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Keep Your Dreams 执着于你的梦想——明星州长阿诺德·施瓦辛格清华大学演讲

Some of your families maybe don’t believe in your dreams. But let me tell you something, my young friends. Keep your dreams. No matter what, keep your dreams. Don’t give up on them, even when you are temporarily defeated or denied. Keep your dreams. 你们的家人也许不相信你们的梦想,但是,朋友们,让我告诉你们,执着于你的梦想!无论如何,坚持你们的梦想。即使你们遭遇暂时的失败或被否定,也不要放弃你们的梦想。执着于你的梦想。Well, thank you very much, President. First of all, I want to thank President Gu for having me here, and I want to thank Mr. Qizhi for your kind introduction. Thank you very much.

It is wonderful to be here at this university. What a special place. I just looked around a little bit here, it’s a gorgeous, gorgeous place. I want to

congratulate you for going to this magnificent university here.

Now, the last time I was here in China was five years ago, and then I was promoting my movies. They had a movie festival here, the Arnold Schwarzenegger Movie Festival. I remember they showed all my movies for a week—which was a rarity, may I remind you—and they also showed the movies on television. But we also were here to promote Special Olympics, which is an organization that helps people with mental disabilities, so I was here for both reasons.

But this time I’m here as the governor of the great state of California. I’m here representing the people of California, and we’re here on a trade mission to see how we can do more business with China and to help each other, because both California is a very fast growing state, and China is a very fast growing country, and there are a lot of things that we can do for one another.

But I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to come here today and to talk with the young people; as a matter of fact, to the brightest young people of China. And

this is why it is so great to be here at the Tsinghua University, and I’m honored that I was invited here.

Now, I read a little bit about the history of Tsinghua, and I learned that actually this school originally prepared students to attend universities in America. Now, I also know that since the attack on our World Trade Centers it has become more and more difficult to go to the universities in America because you need to fill out all kinds of paperwork now and you have to get visas, and it’s very complicated, and you have to wait a much longer period of time to go over there. But let me tell you, things are improving already. I’ve heard that it’s easing up, the restrictions, and it’s easier to get a visa. My young Chinese friends, I want to tell you that in case no one from America has ever invited you, let me do this right now personally.

I want to warmly invite all of you here to come to the United States, and especially to come to California, because that’s the happening place. California is the best place.

Please come and visit us, we will welcome you.

I invite you all to come there and to travel, to meet

the American people, and to come there and study in our universities, and some day hopefully you will come and do business over there, or maybe you’ll want to move over there. Whatever your goal is, you’re always welcome. America, after all, let’s not forget, is the land of opportunity. And it’s not only the land of opportunity for Austrians like me, but for Chinese people as well. Remember that.

I know that beginning with this century, China is also becoming a land of opportunity. It’s a fast growing place, and as the students of this great university and the citizens of a rising China, I think that you have a great future also here in this country. And today I want to talk to you a little bit about the dreams, about the dreams of your future, and dreams for this country. I want to talk to you a little bit about dreams, because it seems to me that I’m somewhat of an expert in dreams, because I had a lot of my dreams become a reality. So let me just briefly tell you my story, and tell you a little bit about how I started with my career. I think that this story kind of relates a little bit also to you, and also to China.

I started way back as a weightlifter. I always liked the idea of lifting weights and being a bodybuilder. From the first moment when I gripped a barbell and held it around the bar and lifted the steel up over my head, I felt this exhilaration, and I knew then that this is something that I’m going to do; that I was in love with that, and this is going to be something that I’m going to do. I’m going to pursue the sport of weightlifting and bodybuilding.

Now, I remember the first real workout that I had. Eight miles away from my home village in Austria there was a gymnasium, and I rode to that gymnasium with a bicycle. And there I trained for half an hour, because they said that after half an hour you should stop because otherwise your body will get really sore. But after half an hour I looked at my body, and nothing had happened. So I said, “I’d better work out for another half hour.” So I lifted some more. My strength didn’t improve, I didn’t see the muscles pop out or anything like that, so I trained for another half an hour. And then after another half hour I trained another half hour, and all together I trained two and a half hours.

Well, let me tell you something. After two and a half hours—even though they told me that I shouldn’t train that much or I would get really sore—I left the gymnasium, I rode my bicycle home. And after the first mile I got numb, and I couldn’t feel anymore the handle of the bicycle, and I fell off the bike and I fell into the ditch on the side of the road. So I got up again and I tried it again. Another few yards, I fell off the bicycle again. And I tried it three, four more times, and I just couldn’t ride my bicycle because my body was so numb and my legs felt like noodles.

Well, let me tell you something. The next morning when I got up, my body was so sore that I couldn’t even lift my arms to comb my hair. I had to have my mother comb my hair, and you know how embarrassing that is. But you know something? I learned a very important lesson, that pain means progress. Pain is progress. Each time my muscles were sore from a workout I knew that they were growing and they were getting stronger.

