当前位置:文档之家› When the Americans were getting ready to send their first men to the

When the Americans were getting ready to send their first men to the

When the Americans were getting ready to send their first men to the

When the Americans were getting ready to send their first men to the .

It’s a very way from our world.

That’s much away than the moon, you know.

The Englishman was very when he heard this.

We’ll go there during the .

Japan and many o coutries.

Scientists have been I in kites for a long time.

They have used them for studying w and for testing new kinds of flying machines. Some can fly l a plane

It is great f ,too

Where do the Blacks live?

How many days are Jim and Robert free every week.

The parents did the housework on the weekends and Robert two days free.

when 和while的用法区别

when 和while的用法区别 两者的区别如下: ①when是at or during the time that, 既指时间点,也可指一段时间; while是during the time that,只指一段时间,因此when引导的时间状语从句中的动词可以是终止性动词,也可以是延续性动词,而while从句中的动词必须是延续性动词。 ②when 说明从句的动作和主句的动作可以是同时,也可以是先后发生;while 则强调主句的动作在从句动作的发生的过程中或主从句两个动作同时发生。 ③由when引导的时间状语从句,主句用过去进行时,从句应用一般过去时;如果从句和主句的动作同时发生,两句都用过去进行时的时候,多用while引导,如: a. When the teacher came in, we were talking. 当此句改变主从句的位置时,则为: While we were talking, the teacher came in. b. They were singing while we were dancing. ④when和while 还可作并列连词。when表示“在那时”;while表示“而,却”,表对照关系。如: a. The children were running to move the bag of rice when they heard the sound of a motor bike. 孩子们正要跑过去搬开那袋米,这时他们听到了摩托车的声音。 b. He is strong while his brother is weak. 他长得很结实,而他弟弟却很瘦弱。 一。引导时间状语从句时,WHILE连接的是时间段,而WHEN连接的多是时间点 例如What does your father do while your mother is cooking? What does your mother do when you come back? 二,WHILE可以连接两个并列的句子,而WHEN不可以 例如I was trying my best to finish my work while my sister was whtching TV 三,WHEN是特殊疑问词,对时间进行提问,WHILE不是。 例如,When were you bron? 续性动词和短暂性动词 英语中的动词,是学习中的重点,又是难点。英语中的动词有多种分类法。根据其有无含义,动词可分为实义动词和助动词;根据动词所表示的是动作还是状态,可以分为行为动词和状态动词;根据动词所表示的动作能否延缓,分为延续性动词和终止性动词。 可以表示持续的行为或状态的动词,叫做“延续性动词”,也叫“持续性动词”,如:be, keep, have, like, study, live, etc. 有的表示短暂、瞬间性的动词,叫做“终止性动词”,也可叫“短暂性动词”,或“瞬间性动词”,如die, join, leave, become, return, reach, etc.


when和while用法区别专项练习 讲解三例句: 1. The girls are dancing while the boys are singing. 2. Kangkang’s mother is cooking when he gets home. 3. When/While Kangkang’s mother is cooking, he gets home. 一、用when或者while填空 Margo was talking on the phone, her sister walked in. we visited the school, the children were playing games. · Sarah was at the barber’s, I was going to class. I saw Carlos, he was wearing a green shirt. Allen was cleaning his room, the phone rang. Rita bought her new dog; it was wearing a little coat. 7. He was driving along ________ suddenly a woman appeared. 8. _____ Jake was waiting at the door, an old woman called to him. 9. He was reading a book ______suddenly the telephone rang. 10. ______ it began to rain, they were playing chess. [ 二、用所给动词适当形式填空 11. While Jake __________ (look) for customers, he _______ (see) a woman. 12. They __________ (play) football on the playground when it _____ (begin) to rain. 13. A strange box ________ (arrive) while we _________ (talk). 14. John ____________ (sleep) when someone __________ (steal) his car. 15. Father still (sleep) when I (get) up yesterday morning. 16. Grandma (cook) breakfast while I (wash) my face this morning. 17. Mother (sweep) the floor when I (leave) home. ~ 18. I (read) a history book when someone (knock ) at the door. 19. Mary and Alice are busy (do) their homework. 20. The teacher asked us (keep) the windows closed. 21. I followed it (see) where it was going. 22. The students (play) basketball on the playground from 3 to 4 yesterday afternoon. / 三、完成下面句子,词数不限 1.飞机在伦敦起飞时正在下雨。 It when the plane in London. 2.你记得汶川大地震时你在做什么吗 Do you remember what you when Wenchuan Earthquake . 3.当铃声想起的时候,我们正在操场上玩得很开心。 We on the playground when the bell . 4.当妈妈下班回家时,你在做什么 % when Mum from work 5.当我在做作业时,有人敲门。 I was doing my homework, someone


