当前位置:文档之家› 新概念第三册短语总结(超实用)




feel obliged to do sth.感觉有必要做某事

be obliged to do sth 被迫做某事

in evidence显而易见.

be cornered ………被逼得走投无路

convinced sb. of sth 使某人相信某事

(An idea)…come to sb.某人突然想到了……

take sth. seriously==deal with sth. seriously 严肃对待某事

take sth. lightly: 草率对待某事

claim to have done sth声称曾经作过某事

in the possession of sb==in sb's possession 归某人所有

in possession of sth. 拥有某物

take possession of 拥有

It is disturbing to think that 一想到………就心里不安

in a trap 落入陷阱中

recognized sb as 认出某人是

shoot from the hip 信口开河

joined at the hip 表示交情极厚的

happen to do 强调事情的偶然发生

happen on 巧遇,偶然发现

It turned out that…………原来是(表示结果)

in the case of: 至于,就……而言

in case of: 万一,以防

in a simple way: 简单的,简朴的

go to extreme (to do)走极端

set out to do sth.==decide and try to do 决定,打算,着手做=set about doing smash into:撞到某处

on the background of sth. 以什么为背景

挡住了某人的道路in sb's way

chew the fat: 聊天

chewed up:着急的,担心的

make a claim 提出索求

Now that:既然

quite the opposite 恰恰相反

be fascinated with被…迷住了,被…吸引住了

submit oneself to sb/sth屈服于,顺从于

never fail to do 双重否定==肯定

have learned to:学会了,习惯了

be suspicious of sb.对…表示怀疑,存有戒心

be based on基于事实基础上的

base sth on 把某事加强在什么基础之上

make a study of sth对…作出研究

die of 死于(疾病…),自然的死亡用of

die from 死于(非自然的死亡)

suffer from 遭受…痛苦

be likely to do有可能如何,强调可能性

even so 虽然如此

although 让步,虽然,但是

in spite of 尽管,只用来连接名词,动名词或代词


sail for航海去往某处

set out(off) for 出发去往某处

by regulation依据规则

by rules依据条例

by our estimate依据我们的估计

by one's looks/by one's appearance根据某人的长相

according to依据(事实,客观存在的现实)=in accordance with(后者更加正式)regard sb./sth as +(n/pron./adj/doing/done) 把…看作为

to one's horror使某人感到惊骇,惊恐

in next to no time====at once,immediately

on a sudden impulse:凭一时的冲动

gain confidence 获得信心的

take sb into one's confidence 以某人为心腹

light up:喜气洋洋,容光焕发

pounce on:向…猛扑过去,对…大做文章

as sb. mentioned 正如…所提及的

golden opportunity绝佳的机会

opportunity knocks only once千载难逢的机会

form an unrealistic picture of sth. 对…抱有不切实际的幻想

imagine sth to be/ imagine sth. as

quite the opposite: 恰恰相反

load with 把…装载到…上

fend for oneself: 独立的照料某人

consist of--由…组成

not/never too……to:并不太…所以能够

One is never too old to learn 活到老,学到老

fancy-dress party==costume party 化装舞会

let out a cry 大叫了一声

take sb in 使某人信以为真,让某人上当

see sb (to)do sth 看见某人做某事(做宾语补足语时候,不定式符号to被省略) if……happen to……表示某事偶然发生

let out 发出==give

on time准时/ in time及时

hire out; rent out 租给

hire from/ rent from 租进来

dedicate to 奉献给……

put sb of business使某人失业

put sb/sth out of ……使某人失去……

put it out of your mind 忘记这件事情吧!= forget it.

would rather do sth than do sth 宁愿……而不……

==would prefer to do……than do

==would prefer doing……to doing

life work 毕生的事业

a band of……一伙…………

make name for himself ===become famous

come to /get to 渐渐的

come to be known 渐渐的被人所熟知

at war with 与……交战

in times of……在……期间

burn down烧毁/ burn up烧光/ burn out 烧空


Eg: On seeing him, I ran away.

be willing to do==be prepared to do 心甘情愿的做某事

provide a regular supply of ……定期地提供

provide sth for sb/ provide sb with sth 为某人提供某物品

go a long way 可以买很多东西,维持很久

go up to sb 走到某人面前

tie sth to把…拴在…上;与…有联系

accuse sb of doing sth 因为某事指控某人=charge sb with doing sth


deny doing sth. 否认做了某事deny sb nothing百依百顺deny oneself:克制自己It is obvious that…显而易见

set out to do sth开始做某事

It has been estimated that…据估计

and no mistake 确实如此

attach to sb for sth因为某事而把……加在某人身上be attached to sth. 喜欢,喜爱

in response to/ in reaction to 作为对……的反应

be familiar to sb. 对某人来说很熟悉be familiar with 熟悉,熟知

go mad 发疯,发狂run mad

It was rather like = It was more like 看起来更像

prohibit from sb doing sth 重点强调法律或条例明文禁止

draw a picture 支取cost sb dear 花了某人很多钱

be considerate to sb 对某人很体贴入微all things considered 就各方面而言hold sb to ransom 绑票(索取赎金)

go back on one's word 食言

make an attempt on/ to do 尝试,试图make no attempt 没有……企图,尝试be forced to do 被迫做……

It looked as if:似乎,看起来

ride the waves 在水面上漂浮,冲浪前进

be crude to sb 对……粗鲁,无理, rude语气比crude 要弱

in popularity 受欢迎,受喜爱

bet one's bottom dollar on somebody 对……孤注一掷

bet on the wrong horse 对……做出了错误的判断

squint one's eyes 眯上眼睛

proceed from 从什么着手开始继续

proceed from 起诉某人

on end = continuously: 连续的,位于具体的时间之后

learn/ know by heart: 把……牢记在心

heart and soul 全心全意的,全身心的have one's heart in one's boots提心吊胆take heart 鼓起勇气,恢复信心lose heart 失去信心

lose heart to sb= give heart to sb: 轻信于某人put one's heart into sth: 致力于某事play a joke(cheek) on sb: 开某人玩笑

hand to == present sth to == pass to 把……递给某人

look on 旁观peer about 眯着眼睛看fry up加热

fry in one's own fat 自作自受have other fish to fry 另有要事要做

put on fat 长胖,发胖

associate A with B 把……跟……联想到一起= connect with.

