律的规定公民享有参与公共社会生活的权利。 22、公共权力具有权威性和至高无上性,公民权利具有神圣不可侵犯性。 23、经验事实表明,权力的滥用是社会动荡的根源。 24、公共利益是政治共同体内全体成员共同利益的统称,它是全体社会成员在一定社会基础之上所形成的总体意志和要求的表达,是个人利益和团体利益上升到全社会范围内的利益意志的表现。 25、法国启蒙思想家卢梭在“社会契约论”的基础上,进一步引出人民主权学说。 26、在我国,制度化的政治接触渠道是信访。 27、政府的作用必须通过一定的程序和途径,在形式上或者实质上把自己的主张、制度、规则和政策等上升为对普遍的公共利益的诉求。 28、政治权力是一种支配力量,掌握了政治权力,也就掌握了社会的支配力量。掌握了社会的支配力量,也就意味着在社会价值和利益分配中处于优势地位。 29、公共权力的来源和基础是公共利益。 30、中国人民政治协商会议是共产党和民主党派合作的主要场所。 31、国家的三要素说,认为具有人民、土地、主权者即为国家。 32、马克斯·韦伯根据政治权威的建立和运行依据,把国家划分为传统型权威国家、个人魅力型权威国家和法理型权威国家。 33、封建地主阶级在进行政治统治时,在统治形式上采取君主专制的中央集权制。 34、政府以法律制度为基础,以暴力手段为后盾,具有凌驾于社会之上的普遍强制力。 35、国家结构形式主要可以分为单一制和复合制。 36、权力制约原则在资本主义国家的宪法中主要表现为分权原则。


普通动物学题库 一、解释名词 1、生物发生律:又称重演律,多细胞动物的个体发育是系统发展史简单而迅速的 重演。 2、伸缩泡:细胞生物水分调节细胞器,是一种能做节奏性伸缩的液泡,兼有排泄功能。 每个伸缩泡有数个收集管,收集管周围有很多网状小管,收集质中的多余水 分及部分代产物,最终由伸缩泡与外界相通的小孔排出体外。 3、完全变态: 4、原肾管: 5、角质膜 6、疣足 7、外套膜 8、凯伯尔式器(Keber’s organ):围心腔腺(凯伯尔氏器),位于围心腔前壁, 分支状,略呈黄褐色。由一列扁平上皮细胞以及其的网状结缔组织构 成,由围心腔腔壁的表皮特化形成,中间含有许多微血管,充满血液, 它能吸收血液中的废物进入围心腔,由围心腔经肾排出。 11、双名法:国际上规定每一个动物都应有一个学名,这一学名是由两个拉丁字 或拉丁化的斜体文字组成。前面一个字是该动物的属名,后面一个 字是它的种本名。属名第一个字母要大写;种本名第一个字母不须 大写。 12、刺丝泡 13、皮肌囊:低等三胚层动物的囊状体壁,由来源于外胚层的单层上皮组织和中 胚层的肌肉组织构成,有保护和运动的功能。 14、不完全变态 15、后肾管 16、混合体腔 17、刚毛 19、外套腔 20、鲍雅诺式器(Bojanus organ):河蚌的肾,由后肾管特化而来,肾口开口于围心 腔,肾孔开口于外套腔。 24、马氏管 25、后口动物 26、外套膜 28、混合体腔 30、原口动物 二、选择题 1、环节动物多毛纲在其个体发育过程中所经历的幼虫阶段是(C )。 A 浮浪幼虫 B 牟勒氏幼虫 C 担轮幼虫 D 钩介幼虫 2、团藻在动物演化上有重要意义,其分类地位是(B )。


