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Acute myocardial infarction in a patient with essential

Acute myocardial infarction in a patient with essential
Acute myocardial infarction in a patient with essential

Circ J2005; 69:1000–1002

Circulation Journal Vol.69, August 2005


MI and Thrombocythemia

Circulation Journal Vol.69, August 2005

platelet count,469,000/mm 3; serum sodium, 143mmol/L;serum potassium, 4.1mmol/L; chlorine, 102mmol/L;blood urea nitrogen 29mg/dl; serum creatinine, 1.61mg/dl; serum glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase, 15I U/L; serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase, 18I U/L; serum lactate dehydrogenase,458I U/L; serum creatine kinase (CK),173I U/L; CK-MB, 17I U/L; blood sugar, 144mg/dl; C reactive protein, 0.08mg/dl; serum troponin T levels were high. No pulmonary congestion was observed on chest X-ray. Electrocardiography revealed heart rate, 52beats/min,sinus rhythm; ST segment elevation in leads II and III, and augmented voltage foot (aV F ); poor R progression in leads III and aV F . Echocardiography showed that the inferior wall motion was severely reduced. These ?ndings were compatible with AMI accompanied by ET, so intravenous heparin (3,000U), intravenous and oral nitroglycerin (2.5mg), and oral aspirin (200mg) were initiated and emergency coronary catheterization was performed. When she arrived at the catheter laboratory, her chest pain had entirely disappeared, and the ST segment elevation had recovered and an inverted T wave appeared in leads II, III,and aV F . Coronary angiography (CAG) revealed that the mid region of the right coronary artery (RCA) was ob-structed by abundant thrombus with Thrombolysis in Myo-cardial Infarction (TIMI) grade II ?ow (Fig 1). Because the

thrombus was mainly composed of platelet and fibrin,

10percutaneous transluminal coronary recanalization (PTCR)with intra-right coronary injection of urokinase (240,000units) was selected as the early reperfusion therapy, result-ing in improving RCA ?ow from TI MI grade II to TI MI grade III.

Subsequently, she was treated with anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs, such as heparin, aspirin, ticlopidine, and warfarin, to prevent the formation of new thrombus and to dissolve the existing multiple thrombi. Hydroxyurea was continued to control the platelet count. As a result, bleeding time was prolonged to 8min and the platelet aggregation test showed that 10 mol/L ADP-induced secondary aggre-gation was inhibited. The maximum concentration of CK was 507IU/L at 24h after the onset of chest pain, and no

remarkable complications did not occur during her clinical course other than ecchymoma at the puncture site of the right femoral artery, which did not appear until the day after angiography. Epistaxis occurred frequently, but was stopped by compression of the nose for a few minutes. The size of the ecchymoma did not increase and vascular echo study showed extravasation of blood had already stopped.These complications did not cause a severe anemia that re-quired blood transfusion. Von Willebrand factor is known to play crucial role in the onset of arterial thrombosis 11–15and her plasma von Willebrand factor was high at 184%.One month later, the ecchymoma had disappeared, and so a treadmill test and repeat CAG were performed. The treadmill test showed no ischemic change under suf?cient load. Although there was still moderate stenosis in the mid RCA (Fig 2), CAG revealed that blood flow had dra-matically improved and the thrombus had disappeared as expected. Left ventriculography showed that inferior wall motion had improved. Her platelet count was kept stable at approximately 600,000/mm 3.


ET is a myeloproliferative disorder characterized by abnormal proliferation of megakaryocytes and it causes thrombus formation in systemic arteries including the coro-nary arteries.In AMI associated with ET, the affected coro-nary artery is often occluded with a large amount of throm-bus, thus a careful therapeutic strategy is required for successful revascularization. We report here that PTCR followed by suf?cient antiplatelet and anticoagulant thera-py resulted in a good clinical course of AMI in a patient with ET.

We selected PTCR for the early reperfusion therapy rather than balloon angioplasty because the occlusion was caused by abundant thrombus. In addition, we thought that the peripheral blood circulation might recover spontane-ously when cardiac catheterization began, because by that time her chest pain had disappeared with recovery of ST segment elevation.

Fig 1.Angiography of the right coronary artery before PTCR.Fig 2.Angiography of the right coronary artery after the procedure.