I think there is a real life lesson in that. After two or three years of discipline and determination and working out hard, I actually changed my body, and I

changed my strength. And that told me something; that if I could change my body that much, and if I could change the strength of my body that much, then I could also change anything else. I could change my habits, I could change my intelligence, I could change my attitude, my mind, my future, my life. And this is exactly what I have done. I think that that lesson applies to people, and it also applies to countries. You can change, China can change, everyone in the world can change.

My parents, of course, I have to tell you, didn’t understand my dreams at all. They were always wondering, they said, “What is he doing? When are you going to get a job, a real job? When are you going to make money?” And all of those questions I go t. And they said, “I hope we didn’t raise a bum, someone that doesn’t make money and just wants to live in a gymnasium and think about their bodies.” Well, I endured all of this negative thinking, and the more negative the thinking got, and the more negative the questions got, the stronger and the more positive I became, the stronger I became inside.

So of course some of your families maybe think the same way, and this is why I’m mentioning that. Some of your families maybe don’t believe in your dreams. But let me tell you something, my young friends. Keep your dreams. No matter what, keep your dreams. Don’t give up on them, even when you are temporarily defeated or denied. Keep your dreams.

I remember the first time I went to the United States and I was competing in a competition, the World Championships in Bodybuilding. I lost. I came in second, and I was devastated. I was crushed. I felt like a loser, a major loser, let me tell you. I cried, as a matter of fact, because I felt like I disappointed my friends and I disappointed myself. But the next day I got my act together, I shifted gears, and I said, “I’m going to learn from that lesson. I’m going to stay here in America. I’m not going to go back to Europe. I’m going to stay in America and I’m going to train with the American champions, I’m going to train the American way. I’m going to eat the American food, I’m going to train with the American machines and the principles. And a year later, in America, I became the World

Champion in Bodybuilding. So I think this is a very, very important lesson.

And from then on, I continued. My career took off, and everything that I wanted to do I accomplished. First it was to become a champion in bodybuilding. Later on I became a movie star, to do all the great movies, the Conan movies and the Terminator movies and all this. Then I became the governor of the great state of California, of the sixth largest economy in the world. All of this happened because of my dreams, even though other people told me that those dreams were bogus and they were crazy, but I held onto my dreams.

And people would always say, no matter what, even in bodybuilding they said I would never make it. And later on in the movies, in Hollywood they said I would not make it. They said, “You wi ll never make it. You have a German accent. No one in Hollywood has ever made it with a German accent. Yeah, maybe you can play some Nazi roles or something like that, but you cannot become a leading star with an accent. Plus your body, you’re overdeveloped, you have all these muscles. They did Hercules movies 20 years ago, that’s outdated. Now it’

s Woody Allen. Woody Allen is in, his body is in.” And those were the messages. “And Al Pacino, the skinny guy, he is in. But not your body, it’s too big. And your name, Schwarzenegger, it will never fit on a movie poster. Forget it. Forget it, you will never make it. Go back to bodybuilding.”

Well, the rest is history. After Terminator 3, I became the highest paid movie star in Hollywood. And let me tell you something, it continued on. Even when I ran for governor people said, “Arnold, you will never make it. You will never become governor of California. What do you know about government?” Well, the fact is, I knew exactly as much about government as the rest of the people knew in California, which is that government is out of touch, and it’s out of sync with the people, and it needed a shakeup. So I didn’t listen to all those people that said I would never make it. I continued campaigning, I listened to my dreams, and the rest also is history. I became governor.

So always it just carried me on, those dreams. So bodybuilding gave me the confidence, movies gave me the money, and pubic service and being a governor gave

me a purpose larger than myself. And that is the brief story of my dreams and a brief story of my early life, and how my dreams made me successful.

A person, of course, should not be stingy with their dreams. So I, of course, don’t just think and dream about myself, but I also have dreams for you, and dreams for China. So let me just talk a little bit about that. China’s economy has become an engine of human progress, lifting millions of people out of poverty. This is a moral and economic good for China and for the rest of the world. I often read that China’s economy is likely to become the largest in the world over the next 50 years, and I think this is terrific. This does not mean, of course, that America will get poorer; it just means that China will get richer, and the United States will benefit from China’s progress as much as the U.S. benefited from the rise of Western Europe after World War II.

Some in my country fear that China’s research and development will overtake America’s, but I believe that America and the world will benefit from China’s scientific and technological advances. I think we

will benefit from that. If China makes advances in stem cell research, the rest of the world will benefit from that. If China discovers an energy breakthrough, this is good for the rest of the world, such as the benefit of a free market.

Some fear that China will buy up American companies, but that fear also existed in the ‘80s, when America feared that Japan was going to buy up American companies. So what? It was just good, and to the benefit of America. We should welcome China’s investment in American companies, just as we welcome the billions of dollars that China has invested in U.S. treasury bonds. This shows that China has faith in America, and American investment in China shows that we have faith in you. So I believe that China and U.S. economic relations will become even closer in the years ahead. Certainly I realize that we do not agree on everything, but who does? Certainly I realize that China has major hurdles to overcome, but it is not for me to say how China should overcome those hurdles and achieve its dreams.