一、从句是如何出题的? 1. 时态 2. 考连接词 3. 考语言顺序 二、学好从句的两个基本条件 1. 时态 2. 从句的三个必须:①必须是句子;②必须有连接词;③必须是陈述句 三、状语从句、宾语从句、定语从句重点 1.如何判断何种从句 2. 从句的时态 3. 从句的连接词与扩展 4. 经典单选、从句与选词、长句子分析 四、如何判断三种从句 1. 状语从句无先行词 2. 宾语(表语)从句无先行词有动词或词组 3. 定语从句先行词多为名词或代词 一、When引导的定语从句与时间状语从句的区分 1. when的译法不同。在时间状语中,when 翻译成“当……的时候” I want to be a teacher when I grow up. 当我长大的时候,我要做一名老师。在定语从句中,when不翻译。I won't forget the day when he says he loves me. 我不会忘记他说爱我的那一天。 2. 在时间状语中,when从句前面或后面是句子;定语从句中,when 从句不能位于句首,且通常when前为表示时间的名词day、year等。 3. when在从句的作用不同。在时间状语从句中,when是连词,只起连接主句和从句的作用,不做从句的任何成分。不过when引导的时间状语从句修饰主句的谓语,做主句的时间状语。 在定语从句中,when是关系副词,在从句中代替先行词做从句的时间状语,修饰从句的谓语。 例1 I will always remember the days when I lived with my

grandparents in the country. 例2 I always remember the days in the country when I see the photo of my grandparents. 点评:例1意为“我会永远记得跟我祖父母一起住在乡下的那些日子”,其中when 引导的是一个定语从句, 修饰the days, when在从句中作时间状语。例2意为“当我看到祖父母的照片时,总是会想起在乡下的那些日子”,其中when 引导的从句并不修饰前面的名词the country,因此可判定为时间状语从句。 例1中的when可用in which替代,即从句可改为...in which I lived with my grandparents in the country. 例2中从句前有名词,但根据句意可 知并不是从句所修饰的对象,也不能用“介词+ which”来替代。 二、判断关系代词与关系副词 方法一:用关系代词,还是关系副词完全取决于从句中的谓语动词。及物动词后面无宾语,就必须要求用关系代词;而不及物动词则要求用关系副词。例如: This is the mountain village where I stayed last year. 这是我去年呆过的山村。 I'll never forget the days when I worked together with you. 我永远不会忘记与你共事的日子。 判断改错: 1. This is the mountain village where I visited last year. 2. I will never forget the days when I spent in the countryside. 3. This is the mountain village (which)I visited last year.


when和while的用法解析、练习题及答案(附总结表格) 一、讲解三例句: 1. The girls are dancing while the boys are singing. 2. Lucy’s mother is cooking when she gets home. 3. When/While Lucy’s mother is cooking, she gets home. 二、用when或者while填空 1.______ Margo was talking on the phone, her sister walked in. 2.______ we visited the school, the children were playing games. 3.______ Sarah was at the barber’s, I was going to class. 4.______ I saw Carlos, he was wearing a green shirt. 5.______ Allen was cleaning his room, the phone rang. 6.______ Rita bought her new dog; it was wearing a little coat. 7. He was driving along ________ suddenly a woman appeared. 8. _____ Jake was waiting at the door, an old woman called to him. 9. ______ it began to rain, they were playing chess. 10. She saw a taxi coming ______ the woman was waiting under the streetlight. 三、语法 while和when都是表示同时,到底句子中是用when还是while主要看主句和 从句中所使用 的动词是短暂性动作(瞬时动词)还是持续性动作。 1、若主句表示一个短暂性动作,而从句表示的是一个持续性动作时,用 When/While。如: He fell asleep when while he was reading. 他看书时睡着了。


