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2012考研完型填空讲义 2011-4

2012考研完型填空讲义 2011-4
2012考研完型填空讲义 2011-4


abnormal, uncommon

abnormal [?b'n?:m?l] adj. 反常的, 不正常的, 不规则的n. 不正常的人

[记]ab-远离,normal 正常,远离正常的—反常的;

[英]Someone or something that is abnormal is unusual, especially in a way that is worrying. [解]强调“反常的、不太正常的”甚至接近“诡异和令人担忧”的状态

[搭] abnormal psychology变态心理学;

abnormal amounts of rain 反常的降雨量

abnormal circumstances 反常的境况

abnormal phenomenon 反常的现象

abnormal weather 反常的天气


[?n'k?m?n] adj. 不寻常的, 不凡的, 罕有的


[英] ○1If you describe something as uncommon, you mean that it does not happen often or is not often seen.

○If you describe a quality, usually a good quality, as uncommon, you mean that it is unusually great in degree or amount.


[搭] an uncommon degree罕见的程度

Uncommon occurrence 罕见的事情

a b ide, adhere, conform, comply

abide [??baid] vt.遵守,容忍,坚持

[记] a-不,bid-命令、竞标—不抵抗命令,你要遵守;不许你竞标,你要忍着

[英] if you abide by something,you do what you are told.

[解] abide 通常表示遵守“决定、裁决、法规”等,与介词by搭配;还表“忍受,容忍”[搭] abide by the decision 遵守某个决定

abide by the rules 遵守条律

abide by the judgment 遵守裁决

adhere[?d?hi?] vi. 遵守,粘附,附着;,坚持;追随,支持


[英]○1If you adhere to a rule or agreement, you act in the way that it says you should.

○2I f you adhere to an opinion or belief, you support or hold it.

[解] 也表示遵守,强调遵守“法规、协约”;也会考到“遵照某个意见和某种信仰”,常常和介词to搭配

[搭] adhere to the principle 遵守某个原则

adhered to the contract/rule/agreement/opinion 遵守合同、法规、协约、意见

conform [k?n?f?:m]vi.(to/with)遵守,适应;相似,一致,符合

[记] con-共同。Form形式—形成共同的形式,大家都遵守

[英] If something conforms to something such as a law or someone's wishes, it is of the required type or quality.

[解] conform 强调的是遵守法律,符合(遵照)某人的意愿,通常和介词to搭配,也有和with搭配的情况

[搭] conform to the rules/ regulations 遵守规则

conform to reality 符合现实

conform to the traffic laws 遵守交通法规

conform to the customs of society. 遵守社会习俗。

Comply [k?m?plai]vi.(with)遵从,依从,服从

[记] com-共同,ply-play玩;要“一起玩”,就必须“遵守”游戏规则!

[英] If someone or something complies with an order or set of rules, they are in accordance with what is required or expected.

[解] comply通常和介词with搭配,这和abide,adhere,conform都是不同的,且comply通


[搭] comply with the request 遵照要求

comply with the Requirements 符合(遵守)要求

comply with the law. 遵守法规

comply with your wishes 符合你的意愿

comply with the instruction 遵照说明、指导

abs tract, digest, outline, summary

abstract [??bstr?kt] n.摘要vt.摘要,提取;a.抽象(派)的

[记]abs-远离。Tract = drag 拉—拉出来的东西,摘要

[英] An abstract of an article, document, or speech is a short piece of writing that gives the main points of it.

[解] 通常abstract是对文章、文件、学术论文或者演讲者说的话的简述;做形容词表示“抽象的、非具体的”

[搭] an abstract of the book 这本书的摘要

An abstract of the article 这篇文章的摘要

An abstract of one’s lecture 讲座的摘要

digest[daid?est] n.文摘;vt.消化;吸收,领悟

[记] ge的发音类似“摘”—文摘

[英] A digest is a collection of pieces of writing. They are published together in a shorter form than they were originally published.

[解] (篇幅较长的)文章或者选集的摘要,它是对原文的浓缩而不是对原文的简单解释,浓缩后仍保持原文的顺序、重点和风格。

[搭] digest of the week's news 本周新闻摘要

Reader's Digest《读者文摘》

Market Information Digest(MID) 市场资讯综览

outline [?autlain]n.提纲;外形,略图vt.概述;描…外形

[记] out-外,line线条——外面的线条,轮廓,提纲

[英] An outline is a general explanation or description of something.

[解] outline表示的是描述某个东西的大概情况,大纲,概况。并没有强调归纳性的摘要[搭] the outline of a plan 计划的概要

The outline of a report 报告的大纲

summary [?s?m?ri]n.摘要,概要a.即刻的,立即的

[记] sum- 总数,也就是总结

[英] A summary of something is a short account of it, which gives the main points but not the details.

[解] 指用寥寥数语概括文章或者讲话的要点,不考虑原文的风格。也通常表示“总结”[搭]in summary总的说来,概括起来

summary report of the day's events. 一天的事件作了简要的报告

absurd, ridiculous

absurd [?b?s?:d]a.荒谬的,荒唐的(侧重荒唐)

[记] “爱不死的”——爱情真的是不死的嘛?荒唐!

[英] If you say that something is absurd, you are criticizing it because you think that does not make sense.

[解] 荒谬的,可笑的,指因不符合常识、违反真理或不合逻辑而令人发笑

[搭] an absurd idea 一个荒唐的想法

absurd notion 荒唐的想法

absurd situation 荒唐/尴尬的处境

absurd suggestion 荒谬的建议



[英] If you say that something or someone is ridiculous, you mean that they are very foolish.

[解] 荒唐可笑的,指因为愚昧无知而令人发笑并成为笑柄,含有蔑视成分。

[搭] It's the most ridiculous thing I ever heard in my life.


accent, tone, dialect

accent[??ks?nt, ?k?sent]n.口音,腔调;重音(符号) vt.重读

[记] “阿婶”的口音很重

[英] Someone who speaks with a particular accent pronounces the words of a language in a distinctive way that shows which country, region, or social class they come from.

[解] 指的是“口音”,在说某种大家共同使用的语言的时候所发出的地方性语言特征,通常和介词with搭配。有时会表示“强调”的意思,请看[搭]

[搭] She spoke with an Irish accent 说话带有爱尔兰口音

put the accent on 强调某事

tone [t?un]n.语气;音调;气度;色调vt.(up)增强


[英] The tone of a sound is its particular quality.

