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the champion’s friends

of course,i have lots of friends in my class.my best friend if tian yuhan.she is taller than me,and she is outgoing and hard-working.both of us like playing ping-pong,we often discuss some difficult problems together.when i am sad,she always makes feel better.i know she is really cares about me because she’s always there to listen to me.i enjoy time with her. i have so much friend’s love,i feel confident and i believe i can do better!

that’s all,thank you!篇二:关于朋友的英语演讲稿


hello,everyone. good afternoon. thank you for giving me this

opportunity to talk about my top concern. im no.26, ill talk about friend. everyone of us,rich or poor,should at least have one or two good friends. my friend will listen to me when i want to speak, will help me when i need,will take care of me when i am sick,and my friends will go together with me side by side through this journey of life.when i was ten, i was suddenly confronted with the anguish of transferring to other school. i had to left my friends i had ever known. as a kid,i feel lonely when i study in a new environment without a person i had known. nobody i could talk,nobody could know when i feel lonely. the time when i couldnt sleep, ill always miss them, then the tears filled my eyes.

later, i became familar with the environment ,and made some

friends ,which became my best friends then. they talked with me when i felt lonely, they helped me when i needed, they took care of me when i was sick. even through we were part, we still keep in touch with each other.

friend is kind of treasure in our lives. its actually like a bottle of wine, the longer it is kept, the sweeter it will be. it also likes a cup of hot tea, when we are in bed time, it will warm our broken hearts.

friends,especially best friends. it is what we should have in our lives,and it can make our lives be colorful go beyond our imagination.thanks for your listening. this is what i concerned.






中学生英语演讲稿9: 英语演讲比赛冠军:穿越海洋

crossing the sea

by liang limin(梁励敏北京外国语大学)




good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. the title of my speech today is crossing the sea . an english poet by the name of rudyard kipling once wrote in this poem we and they :

all the people like us are we

and everyone else is they

we live over the sea

while they live over the way

we eat pork and beef with cow horn-handled knives

they who gobble their rice off a leaf

are horrified out of their lives.

when these lines first caught my eyes, i was shocked--how could two people remain so isolated and ignorant of each other in the past? todays society, of course, is an entirely different picture. those people who used to eat with gobble their rice might be as well have taken to fish and chips.

however, these are only some expressions of the cultural changes taking place in our society today. what is really going on is a subtle but significant restructuring of the nations mentality. just look around.

it is therefore evident that we as descendants of an ancient eastern civilization are already living under strong influence of the western culture. but it is not only in china that we find the incorporation of the two cultures.

take the chinese acupuncture as another example: this traditional treatment of diseases is finally finding its way to the west and hence the underlying notion that illnessis resulted from the imbalance between yin and yang within the body--an idea which would strike any westerner as incredible in the past!

ladies and gentlemen, we live in a great epoch when the global integration of economy and the information revolution have brought cultures of the world closer than ever before. we live in a particular era when countries, east and west, find themselves in need of readjusting their traditional values. we live, at the same time, at a critical juncture of our evolution because such problems as ethnic conflicts and regional uest are increasingly posing a threat to the peace and happiness of the whole human race.to cope with such an era and to embrace an even brighter future, we need to learn to live more

therefore, it is our sacred responsibility to promote the cultural exchanges and hence the mutual understanding between china and the rest of the world.

it is my happiest dream that new generation of chinese will not only grow up drinking coca cola and watching hollywood, but also be blessed with the far-reaching benefits of multiple cultures; benefits that our forefathers had never, ever dreamed of. to end my speech, i would like to quote rudyard kipling again:

all the people like us are we

and everyone else is they

but once you cross over the sea

you will end by looking on we

as only a sort of they.

thank you.
