look down upon 鄙视,瞧不起

appeal to sb 引起某人兴趣appeal for sth. 为某事而上诉

on a sudden impulse 一时的,冲动的

to our dismay 使我们感到惊愕的是

one's hair stands on end :某人感到毛骨悚然的

make/set one's hair stand on end: 使某人感到毛骨悚然的

make a lasting impression on sb: 给某人以不可磨灭的印象

have a false impression of sb: 对某人有错误的看法

give sb impression that: 给某人印象

impress sb with sth 用…给某人留下印象

marked the end of : 标志…的结束

take the lead: 处于领先地位== go into the lead take over the lead: 取得领先地位lose the lead: 失去领先地位in the lead: 处于领先地位(状态)

be caught in the rain/snow 遇到了雨/雪

depart for 去往某处

in respect of==with regard to 关于,至于

in view of 以…观点考虑到=considering

under the influence of受…影响

have influence over sb 有左右某人的能力

exercise influence on sb's behalf 为某人而尽力

on sb's behalf 为某人的利益

pride oneself on 为…感到骄傲、夸耀=take pride in/be proud of

in the pride of 处于最佳状态(顶峰)

have excellent taste in sth 在…上有极高的品位

a taste of 尝一口,尝一点in good taste: 文雅,得体in bad taste: 庸俗,不得体to one's taste: 合某人的口味,称某人的心愿

exert sth on sb 对某人施加…(压力)exert oneself 努力,尽力

exert every effort 尽一切努力

get something for nothing: 免费得到……

not only…but…as well……不仅……而且……

make it possible for sb to do sth 使……可能

capture(catch,receive,arrest,draw) the attention of sb 吸引某人注意力

cut sb's wisdom teeth 开始懂事了

on purpose: 故意,强调目的性

take the consequence of 承担……的后果

with ease 轻而易举at ease, ill at ease 舒服,宽松

put sb at his ease 不拘束take one's ease 安下心来

live by: to make enough money to feed oneself依靠某种职业为生

live on 依靠某种食物维持生命,或靠某人生活

in accordance with: 依据(法律)

in terms of: 按照,就……而言,关于

be free from 不受……的影响

keep oneself alive 为了生存

from place to place 四处,到处(=here and there) one way or another 表示某种方法或途径in every sense 名副其实,在各种意义上来说,不折不扣的

look down on= = look down upon 瞧不起

a good bargain 好交易make a bargain 达成协议,做成交易

drive a hard bargain with sb 和某人费力的讨价还价

bargain with sb for sth 和某人就……讨价还价

in favour of 赞成,支持,有利于in one's favour 受某人欢迎,得到欢心

out of favour 不利,失宠

fly into a rage 勃然大怒

have no intention of doing sth 不打算做某事

go to great(considerable, any) lengths 竭尽全力,不惜一切代价

get rid of 摆脱,除去

at the base of 在……的底部

as a special favour 作为一种特殊的优惠

be pleased with= be satisfied with 对……感到满意

keep on doing sth. 反复、重复干某事(中间可以有短暂的暂停)

the majority of ……大多数

wake up to find that 醒过来的时候,结果却发现…………

claim to have done 声称做过某事

wait up for/sit up for 为了等待某人回来而不睡觉

burn the midnight oil 开夜车

nothing else than 仅仅

keep secret 保密reveal secret 揭露秘密,披露秘密

sth are growing in intensity ……(某种程度)在加强

add colour to 增添色彩

pay no attention to sb = ignore sb = take no notice of sb = turn a deaf ear to sb对……不予理睬receive a great deal of attention in the press 引起了报界广泛注意

talk nonsense 胡说八道talk sense 说正经话

go to lengths 竭尽全力

come to light = become known = emerge 被公开,被发现(不及物)

bring sth to light/ review 把……公布于众

a prelude to sth ……的前奏

a chain of 一系列 a series of reaction 一系列反应chain smoker 吸烟很严重的人

a train of thoughts/ ideas 一个个的想法

in confusion 乱七八糟be covered with confusion 局促不安

throw sb into confusion 使某人惊慌失措

look sb in the eyes 两眼直视某人eye to eye with sb 与某人看法完全一样

turn a blind eye to sth 对……视而不见make eyes at sb 含情报脉脉地看着某人reduce sb to + 名词:迫使某人处于……状态

Troubles never come single 祸不单行

as we know 众所周知during the rush hour 上下班高峰期

forbid sb to do sth 禁止做某事forbid doing sth 禁止做……事

don't cherish such illusion that……别抱有……的幻想

exert a peculiar fascination on sb 对某人有一种特殊的魅力

There is alwyas hope that……人们还常常希望

be engageed in 潜心于,专心于……

be about to when……正要……的时候……(发生某事)

do justice to sb 公正对待某人give oneself up to justice 自首

in justice to sth为了对……公正起见

take law into one's own hand 无法无天take the law of sb 控告

within the law 合法outside the law 不合法

undertake to do 承担,开始做

in accord with 和…一致out of accord with 和……不一致of one's own accord 自然而然的in accordance with 依据(法律,规章,制度),比较正式

He deserves it / It serves him right 罪有应得

At such times: 在有的时候

get stuck 被卡住了

take effect 起作用

be acquainted with sth 对……有所了解

acquaint sb with sth / acquaint sb of sth 告之某人某事

make a person acquainted with sb 介绍某人同另一个人认识

bring sth to a conclusion 结束== bring sth to a close(更正式)

present sb with sth. 向某人提供了……== present sth to sb.