[解] 通常指的是某人说话的语调和音调,而这种语调又能某种程度上显示出人的情绪态度,表示“以什么样的语气,口吻”

[搭] He speaks to his baby in soft tones.他用柔和的语调和他的婴儿说话。

He spoke in an angry tone. 他用很生气的口吻讲话

dialect [?dai?lekt]n.方言,地方话

[记] 未及

[英] A dialect is a form of a language that is spoken in a particular area.

[解] dialect不含有“口音”和“语调”的意思,它只表明某个地区的传承下来的方言而已[搭] the Yorkshire dialect约克郡方言

the Sichuan dialect四川方言

accommodate, afford, furnish accommodate [??k?m?deit] vt. 向…提供住处;容纳;使适应,顺应

[记] ac-去,com共同,mod-model模式;提供统一模式的住所

[英] To accommodate someone means to provide them with a place to live or stay.

[解] accommodate表示的提供,着重点在“提供住所”上面;这个单词有的时候还表示“适应(情况)、满足(要求)”的意思;固定搭配accommodate sb with sth,表示向…提供…[搭] The hotel can accommodate 500 tourists. 这家旅馆可住五百名观光客。

You will have to accommodate yourself to the changed situation.


You will have to accommodate yourself to the changed situation.



[记] af-去,ford-福特;去买福特—买的起的!

[英] 1If you cannot afford something, you do not have enough money to pay for it.

2If someone or something affords you an opportunity or protection, they give it to you. [解]afford强调“买的起…”,或者表示“提供”,此时可以用双宾语,比如It affords me great satisfaction,多用于指抽象事物的提供。

[搭] afford the car = afford to buy the car

Dancing affords us pleasure.


The tall building affords a beautiful view of the ocean.


furnish [?f?:ni?]vt. 供应,装备,布置,配备家具

[记] fur –皮毛,提供皮毛,用皮毛装点房间

[英] If you furnish someone with something, you provide or supply it.

If you furnish a room or building, you put furniture and furnishings into it.

[解]afford通常表示装点房间,摆放家具;当作为“提供”来讲的时候,通常和介词with 搭配使用。

[搭] I'll furnish you with all you need.


Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge, it is thinking that makes what we read ours.阅读虽然为我们的思想提供了各种知识,然而只有思考才能将我们读到的内容变成自己的东西。

accomplishment, attainment, achievement


[记]ac-去,complish- complete 完成,完成了某事,功成名就——成就

[英] An accomplishment is something remarkable that has been done or achieved.

[解] 强调某人的成就是“前人未达成的,了不起的”;还可以表示某人的“才艺、造诣”[搭] That class increased her accomplishments as a pianist.


The first walk on the moon was quite an accomplishment.


attainment [??teinm?nt]n.完成,成就


[英] The attainment of an aim is the achieving of it.

An attainment is a skill you have learned or something you have achieved.

[解] attainment 指“目标的达成”,并没有强调“前人未达成的、不可思议”的意思;attainment 做复数的时候,表示“某方面的才艺和技能”

[搭] a scholar of the highest attainments造诣极高的学者

The attainment of wealth did not make her happy.


He's a man of great attainments in several fields.


achievement [??t?i:vm?nt]n.成就,成绩;达到,完成,实现

[英] An achievement is something which someone has succeeded in doing, especially after a lot of effort.

[解] achievement 指的通常是“经过长期努力后成功地做成某事”,通常和effort同时出现[搭] The invention of the computer is a great achievement.


Effort and achievement are always in full accord.


acute, critical, crucial, urgent,emergent,essential

acute [??kju:t]a.严重的,激烈的;敏锐的;急性的;尖的


[英] You can use acute to indicate that an undesirable situation or feeling is very severe or intense.


An acute illness is one that becomes severe very quickly but does not last very long.

Compare chronic. 急性病

If a person's or animal's sight, hearing, or sense of smell is acute, it is sensitive and powerful.


[解] 通常指的是问题的严重程度,并没有强调非常重要

[搭] an acute problem 严重的问题

An acute lack of food brought hunger to the Iraqi people.


critical[?kritik?l] a.决定性的,关键性的,危急的;批评(判)的

[英] A critical time, factor, or situation is extremely important. 关键的

A critical situation is very serious and dangerous. 危急的

If a person is critical or in a critical condition in hospital, they are seriously ill 重病[解].意为"关键的",表示处于极度缺乏的状态或事件的转折点;与crucial的区别在于它对缺乏的或危急的程度有更准确的衡量;还指"批判性的,分析性的

[搭] at the critical moment在关键时刻

a critical shortage of food 食品严重短缺

crucial [?kru:?i?l]a.至关重要的,决定性的

[记]cru – cross 十字架—对于生命来说是至关重要的

[英] If you describe something as crucial, you mean it is extremely important.

[解] 意为"决定性的,紧要关头的,至关重要的",常是在两个决定或假想中最终决定为关键的,并没有说―问题很严重‖的

[搭] A crucial problem,一个重要的问题

Improved consumer confidence is crucial to an economic recovery.


urgent [??:d??nt]a.急迫的,紧要的

[英] If something is urgent, it needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.

[解].意为"紧迫的,急迫的,紧要的",它不强调所指的问题是最重要的,强调"紧急的"状态。[搭] We have an urgent need for help; we are running out of water.


an urgent telegram; an urgent cable紧急电报

She was speaking to him in an urgent voice.


Emergent [i'm?:d??nt] adj. 出现的, 紧急的, 新兴的


[英] An emergent country, political movement, or social group is one that is becoming powerful or coming into existence.新兴的

[解] emergent强调的是事情的“突发性”,而非“急迫性”;同时,emergent还有表示“新兴”的国家,政权等

[搭] emergency exits 紧急出口

Emergency room 急救室

Essential [i?sen??l]a.必不可少的;本质的,基本的n.[ pl.]要素

[记] 谐音“医生说”——医生说的都是“必不可少的”建议!

[英] Something that is essential is extremely important or absolutely necessary to a particular subject, situation, or activity.

[解] essential 强调的也是重要,但是更侧重于表达“必不可少,必须的和本质的”意思[搭] Food is essential to life.食物对生命是必不可少的。

Hard work is essential to success. 成功必须努力工作。

admit, confess, concede

admit [?d?mit]vt.承(供)认;准许…进(加)入vi.承认

[记] 基础词汇,未及

[英] If you admit that something bad, unpleasant, or embarrassing is true, you agree, often unwillingly, that it is true.

[解] 通常表示承认“不愉快的、尴尬的”事情,而且多带有“不自愿地、勉强地承认”;


[搭] I admit that you have a point.我承认你有理。

I admitted breaking the window. 我承认打破了窗子。

No one but ticket-holders was admitted. 只有持票者方可入内。

confess [k?n?fes]v.坦白,供认;承认

[记]con-全部,fess –说话,来自profess (教授,站在前面pro说话fess的人)

[英] confesses to doing something wrong, they admit that they did it.

someone confesses or confesses their sins, they tell God or a priest about

I confess', `I must confess', or `I have to confess' to

might offend or annoy someone.

