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约瑟夫·M.博格斯丹尼斯·w.皮特里《看电影的艺术》 2006.12

2.5.2原文:The art of watching films

mid-1930s that Walt Disney became obsessed with the idea of entertaining viewers with animated films that were themselves the main show. Premiering in late 1937, Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs set rigorously high standards that today still guide animation artists. Like the puppet shows from which they evolved, the Disney studio's watershed year of 1940, both animated films have long been seriously em-Pinocchio and Fantasia appeared. These now braced by the world of international art. In fact, classic works were followed during the next two as Baseline's Encyclopedia of Film indicates, decades by a series of popular animated enter the first animations were also the first move tainments (including Dumbo, Cinderella, Alice in pictures. Victorian optical toys such Wonderland, Peter Pan, and Lady and the Tramp), whose stories frequently originated in well-known as conversation pieces for parlors . . literary narratives. The least-accomplished of normally contained drawings these movies appeared to be targeted more pro-depicting succeeding states of an action gressively at younger audiences .

After Disney's death in 1966, his studio conduced an illusion of movement . 14tinued to make drawn animated films, but the creative energy lessened, and the company's. Later in the nineteenth century, the illu-focus shifted to producing live-action films. Sions produced through these simple drawings Then, for the child in all of us again, Disney an-of early animation developed into those of still imation was given new life (as the word anima-photographs being manipulated swiftly, either tion itself is defined) in 1989 by The Little mechanically or via projection. As the cinema Merniaid, which led an astonishing string of new progressed along more or less realistic lines, musical animated features. Two years later, though, such animation pioneers as Winsor Beauty and the Beast emerged from an artistic McCay, a New York newspaper cartoonist best process that utilized computers to assist in the known for his Gertie the Dinosaur

(1914), began conventional drawing techniques, and the film to explore possibilities within the fantasy worlds won an Academy Award nomination for Best of animated film. By 1928, when Walt Disney Picture, the first such accolade for an animated created Steamboat Willie (and first introduced feature. Like these two films, the best ones that the world to a talking Mickey Mouse), animated followed—including The Lion King, Aladdin, and shorts, shown before feature films, were already Mw/an—continued the classic Disney conven-being produced in abundance by such artists tions: bold visuals, shrewd scripts, and both theas Max Fleischer (creator of Betty Boop) and matic universality and surprise that we find in all Walter Lantz (Woody Woodpecker). Later the great films, animated or otherwise. Disney's Warner Brothers luminaries Chuck Jones, Tex newer version of Fantasia, called Fantasia 2000, Avery, and Fritz Freleng (among many others) incorporated segments from the 1940 version gave audiences the energetic antics of a whole with newly created ones (and, according to Dis-stable of animated personalities, including Bugs ney executives, was the first feature film to pre-Bunny and Porky Pig. But it was not until the miere in the giant-screen ^ A X theaters).

Henry Selick directed both Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas and James and the Giant Peach—the former a stop-action film that is wholly original and sometimes immensely frightening in its images, the latter an adaptation of Roald Dahl's popular children's book that begins in live action and segues impressively into stop-action animation before returning to live action at its end. James and the Giant Peach pulls no punches with its presentation of violence and its treatment of monumental fears (abandonment, for example) that are no less vividly real for adults than for children, and just the title of "adult" nature of its subject matter and humor. George Miller's charming Babe (1995), nominated for a Best Picture Oscar, and its critically acclaimed, poorly released, and little-seen sequel, Babe: Pig inthe City (1998), both combine live action, puppets (in the form of intricate ani-matronic devices), and computer animation. Public reaction to the comic violence involving animals in Pig in the City ensured that its small and primary audience would most likely be adults, not children.

Throughout many modern animation features, a certain dark, sometimes even macabre, humor abides. A similar "adult" amusement has also become a staple in the third and latest type of animated feature film, which is generated solely by art filtered through computer technology. This process often appears almost to synthesize tlie smooth movement of drawn images and the plastic surfaces of stop-motion puppets. The first such film, 1995's Toy Story, directed by John Lasseter for his Pixar studio, contains the sort of gentle satire that we have come to expect in children's films. But it also presents a sequence in which a child plays with dolls that have been mutilated and reassembled in monstrous new shapes. And the excellent sequel, Toy Story 2 (1999), provided further evidence of its creators' interest in the darker side of all life Pixar (now owned by Disney) has also produced Monsters, Inc., whose loveable monsters appealed to children while its satiric humor was clearly aimed at adults, and other large commercial and critical successes, including Finding Nemo, TheIncredibles, and 2006's Cars.

