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New Words
|★ |<1>handicap |n. |1. [C] a disadvantage that prevents sb. from doing sth. well |障碍;不利条件
| | | |Not being able to drive is quite a handicap if you live in the country. |你如果住在农村而不会开车,的确是一种缺陷。
| | | |His lack of height has not been a handicap to him. He is as good an athlete as anyone else in the school. |他身高不够对他并不是一种不利,和学校的任何人相比,他同样是个好运动员。
| | | |2. [C] a disability of the body or mind |残疾;缺陷
| | | |Blindness is a great handicap. |失明是一种严重的残疾。
| | | |We help people with mental or physical handicaps to find work. |我们帮助有心身残疾的人找工作。

|@ |<2>authority |n. |1. [U] the power to make decisions or tell people what to do |权力;权威;威信
| | | |He enjoys exercising his authority over his staff. |他喜欢对自己的职员指手画脚。
| | | |2. (the ~ties) the people or organizations that are in charge of a country or area |当局;官方
| | | |Cases of the illness must be reported to the health authority. |有这种病例出现必须向卫生当局报告。
| | | |The authorities in Spain have refused to allow him to enter the country. |西班牙当局拒绝他入境。

| |<3> misdoing |n. |[C] a wrong act; a mistake |错事;失误
| | | |He said he would not repent of his misdoings. |他说他不后悔他做错的事。
| | | |One has to pay for his or her misdoings. |人应该为自己的失误付出代价。

|@★ |<4>drawback |n. |[C] a disadvantage |缺点;不足
| | | |High house prices are one major drawback to economic growth. |房价高是阻碍经济发展的一大弊端。
| | | |One of the major drawbacks of being famous is the lack of privacy. |做名人的一大缺陷是没有了隐私。

|★ |<5>invariably |ad. |always |总是;始终
| | | |The trains here are invariably punctual. |这里的火车一向准时。
| | | |He was panicking; and panic invariably leads to mistakes. |他惊慌了,而惊慌总是导致犯错。

|★ |<6>clarity |n. |[U] clearness, esp. the quality of being easy to understand |清晰;清楚;易懂
| | | |The clarity of his writing style makes his books a pleasure to read. |他清晰的写作风格使得他的书读起来很愉快。
| | | |This technology provides far greater clarity than conventional x-rays. |较之传统的X射线,这种技术提供的清晰度好多了。

| |<7> expertly |ad. |very skillfully |熟练地
| | | |He expertly reassembled the system. |他熟练地重新组装了系统。
| | | |The expertly planned theft happened yesterday at the museum. |昨天,博物馆发生了精心策划的盗窃事件。

| |<8>cruise |vi. |1. do sth. well and easily |轻松做到
| | | |Others cruised to an easy vic

tory, including 93-year-old John. |其他人轻松地取得了胜利,包括93岁的约翰。
| | | |We saw him cruise through with a 6-2 win. |我们看到他以6比2取胜。
| | | |2. sail in a ship for pleasure |乘船巡游
| | | |We're planning to spend our holidays cruising around the world. |我们计划乘船环游世界。
| | | |During your trip, you can cruise along the Seine and see the famous sights of Paris. |旅行期间,你可以乘船沿着塞纳河游览,观赏巴黎的名胜。

| |<9>practically |ad. |almost |几乎,差不多
| | | |The two designs were practically identical. |这两个设计几乎完全一样。
| | | |It's practically impossible to predict what will happen. |几乎不可能预测会发生什么事。

| |<10>slam |v. |1. hit or attack sb. or sth. with a lot of force |使劲打;猛击
| | | |All 155 passengers died when the plane slammed into the mountain. |飞机撞向山时,155名乘客全都遇难。
| | | |He staggered, his back slamming against the wall. |他走路摇摇晃晃的,背撞到墙上。
| | | |2. shut a door, etc. with a loud noise |把...砰地关上
| | | |He slammed my letter on the table and stormed out. |他将我的信摔在桌上,跑了出去。
| | | |She was so angry; she slammed the phone down on him. |她很生气,砰地一声挂断了他的来电。

|@ |<11>percentage |n. |[C, U] an amount stated as if it is part of a whole which is 100 |百分比,百分率
| | | |Please express your answer as a percentage. |请以百分比的形式回答问题。
| | | |A relatively small number of questions on percentages were used in the tests. |用在试卷上就百分数提出的问题,数量比较小。

|★ |<12>dread |vt. |feel afraid or worried about sth. |害怕;担心
| | | |She dreaded having to tell him what had happened. |她很怕告诉他所发生的事。
| | | |I dread to think what will happen if she finds out. |我不敢去想她一旦发现后会出什么事。
| | |n. |[sing. U] fear of sth. bad that might happen |害怕;畏惧
| | | |His voice was filled with dread and fear. |他的声音里充满了担心和恐惧。
| | | |He lived in dread of the same thing happening to him one day. |他惶惶不可终日,担心总有一天会遇上同样的事情。