“我的动物朋友” 教材分析 本次习作的主题是“我的动物朋友”,学会介绍动物朋友的方法。先了解自己熟悉的动物,深入细致地观察,把动物的特点了解得一清二楚,准确具体地描写出来。描述动物时可以抓住动物的外形特点、生活习性和动物与人相处时发生的趣事来表现人和动物之间的情感,培养学生对动物的热爱之情。 教学目标 1.学会介绍动物朋友的方法,根据教材提供的情境选择或自己创设一个,向别人介绍你的动物朋友。 2.学会借助范文练笔,有条理地描写自己的动物朋友,写出它的特点。写完后,同桌互相评一评,看看是否根据需要写出了动物特点。 3.在动物朋友的介绍和描写过程中,增强人与动物之间的情感交流,获得人与动物相亲相爱的情感体验。 课前准备 教师准备:多媒体课件。 学生准备:熟悉自己的动物朋友,进行细致的观察。 教学重难点:通过具体的情境写清楚动物朋友的特点,表达自己的喜爱之情。课时安排 1课时 教学过程 一、谈话导入,揭示课题 1.播放小动物视频,谈谈自己的感受。 2.让学生明白:人类并非这个世界的主宰,我们与这么多可爱的动物一起享有生命的权利。人类离不开动物,动物是我们人类亲密的朋友。出示课题——我的动物朋友,读题,突出“朋友”。 二、以聊激趣,谋篇布局 1.同学们,你的动物朋友是谁?你愿意介绍你的这位朋友吗?能从不同的

角度来介绍吗? 2.学生介绍,教师根据学生的介绍进行梳理: 观其形(介绍动物的外形特点) 知其性(介绍动物的生活习性,包括捕食、活动、休息等) 述其亲(介绍“我”与动物之间的互动,我们之间发生的故事,等等) 听着同学们的介绍,我们似乎感受到这位动物朋友就在眼前。 三、图片辅助,构建行文 1.平时,我们都说“动物是人类的朋友”,当人和动物在一起的时候,人往往会褪去生活的伪装,以更纯真、更自然的姿态展现自己,所以人与动物相处的画面就格外温馨、感人。 2.让我们一起来回顾这些画面:出示几幅图片(图上配有简洁的文字),这些图片有没有让你回忆起你和动物朋友在一起的快乐时光? 3.你的动物朋友长什么样呢?它有怎样的生活习性?你们之间有着什么温馨、有趣的故事呢?请你选择其中一个方面来写一写。 4.学生起草,播放音乐。 四、互评互改,优化行文 1.巡视后,指导:同学们有点舍不得停下来,但如果停下来听一听,看一看,也许你会有新的发现。 2.展示学生习作,由作者朗读,其他学生评议。 (1)观其形。 你喜欢她的描写吗?你能不能从字里行间读出它不仅是一只动物,还是她的朋友?读读《一窝小猫》(节选),如果你要提建议,你会建议她改一改哪里呢? 例:刚出生的小猫,眼睛闭着,叫声细弱,浑身光秃秃的,好似一个蠕动的肉团。满月以后,绒毛才全长齐。有的颈圈是白色,四肢长满白毛,背部黑中杂有灰白,尾巴灰黑;有的从头到尾披一件油墨“大氅”,脚掌却是白色的,爸爸说这是良种,叫“乌云盖雪”;有的通体黄色间虎斑纹,我赐它美名“金不换”;还有一身白毛配上一条黑尾巴的,被称为”雪里拖枪”。刚满月的猫


关于友谊的英语演讲稿 what is friendship? it is to relate with somebody without need for money or objective. it is to need emotion and over wealth is friendship , no matter what their background , age , *** or personality. friendship can be pure. we hear , nowdays, however, how one can be cheated by friends. many people get along with someone because they have a lot of money. it is doultful that is real friendship. having friends, one can be find happiness. if you are in trouble your friends will help you through or at least comfort you. when you are happy , they share it with you. they are also there for you to chat with at any time. it is a wonderful feeling, as the proverb says” to love each other is easy but to make frieds is hard”, so, it is crut ial that we should get along with our friends. in my opinon ,it is a shame to deceive your friends . the world would be more beautiful if it was full of filled with friendship