Finally, if we seek proof that contemporary animated feature films now invite adults to be a major part of their audience, we need only turn to The PrinceofEgypt, (Figure 5 .42). Here is a movie that takes as its subject one of the most archetypal narratives of world myth (not to mentionJudeo-Christian scripture) and, in addition, envisions its Moses-led characters through immensely stylized and sophisticated visual modes (including elongated El Greco faces). Further, we immediately recognized that the animated feature has grown up when its makers, the Dreamworks team of Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and David Geffen, flatly refused to authorize any miniature toy or product advertising tie-ins with fast food chains. Katzenberg summarized their attitude: "We tried to be uncompromising here—there's nothing cute and adorable in the film. In other words, we didn't make a camel funny/'16

Film reviewer Richard Corliss described The Prince of Egypt as "a grand experiment, a crusade to expand the frustratingly narrow boundaries of feature animation."!? And Roger Ebert welcomed the film as revolutionary in its aim, scope, and artistic achievements.

Joseph M. Boggs Dennis W. Petrie 《The art of watching films》2006.12


吉林化工学院理学院 毕业论文外文翻译English Title(Times New Roman ,三号) 学生学号:08810219 学生姓名:袁庚文 专业班级:信息与计算科学0802 指导教师:赵瑛 职称副教授 起止日期:2012.2.27~2012.3.14 吉林化工学院 Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology

1 外文翻译的基本内容 应选择与本课题密切相关的外文文献(学术期刊网上的),译成中文,与原文装订在一起并独立成册。在毕业答辩前,同论文一起上交。译文字数不应少于3000个汉字。 2 书写规范 2.1 外文翻译的正文格式 正文版心设置为:上边距:3.5厘米,下边距:2.5厘米,左边距:3.5厘米,右边距:2厘米,页眉:2.5厘米,页脚:2厘米。 中文部分正文选用模板中的样式所定义的“正文”,每段落首行缩进2字;或者手动设置成每段落首行缩进2字,字体:宋体,字号:小四,行距:多倍行距1.3,间距:前段、后段均为0行。 这部分工作模板中已经自动设置为缺省值。 2.2标题格式 特别注意:各级标题的具体形式可参照外文原文确定。 1.第一级标题(如:第1章绪论)选用模板中的样式所定义的“标题1”,居左;或者手动设置成字体:黑体,居左,字号:三号,1.5倍行距,段后11磅,段前为11磅。 2.第二级标题(如:1.2 摘要与关键词)选用模板中的样式所定义的“标题2”,居左;或者手动设置成字体:黑体,居左,字号:四号,1.5倍行距,段后为0,段前0.5行。 3.第三级标题(如:1.2.1 摘要)选用模板中的样式所定义的“标题3”,居左;或者手动设置成字体:黑体,居左,字号:小四,1.5倍行距,段后为0,段前0.5行。 标题和后面文字之间空一格(半角)。 3 图表及公式等的格式说明 图表、公式、参考文献等的格式详见《吉林化工学院本科学生毕业设计说明书(论文)撰写规范及标准模版》中相关的说明。


