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[2012.01.31]Libya bitten, Syria shy一朝被利比亚咬,十年怕叙利亚 (1)

[2012.01.28]Ant tribes and mortgage slaves 蚁族与房奴 (2)

[2012.01.28]Who goes to the gallows? 谁该上绞架?—公众关注吴英案 (4)

[2012.01.28]Black, white and blood red 黑色白色与血色 (5)

[2012.01.25]Phew, the Oscars are still irrelevant 奥斯卡奖还是不靠谱 (8)

[2012.01.23]Gender & tennis: Coming up short 女网的不足 (9)

[2012.01.23]China's labour force 中国的劳动力大军 (12)

[2012.01.21]Not quite too late 还不算太晚 (13)

[2012.01.21]Guatemala's new president: Quick march 新总统必须加快改革 (16)

[2012.01.21]Party of two,二人成双 (18)

[2012.01.19]The Nordic cure for a hangover治疗宿醉的北欧疗法 (21)

[2012.01.16]IN SEARCH OF SERENDIPITY 寻找偶遇 (22)

[2012.01.07]The dangers of demonology 妖魔化的风险 (28)

[2012.01.07]A murder that changed Britain 改变英国的凶杀案 (31)

[2012.01.07]Dutchmen grounded 搁浅的荷兰人 (34)

[2012.01.07]New film: "The Iron Lady‖ 新电影:《铁娘子》 (39)

[2012.01.07]Chinese condoms: Reds in the bed 床上的红色安全套 (40)

[2012.01.05]A World of Mist 照片散文-雾的世界 (42)

[2012.01.02]Take five 目标:攻克五种癌症 (46)

[2012.01.31]Libya bitten, Syria shy一朝被利比亚咬,十年怕叙利亚

Syria and the UN


Libya bitten, Syria shy


Jan 31st 2012, 20:59 by R.L.G. | NEW YORK

IN 2005 all the world's countries signed up, in theory, to a new norm called the "responsibility to protect". In short, the idea is that a government is sovereign because it protects its people. When it cannot do so—or worse, is the perpetrator of mass violence against its own—the responsibility to protect them may devolve to the international community. For a while, this norm was mostly airy, referred to when other countries or United Nations diplomats got involved to stop violence in its earliest phases. But some construe the "responsibility to protect" as a mandate for "liberal interventionism": the right of outside countries to step in militarily when abuses get serious enough.


Now outsiders are clamouring to do something serious about Syria. No one is pushing a military intervention—not even the Western countries sounding the harshest notes about Bashar Assad, Syria's dictator. But two of the veto-wielding members of the Security Council, China and particularly Russia, feel that the "responsibility to protect" has already gone far enough, thank you very much. Last year, they signed on to a resolution that authorised "all necessary means" to protect Libyan civilians from Muammar Qaddafi. That intervention became a NATO-led air war against Libya's regime, and ended with Qaddafi's bloody death at the hands of the rebels. The Russians felt duped.


This is behind the Russian reticence, this week, to sign on to a draft resolution that would have Mr Assad delegate power to his deputy. This is despite strong support not only from a unified West, but from the Arab League, which has suspended Syria. The assertiveness of the league, once a do-nothing talking shop for tyrants, has been striking. It suspended its observer mission in Syria

because of threats to its personnel and inability to do a proper job monitoring. Observers hope that a personal briefing by league representatives about the bloodshed will sway the recalcitrant Security Council members.


But the Russians, citing Syria's sovereignty, have shown no sign of budging (which suits the Chinese, who do not like vetoing resolutions alone). The frustrated other members of the 15-seat council are still trying to craft a resolution everyone can agree to. But if they cannot, they have hinted that they will force a vote anyway, to get a Russian veto on the record at least. For those dying in Syria, the manoeuvring must seem absurdly abstract, and Russia's desire for "a peaceful settlement without foreign intervention and with respect to the sovereignty of Syria" somewhere between cynical and downright ridiculous.但是俄罗斯人援引叙利亚的主权,目前还没有流露出任何退让的迹象。这对中国来说正好,因为中国并不想成为唯一否决该决议的国家。15席的安理会中那些倍感挫折的其它成员国现在还在试图起草一份所有人都能接受的决议。但是如果最后无法达成共识,它们也暗示会强迫对决议进行投票,至少要让俄罗斯的否决正式记录在案。对于那些正在被屠杀的叙利亚国民来说,这些外交程序抽象地近乎愚蠢,而俄罗斯希望―寻求无外界干涉和尊重叙利亚主权的和平解决途径‖听上去既讽刺又荒谬。


[2012.01.28]Ant tribes and mortgage slaves 蚁族与房奴

China‘s new tribes


Ant tribes and mortgage slaves


The subdivisions of urban China


Crush crush


WHO knew China was tribal? The diversification of Chinese society has seen a flowering of a new vocabulary. Perhaps most fascinating has been the division of people into tribes (zu in Mandarin). The travails of the yi zu, or ant tribe, have been well-chronicled—recent graduates from outside the main cities who move to urban areas, live cheaply and work hard, often in

low-paid jobs. Perhaps less well-known are the ken lao zu, the bite-the-old tribe, those between 25 and 35 who are underemployed or out of work, still at home and sponging off mum and dad.