| |<13>intensity |n. |[U] a very strong level of thought or attention |强烈;强度
| | | |Her emotional intensity is experienced by all the people present. |在场的人都感受到她的激情。
| | | |The poem showed great intensity of feeling. |这首诗表现出强烈的激情。

| |<14>craft |n. |1. [C, U] the skill needed for doing sth. well |技巧
| | | |the craft of boat building |造船工艺
| | | |You can tell by the quality of a piece of furniture if it was made by someone who knew his craft. |人们可以从家具的质量判断出家具是否出自巧匠之手。
| | | |2. [C]

a traditional way of making things by hand |手工艺
| | | |the promotion of traditional crafts |对传统手工艺的弘扬

| |<15>rocket |n. |[C] |火箭

| |<16>spacecraft |n. |[C](pl. spacecraft) a vehicle that travels in space |太空船;宇宙飞船
| | | |a manned spacecraft |载人宇宙飞船

| |<17>extension |n. |[C] sth. that develops from a particular custom, activity, idea, etc. |扩展;发展
| | | |The article is an extension of the ideas Professor Fox developed in an earlier book. |这篇文章是福克斯教授在早期的一本著作中所形成的观点的进一步引申。
| | | |The extension of the garden will take several weeks. |扩建花园需要几个星期的时间。

| |<18>altitude |n. |[C] the height above sea level |海拔高度
| | | |We are currently flying at an altitude of 15,000 metres. |我们目前正在海拔一万五千米的高空飞行。
| | | |Mountain climbers use oxygen when they reach higher altitudes. |登山者在到达高海拔地区时使用氧气。

|@ |<19>harness |vt. |control and use a natural force to do sth. |治理;利用
| | | |The local government decided to harness the river to generate electricity. |当地政府决定利用河水发电。
| | | |We harness the sun's rays as a source of energy. |我们利用太阳光作为能源。

| |<20>solar |a. |using the power of the sun's heat and light |太阳的
| | | |Is solar energy always inexhaustible? |太阳能是用之不尽的吗?
| | | |Solar energy does not pollute. |太阳能不污染。

| |<21>orbit |n. |[C] the path taken by an object moving along a larger object in space |轨道
| | | |They were watching the orbit of the rocket on the screen. |他们在观察屏幕上火箭的运行轨道。
| | | |Once in space, the spacecraft went into orbit around the Earth. |一旦进入太空,太空船就进入环绕着地球的轨道。

| |<22>bureau |n. |[C] a government department or a part of it |局;司;署
| | | |Her disappearance was reported to the police department's Missing Persons Bureau. |人们将她的失踪报告给了警察部门的失踪人员处。
| | | |The weather bureau promised a sunny weekend. |气象局报告周末天晴。

| |<23>gulf |n. |[C] a large area of sea partly enclosed by land |海湾
| | | |The ship sailed into the Gulf of Mexico. |这艘船驶进了墨西哥湾。

| |<24>streak |n. |1. [C] (a ~ of) a series of |一系列
| | | |a streak of good luck |一连串的好运
| | | |2. [C] a part of one's character that is different from the rest of their character |个性;特征
| | | |She has a streak of selfishness in her. |她生性有点自私。
| | | |Her stubborn streak makes her very difficult to work with sometimes. |她固执的个性使得有时和她一起工作十分困难。

|▲ |<25>stammer |v. |speak or say sth. with a lot of pauses and r

epeated sounds |口吃;结结巴巴地说
| | | |She stammers when she feels nervous. |她紧张时就口吃。
| | | |"Th-th-thank you," he stammered. |“感──感──感谢你,”他结结巴巴地说。

|@ |<26>dynamic |a. |full of energy, new ideas, and determination |充满活力的;精力充沛的
| | | |What that country needs is dynamic and inspiring leadership! |那个国家所需要的是充满活力、激励人心的领导。
| | | |He was not one of the younger, more dynamic doctors. |他不属于那种更年轻、更充满活力的医生。

| |<27>universe |n. |[sing.] space and everything that exists in it |宇宙;世界
| | | |Stars fill every part of the known universe. |星球存于已知宇宙的每一个部分。
| | | |If you understand how the universe operates, you control it in a way. |如果你理解宇宙是如何运行的,你就在某种形式上控制它了。

| |<28>broaden |v. |make or become broader |(使)变宽;(使)扩大
| | | |The river broadens out beyond the bridge. |过了桥,河流便宽阔起来。
| | | |Perhaps you're the one who needs to broaden your horizons. |也许,你正是需要开阔自己的视野的人。