我和我的朋友英语作文 我和我的朋友英语作文一:My Friend and Me I met Chris in a calligraphy class last summer. He's my best bud. Chris is a tall guy and he likes playing basketball. I play basketball too but I'm not good at it at all. Calligraphy is our mutual hobby. We still go to the calligraphy class every Saturday morning. Sometimes we go to calligraphy exhibitions together. It's always nice to have such a good friend. 我和我的朋友英语作文二:My Friend and Me My name is Wu Jie. I am a student of Dongzhou Middle School. I like playing basketball and singing. Zhang Jiong is my good friend. He wears a white T-shirt and blue jeans. He is very handsome. He likes playing football and singing. He is a good student. He usually helps me with my maths. We are deskmates at school. On Sunday, we usually play football and swim together. We often visit each other and play computer games together. We are very happy to be with each other and help each other. 我和我的朋友英语作文三:My Friend and Me Hello,everyone.I' m Sally.I have a friend.Her name is Amy.We are in the same class.She studys harder than me.I' m 160cm tall.She is 165cm.So she is taller than me.She likes darwing very much.I like taking photos.I' m 15 years old.But Amy is 16 years oid.So she is older than me. What about you?And what about your friend? 我和我的朋友英语作文四:My Friend Hsiao-mei Whenever I have a party, Hsiao-mei is always the first person I invite. She is such fun. I know that she will be able to make my other guests laugh. She does not get upset if somebody tries to tease or make fun of her, either. Hsiao-mei can also be very serious and can discuss almost anything you can think of. If it gets late before the party ends, I can always depend on Hsiao-mei to clean up the house. She never says no, even if she is very tired and would rather go straight home to bed. 我和我的朋友英语作文五: my friend and me I have a friend.Her name is Nancy.She is from China.She is of medium biuld with long straight hair.She is very beautiful.My name is Tom.I also from China.China is a beautiful counthy with long


my chinese dream 我的中国梦 i am very glad to stand here to give thier a short speech.today my topic is that the youth are the future of motherland 很高兴站在这里做这篇短小的演讲,我演讲的主题是青年是祖国的未来。 在准备英语演讲比赛的时候,我本想简单地从网上搜索一些文章作为我演讲的内容。我 看过很多文章,有著名主持人的、北大教授的、大学生的,也有初中生的。但是看完之后, 我放弃了当初的想法,我甚至为当初的想法感到有一些羞愧。因为今天我站在这里向大家演 讲的主题,是一个庄重而严肃的主题;是一个充满荣耀与自豪的主题;是每一个中华儿女共 同期盼的主题。每个人都有属于他们自己的中国梦,而我,当然也有一直萦绕在心怀只属于 我的中国梦。 so what?s my chinese dream ? finally i will announce. we had learned a lot of knowledge and understood a lot of truth in the book. we had a basic concept to our country at that time. we know that our country is full of sunshine , and we are the future of our country, and our dreams are to be the hope of our motherland. 我的中国梦是什么样的?先卖个关子。 记得刚刚上学那会儿,我们天真无邪。在课本里,我们学到了很多很多知识,也明白了 很多很多道理,我们对祖国也有了一个最基本的概念。我们知道我们的祖国到处充满阳光, 正在慢慢发展,而我们,就是祖国未来的花朵,未来的希望。我们梦想将来能够成为祖国的 希望。 这,是我们最初的中国梦。最真诚的我们,最真诚的梦。 但是,不知道什么时候开始,我们长大了,生活似乎一下子变得和以前不太一样了,与 此同时,虽然我们很不想承认但是却又不得不承认的是,我们的思想,我们的为人处世观, 我们对我们祖国的看法,也潜移默化中慢慢开始了转变。我们的社会变得到处充满欺骗、冷 漠、勾心斗角、压力、腐败、险恶,我们变得暴躁,不冷静,愤世嫉俗。我们的国家,似乎 也开始变得千疮百孔。而好多我们亲爱的祖国委以重任培养的青年学生们变得轻浮、急躁, 更别提什么梦想,什么中国梦了? are we sick, or is our dear motherland sick? 我很惊讶,当大街上有老人摔倒,我们不敢再去扶起;我很难过,当有人做了好事被报 道,更多的人说他做作;我很伤心,当我看到我们众多的青年人变得冷漠、市侩、欺诈以及 缺乏理想。 到底是我们病了,还是我们亲爱的祖国病了? i dont want to talk about the construction of our country politics, and also speak impassioned speech on the diaoyu island event .i just want to appeal young people,showing the side of youth,good and confidence.we must learn to organize our own thoughts, correct our own concept, and change our direction to the right side in future life. china dream actually lies in our young generation, especially of the intellectuals. 我的中国梦,不想大谈政治,也不想对钓鱼岛事件发表慷慨激昂的演讲。我只想呼吁, 呼吁我们年轻人,呼吁我们祖国的希望能够将我们的青春一面,将我们的善良一面,将我们 的自信一面好好展现出来。我们要学会整理自己的思想,端正自己看问题的观念,摆正自己 的人生方向。我们的中国梦实际上正掌握在我们自己手上,掌握在我们年青一代,尤其是知 识分子手上。