Many of the tribes, inevitably, are made up of people looking for love. There is the jia wan zu, the marry-the-bowl tribe. These are young women searching for that most stable of husbands, the one who holds a government job (still known as the iron rice bowl). The shan hun zu, or lightning-marriage tribe, marry fast and sometimes divorce faster. They should not be confused with the yin hun zu, the hidden-marriage tribe. These are women in their 20s who hide the fact that they are married, knowing they will not be hired or promoted if there is even the whiff of the possible need for maternity leave—socialist gender-equality does not offer much protection in the Wild East of modern China. And if you can only afford a postage stamp of an apartment, you‘re probably a member of the wo ju zu, the snail-house tribe.


You can belong to more than one tribe. Most members of the ant tribe also belong to the ben ben zu, the rush-rush tribe, to which, in fact, most urban Chinese belong. All that rushing around can create a lot of pent-up anger, giving rise to thenie nie zu, the crush-crush tribe, so named because they go into supermarkets and take out their frustration by standing in the aisles crushing packets of instant noodles (yes, really).


Many tribal members are also slaves (nu in Mandarin). There are the fang nu (mortgage slaves) and hun nu (marriage slaves, who are also, by definition, mortgage slaves) and all Chinese parents are of course haizi nu (slaves to the only child).


Perhaps the group China needs most as it tries to stimulate its domestic consumer economy is the yue guang zu, or moonlight tribe, so named because the Chinese characters for ―moonlight‖ sound the same as the ph rase ―spend all your monthly salary‖. Their parents saved every yuan, but life for these youngsters is just spend, spend, spend. Now, that‘s patriotic consumption.




[2012.01.28]Who goes to the gallows? 谁该上绞架?—公众关注吴英案

Attitudes towards capital punishment


Who goes to the gallows?

谁该上绞架? —中国公众对吴英案的关注

Concern over a high-profile death penalty


IT IS rare for China‘s 500m internet users to defend the filthy rich. But a provincial court‘s decision on January 18th to uphold a death sentence imposed on one of China‘s wealthiest businesswomen has created an unusual outpouring of sympathy. It has also led to criticism of a legal system seen to treat private citizens far more harshly than errant officials.


The case of 31-year-old Wu Ying, who was convicted of ―illegal fund-raising‖, has also stirred debate about the fairness of the economic system. State-owned enterprises can borrow money from (state-owned) banks, whereas private businesses are often left to fend for themselves in an informal market of moneylending, such as the one in which Ms Wu thrived.


Ms Wu‘s youth and humble origins, as well as an absence of real evidence that her activities caused harm to anyone, except possibly some rich investors, have also helped endear her to a general public informed by internet chatter. She began her career working in h er aunt‘s beauty salon in coastal Zhejiang province, and went on to run other beauty parlours before building up a conglomerate, the Bense Group, with a wide range of interests from property to lending. Amazingly, in 2006, aged just 25, she was named China‘s sixth-richest woman by Hurun Report, a wealth researcher.


性的大企业—―本色集团‖,经营从地产到借贷各种广泛的业务。令人惊叹的是,当时年仅25岁的吴英,在2006年被胡润报告(一个富豪研究公司)列为中国最富的女人中第六位。Ms Wu‘s extraordinary rise is hard to imagine without her doing some dodgy deals. Possibly the wrong ones, for her fall was even more rapid than her rise. She was arrested, sentenced to death in 2009 for illegally raising $120m in funds from illicit sources (ie, not official banks). Chinese press reports said Ms Wu gave information that led to the arrests of officials and bankers. Some wonder whether the death sentence was aimed at stopping her from revealing more.


Since 2007 China has required that all death sentences be reviewed by the supreme court, which now represents Ms Wu‘s final chance of r eprieve. Last year the number of capital crimes was reduced for the first time since 1979. The number of executions in China is a state secret, but the Dui Hua Foundation in California, which promotes improved legal rights in China, estimates that it fell from around 8,000 in 2007 to 4,000 last year.

自2007年以来,中国要求所有死刑判决必须经过最高法院的审核,这是吴英免死的最后机会。去年,中国的死刑案件自1979年以来第一次减少。被执行死刑的人数是国家的机密,但加州的Dui Hua基金会(旨在推进中国人法律权利的组织)估计,这个数字已从2007年的大约8,000人降到了去年的4,000人。

Reforming spirits in China groaned when Wang Shengjun, a man with no legal training, was appointed president of the supreme court in 2008. Mr Wang has been a strong advocate of President Hu Jintao‘s idea of the ―three supremes‖ in judicial affairs: the supremacy of the Communist Party‘s interests, of the public‘s i nterests and (in third place) of the law. Global Times, an English-language paper in Beijing, said public support for the death penalty for non-violent crimes was falling, and expressed hope that the supreme court would take heed of this. But it lamented t hat public opinion may affect what it coyly called ―judicial independence‖ in the case of Ms Wu.




