当前位置:文档之家› 【英语周报】人教版选修十Unit 3备课资料:试题 Unit 3 Fairness for all单词测试

【英语周报】人教版选修十Unit 3备课资料:试题 Unit 3 Fairness for all单词测试

【英语周报】人教版选修十Unit 3备课资料:试题 Unit 3 Fairness for all单词测试
【英语周报】人教版选修十Unit 3备课资料:试题 Unit 3 Fairness for all单词测试

Unit 3 Fairness for all单词填空

Using the words you have learned in this unit to complete the following blanks

1. A bus that uses power from electric wires above the street _________

2. an official list of names of people, companies etc, or a book that has this list______________

3. to refuse to buy something, use something, or take part in something as a way of protesting _______

4. to say that an action is illegal or not allowed. synonym ban, forbid_____________

5. an illegal action or a crime ________________

6. when something separates or is separate .______________________

7. a belief, custom, or way of doing something that has existed for a long time, or these beliefs, customs etc in general ________________________

8. to give a plan, piece of writing etc to someone in authority for them to consider or approve


9. not wanting to do something and refusing to do it.___________________

10. an accident in which two or more people or vehicles hit each other while moving in different directions _______________________

11. to take hold of something suddenly and violently.____________________

12. believing that what you hope for is likely to happen.____________

13. to discuss something in order to reach an agreement, especially in business or politics


14. a situation in which everything is happening in a confused way and nothing is organized or arranged in order._________________________

15. when two things happen at the same time, in the same place, or to the same people in a way that seems surprising or unusual _______________________

16. someone who is walking, especially along a street or other place used by cars _____________

17. a hard level surface or path at the side of a road for people to walk on _____________

18. to move your right hand to your head, especially in order to show respect to an officer in the army, navy etc ________________________

19. cruel or violent treatment of someone_______________

20. words that you say when praying to God or gods ___________.

21. a weapon made of material that will explode ______________

22. having the highest position of power, importance, or influence ___________

23. happening or existing in every part of the country _________________

24. officially allowed or limited by the system of rules of a country or organization__________

25. relating to the most basic and important parts of something________________

26. a fight between opposing armies, groups of ships, groups of people etc, especially one that is part of a larger war _______________

27. the state of being happy ____________________

28. the freedom and the right to do whatever you want without asking permission or being afraid of authority____________

29. a long piece of music usually in four parts, written for an orchestra ____________

30. a long piece of music usually in four parts, written for an orchestra ___________

31. when someone is unfriendly and full of anger towards another person__________

32. to open your mouth wide and breathe in deeply because you are tired or bored ___________


1 trolleybus 2. register 3. boycott 4.prohibit 5.offence 6.separation 7. tradition 8.submit 9.unwilling

10.collision course 11.seize 12.hopeful 13.Negotiate

14.chaos 15.Punctual 16.Coincidence 17.Pedestrian

18.Pavement 19. Salute 20.Abuse 21.Prayer 22.Bomb 23. Supreme 24.Nationwide 25. Constitutional 26.Fundamental

27.Battle 28.Happiness 29. Liberty 30.Symphony 31.Hostility 32.Yawn


第六单元杰出的科学家第2课中国铁路之父詹天佑 一、教学目标 1.了解詹天佑的主要生平事迹及其为中国铁路事业发展作出的重大贡献。 2.感受詹天佑的科学精神和爱国情操,增强历史使命感和社会责任感。 3.培养辩证、唯物地解释和评判历史人物和历史现象之间的关系,从历史发展中汲取积极的精神财富。 二、重难点 重点:詹天佑为中国铁路事业作出的贡献 难点:詹天佑个人业绩和国家命运的关系;詹天佑取得个人业绩的主客观条件。 三、学情 教学对象是高二学生,必修知识有一定的积累,理解和分析历史问题有一定的基础。 四、教学过程 (一)导入:世界铁路时代的到来→铁路成为列强殖民的工具→中国人自己修筑铁路的 重要性 (二)时代中的中国铁路困境 结合必修所学知识,分析近代中国铁路事业发展艰难的原因,理解詹天佑是在怎样的环境中取得个人业绩的。培养学生从多个角度分析问题的能力、从材料中提取信息的能力、从多个原因中提炼要素的能力。(三)时代中的詹天佑 1.詹天佑的个人业绩 要求学生从教材中找出“铁路之父”的史实依据,培养论从史出的史学意识和能力。 探究:个人业绩与国家命运的关系 本题设计意图是培养辩证地分析历史问题能力,同时也体现本课的核心精神——家国情怀对詹天佑取得业绩的影响。 2.时代际遇 从詹天佑的人生履历切入,探究时代环境的变化对铁路事业发展的推动作用,理解个人取得的业绩离不开时代中的进步因素,培养历史唯物主义的意识。晚清是落后的时代,但也是一个变革的时代,变革中蕴含着历史的进步因素。 3.个人素养 个人的成功离不开自身优秀的素养。从詹天佑的人生履历中也可以看