MIZUTA E et al.

Circulation Journal Vol.69, August 2005

We consider that it is rational to carefully monitor of the inhibition of platelet aggregation in patient with ET be-cause the complications of ET are not only thrombus but also hemorrhage. Regarding the anticoagulation therapy for patient with ET, we treated with aspirin, ticlopidine and warfarin and the patient’s bleeding time was increased to 8min and ADP-induced secondary aggregation was in-hibited.

Moreover, we treated with hydroxyurea to decrease the platelet count. Platelets are a major source of von Willebrand


11–15which is known to play a major role in the onset of coronary arterial thrombosis. In the present patient, von Willebrand factor was high (184%), emphasizing the need to control the platelet count.

It is also important to control the risk factors for prevent-ing ischemic heart disease in patients with ET, especially arterial blood pressure and cigarette smoking, because a previous study has shown that they have strong relation

with the thromboembolic complications of ET.

7It has been reported that in patients with ET who also have hyperten-sion or who smoke, the blood platelets facilitate the endothelial injury, which increases the possibility of throm-bosis.

16The present patient was a habitual smoker and had apast history of hypertension, so we persuaded her to quit smoking immediately and monitored her blood pressure very carefully.

I n summary, a case of ET had a good clinical course after AMI treated by PTCR followed by anticoagulant and antiplatelet therapy. Careful follow-up of any clotting abnormality is necessary for AMI patients with ET.


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play a part (in) 重要程度:★☆☆☆☆难易程度:★★☆☆☆ Have you realized the part computers have ___________ in the daily life? A. made B. given C. caused D. played 【参考答案】D 【拓展延伸】 1. play a part (in) 在……中扮演一个角色;参与;在……中起作用 2. play the role of 扮演……的角色 play an important role / part in...在……中起重要作用 play the leading role / part主演;起带头作用 3. take part in 参加 for the most part多半;在很大程度上 for one’s part就某人而言,对某人来说 1. Colors play an important ___________ in the way you look. A. part B. form C. effect D. pride 2. Mr. Huang will ___________ in the movement. A. play a leading part B. take parts C. play leading part D. take a part 3. __________ part that women ___________ in society is great. A. The; plays B. A; takes C. A; plays