[2012.01.28]Black, white and blood red 黑色白色与血色

Weegee’s photographs


Black, white and blood red


The sordid beauty of the city 纽约市那迷离暗淡的凄美

Jan 28th 2012 | NEW YORK | from the print edition

WEEGEE‘S photographs of the seamy side of New York are luridly fascinating: car crashes, tenement fires and lifeless bodies sprawled across pavements. He always carried a Speed Graphic camera with a massive flash in his nocturnal prowls around the city, which made his night-time shots both intelligible and distinctive. The extreme contrasts in black and white were perfectly suited to the extreme situations he depicted, with people who were generally weeping, leering or dead.


Born Usher Fellig in 1899 in a part of the world that is now Ukraine, Weegee moved with his family to New York‘s Lower East Side in 1909. Hi s nickname came either from an early stint as a ―squeegee boy‖ (ie, a darkroom assistant) or from his Ouija-like ability to get to a crime scene faster than the authorities—though this clairvoyance owed much to his police radio.

1899年维吉生于现在的乌克兰(当时属于奥地利),原名尤瑟尔?费利克(Usher Fellig),1909年他随家庭来到纽约下东区[注2]。维吉是他的绰号,或许是他早期当过的―斯奎基练习生‖(即暗室助理)的简写,或许是因为他能比当局更快地来到犯罪现场的那种灵应牌[注3]式的能力(实际上,他这种千里眼式的能力很大程度上归功于他收听的警察无线通话)。

―Murder Is My Business‖, a new exhibition at the International Center of Photography (ICP), takes its nam e from two shows Weegee held at the Photo League in 1941. Drawn from the ICP‘s vast archive of his work—a gift from his longtime companion, Wilma Wilcox, in 1993—these photos are from the first decade of his career. Weegee would later give up tabloid snaps and experiment with film and art photography. He died in 1968. But these early images, crafted for maximum effect and immediate consumption, as in ―Hold-up Man Killed, November 24th 1941‖ (pictured above), show him at his popular and populist best.

―我与谋杀打交道‖,是在国际摄影中心(International Center of Photography (ICP))举行的新展览,得名于1941年维吉在―摄影联盟‖的两次展览。1993年,他多年的伴侣维尔玛?威尔科克斯把他庞大的作品文档作为礼物赠送给ICP,新展的照片便选自其中,是他职业生涯头十年的创作。后来维吉不再从事小报摄影,而是尝试进入影坛与拍摄艺术照。他死于1968年。但如上图中那幅《1941年11月24日:被杀的拦路抢劫者》所表达的那样,这些具有最强烈效果和直接使用价值的早期照片最能让人清楚地看到,他受到人们的欢迎的原因以及他贴近普通人的一面。

These photos are displayed against a soundscape of police sirens and jazz, with a selection of the newspaper clippings where they first appeared. Viewing Weegee‘s shots with the accompanying

text grants a sense of the social and economic ferment of the time. New Yorkers could open the paper and read about three women who had been trampled to death in a stampede. Another 1941 shot, ―Killing for a Warm Glass of Beer‖ includes a dog hovering indifferently over a dead body in a bar.


Weegee considered himself a journalist first, peddling his wares to the city‘s seedier dai lies, but he was also an artist with a keen sense of composition. Although his subject was crime, his pictures often included the craned necks and gawking looks of bystanders. Weegee‘s fascination with the voyeurs who crowd murder scenes is given pride of place in a 1941 clipping from PM Daily, ―Brooklyn School Children See Gambler Murdered in Street‖. His large photo of the ogling schoolchildren dwarfs a much smaller shot of the murdered body on the page. A girl in front angles her neck to get a better look, her eyes wide; a blond boy beams with what looks to be sheer joy. The newspaper‘s editors cropped the image around the faces, whereas Weegee‘s wider shot includes the menacing silhouettes of several low-slung buildings against a darkening sky.

维吉认为他首先是一个向城市中的二流日报兜售作品的新闻记者;但他也是一个具有敏锐创作感的艺术家。尽管他以犯罪为主题,但在他的照片中经常可以看到引颈张望、目瞪口呆的旁观者。维吉热衷于表现谋杀现场周围的成群围观者,这一点在1941年的一份PM Daily[注4]剪报上的照片,《布鲁克林的学童观看街头被害赌徒》中显得十分突出。他以大幅画面着力刻画了凝视现场的学童,这与死者无足轻重的小镜头恰成对照。前排的一个女孩瞪大了眼睛,偏着头让自己看得更清楚;一个浅色头发的男孩面露微笑,一副兴奋的表情。报纸的编辑绕着人物的面部裁剪了照片,而维吉更大的照片中包括几所低矮建筑物阴沉沉的剪影,背后是正在暗淡下去的天空。

Weegee lacked formal training, but he knew how to give people what they want: naked emotions, grisly details. It is illuminating to view these images now, when tabloid photography has become no less garish and closer to ubiquitous. Weegee understood the difference between a cheap image and a sensational one. His photographs keep us looking.