bring about 产生,影响

comment on sth 就……作出评论,评价= remark on

become of ==happen to 发生遭遇,不幸的事件,多用于疑问句,

express way: 高速公路shopping/ local train 慢车

special express 特快through express 直快

be punctual in doing sth. 在做……方面非常准时

be punctual to the minute 非常准时

be conditioned to 习惯了……on condition that 在……条件下如果

on no condition 在任何情况下,用在句首句子要倒装

in good/ bad condition 情况良好/情况糟糕change one's condition 结婚

keep faith with sb. 对……守信用

put one's faith in sth 对……有信心

on the faith of 在……的保障下,凭……的信用

reflect on sth 细想……reflect upon oneself 自我反省

take advantage of sb/sth 欺骗……并利用to advantage 更有效地

of great/no advantage to sb/sth 对……有(没有)好处

have advantage over sb 胜过某人,比某人有优势

develop an unshakable faith in sth 对……产生了……样的信念

strike sb as 给某人以……印象,使某人感到

in black and white 白纸黑字

at the speed of 以……的速度

complain about/of 抱怨

be short of 短缺

be want of = in need of 需要……

shed tears 泪流满面shed one's clothes 脱去衣服

at the advent of 在…到来的时候since the advent of 自从…的到来

in the unique position 处于无以伦比,独一无二的情况

select from 从…中选择(同类中)

up to now = so far 到目前为止

come into being 产生,出现come into use 开始使用

as near as 接近make a scoop 走运

be perturbed about sth 为…而心神不安

rip one's mask away 撕下某人的假面具

rip into 猛攻,抨击rip off 偷窃rip up the back 背后说坏话

at a stretch 连续的,一口气的,不停顿的 a stretch of hill 连绵不断的群山constitue an obstacle to 构成…的障碍

remove/ overcome an obstacle 克服困难

put obstacle in sb's way 妨碍某人的发展

grind sth to pieces 把……弄成碎片

grind one's teeth in anger 气得咬牙切齿

come to a halt/ stop 停下来

not in the least= not at all / not a bit/ not the least bit 一点也不

by no means= in no way =on no account =at no times= under no circumstances 决不give way to 为……所代替

remonstrate sb to do sth 规劝某人做某事

aks sb for permission 请求许可

give/ grant sb permission 准予许可

take sb seriously 严肃对待

in raptures(about/ over sth ) (对……) 欣喜若狂

go into reptures(over/ about/ at sth ) (对……)感到非常的高兴!

be superior to 比…优越be interior to 比…低,不如…

be dubious about/of 对…怀疑,对…不肯定,主要表示不肯定的,不确定的Every picture has got two sides. 凡事都有两方面

fails to mention == say nothing about 没有提到……

be beyond me = is beyond my understanding …是我无法理解的

draw to its close = near its end 临近结束/尾声

run wild 发疯

don’t impose your idea on me 不要把你的想法强加于我

insure sb/sth against 给…上保险以防…

It has been a mystery to sb == sb be mystified by 被…所迷惑,被…多困扰

Not worth a day’s purchase 危在旦夕

Drag oneself to 拖着疲惫的身躯去…

Knock sb off sb’s perch 打败、击败

Come off one’s perch 不再骄傲自大=put your pride in your pocket.

In the event of == in case of 以防万一

Take the risk 冒险,承担风险

Make a claim 提出索赔要求

I bet 我肯定

Knock sb out 1,把某人打晕,2,某人筋疲力尽

Airsick 晕飞机的Carsick 晕车的Bussick晕公交车的Homesick 想家的

Stimulate sb to do sth 激励某人某事Inspire sb to do 激励某人做某事(通过言辞)Take a sip of sth 喝一点Have a taste of sth 尝一点

Take your mind off sth 把某人注意力从…转移开

By comparison 通过对比Be likely to do 有可能

Keep one’s mind off 转移注意力Keep sb occupied 集中注意力

give sb applause for 称赞某人的……,因……而夸奖某人

back and forth 来回地,反复地back down/off 放弃,后退

back out 1,退出,撒手2,食言back up 1,(使)倒退2,支持

behind sb's back 背着某人,暗中turn one's back on 轻视,不理睬

go from bad to worse 每况愈下get over 从……中恢复过来

get away from 从……逃脱掉

in obscurity 默默无闻be faced with 面对

act on 以……行事,遵循……来行事

On behalf of: 代表Instead of : 代替(某物,谁)

For the sake of: 出于……的缘故

At leisure 悠闲自得的,空闲的At one’s leisure 在某人空闲的时候,在某人高兴的时候Wait sb’s leisure 等某人有空闲的时候

Be keen about/on sth 迷上,喜欢上

Outlet for …的出路provide an outlet for 寻找……出路

screw down 用螺丝固定住,约束screw up 固定住,把……揉成一团

screw out 拧出来,勉强拿出,逼出screw around 鬼混,闲逛

snap one's fingers at sb 向某人弹响指(表示蔑视,不尊重)

snap sth up 迅速抓住机会抢购in a snap 立刻,马上

passion for doing sth 热情于做某事

embark on doing sth 从事做(新的,难度大的事情)

go so far as to do 竟然到了干……的地步

in dread of 害怕

tend to 倾向于tend to do sth 有……倾向tend to sth 照料,伺候

be supposed to 一致公认

as good as 几乎,差不多

sheer nonsense 一派胡言in a word 简而言之

in other words 换句话说,也就是说put in a (good) word for 为……说好话beyond belief 难以置信

benefit sb/sth 有益于某人或某事benefit by/ from sth 得益于某事物

fill the bill 符合要求,适合需要 a bird in (the ) hand 已到手的东西,已定局的事情bitter wind 刺骨的风bitter remarks 刻薄话,恶毒的话