Period____8______ in Unit ___6_________ (Period_____20_____Week 4-6)Subject _Grammar (B) Teaching aims To use the Past Continuous Tense with while and when correctly Teaching interesting points of this class: The differences of when and while in Past Continuous Tense Teaching steps: I. Cooperation and intercourse 1. Check the preparation 2. Discuss in groups II. Question and explanation Check the exercises on page 101, and explain the differences between when and while. when和while的区别是: when只能用于一般时态 while可以用于进行时态 when conj. 在...的时候, 当…的时候 when 在绝大多数情况下,所引导的从句中,应该使用非延续性动词(也叫瞬间动词) 例如:I'll call you when I get there. 我一到那里就给你打电话 I was about to go out when the telephone rang.我刚要出门,电话铃就响了。 但是,when 却可以be 连用。 例如:I lived in this village when I was a boy. 当我还是个孩子的时候我住在这个村庄里。 When I was young, I was sick all the time. 在我小时候我总是生病 while 当...的时候 While he was eating, I asked him to lend me $2. 当他正在吃饭时,我请他借给我二美元。While I read, she sang. 我看书时,她在唱歌。 while 的这种用法一般都和延续性动词连用 while 可以表示“对比‘,这样用有的语法书认为是并列连词 Some people like coffee, while others like tea. 有些人喜欢咖啡, 而有些人喜欢茶。 as 当...之时,一边......一边....... I slipped on the ice as I ran home. 我跑回家时在冰上滑了一跤 He dropped the glass as he stood up. 他站起来时,把杯子摔了。 She sang As she worked. 她一边工作一边唱歌。 III. Rumination and evaluation when, as, while这三个词都可以引出时间状语从句,它们的差别是:when 从句表示某时刻或一段时间as 从句表示进展过程,while 只表示一段时间 When he left the house, I was sitting in the garden. 当他离开家时,我正在院子里坐着。 When he arrived home, it was just nine o'clock.


WHEN与WHILE用法区别 when, while这三个词都有"当……时候"之意,但用法有所不同,使用时要特别注意。 ①when意为"在……时刻或时期",它可兼指"时间点"与"时间段",所引导的从句的动词既可以是终止性动词,也可是持续性动词。如: When I got home, he was having supper.我到家时,他正在吃饭。 When I was young, I liked dancing.我年轻时喜欢跳舞。 ②while只指"时间段",不指"时间点",从句的动词只限于持续性动词。如:While I slept, a thief broke in.在我睡觉时,盗贼闯了进来。 辨析 ①when从句与主句动作先后发生时,不能与while互换。如: When he has finished his work, he takes a short rest.每当他做完工作后,总要稍稍休息一下。(when = after) When I got to the cinema, the film had already begun.当我到电影院时,电影已经开始了。(when=before) ②when从句动词为终止性动词时,不能由while替换。如: When he came yesterday, we were playing basketball.昨天他来时,我们正在打篮球。 ③当从句的谓语是表动作的延续性动词时,when, while才有可能互相替代。如:While / When we were still laughing, the teacher came in.正当我们仍在大声嬉笑时,老师进来了。 ④当从句的谓语动词是终止性动词,而且主句的谓语动词也是终止性动词 时,when可和as通用,而且用as比用when在时间上更为紧凑,有"正当这时"的含义。如: He came just as (or when) I reached the door.我刚到门那儿,他就来了。 ⑤从句的谓语动词如表示状态时,通常用while。如: We must strike while the iron is hot.我们应该趁热打铁。 ⑥while和when都可以用作并列连词。