[注1]Black,white,and blood red 是Bodean乐队的一首歌的名字(详见19楼),这里用以表示用黑白照相表现血腥更为清晰。

[注2]Speed Graphic是纽约Rochester的Graflex公司的产品,是最著名的记者用照相机。[注3]纽约下东区在纽约市曼哈顿区沿东河南端一带,为犹太移民聚居地。


[注5]PM Daily 是一份美国纽约的左翼日报,存在于1940年6月与1948年6月之间。







[2012.01.25]Phew, the Oscars are still irrelevant 奥斯卡奖还是不靠谱

Film awards


Phew, the Oscars are still irrelevant


Jan 25th 2012, 10:38 by N.B. | LONDON

WHAT a difference a year makes. Last year‘s Oscar nominees showcased the American movie industry at its most confident. The Best Picture category was stuffed with films that combined intelligence and quirkiness with sheer entertainment: ―The Social Network‖, ―Inception‖, ―True Grit‖, ―Winter‘s Bone‖, ―Toy Story 3‖, ―The Kids Are All Right‖, ―Black Swan‖, etc. Of course, they were all beaten on the night by ―The King‘s Speech‖, but you can‘t have everything. Twelve months on, it‘s a different matter. Sca nning the 2012 nominations, you might suspect that Hollywood had used up its best and boldest films in one splurge a year ago, leaving it with little in reserve to get excited about now.


Dotted among the categories, there are nominations for several films which were widely panned, including ―Transformers: Dark Of The Moon‖, ―Albert Nobbs‖, Madonna‘s dreadful ―W.E.‖, and ―Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close‖, surely one of the worst reviewed films ever to get a Best Picture nomination. There are nominations for decent but frequently clichéd dramas: ―Moneyball‖, ―Warrior‖. There are nods to directors who may be at thei r most likeable, but who aren‘t at their strongest: Martin Scorsese‘s ―Hugo‖ and Woody Allen‘s ―Midnight in Paris‖. And some of the Best Picture nominations recall the bad old ―Driving Miss Daisy‖ days w hen the Oscars went to any film which dealt with human cruelty in the most soft and sentimental fashion: ―The Help‖ and ―War Horse‖.


To be fair, Hollywood has acknowledged its falling off in standards by giving more prominence than u sual to films from other countries. Two of the five ―Best Animated Feature‖ nominees are from outside America (for once, there‘s no Pixar cartoon in the running). Iran‘s ―A Separation‖ is a surprising but deserving honoree in the Original Screenplay category. The frontrunner in the Best Picture category, among others, is ―The Artist‖, which may be set in Hollywood, and which may not have any French dialogue, but which is definitely a French film. You could even argue that ―Hugo‖, ―War Horse‖ and ―Midnight in Paris‖ are honorary foreign films, in that they‘re all love letters to Europe.


It‘s just a pity that the Academy didn‘t cast its net even wider. It‘s bewildering that the nominations don‘t acknowledge ―Melancholia‖, ―Shame‖ or ―We Need To Talk About Kevin‖, or even some of the more interesting American films of the past ye ar, such as ―Drive‖, ―Margaret‖, or ―Martha Marcy May Marlene‖. But maybe we can take comfort in all of this. After a year when the Oscars seemed dangerously close to being relevant, it‘s almost reassu ring to see that normal service has been resumed.



[2012.01.23]Gender & tennis: Coming up short 女网的不足

Gender and tennis


Coming up short


Jan 23rd 2012, 13:50 by I.M.

IF MEN‘S tennis is enjoying a golden age, with Switzerland‘s Roger Federer and Spain‘s Rafael Nadal already established among the all-time greats, then women‘s looks in a slump. Its younger generation of players includes few recognisable champions. Denmark‘s Caroline Wozniacki has been ranked number one in the world for over a year without winning a single grand slam tournament. Above all, women‘s tennis is criticised for being one-dimensional and dull to watch. Could its format be at least partly to blame?


Tennis may be the only high-profile sport that still has different rules for women than men. This is only the case in the four grand slams, or majors, where men play best-of-five-sets matches and women contend best-of-threes. But those tournaments are the most prestigious. When Wimbledon, the oldest, was first played in 1877, it was strictly a men-only contest. Conventions of the day meant women were deemed too frail to play a five-set match. So when the women‘s competition did begin seven years later, its design was not the same.