[解] 通常表示“承认做错某事”、向上帝“忏悔、坦白”,这个单词表示的承认含有“愧疚、后悔、忏悔”等意思

[搭] He confessed that he did not read the assigned book.


He confessed himself to be unfaithful to his friends.


concede [k?n?si:d]vt.(不情愿地)承认;让予vi.让步,认输

[记] con-共同全部,cede-走,全部都走出来了——说出来,承认

[英] If you concede something, you admit, often unwillingly, that it is true or correct.

[解] 指曾想隐瞒或不愿意承认某一错误,但由于证据确凿而不得不勉强承认,还可以指"以退为进"的承认。

[搭] The man who caused the accident finally conceded to the police that he had done it.


aggravate, reinforce, strengthen, intensify

aggravate [??gr?veit]vt.加重(剧),使恶化;激怒,使恼火

[记] ag-去,grav-gravity重量,ate后缀;变重-加重——恶化了

[英] If someone or something aggravates a situation, they make it worse.

[解] 加重的对象通常是负担、罪行、病情等,使之恶化;还可表示“惹某人生气”

[搭] aggravate the circumstances使情况恶化

aggravate the situation. 使局势恶化

Ice water aggravated my toothache.冰水使我的牙痛加重了。

Reinforce [.ri:in'f?:s] vt.加固, 加强, 增强, 使更具说服力vi.得到加强


[英] If something reinforces a feeling, situation, or process, it makes it stronger or more intense. [解] 加强“感觉”;还可以表示军队“增援”;还可以表示增加论点论据“使更具有说服力和可信性”,这点在考试的时候尤其需要注意

[搭] reinforce his argument with facts. 用事实来加强他论点。

A police officer saw three thieves robbing a bank and radioed to reinforce him


increase [in?kri:s, ?inkri:s]v.增加,增长,增强n.增加,增长,增强

[记] in-加强语气,crease –grow ,不断grow,表示增加

[英] If something increases or you increase it, it becomes greater in number, level, or amount. [解] 尤其指的是在数量方面的增加

[搭] The number of people has increased.人数增加了。

There was a steady increase in population. 人口在不断增长中。

Strengthen [?stre?θ?n]vt.加强,巩固

[记] 来自单词strength,而strength则来自strong

[英] If something strengthens a person or group or if they strengthen their position, they become more powerful and secure, or more likely to succeed. v.加强,巩固,增强,相当于to become


[解] 笼统意义上的加强,用法比较多。可以表示“增强可信度”“货币升值”“加强法律(力度)”“使某人更强大,更自信,身体更健康”“加强联系,加强关系,加深印象”“加固物体”等多层意思。

[搭]Exercising every day strengthens the heart.每天锻炼可以提高心脏的功能。Competition, they believe, strengthens the national character rather than corrupt it.


intensify [in?tensifai]v.(使)增强,(使)加剧

[记] in-加强,tens = tense-紧张的,拉紧的,ify动词后缀

[英] If you intensify something or if it intensifies, it becomes greater in strength, amount, or degree.

[解] 表示通常意义上的加强,但是摄影方面可以表示“加强亮度”

[搭] intensify colors加深色彩

intensify a campaign加强一项活动

intensify hatred加深仇恨

alert, cautious, considerate


[英] If you are alert, you are paying full attention to things around you and are able to deal with anything that might happen.

If soldiers or police are on alert, they are ready to deal with anything that may happen.

[解] alert强调的是处在“戒备和警觉”的状态,也表示“随时准备着,时刻准备”做某事;


[搭] be alert to danger 对危险的警觉

The hostess remained standing, alert to every guests' drinking need.


ca utious[?k?:??s]a.十分小心的,谨慎的

[记] 来自单词ca re

[英] Someone who is cautious acts very carefully in order to avoid possible danger.

[解] 强调的是小心谨慎,并没有时刻警惕的含义

[搭] He has a cautious attitude about spending money.在花钱的问题上他态度谨慎。

The old lady is very cautious with money. 那位老太太用钱很谨慎。

My nephew is a cautious investor. 我侄子是个小心谨慎的投资者。

The boss is cautious about making promises. 老板对承诺持谨慎态度。

considerate[k?n'sid?rit] adj.考虑周到的, 体谅的, 体贴的

[记] 来自单词consider考虑,总为别人考虑的——体贴的,细心的

[英] Someone who is considerate pays attention to the needs, wishes, or feelings of other people. [解] considerate 强调的是体贴她人的,细心的,并没有强调小心谨慎的含义,常和of搭配[搭] He is considerate of others.他很体谅别人。

He is always considerate of others; he is kind and sympathetic.


alive, live, living, lively

alive [??laiv]a.活着的;存在的;活跃的;(to)敏感的

[解] 表示人或者动物是―活着的‖ If people or animals are alive, they are not dead.

表示有活力的If you say that someone seems alive, you mean that they seem to be very lively and to enjoy everything that they do.

表示活跃的If a place is alive with something, there are a lot of people or things there and it seems busy or exciting.

[搭]alive and kicking活蹦活跳的(活生生的, 精力充沛的)

alive and well 存货良好的, 依然存在的

After the accident, he was barely alive.交通事故后,他奄奄一息。

all man alive所有活着的人(做定语时后置)

live [laiv,liv] v.活着, 居住, 过着adj.活的, 直播的, 现场的, 带电的, 燃烧着的, 当前的[搭] We watched the live broadcast of the opera on TV.我们通过电视观看了这部歌剧的实况。

living [?livi?]a.活(着)的,生活(动)的;现行的n.生计(活)

[解] 活着的,作定语可前可后,可修饰人也可修饰物。

[搭] in[within] living memory在现今活着的人们的记忆中

Who is the world's greatest living artist?谁是现在还健在的世界上最伟大的艺术家?

living room起居室

lively [?laivli]a.活泼的;热烈的;逼真的

[英] You can describe someone as lively when they behave in an enthusiastic and cheerful way.

A lively event or a lively discussion, for example, has lots of interesting and exciting things happening or being said in it.

