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外研版(一起)第五册Module 5《Unit 1 Can I have an ice cream》word教案

外研版(一起)第五册Module 5《Unit 1 Can I have an ice cream》word教案
外研版(一起)第五册Module 5《Unit 1 Can I have an ice cream》word教案


Module 5 Unit 1 Can I have an ice cream?



能熟练掌握短语have a drink, have an ice cream, have some biscuits。

能初步运用句型Can I have …?Yes, you can. No, you can’t.进行交流,能替换短语进行对话练习。






2.本课的教学难点是对a, an, some的区分、运用和对人称转换的掌握。



2.drink, biscuits, have a drink, have some biscuits的卡片。





Step 1:Warm up

(1) TPR

教师边说单词边做动作run, jump, swim, fly, sing,学生根据自身的情况会做的边做边说I can…不会做的边做边说I can’t…如:

T : Look. Run run I can run. Can you run? Please stand up, show me.

Ss : I can run.

T : Swim swim.

Ss : I can swim.\ I can’t swim.

T : Can you sing the song “Row Your Boat”?

Ss : Yes, I can.

(2) Sing the song “Row Your Boat” together.

Step 2:Presentation and practice

(1)Learn the phrase: have a drink.

教师做出口渴的样子,并且说Oh, I’m thirsty. Can I have a drink, please? 教师喝一点饮料后,问学生Do you want to drink?

Read the word “drink”. (Show the card “drink”.)

Read the phrase “have a drink” in groups. (Show the card “have a drink”.) Translate it in Chinese.

(2)Use the real drink to teach the sentences:

Can I have a drink, please? Yes, you can. No, you can’t.

问学生谁想喝饮料Who wants to have a drink? 鼓励学生用Can I have a drink, please?来询问,对表达清楚的学生,教师说Yes, you can.并给他一小杯饮料。当给第三个学生倒饮料时,饮料瓶子(不透明)空了,教师趁机说No, you can’t. I’m sorry. It’s empty.

Read the sentences.

(3)Learn the phrase: have some biscuits (by using the real biscuits).


What’s this? / What are they? 教师拿起饼干问学生Are they sweets?学生说No, they aren’t.教师教授新词biscuits。

Read the word “biscuits” and spell it. (Show the card “biscuits”.)

T : Show me your biscuits. Can I have some biscuits, please?

Ss : Yes, you can.

The teacher has the biscuit and asks “Can I have a drink, please?”.

Ss : Yes, you can.

The teacher has a drink.

Read the phrase “have some biscuits” in groups. (Show the card “have some biscuits”.) Translate “some” into Chinese.

Read the sentences on the blackboard:

Can I have a drink , please?

have some biscuits

Yes, you can.

No, you can’t.

(4) 让学生带着问题What can Amy have?看课文的配套光盘,并回答问题。

(5)Read the dialog.

Read it together then practice in pairs. (Feedback)

Step 3: Consolidation and extension

(1) Get the food from the teacher using the sentences.

教师拿出一些食物,让学生用Can I have…, please?句型来询问,表述准确的就给他相应的食物。再找一个学生代替教师发放食物,教师观察学生们的问答是否准确,并帮助学生及时改正错误。

(2) Read some sentences on the screen, sum up the differences of a, an and some.

通过读句子Can I have an apple, please? Can I have an ice cream, please? Can I have some sweets, please? …让学生发现句子中的不同之处,告诉学生复数名词前用some表示一些,单数名词要观察开头字母,开头字母是元音字母的要用an表示一个,开头字母不是元音字母的要用a表示一个。

(3) Get the food in groups.



(4) Play the game: Bingo.

教师准备一个4X4的表格,在每个格里贴一种食物的图片(单、复数都有),在每个食物图片的背面都画着一个笑脸或哭脸,当学生用句型Can I have…, please?询问时,教师把学生所说的那种食物的图片翻过来,如果是笑脸,就引导全班学生齐回答Yes, you can.如果是哭脸,就引导全班学生齐回答No, you can’t.男女生轮番提问,谁能先翻出四个连成一排的笑脸,谁就喊Bingo从而获得了胜利。Step 4: Summary

Read the sentences on the blackboard and review the sentences structures. Step 5: Homework

(1)Try to act the dialog on page 19.

(2)Try to read the dialog on page 18.

(3)Finish the exercises in the activity book.

Step 6: Blackboard design:

Module 5 Unit 1

Can I have a drink , please?

have some biscuits

Yes, you can.

No, you can’t.

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