But I can tell you, however, what has given America such energy and strength over the last 200 years,

and perhaps there are some insights in this for China. America is a nation that believes in the power of the individual, and what the individual can accomplish, no matter the color, no matter the religion, no matter the ethnic background of the individual.

Recently, as you probably have read, Rosa Parks, a former seamstress married to a barber, married to a hairdresser, died, and she lay in honor in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol in Washington. People from around America came to say farewell to her and to thank her for changing our history and for changing our society. Now, what did this 92 year-old black woman do that deserved such great honor? What did she do? Well, in 1955, the days of racial segregation, she had refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white man. She had refused. Her simple refusal to move to the back of the bus put into motion events that led to my country’s great civil rights movement. The small protest of a woman that maybe weighed less than 100 lbs. brought down a racist system. As you can see, the individual can make a difference.

Let me tell you about another individual, Ken

Behring, a millionaire California businessman who found his passion in giving wheelchairs to poor and physically disabled people all around the globe, including China. He says that he has met people who have spent years in rooms with no window, just lying there and staring up at the ceiling, never seeing the outside world unless someone was willing to pick up that person and take them outside to show them the world. He says that it’s no wonder so many of those physically disabled people dream about being a bird. Mr. Behring says that most of us think that a wheelchair would be a confinement, but to millions of people it is not a confinement, it is freedom, freedom to move and to go to school, freedom to vote, freedom to get a job, and freedom for hope for the future. He has given freedom and wheelchairs to 400,000 people around the world. The individual can make a difference.

My mother-in-law, Eunice Kennedy Shriver—I always like to mention her, because it gets me on the good side of her—she, for instance, started an organization called Special Olympics. She stared Special Olympics which is for people with mental

disabilities. And of course when she started that organization she was told by the experts, “Don’t do it. You cannot take people with mental disabilities out of mental institutions and have them participate in sports events. They will drown in the swimming pools. They will kill each other out there, they will hurt each other. Don’t do it.” But Eunice Kennedy Shriver ha d a dream and a passion, and today millions of people compete in Special Olympics around the world, including right here in China. This is why I was here five years ago. Five years ago you had 50,000 participants in the Special Olympics. Today, five years later, you have 500,000 participants in Special Olympics. 500,000 people are getting a chance to participate in sports programs, getting a chance to have health care, have a chance to be treated equally, with respect and with tolerance. So Eunice Kennedy Shriver exemplifies that the individual can make a difference.

And I think what I’m trying to say to you is that each and every one of you can make a difference. So as you study and as you become smarter, and as you become richer, think about that, that there are millions of

people that need your help. Now, you maybe ask yourself the question, what can I do? Well, let me tell you. Even though you maybe have no money or anything, you can go out and help a child that has not yet learned yet how to read. You maybe can go out and help a person that is physically handicapped, to lift them up and to take them outside so they can see the world. There are so many different things that you can do. You maybe can take a person that is mentally disabled, to take them to a soccer game. There are all kinds of things that the individual can do to reach out and to help.

Imagine what could be accomplished if the dreams of China’s 1.3 billion individuals could be unleashed. Imagine what could happen. Each of you here has the power of the individual within you, you have the power of your dreams within you, and these are tremendous powers. You’re young, you’re educated, and you are the very best China has to offer. My young Chinese friends, I believe in your dreams. I believe that you can achieve them, and I believe you can make a difference, a big difference. All you have to do is just make the commitment. All you have to do is create the

action and commit, and say, “Let’s do it.” Go out and do it. I’m asking you. Do it for yourself, do it for China, and do it for the good of the world. Thank you very much for listening. Thank you.


Ted中英对照演讲稿 大人能从小孩身上学到什么 Now, I want to start with a question: When was the last time you were called childish? For kids like me, being called childish can be a frequent occurrence. Every time we make irrational demands, exhibit irresponsible behavior, or display any other signs of being normal American citizens, we are called childish, which really bothers me. After all, take a look at these events: Imperialism and colonization, world wars, George W. Bush. Ask yourself: Who's responsible? Adults. 首先我要问大家一个问题:上一回别人说你幼稚是什么时候?像我这样的小孩,可能经常会被 人说成是幼稚。每一次我们提出不合理的要求,做出不负责任的行为,或者展现出有别于普通美 国公民的惯常行为之时,我们就被说成是幼稚。这让我很不服气。首先,让我们来回顾下这些事件:帝国主义和殖民主义,世界大战,小布什。请你们扪心自问下:这些该归咎于谁?是大人。 Now, what have kids done? Well, Anne Frank touched millions with her powerful account of the Holocaust, Ruby Bridges helped end segregation in the United States, and, most recently, Charlie Simpson helped to raise 120,000 pounds for Haiti on his little bike. So, as you can see evidenced by such examples, age has absolutely nothing to do with it. The traits the word childish addresses are seen so often in adults that we should abolish this age-discriminatory word when it comes to criticizing behavior associated with irresponsibility and irrational thinking. 而小孩呢,做了些什么?安妮·弗兰克(Anne Frank)对大屠杀强有力的叙述打动了数百万人的心。鲁比·布里奇斯为美国种族隔离的终结作出了贡献。另外,最近还有一个例子,查理·辛普 森(Charlie Simpson)骑自行车为海地募得 12万英镑。所以,这些例子证明了年龄与行为完 全没有关系。 "幼稚"这个词所对应的特点是常常可以从大人身上看到,由此我们在批评不负责 和非理性的相关行为时,应停止使用这个年龄歧视的词。 (Applause) Thank you. Then again, who's to say that certain types of irrational thinking aren't exactly what the world needs? Maybe you've had grand plans before, but stopped yourself, thinking: That's impossible or that costs too much or that won't