Someone who has a lively mind is intelligent and interested in a lot of different things. [搭] She is a lively young girl, always laughing and doing things.


alleviate, diminish, reduce, decrease, decline

al leviate [??li:vieit]vt.减轻,缓解,缓和

[记]al-ad去,lev-leaf树叶- 轻轻的,iate 后缀

[英] If you alleviate pain, suffering, or an unpleasant condition, you make it less intense or severe. [解] 通常指减轻“痛苦”,缓和“不愉快的状况”等,使之不那么的紧迫和严重

[搭] The painkiller alleviated the pain.止疼药减缓了疼痛。

to alleviate the pain 减轻痛苦

alleviate the sorrow by drinking.借酒浇愁。


di min ish [di'mini?] vt.减少, 减损, 贬低vi.变少, 逐渐变细

[记] di-往下,min-mini微小,ish动词;向下变小——减少

[英] When something diminishes, or when something diminishes it, it becomes reduced in size, importance, or intensity.

If you diminish someone or something, you talk about them or treat them in a way that makes them appear less important than they really are.

[解] 表示在大小,重要性,强度上面的减少;也可以表示贬低某人

[搭] The supply of oil has diminished because of the war.由于战争石油的供应减少了。

Diminish one’s popularity 降低声望

reduce [ri?dju:s]vt.减少,缩小;使降级,使沦落;迫使

[英] If you reduce something, you make it smaller in size or amount, or less in degree.

[解] 指人为地使某物在数量或重量方面的减少或降低。还可以表示“迫使某人做事”[搭] He reduced the amount of money they could spend.他缩减了他们的开销。

Reduce sb to doing sth 迫使某人做某事

de crease [di?kri:s, ?di:kri:s]v.减小,减少n.减小,减少(量)


[英] When something decreases or when you decrease it, it becomes less in quantity, size, or


[解] 指数量上的减少;力量或者强度的减弱。

[搭] The population decreased a lot last year.去年人口数量急剧下降。

decline [di?klain]n.下降vi.下降;衰退;谢绝vt.谢绝


[英] If something declines, it becomes less in quantity, importance, or strength.

If you decline something or decline to do something, you politely refuse to accept it or do it.

[解] 通常表示(数目、价格、比率)下降;还可以表示谢绝,婉言推辞

[搭] Last year, the crime rate in Chicago has sharply declined.去年芝加哥的犯罪率明显下降。

He declined our invitation to dinner.他婉拒了我们请他吃饭的邀请。

in decline 在下降; 在衰退

on the decline 在衰退中, 在下坡路上

goes / falls into decline 陷入衰退中

al loc ate, separate, detach

al locate[??l?keit]vt.分配,分派,把…拨给

[记] al-去,loc – location地方,ate后缀;分到每个地方去——分配

[英] If one item or share of something is allocated to a particular person or for a particular purpose, it is given to that person or used for that purpose.

[解] 强调的是分配

[搭] allocate the money among the three在三人之间分配那笔钱

The city government allocated money for schools and the police in this year's budget.


se parate [?sep?reit]a.分离的;各别的v.使分离;区分;分居

[记] se-side边,par-part,ate后缀;一部分一部分放到边上去——分开

[英] If you separate people or things that have been connected, or if one separates from another, the connection between them is ended.

[解] 强调人为的分开

[搭] We separated the salad forks from the dinner forks.我们把沙拉叉与餐叉分隔开。

They separated three years after they got married. 他俩结婚三年后便分居了。

de tach [di?t?t?]vt.(from)拆卸,使分开,使分离

[记] de- 远离,tach – touch;

[英] If you detach one thing from another that it is fixed to, you remove it. If one thing detaches from another, it becomes separated from it.

If you detach yourself from something, you become less involved in it or less concerned about it than you used to be.

[解] 拆开组合的物体;也可以表示对某人某物的“远离,疏远”。

[搭] We need a carpenter to detach this bookshelf from the wall.


The coupon is not valid if detached.


amplify, enlarge, stretch, magnify, expand,extend

amplify [??mplifai]vt.放大(声音等),增强;扩大

[记] 来自单词ample

[英] If you amplify a sound, you make it louder, usually by using electronic equipment.

To amplify something means to increase its strength or intensity.

[解] 扩大,增加,尤其指通过增强电压或电流使声音扩大;补充叙述(故事、事件等) [搭]We must ask you to amplify your statement.我们得请你对你的说法作进一步的说明。

amplify the scope of discussion扩大讨论的范围

en large [in?lɑ:d?] v.扩大,扩展,扩充;放大

[记] en-加强语气,或是使之成为动词形式,large大

[英] When you enlarge something or when it enlarges, it becomes bigger.

If you enlarge on something that has been mentioned, you give more details about it.

[解] 使某物的体积变大;也可以表示对所提及事物的补充,详细说明,和介词on搭配[搭] enlarge photograph放大照片

enlarge a house扩建房屋

Can you enlarge on what has already been said?你能把所说的事再详尽地说说吗? magn ify [?m?gnifai] vt.放大,扩大;夸大,夸张

[英] To magnify an object means to make it appear larger than it really is, by means of a special lens or mirror.

If you magnify something, you make it seem more important or serious than it really is.=exaggerate

[解] 放大,指用透镜或显微镜使物体看上去大一些;还可以表示“夸大,夸张”重要性[搭] His eyeglasses magnify words so he can read them.他借助眼镜把字放大以便能够阅读。

Ned likes to magnify his achievements. 内德喜欢夸大自己所取得的成绩。

stretch [stret?]vi.伸展vt.拉长n.一段时间(路程);伸展

[英] Something that stretches over an area or distance covers or exists in the whole of that area or distance.

When you stretch, you put your arms or legs out straight and tighten your muscles.

If something stretches from one time to another, it begins at the first time and ends at the second, which is longer than expected.

[解] (有弹性地)伸展,延伸,并有可能超过限度;伸长、伸出(身体某部位)并绷紧肌肉(尤指在放松后或为了够着某物)。还可表示时间的拉长

[搭]at full stretch, 尽全力

The pullover stretched after I had worn it a few times.


Having finished their morning work, the clerks stood up behind their desks, stretching themselves.完成了早间工作之后,职员们站到桌子后面伸伸懒腰。

extend [ik?stend]vt.延伸;扩展;给予vi.伸展,延伸;达到

[英] If you say that something, usually something large, extends for a particular distance or extends from one place to another, you are indicating its size or position.

[解] 也表示距离上的“延伸”,时间上的“延续”;

[搭] Can't you extend your visit for a few days?



[英] If something expands or is expanded, it becomes larger.

If something such as a business, organization, or service expand s, or if you expand it, it becomes bigger and includes more people, goods, or activities.

[解] 指范围、体积的扩大、增大,;也可以指生意业务,机构和服务的扩大。还可以表示补充翔实细节

[搭] He is thinking of expanding his business. 他正考虑扩展他的生意。

anger, fury, indignation, resentment

anger [???g?]n.怒,愤怒vt.使发怒,激怒

[英] Anger is the strong emotion that you feel when you think that someone has behaved in an unfair, cruel, or unacceptable way.