出其优秀的个人因素。培养学生充分利用教材文本分析问题的能力,同时也培养学生要客观地看待个人取得成功的原因,养成积极、健康的人生观、价值观。 ●探究:时代际遇和个人素养,你更倾向于哪一要素影响个人取得 业绩?以詹天佑为例说说理由。 该探究题设计的意图:①训练思维的开放性②对开放式问题答题方法指导。 (四)时代中的他们 ——1919年,怎样爱国 图片展示孙中山、顾维钧、陈独秀、荣氏家族、詹天佑人物图像,意图是要学生思考20世纪初这些人物各以什么样的方式在爱国、救国。培养学生认识到每个人都可以用自己的专长去实现个人价值和社会价值,增强社会责任感和使命感。 (五)总结 图文展示詹天佑奖的设立。 ●探究:詹天佑奖的设立意图 本题的设计意图是总结本课内容。詹天佑奖的设立既是缅怀詹天佑对中国铁路事业的贡献和科学精神、爱国情怀,也是激励后人的创新精神和家国情怀。

高中历史 1.2 大唐盛世的奠基人唐太宗2教案新部编本 新人教版选修4

教师学科教案[ 20 – 20 学年度第__学期] 任教学科:_____________ 任教年级:_____________ 任教老师:_____________ xx市实验学校

大唐盛世的奠基人唐太宗 本课选取中国封建社会中期著名历史人物——唐太宗为典型,从政治统治思想与方略、经济措施、民族与对外政策、个人修养和为君素质等多个视角,全方位讲述唐太宗李世民作为中国封建社会会一代明君的为君之法和治国之道。 学生通过对书籍的阅读或影视的欣赏,早已对唐太宗有“即定印象”,课堂教学犹如“经典再拍”,不可能在“新异”上吸引学生,惟有通过对事件的深入刻画和人物的重新定格,以理明义,加深学生认识。 课文以“玄武门之变”、“贞观之治”的出现、促进民族团结和发展、开放的对外政策、晚年的反省为栏目标题,已基本框定了唐太宗“功大于过”的评价方向。但教学中因引导学生一分为二的分析问题,即如“贞观之治”,背后依然隐藏着阶级剥削与压迫;同时加强对社会焦点、热点的联系,如盛世的出现与人才、制度的关系,选官与用人与社会兴衰治乱的关系等等,估计需要2课时。 1、掌握课文重要概念:玄武门之变、贞观之治、羁縻府州 2、理解“贞观之治”局面出现的原因、表现和影响;唐太宗的民族政策及其积极影响;唐太宗的对外政策及其积极影响;唐太宗的晚年自评 3、通过唐太宗的虚心纳谏、知人善任、关心百姓疾苦、晚年自省,认识其作为一代明君的为政策略和智慧;通过唐太宗实施的开明民族政策和全方位对外政策,认识唐朝民族友好交往的方式、影响的对外交往的繁荣局面;通过归纳唐太宗在政治、经济、民族关系、对外关系、文化诸方面的政策,全方位认识其治国方略及其借鉴意义。 4、掌握重大历史人物评价的方法、原则,培养学生综合评价历史人物的能力。 【教学重点】:贞观之治军面形成的历史原因、开明开放的民族政策和对外政策 【教学难点】:唐太宗的治国之道及对当时的影响和对世界的影响 直接导入法:上两节课,我们通过对秦始皇作为的概括进行了综合评价:他是封建社会初期地主阶级杰出政治家。他统一中国,结束诸侯割据的政治局面,开创历史发展新纪元,并且他还建立专制主义中央集权制度,促进统一多民族国家的形成,但又实行暴政,秦短命而亡。作为我国封建社会繁盛时期的统治者唐太宗,我们又可如何定位呢? 今天我们将学习第二课——《大唐盛世的奠基人唐太宗》 唐太宗,即李世民(济世安民),大唐盛世的奠基人,大家对他了解多少呢? (先请个别感兴趣的同学讲讲对唐太宗的初步印象,进行简易评价,并在表扬其积极的前提下,根据历史人物评价的方法与原则性指导材料,指明其不足,引入课堂的全面评价,再次提醒学生注意评价要求,即要放到具体的历史事件和特定的历史时间和条件中去评价,从而引入课文对玄武门之变、贞观之治等全面展开。) 一、玄武门之变 1、背景:


人教版高中英语选修六测试题及答案 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷两部分。 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What time is it in New York? A.It's 5 p.m. B.It's 7 p.m. C.It's 10 p.m. 2.When did the man buy his ticket? A.Last weekend. B.Just before the concert. C.The day before the concert. 3.What does the man want to do? A.Borrow a book. B.Buy a book on the Internet. C.Return a book to the library. 4.Where does this conversation probably take place? A.In a café. B.At a hotel. C.At the man's house. 5.What does the man think the woman should do? A.Cancel her trip to Spain. B.Speak out how she feels. C.Go to another country. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、


Section_ⅢGrammar—it的用法(1) 语法图解 探究发现 ①It is a beautiful day here and I am sitting under the big tree at the end of the garden. ②Your mother tells me that you started smoking some time ago and now you are finding it difficult to give it up. ③It is never too late to mend. ④It is no use talking to them. ⑤It is said that he stole the money. ⑥I think it difficult to learn English well. ⑦We make it clear that speaking to the teacher in that way is not polite. ⑧I don't like it when people talk with the mouth full of food. [我的发现] (1)①句it表示天气,②句第一个it代替to_give_it_up作形式宾语;第二个it代替句中所说的“吸烟”的事。 (2)在句③④⑤中it用作形式主语,其中句③用在“It is+形容词+(for/of+sb.)+动词不定式(短语)”中,it指代动词不定式(短语);句④用在“It is+no use/good+动名词(短语)”中,it指代动名词(短语);句⑤用在“It is+said/believed/reported+that从句”中,it指代that 从句。 (3)在句⑥⑦⑧中it用作形式宾语,其中句⑥用在“动词+it+形容词+动词不定式(短语)”中,it指代动词不定式(短语),句⑦用在“动词+it+形容词+that从句”中,指代that 从句;句⑧it用在某些特殊的句式中,指代when从句。 一、it用作人称代词和非人称代词 1.用作人称代词 (1)it用来指代前面的名词或前面提到过的事。 My friend offered me a beautiful gift yesterday, and I like it very much. 我朋友昨天给了我一件漂亮的礼物,我非常喜欢。


七年级英语上复习重点 Unit 1 短语:close to 接近go to school 去上学(be)good at 擅长elder sister 姐姐make friends with 与……交朋友all over 遍及each other 互相 listen to music 听音乐far away from 远离would like to 愿意ask…for…向……索取……in one’s free time 在空闲时间to be 成为 hear from…收到……的来信hope to do…希望做某事lots of 许多play 在于棋类、球类等运动 搭配时名词不用加定冠词the。 1.My hobby is playing chess. 1.我的爱好是下棋。 work as担任……工作 2.He works as an accountant in London. 2.他在伦敦当会计师。 be keen on热衷于 3.I am keen on sports 3.我热衷于体育运动。 4.He is keen on music. 4.他热衷于音乐。 enjoy doing sth. 喜欢做某事 5.She enjoys playing the piano after school. 5.他喜欢放学后弹钢琴。 (be )in glasses= wear glasses戴着眼镜 6.She is in glasses= She wears glasses. 6.她戴着眼镜。 be happy to do sth.很高兴做某事 7.I’m happy to be your penfriend. 7.我很乐意左你的笔友。 8.Thery’re happy to help us. 8.他们很乐意帮我们的忙。 拓展:be + adj. +to do sth. 做某事感到…… be good at 擅长于…… 9.I’m good at English. 9.我英语很好。 句型:1. My dream is to be an engineer。我的梦想是成为一名工程师。 这句话还可以表示成:I want to be an engineer. 2. I want to make friends with young people from all over the world! 我想跟全世界的年轻人交朋友