中,我偶尔看到了两则关于动物和人相互关心爱护的新闻故事,深受感触,于是我把它引用到今天的活动中,与幼儿分享。活动中,我尝试用图片、简单的文字记录新闻事件,以最本色、真实的形象呈现给幼儿,突出故事的真实性,使幼从中真切地感受到动物与人类之间亲密友好的关系,同时引发幼儿学习关注生活中新闻事件的兴趣,逐步由身边的事物扩展到周边事物。教育方案主题:在动物园里源自:教材《学习》(中班)P197页内容与要求:1、观察了解动物特征,关注它们的不同特征,并比较异同。2、愿意用多种方式表达自己对动物的喜爱。集体教学活动之五:我喜欢的动物朋友幼儿年龄:4—5岁执教:莘松幼儿园陈小青补充要求:1、通过视、听等感官游戏,尝试运用简单的推理方法感知动物的明显特征。2、感受人类与动物之间亲密友好的关系,增进幼儿热爱动物的情感。活动准备:1、师生共同搜集、记录自己喜欢的动物资料。(教师将喜欢的动物制作成T课件)2、新闻故事图画书一本。活动过程:1、交流我喜欢的动物朋友引导幼儿结合记录,交流自己最喜欢的动物朋友。2、猜猜老师喜欢的动物朋友(1)孔雀:课件展示顺序:脚→身体→头→尾屏。(2)狮子:课件展示顺序:狮子的吼叫声→腿→尾巴→整个身体。(3)猫头鹰:课件展示顺序:夜景(猜想什么动物喜欢在夜间出来活动)→眼睛→整个身体。3.了解人类与动物互相关心爱护的新闻小故事(1) 幸福的猴宝宝(2) 狗妈妈救婴儿2、)交流自己的感受:听了这两个真实的新闻小故事,心里感觉怎么样?为什么?3、)小结:动物和我们一起生活在地球这个大家庭里,互相帮助、爱护,真快乐!



关于朋友主题的英语演讲稿 生命里或许可以没有感动、没有胜利没有其他的东西,但不 能没有的是朋友。下面是WTT小雅为大家整理了关于朋友主题的 英语演讲稿3篇,希望能够帮到你。 关于朋友主题的英语演讲稿篇1 Good afternoon, everyone! My name is Li Yuxi. I’m from Class 1, Grade 7. Today I’ll tell you something about my friend Andy. Andy was a little boy. On his first day at school, he learned three words. I, you, and she. The teacher taught him how to make sentences with these words. The teacher said ,:“I, I am your teacher. she(pointing to a girl),she is your classmate. You, you are my student.”; after supper, h is dad asked, :“what have you learned at school?”; Andy said at once: “I, I am your teacher .she (pointing to his mom), she is your classmate. you, you are my student. ”;his dad got very angry and said, :“I, I am your dad. She(pointing to his mom), she is your mom. you, you are my son.”; the next morning, the teacher asked Andy to make sentences with the three words. “OK”;