一、单项选择题 1)CKD系列某一数控铣床工作台进给用的滚珠丝杆副,已知平均工作载荷Fm=4000N,丝杠 工作长度L=1.4m,平均转速nm=100r/min,丝杠材料为CrWMn钢,求滚珠丝杠的计算载荷FC。设载荷系数fw,可靠性系数fc,精度系数fa,则FC的计算公式为( FC=fwFm/fafc )。 2)DELTA机构指的是(机器人)的一种类型。 3)FMC是表示(柔性制造单元)。 4)FMS加工中心的刀库有(转塔式)等基本类型。 5)FMS适用于下述何种生产类型(A. 单件、小批 B. 大批量、多品种 C. A和B D. 不 确定)。 6)Mechatronics是两个不同学科领域名称的组合,这两个不同的学科是(机械学与电子 学)。 7)SCARA机构的机器人属于一种(平面关节型工业机器人)。 8)步进电动机,又称电脉冲马达,是通过(脉冲的数量)决定转角位移的一种伺服电动机。 9)齿轮传动的总等效惯量随传动级数(增加而减小)。 10)传感检测)装置是电机一体化系统的感觉器官,它可以从待测对象那里获取能反应待 测对象特性和状态的信息。 11)打字机)不是机电一体化产品。 12)对进行二维平面作业的工业机器人需要几个自由度(三个)。 13)对于只进行二维平面作业的工业机器人只需要三自由度,若要使操作具有随意的位姿, 则工业机器人至少需要几个自由度(六个)。 14)工业机器人的自由度数取决于什么所要求的动作(作业目标)。 15)光固化成型又称为光敏液相固化法、立体光刻等,是最早出现的、技术最成熟和应用最 广泛的快速原型技术。它的缩写是(SLA)。 16)滚珠丝杠副结构外循环方式不包含(内、外双循环) 17)滚珠丝杠副结构外循环方式不包含(内、外双循环)。 18)机电一体化系统(产品)设计方案的常用方法无(经验法)。 19)机电一体化系统的核心是(控制器。 20)机电一体化系统的基本功能要素之一接口的基本功能是(放大 B. 传递 C. 以上三 者 D. 交换) 21)机电一体化系统的接口中,功率放大器用于(电子—电气接口) 22)机电一体化系统的支承部件主要有旋转支承部件和移动支承部件,下面(空心圆锥滚子 轴承)为机电一体化系统的旋转支承部件。 23)机电一体化系统中,根据控制信息和指令完成所要求的动作这一功能的是(执行机 构)。 24)机电一体化系统中,根据控制信息和指令完成所要求的动作这一功能的是(执行机)。 25)将脉冲信号转换成角位移的执行元件是(步进电动机)。 26)如果三相步进电动机绕组为U、V、W,其通电顺序为U→V→W→U,则这种分配方式为(三 相三拍)。 27)如果三相步进电动机绕组为U、V、W,其通电顺序为UV?VW?WU?UV,则这种分配方式为 (双三拍)。 28)三角法)测距是借助三角形几何关系,求得扫描中心到扫描对象的距离,激光发射点和 电荷耦合元件(CCD)接收点位于高精度基线两端,并与目标反射点构成一个空间平面


一、选择题 题库1 1.微型计算机的典型结构包括三个主要组成部分,它们是___C____。 A)CPU、运算器、I/O接口B)CPU、控制器、存储器 C)CPU、存储器、I/O接口D)CPU、I/O接口、外设 2.微机的各组成部分,用__B___把它们连在一起。 A)数据总线B)系统总线C)控制总线D)地址总线 3.CPU与外设间数据传送的控制方式有(D) A)中断方式B)DMA方式 C)程序控制方式D)以上三种都是4.程序查询I/O的流程总是按(C)次序完成一个字符的传输。 A.读状态端口,写数据端口,读控制端口 B.写数据端口,读状态端口,写控制端口 C.读状态端口,读/写数据端口 D.随I/O接口具体要求而定 5.IBMPC/AT机采用2个8259A级连,CPU的可屏蔽硬中断可扩展为(D) A.64级B.32级C.16级D.15级 6.8255A既可作数据输入、出端口,又可提供控制信息、状态信息的端口是 (D)。 A.B口B.A口C.A.B.C三端口均可以D.C口7.执行IN AL,70H时,8086CPU外部管脚状态是(D)。 8.8086CPU,若NMI、除法中断和INTR同时产生,则CPU执行完当前指令后对 中断请求的检测顺序为(D)。 A.NMI、除法中断、INTR B.NMI、INTR、除法中断 C.INTR、除法中断、NMI D.除法中断、NMI、INTR 9.采用虚拟存储器技术的目的是(D)。 A.提高CPU访问主存速度B.扩大外存的存储空间 C.提高CPU访问外存速度D.扩大存储器的寻址空间 10.6片8259A级联最多可以管理(D)个中断。 A.48B.40C.44D.43 11.8251在数据传输过程中,不能检测到的错误是(A)。 A.同步字符错B.数据溢出错C.奇偶校验错D.帧格式错 12..和外存相比,内存的特点是(A)。 A.容量小、速度快、成本高 B.容量小、速度快、成本低 C.容量大、速度快、成本高 D.容量大、速度快、成本低 13.可作简单输入接口的电路是(A)。


