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Unit1. A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom①英本071 张强 01 号

1.The island of Great Britain is made up of England Scotland Wales and

Northern Ireland

2.Then in 43 AD Britain was invaded by the Roman Empire

3.The Scotland?s largest city is Glasgow. Scotland?s capital city is Edinburgh.

4.The capital of Wales is Cardiff. It had rich coal deposits.

5.Wales id the smallest among the three nations on the British mainland, though

lager than Northern Ireland

Unit2. A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom②英本071 戴建强02 号

1.The treaty of ____(June 28,1919), imposed on Germany, formalized the Allied victory in WWI. (A)

A. Versailles

B. Nanking

C. Paris

D. Charter

2. The British Empire was replaced by the Commonwealth of Nations in _____. ( B )

A. 1929

B. 1931

C. 1945

D. 1949

3. Agricultural changes in Britain in the late 18th and early 19th century were indeed so great that they merit the term ______.

A. …revolution?

B. …modernization?

C. …agricultural reform?

D. …development?

4. The name War of the Roses has become the accepted way of referring to these battles between the great_______ symbolized by the red rose and that of _______ symbolized by the white rose.(House of Lancaster; York).

5. On their acceptance of ______, William and Mary were crowned jointly in Westminster Abbey. Thus the age of Constitutional Monarchy began. ( C )

A. the Test Act

B. Magna Carta

C. the bill of Right

D. the Petition of Right

Unit3. The Government of the United Kingdom 英本071 3号陈振涛

1. The English Parliament is originated from ______?

A. Model Parliament

B. All Estates Parliament

C. Great Council

D. Long Parliament

2.The Norman Conquest of _______is perhaps the best-known event in English history.


B.1064 C .1065 D.1066

3.To its full use, the British Parliament consists of _______.

A. the House of Lords and the House of Commons

B.the House and the Senate

C.the Queen and the House of Lords

D. the Queen ,the House of Lords and the House of Commons

4.Which of the countries doesn't recognize Britain's monarch, Queen Elizabethan as Head of States?

A. Canada


C.New Zealand

D.United States

5The real power of British government lies in ______.

A.the House of Commons

B.The cabinet headed by the Prime Minister

C.the Prime Minister

D. the Queen


Unit4. Politics, Class and Race英本071 郎旗升4号


1.the monarchy:constitutional monarchy(君主立宪政体)

2.powers:executive power(行政权), legislative power(立法权), the judiciary


https://www.doczj.com/doc/064225950.html,w:statue law(成文法), the common law(普通法), conventions(习惯法)

4.parliament: the Sovereign(女王), the House of Lords(上议院), the House of


5.political parties: the Conservative Party, the Labor Party, the Liberal Democrats Race

The English, the Scottish, the Welsh, the Irish

Unit 5. The UK Economy 英本071 许奇峰5号

C 1 Who developed the world?s first practical jet engine?

A. Wright Brothers

B. Rolls-Royce

C. Frank Whittle

D. Lockheed

D 2 Which of the following fowl has the biggest number in the UK?

A. Beef cattle

B. Dairy cattle

C. Chicken

D. sheep

D 3 Which of the following used to be the last independent car company in the UK?

A. Ford

B. Peugeot

C. Rover


A 4 Which of the following is NOT the biggest company in the energy sector?



C. Shell

D. British Gas

B 5 Where is the best agricultural land in Britain?

A. In the northeast of England

B. In the southeast of England

C. In the northeast of Scotland

D. In the southeast of Scotland

Unit 6. British Literature英本071 吴庆松6号

1:Frankenstein was written by _____.

A: Christopher Marlowe B: Sir Walter Scott

C: John Milton D: Percy Bysshe Shelley

2: The Heart of Darkness was written by ____.

A: Charles Dickens B: Thomas Hardy

C: Joseph Conrad D: Robert Louis Stevenson

3: Among the following writers, who is not the one of the great trio?

A: Ben Johnson B: William Shakespear

C: Thomas Malory D: Christopher Marlowe

4:One of the major Literature competition of Britian is ____.

A: Booker Prize B: Le Prix Goncourt

C: The Pulitzer Prize D: Akutagawa Prize

5:In the year of ___ that William the conqueror crossed the English channel.