一、从句是如何出题的 1. 时态 2. 考连接词 3. 考语言顺序 二、学好从句的两个基本条件 1. 时态 2. 从句的三个必须:①必须是句子;②必须有连接词;③必须是陈述句 三、状语从句、宾语从句、定语从句重点 1.如何判断何种从句 2. 从句的时态 3. 从句的连接词与扩展 4. 经典单选、从句与选词、长句子分析 四、如何判断三种从句 1. 状语从句无先行词 2. 宾语(表语)从句无先行词有动词或词组 3. 定语从句先行词多为名词或代词 一、When引导的定语从句与时间状语从句的区分 1. when的译法不同。在时间状语中,when 翻译成“当……的时候”I want to be a teacher when I grow up. 当我长大的时候,我要做一名老师。在定语从句中,when不翻译。I won't forget the day when he says he loves me. 我不会忘记他说爱我的那一天。 2. 在时间状语中,when从句前面或后面是句子;定语从句中,when从句不能位于句首,且通常when前为表示时间的名词day、year等。 3. when在从句的作用不同。在时间状语从句中,when是连词,只起连接主句和从句的作用,不做从句的任何成分。不过when引导的时间状语从句修饰主句的谓语,做主句的时间状语。 在定语从句中,when是关系副词,在从句中代替先行词做从句的时间状语,修饰从句的谓语。 例1 I will always remember the days when I lived with my grandparents in the country. 例2 I always remember the days in the country when I see the photo of my grandparents. 点评:例1意为“我会永远记得跟我祖父母一起住在乡下的那些日子”,其中when 引导的是一个定语从句, 修饰the days, when在从句中作时间状语。例2意为“当我看到祖父母的照片时,总是会想起在


as when while 的区别和用法 as when while的用法 一、as的意思是“正当……时候”,它既可表示一个具体的时间点,也可以表示一段时间。as可表示主句和从句的动作同时发生或同时持续,即“点点重合”“线线重合”;又可表示一个动作发生在另一个动作的持续过程中,即“点线重合”, 但不能表示两个动作一前一后发生。如果主句和从句的谓语动词都表示持续性的动作,二者均可用进行时,也可以一个用进行时,一个用一般时或者都用一般时。 1、As I got on the bus,he got off. 我上车,他下车。(点点重合)两个动作都是非延续性的 2、He was writing as I was reading. 我看书时,他在写字。(线线重合)两个动作都是延续性的 3、The students were talking as the teacher came in. 老师进来时,学生们正在讲话。(点线重合)前一个动作是延续性的,而后一个动作时非延续性的 二、while的意思是“在……同时(at the same time that )”“在……期间(for as long as, during the time that)”。从while的本身词义来看,它只能表示一段时间,不能表示具体的时间点。在时间上可以是“线线重合”或“点线重合”,但不能表示“点点重合”。例如: 1、He was watching TV while she was cooking. 她做饭时,他在看电视。(线线重合) 2、He was waiting for me while I was working. 我工作的时候,他正等着我。(线线重合) 3、He asked me a question while I was speaking. 我在讲话时,他问了我一个问题。(点线重合)


When引导的三类从句 When作为连词,可以引导名词从句、定语从句和时间状语从句。请看下面这段短文,其中就出现了when引导的这三类从句。 1. (a) Many students say that their time at university is when they can experience pure love. (b) This is a time when love is innocent when two people come together for love, rather than a house, car or a good job. There are no pressures from parents to get married as they are still young. (c)It is a time when they can choose who they love and how they love away from outside pressure. Even though the relationship may break up, it will bring sweet memories in later years. 很多学生都说,在大学期间才能经历真正纯真的爱情。在此期间,爱是单纯的,两个人走到一起完全是因为爱,而不是为了房子、车子或者好工作。由于还年轻,他们也不会迫于父母的压力而结婚。这一期间,他们可以不受外界的任何干扰而去选择自己爱的对象和爱的方式。即使最终两人分手了,这期间的爱情也会成为日后甜蜜的回忆。 上面的小短文中出现了四个when引导的从句,下面笔者逐一分析各句的结构与类型。首先来看a句: a. Many students say that their time at university is when they can experience pure love. 我们可以看到,这里when引导的从句用在了系动词is后,也就是说,这一从句是一个表语从句(名词从句的一种)。这里的when相当于