关于我的朋友的英语作文 1、For this reason, I have always felt it a blessing if a friend comes to console me in my sadness, cheer me up in my low spirits, or heartedly share with me my happiness. 因此,我常期待在我悲伤的时候,朋友能够过来 安慰我,让我低落的精神好起来,或者与我分享我的快乐。 2、Yet, they, too, have mercilessly accused false friendship, for there are always some mean characters who approach you and act as dear friends when you are wealthy or influential, but desert or even betray you the instant you come down in the world or are entrapped by unfortunate things. 3、 The old saying "A friend in need is a friend indeed" has become the teaching and standard for true friends.俗话说“患难朋友 才是真正的朋友”。 4 、 So long as a person has a heart of gold, being warm-hearted, selfless, honest, open-minded, but not brutal, cold, shortsighted nor narrow~minded, I am willing to make friends with him or her, give my due support and help, and remain faithful to him or her all my life. As a human being, one can hardly do without a friend, for life without friends will be a lonely voyage in the vast dark sea or one in the barren desert. Traly, a friend gives out light and warmth like a lamp. For this reason, I have always felt it a blessing if a friend comes to console me in my sadness, cheer me up in my low spirits, or heartedly share with me my happiness. It is wonderful, too, to feel that someone is standing by me and ready to provide help and encouragement in my pursuit of a noble and glorious cause. For millions of years, people have heaped beautiful verses and essays upon friendship. Yet, they, too, have mercilessly accused false friendship, for there are always some mean characters who approach you and act as dear friends when you are wealthy or influential, but desert or even betray you the instant you come down in the world or are entrapped by unfortunate things. Therefore, people all attach great importance to the recognition of true friendship. And a faithful friend is considered even more precious than a priceless pearl or a precious stone. The old saying "A friend in need is a friend indeed" has become the


优秀1分钟简短英语演讲稿五篇 优秀1分钟简短英语演讲稿篇一 Hello,everyone.My name is Yao Qingyu.I’m from Class6,Grade8. Today I will tell you a story about “Homes and have to”. There are many villages in northern Korea, persimmon garden. Every time after the harvest season, local fruit total number ofripe persimmon should remain on the books. People are curiousasked: These red and ask what is not a big persimmon picked come?”Growers said,” That is reserved for magpie food. “ Originally wanted to go tospend the winter here each year magpies. One year the winter isespecially cold in a row for several days under the snow, magpiesfail to find food, were all frozen to death overnight. The following spring,persimmon tree blossom, persimmon garden has given rise to anunknown caterpillar, could not knot garden of persimmon fruit isalmost never produced. After this incident, an annual autumnseason, fruit will not


小班主题活动――我的动物朋友 主题由来: 小班幼儿对小动物十分感兴趣。一天,班里的一位小朋友谈论起到动物园的经历,她说:“老师我到动物园去了,看到了老虎,狮子、还有猴子呢!其它小朋友听到了,也争着说着她也去过动物园,看到过许多小动物―看到孩子们对小动物这么感兴趣,于是开展了我的动物朋友这个主题活动,通过了解小动物逐步激发幼儿热爱小动物的情感。

活动四:寻找食物 活动目标: 1、通过游戏形式,让幼儿知道在哪里能找到小动物的食物。 2、能正确找到小动物爱吃的食物,并用较完整的语言表述出来。 活动形式:集体活动 活动准备: 1、小熊请客故事的情境表演 2、大森林图片 3、班内环境布置(小河里的鱼,菜地里的萝卜,竹林里的竹子,大树上的树叶,池塘里的害虫) 活动五、活动六《我学小动物》 活动时间1课时

活动目标:1、培养幼儿大胆的用自然音说话、唱歌。2、引导幼儿在模仿小动物的活动中获得快乐。 3、指导幼儿表演出几种典型动物的叫声和动作。 4、培养幼儿主动同别人打招呼、问好的习惯。 活动准备:动物卡片、头饰、动物挂链和精美包装礼品若干,录音机、魔术棒 活动过程: 一、开始部分 1.小朋友们在教师带领下模仿小鸟飞入活动室并入座。 2.师:“小朋友们,今天吴老师跟你们一起玩,好么?”“我们玩什么游戏呢?诶,有了,《回音的游戏》”(教师喊话,幼儿做回音,如:小朋友们好!小朋友们我爱你!我是乖宝宝!我的声音最好听!小鸟我爱你!小猫我喜欢你!) 3.师:“嘘,小朋友们,你们知道么?吴老师最喜欢小动物了!这不,前几天我去了一趟小动物乐园,那里的小动物好可爱呀。我回来的时候,它们每人还照了好几张照片给我呢!说是让我分给小一班表现好、说话声音好听的小朋友。”“(出示动物挂链)你们看,喜欢么?高兴么?那可要看看我们小一班的乖宝宝表现的怎么样。这样吧,我把它们挂在这儿,让它们看看我们的乖乖谁最棒,那么它们就会“嗖”的飞到你的脖子上的!我们先跟小动物们打声招呼、问个好吧!(小动物,你们好!)”4.师:“瞧,小动物们朝我们笑呢!咦,对了,我这次去小动物乐园收获可大了。(神秘的、轻声的)我呀,还带回来一个小秘密呢!现在请小朋友都揉揉你的小眼睛,让它们变成孙悟空的火眼金睛—看着吴老师,再捏捏你的小耳朵,把它们变成孙悟空的顺风耳仔细听我的这个小秘密是什么?(吃惊的)原来呀,我发现小动物们走路的姿势都不一样,可奇怪、可好玩啦!你们有没有发现这个秘密呀?”“哦?你们这么聪明么?我可不相信!那我可要考一考小朋友们,(语气夸张的)你们害怕么?”“哟!这么勇敢!” 二、基本部分 <1>游戏中模仿小动物走路