| |<29>suicide |n. |[C, U] the act of killing oneself |自杀
| | | |Police are treating the man's death as suicide. |警察正将那人的死当作自杀处理。
| | | |Harry threatened to commit suicide if she refused to marry him. |哈利威胁说,如果她拒绝嫁给他他就自杀。

|@ |<30>impose |vt. |force sb. to accept sth. or have the same opinion, belief, etc. |强加于
| | | |The bank has imposed very strict conditions for the repayment of the loan. |银行对贷款的偿还订出了非常苛刻的条件。
| | | |Parents should try not to impose their own ideas on their children. |父母应该避免把自己的想法强加给孩子。

| |<31> imposing |a. |large and impressive |给人印象深刻的;壮观的
| | | |It's one of the most distinguished hotels in Italy, grand and imposing. |它是意大利最著名的旅馆之一,很雄伟,很壮观。
| | | |They lived in a large, imposing house near the park. |他们住在公园附近的一座宏伟的住宅里。

| |<32>specimen |n. |1. [C] a particular type of person |某一类人
| | | |He was a fine specimen of British manhood. |他是英国男人的好榜样。
| | | |Her husband is a specimen of tenderness. |她丈夫是那种很体贴的人。
| | | |2. [C] a small amount or piece of sth. that can be tested or examined |标本;样本
| | | |The astronauts brought back specimens of moon rock. |宇航员带回了月球岩石的标本。
| | | |He has a collection of rare insect specimens. |他收集了很多稀有昆虫的标本。

| |<33> undersized |a. |smaller than usual; too small |小于一般尺寸的;偏小的
| | | |They squashed

into an undersized reception room. |他们挤进一间小小的接待室里。
| | | |He was undersized, as were the children I was to meet. |跟我将见的孩子一样,他个子小。

| |<34>tension |n. |1. [C, U] the feeling caused by a lack of trust between people, countries, etc. |紧张关系;紧张局势
| | | |The border dispute has been a continuing source of tension. |边界争端一直是造成紧张局势的根源。
| | | |The obvious tension between them made everyone else uncomfortable. |他们俩之间明显关系紧张,使大家都不愉快。
| | | |2. [U] the feeling of being nervous and worried |紧张;焦虑
| | | |Tension mounted as we waited for the exam results to be published. |我们在等待公布考试结果时气氛越来越紧张。
| | | |Exercise is the ideal way to relieve tension after a hard day. |劳累一天后,活动一下身子是去除紧张的理想方式。

Phrases and Expressions
| |<35>be free with |be generous with sth. |慷慨使用
| | |He is free with his cash. |他花钱大手大脚。
| | |He is free with his time when helping others. |他从来不吝啬自己的时间帮助他人。

| |<36>take to |begin to like sb. or sth. |喜欢上
| | |I'm not sure if he'll take to the idea. |我不敢肯定他是否喜欢这个主意。
| | |Charles was an odd character whom Kelly had never really taken to. |查尔斯这人很古怪,克利从来没有真正喜欢过他。

| |<37>cruise through |achieve success easily in a race, game, or competition |(比赛中)轻松取胜
| | |To the coach's delight, his team cruised through the match. |令教练高兴的是,他带的队轻松地赢得了比赛。

| |<38>by word of mouth |by speaking and not by writing |口头地
| | |The orders were passed on by word of mouth. |这些命令是口头传达的。
| | |Much of this information is picked up by word of mouth from previous students. |很多信息是从以前的学生那里听来的。

| |<39>keep sb. up to date with sth. |inform sb. of all the most recent news and changes in a situation |使某人知道有关某事的最新消息
| | |He asked to be kept up to date with the progress of the plan. |他要求了解计划进展的最新情况。
| | |Keep your parents up to date with how you are doing in the US. |要让父母知道你在美国的新情况。

| |<40>dawn on/upon |realize sth. for the first time |开始明白;醒悟
| | |It dawned on me that no one seemed to be idle. |我意识到好像没人在闲着。
| | |At the same instant it dawned on her that she'd left her briefcase behind. |就在那一瞬间,她发现自己忘了拿行李箱。

| |<41>to the memory of |in honor of sb. who has died |纪念(某人)
| | |A service was held to the memory of the dead. |为死者举行了悼念仪式。
| | |More than a hundred years ago, he started a private university to

the memory of his only son. |一百多年前,他创建了一所私立大学,以纪念他唯一的儿子。

Proper Names
| |<42>John Bullyer | |约翰·布雷尔(人名)

| |<43>Carrie | |卡丽(人名)

| |<44>Gloucestershire | |(英国)格洛斯特郡

| |<45>Persian Gulf | |波斯湾

| |<46>Caroline Lacey | |卡罗琳·莱西(人名)

| |<47>Robert Taylor | |罗伯特·泰勒(1911-1969,美国演员)

| |<48>Churchill | |丘吉尔(文中指 Winston Churchill, 1874-1965,英国前首相)

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