第一单元――古代中国的政治家 ㈠统一中国的第一个皇帝秦始皇 一、秦始皇能够统一六国的原因①根本原因:统一是历史必然趋势;②国力因素:商鞅变法奠定经济和军事基础;③民心因素:人民渴望统一;④个人因素:嬴政具有雄才大略。 二、秦始皇巩固统一采取的具体措施 ①政治上:建立皇帝制,推行郡县制和三公九卿制,建立专制主义中央集权制度;②经济上:统一货币、度量衡,促进经济发展;③军事上:修筑长城,北击匈奴,南征百越,增设闽中、南海、桂林、象郡,奠定了中国统一多民族国家的基本疆域;④文化上:统一文字(小篆),有利于国家的统一和国内经济文化的交流;⑤交通上:建立起以咸阳为中心的水陆交通网,有利于各地经济的发展和交流。 三、秦始皇的暴政的表现和暴政的影响 ⑴表现:①焚书坑儒,钳制了思想,摧残了文化;②大兴土木,劳民伤财。③徭役繁重。④刑法严酷。⑵影响:激化阶级矛盾,加速秦的灭亡。 四、评价秦始皇 ①秦始皇统一中国,结束诸侯割据的政治局面,建立大一统的中央集权王朝,开创了中华民族历史发展的新纪元;另一方面他的暴政又导致秦朝很快灭亡;②秦始皇是封建社会初期地主阶级杰出政治家,但是他又是统治残暴的封建皇帝。 ㈡大唐盛世的奠基人唐太宗 一、“贞观之治”出现的原因和表现 ⑴原因:①客观上:吸取隋朝灭亡的教训,总结历代兴衰的经验。②主观上:唐太宗心存百姓,选贤与能,励精图治,善于用人与纳谏,社会稳定,经济恢复和发展。 ⑵主要表现:①政治上:虚心纳谏,选贤与能,加强中央集权,使唐朝政治清明,社会安定;②经济上:强调存百姓思想,实行休养生息政策,使社会经济迅速恢复和发展;③法律上:慎用刑法,使社会风气得到了很大改观; ④思想上:文德治国,崇儒尊孔,有利于提高官员素质,扩大统治基础;⑤民族关系上:采取民族平等政策,加强与边疆少数民族的往来或控制,促进民族关系发展; ⑥对外关系上:采取积极友好态度和开放政策,促进中外经济文化交流。 二、唐太宗在中国封建社会历史发展中的作用 ①唐太宗励精图治,使唐朝社会稳定,经济发展,阶级矛盾缓和,开创了“贞观之治”的局面,这就为“开元盛世”的出现奠定了坚实的基础。②唐太宗采取开明的民族政策,加强了同周边各族之间的联系,加强了民族团结,促进了统一多民族国家的发展,使统一的多民族国家过入了鼎盛时期。③唐太宗实行开放的对外政策,对外来文化采取兼收并蓄的方针,这使中国文化呈现出多元化的色彩。 ㈢统一多民族国家的捍卫者康熙帝一、康熙帝初年面临问题 ①郑成功收复台湾后,坚持抗清;②沙俄势力正在东来; ③游牧于漠西和漠北的蒙古各部需要加强管理;④地方割据实力的威胁尚未清除⑤满汉矛盾尚未平复。 二、康熙帝巩固中国统一的举措 ①平定三藩,有利于安定统一;②收复台湾:启用郑氏降将施琅。收复后台湾设一府三县,隶属福建省。加强了台湾和大陆联系,促进了台湾开发,巩固了海防。台湾正式隶属于清朝中央政权的行政管辖之下;③三征噶尔丹,打击了新疆蒙古分裂力量。④册封五世班禅,加强对西藏的管理。⑤尊重中国各民族的文化传统,崇尚儒家文化,恢复开科取士,延揽汉族文士,缓和了阶级、民族矛盾,加快了满族文化的发展步伐。 三、康熙帝维护国家主权表现和历史影响 ①表现:抗击沙俄入侵,组织两次雅克萨之战,签订《尼布楚条约》确定中俄东段边界,从法律肯定黑龙江和乌苏里江流域,包括库页岛在内的广大地区,都是中国领土。②历史影响:扫除了地方割据势力,抗击了外来侵略,基本奠定了中国版图,维护了多民族国家统一和安宁。 四、评价康熙帝 ①功绩:康熙扫除了地方割据势力,抗击了外来侵略,基本奠定了中国版图,维护了多民族国家的统一和安宁,为康乾盛世的到来奠定基础。②消极:大兴文字狱;实行闭关政策。 第二单元――东西方的先哲 ㈠儒家文化创始人 一、孔子的生平 ①自学礼乐②从政失败③周游列国④献身文教 二、孔子开创的儒家学派的核心思想 ①“礼”:即周礼,要求人们能够以礼来规范自己的行为,把礼作为立国立身的基础。主张“克已复礼”,匡正社会秩序。主张恢复周朝的等级名分制度,实质上是力图维护奴隶制度。体现了孔子思想保守的一面。②核心:仁。是处理人际关系的最高准则。主张以爱人之心和谐社会人际关系,一定程度上反映了对人的重视,具有进步意义。 ③中庸:把伦理范畴的“仁”和政治范畴的“礼”结合在一起,主张处理任何事情都不偏不倚,恰到好处,将各种思想、原则加以调和,使之互相补充,互相限制。 三、孔子的教育思想主要内容 ①教育对象:“有教无类”,打破了奴隶主贵族垄断教育的局面;②教育目标:不仅把学生培养“成人”,而且要培养成“君子”。③教学方法:因材施教,注重言传身教。④教学内容:孔子晚年整理编撰出“六经”:《诗》《书》《礼》《乐》《易》《春秋》,是我国第一套完整教科书,五经在我国两千多年封建社会里一直是官学和私学最基本教材。 四、评价孔子