Introducing best-of-fives into women‘s majors would have numerous benefits. For a start, it should boost athleticism. That has been perhaps the most exciting development in the men‘s game over the past decade. As modern tennis has retreated to the baseline and rallies have lengthened, the need to prepare for a punishing, five-set encounter has made fitness a priority. The supreme conditioning of Mr Nadal and Serbia‘s Novak Djokovic, who have split all of the last seven slams between them, has allowed them to perform acrobatics that would have been unimaginable a few years ago. This has replaced the court craft of the 1970s as the visual treat for spectators.


By contrast, without best-of-fives, the fading of serve-and-volley tennis has arguably led to a setback for athleticism in the women‘s game, which probably peaked with Germany‘s Steffi Graf in the 1980s and 1990s. Players approach the net less frequently than ever before, and yet they have never had to build much stamina. Even some of the higher-ranked players—such as France‘s Marion Bartoli, ranked ninth in the world, or Russia‘s Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova (pictured), now 16th—sometimes look notably out of shape. Meanwhile, the fitter women have little opportunity

in a best-of-three to make their physical superiority count.


That is also, partly, because best-of-threes give weaker players more chance to cause an upset. A brief lapse in concentration or a lucky mishit can determine the outcome of a set and put a player firmly in control of a match. Best-of-fives, on the other hand, reward consistency. They also favour more cerebral players, who can adapt their game plans to counter troublesome opponents. That makes them more interesting to watch as well as harder to win. It is notable that over the past three years, eight different men have won Masters 1000 tournaments, where best-of-threes are played, but just four have triumphed at majors. Although the element of chance is not always unwelcome in sport, it exacerbates one of the current problems in the women‘s game: the absence of a marketable star or, better still, a rivalry.

这有一部分原因在于三盘两胜更利于较弱球员爆出冷门。短暂的注意力涣散或是一次幸运的错击就能决定一盘比赛的结果,让一名球员掌控整场比赛。相反的,五盘三胜则更看重发挥稳定,它也更青睐那些智慧型球员,可以在面对麻烦的对手时临场改变自己的应战计划。这意味着五盘三胜不但观赏性更强,也更难取胜。值得注意的是,过去三年内,共有八名男球员在采用三盘两胜制的1000大师赛中夺冠过,但是只有四人拿下过大满贯赛事的冠军。虽然运气的因素在体育运动里并不一定是不好的,在女网中过多的运气因素加剧了一个大问题:缺乏一名具有市场号召力的明星球员,或者更恰当的说法是,缺乏精彩的一流高手交锋。In itself, the shorter format demeans women. It gives ammunition to opponents of equal pay, who argue that women put in fewer hours and attract less interest than men. And the discrimination is unusually sexist. While most of the twentieth-century Olympic Games did not include women‘s distance-running events because of similar old-fashioned prejudice, amends were made in the 1980s. Since then, women have competed in events as gruelling as the marathon with no ill effects. In tennis, meanwhile, the influence of the Victorian mindset is still apparent.


Reform will not happen unless women demand it, however. And the leading players remain silent on the issue. That is hardly surprising. Having enjoyed success as things stand, they have little incentive to call for a physically taxing change, especially as tournaments like Wimbledon now pay them equal prize money to the men. Tournament organisations are unlikely to back an overhaul, either. The scheduling of early-round matches during a slam is tricky even now. Extending the duration of women‘s matches could make it impossible to fit a tournament into a two-week period. It would also run against the trend: men‘s tournaments have been phasing out

best-of-fives in attempt to prevent injuries caused by wear and tear. Not least, organisations dominated by men must be wary of interfering in what is, essentially, an issue for women. But unless women‘s tennis gets some fresh impetus, its slump may well persist.



[2012.01.23]China's labour force 中国的劳动力大军

Free exchange 自由贸易

China's labour force 中国的劳动力大军

One billion workers 十亿工人

Jan 23rd 2012, 9:47 by S.C. | HONG KONG

CHINA'S working-age population fell last year as a proportion of the total, according to figures released by the National Bureau of Statistics last week. Chinese aged 15-64 represented 74.4% of the population in 2011, compared with 74.5% the year before. The statistic prompted one or two stories speculating about the end of cheap China.

根据国家统计局(National Bureau of Statistics(NBS))上周公布的数据,中国的适龄劳动人口占总人口的比率去年有所下降。2011年,15-64岁年龄段的中国人口占总人口数的74.4%,而前一年的这一比率是74.5%。这一统计资料引发了一两则猜测廉价中国不复存在的报道。

But how useful is this ratio as a guide to wage pressures? Note, first of all, that China's working-age population is NOT yet falling in absolute terms. Judging by the NBS figures, it increased by about 3.45m in 2011. In fact, China's working-age population numbered over 1 billion (74.4% of 1,347,350,000) in 2011 for the first time.


China's dependency ratio (the number of Chinese not of working age as a percentage of those who are) is still low, compared with its past or its peers. It was lower in 2011 than in any recent year except 2010. It was also lower than the ratio in all but five countries, according to UN figures.