课前英语演讲稿范文 本文是关于课前英语演讲稿范文,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 课前英语演讲稿范文篇1 thanksgiving day is the most truly american of the national holidays in the united states and is most closely connected with the earliest history of the country. in 1620, the settlers, or pilgrims, they sailed to america on the may flower, seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship. after a tempestuous two-month voyage they landed at in icy november, what is now plymouth, massachusetts. during their first winter, over half of the settlers died of[1] starvation or epidemics. those who survived began sowing in the first spring. all summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing that their lives and the future existence of the colony depended on the coming harvest. finally the fields produced a yield rich beyond expectations. and therefore it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the lord be fixed[2]. years later, president of the united states proclaimed the fourth thursday of november as thanksgiving day every year. the celebration of thanksgiving day has been observed on that date until today. the pattern of the thanksgiving celebration has never changed through the years. the big family dinner is planned months ahead. on the dinner table, people will find apples, oranges, chestnuts, walnuts and grapes. there will be plum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash. the best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and pumpkin pie. they have been the most traditional and favorite food on thanksgiving day throughout the years. everyone agrees the dinner must be built around roast turkey stuffed


最新英汉对照演讲稿:阿诺德·施瓦辛格清 华大学演讲 Keep Your Dreams 执着于你的梦想——明星州长阿诺德·施瓦辛格清华大学演讲 Some of your families maybe don’t believe in your dreams. But let me tell you something, my young friends. Keep your dreams. No matter what, keep your dreams. Don’t give up on them, even when you are temporarily defeated or denied. Keep your dreams. 你们的家人也许不相信你们的梦想,但是,朋友们,让我告诉你们,执着于你的梦想!无论如何,坚持你们的梦想。即使你们遭遇暂时的失败或被否定,也不要放弃你们的梦想。执着于你的梦想。Well, thank you very much, President. First of all, I want to thank President Gu for having me here, and I want to thank Mr. Qizhi for your kind introduction. Thank you very much. It is wonderful to be here at this university. What a special place. I just looked around a little bit here, it’s a gorgeous, gorgeous place. I want to


中国石油安全现状及未来战略分析 从石油安全角度浅谈如何建设综合性国际能源公司 China's Oil Safety Situation and Future Strategy ----- How to Build a Comprehensive International Energy Company from the Safety Point of View 中国石油天然气集团公司(中国石油)是世界领先的综合性国际能源公司,业务涵盖石油和天然气的上游和下游业务,油田服务,工程及建筑,石油物资装备制造和供应,资金管理,财务和保险服务,以及新能源业务。 China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) is a world-leading integrated international energy company with business covering oil and gas upstream and downstream operations, oilfield services, engineering and construction, petroleum material and equipment manufacturing and supply, capital management, finance and insurance services, and new energy operations. 目前,国外关于石油进口与石油安全的关系,存在两种说法。其一是:当一国石油进口量占国消费量的30%时就会产生安全问题;


课前英语演讲稿范文课前英语优秀演讲 稿 震撼人心的 英语 演讲必然离不开一份优秀的 英语演讲稿 ,下面是为大家整理了关于课前英语 演讲稿范文 3篇,希望能够帮到你。 课前英语演讲稿范文篇1 thanksgiving day is the most truy american of the nationa hoidays in the united states and is most cosey connected with the eariest history of the country. in 1620, the setters, or pigrims, they saied to america on the may fower, seeking a pace where they coud have freedom of worship. after a tempestuous two-month voyage they anded at in icy november, what is now pymouth, massachusetts. during their first winter, over haf of the setters died of[1] starvation or epidemics. those

who survived began sowing in the first spring. a summer ong they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing that their ives and the future existence of the coony depended on the coming harvest. finay the fieds produced a yied rich beyond expectations. and therefore it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the ord be fixed[2]. years ater, president of the united states procaimed the fourth thursday of november as thanksgiving day every year. the ceebration of thanksgiving day has been observed on that date unti today. the pattern of the thanksgiving ceebration has never changed through the years. the big famiy dinner is panned months ahead. on the dinner tabe, peope wi find appes, oranges, chestnuts, wanuts and grapes. there wi be pum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash. the best and most attractive among them are roast turkey and pumpkin pie. they have been the most traditiona and favorite food on thanksgiving day throughout the years. everyone agrees the dinner must be buit around