do its bit 尽本分做应该做的do a share 做好分内的工作

play an important role/part in sth 起了重要的作用

take offence at sb/sth 对……生气

trace its way 继续延伸

out of sentiment = out of pity 出于同情

lavish money on sth/ sb 在……浪费金钱

lavish praises on sb =never grude to do sth : 大肆吹捧某人

lavish care on sb 溺爱,过度宠爱

air one's views on sth/ sb 某人就某人或某物发表自己的见解

put sb in charge of 安排某人负责

resolve sb on sth 使某人作某事

attain to 某人希望达到的成就

taunt sb with sth 因为……而讥/取笑某人=make fun of / laught at =jeer at

reduce to 降低到……reduce by 降低了……

one's effort to do sth 某人干什么所做出来的努力

urge sb to do sth. 敦促某人做某事=prompt sb to do

take measure 采取措施

keep sth on permanent display 一直摆放着…………

despite the fact that 尽管事实如此=in spite of the fact that

consider it a great joke/great fun to do sth 把做某事看作时巨大的乐趣

meet with sb's requirements/need 满足某人的需要

put on one's act of doing 装模作样,假装put on == pretend

in blank astonishment 茫然惊奇的

keep in touch with sb = keep up correspondence 保持通信联系

provoke sb's interest in sth 引起某人兴趣

be entranced in thought 想得入了神be entranced with fear 吓得灵魂出壳

Let us get down to our business 言归正传

Stand up to 经得起考验

Treat sb with disregard 怠慢某人

Beyond doubt: 毫无疑问Beyond understanding 无法理解

Be tempted to do特别想要做某事


新概念英语第一册知识点归纳与讲解 短语、词组归纳 由动词开头构成的短语、词组很多。复习时应分类处理: 一、动词+介词 1.look at…看…,look like …看上去像……, look after …照料…2.listen to…听……3.welcome to…欢迎到…… 4.say hello to …向……问好 5.speak to…对……说话 此类短语相当于及物动词,其后必须带宾语,但宾语无论是名词还是代词,都要放在介词之后。如: This is my new bike. Please look it after.(×) This is my new bike. Please look after it.(√) 二、动词+副词 “动词+副词”所构成的短语义分为两类: A.动词(vt.)+副词1.put on 穿上 2.take off脱下 3.write down 记下 此类短语可以带宾语,宾语若是名词,放在副词前后皆可;宾语若是人称代词,只能放在副词的前面。试比较: First listen to the tape, then write down the answer/write the answer down. (√)

First listen to the answer, then write down it.(×) First listen to the answer, then write it down.(√) B.动词(vi)+副词。1.come on赶快 2.get up起床 3.go home回家4.come in进来 5.sit down坐下6.stand up起立 此类短语属于不及物动词,不可以带宾语。 三、其它类动词词组 1.close the door 2.1ook the same 3.go to work/class 4.be ill 5.have a look/seat 6.have supper 7.1ook young 8.go shopping 9.watch TV/games 10. play games 介词短语聚焦 “介词+名词/代词”所构成的短语称为介词短语。现将Unitsl-16常用的介词短语按用法进行归类。 1.in+语言/颜色/衣帽等,表示使用某种语言或穿着……。如:in English,in the hat 2.in + Row/ Team/ Class/ Grade等,表示“在……排/队/班级/年级”等。 3.in the morning/ afternoon/ evening/表


新概念英语第一册每课知识点 Lesson1-2 Excuse me! 对不起!Is this your…?这是你的…吗? 语言点:与陌生人说话或引起别人的注意。Excuse me.译成汉语:劳驾或打扰一下。Yes?什么事?Yes. 是的。Pardon?请再说一遍。Thank you very much.非常感谢。 语法点:主系表结构this为主语,名词做表语 一般疑问句以及它的肯定回答。Is this your handbag? Yes, it is. Lesson 3-4 Sorry, sir. 对不起,先生。Is this your…?这是你的…吗? 语言点:询问某物是某人的吗 语法点:简单的否定句。It isn’t my coat. 一般疑问句的否定形式Is this your umbrella?—Is this not your umbrella? Is this your ticket?---Is this not your ticket? (回答时要根据事实来回答)Lesson 5-6 Nice to meet you。很高兴见到你。What make is it? 它是什么牌子的? 语言点:如何介绍别人。This is Miss Sophie Dupont. Nice to meet you. 询问物品的牌子:What make is +单数可数名词? 语法点:主语为第三人称单数的主系表结构。She is French. He is German. It’s a V olvo.(L6) a/an 的使用。选择疑问句---一般选择疑问句和特殊选择疑问句Lesson 7-8 Are you a teacher? 你是教师吗?What’s your job?你是做什么工作的? 语言点:如何自我介绍和相互认识。询问职业的表达法。 What’s your job? 询问国籍的表达法。What nationality are you? 语法点:主语为第二人称的主系表结构。Are you French? 特殊疑问句Who, what, whose, how old, how many… Lesson 9-10 How are you today? 你今天好吗?Look at…看… 语言点:朋友或熟识的人之间如何相互问候。How are you? I’m fine. / I’ m very well. Thanks, and you? Nice to see you. 语法点:主系表结构:主语+be动词+形容词,用来描述主语的外形特征。 She is tall/ old/ clean/thin/ lazy. 介词短语表示位置near the window on the television on the wall Lesson11-12 Is this your shirt? 这是你的衬衫吗?Whose is this/that…?这…是谁的或那…是谁的?This/ That is + 物主代词+ 单数可数名词。 语言点:询问东西是谁的whose 引导的问句 语法点:名词所有格 特殊疑问句:whose +名词+is this/that? This/ That is +名词所有格/所有格代词 区别:This is my book.---- Whose book is this? (做形容词) This book is mine.---Whose is this book? (做代词) 表示所有关系的物主代词(名词性和形容词性) Lesson 13-14 A new dress 一件新连衣裙What colour’s your …? 你的…是什么颜色的? 语言点:询问颜色和复习各种颜色的词汇。不可分割的the same 英语整十数字的表达法,百位数的英文表达法。 句子中的斜体字的意义及读法。 语法点:特殊疑问句---What colour is your…what 作形容词,修饰colour 祈使句---意义,用法,结构,否定式 人称代词主格、宾格及相应的be动词 Lesson 15-16 Your passports, please. 请出示你们的护照。Are you…? 你们是…吗? 语言点:猜国籍的问句:Are you +表国籍的词汇?翻译成“你是…国人吗?” 询问物品的颜色:What colour are your…?你们的…是什么颜色的? Are these your…? 这些是你/你们的…吗? 语言点:名词的复数变化方法,及读音---清清浊浊(1) 复习一般疑问句 不定冠词a, an的用法 Lesson 17-18 How do you do? 你好!What are their jobs?他们是做什么工作的? 语言点:初次相识相互问候. How do you do? (注意回答相同:How do you do!) 询问职业:What’s your job?/What are you? /What do you do? Who引导的疑问句,用来对人的身份或姓名提问。 Who is that girl? She is Lily, she is my classmate. How 引导的问句,用来询问人的状态或特征:How is your mother? She is very well. She is very nice. What 引导的问句,用来询问人的职业:What is your mother? She is a doctor. 整百数字和千位数字的英文表达法 语法点:名词复数的变化方法及发音及不规则名词的复数变化方法(2)Lesson 19-20 Tired and thirsty 又累又渴Look at them! 看看他们/ 它们! 语言点:询问发生了什么事:What’s the matter with sb. / 代词的宾格?