Unit 2 Poems 测试题 测试时间:40分钟共六大题满分:100分 一:单词拼写(共8小题,每小题2分,满分20分) 1.具体的adj.___________________ 2.灵活的;可弯曲的adj.________________________ 3.村舍;小屋n._________________ 4.无穷的;无止境的adj.________________________ 5.最后;终于adv._________________ 6.转化;转换v.______________________________ 7.适当的;正当的adj._________________ 8.赞助人;主办者n._______________________ 9.永远adv._______________________ 10.交换;交流;调换n.&v._____________________ 二:短语互译(共8小题,每小题2分,满分20分) 1. 发出;放走;释放___________________ 2. 测试;实验____________________ 3. 尤其;特别_________________________ 4. 用完;用尽____________________ 5. 轻松;不紧张;从容_________________ 6. 由…组成______________________ 7. 不挂断电话;坚持;忍受_____________ 8. be likely to do sth._______________ 9. 与…相违背/矛盾_____________________ 10. 如果…就好了_________________ 三:单项选择题(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分) 1.—You needn’t take an umbrella. It isn’t going to rain. —Well, I don’t know. It _______ do. A.might B. need C. would D. should 2.If we _______ a table earlier, we wouldn’t be standing here in a queue. A. have booked B. booked C. book D. had booked 3. I took my driving license with me on holiday, _______ I wanted to hire a car. A. even if B. in case C. ever since D. if only 4. Don’t turn off the computer before closing all programs ________ you could have problems. A. or B. and C. but D. so 5. _______ private cars are brining us convenience, they may also cause more traffic accidents and pollution. A. If B. As C. While D. Since 6. He gave the order that we ________ there on time. A. be B. are C. had been D. will be 7. _______ more careful, his ship would not have sunk. A. If the captain were B. Had the captain been C. Should the captain be D. If the captain would have been 8. —I’m sorry I made a mistake! —________. Nobody is perfect. A. Take your time B. You’re right C. Whatever you say D. Take it easy 9. Four and _____ half hours of discussion took us up to midnight, and ______ break for cheese, chocolate and tea with sugar. A. a; a B. the; the C. 不填;the D. a; 不填 10. But for your help, I couldn’t ___________. A. have succeeded B. be successful C. succeed D. have been success 四:阅读下列材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分) Rivera: Hi, Mrs. Wang. It’s Mrs. Rivera --- your neighbor1._______the apartment downstairs. Lang: Oh, hello. Rivera:I’m sorry to complain, 2.___________I wonder if you could ask your kids to make 3.____________ (little) noise. Lang: Oh, sorry. I didn’t realize. Is it their music? I know they love loud music. I 4.___________ (ask) them to turn 5.__________ down. Rivera: No, it is not their music. It’s their 6.__________ (foot). They seem to jump around a lot, and I keep 7.____________ (hear) this strange sound. It’s kind of a … thumping noise. Lang:Oh, sorry. I know8.___________ that is. It is my daughter, Celine. She’s just started ballet lessons, and I guess she’s practicing. Rivera: Oh, I see. Well, maybe 9.___________ she practiced in the afternoon instead of so early in the morning… Lang: OK. I’ll ask her to do that. I’m so sorry she 10.___________(disturb) you. 五:短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) Dear sir, Last year I buy a refrigerator in your store on Chang An road. We all like shape of the refrigerator. And recently I find something is wrong with it. It begins to make noise when it turned on. At first it is low but gradually it become louder and louder. To make the matter worse, it even stops working sometimes. We all feel disappointing. I am writing you to ask for help. Would you please send a people to repair it? I will at home this weekend. Please call me before you come to here. My telephone number is 6606.5531. Thanks you very much. Customer, Li Ming