This is largely because China's one-child policy restricts the number of young dependants a family can add. (The ratio of elderly Chinese, relative to those aged 15-64, has been rising steadily since the mid-1960s.) The one-child policy has kept China's dependency ratio artificially low, but it has also begun to slow the flow of new entrants into the workforce. The number of 15-29 year olds--the nimble-fingered youngsters who man China's assembly lines, stitching, twisting, fixing and stamping--peaked in 2011 at 326.6m, according to UN estimates. That number will fall this year, the UN projects.


Another telling statistic was divulged by the NBS earlier in the week. It noted that the number of migrant workers (living outside their home province) increased by 3.4% last year. That's a slower rate of increase than the 5.5% recorded in the previous year. As a consequence perhaps, the income of migrant workers rose by 21.2%, the NBS reckons, to 2,049 yuan a month. If true, that's an extraordinary surge. The average increase from 2005 to 2010 was only about 14.1%. Some migrants, at least, had good news to boast about on their return home for the Spring Festival holiday.



[2012.01.21]Not quite too late 还不算太晚

Nuclear Iran 伊朗核问题

Not quite too late还不算太晚

Against a rising tide of warlike rhetoric, negotiation must still be the aim of sanctions


Jan 21st 2012 | from the print edition

IRAN is facing sanctions of unprecedented severity. On December 31st Barack Obama signed into law measures demanded by Congress to punish any foreign financial institution transacting business with Iran‘s central bank, the co nduit for most of its oil contracts. On January 23rd the European Union, which buys about a fifth of Iran‘s exported oil, is ban future purchases. Under

American prompting, Japan and South Korea, which together take a similar amount of Iran‘s oil, are look ing for alternative supplies. These measures follow November‘s report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the UN‘s watchdog, detailing aspects of Iran‘s nuclear activity that make sense only if the aim is to be able to make nuclear weapons. The sanctions are also meant to show a jumpy Israel that there is an alternative to a military attack.

伊朗正面临前所未有的严厉制裁。美国国会要求惩罚任何与伊朗中央银行有交易业务的外国金融机构;巴拉克?奥巴马去年12月31日已签字让这些措施成为法律。伊朗大多数石油合同是通过伊朗央行进行的。1月23日,大约购买伊朗石油出口总量五分之一的欧盟将会明令禁止将来的购买。日本和韩国加起来大约购买同一数量的伊朗石油,但在美国怂恿下也在寻找替代来源。在采取这些措施前,联合国监察机构国际原子能组织(International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA))去年11月发表报告,详细叙述了伊朗核活动的各个方面,这些活动的唯一合理解释是制造核武器。这些制裁也是为了告诉精神紧张的以色列:除了军事行动之外还有别的选择。

This newspaper has favoured sanctions because an Israeli assault might start a regional conflagration, dragging in America—and even then might not succeed. But given that a variety of sanctions over the past 30 years has failed to change Iran‘s behaviour, sceptics, and not just those in Israel, are entitled to ask if sanctions, or indeed anything short of an attack, is really likely to stop Iran getting a bomb now. That is the question posed by Republican candidates in America‘s presidential campaign, sensing a chance to depict Mr Obama as weak.


There is no certain way of getting Iran to drop its quest for nuclear weapons. The latest sanctions will cause it more pain, but in the short run are unlikely to weaken its resolve. China, which is Iran‘s biggest trading partner and has little truck with sanctions, will probably take up much of the slack created by Europe and by America‘s Asian allies. Barter deals will get around restrictions on Ir an‘s central bank. And the fragile economies of Europe and America would suffer if Iran‘s oil exports disappeared from the world market. Libya‘s oil may be flowing strongly again and the Saudis, ever eager to do Iran down, may pump a bit more. But a jittery oil market is likely to send prices higher, helping Iran but not oil consumers.


Yet the latest sanctions are nevertheless worthwhile. Their impact may be cumulative and psychological rather than sudden and material. Iran‘s rulers may regard any sacrifice for the sake of the nuclear programme as bearable, but ordinary Iranians, even if they patriotically support it,

may feel differently and find ways to express their dissatisfaction. Iran‘s threats to close the Strait of Hormuz and punish Gulf producers who make up the oil shortfall suggest a regime under strain. 但最新的制裁毕竟还是值得进行的。它们的冲击可能是心理上的、逐步积累的,而不是物质上的、一蹴而就的。伊朗的统治者们可能认为,为了他们的核武计划,任何牺牲都是可以忍受的;尽管出于爱国主义信念,普通的伊朗人民支持这一计划,但他们却可能不会这样忍受,并通过某种方式发泄不满。伊朗发出警告,说要封锁霍尔木兹海峡、惩罚那些填补它减产的石油的海湾石油生产国,这正说明这一政权的紧张。

Moreover time may not be on Iran‘s side (see artic le). Though Israel says that the recent movement of centrifuges to a facility in a mountain near Qom suggests that Iran could produce a device this year, American intelligence apparently reckons that Iran, however close to a breakout capacity, is still several years away from having the right sort of missile warheads. Iran has been slowed by the sabotage campaign being waged, presumably by Israel and assorted Western agencies. It has also been rattled by the Arab spring.