过去进行时、when和while引导时 间状语从句的区别

过去进行时过去进行时表示过去某一时刻或者某段时间正在进行或发生的动作,常和表过去的时间状语连用,如: 1. I was doing my homework at this time yesterday. 昨天的这个时候我正在做作业。 2. They were waiting for you yesterday. 他们昨天一直在等你。 3. He was cooking in the kitchen at 12 o'clock yesterday. 昨天12点,他正在厨房烧饭。 过去进行时的构成: 肯定形式:主语+was/were+V-ing 否定形式:主语+was not (wasn't)/were not (weren't)+V-ing 疑问形式:Was/Were+主语+V-ing。 基本用法: 1. 过去进行时表示过去某一段时间或某一时刻正在进行的动作。常与之连用的时间状语有,at that time/moment, (at) this time yesterday (last night/Sunday/week…), at+点钟+yesterday (last night / Sunday…),when sb. did sth.等时间状语从句,如: 1)What were you doing at 7p.m. yesterday? 昨天晚上七点你在干什么? 2)I first met Mary three years ago. She was working at a radio shop at the time. 我第一次遇到玛丽是在三年前,当时她在一家无线电商店工作。 3)I was cooking when she knocked at the door. 她敲门时我正在做饭。 2. when后通常用表示暂短性动词,while后通常用表示持续性动词,而while所引导的状语从句中,谓语动词常用进行时态,如: When the car exploded I was walking past it. = While I was walking past the car it exploded. 3. when用作并列连词时,主句常用进行时态,从句则用一般过去时,表示主句动作发生的过程中,另一个意想不到的动作发生了。如: I was walking in the street when someone called me. 我正在街上走时突然有人喊我。 4. when作并列连词,表示“(这时)突然”之意时,第一个并列分句用过去进行时,when引导的并列分句用一般过去时。如:


w h e n和w h i l e区别

0when和while的区别 ①when是at or during the time that, 既指时间点,也可指一段时间; while是during the time that,只指一段时间,因此when引导的时间状语从句中的动词可以是终止性动词,也可以是延续性动词,而while从句中的动词必须是延续性动词。 ②when 说明从句的动作和主句的动作可以是同时,也可以是先后发生;while 则强调主句的动作在从句动作的发生的过程中或主从句两个动作同时发生。 ③由when引导的时间状语从句,主句用过去进行时,从句应用一般过去时;如果从句和主句的动作同时发生,两句都用过去进行时的时候,多用while引导,如: a. When the teacher came in, we were talking. 当此句改变主从句的位置时,则为: While we were talking, the teacher came in. b. They were singing while we were dancing. ④when和while 还可作并列连词。when表示“在那时”;while表示“而,却”,表对照关系。如: a. The children were running to move the bag of rice when they heard the sound of a motor bike.

孩子们正要跑过去搬开那袋米,这时他们听到了摩托车的声音。 b. He is strong while his brother is weak. 他长得很结实,而他弟弟却很瘦弱。 具体你可以参考这一段。 when,while,as引导时间状语从句的区别 when,while,as显然都可以引导时间状语从句,但用法区别非常大。 一、when可以和延续性动词连用,也可以和短暂性动词连用;而while和as只能和延续性动词连用。 ① Why do you want a new job when youve got such a good one already?(get为短暂性动词)你已经找到如此好的工作,为何还想再找新的? ②Sorry,I was out when you called me.(call为短暂性动词)对不起,你打电话时我刚好外出了。 ③Strike while the iron is hot.(is为延续性动词,表示一种持续的状态)趁热打铁。 ④ The students took notes as they listened.(listen为延续性动词)学生们边听课边做笔记。

When while as的区别和用法(综合整理)

When while as的区别和用法 when的用法 当主句使用持续性动词时. Dave was eating,when the doorbell rang.门铃响时,大卫在吃饭. 2.一个动作紧接着另一个动作发生. When the lights went out, I lit some candles.灯灭了,我赶紧点上一些蜡烛. 3.谈论生命中的某一阶段,或过去的某段时间. His mother called him Robbie when he was a baby. 在他很小时,他妈妈叫他Robbin. 4.指"每一次" When I turn on the TV, smoke comes out the back. 每当我打开电视,就有烟从后面冒出. while/as 的用法 从句多为进行时,而且为持续性动词. I'll look after the children while you are making dinner. 你做饭,我来照顾孩子. 注意事项: (1) “主短从长”型:主句表示的是一个短暂性动作,从句表示的是一个持续性动作,三者都可用: He fell asleep when [while, as] he was reading. 他看书时睡着了。 Jim hurt his arm while[when,as]he was playing tennis. 吉姆打网球时把手臂扭伤了。 As[When,While]she was waiting for the train,she became very impatient. 她在等火车时,变得很不耐烦。 (2) “主长从长”型:若主、从句表示两个同时进行的持续性动作,且强调主句表示的动作延续到从句所指的整个时间,通常要用while: Don’t talk while you’re eating. 吃饭时不要说话。 I kept silent while he was writing. 在他写的时候,我默不做声。 但是,若主从句表示的两个同时进行的动作含有“一边…一边”之意思,通常用as:


1.由when, while, as引导的时间状语从句。 When you think you know nothing, then you begin to know something.当你以为自己一无所知的时候,你就是在开始知道一些事物了。When truth is buried under the ground it grows, it chokes, it gathers such an explosive force that on the day it bu rsts out , it blows up everything with it.当真理被埋在地下的时候,它在生长,它感到压抑,它蓄存着这么一种爆炸性力量,一旦冒出,它就会炸破一切! Strike while the iron is hot. 趁热打铁。 Will you watch my clothes while I have a swim? 我游泳的时候,请你照看一下我的衣服。 You can feel the air moving as your hand pushes through it . 当你的手在空气中挥动的时候,你就能感觉到空气在流动。 Our headmaster laughed as she spoke.我们的校长边谈边笑。 when, while和as的区别 1. when引导的从句的谓语动词可以是延续性的动词,又可以是瞬时动词。并且when有时表示“就在那时”。 例如: When she came in, I stopped eating.她进来时,我在吃饭。(瞬时动词) When I lived in the countryside, I used to carry some wate r for him.当的住在农村时,我常常为他担水。(延续性的动词) We were about to leave when he came in.我们就要离开,就在那时他进来了。 2. While引导的从句的谓语动作必须是延续性的,并强调主句和从句的动作同时发生(或者相对应)。并且while有时还可以表示对比。例如: While my wife was reading the newspaper, I was watching TV. (was reading是延续性的动词,was reading和was watching同时发生) I like playing football while you like playing basketball.我喜欢踢足球,而你喜欢打篮球。(对比) 3. As表示“一边……一边”,as引导的动作是延续性的动作,一般用于主句和从句动作同时发生;as也可以强调“一先一后。例如: We always sing as we walk.我们总是边走边唱。(as表示“一边……一边”) As we was going out, it began to snow.当我们出门时,开始下雪了。(as强调句中两个动作紧接着先后发生,而不强调开始下雪的特定时间) as when while的辨析 as when while都表示主、从句动作同时发生,三者差异如下:

when 和while的用法区别

when 和while的用法区别 ①when是at or during the time that, 既指时间点,也可指一段时间; while是during the time that,只指一段时间,因此when引导的时间状语从句中的动词可以是终止性动词,也可以是延续性动词,而while从句中的动词必须是延续性动词。 ②when 说明从句的动作和主句的动作可以是同时,也可以是先后发生;while 则强调主句的动作在从句动作的发生的过程中或主从句两个动作同时发生。 ③由when引导的时间状语从句,主句用过去进行时,从句应用一般过去时;如果从句和主句的动作同时发生,两句都用过去进行时的时候,多用while引导,如: a. When the teacher came in, we were talking. 当此句改变主从句的位置时,则为: While we were talking, the teacher came in. b. They were singing while we were dancing. ④when和while 还可作并列连词。when表示“在那时”;while表示“而,却”,表对照关系。如: a. The children were running to move the bag of rice when they heard the sound of a motor bike. 孩子们正要跑过去搬开那袋米,这时他们听到了摩托车的声音。 b. He is strong while his brother is weak. 他长得很结实,而他弟弟却很瘦弱。 when,while,as引导时间状语从句的区别 when,while,as显然都可以引导时间状语从句,但用法区别非常大。 一、when可以和延续性动词连用,也可以和短暂性动词连用;而while和as只能和延续性动词连用。 ①Why do you want a new job when youve got such a good one already?(get 为短暂性动词)你已经找到如此好的工作,为何还想再找新的? ②Sorry,I was out when you called me.(call为短暂性动词)对不起,你打电话时我刚好外出了。 ③Strike while the iron is hot.(is为延续性动词,表示一种持续的状态)趁热打铁。 ④The students took notes as they listened.(listen为延续性动词)学生们边听课边做笔记。 二、when从句的谓语动词可以在主句谓语动作之前、之后或同时发生;while和as从句的谓语动作必须是和主句谓语动作同时发生。 1.从句动作在主句动作前发生,只用when。 ①When he had finished his homework,he took a short rest.(finished先发生)当他完成作业后,他休息了一会儿。 ②When I got to the airport,the guests had left.(got to后发生)当我赶到飞机场时,客人们已经离开了。 2.从句动作和主句动作同时发生,且从句动作为延续性动词时,when,while,as都可使用。