【摘要】黄自先生是我国杰出的音乐家,他以艺术歌曲的创作最为代表。而黄自先生特别强调了钢琴伴奏对于艺术歌曲组成的重要性。本文是以黄自先生创作的具有爱国主义和人道主义的艺术歌曲《天伦歌》为研究对象,通过对作品分析,归纳钢琴伴奏的弹奏方法与特点,并总结黄自先生的艺术成就与贡献。 【关键词】艺术歌曲;和声;伴奏织体;弹奏技巧 一、黄自艺术歌曲《天伦歌》的分析 (一)《天伦歌》的人文及创作背景。黄自的艺术歌曲《天伦歌》是一首具有教育意义和人道主义精神的作品。同时,它也具有民族性的特点。这首作品是根据联华公司的影片《天伦》而创作的主题曲,也是我国近代音乐史上第一首为电影谱写的艺术歌曲。作品创作于我国政治动荡、经济不稳定的30年代,这个时期,这种文化思潮冲击着我国各个领域,连音乐艺术领域也未幸免――以《毛毛雨》为代表的黄色歌曲流传广泛,对人民大众,尤其是青少年的不良影响极其深刻,黄自为此担忧,创作了大量艺术修养和文化水平较高的艺术歌曲。《天伦歌》就是在这样的历史背景下创作的,作品以孤儿失去亲人的苦痛为起点,发展到人民的发愤图强,最后升华到博爱、奋起的民族志向,对青少年的爱国主义教育有着重要的影响。 (二)《天伦歌》曲式与和声。《天伦歌》是并列三部曲式,为a+b+c,最后扩充并达到全曲的高潮。作品中引子和coda所使用的音乐材料相同,前后呼应,合头合尾。这首艺术歌曲结构规整,乐句进行的较为清晰,所使用的节拍韵律符合歌词的特点,如三连音紧密连接,为突出歌词中号召的力量等。 和声上,充分体现了中西方作曲技法融合的创作特性。使用了很多七和弦。其中,一部分是西方的和声,一部分是将我国传统的五声调式中的五个音纵向的结合,构成五声性和弦。与前两首作品相比,《天伦歌》的民族性因素增强,这也与它本身的歌词内容和要弘扬的爱国主义精神相对应。 (三)《天伦歌》的伴奏织体分析。《天伦歌》的前奏使用了a段进唱的旋律发展而来的,具有五声调性特点,增添了民族性的色彩。在作品的第10小节转调入近关系调,调性的转换使歌曲增添抒情的情绪。这时的伴奏加强和弦力度,采用切分节奏,节拍重音突出,与a段形成强弱的明显对比,突出悲壮情绪。 c段的伴奏采用进行曲的风格,右手以和弦为主,表现铿锵有力的进行。右手为上行进行,把全曲推向最高潮。左手仍以柱式和弦为主,保持节奏稳定。在作品的扩展乐段,左手的节拍低音上行与右手的八度和弦与音程对应,推动音乐朝向宏伟、壮丽的方向进行。coda 处,与引子材料相同,首尾呼应。 二、《天伦歌》实践研究 《天伦歌》是具有很强民族性因素的作品。所谓民族性,体现在所使用的五声性和声、传统歌词韵律以及歌曲段落发展等方面上。 作品的整个发展过程可以用伤感――悲壮――兴奋――宏达四个过程来表述。在钢琴伴奏弹奏的时候,要以演唱者的歌唱状态为中心,选择合适的伴奏音量、音色和音质来配合,做到对演唱者的演唱同步,并起到连接、补充、修饰等辅助作用。 作品分为三段,即a+b+c+扩充段落。第一段以五声音阶的进行为主,表现儿童失去父母的悲伤和痛苦,前奏进入时要弹奏的使用稍凄楚的音色,左手低音重复进行,在弹奏完第一个低音后,要迅速的找到下一个跨音区的音符;右手弹奏的要有棱角,在前奏结束的时候第四小节的t方向的延音处,要给演唱者留有准备。演唱者进入后,左手整体的踏板使用的要连贯。随着作品发展,伴奏与旋律声部出现轮唱的形式,要弹奏的流动性强,稍突出一些。后以mf力度出现的具有转调性质的琶音奏法,要弹奏的如流水般连贯。在重复段落,即“小


我国艺术歌曲钢琴伴奏-精 2020-12-12 【关键字】传统、作风、整体、现代、快速、统一、发展、建立、了解、研究、特点、突出、关键、内涵、情绪、力量、地位、需要、氛围、重点、需求、特色、作用、结构、关系、增强、塑造、借鉴、把握、形成、丰富、满足、帮助、发挥、提高、内心 【摘要】艺术歌曲中,伴奏、旋律、诗歌三者是不可分割的重 要因素,它们三个共同构成一个统一体,伴奏声部与声乐演唱处于 同样的重要地位。形成了人声与器乐的巧妙的结合,即钢琴和歌唱 的二重奏。钢琴部分的音乐使歌曲紧密的联系起来,组成形象变化 丰富而且不中断的套曲,把音乐表达的淋漓尽致。 【关键词】艺术歌曲;钢琴伴奏;中国艺术歌曲 艺术歌曲中,钢琴伴奏不是简单、辅助的衬托,而是根据音乐 作品的内容为表现音乐形象的需要来进行创作的重要部分。准确了 解钢琴伴奏与艺术歌曲之间的关系,深层次地了解其钢琴伴奏的风 格特点,能帮助我们更为准确地把握钢琴伴奏在艺术歌曲中的作用 和地位,从而在演奏实践中为歌曲的演唱起到更好的烘托作用。 一、中国艺术歌曲与钢琴伴奏 “中西结合”是中国艺术歌曲中钢琴伴奏的主要特征之一,作 曲家们将西洋作曲技法同中国的传统文化相结合,从开始的借鉴古 典乐派和浪漫主义时期的创作风格,到尝试接近民族乐派及印象主 义乐派的风格,在融入中国风格的钢琴伴奏写作,都是对中国艺术 歌曲中钢琴写作技法的进一步尝试和提高。也为后来的艺术歌曲写 作提供了更多宝贵的经验,在长期发展中,我国艺术歌曲的钢琴伴 奏也逐渐呈现出多姿多彩的音乐风格和特色。中国艺术歌曲的钢琴