A: 1065 B: 1069 C: 1066 D: 1096

Unit7. British Education System 英本071 赵俊丽07号

1. What are the oldest universities in the British history?

A. Oxford and Cambridge

B. Eton and Winchester

C. Oxford and Buckingham

D. Buckingham and Eton

2. In the UK, all the following are the amount of funding each university receives based on except ________?

A. its size

B. the number of students it teaches

C. the number of teachers

D. the research it conducts

3. All the following ways can identify your social class in Britain except _________?

A. the accent you speak with

B. the friends you have

C. the clothes you wear

D. the schools you attend

4. How many years the students spent finishing their compulsory education in Britain?

A. 15

B. 16

C. 17

D. 18

5. Which is the only one privately funded university in the UK?

A. Oxford

B. Cambridge

C. Buckingham

D. Eton

Unit8. British Foreign Relations 英本071班蒋纬 8号

1. Five permanent members of the United Nations (UN) Security Council include America,France,Russia,China and_______.

A. Germany


C. Spain

D. Canada

2. In which year did India and Pakistan were granted independence from British empire.

A. 1947

B. 1946



3. Which of the following countries does not have nuclear weapons capabilitied ?

A Britain

B The United Stated C. Italy D. Russia

4. How much of the globe did Britain rule in its impericl prime?

A. A fourth

B. A fifth

C. A third


5.Nowadays the British foreign policy is largely shaped by its participation in _____

A. the Commonwealth

B. the European Economic Community

C. the United Nations, the Eu, NATO, etc

D. A European federal government

答案:B A C D C

Unit9. The British Media英本 071班 9 号范琳琳

1.What?s Brain?s most popular activity?

A. reading papers

B. watching television

C. go outing

D. listening radio

2. Which newspaper is the world?s oldest national newspaper?

A. The Times

B. The Guardian

C. The Financial Times

D. The Observer

3.Which newspaper is the world?s oldest daily newspaper?

A. The Times

B. The Guardian

C. The Financial Times

D. The Observer

4. In Brain, most advertising is carried in ________?

A. newspaper

B. television

C. radio

D. magazine

5. How many channels does Brain have?

A. 20

B. 25

C. 5

D. 8

Keys: B D A A C

Unit10. Sports, Holidays and Festivals in Britain英本071 陈尚静10号

1.Which country invented the sport of tennis? (B)

A. America

B. Britain

C. Australia

D. New Zealand

2.Who invented the game of golf? (A)

A. the Scottish

B. the Welsh

C. the Irish

D. the Celts

3.Which of the following sport is the true sport of British Kings and Queens?


A. skiing

B. golfing

C. cricket

D. horse racing

4.Which one of the following is not particularly British tradition? (D)

A. enjoying the Christmas Pantomime

B. the Queen broadcasting Christmas message

C. shopping on Boxing Day

D. giving each other chocolate or Easter eggs

5.Which of the following festival is held on the anniversary of the Battle of the

Boyne? (B)

A. Bonfire Night

B. Orange March

C. Trooping the Colour


Unit11. Land, People and history英本071班倪丽凤 11号

1、Ireland is a small off the ___C_coast of Great Britain.

A. southwest

B. northeast

C. northwest

D. southeast

2、During 1845-1848, the Great Famine took place in Ireland, which caused later

migrations to the United States and Canada. And it also became a watershed in Irish history.

3、The capital of the Republic of Island is Dublin.

4、Ireland?s history has been one of invasions of vastly different peoples, including

Vikings and English and all the following peoples except ( D ).

A. Celts

B. Christians

C. Normans

D. Indians

5、In 1541, ___B_declared himself king of Ireland----the first English monarch to do so.