Statistical hypothesis testing Adriana Albu,Loredana Ungureanu Politehnica University Timisoara,adrianaa@aut.utt.ro Politehnica University Timisoara,loredanau@aut.utt.ro Abstract In this article,we present a Bayesian statistical hypothesis testing inspection, testing theory and the process Mentioned hypothesis testing in the real world and the importance of, and successful test of the Notes. Key words Bayesian hypothesis testing; Bayesian inference;Test of significance Introduction A statistical hypothesis test is a method of making decisions using data, whether from a controlled experiment or an observational study (not controlled). In statistics, a result is called statistically significant if it is unlikely to have occurred by chance alone, according to a pre-determined threshold probability, the significance level. The phrase "test of significance" was coined by Ronald Fisher: "Critical tests of this kind may be called tests of significance, and when such tests are available we may discover whether a second sample is or is not significantly different from the first."[1] Hypothesis testing is sometimes called confirmatory data analysis, in contrast to exploratory data analysis. In frequency probability,these decisions are almost always made using null-hypothesis tests. These are tests that answer the question Assuming that the null hypothesis is true, what is the probability of observing a value for the test statistic that is at [] least as extreme as the value that was actually observed?) 2 More formally, they represent answers to the question, posed before undertaking an experiment,of what outcomes of the experiment would lead to rejection of the null hypothesis for a pre-specified probability of an incorrect rejection. One use of hypothesis testing is deciding whether experimental results contain enough information to cast doubt on conventional wisdom. Statistical hypothesis testing is a key technique of frequentist statistical inference. The Bayesian approach to hypothesis testing is to base rejection of the hypothesis on the posterior probability.[3][4]Other approaches to reaching a decision based on data are available via decision theory and optimal decisions. The critical region of a hypothesis test is the set of all outcomes which cause the null hypothesis to be rejected in favor of the alternative hypothesis. The critical region is usually denoted by the letter C. One-sample tests are appropriate when a sample is being compared to the population from a hypothesis. The population characteristics are known from theory or are calculated from the population.


中等分辨率制备分离的 快速色谱技术 W. Clark Still,* Michael K a h n , and Abhijit Mitra Departm(7nt o/ Chemistry, Columbia Uniuersity,1Veu York, Neu; York 10027 ReceiLied January 26, 1978 我们希望找到一种简单的吸附色谱技术用于有机化合物的常规净化。这种技术是适于传统的有机物大规模制备分离,该技术需使用长柱色谱法。尽管这种技术得到的效果非常好,但是其需要消耗大量的时间,并且由于频带拖尾经常出现低复原率。当分离的样本剂量大于1或者2g时,这些问题显得更加突出。近年来,几种制备系统已经进行了改进,能将分离时间减少到1-3h,并允许各成分的分辨率ΔR f≥(使用薄层色谱分析进行分析)。在这些方法中,在我们的实验室中,媒介压力色谱法1和短柱色谱法2是最成功的。最近,我们发现一种可以将分离速度大幅度提升的技术,可用于反应产物的常规提纯,我们将这种技术称为急骤色谱法。虽然这种技术的分辨率只是中等(ΔR f≥),而且构建这个系统花费非常低,并且能在10-15min内分离重量在的样本。4 急骤色谱法是以空气压力驱动的混合介质压力以及短柱色谱法为基础,专门针对快速分离,介质压力以及短柱色谱已经进行了优化。优化实验是在一组标准条件5下进行的,优化实验使用苯甲醇作为样本,放在一个20mm*5in.的硅胶柱60内,使用Tracor 970紫外检测器监测圆柱的输出。分辨率通过持续时间(r)和峰宽(w,w/2)的比率进行测定的(Figure 1),结果如图2-4所示,图2-4分别放映分辨率随着硅胶颗粒大小、洗脱液流速和样本大小的变化。