以友谊为主题的英语演讲稿篇一:关于友谊的英语演讲稿 There is a saying goes,“life without a friend is a life without a sun”,that isTo say,Friendship is indispensable to people's life. 有句谚语说,“人生没有了朋友就犹如失去了阳光”,这也就是说,友谊对人的生活是不可缺少的。 Friendship is to our life what salt is to dasher. When you are happy, friendship is just like adding flowers on the brocade; when you are sad, friendship is a dose of consolation; if you are in trouble, friends will surround you and remove the barriers for you; if you have a hard nut to crack, you can turn to friends for help. 友谊是我们的生活中的调味品。当你快乐的时候,友谊就像是盛开的鲜花,展现在你面前,当你可悲时,友谊是一剂安慰;如果您遇到了麻烦,朋友们将会出现并帮你解除困难,如果你有一个难办的事,您可以找朋友获得帮助。Every one need friends, and if you fail to make friends, you should examine yourself and see if there is something wrong with your personality. Maybe you have social faults such snobbishness, talkativeness and using slang etc. All of that will drive your new


难忘我的朋友英语作文 篇一:有关朋友的英语作文
英语小短文 100 字励志 篇 1:If You Could Choose If you could choose what kind of world to live in, what kind of world would you choose? If you could decide what would happen tomorrow, with what kinds of things would you fill it? If you had the power to decide what types of opportunities would come your way, what opportunities would you select? If you knew that your experiences would match your expectations, what would your expectations be? In fact, you do have the power to choose your own way. You do have the ability to decide what kinds of events, experiences, opportunities and circumstances come your way. The world you experience is the world that your dreams, your thoughts, your expectations and your actions most closely resonate*. The world you see and live in is the world you most sincerely expect to see. The universe is filled with endless possibilities, and those possibilities keep growing with every minute. The way you live determines which of those possibilities will come into your life. With your thoughts, your actions, your values, your dreams and expectations, you choose what kind of world you live in. The way you live is closely mirrored in the world you see. 翻译:如果你可以选择 英语励志短文带翻译 :如果你可以选择在什么样的世界里生活 ,那么你将会 选择怎样的世界呢?如果你可以决定明日之事,你将会怎样充实它呢? 倘若你有力量决定自己的机遇 ,你会怎样选择呢?倘若你知道你的经历会如 你所愿,那么你会如何期待呢? 事实上,你有能力选择你要走的路。是你自己决定你将要做的事、英语短文


简单英语演讲稿3分钟6篇 简单英语演讲稿3分钟篇一 Ladies and Gentlemen: Good morning! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. Man’s life is a process of growing up, actually I’m standing here is a growth. If a person’s life must constituted by various choices, then I grow up along with these choices. Once I hope I can study in a college in future, however that’s passed, as you know I come here, now I wonder what the future holds for me. When I come to this school, I told to myself: this my near future, all starts here. Following I will learn to become a man, a integrated man, who has a fine body, can take on important task, has independent thought, an open mind, intensive thought, has the ability to judge right and wrong, has a perfect job. Once my teacher said :” you are not sewing, you are stylist; never forget which you should lay out to people is your thought, not craft.” I will put my personality with my interest and ability into my study, during these process I will combine learning with doing. If I can achieve this “future”, I think that I really grow up. And I deeply believe kindred, good-fellowship and love will perfection and happy in the future. How to say future? Maybe it’s a nice wish. Lets make up our minds,