[搭] Tom shouted in anger.


F u ry [?fju?ri]n.狂怒,暴怒;狂暴,猛烈

[记] 来自单词f i re –火

[英] Fury is violent or very strong anger.

[解] 暴怒,大怒,程度较anger要强。通常和with搭配

[搭] He was white with fury. 他气得脸色发白。


[英] Indignation is the feeling of shock and anger which you have when you think that something is unjust or unfair.


[搭] Arise / arouse / attract general indignation at the sudden steep rise in bus fares 公共汽车票价突然猛增激起的公愤

Reports of child abuse aroused public indignation.


feel indignation at gross injustice


re sent ment [ri'zentm?nt] n. 怨恨, 愤恨

[记] re-一再的,sent-sense 意识,情感,ment后缀——一再想起,一再感觉到的,怨恨[英] Resentment is bitterness and anger that someone feels about something.


The human nose is an underrated tool.Humans are often thought to be insensitive smellers compared with animals,1 this is largely because,2 animals,we stand upright.This means that our noses are 3 to perceiving those smells which float through the air,4 the majority of smells which stick to surfaces.In fact5,we are extremely sensitive to smells,6 we do not generally realize it.Our noses are capable of 7 human smells even when these are 8 to far below one part in one million. Strangely,some people find that they can smell one type of flower but not another,9 others are sensitive to the smells of both flowers.This may be because some people do not have the genes necessary to generate 10 smell receptors in the nose.These receptors are the cells which sense smells and send 11 to the brain.However,it has been found that even people insensitive to a certain smell 12 can suddenly become sensitive to it when 13 to it often enough. The explanation for insensitivity to smell seems to be that brain finds it 14 to keep all smell receptors working all the time but can 15 new receptors if necessary.This may 16 explain why we are not usually sensitive to our own smells we simply do not need to be.We are not 17 of the usual smell of our own house but we 18 new smells when we visit someone else's.The brain finds it best to keep smell receptors 19 for unfamiliar and emergency signals 20 the smell of smoke,which might indicate the danger of fire. 1.[A]although [B]as [C]but [D]while 2.[A]above [B]unlike [C]excluding [D]besides 3.[A]limited [B]committed [C]dedicated [D]confined 4.[A]catching [B]ignoring [C]missing [D]tracking 5.[A]anyway [B]though [C]instead [D]therefore 6.[A]even if [B]if only [C]only if [D]as if 7.[A]distinguishing [B]discovering [C]determining [D]detecting 8.[A]diluted [B]dissolved [C]determining [D]diffused 9.[A]when [B]since [C]for [D]whereas 10.[A]unusual [B]particular [C]unique [D]typical 11.[A]signs [B]stimuli [C]messages [D]impulses 12.[A]at first [B]at all [C]at large [D]at times 13.[A]subjected [B]left [C]drawn [D]exposed 14.[A]ineffective [B]incompetent [C]inefficient [D]insufficient 15.[A]introduce [B]summon [C]trigger [D]create 16.[A]still [B]also [C]otherwise [D]nevertheless 17.[A]sure [B]sick [C]aware [D]tired 18.[A]tolerate [B]repel [C]neglect [D]notice 19.[A]available [B]reliable [C]identifiable [D]suitable 20.[A]similar to [B]such as [C]along with [D]aside from


第一章 考研翻译基础知识 一翻译的定义 二翻译的标准和翻译的方法 三翻译的基本过程 四考研翻译的核心解题策略 第二章翻译技巧:词法翻译法 一词义选择和词义引申 二词性转换 三增词法 四省略法 第三章翻译技巧:句法翻译法 一名词性从句的翻译 二定语从句的翻译 三状语从句的翻译 四被动结构的翻译 第一讲翻译的定义 翻译是一门语言的艺术,是语言之间的转换,是在准确理解的基础上用一种语言来忠实的表达另外一种语言。 考研翻译简介 (一)考研翻译考查内容和形式 根据全国硕士研究生统一考试英语考试大纲规定,考研翻译“主要考查考生准确理解内容或结构复杂的英语材料的能力。要求考生阅读一篇约400词的文章,并将其中5个划线部分(约150词)译成汉语,要求译文准确、完整、通顺。考生在答题卡2上作答。”以2007年考研翻译题为例,考生在试卷上阅读的是一篇完整的文章,翻译的是5个划线部分。如: (二)考研翻译的评分标准 根据大纲规定,考研翻译的评分标准如下: 5个小题,每题2分,共10分。 ·如果句子译文明显扭曲原文意义,该句得分最多不超过0.5分。 ·如果考生就一个题目提供了两个或两个以上的译法,若均正确,给分;如果其中一个译法有错,按错误译法评分。 ·中文错别字不个别扣分,按整篇累计扣分。在不影响意思的前提下,满三个错别字扣0.5分,无0.25扣分。 (三)考研翻译今年考题特点和内容 根据对大纲和最近十几年来考研翻译已经考过的真题的分析,我们发现考研翻译具有如下明显的特点。 首先,考研翻译的短文内容大多是涉及当前人们普遍关注的社会生活、政治、经济、历史、文化、哲学、心理和科普方面的题材。其体裁基本上是议论文。如: 1990年:人的性格和行为分析 1991年:能源与农业


2012年考研英语真题资料下载 真题展示: ection I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) The ethical judgments of the Supreme Court justices have become an important issue recently. The court cannot _1_ its legitimacy as guardian of the rule of law _2_ justices behave like politicians. Yet, in several instances, justices acted in ways that _3_ the court’s reputation for being independent and impartial. Justice Antonin Scalia, for example, appeared at political events. That kind of activity makes it less likely that the court’s decisions will be _4_ as impartial judgments. Part of the problem is that the justices are not _5_by an ethics code. At the very least, the court should make itself _6_to the code of conduct that _7_to the rest of the federal judiciary.