Don’t forget the carrots


Iran‘s divided regime has yet to reach the point of asking itself whether sti cking to its nuclear guns is really worth the pain. It may never do so. Yet the West should persist in reminding it of the gains it would enjoy if it were to eschew deceit and show flexibility, say by letting spent fuel from reactors be taken to neutral th ird countries. A ―grand bargain‖, seemingly forgotten, is still worth tabling. In exchange for Iran abjuring nuclear weapons, the West would stop seeking regime change. An end to Iran‘s theocracy is desirable, but the West is unlikely to get a nuclear deal unless it offers carrots as well as sticks. A bargain will be hard for Mr Obama to sell to voters; but he should ask the Republicans if they really want to start a war.


[注]Breakout capacity 系指无核国家得到了足够的原料和专门技术知识,从而可以在相对短的时间内成功制成核弹的能力。


[2012.01.21]Guatemala's new president: Quick march 新总统必须加快改革

Guatemala’s new president


Quick march


A former general must move fast to meet expectations


Jan 21st 2012 | GUATEMALA CITY | from the print edition

―THE change has begun. The change has arrived,‖ declared Otto Pérez Molina as he donned Guatemala‘s presidential sash on January 14th. Quoting Mayan astronome rs who set the start of a new 5,125-year epoch in 2012, Mr Pérez, a former general, vowed to save the country from its ―crisis‖ of crime and poverty.‖

―改变已经开始。改变已经到来。‖ 1月14日,奥托?佩雷斯?莫利纳(Otto Pérez Molina)在披上危地马拉总统绶带时这样宣告。玛雅天文学家认为一个历时5125年的新纪元将在2012年开始;退役将军佩雷斯引用了他们的话,并发誓要从―犯罪与贫困的危机中‖拯救这个国家。

Guatemala has grave problems and feeble means to combat them. Its murder rate of 39 per 100,000 people, partly spurred by drug gangs, is among the world‘s highest. Slow violence is done on a bigger scale by malnutrition, which stalks half the country‘s children, the worst rate in the Americas. Government revenues are just over a tenth of GDP, the region‘s lowest share.


Mr Pérez won the election by pledging an ―iron fist‖ against crime and corruption, which he says have ―infected‖ the state. Supporters hope for army-style efficiency. Critics worry that as head of military intelligence durin g some of the country‘s 36-year civil war, he must have known of the atrocities committed by his side. Mr Pérez‘s backers note that he negotiated the 1996 peace accords, which shrunk the army.


The president has promised results fast. Mauricio López Bonilla, the interior minister, says he hopes to cut the murder rate to 30-35 per 100,000 by July. He plans to increa se the police force‘s ranks by 40% and the army‘s by 22%. Claudia Paz y Paz, the attorney-general, will stay on,

despite pursuing several of Mr Pérez‘s former army colleagues. The UN-sponsored anti-impunity commission, CICIG, is likely to be invited to stay after its mandate expires in 2013.

总统承诺要迅速取得成效。内务部长Mauricio López Bonilla说他希望到7月份将谋杀率降低到每10万人30到35起。他计划扩充警力40%,兵员22%。司法部长Claudia Paz y Paz 将留任,但将起诉佩雷斯过去在军队里的几位同僚。联合国赞助的反免罚委员会CICIG可能会在2013年结束使命后受邀留驻该国。

Mr Pérez has promised to reduce the share of children who are malnourished to 40%. That requires cash. He hopes to find some money by cutting ties to publicly funded NGOs with opaque accounts, on which the previous government relied. But the necessary sums can only come from raising the tax take, via reforms that business leaders have delayed for years. The appointment as finance minister of Pavel Centeno, who has an academic rather than corporate background, is a first step.

佩雷斯已承诺将营养不良儿童的比例降至40%。这需要现金。他希望通过与非政府组织(NGOs)脱钩的方式筹得一些资金;前任政府依赖这些组织,并从国家的非透明帐户中出资赞助它们。但必要的大量款子只能通过增加税收获得,这就要进行商界领袖们多年拖延的改革。任命拥有学术资历但企业背景不足的Pavel Centeno担任财政部长就是为此而采取的第一步措施。

Congress will be a trial for Mr Pérez, whose Patriot Party has only about 60 of the 158 seats (politicians change allegiance at will, so the total will vary). Some congressmen from the left-leaning UNE and populist Líder parties skipped his inauguration. The Patriots should be able to form a majority via a rickety alliance. But Guatemala‘s disposable parties and footloose politicians mean he may only have a few months to pass a fiscal reform.