两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平 https://www.doczj.com/doc/0211266783.html,/test/quwen.aspx?tid=16-73675-0 美联英语提供:关于坚持的英语演讲稿(中英文对照)1 Keep Your Direction 坚持你的方向 What would you do if you failed? Many people may choose to give up. However, the surest way to success is to keep your direction and stick to your goal. On your way to success, you must keep your direction. It is just like a lamp, guiding you in darkness and helping you overcome obstacles on your way. Otherwise, you will easily get lost or hesitate to go ahead. Direction means objectives. You can get nowhere without an objective in life. You can try to write your objective on paper and make some plans to achieve it. In this way, you will know how to arrange your time and to spend your time properly. And you should also have a belief that you are sure to succeed as long as you keep your direction all the time. 翻译: 如果失败了你会怎么做?很多人可能会选择放弃。然而,要想成功,最可靠的方法就是坚持你的方向和目标。 在通往成功的路上,你必须坚持你的方向。它就像一盏灯,在黑暗中为你指路,帮助你度过难关。否则,你很容易就会迷失方向或犹豫不前。 方向意味着目标。人生如果没有目标,将一事无成。


2015英语课前3分钟演讲稿 演讲稿一:英语课前3分钟演讲稿 honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen: it is a great honor and pleasure to be here on this beautiful saturday morning to share with you my sentiments about life and passion for the english language. about a year and a half ago, i took part in my very first english speech contest. when i stood before the microphone with all eyes starring directly at me, i could hardly speak. i stood there, embarrassed and helpless, struggling in vain for the right thing to say. my fears had paralyzed me. as it turned out, my dear old professor was right. now, here i am, once again standing before a microphone. my heart is beating fast, and my mouth is dry, but most importantly, i have faced my fears -- and that makes all the difference! thank you. 演讲稿二:英语课前3分钟演讲稿 good morning/evening/afternoon, ladies and gentlemen : today, my speech is about talents,in my opionion, talents are indispensable in nowadays society. as is known to all that the fight among countries is actually the fight among talents. in aerospace make the world see chinese manned spacecraft flying. talents in sports make china rank the first in the olympic games...... to sum up, talents will play a more and more impoetant role in the world, if one country intends to flourish, he must foster talents as many as they can ,thats all,thank you. 演讲稿三:英语课前3分钟演讲稿 we are willing to bury the reality of the cruelty and injustice, we are our parents, our elders could not understand some of the practice of life, we do not understand why they like to do ah. it is our wish too much too young to bury social experience. attitude of life when we are not deep. down we love fantasy, love to dream of behavior, we need to do one for the people and human progremake a difference. to our actions to prove that we have! 演讲稿四:英语课前3分钟演讲稿 whatever one does, one should do it with confidence. if one has no confidence, there is little possibility that one would ever achieve anything, especially when one篇二:2015课前三分钟英语演讲稿 2015课前三分钟英语演讲稿 演讲稿一:课前三分钟英语演讲稿 good morning/afternoon! first thing first, i gotta say,wow,its funny thing to be given a chance like that.trurh be told,i really got a little bit nervous before i stand right here ,so called stage fright.if you look specifically on me .you may find my hands shaking,pretty assembles the guy who suffered from pakinsons disease,and legs wobbling ,like i caught so-called ball leg. okay,lets stop going around the bush and get back to my topic today.i really like to talk a funny story i have just heard. 演讲稿二:课前三分钟英语演讲稿 good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen!


竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除 名人演讲稿中英文 篇一:名人演讲中英文对照 释放你的创造力 比尔盖茨 IvebeenanoptimistandIsupposedthatisrootedinmybelief thatthepowerofcreativityandintelligencecanmakethewo rldabetterplace. ForaslongasIcanremember,Ivelovedlearningnewthingsan dsolvingproblems.sowhenIsatdownatacomputerforthefir sttimeinseventhgrade,Iwashooked.Itswasaclunkyandtel etypemachinethatbarelydoanythingcomparedtothecomput erwehavetoday.butitchangedmylife. whenmyfriendpaulAllenandIstaredmicrosoft30yearsago, wehadavisionof"acomputeroneverydeskandineveryhome,"

whichprobablysoundedalittletoooptimisticatatimewhen mostcomputerswerethesizeofrefrigerators.butwebeliev ethatpersonalcomputerwouldchangetheworld.Andtheyhav e. Andafter30years,IstillinspiredbycomputersasIwasback inseventhgrade. 我天生乐观,坚信人类凭创造力和聪明才智可以让世界日益美妙,这一设想一直根植于我的内心深处。 自从记事起,我就热衷于接触新事物、挑战难题。可想而知,我上七年级时第一次坐在计算机前是何等着迷,如入无我之境。那是一台锵锵作响的旧牌机器,和我们今天拥有的计算机相比,它相当逊色几乎一无所用,但正是它改变了我的生活。 30年前,我和朋友保罗·艾伦创办微软时,我们幻想实现"在每个家庭、在每张办公桌上都有一台计算机",这在大多数的计算机体积如同冰箱的尺寸的年代,听起来有点异想天开。但是我们相信个人电脑将改变世界。今天看来果真如此。30年后,我仍然象上七年级的时候那样为计算机而狂热着迷。 Ibelievethatcomputersarethemostincredibletoolwecanu