人教版高中英语选修六 Unit4 Global warming-语法篇(学生版)-word

Unit4 Global warming-语法篇 __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 1.掌握it在强调句中的用法; 2.能够利用这个语法点进行遣词造句并运用到写作中; it的用法—强调句型 一、强调句型的基本用法 英语中常用的强调句型是:It is / was + 被强调部分(主语、宾语、状语) + that / who / whom + 其他部分。一般来说,被强调部分指人时,用who或whom,其他情况用that,但that也可指人。 现在用强调句型强调下面这个句子的主语、宾语和状语。 She met John at Mary’s birthday party last Sunday. →It was she who / that met John at Mary’s birthday party last Sun day. (强调主语) →It was John Whom / that she met at Mary’s birthday party last Sunday. (强调宾语) →It was at Mary’s birthday party that she met John last Sunday. (强调地点状语) →It was last Sunday that she met John at Mary’s birthday party. (强调时间状语) 温馨提示: 1.it为引导词,本身没有词义,仅起引导强调句式的作用; 2.若强调的主语是人时,常用who,间或用that,若强调的宾语是人时,多用whom / that; 3.在强调状语时,用that; 4.在强调结构时,无论被强调的是人还是物,是单数还是复数,be动词一律用单数形式is / was, 如果原句中的谓语动词是过去时态,就用was,若是现在时态或将来时态,就用is, 也可用情态动词+ be形式; 5. 判断一个句子是否是强调句型的方法:如果将句中的It is / was… that / who / whom…去掉,仍能 还原为一个完整的句子,那么此句就是强调句。否则,就是其他句型结构。 请比较:It was 2019 when he came back from the United States. (定语从句) It was in 2019 that he came back from the United States. (强调句型) 6. 被强调部分若是句子的主语,that / who之后的谓语动词在人称和数上应与句子的主语保持一致。 eg:It is I that / who am your friend that will come to help you. 二、强调句型的几种较为复杂的结构形式 1.被强调部分为状语从句。 Eg: It was when Tom was eleven years old that his talent for writing became obvious. 2.被强调部分含有定语从句。 Eg: It was on July 4 th, 1975 when he was born that his father died. 3.not…until结构用于强调句型。