外文文献翻译 2.5.1译文:看电影的艺术 1930年代中期,沃尔特·迪斯尼才明确以动画电影娱乐观众的思想,动画片本身才成为放映主角(不再是其他剧情片的搭配)。于1937年下半年首映的动画片《白雪公主与七个小矮人》为动画片树立了极高的标准,至今任然指导着动画艺术家们。1940年,这一年作为迪斯尼制片厂的分水岭,诞生了《木偶奇遇记》和《幻想曲>。这些今天成为经典的作品在接下来的二十年中被追随效仿,产生了一系列广受欢迎的动画娱乐作品。包括《小飞象》,《灰姑娘》,《爱丽丝漫游仙境》,《彼得·潘》,《小姐与流浪儿》,他们的故事通常源自广为人知的文学故事。这些影片最不好的地方在于它们似乎越来越面向小观众。 在1966年第四你去死后,他的制片厂继续制作手绘动画影片,但是创作能量衰减,公司转而专注于著作真人是拍电影。然而1989年,对于我们所有孩子来说,动画《小美人鱼》赋予了迪士尼新的生命活力(就像animation这个词本身的定义一样——使有生命活力),从该片开始,出现了一系列令人惊叹不已的音乐动画片。两年后,《美女与野兽》问世,塔尔在制作过程中利用了计算机作为传统手绘技术的辅助手段,这部影片获得了奥斯卡最佳电影奖提名,它是第一部获此殊荣的动画片。更好的还在后面,就想着两部影片一样,后面紧接着出现的众多优秀作品——包括《狮子王》,《阿拉丁》,《花木兰》——延续了迪士尼的经典传统:大胆醒目的视觉效果、精致的剧本,以及我们在所有伟大的电影中,不管是动画还是其他类型中都能找到的普适性主题和出乎意料之处。迪士尼的新版《幻想曲》,又被称为《幻想曲2000》,把原版中的部分片段与新的创作部分糅合在一起。(而且,按照迪士尼管理层的说法,该片是首部在IMAX巨幕影院首映的剧情长片。) 亨利·塞利克执导了蒂姆·波顿出品的两部影片,即《圣诞惊魂夜》和《飞天巨桃历险记》——前者是一部完全原创的定格动画,影片画面有时渗透着无限的恐惧,后者改编自罗纳德·达尔的畅销儿童书,该影片以真人实景拍摄开始。《飞天巨桃历险记》对暴力画面和重大恐惧(比如说,离弃)的表达和处理毫无掩饰,表达的真实感受对成人来说和对儿童一样生动鲜明,而蒂姆·波顿的影片《僵尸新娘》,仅仅从名字上就已经显示出影片内容和该幽默表达的“成人”特


Analysis of the role of complaint management in the context of relationship marketing Author: Leticia Su′arez ′Alvarez, University of Oviedo, Spain Abstract This research aims to contribute to the relationship-marketing strategy by studying the role of complaint management in long-term relationships. Two factors distinguish it from other studies: it takes into account two types of customers, consumers and firms, and the result variable selected is the probability of ending an ongoing relationship. Two questionnaires were designed for every population. One of them was auto-administrated to a sample of consumers in the north of Spain, and the other one was sent to a representative sample of Spanish firms. The data analyses were conducted using structural equation modeling. The findings confirm the importance that theory accords to the relationship-marketing strategy, and also provide evidence for the importance of complaint management. Thus having a good complaint-handling system and trained and motivated staff who are fully committed to the firm’s objectives are fundamental requisites for firms to be able to build a stable customer portfolio. Keywords complaint management; relationship marketing; relationship termination; trust; satisfaction Introduction Nowadays, the main task for tourism firms is undoubtedly to deliver superior value to customers. One way that these firms can achieve part of this value is by maintaining quality relationships with their customers. In fact, it is well known that managing these relationships is critical for achieving corporate success. Thus the general aim of the present research is to analyze the most important factors that contribute to relationship stabilization between tourism firms and their customers. This research canters on retail travel agencies. We chose this particular type of tourism firm for two reasons. First, competition between retail travel agencies is becoming much more intense, fundamentally due to the advent of the Internet as an alternative distribution channel for tourism services (Wang & Cheung, 2004). The second reason is the current phenomenon of disintermediation, or the tendency of some tourism service providers to contact the end-customer directly. Because of these two developments, retail travel agencies urgently need to develop a strategy that allows them to maintain a stable portfolio of customers over time if they are to remain in the market for the long term. In order to achieve the proposed objective, we set out a causal model that incorporates a number of factors that can condition the future of the relationships between travel agencies and their customers. Specifically, we chose two variables that

毕业论文 外文翻译#(精选.)