英语课前演讲稿3分钟 good morning ! my great pleasure to share my dream with you today.when i was a child, i wanted to be a teacher. my father was a teacher, and he taught me a lot. i worshiped him very much. on my tenth birthday, he asked me,“what do you want to be when you grow up?”i answered proudly,“i want to be a teacher like you!”on hearing this, my father was very happy and said to me, “work hard and your dream will come true.” not long ago, one of my primary school teachers was ill. she wanted me to take her place for two weeks. i was glad but nervous. my father said to me,“this is a good chance. seize it! i wish you success!” when i came into the classroom, the children were very happy. i introduced myself to them. soon, i got on well with them. they all liked me and i loved them. with my father and headmaster's help, i did the work very well. now, i often miss those lovely children. that experience had made me even more interested in being a teacher in the future. 早上好! 我伟大的高兴与你分享我的梦想当我还是个孩子的时候,我想成 为一名老师。我的父亲是一位老师,他教了我很多。我很崇拜他。在 我第十岁生日的时候,他问我:“你长大后想做什么?”我骄傲地回答,“我想做一个像你这样的老师!听到这个消息,我父亲非常高兴,对我说:“你的梦想会实现的。”不久前,我的一个小学老师病了。 她要我把她的地方给她2个星期。我很高兴,但紧张。我父亲对我说:“这是一个很好的机会。抓住它!祝你成功!“当我走进教室时,孩 子们很高兴。我向他们介绍我自己。很快,我和他们有了很好的。他


施瓦辛格的故事第1篇 1947年,一个出生在战后奥地利普通家庭的男孩,却在日记里立志长大后要做美国总统。但如何能实现这样宏伟的抱负呢 年纪轻轻的他,拥有了伟大的目标,经过思索,拟定了一系列的连锁目标 做美国总统首先要做美国州长→要竞选州长务必得到雄厚的财力后盾的支持→要获得财团的支持就必须得融入财团→要融入财团就最好娶一位豪门千金→要娶一位豪门千金务必成为名→成为名的快速方法就是做电影明星→做电影明星前得练好身体练出阳刚之气。 按照这样的思路,他开始步步为营。 某日,当他看到着名的体操户外主席库尔后,他坚信练健美是强身健体的好点子,因而萌生了练健美的兴趣。他开始刻苦而持之以恒地练习健美,他渴望成为世界上最结实的壮汉。 三年后,借着发达的肌肉,一身似雕塑的体魄,他开始成为健美先生。 施瓦辛格的励志故事!

在以后的几年中,他囊括了欧洲、世界、全球、奥林匹克的健美先生。在22岁时,他踏入了美国好莱坞。在好莱坞,他花费了十年,利用在体育方面的成就,而一心去表现坚强不屈、百折不挠的硬汉形象。最终,他在演艺界,声名鹊起。当他的电影事业如日中天时,女友的家庭在他们相恋九年后,也最终接纳了这位"黑脸庄稼"。他的女友就是赫赫有名的肯尼迪总统的侄女。 婚姻生活恩爱地过去了十几个春秋。他与太太生育了四个孩子,建立了一个"五好"的典型家庭。2003年,年逾五十七岁的他,告老退出了影坛,转为从政,成功地竞选成为美国加州州长。 他就是阿诺德。施瓦辛格。他对目标执着,时刻不忘自我的生目标,他追求第一的精神,拥有自我的生意头脑;他的经历让们记住了这样一句话思想有多远,我们就能走多远。施瓦辛格有太多值得我们去学习的地方!是一个十分了不起的榜样! 施瓦辛格的励志故事! 成功不属于条件最好的, 但必须属于疯狂发奋、十分渴望成功的! 当别看不起你的时候,说明你还不是物,说明你的结果还不是很好!


施瓦辛格的生涯规划 Document number:PBGCG-0857-BTDO-0089-PTT1998

施瓦辛格的生涯规划 四十多年前,一个十多岁的穷小子,自小生长在贫民窟里,身体非常瘦弱,却在日记里立志长大后要做美国总统。如何能实现这样宏伟的抱负呢年纪轻轻的他,经过几天几夜的思索,拟定了这样一系列的连锁目标。 做美国总统首先要做美国州长——要竞选州长必须得到雄厚的财力后盾做支持——要获得财团的支持就一定得融入财团——要融入财团最好要娶一位豪门千金——要娶一位豪门千金必须成为名人——成为名人的快速方法就是做电影明星——做电影明星前得练好身体练出阳刚之气。 按照这样的思路,他开始步步为营。某日,当他看到着名的体操运动主席库尔后,他相信练健美是强身健体的好点子,因而激发了他练健美的兴趣。他开始刻苦而持之以恒地练习健美,他渴望成为世界上最结实的壮汉。三年后,借着发达的肌肉,一身似雕塑的体魄,他开始成为健美先生。 在以后的几年中,他囊括了欧洲、甚至全世界的“健美先生“称号。22岁时,他踏入了美国好莱坞。在好莱坞,他花费了十年时间,利用在体育方面的成就,一心去表现坚强不屈、百折不挠的硬汉形象。终于,他在演艺界声名鹊起。当他的电影事业如日中天时,女友的家庭在他们相恋九年后,也终于接纳了这位“黑脸庄稼人”。他的女友就是赫赫有名的肯尼迪总统的侄女。