专题七第四课近代科学之父牛顿 【导入新课】: 师:学习历史,也要关注现实。首先请同学们来关注一则新闻。 出示材料:2009年10月31日8时6分,“中国航天之父”、“中国导弹之父”、“火箭之王”、“中国自动化控制之父”在北京逝世,享年98岁。巨星陨落,中国上下举国哀悼,中国科协将国际编号为3763号的小行星以他的名字命名。 师:同学们知道他是谁吗? 生:钱学森 师:对,他就是我国科技界的巨星钱学森同志。随着钱学森的去世,他生前提出的一个问题,迅速成为现在网络最热议的话题之一,史称“钱学森之问”。有人知道,钱学森的问题是什么吗? 出示材料:2009年11月11日,安徽高校的11位教授联合《新安晚报》给新任教育部部长袁贵仁及全国教育界发出一封公开信:让我们直面“钱学森之问”!这个问题现在已引起上至国务院总理下至普通学生的深思。成为网络热议的话题之一。 生:不知道(我估计他们不知道) 师:大家大概接触网络的机会比较少,所以不太清楚,那老师来告诉同学们,钱学森的问题就是“为什么我们的学校总是培养不出杰出人才?”(屏幕上打出来),关于这个问题,现在网络已经有很多各种角度的答案,其实,我想我们不防换个角度来思考这个问题:“为什么西方国家总是孕育出许多杰出人才?”(屏幕打出来)。比如说我们今天要上的近代科学之父牛顿。那么,今天,我们仅以牛顿一课为例,针对钱老的问题,看看能不能从中得到一点启发 【讲授新课】 师:探究1:怎样理解牛顿是“近代科学之父”?同学们想想看这个问题的切入点是什么?生:牛顿的科技成就 师:完全正确,我们进入第一篇章:牛顿之牛——科学成就篇。 出示邮票的图片: 注:图片有点模糊,可以让学生看书本131页。 师:从邮票中同学能发现哪些牛顿的科学成就呢? 生:苹果——万有引力 师:是的,大家都知道苹果的故事。对于科学家而言,牛顿家乡的那棵苹果树,也许是世间最神圣的树了。(出现图片和这行字)其实,同学想想看,神奇的是那棵树吗?”(不是),真正神奇的应该是(牛顿那颗善于思考,善于发现问题的脑袋),还有呢?我想仅仅靠一棵苹果是砸不出万有引力的。(在发现问题后的不断的实验研究,探索等等)。在牛顿发现万