A. Henry V

B. Henry VIII

C. Henry VII

D. Henry VI

Unit 12. Politics and Economy 英本071 林珍珍 12号

1:Who executes the daily business of government in Ireland? ___

A: Cabinet B: Prime Minister C: President D: Senate

2: Who acts a symbolic Head of State in Ireland? ______

A: President B: Prime Minister C: Parliament D: Senate

3: How long is the office term of the President in Ireland? ______

A 4 B:5 C: 6 D: 7

4: What is the highest court in Ireland? ______

A : District Court B: Circuit Court C: The High Court D: Supreme Court 5: When did the Ireland join the EU? ______

A: 1970 B: 1971 C: 1973 D:1990

Answers:A A D D A

Unit13. Irish Culture: How the Irish Live Now英本071 王双双 13号

1. What is the first official language of the Irish republic?

A. English B Irish C. Celtic D. Gaelic

2. Staff in a typical office arrive in the morning?

A. early

B. late

C. strictly on time

D. sometimes on time, and sometimes not

3. In both Northern Ireland and the republic, joining the ____has provided a larger, federal context which gives a more generous perspective on particular national difficulties.





4. Where does an Irish meet friends and neighbors on an informal basis?

A. in a public house

B. at home

C. in a restaurant

D. in working place

5. How much does an Irish worker know about the personal life of his or her fellow worker?

A. a great deal

B. something

C. a little

D. little


Unit14. Irish Culture: Language, Literature and Arts 英本071 章杨静 14号

1.what was the main reason Irish people lost their own language? B

A.The Independence of Ireland

B.The Great Famine

C.British?s official pressure

D.Ireland?s entrance to EU

2.Among the following writers, which is not belong to Ireland? D


B. Yeats

B.Jonathan Swift

C.Richard Sheridan

D.Virginia Woolf

3.which is the most natively sports ? B





4.which profession is regarded as the most honorable? A





5.who invented the world?s first great telescope? A

A.Williliam Parsons

B.Albert Einstein

C.Benjamin Franklin

Thomas Alva Edison

Unit 15. The Land and the Peoples of the Dreaming英本071 张巧珍 15号

Australia is the largest island and the smallest, flattest and driest continent in the world.

Animals that are unique to the continent of Australia include: the platypus, the kangaroo, the koala, the wombat.

Two of the country?s most distinctive physical features are the Great Dividing Range and the Great Barrier Reef.

Nowadays, 80% of Australian?s population lives in the eastern, southern and southern borders of the country.

Herbert Spencer the most prominent social evolutionist of this period, introduced the term …the survival of the fittest?to validate the military, political and cultural superiority of the Europeans.

The first industries that were developed after the first settlement in 1788 were the sealing industries.

Unit16. Religion in Australia Today 英本071 叶舒婷 16号

1. is the oldest religion in Australia?

A. Protestantism

B. The Dreaming

C. Catholicism

D. Eastern Orthodox


2. is the site at which many Australians want to commemorate the significance of the event.

A. The Church

B. Seaside

C. Mountain

D. Square

3. become the church that the highest proportion of Australians nominated as their church of affiliation.

A. Anglicanism

B. Secularism

C. Catholicism

D. non-religion

4. is now the fastest growing belief system in Australia.

A. Hinduism

B. Buddhism

C. Islam

D. Judaism

5. Which of the following religions has an “elective affinity” with capitalism?

A. Buddhism

B. Judaism

C. The Dreaming

D. Protestantism KEY:



Unit17. From Penal Colony to “Free Migration 英本071 刘邵莎 17号

1.The European settlement in Australia started in 1788 in ( ).

A.New South Wales B.Queensland C.Sydney D.Victoria 2.( ) was native born Australians?

A.Celts B.Jutes C.Indians D.Aboriginal

3.Who was responsible for some fine buildings in Sydney? ( ) A.Edward Wakefield B.Francis Greenaway

C.Samuel Marsden D.James Ruse

4. Who was honored as a key founder of the Australian political economy? And what did he do to promote Australia? ( )

A.James Ruse; James scheme

D.Edward Wakefield; Wakefield scheme

C.Lachlan Macquarie; Macquarie scheme

B.Francis Greenaway; Greenaway scheme

5. The first generation of children who were born in NSW was called ( ).

A.Convict children B.Currency children

C.Abominable children D.Aboriginal children

参考答案:1—5 CDBDB

Unit 18 Australia as a Liberal Democratic Society 英本071 18号韩晶晶

D 1.Australia is the world's largest exporter of ______.