毕业论文(设计)外文翻译 题目:中国上市公司偏好股权融资:非制度性因素 系部名称:经济管理系专业班级:会计082班 学生姓名:任民学号: 200880444228 指导教师:冯银波教师职称:讲师 年月日

译文: 中国上市公司偏好股权融资:非制度性因素 国际商业管理杂志 2009.10 摘要:本文把重点集中于中国上市公司的融资活动,运用西方融资理论,从非制度性因素方面,如融资成本、企业资产类型和质量、盈利能力、行业因素、股权结构因素、财务管理水平和社会文化,分析了中国上市公司倾向于股权融资的原因,并得出结论,股权融资偏好是上市公司根据中国融资环境的一种合理的选择。最后,针对公司的股权融资偏好提出了一些简明的建议。 关键词:股权融资,非制度性因素,融资成本 一、前言 中国上市公司偏好于股权融资,根据中国证券报的数据显示,1997年上市公司在资本市场的融资金额为95.87亿美元,其中股票融资的比例是72.5%,,在1998年和1999年比例分别为72.6%和72.3%,另一方面,债券融资的比例分别是17.8%,24.9%和25.1%。在这三年,股票融资的比例,在比中国发达的资本市场中却在下跌。以美国为例,当美国企业需要的资金在资本市场上,于股权融资相比他们宁愿选择债券融资。统计数据显示,从1970年到1985年,美日企业债券融资占了境外融资的91.7%,比股权融资高很多。阎达五等发现,大约中国3/4的上市公司偏好于股权融资。许多研究的学者认为,上市公司按以下顺序进行外部融资:第一个是股票基金,第二个是可转换债券,三是短期债务,最后一个是长期负债。许多研究人员通常分析我国上市公司偏好股权是由于我们国家的经济改革所带来的制度性因素。他们认为,上市公司的融资活动违背了西方古典融资理论只是因为那些制度性原因。例如,优序融资理论认为,当企业需要资金时,他们首先应该转向内部资金(折旧和留存收益),然后再进行债权融资,最后的选择是股票融资。在这篇文章中,笔者认为,这是因为具体的金融环境激活了企业的这种偏好,并结合了非制度性因素和西方金融理论,尝试解释股权融资偏好的原因。


To connect SQL Server database First we introduce the basic knowledge of the database,be regarded as the warm-up exercise that study database weave distance front! 1.warm-up exercise Needing first avowal is relation database that database knowledge that we here introduce all point. The so-called relation database is to mean data as that the form gather, passing to establish simple form an a kind of database for of relation to defining construction. I ignore the watch at how saving way in physics in the document in database is,it can see to make an a line for with row, with electronics form is similar with the row.In relation database, the line were called the record, but the row then is called word segment. This form inside each an all in formations for is a record, it including particular customer, but each record then included the same type with the word segment of the quantity:Customer's number, name etc. Form is logic set that a kind of related information that press a line of arranging with row, similar in single form in work. Each row of the word a database form inside calls a word segment. Watch is from every kind of word a definition of its containment of, each word a data for describing its implying. While creating to set up a database, the beard assign for each word segment a the piece belongs to the sex with the other according to the type,biggest length.The word segment can include every kind of word sign,arithmetic figure even sketch. An information of relevant customer deposits in the line of the form, is called record.By any large, arbitrarily two records for database form to create set up can't be same. Key be a certain word segment( or several words segment) of the form inside, it() for fast inspect but drive index. The key can be unique, and also can then the right and wrong is unique, being decided by it() whether admission repetition. Unique key can specify for main key, using each one that come to unique marking form. The norm turns the database design of mission be method that the data of buildup,but the data of buildup, should can dissolve otiose repetition, and for have the necessary information offering to check to seek the path quickly. For attaining this kind of target but separate information to the process gone to in every kind of independent form, be called the norm turn. It is complicated process to use many appointed rules to proceed the norm with the type of the different Class that norm turn. That process studies and discuss already beyond the reach of textual scope.But,the norm of the simple database in majority turn and can use the simple experience in underneath rule completes: include the form of the information of repetition must be divided into independent a few forms dissolve repetition.