婚姻生活恩爱地过去了十几个春秋。他与太太生育了四个孩子,建立了一个典型的“五好“家庭。2003年,年逾五十七岁的他,告老退出了影坛,转为从政,成功地竞选成为美国加州州长。他的下一个目标就是美国总统。 他就是阿诺德·施瓦辛格。他的经历让人记住了这样一句话:思想有多远,我们就能走多远。


ted演讲稿中英文对照 小编今天推荐给大家的是 ted演讲稿中英文对照,仅供参考,希望对大家有用。关注网获得更多内容。 ted演讲稿中英文对照 Hi. I'm here to talk to you about the importance of praise, admiration and thank you, and having it be specific and genuine. 嗨。我在这里要和大家谈谈向别人表达赞美,倾佩和谢意的重要性。并使它们听来真诚,具体。 And the way I got interested in this was, I noticed in myself, when I was growing up, and until about a few years ago, that I would want to say thank you to someone, I would want to praise them, I would want to take in their praise of me and I'd just stop it. And I asked myself, why? I felt shy, I felt embarrassed. And then my question became, am I the only one who does this? So, I decided to investigate. 之所以我对此感兴趣是因为我从我自己的成长中注意到几年前,当我想要对某个人说声谢谢时,当我想要赞美他们时,当我想接受他们对我的赞扬,但我却没有说出口。我问我自己,这是为什么? 我感到害羞,我感到尴尬。接着我产生了一个问题难道我是唯一一个这么做的人吗?


英语演讲稿课前五分钟 英语演讲是学校重视英语实际应用常会举行的活动,这也是课堂教学的一种延伸,可以让学生们学到更多的知识。下面是小编为大家搜集整理的英语演讲稿课前五分钟,欢迎阅读。 英语演讲稿课前五分钟一Have you ever watched the famous cartoon"Happy sheep and gray wolf",which captures the hearts of millions of kids and even teenagers. I'm sure you can't forget the vivid character---Red Wolf,which is a snippy,violent and hot-tempered wife with her symbolic action:throw a pan to her husband and shout out " go and catch the sheep! or never come back".In fact,this is a truly reflection that female are gradually dominating the society.Girls are the bosses. According to a report by CNN in 20XX,women in the US earned 59 percent of all college degrees,surpassing men by almost 3 to 2.while in 1970,41 years ago,men earned that percentage of all college degrees.Similarly, in China,it's estimated that female college students surpassed male students in numbers on campus for the first time in history in 20XX,which accounts for 51%.Although we,the students in WHUT,can't feel it,because the majority here are males.But think about


世界名表标志大全世界名表几百种,世界顶级名表也有几十种,各位爱表一族对世界名表的标志相信也很有兴趣,但是资深手表玩家也很难对所有名 表标志了然于胸,利发表业名表专卖网特意为大家整理收集了一下世界名表标志世界名表标志大全 A世界十大名表标志: 百达翡丽: 英文缩写就是PP,创立于1839年的百达翡丽是瑞士现存惟一一家完全由家族独立经营的钟表制造商。百达翡丽表一向重视外形设计与制作工序 ,制表工序全部在日内瓦原厂完成,是全球众多品牌表中惟一一家全部机芯获“日内瓦优质印记”(G e n e v a S e a l)的品牌。百达翡丽表目前尚未进入北京。勿庸置疑是全世界公认最好的品牌,号称“手表中的蓝血贵族”。PP不以复杂的机芯或者华丽的外观见长,甚至在其男装表的外壳上很少镶嵌任何钻石或者宝石,但是它始终坚持自制机芯,限量生产,天生就具有一种儒雅内敛的贵族气质。所以PP不是有钱就可以佩戴的,那些戴着黄澄澄的金戒指和金项链、经常出入桑拿和卡拉O K的“土财主”根本不配拥有PP。佩戴者应当是有一定的气质和风度,谈吐文雅,具有“贵族气”的成功人士才可以佩戴。PP 对与大号的戒指、手链和项链等珠宝具有“免疫力”,把这些东东和PP放在一起总是不协调的,所以在戴PP时应当避免再佩戴这俗气的东西。PP的价位都在人民币10万元以上,作为入门级的3919也得11万右。公司是瑞士仅存的真正的独立制表商之一,由头至尾都是自己生产,训练一名PATEK PHILIPPE(百达翡丽)表师需10年时间。前不久,百达翡丽再次刷新董表的世界拍卖纪录,一只1933年为美国一位银行家定制手表,其成交价高达1100 万美元。这只表具有24种功能,设计时间花了3年,又用5年时间才成。一只表生产了8年,这是何等的精品意识。凭借着这种强烈意识,在其公司成立至今的一个半多世纪以来,总产量仅有60万左右。难能可贵的是,百达翡丽绝不因为市场走红而滥造一只。该厂有个保密车间,百余年保持一个传统,即每年只手工制造一只产品,其价在人民币3000万元左右,而谁要获得这只手表,起码要耐心等待8至10年时间。试问,这样的产品会跌价吗? 爱彼: 英文缩写就是AP。1875年,朱尔斯-路易斯.奥德莫斯 (J u l e s-L o u i s Audemars)与朋友爱德华奥古斯蒂皮捷特(Edward-Auguste