写作中,不可忽略的是钢琴伴奏织体的作用,因此作曲家们通常都以丰富的伴奏织体来烘托歌曲的意境,铺垫音乐背景,增强音乐感染力。和声织体,复调织体都在许多作品中使用,较为常见的是综合织体。这些不同的伴奏织体的歌曲,极大限度的发挥了钢琴的艺术表现力,起到了渲染歌曲氛围,揭示内心情感,塑造歌曲背景的重要作用。钢琴伴奏成为整体乐思不可缺少的部分。优秀的钢琴伴奏织体,对发掘歌曲内涵,表现音乐形象,构架诗词与音乐之间的桥梁等方面具有很大的意义。在不断发展和探索中,也将许多伴奏织体使用得非常娴熟精确。 二、青主艺术歌曲《我住长江头》中钢琴伴奏的特点 《我住长江头》原词模仿民歌风格,抒写一个女子怀念其爱人的深情。青主以清新悠远的音乐体现了原词的意境,而又别有寄寓。歌调悠长,但有别于民间的山歌小曲;句尾经常出现下行或向上的拖腔,听起来更接近于吟哦古诗的意味,却又比吟诗更具激情。钢琴伴奏以江水般流动的音型贯穿全曲,衬托着气息宽广的歌唱,象征着绵绵不断的情思。由于运用了自然调式的旋律与和声,显得自由舒畅,富于浪漫气息,并具有民族风味。最有新意的是,歌曲突破了“卜算子”词牌双调上、下两阕一般应取平行反复结构的惯例,而把下阕单独反复了三次,并且一次比一次激动,最后在全曲的高音区以ff结束。这样的处理突出了思念之情的真切和执著,并具有单纯的情歌所没有的昂奋力量。这是因为作者当年是大革命的参加者,正被反动派通缉,才不得不以破格的音乐处理,假借古代的


play a part in的用法 Do you know this pretty girl Right! She is Audrey Hepburn who played many classic roles in a great many famous films. For example, < Roman Holiday> is the one of the films which earned Hepburn her first Academy Award for Best Actress. Audrey Hepburn played the part/role of Princess Ann in this film. play the part/role of…扮演……角色

Audrey Hepburn played a leading part in directed by Steven Spielberg.( Always 直到永远/天长地久) play a part in…在……中扮演角色,在……中起作用

Audrey Hepburn also played leading roles in < Funny Face>and < My Fair Lady〉.( My Fair Lady 窈窕淑女影片讲述下层卖花女被语言学教授改造成优雅贵妇的故事,从头至尾洋溢着幽默和雅趣 .Funny Face 甜姐儿) Play a role in…在……中扮演角色,在……中起作用 play a part/role in doing sth. 在做某事方面起作用,参与做某事 We can?all?play?a?role/part?in?reducing?our?dependence?on?plastic, if we started to?take some small?steps?in?our?everyday?lives?to?be

Unit 7 Will people have robots-知识点整理

Unit 7 Will people have robots?知识 点整理 Unit7willpeoplehaverobots?知识点整理 一、词组、短语: 、oncomputers在电脑上, 2、onpaper在纸上, 3、livetobe200yearsold活到200岁, 4、freetime空闲时间, 5、indanger 在危险中, 6、ontheearth在世界上 7、playapartinsth在某方面出力/做贡献, 8、spacestation太空站, 8、lookfor寻找, 9、computerprogrammer电脑程序师, 10、inthefuture 在将来, 11、hundredsof成百上千的, 12、thesame…as与…一样, 13、overandoveragain反复, 14、getbored 无聊,

15、wakeup醒来/唤醒, 16、looklike 看起来像, 17、falldown倒下/落下 二、重要句子(语法) 、will+动词原形 将要做 2、fewer/more+可数名词复数更少/更多… 3、less/more+不可数名词 更少/更多 4、trytodosth. 尽力做某事 5、havetodosth 不得不做某事 6、agreewithsb. 同意某人的意见 7、such+名词(词组) 如此

8、playapartindoingsth 参与做某事 9、makesbdosth 让某人做某事 10、helpsbwithsth 帮助某人做某事 11、Therewillbe+主语+其他 将会有…. 12、Thereis/are+sb.+doingsth 有…正在做… 13、Itis +形容词+forsb+todosth 做某事对某人来说… 语法: whatwillthefuturebelike? citieswillbemorepolluted.Andtherewillbefewertrees. willpeopleusemoneyin100years?