《新概念第一册词组总汇》 Lesson 1~ 2 Excuse me. 对不起。 I beg your pardon. 请再说一遍。 thank you 感谢你(们) very much 非常地 Thank you very much 非常感谢 = Many thanks. = Thanks a lot. = Thanks very much. You’re welcome. 不必谢。That’s all right. 没关系 / 不客气。= That’s OK. = Not at all. It was nothing. 没什么。 It’s a pleasure. 我很乐意。= My pleasure。 Lesson 3~ 4 I’m sorry. 对不起. Lesson 5~ 6 Good morning. 早上好. This is + 人名将某人介绍给他人 Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 Nice to meet you, too. 我也很高兴见到你。Glad to meet you. 很高兴见到你。Pleased to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 How do you do? 你好! what make 什么牌子 an new student 一个新学生 Lesson 7~ 8 what nationality 什么国籍 What’s your job? 你是做什么工作的? a keyboard operator 电脑操作人员 an engineer 一个工程师 Lesson 9~ 10 How are you? 你好吗? I’m fine. 我很好。 = I’m very well. How have you been? 你近况如何? How is everything going on? 一切都好吗? Just fine. 还好。 Just so so. 马马虎虎。 Not bad. 不坏。 Nice to see you. 见到你真高兴.Nice to see you, too. 见到你我也很高兴. look at …看…… Lesson 11~ 12 Whose shirt 谁的衬衫 Here you are. 给你. Lesson 13~ 14 what colour 什么颜色 come upstairs 上楼 go downstairs 下楼 nice dress 漂亮的裙子 lovely hat 可爱的帽子 the same 同一的; 相同的 Here they are. 给你 (复数) Here it is. 给你 (单数) Lesson 15~ 16 customs officer 海关官员 That’s fine. 好了。 Lesson 17~ 18 come and meet sb. 来见见某人 How do you do? 您好? (初次见面正式场合) office assistant 办公室的勤杂人员Lesson 19~ 20 What’s the matter? 怎么啦? = What’s wrong? = Tell me what’s wrong. sit down 坐下 take a seat 就坐 all right 行, 好 there is 有 (表存在)(单数) Lesson 21~ 22 give sb. sth. 给某人某物 = give sth. to sb. Which book? 哪一本书? The red one. 那本红色的。 Lesson 23~ 24 Which glasses? 哪些杯子? on the shelf 架子上 on the chair 在椅子上 in the armchair 在扶手椅上 on the desk 在桌子上 (有抽屉) on the table 在桌子上 (没抽屉) on the cupboard 在食橱上 in the cupboard 在食橱里 Lesson 25~ 26 in the kitchen 在厨房 on the right 在右边 on the left 在左边


L.1 1.五大基本句型2.零冠词精讲背诵 L.2 1.现在进行时与一般现在时2.感叹句的基本结构精讲 L.3 1.“给予”动词带双宾精讲背诵 L.4 1.现在完成时2.Accept vs.receive3.excited vs. exciting知识点和第五课重复,可以不讲 L.5 1.一般现在时与过去完成时的区别2.In 3 minutes vs. in 3 minutes’time3. 带way的短语精讲课文:背诵课文 L.6 1.in vs.on2.不定冠词的一般用法3 动词词组搭配精讲课文:背诵 L.7 1.expect的用法2.过去进行时3.When, while and as4. 小品词(副词vs介词)精讲 L.8 1.形容词和副词的比较级和最高级2.谓语动词的单复数确定精讲:背诵 L.9 1.基本时间介词的用法:at, in, on, during, through, till, until2 时间表示法次精讲 L.10 1.被动语态2.名词所有格,双重所有格(37)3.made in, made of, made from, made by精讲;鼓励背诵,加强语感 L.11 1.deserve的用法2.不定式作宾语动词后是否需要先加一个名词或代词次精讲:适合背诵L.12 1.一般将来时可以不讲 L.13 1.将来进行时和一般将来时的区别精讲 L.14 1.Except, except for, apart from次精讲 L.15 1.afford的用法2.interrupt的用法3.直接引语与间接引语精讲:背诵 L.16 1.Remind的用法2.Fail的用法3.if条件句精讲:背诵 L.17 1.in spite of2.介词的用法in, 3 情态动词精讲:鼓励背诵L. 18 1.have的多种用法(助动词,完全动词)2.关于give的词组自学课文L. 19 1.hurry的用法2.Can vs may; can vs could; may vs might3. might as well次精讲:设置场景,组对背诵 L.20 1.动名词充当主语和宾语2.Instead of vs. instead精讲:背诵 L.21 1.含助动词的被动语态2.Come into3.drive的不同用法4.Home vs. house次精讲 L.22 1 课后介词搭配练习文章次精讲 L.23 1.there is vs. it is自学课文