Animation Animation is the rapid display of a sequence of images of 2-D or 3-D artwork or model positions to create an illusion of movement. The effect is an optical illusion of motion due to the phenomenon of persistence of vision, and can be created and demonstrated in several ways. The most common method of presenting animation is as a motion picture or video program, although there are other methods. Early examples An Egyptian burial chamber mural, approximately 4000 years old, showing wrestlers in action. Even though this may appear similar to a series of animation drawings, there was no way of viewing the images in motion. It does, however, indicate the artist's intention of depicting motion. Early examples of attempts to capture the phenomenon of motion drawing can be found in paleolithic cave paintings, where animals are depicted with multiple legs in superimposed positions, clearly attempting to convey the perception of motion. Five images sequence from a vase found in Iran A 5,000 year old earthen bowl found in Iran.It has five images of a goat painted along the sides. This has been claimed to be an example of early animation. However, since no equipment existed to show the images in motion, such a series of images cannot be called animation in a true sense of the word. A Chinese zoetrope-type device had been


Technique summary on the deformation monitoring towards the high side-slope of the diversion tunnel Abstract.This paper discusses in length the deformation monitoring towards the high side-slope of the diversion tunnel. The diversion tunnel lies on the left side of the dam. Its main task is to diverse the water so that the construction on the dam can be fulfilled successfully. On one hand, it tells us how to build the plane (two-dimensional) control network and how to conduct the horizontal displacement; on the other hand, it tells us how to set up the vertical control network and how to carry out the vertical displacement. Keywords:diversion tunnel, high side-slope, deformation monitoring, Horizontal displacement, vertical displacement 1 Introduction to the diversion tunnel The diversion tunnel and its related projects lies on the opposite side of the underground workplace, namely, the left bank of the Shuibuya Valley. Its natural slope is 255 meters high, consisting of soft rocks and hard rocks. The geological structure is so complicated. Specifically speaking, the slope contains two parts, with the above part hard and the below part soft; meanwhile, it also contains lots of fissures. To protect the worker’s safety during the construction period, it is quite necessary to carry out the rigorous monitoring towards the high side-slope. 2 Coordinate system (1)Beijing Geodetic Coordinate System, 1954; (2)Wusong Altitude system, 1956; (3)Gauss projection 3° Zone; (4)Central Meridian 111°. 3 Introdution to deformation of Structures When the structure is being constructed and in use, so many factors will cause five phenomena, such as: structure subsidence, structure displacement, structure oblique and structure fissure etc. These factors mainly include: the uneven geological component of the foundation, the difference of the physical attribute of the soil, the rigid deformation of the soil, the change in the underground water, the change of the atmospheric temperature, the self


动画设计专业论文参考文献 在日常学习和工作中,许多人都有过写论文的经历,对论文都不陌生吧,论文是描述学术研究成果进行学术交流的一种工具。还是对论文一筹莫展吗?下面是小编精心整理的动画设计专业论文参考文献,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 [1]王兆.目标导向设计中人物角色的应用与研究[D].东华大学.2011 [2]陈龙,徐人平,王浩军.基于Freeform系统的玩偶设计开发.北京市经济管理干部学院学报,2006. [3]大而不强创新不足中国网游或死在同质化和抄袭之手. [4]肖冬.移动互联网引爆未来[J].理财.2014,01:46-48 [5]中国互联网络发展状况统计报告.2010 [6]李洪海,石爽,李霞.交互界面设计[M].北京:化学工业出版社.2011 [7]浅析移动应用软件现状.中国电子商务研究中心. [8]张宏江.移动设备的发展将成根本趋势[J].新领军.2012:24 [9]艾瑞咨询.2014移动互联网用户行为研究报告[R].2014,5 [10]阳俊.游戏界面的人性化设计研究[D].重庆大学.2008 [11]陈启安.软件人机界面设计[M].北京:高等教育出版社.2008 [12]2013年中国手机游戏发展现状及未来展望分析. [13]艾瑞咨询.2014Q1中国移动购物市场交易规模达1350.9亿元 [14]李念.基于游戏机制的互联网产品交互设计研究[D].华东理工大 学.2012 [15]吕锦扬.移动互联网环境下的终端与应用发展[N].广东通信技 术.2013(12) [16]许懋琦,于晓燕.从设计学角度分析手机游戏成功因素[J].设 计.2014,04(200):135-136 [17]郭伏,郝哲哲,许娜,屈庆星,丁一.基于情感体验的应用软件可用性评估方法研究[J].工业工程与管理.2013 (4) : 152-164