化工原理(下)题库(1) 一、选择题(将正确答案字母填入括号内) 1、混合物中某组分的质量与混合物质量之比称为该组分的(A )。 A. 质量分数 B. 摩尔分数 C. 质量比 2、关于精馏塔中理论的叙述错误的是( B )。 A.实际上不存在理论塔板 B. 理论塔板仅作为衡量实际塔板效率的一个标准。 C. 理论塔板数比实际塔板数多 3、在精馏塔中每一块塔板上( C )。 A. 只进行传质作用 B. 只进行传热作用 C. 同时进行传热传质作用 4、气体吸收过程中,吸收速率与推动力成( A )。 A. 正比 B. 反比 C. 无关 5、气体的溶解度很大时,溶质的吸收速率主要受气膜一方的阻力所控制,故称为( A )。 A. 气膜控制 B. 液膜控制 C. 双膜控制 6、普通温度计的感温球露在空气中,所测得的温度为空气的( A )温度。 A. 干球 B. 湿球 C. 绝热饱和 7、混合物中某组分的物质的量与混合物物质的量之比称为该组分的(B )。

A. 质量分数 B. 摩尔分数 C. 质量比 8、在蒸馏过程中,混合气体中各组分的挥发性相差越大,越(B )进行分离。 A. 难 B. 容易 C. 不影响 9、气体吸收过程中,吸收速率与吸收阻力成( B )。 A. 正比 B. 反比 C. 无关 10、气体的溶解度很小时,溶质的吸收速率主要受液膜一方的阻力所控制,故称为( B )。 A. 气膜控制 B. 液膜控制 C. 双膜控制 11、某二元混合物,进料量为100kmol/h,xF=0.6,要求得到 塔顶xD不小于0.9,则塔顶最大产量为( B ) A 60kmol/h B 66.7kmol/h C 90kmol/h D 不 能定 12、二元溶液连续精馏计算中,进料热状态的变化将引起以下线 的变化 ( B ) 。 A平衡线 B 操作线与q线C平衡线与操作 线 D 平衡线与q线 13、下列情况( D ) 不是诱发降液管液泛的原因。 A液、气负荷过大 B 过量雾沫夹带 C塔板间距过小 D 过量漏液 14、以下有关全回流的说法正确的是(A、C )。 A、精馏段操作线与提馏段操作线对角线重合 B、此时


如有错误、请更正后共享,并在页眉处注明更正处! 一、选择题:(55道) 1. 下列关于宏和模块的叙述中,正确的是 A)模块是能够被程序调用的函数 B)通过定义宏可以选择或更新数据 C)宏或模块都不能是窗体或报表上的事件代码 D)宏可以是独立的数据库对象,可以提供独立的操作动作 2. VBA代码调试过程中,能够显示出所有在当前过程中变量声明及变量值信息的是()。 A.本地窗口 B.立即窗口 C.监视窗口 D.快速监视窗口 3. VBA程序的多条语句可以写在一行中,其分隔符必须使用符号 A) : B) 'C) ; D), 4. VBA的逻辑值进行算术运算时,True值被当作 A)0 B)-1C)1 D)任意值 5. 以下常量的类型说明符使用正确的是()。 A)Const A1!=2000B)Const A1%=60000 C)Const A1%="123" D)Const A1$=True 6. 以下声明I是整型变量的语句正确的是()。 A)、Dim I,j As Integer B)、I=1234 C)、Dim I As Integer D)、I As Integer 7. 下面属于VBA常用标准数据类型的是()。