2015年考研英语(一)深度解析:完型 1. [A] what 【解析】此题考查疑问代词辨析:题干中过去分词短语published from the University of California and Yale University…作后置定语,修饰study,而真正的句子主干是That is 1 a study has 2 .简化后的句子可以让我们清晰地看出第一题要说的是研究study的具体内容是what,不是方式how,也不是原因why,更不是时间when。 2. [B] concluded 【解析】此题考查动词辨析:同第一题一样,根据简化的句子That is what a study has 2 来解题。题目选择的动词是说明study怎样才有了上面what表示的内容。所以此题选择concluded“推断;得出结论”。其他的动词据不符合要求。 3. [D] on 【解析】此题考查介词辨析:根据题干The study is a genome-wide analysis conducted 3 1932 unique subjects的要求,所选择的介词能用在conduct“实施;进行”之后,又得和subject 搭配,所以这个题目应该选择on,构成on some subjects“关于某类主题”。 4. [C] compared 【解析】此题考查动词辨析:通过观察题干,我们发现第4题位于which引导的定语从句之内,作从句的谓语动词。Which修饰主句的主语study“研究”,如此补全定语从句就是: The study 4 pairs of unrelated friends and unrelated strangers…所以正确答案选择C。该项研究是对比所选择的两个样本。其他选项都不符合题意。 5. [C] samples 【解析】此题考查名词辨析:The same people were used in both 5 .通过观察题干,我们发现第5题空前的单词是both,表示“两者都…”。而上文中提到两者的只有“unrelated friends”和“unrelated strangers”,即这项研究的两个样本,所以答案选择C. samples“样本”。 6.[A] insignificant 【解析】此题考查形容词辨析和让步关系:题干While 1% may seem 6 , it is not so to a geneticist句首的While引导让步状语从句,同时提示我们逗号后和逗号前的内容形成一定程度上的对立关系,而且作者的表达重点位于逗号之后,1%的数量对于基因研究者来说影响程度很大。那么对于普通人而言这个数据就显得微不足道了。正确答案只能选择A。 7. [C] know 【解析】此题考查动词辨析和转折关系:题干Most people do not even 7 their fourth cousins but somehow manage to select as friends the people who 8 our kin中说“大多数人甚至不他们的第四代表亲,但是尽量选择和亲属人作为朋友”。even“甚至”这一个词就提示我们应该本题只能选择know“了解,认识”,其他选项都不符合题目要求。 8. [D] resemble


考研英语完型填空:Use of English 在一篇240~280词的文章中留出20个空白,要求考生从每题给出的4个选项中选出最佳答案,使补全后的文章意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整 一、完形填空文章的特点 1. 2. 1)主题(focus) 2)导向性或作者态度的倾向性(观点和态度) 3.短文通常包含三部分基本结构 1)主题呈现 ①文首直接点题 ②用引子(如与主题相关的背景,与论点相似或相对立的观点等)引出主题,主题句在文中或文末出现 2)主题展开 ①提出问题或表述观点后,要对其进行分析、论证,即展开主题 ②主题展开方式,主要体现在短文段落的划分(论述的层次)及各段主题的安排(分论点)上 3)作结 ①下结论 ②提建议 ③概括、总结全文 ④描述事件发展的结果、影响 4. 1)总述是对分述的总结和概括-(中心主线) 2)分述是对总述的展开和祥述-(确保主线贯穿全文) 5. 二、考查要求:能够熟练运用考试大纲要求的英语词汇及语法知识 1.语言要素(包括词汇、语法即表达方式和结构) ① ② 2.语段特征(如连贯性和一致性等) ① 四、完形填空考查内容: 1.词汇知识:形近词及近义词的(动词短语、介词短语)辨析;词汇搭配;一词多义 2.语法知识: 句子基本结构;逻辑关系;上下文语法搭配 ①六大逻辑关系:转折、让步、因果、并列、总分、递进 ②六类从句用法:主宾表,定状同 ③介词含义和用法 ④副词的程度与频率 ⑤句子内部语法结构 3.阅读能力:句子内部信息获取;上下文信息获取;上下文语意关系

五、命题特点: 1.一篇完整的文章=未知信息(20处填空)+已知信息,通过已知信息破解未知信息 2.文章的语言难度显然低于阅读理解题,甚至低于大纲样题 3.干扰选项也多是常用词汇,设置时考虑了内容和结构两方面的完整性与合理性 4.命题大大弱化了对词汇及语法的单纯考查,而加重了对语段特征的辨识能力的考查,即加大了测试语篇水平理解题, 特别是上下文衔接题的比列 六、真题当选选项分布特点 1.A、B、C、D的个数在4个到6个之间,5个最常见 2.几乎没有连续3个答案都一样的情况,连续两个答案都一样的情况在0到3个之间 七、解题思路: 1. ①初步把握:篇章主题、文章基调与作者观点、态度,以及文章的脉络结构(段落划分、段落主题、行文逻辑) 2. ①先解答比较容易、有把握的题目 ②先从整体着手,再根据不断增多的文章信息推断细节 3.第三步:基本完成解题后,需要再读全文,已进行检查 4.解题过程中要时刻具备“语篇意识”,注意选项在上下文语境中是否通顺、连贯、合理 八、完形“十二类”标准题型对应解决方法(相关已知信息提示-线索定位分析法) 欲解出一个未知填空,首先需要在文章的已知信息中定位所有与这个未知填空相关联的已知信息点(线索),通过这些已知的信息点的分析总结,推断出未知填空的答案 对整篇文章从结构布局、上下文关系到句子内部结构进行层层分析,从各个层次定位未知填空的相关已知线索,从已知信息破解未知信息 相关已知信息点(提示线索)的分布规律: ①句子内部:每处具体的未知填空都处在一个具体的句子之中,因此与未知填空相关联的已知信息往往处在于此句子 之中,也就是说此未知填空的附近 ②上下文:由于完形文章的上下文之间往往有着明显的逻辑关系,因此一些与填空相关联的已知信息也会分布在此填 空所在句子的上下文中 ③整个意群、段落、文章的结构中:除了看未知填空所在的句子、所在句子的上下句之外。还有一些相关联的已知 信息需要从填空处的整个意群、段落、文章的结构和文章的中心主线所包含的信息去查找


2012年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试数学一试题 一、选择题:1:8小题,每小题4分,共32分.下列每题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项符合题目要求的,请 将所选项前的字母填在答题纸... 指定位置上. (1) 曲线221 x x y x +=-渐近线的条数 ( ) (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 3 (2) 设函数2()(1)(2)()x x nx y x e e e n =---L ,其中n 为正整数,则(0)y '= ( ) (A) 1(1)(1)!n n --- (B) (1)(1)!n n -- (C) 1(1)!n n -- (D) (1)!n n - (3) 如果函数(,)f x y 在(0,0)处连续,那么下列命题正确的是 ( ) (A) 若极限00(,)lim x y f x y x y →→+存在,则(,)f x y 在(0,0)处可微 (B) 若极限2200(,)lim x y f x y x y →→+存在,则(,)f x y 在(0,0)处可微 (C) 若(,)f x y 在(0,0)处可微,则 极限00(,)lim x y f x y x y →→+存在 (D) 若(,)f x y 在(0,0)处可微,则 极限2200 (,)lim x y f x y x y →→+存在 (4)设2 0sin (1,2,3)k x K e xdx k π==?I 则有 ( ) (A)123I I I << (B) 321I I I << (C) 231I I I << (D)213I I I << (5)设1100C α?? ?= ? ???,2201C α?? ?= ? ??? ,3311C α?? ?=- ? ??? ,4411C α-?? ?= ? ??? ,其中1234,,,C C C C 为任意常数,则下列向量组线性相关的 为( ) (A)123,,ααα (B) 124,,ααα (C)134,,ααα (D)234,,ααα (6) 设A 为3阶矩阵,P 为3阶可逆矩阵,且1100010002p AP -?? ?= ? ??? .若P=(123,,ααα),1223(,,)ααααα=+,则 1Q AQ -= ( )