新概念一册L101~ 短语 1.read sth to sb.= read sb sth 给某人读某物 2.arrive in/at到达 3.stay at 呆在… 4.a member of ……成员之一 5.write a letter to sb. 给…写信 6.speak up 大声说 7.be afraid of doing/n. 害怕… 8.be afraid to do 害怕做… 9.fail in doing sth 做某事失败、无法做某事 10.t oo…to…太…以至于不能… 11.t oo…for sb to do sth 对于某人来说太…以至于不能… 12.t he rest of…其他的…. 13.h ate to do sth不愿意做… 14.h ate doing sth 不喜欢做… 15.c heer up 加油、振作起来 16.a t the top of…在…上方顶部 17.a t the bottom of 在…底部 18.p ass in 在某一学科考试及格 19.p ass sb sth = pass sth to sb. 给某人传递某物 20.It is adj for sb to do sth 对于某人来说做…是… 21.l ow mark 低分 22.h igh mark 高分 23.a nswer all the questions 回答所有的问题 24.c limb the wall 爬墙

25.w ant sb (not) to do (不)想让某人做某事 26.s peak to sb 与…说话 27.t ell sb (not) to do sth 告诉某人(不)做某事 28.H ow do you spell ….? 如何拼写….? 29.b e full of= be filled with 装满了… 30.be sorry about…对…感到抱歉 31.h elp sb do sth 帮助某人做某事 32.help sb with sth 在某方面帮助某人 33.b e/get in fashion 流行… 34.b e/get out of fashion …过时 35.t ry to do sth 尽力、设法做某事 36.t ry doing sth 尝试做某事 37.t ry on 试穿 38.h ave a try 试一试 39.a s well=too 也 40.n ot …at all 根本不 41.s how sb sth= show sth to sb. 给某人展示某物 42.m ust be 一定是… 43.W ould you like to do/n.….?= Do you want to do/n.…? 44.m ake some coffee 煮咖啡 45.b e/get ready for sth 为某事做好准备 46.b e/get ready to do sth 准备好做某事 47.a little 一点,少许 48.l ess than 少于… 49.l ess…than 不如…


1.一次私人谈话 a private conversation 2.private对应词------- public 3.在公共场所 in public = in the public place 4.若可能的话,请小心不要造公共场所大声喧哗。 If (it’s )possible ,please take care not to speak loudly in public 。 5.和某人做对话 have a conversation 6.去戏院 go to the theater 7.和某人生气 be angry with sb 8.由于某人而生气be angry at sth 9.生气做某事 be angry to do sth 10.注意 pay attention to 没注意 pay no attention 11.更多地注意 pay more attention 几乎不注意pay little attention 注意些pay some attention 注意许多pay much attention 12.为……付钱 pay for 13.公事 on business 14.此事与你无关 It‘s none of your business 。 15.插话 cut in 16.用手指着别人是不礼貌的。It‘s rude to point the others with finger 。 17.无理的(adj)rude 无理地(adv)rudely 礼貌的(adj)polite 礼貌地(adv)politely 不礼貌的(adj)impolite 不礼貌地(adv)impolitely Polite 形容词比较级—more polite 最高级 most polite 18.听某人说话 hear sb 19.有关turn的词组 打开 turn on 关上 turn off 调大 turn up 调小 turn down 变成 turn into 翻转 turn over


新概念英语第一册所有语法点汇总 Lesson 1 人称代词含有be动词的陈述句、否定句和一般疑问句 Lesson 3 祈使句简单的倒装句 Lesson 5 冠词 Lesson 6 选择疑问句 Lesson 7 特殊疑问句一般疑问句 Lesson 9 How …?的一些社交上的用法形容词的意义与作用 Lesson 11所有格形容词和所有格代词名词所有格 Lesson 15 名词可数名词单数变复数的规则 Lesson 16 名词复数-s或-es的发音规则 Lesson 19 There be 句型常见方位介词:in、on、over、under Lesson 21 动词的双宾语 Lesson 23 定语 Lesson 27 some, any 一些 Lesson 29 情态动词情态动词must的用法 Lesson 31 时态:共十六种时态,时态是通过动词变化来实现的。现在进行时 Lesson 34 动词+ing的规则 Lesson 35 短语动词 Lesson 37 be going to 句型宾语补足语 Lesson 39 祈使句 do的用法

Lesson 40 词组:动词+介词 Lesson 43 情态动词can的用法 Lesson 47 一般现在时 Lesson 48 序数词 Lesson 49 动词加 s(es) 规则动词不定式 some、any用法Lesson 51 What…(be,look…) like? 频率副词 Lesson 57 一般现在时与现在进行时 Lesson 59 have/has的用法 Lesson 61 主语+系动词+表语 Lesson 63 each和every的区别 Lesson 64 禁令Don’t and Mustn’t Lesson 65 日期的表达反身代词 Lesson 67 一般过去时动词的过去式变化否定疑问句Lesson 69 用介词at,on和in的时间短语 Lesson 74 副词的用法副词的构成 Lesson 75 宾语从句 Lesson 79 Must与Need Lesson 83 现在完成时 Lesson 85 现在完成时的特殊结构 Lesson 89 for与since Lesson 91 一般将来时