A. wheat

B. dairy products

C. meat

D. wool

B 2.Australian Prime Minister normally serves a ______ term.

A. two-year

B. three-year

C. four-year

D. five-year

C 3. Which of the following us the responsibility of the Senate in Australia?

A. To initiate the bills.

B. To enact legislation.

C. To consider the bills.

D. To dissolve the parliament.

D 4. Which of the following political parties form the Coalition in Australia?

A. The Australia Labor Party and the Liberal Party.

B. The Australia Labor Party and the Democratic Party.

C. The Democratic Party and the National Party.

D. The Liberal Party and the National Party.

Ps: Two major political parties: The Australia Labor Party and the Coalition the National Party:the third largest party

D 5. The Governor-General in Australia is ________.

A. the real head of the Cabinet

B. the head of House of Representative

C. the head of the Senate

D. the formal head of the executive branch of the government.

UNIT 19. Bureaucratic Power and Whistle-Blowers 英本071蒋燕玲 19号

1.Which of the flowering is used to describe the mass in the Elite Theory of power?

( C )



C.Politically passive


2.The focus of the Elite Theory is on ( B )

A.how the general obtain information

B.how small groups of people control and manipulate power

C.what the government should do to improve efficiency

D.what systems produce the elite the Australian society needs

3.It was believed before 1980s that ( A ) should play the central role in the

promotion and maintenance of the social prosperity.

A.the government

B.the private business

C.the bureaucrats

D.the citizens

4.Closer ties between the government and public service may negative impact on

( D )

A. The funding to public service

B. the relationship between the government and the opposition

C. the performance of the Parliament

D. the quality of the advice to the government

5. Whistle-blowers are people who ( A )

A. try to expose problems of corruption and inefficiency in the government

B. work for the opposition again the incumbent government

C. investigate complaints about a particular branch of government

D. give out secrets to the media for money

Unit 20. From Racism to Multiculturalism英本071宋海英 20 1.According to the immigration restriction act 1901, all migrants to Australia had to

take: B

A.a dictation test in their own language

B. a dictation test in a European language

C. a check of their skin color

D.a physical check

2.The preferred migrant groups for the post-world war 2 immigration program were:


A.the British, northern European and Asian

B.the southern and central European and Asian

C.the northern, southern and central European

3.The gold rushes attracted large numbers of non-assisted migrants from Germany

and China.

4.Australia?s population now is just around 20 million.

5.The day of mourning and protest for the aboriginal people is Jan. 2



Unit1. Land, People and history 英本071 宋薇薇 21号

1.New Zealand?s capital city, Wellington, is the Southernmost and windest national

capital city in the world.

2.New Zealand, was the first country in the world to give women the right to vote in


3.The official languages in New Zealand are English and Maori.

4.New Zealand has a national identity that mixes South Pacific and European


5.In 1769, James Cook visited New Zealand and claimed it for Britain.

Unit2. Political System, Education and Economy英本071 林蜀婵 22号

1. The Head of State of New Zealand is ( C )

A. the Prime Minister

B. the Governor-General

C. the British monarch

D. the Ombudsman

2. Which of the following is not one of the major exports of New Zealand? (D)

A. Dairy products

B. Fish

C. Wool

D. Oil

3. New Zealand?s trade has ( B ) of exports going to Pacific Rim members of the APEC grouping.

A. 90%

B. 70%

C. 50%

D. 30%

4. The head of the executive branch in New Zealand is ( D )

A. the President

B. the Governor-General

C. the British monarch

D. the Prime Minister

5. Which of the following about New Zealand is true? ( B )

A. New Zealand is a republic.

B. The largest school in New Zealand is the Correspondence School

C. New Zealand has a bicameral parliament.

D. The main energy in New Zealand is solar

Unit3. American Beginnings 英本071 王晓芳 23 号

1,the first English permanent settlement was found in 1607 in ____

A Georgia

B Virginia

C Massachusetts

D Maine

2, the second enduring English settlement was established in _____bay in 1620

A New Hampshire

B Virginia

C Vermont

D Massachusetts

3, in 1620, 35 puritans and 67 non-puritans took the ship____and left Holland for North America and settle at _____, Massachusetts

A Mayflower, Jamestown

B hope , Plymouth

C Mayflowers Plymouth

D Quakers Jamestown

4, the first continental congress was held in _______in _____

A Philadelphia .1775

B Washington D.