人教版八年级英语上册Unit7知识点归纳整 理 Unit7illpeoplehaverobots? 短语归纳 onputer在电脑上2.onpaper在纸上3.aeup醒 livetodo200yearsold活动200岁5.freetie空闲时间indanger处于危险之中7.ontheearth在地球上 playapartinsth.参与某事9.inthefuture在未 0spacestation太空站11.puterprograer电脑编程员 loofor寻找13.hundredsof许多;成百上千 thesae…as…与……一样15.getbored感到厌烦的 overandoveragain多次;反复地17.falldon倒塌 ill+动词原形将要做…… feer/ore+可数名词复数更少/更多…… 0.less/ore+不可数名词更少/更多…… 1.havetodosth.不得不做某事 2.agreeithsb.同意某人的意见 3.such+名词如此…… playapartindoingsth.参与做某事 Thereillbe+主语+其他将会有…… Thereis/are+sb./sth.+doingsth.有……正在做某事

aesb.dosth.helpsb.ithsth.帮助某人做某事 trytodosth.尽力做某事 It’s+ad+forsb.todosth.对某人来说,做某事……的。 语法讲解 Boosillonlybeonputers,notonpaper.书将只在电脑里,而不是在纸上。 Thereillbeorepollution.将会有更多的污染。 ).Thereillbe+n=Thereis/aregoingtobe+n将会有…ThereisgoingtobeafootballatchthisFriday. ).pollution:污染;公害pollute:污染;弄脏polluted:受污染的 Everyoneshouldplayapartinsavingtheearth.每个人应该参与挽救地球。 Todaytherearealreadyrobotsoringinfactories.现在已经有机器人在工厂里工作了。 Therebesb.doingsth.有某人正在做…Thereisabirdsinginginthetree. Theyagreeitaytaehundredsofyears.他们同意这可能花费几百年的时间。 Ittaes+时间+todosth.某人花费时间区做某事。 Ittooehalfanhourtofinishyhoeor. agreetodosth.eagreetoeetuplaterandtalthingsover


XX九年级英语上册Unit13教案(新版人教 版) 学科English年级9班级 课型fresh课时1/6媒体ataperecorder,cAI 课题Unit13e’retryingtosavetheearth!SectionA1a~1c 话题Protectingtheenvironent 功能Talaboutpollutionandenvironentalprotection 教 学 目 标 知识 技能1.Targetlanguage: e’retryingtosavetheearth. Peoplearethroinglitterintotheriver. Theriverusedtobesoclean. Everyoneshouldhelptocleanuptheriver. Graar: Presentprogressive,usedto,odalverbs ordsandexpressions;

curriculuords:litter,botto,fisheran Usefulexpressions:befullof,put…into,thro…into,cleanup,playapartin,closedon 过程 方法Accordingtodesigningsoetass,totrainstudents’listeningabilityandtotrainstudents’unicativepetence. 情感 态度Everyoneshouldeepourriversclean. 学习策略Listeningforeyords,transforinginforation. 重点TargetLanguage 难点1.Hototrainstudents’listeningability. .Hototrainstudents’unicativepetence. 教学内容及问题情境学生活动设计意图 a.TointroduceSstotheunitgoal,talaboutpollutionanden vironentalprotection. Picture: Thefourpicturesshodifferentforsofenvironentalpollut


八年级上册英语单元知识点归纳 Unit1Wheredidyougoonvacation? 短语归纳 1.goonvacation去度假 2.stayathome待在家里 3.gotothemountains去爬山 4.gotothebeach去海滩 5.visitmuseums参观博物馆 6.gotosummercamp去参加夏令营 7.quiteafew相当多 8.studyfortests为测验而学习 9.goout出去10.mostofthetime大部分时间11.haveagoodtimedoing=havefundoing=enjoyoneself玩得高兴 去购 物because+句子 查明22.goon上上下下 用法: 3.nothing 4.seem+ 13.dislikedoingsth.不喜欢做某事 14.keepdoingsth.继续做某事keepondoingsth不停做某事 15.Whynotdo.sth.=whydon’tyoudosth为什么不做……呢? 16.so+adj.+that+从句如此……以至于…… 17.tellsb.(not)todosth.告诉某人(不要)做某事 18.enough+名词,形容词+enough 19.notreally.真的没有。 20.seemtodosth似乎好像做某事 21.Byefornow!到这该说再见了。