教学资料参考范本 幼儿园小班我的动物朋友主题教案:小熊的生日 撰写人:------------------ 咅“门:__________________

内容要求:在听听、看看、猜猜的过程中,尝试从常见动物的明显特征中说出动物名称,并体验大家一起过生日的快乐。 活动准备: 1、开展动物主题,对动物有前期经验。 2、知道小兔的明显特征。 3、环境和材料创设:PPT课件,礼物盒 指导要点: 一、过生日引起幼儿兴趣。 1、情景导入 T:小朋友是怎么过生日的? T:你们看今天谁过生日啊?(出示长毛绒小熊) T:今天我们就和小熊一起吹蜡烛、吃蛋糕、过生日,你们说好不好? 2、情景激化(等朋友) T:还有一些动物朋友听说小熊过生日也想来给他庆祝。 T:那么还有谁会来呢? T:今天到底谁来,我们一起来看看。 二、听听、看看、比比、说说1、听一听、谁来了?(根据动物的声 音猜小动物)T:第一位动物客人来了,听听它是谁? (播放动物叫声——牛) T:小朋友的耳朵真灵,仔细听小动物的声音就知道是谁来了。 儿歌:第一位客人是小牛,哞哞哞,哞哞哞。 2、看一看、谁来了? T:第二位客人又来了,看看它是谁?

(出现刺猬的背) T:小朋友看的真仔细,看一看,想一想就猜出来了。儿歌:第二位客人是刺猬,尖尖的刺身上背。 3、比一比、谁来了? T:又来客人了,这是第几位客人?(第三、第四) T:这次它们是谁? (同时出现两个特征明显的动物——小鸡、小鸭) T:这是哪2个动物呢?(发现嘴巴尖,嘴巴扁)儿歌:第三位客人是尖尖嘴巴的小鸡,第四位是扁扁嘴巴的小鸭。4.再比一比,谁来了? T:还来了2位客人看看会是谁呢? (同时出现细细尾巴和大大尾巴)儿歌:松鼠尾巴大又大,真暖活,猴子尾巴细细长长又弯弯。 4、T小结 T:原来我们看小动物的时候又要看听、又要看、又要比。 5、渗透数数 T:来了这么多的客人,我们一起来数数有几个好朋友? (同时用儿歌提炼小动物的明显特征) (适当的礼貌教育,及与课件的互动,逐一与小动物打招呼问候)三、过生日体验游戏乐趣。 T:客人都到齐了,我们一起和小熊过生日吧活动延伸:师生共唱生日歌。


英语演讲稿1分钟友谊 英语演讲稿1分钟 my favourite colour is green,we can see the colour everywhere:tree leaves are green,grass is green and so is also a healthy colour,during our lives,we seeing this colour more often is good for our eyes,and why we don't called those natural food like "red food","blue food" or "purple food"? so you can understand how impotant it means life,hope youth and 's my favourite colour:green,i hope more and more people will like green like for listing! Friendship Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. I `m very glad to stand here and make a brief speech for you. Before my speech, I’d like to introduce myself to you. I’m Leon. And my Chinese name is SaiLiujin. I come from Pharmacy English ,Class3. It seems that I am the only freshman in all competitors. I’m usually a lucky dog. As far as I am concerned, I usually read some interesting books to kill my spare time. Listening to pieces of music and doing some exercise are also good


英语作文我的朋友(一): one of my best friends ben is my best friend。he loves sports very much。he is good at math and english。he is a good boy。he always helps other students。now,he is the tallest in our class。in 15 years’ time,he will be taller and heavier。he will be goodlooking 。he will be 195 centimetres tall。he will weigh 76 kilograms。he will not wear galsses。he will possibly be a policeman or a fireman。 he says that this only is a dream。he will try to make his dream e true。 英语作文我的朋友(二): li yan,my best friend,is my classmate。 she has big eyes。 her long hair is often plained。sweet smile is often on her face,which makes her more lively。 linan is very clever。she is good at her school subjects。 she has won the school scholarship twice,i always take her as my model in study。 she tells me that we should make good use of time。 li yan is kind-hearted and is always ready to help others,any student in my class who has trouble in study likes asking her for help。 but she doesn't like others to praise her, because she thinks what she did is ordinary。 i feel proud to have such a friend。 英语作文我的朋友(三): my new friend

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