C 1774 C Philadelphia 1774

D Washington D.C 1775

5. No taxation with representation was the rallying cry of ___________

A the settlers of Virginia

B the people of Pennsylvania

C the colonists in New England

D the people of the colonies on the eve of the American Revolution

Unit 4 The Political System in the United States 英本071 徐若西 24号

1. Today, the United States has two major political parties are: __C___.

A.Libertarian Party & Independent Party

B.Green Party & Reform Party

C.Democratic Party & Republican Party

https://www.doczj.com/doc/064225950.html,munist Party & Constitution Party

2. The number of the Representatives from each American state depends on the __B___.

A.contribution a state has made to the nation



D.none of the above

3. What is the idea behind checks and balances? B

A. to help the president get more power

B. to restrict governmental power and prevent its abuse

C. to help the Congress to derive more authorities

D. all of the above

4. The U.S. government consists of three branches: the executive, _____ and the judicial. D

A.the representative

B.the independent

C.the democratic

D.the legislative

5. Which of the following is NOT true about the president? C

A.The president can be elected to only two terms.

B.The president has the power to make treaties with other nations.

C.The president can vote any bill himself.

D.The president has the authority to appoint federal judges when vacancies occur.

Unit5. American Economy 英本071 林海滨 25号

1、The United States had the first standard paper currency in __C___.

A. 1839

B. 1880

C. 1863


2、The United States was rated ___D___ in the world in terms of land area and the

size of population.

A. wheat and rice

B. cotton

C. tobacco and vegetable oil

D. soybeans and corn

3、Who has extolled the virtures of farmers? ( A )

A. Thomas Jefferson

B. Alexander Hamilton

C. Adam Smith

D. Eli Whitney

4、The first factory in the United States was a cotton textile mill in Pawtucket, in the

state of ___B___.

A. New York

B. Rhode Island

C. Connecticut

D. Georgia

5、The first Secretary of Treasury of the United States was

__ Alexander Hamilton __.

Unit6. British Literature英本071 26号苏慧芬

1. Which of the following is the largest Protestant group in the United States? _______

A. the Baptists

B. the Catholics

C. the Methodists

D. the Presbyterians

2. The first Catholic president in the US was ________.

A. J.F.Kennedy

B. George Washington

C. Lincoln

D. Thomas Jefferson

3. The majority of the Catholics in the US are descendants of the immigrants from the following except for ________

A. Poland

B. Ireland

C. Italy

D. France

4. Which of the following is not The Three Faiths in the US?

A. Protestant

B. Catholic

C. Jewish

D. Buddhism

5. In the United States, people go to church for the following reasons except for ________

A. finding a job in society

B. having a place in a community

C. identifying themselves with dominant values

D. getting together with friends

答案:A A D D A

Unit 7 American Literature 英本071 徐晓星 27号

1. Which of the following is not written by James Fenimore Cooper? C

A. The Spy

B. The Leather Stocking Tales

C. The Alhambra

D. The Deerslayer

2. Who is the author of Uncle Tom?s Cabin? A

A. Harriet Beecher

B. Sherwood Anderson

C. Sinclair Lewis

D. William Dean Howells

3. Which of the following is the greatest novel in American Literature? C

A. The American

B. Sister Carrie

C. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

D. Old Man and the Sea

4. Which of the following does not win the Nobel Prize?C

A. William Faulkner

B. Saul Bellow

C. Ezra Pound

D. Ernest Hemingway

5. Which of the following writers is the pioneer of American Naturalistic writings? A

A. Stephen Crane

B. Frank Norris

C. Theodore Dreiser

D. Jack London

Unit8 Education in the United States 英本071 陈叶锦 29号

1、List the four features that characterize the American public school systems.(A)

A.Universality, decentralization, comprehensiveness, professionalism.

B.Universality, centralization, comprehensiveness, professionalism.

C.Universality, decentralization, comprehension, professionalism.