1986年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题 On Wednesday afternoons Annie took the bus into town to shop in the market. For an hour or __16__ she would walk up and down between the stalls looking at everything, buying here and there, and __17__ a sharp lookout for the bargains that were sometimes to be had. And then, with all the things she needed __18__ she would leave the market for the streets of the town to spend another hour __19__ she liked best: looking in furniture shop windows. One Wednesday she found a new shop full of the most delightful things, with a notice inviting anyone to walk in and look __20__ without feeling they had to buy something. Annie hesitated for a moment before stepping through the doorway where, almost at once, she stopped __21__ before a green armchair. There was a card on the chair which said: “This fine chair is yours __22__ less than a pound a week,” and very small at the bottom, “Cash price eighty-nine pounds fifty.” A pound a week... __23__, she could almost pay that out of her housekeeping money and never miss it! A voice at her shoulder made her __24__. “Can I help you, Madam?”She looked round at the assistant who had come softly to her __25__. “Oh, well, no,” she said. “I was just looking.”“We’ve chairs of all kinds in the showroom. If you’ll just come up, you will find something to suit you.” Annie, worried at the thought of being persuaded to buy something she didn’t need, left the shop hurriedly. 16. [A] so [B] more [C] else [D] another 17. [A] taking [B] making [C] fixing [D] keeping 18. [A] buy [B] bought [C] buying [D] to have bought 19. [A] in a way [B] by the way [C] in the way [D] on the way 20. [A] behind [B] round [C] back [D] on 21. [A] doubted [B] wondered [C] puzzled [D] delighted 22. [A] at [B] for [C] with [D] in 23. [A] Why [B] When [C] How [D] What 24. [A] jump [B] leap [C] laugh [D] wonder 25. [A] place [B] back [ C] side [D] front


【2012考研必备资料】考研英语二大纲解析及备考指导 9月2日,《2011全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)考试大纲》公布,与去年英语(二)大纲相比,2011考研英语(二)考试大纲没有任何变化。为了帮助大家对英语(二)大纲有更深刻的认识,从考试性质、评价目标和试卷结构三个角度,对2011年英语(二)考试大纲的考查要求和内容进行解析。 一、考试性质 全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(二)主要是为高等院校和科研院所招收专业学位硕士研究生而设置的具有选拔性质的统考科目。 全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)是为高等院校和科研院所招收硕士研究生而设置的具有选拔性质的统考科目。即,英语(一)是针对学术硕士研究生的考生,英语(二)是针对专业硕士研究生的考生。 专业硕士研究生主要包括会计硕士等19种专业学位,2011年新增加的金融硕士等19种专业学位招生工作尚待教育部发文明确。其中:MBA、MPA、项目管理MPM以及新增的工程管理MEM等硕士专业学位仅面向在职人员,应届生不能报考。如报考工商管理硕士125100(MBA)、公共管理硕士125200(MPA)以及工程管理硕士MEM的考生必须具有大学本科毕业后三年以上(含三年)工作经验,或者大专毕业后五年以上(含五年)工作经验,或者具有硕士或博士学位并有两年以上(含两年)工作经验。 二、评价目标 1. 语法:英语二明确了八个语法知识点 英语(一)大纲要求考生能熟练地运用基本的语法知识,没有专门列出对语法知识的具体要求,而英语(二)专门列出了考生需要掌握的八个语法知识点,明确了考查方向和备考范围。中国会计硕士网认为,这在一定程度上意味着英语(二)语法考查范围相对较小,更注重考查考生的基础知识,难度会比英语一大大降低。中国会计硕士网建议考生把这八个语法知识点认真吃透,并加以灵活运用。 2.词汇:英语二词汇的复习重点有别于英语一词汇 英语(一)大纲要求“考生能掌握5500左右的词汇及相关词组”。而英语(二)大纲要求“考生应能较熟练地掌握5500个左右的常用词汇以及相关常用词组”。可见,英语(二)不会像英语一那样偏重对词汇词义和用法的深度挖掘,而是主要偏重考查“常用”的词汇和词组,其考查的难度大家就心里有底了。 此外,英语一对词汇还提出了更全面的要求“除掌握词汇的基本含义外,考生还应掌握词汇之间的词义关系,如同义词、近义词、反义词等;掌握词汇之间的搭配关系,如动词与介词、形容词与介词、形容词与名词等;掌握词汇生成的基本知识,如词源、词根、词缀等”。而英语二提到的是“考生应能根据具体的语境、句子结构或上下文理解一些非常用词的词义”。中国会计硕士网认为,英语一与英语二的词汇要求侧重点不同,英语一的要求相对较高,考生复习起来难度和任务量也较大,而英语二对词汇的要求相对较低,更多的只是考查考生根据语境推测非常用词词义的能力。 在阅读能力要求方面,英语二大纲去掉了“生词量不超过所读材料总词汇量的3%”这一条。可见,英语二涉及到的生词量问题较少,考查生词的可能性也降到了最低。 3.阅读能力:英语二阅读能力要求相对较低 英语一大纲要求“考生应能读懂选自各类书籍和报刊的不同类型的文字材料(生词量不超过所读材料总词汇量的3%),还应能读懂与本人学习或工作有关的文献、技术说明和产品介绍等”。而英语二大纲要求“考生应能读懂不同题材和体裁的文字材料,题材包括经济、管理、社会、文化、科普等,体裁包括说明文、议论文和记叙文等”。中国会计硕士网认为,