《新概念第一册词组总汇》N o t b a d.不坏。Lesson 1~ 2 Excuse me. 对不起。 I beg your pardon. 请再说一遍。Nice to see you. 见到你真高兴. thank you 感谢你(们)Nice to see you, too. 见到你我也很高兴very much 非常地look at …看…… Thank you very much 非常感谢 = Many thanks. Lesson 11~ 12 = Thanks a lot. Whose shirt 谁的衬衫 = Thanks very much. Here you are. 给你. You're welcome. 不必谢。 That' s all right. 没关系/ 不客气。Lesson 13~ 14 = That' s OK. what colour 什么颜色 = Not at all. come upstairs 上楼 It was nothing. 没什么。go downstairs 下楼 It' s a pleasure. 我很乐意。nice dress 漂亮的裙子 = My pleasure。lovely hat 可爱的帽子 the same 同一的; 相同的Lesson 3~ 4 Here they are. 给你(复数) 1, I'm sorry. 对不起. Here it is. 给你(单数) Lesson 5~ 6 Lesson 15~ 16 Good morning. 早上好. customs officer 海关官员 This is + 人名将某人介绍给他人That's fine. 好了。 Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。 Nice to meet you, too. 我也很高兴见到你。Lesson 17~ 18 Glad to meet you. 很高兴见到你。come and meet sb. 来见见某人Pleased to meet you. 很高兴见到你。How do you do 您好(初次见面正式场合)How do you do 你好! office assistant 办公室的勤杂人员what make 什么牌子 an new student 一个新学生Lesson 19~ 20 What's the matter 怎么啦Lesson 7~ 8 = What's wrong what nationality 什么国籍= Tell me what's wrong. What' s your job 你是做什么工作的sit down 坐下 a keyboard operator 电脑操作人员take a seat 就坐 an engineer 一个工程师all right 行, 好Lesson 9~ 10 there is 有(表存在)How are you 你好吗 I'm fine. 我很好。Lesson 21~ 22 = I'm very well. give sb. sth. 给某人某物 How have you been 你近况如何= give sth. to sb. How is everything going on 一切都好吗Which book 哪一本书 Just fine. 还好。The red one. 那本红色的。 Just so so. 马马虎虎。


新概念英语第二册上短语总结新概念英语第二册上短语总结新概念背诵2009-12-05 170847 阅读92 评论0 字号大中小订阅新概念英语第二册上短语总结金山编辑1.in private \ in public 2. take one s seat 3.notuntil.. 4.ring sbgive sb a ring 5.get\go\come\look out of 6.by busin\on a bus 7.send sb sthsend sth to sb Give\ take\ pass\read\ sell 8.buy sb sthbuy sth for sb 9.lend sb sthlend sth to sb Borrow sb sthborrow sth from sb 10.make a big\great decision Decide to do sth Make up one s mind to do sth Be determined to do sth Determine to do sth 11.think about\of 12.nonot a [an]\not any 13.start\begain to dostart\begain doing 14. Request\ask sb to do sth 15.one.the other someothers 16.who\what\where else nothing\something else 17.a great manya great number of 18.in this way;in a friendly way By a way\on the way to In a way\in the way 19.have been to \ have gone to Have been inplace 20.fromto..\fly to.. 21.up to nowup till now 22call sbcall up sb Call back sb\call at\call on sb Call outshout 23.ask sb for sth\ask for sth 24.tell sb about sth\tell sb sth 25.knock at \ knock off 26.enter for\take part in 27.to one s surprise\be surprised to... 28.be full of \be filled with 29.allow so to do sth Sb be allowed to do sth 30.be made in\of\from\into 31.at that momentjust then At the momentnow\right now 32.at


新概念英语第一册知识点归纳与讲解短语词组 归纳 TPMK standardization office【 TPMK5AB- TPMK08- TPMK2C- TPMK18】

新概念英语第一册知识点归纳与讲解 短语、词组归纳 由动词开头构成的短语、词组很多。复习时应分类处理: 一、动词+介词 1.look at…看…,look like …看上去像……, look after …照料… 2.listen to…听…… 3.welcome to…欢迎到…… 4.say hello to …向……问好5.speak to…对……说话 此类短语相当于及物动词,其后必须带宾语,但宾语无论是名词还是代词,都要放在介词之后。如: This is my new bike. Please look it after.(×)This is my new bike. Please look after it.(√) 二、动词+副词 “动词+副词”所构成的短语义分为两类:A.动词(vt.)+副词 1.put on 穿上 2.take off脱下 3.write down记下 此类短语可以带宾语,宾语若是名词,放 在副词前后皆可;宾语若是人称代词,只 能放在副词的前面。试比较: First listen to the tape, then write down the answer/write the answer down. (√) First listen to the answer, then write down it.(×) First listen to the answer, then write it down.(√) B.动词(vi)+副词。 1.come on赶快


Lessons1-2 一、常用词组和语言点 1.go to the theatre去看戏 go to the film/movie去看电影 2enjoy doing喜欢做某事 Be surprise at对……感到惊讶 3.get angry生气get为系动词。 4.turn round转过身 Turn back/right/left向后转向右转向左转 In public—in private公开的私下的 5.angrily adv.生气地(形容词argry变y为i再加ly,成为副词。)如: happy→happily 6.pay attention注意(后常接介词to) 7.in the end最后(近义词:at last,finally) 8.none of your business不关你的事 9.at the end of在。。。的最后 10.think out Think of/about Think over 想出 考虑 反复考虑 11.until直到 not…until直到……才…… 12.all the day/The whole day全天 13.just then就在那时(just now刚才) Lessons3-4 一、常用词组和语言点 1.visit:go tu see拜访,参观 2.in the center of在中心 3.teach sb .sth教某人某事(teach接双宾语) lend sb.sth=lend sth to sb借给某人某物 4.send…to寄给……(比较:send of:派人去请) 5.on the last night在最后一天晚(具体日期前用介词on) 6.make a decision to do Make up one’s mind to do Decide to do/Be determined to do 做出决定decide(V) 7.receive/get a letter from sb;hear from sb收到某人的来信 8.a great number of:many许多(后加可数名词) 9.fly to:go to…by plane take a plane to…飞往