国会将是对佩雷斯的一个考验,他的爱国党(Patriot Party)只占158个席位中的大约60席(政客们可以随意改变效忠对象,因此计数会改变)。一些来自左翼的全国统一希望党(UNE)与平民主义的自由党的议员没有参加他的就职典礼。爱国党应该能够通过一种不稳定的同盟形成多数。但危地马拉有着易于变节的政党和立场不稳的政治家,这意味着,他可能必须在几个月之内通过一项财政改革方案。

Mr Pérez might take heart from the oppos ition‘s woe s. Líder‘s Manuel Baldizón, a businessman from lawless Petén, campaigned on promises of the death penalty and unaffordable handouts. But Líder now controls just 24 seats. One of its congressmen was killed on January 13th, as he was reportedly set to defect. UNE did not field a presidential candidate after its hopeful, Sandra Torres, was disqualified for being only recently divorced from the then-president. Her sister Gloria, a former party secretary, is wanted for money-laundering.

佩雷斯可能会因反对派的灾难受到鼓舞。来自没有法律约束的佩滕(Peten)地区的自由党人,商人Manuel Baldizón在竞选时承诺设立死刑和他实际上无法给与选民的好处。自由党现在只剩下了24个议会席位。有报道说他们的一位议员决定跳槽,接着他就在1月13日被杀。UNE原来的总统候选人珊德拉?托雷斯(Sandra Torres)因为最近才跟当时的总统离婚而被取消了参选资格,此后他们没有新人替补上阵。她的姐姐格罗利亚(Gloria)过去是党的书记,现在因洗钱受到通缉。

Mr Pérez‘s iron fist is unlikely to crush all of Guatemala‘s problems. But if he can make his mark,

today‘s unhappy epoch may at least be shorter than 5,125 years.



[2012.01.21]Party of two,二人成双

The American presidency


Party of two


The challenges of peeling open a political marriage


Jan 21st 2012 | from the print edition

The Obamas: A Mission, a Marriage.By Jodi Kantor. Little, Brown; 368 pages; $29.99. Allen Lane; £14.99. Buy from https://www.doczj.com/doc/014363975.html,, https://www.doczj.com/doc/014363975.html,

《奥巴马夫妇:一份使命,一段婚姻》,裘迪·坎特著。美版由立特布朗出版,368页,29.99美元;英版由埃伦雷恩出版,14.99英镑。购买两个版本分别点击美国亚马逊, 英国亚马逊

IN 2009 Jodi Kantor, a reporter for the New York Times, spent 40 minutes in the Oval Office with Barack and Michelle Obama. The topic was their marriage. It was bound to be awkward. At one point she asked how it is possible to have an equal marriage when one partner is the president. Their answer, she would later write, suggested some ―subtle tension‖.


After that article was published, Ms Kantor mulled. She had been trying to understand how Mr Obama‘s presidency had affected their relationship. But that, she realised, was only part of the story. ―The more difficult question was the reverse one,‖ Ms Ka ntor writes now. Even if it is not an equal marriage, it is a marriage of equals. Certainly their union has informed his presidency.


―The Obamas‖ addresses the question from both sides. The book has been received with curiosity, partly because of a tetchy reaction from the White House. Mrs Obama herself responded in a

televised int erview: ―That‘s been an image that people have tried to paint of me since…the day Barack announced [his candidacy], that I‘m some angry black woman.‖


It is easy to understand Mrs Obama‘s frustration. Every presidential couple is under pressure, if only because the job of being president is so demanding. The spouse has no official chores or salary, but she is the partner, and she has access to the power. In the modern context, as women have entered the workforce and asserted greater rights, several first ladies have made ambitious use of the role. At times, Eleanor Roosevelt seemed practically the president; Hillary Clinton would go on to campaign for the job herself. The contemporary First Ladies who adopt a more demure profile have drawn less criticism, but all of them have taken up various causes; some, like Jackie Kennedy, are now seen as having been canny backstage operators.


For the Obamas, the scrutiny has been especially intense. They are singular individuals, controversial in some quarters, and they head the first black First Family. Ms Kantor‘s book is quite clear about how annoying this must be, and there is nothing scurrilous about her work. She interviewed more than 200 people, including most of the principal players. None of the scenes she describes has been seriously disputed, although she can be prone to over-interpretation. ―He hated posing for pictures with strangers in restaurants, bu t she did not let him off the hook,‖ writes Ms Kantor. ―?Do your job,‘ she would say. The instruction carried a whiff of revenge: this is what you wanted. Smile!‖


The portrait is largely sympathetic. There are some sore spots in the marriage, but that is normal, and the Obamas have said as much. ―Our society has not necessarily equipped us to sustain relationships,‖ Mr Obama said in a speech at his sister‘s wedding in 2003. The candour is unusual, but perhaps not surprising. During the 20 years the Obamas have been married, millions of Americans have taken a critical look at the institution.


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