when 引导的从句用法一

when 引导的从句用法一、引导时间状语从句 1. 表示"当……的时候",相当于at the moment when。例如: When we got to the cinema, the film had been on for half an hour. 当我们到达电影院时,电影已放映半小时了。She was writing a letter when I came in. 当我进来时,她在写信。 2. 表示"一……就……",相当于as soon as。例如: The students got up when the bell rang. 铃声一响,学生们就起床了。I'll ring you up when I arrive in Beijing. 我一到北京就给你打电话。 3. 表示"就在这时;当时",相当于just at the moment或just then .例如: We were about to start out when it began to rain heavily. 我们正要启程,就在这时,天下起了大雨。 He had just returned from one business trip when he was asked to make another one. 他刚刚出差回来,这时,又叫他再次出差。 4. 表示"每当;每次",相当于every time或whenever。例如: She always turns to us for help when she is in trouble.每当她遇到困难,她总是向我们求助。It is freezing cold here when it snows. 每当这儿下雪,天气就十分寒冷。 5. 表示"当……之后;在……以后",相当于after the time that。例如: We went home when the film was over. 电影结束以后,我们回家去了。When she got home, she started to prepare supper. 她回到家后,开始准备晚饭。 二、引导条件状语从句 when引导的条件状语从句相当于if/ in case引导的条件状语从句.例如: When there is no gravity, our feet can no longer stay on the ground. 如果没有重力,我们的脚就不能够在地面上站稳。Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine. 如果机器发生故障,就把电闸关上。 三、引导原因状语从句when引导原因状语从句时,相当于since/now that引导的原因状语从句。例如: How can they learn anything when they spend all their spare time watching television? 他们把所有的空闲时间都用来看电视了,还能学到什么东西呢? Why do you want a new job when you have got such a good one? 既然你已经有了这么好的一份工作,为什么还要再找新的工作呢? 四、引导让步状语从句when引导的让步状语从句相当于though或although引导的让步状语从句。例如: He usually walks when he might ride. 虽然有车可乘,但他通常是步行。 The little girl can tell right from wrong when she is only twelve. 这个小女孩虽然只有十二岁,却能分清是非。 五、引导定语从句when引导定语从句时,有时可用in which或on which来替代。例如:We'll put off the picnic until next week, when the weather may be better. 我们要把野餐推迟到下周,那时可能天气好些。 I'll never forget the day when I joined the Party. 我将永远不会忘记我入党的那一天。 六、引导名词性从句 1. 引导宾语从句。例如: Please tell us when his father will return from abroad. 请告诉我们他父亲什么时候从国外回来。 2. 引导主语从句。例如: When they will leave for Australia hasn't been decided. 他们什么时候动身去澳大利亚还没有决定。 3. 引导表语从句。例如: The question is when they will get so much money to set up the factory. 问题是他们将在什么时候弄到这么多钱来把这个工厂办起来。 when, while 和as 引导时间状语从句的用法 这三个词的意思很简单,都有“当……时候”的意思。但学生经常会问三个词的区别在哪儿,特别是在做选择题的时候。别说是学生,就我个人而言,做这样的选择题要保证百分之百的正确也是不可能的。现根据大量的实例和个人的思考,做一点小结,供大家参考。 一、when 的用法如果只从现象来看,when 从句用的最多的是一般过去时,而主句的时态没有限制,根据具体情况而定1. When he was a child he was always trying out new ideas. 他小时候就常常试验一些新的设想。 2. When she came into my room, I was just reading a book. 她走进我房间时,我正在看书。 3. Were you writing when the teacher came in? 老师进来的时候,你在写信吗? 4. Sorry, I was out when you called me. 对不起,你打电话来的时候我出去了。 5. He was on the point of leaving when someone knocked at the door. 他正要走,这时有人敲门。 6. I thought of it just when you opened your mouth. 就在你要说话的时候,我也想到了。

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