新概念英语第二册重点词组(1—48) 1.go to the theatre 2.go to the movie 3.interesting adj. 4.interested adj. 5.get angry 6.turn round=turn around 7.angrily adv. 8.pay attention to 9.notice vt. 10.in the end=at last=finally 11.none of your business 12.get up 13.stay in bed 14.not…until 15.What a day! 16.just then 17.visit vt. 18.public gardens 19.teach sb. sth. 20.lend sb. sth. 21.on the last night 22.make a decision 23.receive a letter from sb.=hear from sb. 24.a great number of=many 25.fly to 26.send sth. to 27.be five miles from+地点 28.cover vt. 29.in three minutes 30.up to now 31.a great many 32.spare part 33.one…the other 34.in this way 35.move to 36.knock at 37.ask for 38.a glass of 39.in return for 40.stand on one’s head 41.go away 42.call at+地点 43.call on sb. 44.once a month 45.twice a month 46.three times a month 47.at the airport 48.try to do 49.try doing 50.while 51.keep guard 52.to one’s surprise 53.to one’s excitement 54.be full of=be filled with 55.enter for 56.win vt. 57.on Wednesday evening 58.a crowd of 59.the minute hand 60.the hour hand 61.the second hand 62.refuse to do 63.at that moment 64.belong to 65.allow sb. to do 66.a friend of my father’s 67.a lawyer’s office 68.borrow sth. from sb. 69.pay back 70.pay for 71.across the Atlantic 72.set out 73.plenty of+可数/不可数 74.say goodbye to sb. 75.be away 76.be proud of 77.take part in 78.a group of 79.at present 80.at the station 81.during this time 82.give a performance 83.as usual 84.have a difficult time 85.keep order 86.on….occasion 87.drive on 88.on the way 89.wave to… 90.ask for a lift 91.as soon as 92.say good morning to 93.apart from 94.a few+可数名词 95.few+可数名词 96.neither 97.feel nervous 98.look up 99.look sth. up in the dictionary 100.can/could afford to do 101.in a weak voice 102.a traffic policeman 103.welcome…to 104.fail to do 105.No parking! 106.at least 107.in spite of 108.in a dress 109.grow up 110.look for 111.have a good meal 112.pay the bill 113.give back to 114.at any moment 115.hurry to… 116.sell out 117.What a pity! 118.at once 119.might/may as well do 120.instead of 121.give up doing 122.a waste of time 123.be interested in 124.drive sb. mad 125.night and day 126.for some reason


excuse me 打扰一下 here is…这是… thank you 谢谢 very much 非常,很 good morning 早上好 nice to meet you 见到你很高兴what make 什么牌子 a keyboard operator 打字员 how are you 你好么 very well 很好 here you are 给你 come upstairs 上楼来 a sales rep推销员 an office assistant 办公室勤杂人员what’s the matter?有什么事 sit down 坐下 all right 好,可以 give me…把…给我 on the shelf 在架子上 on the right/left 在右边/左边 an electric cooker 电灶 in the middle of在中间on the table 在桌子上 near the window 在窗户旁 on the television 在电视上 near the door 隔壁 on the wall 在墙上 come in 进来 shut the door 关门 open the window 开窗户 turn on/off 开/关 put on / take off 穿/脱 air the room 通风 in the wardrobe 在柜子里 make the bed 整理床铺 cook a meal 做饭 dust the dressing table 给梳妆台掸灰sweep the floor 扫地 in the garden 在花园里 sit under the tree 坐在树底下 beg your pardon 请再说一遍 run across the grass 跑过草地 run after 追着跑,追赶 a fine day 好天气


新概念英语第一册经典短语 1.双宾动词:give sb sth给某人某物give me a book;= give sth to sb 把某物给某人give a book to him show/send sb sth展示/发送给某人某物= show/send sth to sb把某物展示/发送给某人 2,地点介词in+大地点at+小地点live at (小地点) /in(大地点)住在… arrive at/in 到达…stay at/in 呆在… 3.take sb to +地点送某人去某地 My father takes me to school every day . 4.want sth 想要某物I want some milk. Want to do sth 想要做某事She wants to buy a new book. Want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事They want me to open the door. do/does not want sb to do sth 不想要某人做某事I do not want you to miss the train. 5.get up起床I always get up at 7:00. 6.keep sth +adj. 保持某物的…….Keep the floor clean 7.be absent(from)缺席I was absent from school yesterday. 8.on the/one’s way to 在去……的路上 On the way home (to school),I met an old friend. On the train to在去……的火车上 9.lose one’s way 迷路=be lost I lost my way .=I was lost 10.say to oneself 自言自语 “I can win” I said to myself 11.put sth into 把……放到…… I put some money into my pocket . I put some books into my bag . 12. take out取出 He took out a note book and wrote them down ,


---------------------考试---------------------------学资学习网---------------------押题------------------------------ 新概念英语第一册所有语法点汇总 Lesson 1 人称代词含有be动词的陈述句、否定句和一般疑问句Lesson 3 祈使句简单的倒装句 Lesson 5 冠词 Lesson 6 选择疑问句 Lesson 7 特殊疑问句一般疑问句 Lesson 9 How …?的一些社交上的用法形容词的意义与作用Lesson 11所有格形容词和所有格代词名词所有格 Lesson 15 名词可数名词单数变复数的规则 Lesson 16 名词复数-s或-es的发音规则 Lesson 19 There be 句型常见方位介词:in、on、over、under Lesson 21 动词的双宾语 Lesson 23 定语 Lesson 27 some, any 一些 Lesson 29 情态动词情态动词must的用法 Lesson 31 时态:共十六种时态,时态是通过动词变化来实现的。现在进行时 Lesson 34 动词+ing的规则 Lesson 35 短语动词 Lesson 37 be going to 句型宾语补足语

Lesson 39 祈使句do的用法 1 / 8 Lesson 40 词组:动词+介词 Lesson 43 情态动词can的用法 Lesson 47 一般现在时 Lesson 48 序数词 Lesson 49 动词加s(es) 规则动词不定式some、any用法Lesson 51 What…(be,look…) like? 频率副词 Lesson 57 一般现在时与现在进行时 Lesson 59 have/has的用法 Lesson 61 主语+系动词+表语 Lesson 63 each和every的区别 Lesson 64 禁令Don't and Mustn't Lesson 65 日期的表达反身代词 Lesson 67 一般过去时动词的过去式变化否定疑问句Lesson 69 用介词at,on和in的时间短语 Lesson 74 副词的用法副词的构成 Lesson 75 宾语从句 Lesson 79 Must与Need Lesson 83 现在完成时 Lesson 85 现在完成时的特殊结构

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