22.Howdoyoulike…=Whatdoyouthinkof…=Whatdoyouthinkabout… Unit2Howoftendoyouexercise? 短语 1.helpwithhousework帮助做家务 2.onweekends=ontheweekend在周末 3.howoften多久 一次howsoon多久(回答in10years)4.hardlyever几乎从不 5.onceaweek每周一次twiceamonth每月两次everyday每天three/four…timesaweek每周三四…次 6.befree=beavailable有空 7.gotothemovies去看电影 https://www.doczj.com/doc/087137466.html,etheInternet用互联网ontheInternet在网上surftheInternet 上网 9.swingdance摇摆舞10.playtennis打网球play+ 球类/棋类/中国乐器playthe+西洋乐器11.stayuplate熬夜;睡得很晚12.atleast至少atmost最多 擅长 根本firstofall 21.suchas看牙医 用法 少…? 5.主语 7.It’ 10.What Unit3I 短语 和……相同;与……一致bedifferentfrom与……不同5.careabout关心;介意takecareof=lookafter照顾6.belikeamirror像一面镜子7.themostimportant最重要的8.aslongas只要;既然 9.bringout使显现;使表现出10.getbettergrades取得更好的成绩11.reachfor伸手取12.infact 事实上;实际上13.makefriends交朋友14.one…,theother…一个…,另一个15.touchone’sheart 感动某人16.betalentedinmusic有音乐天赋 17.shareeverything分享一切18.talkabout谈论19.primaryschoolstudents小学生middleschoolstudent中学生https://www.doczj.com/doc/087137466.html,rmation是不可数名词,一则消息:apieceofinformation 21.theEnglishstudycenter英语学习中心 用法


XX八年级英语上册第七单元导学案(人 教版) 本资料为woRD文档,请点击下载地址下载全文下载地址Unit7 willpeoplehaverobots? Period8 SectionBSelfcheck 教师复备栏或 学生笔记栏 【学习目标】 .熟练掌握本单元词汇: 2.熟练掌握本单元句型: 5) In20years,IthinkI’llbeanewspaperreporter. ontheweekend,I’lllooklesssmartbutIwillbemorecomfortable. whatwillyour…belike? 【学习重点 难点】 本单元的单词、短语、语法 【学法指导】 及时练习与巩固

【教学过程】 一、 导入(启发探究 3分钟) 对话复习: Nick:whatareyoureading,jill? jill:It’sbookaboutfuture. Nick:Soundscool.Sowhatwillthefuturebelike? jill:well,citieswillbemorecrowdedandpolluted.Therew illbefewertreesandtheenvironmentwillbeingreatdanger. Nick:Thatsoundsbad!willwehavetomovetootherplanets. jill:maybe.ButIwanttoliveontheearth. Nick:me,too.Thenwhatcanwedo? jill:wecanuselesswaterandplantsmoretrees.Everyonesh ouldplayapartinsavingtheearth. 二、自学(自主探究 6分钟) 用法:

八年级英语上册Unit7 Will people have robots-知识点归纳

八年级英语上册Unit7 Will people have robots?知识点归纳 课 件www.5y https://www.doczj.com/doc/087137466.html,八年级英语上册Unit7willpeoplehaverobots?知识点归纳 八年级上Unit7willpeoplehaverobots? oncomputer在电脑上 onpaper在纸上 livetodo200yearsold活动200岁 freetime空闲时间 indanger处于危险之中 ontheearth在地球上 playapartinsth.参与某事 spacestation太空站 lookfor寻找 computerprogrammer电脑编程员 inthefuture在未来 hundredsof许多;成百上千 thesame…as…与……一样 overandoveragain多次;反复地 getbored感到厌烦的

wakeup醒来 falldown倒塌will+动词原形 将要做…… fewer/more+可数名词复数 更少/更多……less/more+不可数名词 更少/更多…… havetodosth.不得不做某事 agreewithsb.同意某人的意见 such+名词(词组) 如此…… playapartindoingsth.参与做某事 Therewillbe+主语+其他 将会有…… Thereis/are+sb./sth.+doingsth.有……正在做某事makesb.dosth.使某人做某事 helpsb.withsth.帮助某人做某事 trytodosth.尽力做某事 It’s+adj.+forsb.todosth. 对某人来说,做某事……的。 1.ThestudentsinourschoollearnEnglish computers. A.at