高 中 英 语 选 修 六 试 题

高中英语选修六试题 一、完形填空All of us go through some difficult times as we approach teenage years.It's the age when we have to deal with the most 1 in our life.This transition (过渡) from childhood to adulthood is 2 for some, but rough for others.The most important thing about being a teenager is 3 .When we are teenagers, we would get blamed or even punished for anything wrong we do.Unlike before when we were small kids, even if we made a big trouble, we didn‘t n eed to pay anything for it. It‘s all not so 4 about being a teenager though.We don‘t have to have our 5 take us to somewhere we want to go or we couldn‘t go before.We can have 6 with friends or even alone, which we couldn‘t have because we were too 7 to know what pleasure is! It's a very enjoyable time of life.During this age, we are old enough to 8 what is good for us, and make decisions by ourselves without 9 others. But like the saying goes ??All good things must come to an end, but all bad things can continue 10 .‖ During this period, we are having much 11 for our studies.If we don't pass, we won‘t get jobs, and things will take a turn for the 12 .With the present world economy in 13 , we have to do really, really well in our 14 for a job.Adults say that their _15 is the hardest part of life.But I think the transition from a kid to an adult is much 16 than being already an adult.What we do in our teenage years will 17 what we become and how we lead our life in the future. In conclusion, it is quite 18 that parents put much pressure on an already stressed out teenager.If they realized that, living condition for teenagers would be much better. 19 .for the teens ourselves we should get to know what is best for us.What's more, we should understand the right 20 of life we choose at this age can make us happy for the rest of our existence.1.A.chancesB.changesC.feelingsD.Expectations2.A.smoothB.practicalC.demandingD.necessary 3.A.knowledgeB.independenceC.confidenceD.responsibility4.A.easyB.strangeC.badD.interesting 5.A.guidesB.partnersC.parentsD.friends6.A.funB.troubleC.relationD.business 7.A.proudB.youngC.smartD.mature8.A.predictB.rememberC.imagineD.understand 9.A.guidingB.helpingC.invitingD.consulting10.A.occasionallyB.temporarilyC.foreverD.increasingly 11.A.pressureB.passionC.motivationD.panic12.A.betterB.worseC.fewerD.more 13.A.declineB.hopeC.increaseD.debt14.A.contributionB.educationC.applicationD.qualification 15.A.promotionB.workC.experienceD.age16.A.harderB.happierC.easierD.lighter 17.A.reflectB.confirmC.determineD.identify18.A.vitalB.urgentC.commonD.Unnecessary 19.A.OrB.OtherwiseC.ButD.Because20.A.experienceB.wayC.conditionD.power 二、阅读理解【A】I was appreciating my family photos on my computer, admiring my two beautiful babies when I found a disturbing scene: my laptop was in almost all the pictures.There was my daughter, 8 months old, playing at my feet while I was typing on the couch.There was my son, with a big transformer, on my left arms.I‘d heard about the Internet addiction before, but I always thought it was something only limited to playing too much World of Warcraft (a computer game) day and night.Now, it seemed my Internet-habit is slowly but surely crossing the line.Sometime s I find myself up at midnight, surfing the Web while my family are sleeping.I read news, keep up with friends and write my blog … just for something to do. It turns out that I‘m not the only mama who is addicted to the computer.These moms are contributing to a growing global addiction.There‘s a movement among psychiatrists (doctors who specialize in mental diseases) to recognize the Internet addiction as an official mental disorder.And a recent Stanford University national survey found that 14 percent of Internet users find it hard to stay away from it for several days at a time; 9 percent try to hide their —unnecessary Internet use from their loved ones; 8 percent admit they use the Web as a way to escape problems. You‘re likely not the kind of addict who doesn‘t bathe and abuses dr ugs to help her stay up for more online time.You may have noticed, though, that going online has become a necessary part of your life, which, at least, means a box of clothes go unwashed.It may also mean you‘re missing much time with you baby –something you probably do care about. 21.From Paragraph 1, we can conclude that _______.A.the author was busy taking care of her babies

人教版英语选修六高二 unit3 语法 Grammar— it的用法(1)

Section_—it的用法(1) 语法图解 探究发现 ①It is a beautiful day here and I am sitting under the big tree at the end of the garden. ②Your mother tells me that you started smoking some time ago and now you are finding it difficult to give it up. ③It is never too late to mend. ④It is no use talking to them. ⑤It is said that he stole the money. ⑥I think it difficult to learn English well. ⑦We make it clear that speaking to the teacher in that way is not polite. ⑧I don't like it when people talk with the mouth full of food. [我的发现] (1)①句it表示天气,②句第一个it代替to_give_it_up作形式宾语;第二个it代替句中所说的“吸烟”的事。 (2)在句③④⑤中it用作形式主语,其中句③用在“It is+形容词+(for/of+sb.)+动词不定式(短语)”中,it指代动词不定式(短语);句④用在“It is+no use/good+动名词(短语)”中,it指代动名词(短语);句⑤用在“It is+said/believed/reported+that从句”中,it指代that 从句。 (3)在句⑥⑦⑧中it用作形式宾语,其中句⑥用在“动词+it+形容词+动词不定式(短语)”中,it指代动词不定式(短语),句⑦用在“动词+it+形容词+that从句”中,指代that 从句;句⑧it用在某些特殊的句式中,指代when从句。 一、it用作人称代词和非人称代词 1.用作人称代词 (1)it用来指代前面的名词或前面提到过的事。 My friend offered me a beautiful gift yesterday, and I like it very much. 我朋友昨天给了我一件漂亮的礼物,我非常喜欢。

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