D.Universality, decentralization, comprehensiveness, non-professionalism.

2、Which of the following is not the problem that plague the elementary and

secondary educational systems in the US?(D)

A.Teachers have little say in the bureaucratic, centralized school organization.

B.Teachers? unions, which have legitimate roles to play, have experienced

difficulties since the 1980s.

C.There is a conflict between elite private schools and the American ideal of

equality of opportunity.

D.Teachers have much say in the bureaucratic, centralized school organization.

3、Both public and private colleges depend on three sources of income EXCEPT(B)

A. Student tuition

B. advertising

C. endowments

D. government funding

4、Which one is NOT the most influential newspapers in US?(A)

A. Time.

B. The New York Times.

C. The Washington Post

D. Wall Stress Journal

5、In the US, the elementary school usually covers grades (), and the high school(C).


B. 1---6/7---12

C. 1---8/9---12

D. 1---9/10---12

Unit9. Social Movements of the 1960s英本071范群娟30号Question 1: what were the social movements of the 1960s?

Answers: there were “the civil rights movement”, “the youth movement/anti-war movement”, “the women?s movement” .

Question 2: why did social movements begin?

Answers: during the fifteen years between the end of world war two and 1960s, there were three groups ----Afro-Americans, young people and woman were dissatisfied with their lives. During World War Two, many American Negros were prevented from working at good job and getting a good education; women earned less money and had fewer opportunities to advance than men working in the same jobs, or they became housewives, isolated at home with their children. Young people believed they had right to choose the way they would live their lives. They wanted to work at jobs which were interesting, not just work to make money, they thought they knew better than their teachers.

Question 3:introduce Hippies

Answer: the Hippies called themselves the “love generation.” Happiness became their only goal in life. Their music was different from any other music, and the words they sang sounded rebellious to older people. Small groups of youth lived together in cities like San Francisco, turning their lives into one big party. They wore long hair, strange and colorful clothes and many of them used drugs. They went in huge numbers to rock music concerts. And they made very interesting news on TV.

Question 4: In the summer of 1963, hundreds of peaceful demonstrators, marched to Washington, D.C., where ? gave the famous speech ?

Answers: Martin Luther King, Jr., “I have a dream”

Question 5: The spontaneous action of nonviolent civil disobedience of _?_ was believed to be the true beginning of civil rights movement.

Answer: Rosa Parks

Unit10. Social Problems in the United States英本071 蔡巧丽31号

1._____A_______ has been a persistent social problem to American society.

A. Racial problems

B. Drug Abuse

C. Crime

D. The Abuse of Power by Government and Corporation

2.The United States, as an immigrant country, ______C________ is the second

largest of the racial and ethnic minorities.

A. Asian-Americans

B. Anglo-Saxon Protestant

C. The Blacks

D. American Indians

3.Slavery was finally abolished in ___D_____.

A. 1830

B. 1861

C. 1863

D. 1865

4._____B________is perceived by most Americans as a major threat to our society,

particularly to its younger members.

A. Crime

B. Drug Abuse

C. Poverty

D. Racial discrimination

5.The cause of Nixon?s resignation from office is his involvement in


A. Watergate Affair

B. Corruption

C. Sex scandal

D. Treason Unit 11 Technology in American英本071 32号吴丽君

1. The family made significant contributions in the history of transportation, and the father made the first steam locomotive in America. B

A. Fulton

B. Stevens

C. Edison

D. Ford

2. The telephone invented by made the information and messages circulated at a faster pace over larger distances than was ever dreamed of. A

A. Alexander Graham Bell

B. Robert Fulton

C. Thomas Alva Edison

D. Heinrich Rudolf Hertz

3. Which invention marked the beginning of “the Age of Visual Information”? D

A. Newspaper

B. The telegraph

C. Motion pictures

D. Television

4. invented many things such as the electric light, the phonograph and motion pictures, and he also had the title “the Wizard of Menlo Park”. B

A. Robert Fulton

B. Thomas Alva Edison

C. Bill Gates

D. Cyrus H McCormick

5. Which one is not invented by Americans? D

A. Radio

B. Telephone

C. Atomic bomb

D. Steam engine

Unit13 Sports and Scenic Spots in America 英本071 许灵雨33号

1.Which of the following is watched in a more relaxed and lazy way in the United States? A. football B. basketball C. baseball D. tennis