施瓦辛格的故事 施瓦辛格的故事8篇 施瓦辛格的故事(一): 1947年,一个出生在战后奥地利普通家庭的男孩,却在日记里立志长大后要做美国总统。但如何能实现这样宏伟的抱负呢 年纪轻轻的他,拥有了巨大的目的,经过思索,拟定了一系列的连锁目标: 做美国总统首先要做美国州长→要竞选州长务必得到雄厚的财力后盾的支持→要获得财团的支持就必须得融入财团→要融入财团就最好娶一位豪门千金→要娶一位豪门千金务必成为名人→成为名人的快速方法就是做电影明星→做电影明星前得练好身材练出阳刚之气。 根据如许的思绪,他开始稳扎稳打。 某日,当他看到着名的体操户外主席库尔后,他坚信练健美是强身健体的好点子,因而萌生了练健美的兴趣。他开始刻苦而始终如一地训练健美,他渴望成为天下上最壮实的壮汉。 三年后,借着发达的肌肉,一身似雕塑的体魄,他开始成为健美先生。 施瓦辛格的励志故事! 在以后的几年中,他囊括了欧洲、世界、全球、奥林匹克的健美先生。在22岁时,他踏入了美国好莱坞。在好莱坞,他耗费了十年,利用在体育方面的成绩,而一心去表现坚强不屈、百折不回的硬汉形象。最终,他在演艺界,声名鹊起。当他的影戏奇迹方兴未艾时,女友的家庭在他们相恋九年

后,也最终接纳了这位"黑脸庄稼人"。他的女友就是赫赫有名的肯尼迪总统的侄女。 婚姻生活恩爱地已往了十几个年龄。他与太太生养 了四个孩子,建立了一个"五好"的典范家庭。2003年,年逾 五十七岁的他,告老退出了影坛,转为从政,成功地竞选成为美国加州州长。 他便是阿诺德。施瓦辛格。他对目的执着,时刻不 忘自我的人生目标,他寻求第一的精力,拥有自我的生意头脑;他的经历让人们记住了这样一句话:头脑有多远,我们就能走多远。施瓦辛格有太多值得我们去学习的地方!是一个十分了不起的榜样! 施瓦辛格的励志故事! 成功不属于条件最好的人, 但必须属于疯狂发奋、十分渴望成功的人! 当别人看不起你的时间,阐明你还不是人物,说明 你的结果还不是很好! 衣锦还乡,让瞧不起你的那几个人都闭嘴! ——中国领袖演说智慧第一人张壹凯 以下三种人最需要与汇冠国际教师同行: 1。拥有猛烈的企图心,必须要成为行业第一的人或已经是行业第一想破行业记录的人! 2。老板必须要到场,正因老板就是开着宝马车的销售员! 3。对现在收入极为不满,必须要5倍、10倍、50 倍爆炸式成长的人! “不学销售,难以成大富; 不学演讲,难以成领袖;


经典演讲稿中英文对照 在中国英语作为一门外语拥有最多的外语学习者,英语演讲已成为我们生活中必不可少的一部分,并且能有效地帮助我们发展语言应用及交际能力。下面是第一范文网为你整理的几篇经典演讲稿中英文对照,希望能帮到你哟。 good morning ,boys and girl,i`m jenny peng ,today my topic is :talk about a meaningful way we can use time.at first , let me ask you a question : what do you do in your spare time ,especially in your holiday ? do you just stay at home ,watching tv,eating,and sleeping?maybe you`ll feel relax at the first time ,but if we always do like this,you`ll feel much boring . so ,the meaningful way i`m going to introduce to you is taking part-time-job in your vacation. yes ,you are right , the meaningful way of using time i`m going to introduce to you is taking part-time-job in your vacation.besides,the location we going to work is not in your hometown,in another words,it`s a after the part-time-job , we`ll more cherish our time , and find out that how happy and freedom to being a student . we`ll work hard on our study , finish our homework efficiently and struggle for our dream . as the saying going that :yesterday is history , tomorrow is mystery , but today is a gift . let`s cherish and make full use of every minutes of our life , and believe that what we did will make sense . thank you. 早上好,男孩和女孩,我` m珍妮鹏,今天我演讲的题目是:谈论有意义的方法,我们可以利用的时间。首先,让我问你一个问题:你在业余时间做什么,尤其是在你的假期?你只是呆在家里,看电视,吃,睡?也许你会觉得`放松在第一时间,但如果我们一直这样做,你会感到很无聊`。所以,最有意义的方式我`要介绍给你的是以part-time-job在你的假期。

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