八年级英语上册Unit7Willpeoplehaverobots?知识点归纳puters在电脑上, 2、onpaper在纸上, 3、livetobe200yearsold活到200岁, 4、freetime空闲时间, 5、indanger在危险中, 6、ontheearth在世界上 7、playapartinsth在某方面出力/做贡献, 8、spacestation太空站, 8、lookfor寻找, 9、computerprogrammer电脑程序师, 10、inthefuture在将来, 11、hundredsof成百上千的, 12、thesame…as与…一样, 13、overandoveragain反复, 14、getbored无聊, 15、wakeup醒来/唤醒, 16、looklike看起来像, 17、falldown倒下/落下 二、重要句子(语法) 1、will+动词原形将要做

2、fewer/more+可数名词复数更少/更多… 3、less/more+不可数名词更少/更多 4、trytodosth.尽力做某事 5、havetodosth不得不做某事 6、agreewithsb.同意某人的意见 7、such+名词(词组)如此 8、playapartindoingsth参与做某事 9、makesbdosth让某人做某事 10、helpsbwithsth帮助某人做某事 11、Therewillbe+主语+其他将会有…. 12、Thereis/are+sb.+doingsth有…正在做… 13、Itis+形容词+forsb+todosth做某事对某人来说…语法: Whatwillthefuturebelike? Citieswillbemorepolluted.Andtherewillbefewertrees. Willpeopleusemoneyin100years? No,theywon’t.Everythingwillbefree. Willtherebeworldpeace? Yes,Ihopeso. Kidswillstuffyathomeoncomputers. Theywon’tgotoschool.


八上英语复习重点总结 Unit1Wheredidyougoonvacation? 单元重点: 1)一般过去时 2)不定代词的用法: a)不定代词作主语,谓语动词用单三 b)形容词修饰不定代词要放在其后 c)something一般用在肯定句中,anything一般用在否定句和疑问句中重点词组: goonvacation去度假stayathome待在家里gotothemountains去爬山gotothebeach去海滩visitmuseums参观博物馆gotosummercamp去参观夏令营quiteafew相当多 studyfor为……而学习 goout出去 mostofthetime大部分时间tastegood尝起来很好吃ofcourse当然 feellike给……的感觉/想要inthepast在过去walkaround四处走走becauseof因为onebowlof…一碗……thenextday第二天 drinktea喝茶 findout找出;查明 goon继续 takephotos照相somethingimportant重要的事upanddown上上下下 comeup出来

用法集锦: 1)buysth.forsb./buysb.sth.为某人买某物 2)taste+adj.尝起来……look+adj.看起来…… 3)nothing…but+动词原形除了……之外什么都没有 4)seem+(tobe)+adj.看起来…… 你还能想到seem的什么用法? 5)arrivein+大地点/arriveat+小地点到达某地 6)decidetodosth.决定去做某事 7)try的用法: 作动词:trydoingsth.尝试做某事/trytodosth.尽力去做某事tryone’sbesttodosth. 作名词:haveatry 8)forgetdoingsth.忘记做过某事/forgettodosth.忘记做某事 9)enjoydoingsth.喜欢做某事 10)dislikedoingsth.不喜欢做某事 11)Whynotdo.sth.?为什么不做……呢? 12)So+adj.+that+从句如此……以至于…… 13)tellsb.(not)todosth.告诉某人(不要)做某事 14)总结keep的用法 Unit2Howoftendoyouexercise? 单元重点: 1)关于how的词组 2)频率副词的位置:放在be动词、助动词、情态动词之后,实意动词之前 3)Howoften与Howman ytimes的区别? 重点词组: helpwithhousework帮助做家务onweekends/ontheweekend在周末

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