2.Ronald Reagan used to be a

A. basketball player

B. sports radio announcer

C. conservative political columnist

D. sports writer

3. Who invented basketball?

A. Lone Eagle

B. Jackie Robinson

C. Branch Rickey

D. James Naismith

4. Which city has vestiges of old Southern plantations?

A. New Orleans

B. San Francisco

C. Los Angeles

D. San Diego

5. Niagara Fall is located in the state of

A. New York

B. Virginia

C. North Carolina

D. South Carolina

Unit13.Sports and Scenic Spots in America英本071班唐鹏宏34号

1.The National Basketball Association of professional teams was established in 1950.

2.There are few places of national beauty in southern California, and most of the interest lies in human creations such as the famous Hollywood and Disneyland.

3.The southern most tip of the eastern United States is the State of Florida.

4.stanford university is a short diatance south San Francisco.

5.The famous Lake Placid, the site of a winter Olympics and a training area for winter sports competitors is located in the New York State.

英语国家社会与文化入门下册Unit 14 Early American Jazz

英本072 苏银桃1号

1.Jazz did establish a foothold in , but it flourished in and New York.

2.Bessie Smith was no musically talented that people even called her .

3.Which of the following is NOT true about the jazz music in American society

A.It is a music built on individualism and compromise, independence

and cooperation.

B.It gains acceptance in all classes in American society.

C.The emphases of jazz on free invention and the development of

individual ways of playing instruments appealed to themes in

American culture.

D.Johnny Dodds is the father of jazz.

4.What is NOT included in the “percussion section” of the jazz ensemble




D.Hollow wooden blocks

5.What was the first popular ragtime tune?

A.“A Monday Date” by Earl Hines

B.“Handful of Keys” by Fats Waller

C.“Maple Leaf Rag” by Scott Joplin

D.“The Sheik of Araby” by Albert Ammons


1. California Chicago

2. “Empress of the Blues”

3. D




施斐瑾英本072 2号

1.Which of the following statements about Canada is true? C

A. Canada has the highest standard of living in the world. (Is rated as having the best…)

B. Canada is the second biggest economy among the Big Seven.

C. its two densely populated provinces are Ontario and Quebec.

D. unlike the United States, Canada has scarce natural resources.

2. Which of the following about the north region is not true? D

A. the north is a scarcely populated area of ice and oceans.

B. Most of the inhabitants are aboriginal people.

C. the north has rich oil and gas deposits.

D. people in this region depend only on arts and crafts for living.

3. Which of the following about the central Canada is not true? D

A. early European settlements started from here.

B. more than half of Canada?s population live in here.

C. it has the largest cities like Toronto and Montréal

D. it?s well-known for its mining and forestry industries. (For manufacturing and heavy industries)

4. Which of the following statements about Montréal is true? A

A. it is the second largest city in Canada.

B. it is located in Ontario. (Quebec)

C. its mainly spoken language is English. (French)

D. the residents there are mainly Chinese. (Europeans)

5. Which of the following statements about Canada is not true? D

A. it was French colonists who first settled Canada.

B. Canada consists of ten provinces and two territories.

C. Canada has two official languages: English and French.

D. Toronto is the second largest city in Canada. (The largest)


1..Which country is thought to be a “melting pot”?

a. America

b. Canada

c. Japan

d. German

2.“the first nations” make up about __ of the Canadian population.

a. 5 %




3.the immigration policies have largely been determined by__

a. economic consideration

b. French people

c. immigration

d. government

4.which country is the second largest Chinese community in north America after san Francisco?

a. Vancouver

b. Tokyo

c. new york

d. Washington

5.Canada have the highest _______ in the world.

a. population

b. economy

c. per capita intake of Vietnamese refugees

d. building

答案a b a a c

英美概况下册unit18 英本072 毛超凡05

(1). Which of the following industries were the original source of Canada's wealth _________

A. Primary industries

B. Secondary industries

C. Service industries

D. None of them

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