农村社会养老保险的现状、问题与对策研究社会保障对国家安定和经济发展具有重要作用,“城乡二元经济”现象日益凸现,农村社会保障问题客观上成为社会保障体系中极为重要的部分。建立和完善农村社会保障制度关系到农村乃至整个社会的经济发展,并且对我国和谐社会的构建至关重要。我国农村社会保障制度尚不完善,因此有必要加强对农村独立社会保障制度的构建,尤其对农村养老制度的改革,建立健全我国社会保障体系。从户籍制度上看,我国居民养老问题可分为城市居民养老和农村居民养老两部分。对于城市居民我国政府已有比较充足的政策与资金投人,使他们在物质和精神方面都能得到较好地照顾,基本实现了社会化养老。而农村居民的养老问题却日益突出,成为摆在我国政府面前的一个紧迫而又棘手的问题。 一、我国农村社会养老保险的现状 关于农村养老,许多地区还没有建立农村社会养老体系,已建立的地区也存在很多缺陷,运行中出现了很多问题,所以完善农村社会养老保险体系的必要性与紧迫性日益体现出来。 (一)人口老龄化加快 随着城市化步伐的加快和农村劳动力的输出,越来越多的农村青壮年人口进入城市,年龄结构出现“两头大,中间小”的局面。中国农村进入老龄社会的步伐日渐加快。第五次人口普查显示:中国65岁以上的人中农村为5938万,占老龄总人口的67.4%.在这种严峻的现实面前,农村社会养老保险的徘徊显得极其不协调。 (二)农村社会养老保险覆盖面太小 中国拥有世界上数量最多的老年人口,且大多在农村。据统计,未纳入社会保障的农村人口还很多,截止2000年底,全国7400多万农村居民参加了保险,占全部农村居民的11.18%,占成年农村居民的11.59%.另外,据国家统计局统计,我国进城务工者已从改革开放之初的不到200万人增加到2003年的1.14亿人。而基本方案中没有体现出对留在农村的农民和进城务工的农民给予区别对待。进城务工的农民既没被纳入到农村养老保险体系中,也没被纳入到城市养老保险体系中,处于法律保护的空白地带。所以很有必要考虑这个特殊群体的养老保险问题。


估计技术和规模的希腊商业银行效率:信用风险、资产负债表的活动和 国际业务的影响1 1.介绍 希腊银行业经历了近几年重大的结构调整。重要的结构性、政策和环境的变化经常强调的学者和从业人员有欧盟单一市场的建立,欧元的介绍,国际化的竞争、利率自由化、放松管制和最近的兼并和收购浪潮。 希腊的银行业也经历了相当大的改善,通信和计算技术,因为银行有扩张和现代化其分销网络,其中除了传统的分支机构和自动取款机,现在包括网上银行等替代分销渠道。作为希腊银行(2004 年)的年度报告的重点,希腊银行亦在升级其信用风险测量与管理系统,通过引入信用评分和概率默认模型近年来采取的主要步骤。此外,他们扩展他们的产品/服务组合,包括保险、经纪业务和资产管理等活动,同时也增加了他们的资产负债表操作和非利息收入。 最后,专注于巴尔干地区(如阿尔巴尼亚、保加利亚、前南斯拉夫马其顿共和国、罗马尼亚、塞尔维亚)的更广泛市场的全球化增加的趋势已添加到希腊银行在塞浦路斯和美国以前有限的国际活动。在国外经营的子公司的业绩预计将有父的银行,从而对未来的决定为进一步国际化的尝试对性能的影响。 本研究的目的是要运用数据包络分析(DEA)和重新效率的希腊银行部门,同时考虑到几个以上讨论的问题进行调查。我们因此区分我们的论文从以前的希腊银行产业重点并在几个方面,下面讨论添加的见解。 首先,我们第一次对效率的希腊银行的信用风险的影响通过检查其中包括贷款损失准备金作为附加输入Charnes et al.(1990 年)、德雷克(2001 年)、德雷克和大厅(2003 年),和德雷克等人(2006 年)。作为美斯特(1996) 点出"除非质量和风险控制的一个人也许会很容易误判一家银行的水平的低效;例如精打细算的银行信用评价或生产过高风险的贷款可能会被贴上标签一样高效,当相比银行花资源,以确保它们的贷款有较高的质量"(p.1026)。我们估计效率的银行和无此输入调整为不同的信用风险水平和对效率的影响。 第二,以往的研究中,希腊银行业,我们考虑资产负债表活动期间估计的效率得分。几个最近的研究审查效率的DEA 或随机前沿技术的银行,承认银行在非传统的活动中更多地参与,包括任何非利息(即费)收入(e.g. Lang和Welzel,1998年;德雷克,2001 年;托尔托萨Ausina,2003年)或资产负债表项目(例如阿尔通巴什等人,2001 年;阿尔通巴什和查克,2001年;架和Hassan,2003a、b ;Bos 和Colari,2005 年;饶, 1原文出处及作者:巴斯大学管理学院2007年硕士毕业论文,作者Fotios Pasiouras