考研英语完型填空之答 案详解 LG GROUP system office room 【LGA16H-LGYY-LGUA8Q8-LGA162】

摘选自星火图书《考研英语各个击破系列——完形填空三步突破法》 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C] or [D] on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) In 1924 American’ National Research Council sent to engineers to supervise a series of industrial experiments at a large telephone-parts factory called the Hawthorne Plant near Chicago. It hoped they would learn how stop-floor lignting__1__workers productivity. Instead, the studies ended __2___giving their name to the “Hawthorne effect”, the extremely influential idea that the very___3____to being experimented upon changed subject s’ behavior. The idea arose because of the __4____behavior of the women in the Hawthorne plant. According to __5____of the experiments, their hourly output rose when lighting was increased, but also when it was dimmed. It did not __6____what was done in the experiment; ___7_someting was changed ,productivity rose. A(n)___8___that they were being experimented upon seemed to be ____9___to alter workers’ behavior ____10____itself. After several decades, the same data were _11__ to econometric the analysis. Hawthorne experiments has another surprise store _12 __the descriptions on record, no systematic _13__ was found that levels of productivity were related to changes in lighting. It turns out that peculiar way of conducting the experiments may be have let to__ 14__ interpretation of what 15___ , lighting was always changed on a Sunday .When work started again on Monday, output __16___ rose compared with the previous Saturday and__ 17 __to rise for the next couple of 18__ , a comparison with data for weeks when there was no experimentation showed that output always went up on Monday, workers__ 19__ to be diligent for the first few days of the week in any case , before __20 __a plateau and then slackening off. This suggests that the alleged” Hawthorne effect “ is hard to pin down. 1. [A] affected [B] achieved [C] extracted [D] restored 2. [A] at [B]up [C] with [D] off 3. [A]truth [B]sight [C] act [D] proof 4. [A] controversial [B] perplexing [C]mischievous [D] ambiguous 5. [A]requirements [B]explanations [C] accounts [D] assessments 6. [A] conclude [B] matter [C] indicate [D] work 7. [A] as far as [B] for fear that [C] in case that [D] so long as 8. [A] awareness [B] expectation [C] sentiment [D] illusion 9. [A] suitable [B] excessive [C] enough [D] abundant 10. [A] about [B] for [C] on [D] by 11. [A] compared [B]shown [C] subjected [D] conveyed


2012年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题 Section Ⅰ Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) The ethical judgments of the Supreme Court justices have become an important issue recently. The court cannot 1 its legitimacy as guardian of the rule of law 2 justices behave like politicians. Yet, in several instances, justices acted in ways that 3 the court’s reputation for being independent and impartial. Justice Antonin Scalia, for example, appeared at political events. That kind of activity makes it less likely that the court’s decisions will be 4 as impartial judgments. Part of the problem is that the justices are not 5 by an ethics code. At the very least, the court should make itself 6 to the code of conduct that 7 to the rest of the federal judiciary. This and other similar cases 8 the question of whether there is still a 9 between the court and politics. The framers of the Constitution envisioned law 10 having authority apart from politics. They gave justices permanent positions 11 they would be free to 12 those in power and have no need to 13 political support. Our legal system was designed to set law apart from politics precisely because they are so closely 14 . Constitutional law is political because it results from choices rooted in fundamental social 15 like liberty and property. When the court deals with social policy decisions, the law it 16 is inescapably political—which is why decisions split along ideological lines are so easily 17 as unjust. The justices must 18 doubts about the court’s legitimacy by making themselves 19 to the code of conduct. That would make ruling more likely to be seen as separate from politics and, 20 , convincing as law. 1. [A] emphasize [B] maintain [C] modify [D] recognize 2. [A] when [B] lest [C] before [D] unless 3. [A] restored [B] weakened [C] established [D] eliminated 4. [A] challenged [B] compromised [C] suspected [D] accepted 5. [A] advanced [B] caught [C] bound [D] founded 6. [A] resistant [B] subject [C] immune [D] prone 7. [A] resorts [B] sticks [C] loads [D] applies 8. [A] evade [B] raise [C] deny [D] settle 9. [A] line [B] barrier [C] similarity [D] conflict 10. [A] by [B] as [C] though [D] towards 11. [A] so [B] since [C] provided [D] though 12. [A] serve [B] satisfy [C] upset [D] replace 13. [A] confirm [B] express [C] cultivate [D] offer 14. [A] guarded [B] followed [C] studied [D] tied 15. [A] concepts [B] theories [C] divisions [D] conceptions 16. [A] excludes [B] questions [C] shapes [D] controls


历年考研英语完形填空真题(2005) The human nose is an underrated tool. Humans are often thought to be insensitive smellers compared with animals, 1 this is largely because, 2 animals ,we stand upright. This means that our noses are 3 to perceiving those smells which float through the air, 4 the majority of smells which stick to surfaces. In fact 5 , we are extremely sensitive to smells, 6 we do not generally realize it. Our noses are capable of 7 human smells even when these are 8 to far below one part in one million. Strangely, some people find that they can smell one type of flower but not another, 9 others are sensitive to the smells of both flowers. This may be because some people do not have the genes necessary to generate 10 smell receptors in the nose. These receptors are the cells which sense smells and send 11 to the brain. However, it has been found that even people insensitive to a certain smell 12 can suddenly become sensitive to it when 13 to it often enough. The explanation for insensitivity to smell seems to be that brain finds it 14 to keep all smell receptors working all the time but can 15 new receptors if necessary. This may 16 explain why we are not usually sensitive to our own smells we simply do not need to be. We are not 17 of the usual smell of our own house but we 18 new smells when we visit someone else's. The brain finds it best to keep smell receptors 19 for unfamiliar and emergency signals 20 the smell of smoke, which might indicate the danger of fire. 1. [A]although [B]as [C]but [D]while 2. [A]above [B]unlike [C]excluding [D]besides 3. [A]limited [B]committed [C]dedicated [D]confined ¥ 4. [A]catching [B]ignoring [C]missing [D]tracking 5. [A]anyway [B]though [C]instead [D]therefore 6. [A]even if [B]if only [C]only if [D]as if 7. [A]distinguishing[B]discovering [C]determining[D]detecting 8. [A]diluted [B]dissolved [C]determining[D]diffused 9. [A]when [B]since [C]for [D]whereas 10. [A]unusual [B]particular [C]unique [D]typical 11. [A]signs [B]stimuli [C]messages [D]impulses ( 12. [A]at first [B]at all [C]at large [D]at times 13. [A]subjected [B]left [C]drawn [D]exposed 14. [A]ineffective [B]incompetent [C]inefficient[D]insufficient 15. [A]introduce [B]summon [C]trigger [D]create 16. [A]still [B]also [C]otherwise [D]nevertheless 17. [A]sure [B]sick [C]aware [D]tired 18. [A]tolerate [B]repel [C]neglect [D]notice 19. [A]availabe [B]reliable[C]identifiable[D]suitable 。 20. [A]similar to[B]such as [C]along with [D]aside from

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