A)、数值型B)、字符型 C)、货币型D)、以上都是 8. 下列程数据类型中,不属于VBA的是: A)长整型B)布尔型C)变体型D)指针型 9. 下列逻辑表达式中,能正确表示条件“X和Y至少有一个是偶数”的是()。 A. X Mod 2=0 OR Y Mod 2=0 B.X Mod 2=1 OR Y Mod 2=1 C.X Mod 2=0 And Y Mod 2=0 D.X Mod 2=1 And Y Mod 2=1 10. 以下可以得到“2+6=8”的结果的VBA表达式是()。 A. “2+6” &”=” & 2+6 B.” 2+6”+”=”+2+6 C .2+6& “=” & 2+6 D.2+6 +”=” + 2+6 11. 在VBA 语言中,以下关于运算优先级比较,叙述正确的是()。 A.算术运算符> 关系运算符>连接运算符> 逻辑运算符 B.算术运算符> 连接运算符>关系运算符> 逻辑运算符 C.关系运算符>算术运算符>连接运算符> 逻辑运算符 D.关系运算符>连接运算符>算术运算符> 逻辑运算符 12. 布尔型数据转换为其他类型数据时,false转换为()。 A.0 B.1 C.-1 D.2 13. 下来逻辑表达式中,能正确表示条件“x和y都是奇数”的是 A) x mod 2=1 or y mod 2=1 B) x mod 2=0 or y mod 2=0 C) x mod 2=1 and y mod 2=1D) x mod 2=0 and y mod 2=0


化工原理试题库(上册) 第一章流体流动 一、选择题 1. 连续操作时,物料衡算通式中的过程积累量GA为( A )。 A.零 B.正数 C.负数 D.任意值 2. 热量衡算中,物料的焓为相对值,通常规定(A )的焓为零。 A.0℃液体 B.0℃气体 C.100℃液体D.100℃气体3. 流体阻力的表现,下列阐述错误的是( D )。 A.阻力越大,静压强下降就越大 B.流体的粘度越大,阻力越大 C.流体的流动状况是产生流体阻力的根本原因 D.流体的内摩擦力在流体激烈流动时不存在 4. 压强的具有专门名称的国际单位是Pa,用基本单位表示是(C )。 A.atm B.mmHg C.Kg/m.s2 D.N/m2 5.水在直管中流动,现保持流量不变,增大管径,则流速( B )。A.增大 B.减小C.不变 D.无法判断 6. 对可压缩流体,满足( C )条件时,才能应用柏努力方程求解。A. )%(20ppp121式中压强采用表压表示B. )%(01ppp12 1式中压强采用表压表示C. )%(20ppp121式中压强采用绝压表示 D. )%(01ppp1 2 1式中压强采用绝压表示 7. 判断流体的流动类型用( C )准数。 A.欧拉 B.施伍德 C.雷诺 D.努塞尔特 8. 流体在圆形直管中滞流流动时的速度分布曲线为( B )。 A.直线 B.抛物线 C.双曲线D.椭圆线 9. 增大流体的流量,则在孔板流量计的孔板前后形成的压强差( A )。 A.增大 B.减小C.不变 D.无法判断 10. 流体在管内流动时的摩擦系数与( B )有关。 A.雷诺准数和绝对粗糙度B. 雷诺准数和相对粗糙度 C.欧拉准数和绝对粗糙度D. 欧拉准数和相对粗糙度 11.测速管测量得到的速度是流体( C )速度。 A.在管壁处 B.在管中心 C.瞬时 D.平均 12. 在层流流动中,若流体的总流率不变,则规格相同的两根管子串联时的压降为并联时的( C )倍。 A. 2; B. 6; C. 4;D. 1。 13. 流体在长为3m、高为2m的矩形管道内流动,则该矩形管道的当量直径为( C )。 A. 1.2m; B. 0.6m; C. 2.4m; D. 4.8m 2 14. 流体在长为2m、高为1m的矩形管道内流动,则该矩形管道的当量直径为( A )。 A. 1.33m; B. 2.66m; C. 0.33m; D. 0.66m。 15. 流体在内管外径为25mm,外管内径为70mm的环隙流道内流动,则该环隙流道的当量直径为( D )。 A. 25mm; B. 70mm; C. 95mm;D. 45mm。 16. 当流体在园管内流动时,管中心流速最大,滞流时的平均速度与管中心的最大流速的关系为( C ) A. u =3/2.uma x B. u =0.8 umax C. u =1/2. umax D u =0.75 umax 17. 判断流体流动类型的准数为(A) A.Re数 B. Nu 数C . Pr数 D . Fr数 18.流体在圆形直管内作强制湍流时,其对流传热系数α与雷诺准数Re 的n次方成正比,其中的n 值为( B ) A . 0.5 B. 0.8 C. 1D. 0.2 19. 牛顿粘性定律适用于牛顿型流体,且流体应呈( A ) A.层流流动 B 湍流流动 C 过渡型流动 D 静止状态 20. 计算管路系统突然扩大和突然缩小的局部阻力时,速度值应取为( C ) A. 上游截面处流速B下游截面处流速 C 小管中流速 D 大管中流速 21. 用离心泵在两个敞口容器间输送液体。若维持两容器的液面高度不变,则当输送管道上的阀门关小后,管路总阻力将( A )。 A. 增大; B. 不变; C. 减小; D.不确定。 22.流体的压强有多种表示方式,1标准大气压为 ( C ) A.780mm