日本动漫产业发展趋势外文翻译 本科毕业论文外文翻译 外文题目: Japan Animation Industry Trends 出处:JETRO Japan Economic Monthly, June 2005 作者:Japanese Economy Division译文: 日本动漫产业发展趋势 日本动画不仅在日本,同时在海外也备受关注。在扩大电影,电视和录像的国内市场后,日本动画电影制作人的视线也已经转向海外市场。与此同时,在电影制作多元化筹资方式的方面已出现新的发展。在此背景下,日本动漫产业正在努力处理某些人力资源的技能短缺,国内电影生产基地缩减和扩大海外业务的挑战。 1、市场概述 2004年日本动画市场。2004年在日本会谈的亚洲动画市场是吉卜力工作室红极一时的《哈尔的移动城堡》工作室在三年内的第一个新版本,将在11月开幕。导演宫崎骏的著作在短短44天超过了10万观众,比在日本的任何电影都快。此后其受欢迎程度不断,观众上升到1423.0万,截至到3月8日,打破标志的是宫崎骏的《魔法公主》,并将它放在日本电影史上的第两位。现在的问题是如何关闭由《千与千寻》在日本创下的所有的2350万的时间纪录。2005年6月开始《哈尔的移动城堡》也将在韩国和其他国家,包括美国60多个城市放映。 市场环境。日本动画(“动漫”)已被赞誉为始祖,日本的文化和内容,对所谓的程度,这是世界范围内的“Japanimation。”导演押井守的动画电影《无辜

的人》2004年在第57届戛纳电影节上被提名。《纯真》是到《攻壳机动队》(1995)的续集,在美国的Billboard影片排行榜上名列第一。宫崎骏的《千与千寻》2003年在第75届奥斯卡奖项上荣获奥斯卡动画长片奖,同时在2002年柏林电影节金熊奖上再次获奖和证明日本是生产世界一流动画的国家。据说许多美国和亚洲动画师想要制作日本的动漫作品,这表明日本动画被领先的专业人士认可。《千与千寻》的商业成功,同时表明在全球公众的日本动漫的优点和国际竞争力。世界已经明确看好日本动漫具有巨大的商业潜力。 尽管如此,业界还没有转移的态势,足以应付海外的一致好评。展望未来,日本动漫产业不仅要扩大海外,它也必须制定必要的生产/配送系统和人员,利用对动画片和其他内容的全球商业机会。事实上生产系统已经成立,但业内人士仍然具有在国内/海外发行和权利上有许多突出的弱点,如在一般的国际许可和业务专长。在发展领域的人员,动画师没有一个适当的高社会地位,所以对其他行业和国家,例如人员外流,已成为一个大问题。 2、多变的市场规模 日本国内的动漫市场大致可分为三类: 正片长度的电影 电视节目 上述视频和DVD两个版本外,还有原作品 据媒体发展研究所透露,在2003年日本的动漫市场销售额下降了10.4%至一千九百十二亿日元,包括动画电影的票房收入,电视动画制作费,销售、出租录像带和DVD产品的利润。这是在两年内(图1)的首次下降。在2001年和2002年实现实质性成果主要是由于2001年《千与千寻》成功的票房(30.4亿日元)然

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