【一】 填空 - 第 1 题 在关系数据库中,唯一标识一条记录的一个或多个字段称为[ 主关键字] 填空 - 第 2 题一分 ( 共 5 题,共分 ) 启动 Access 后, ( 数据库 ) 窗口就会自动出现 填空第 3 题分 ( 共 5 题,共分 ) 在一对多的关系中,严格检查多方关系中的每个键值必须能在方关系中找到在Access 中这称为〔实施参照完整性〕 填空第 4 题分 ( 共 5 题共分 ) 〔删查询主要有选择查询、参数查询及操作查询,其中操作查询包括更新查询、追加查询、 除查询 ] 和生成表查询。 填空 - 第 5 题 -分(共5题,共分) “窗体 " 视图是最终展现在用户面前的[ 操作界面] CDACDBCDBDCBADA 单选第 1 题分 ( 共 15 题,共分 ) C〕. 将两个关系拼接成一个新的关系,生成的新关系中包含满足条件的元组,这种操作称〔 (A) 选择 (B) 投影 (C) 连接 (D) 并 单选一第 2 题 -分(共15题,共分) D〕 二维表由行和列组成,每行表示关系的〔 (A) 属性 (B) 字 (C) 集合 (D) 元组 单选 - 第 3 题 -分(共15题,共分) 关系模式的任何属性〔A〕 (A)不可再分 (B)可再分 (C)命名在该关系模式中可以不唯一 (D)以上都不是 单选一第 4 题一分 ( 共 15 题,共分 ) Access 的数据库类型是〔C〕 (A)层次数据库 (B)网状数据库 (C 关系数据库

(D)面向对象数据库 单选一第 5 题分 ( 共 15 题,共分 ) 规范化理论中分解〔D〕主要是消除其中多余的数据相关性, (A)外模式 (B)视图 (C内模式 (D)关系运算 单选第 6 题分 ( 共 15 题,共分 ACCESS数据库依赖于〔B〕操作系统 . (A)DOS (B)WINDOWS (CUNIX (D)UCDOS 单选一第7 题分 ( 共 15 题,共分 ) 在Access 中,表和数据库的关系是〔 C〕 (A)一个数据库只能包含一个表 (B)一个表只能包含两个数据库 (C一个数据库可以包含多个表 (D)一个表可以包含多个数据库 单选一第9 题一分 ( 共 15 题,共分 ) 在准则中,字段名必须用(B) 括起来, (A)小括号 (B)方括号 (C)引号 (D)大括号 单选第 10 题分 ( 共 15 题,共分 ) 关于 Access 表中的数据操作,下列叙述中错误的是〔D〕 (A)一次删除操作可以删除条或多条记录 (B)通过“编辑“菜单中的 " 定位 " 级联菜单可以将指定记录确定为当前记录 (C)冻结表中列的操作,可以让某些字段总是显示在表浏览器中 (D)" 冻结列”命令位于" 工具 " 菜单的下拉菜单之中 单选第 11 题分 ( 共 15 题,共分 ) 对于 Access, 以下叙述中正确的是〔C〕 (A)用户可以编辑自动编号类型字段的数据 (B)是 / 否型数据可以用于索引 (C)输入货币型数据的小数部分超过 2 位时,系统将自动四舍五入 (D)系统默认文本类型字段的大小为10

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