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【导学号:80512057】Jenny Lind was born in Stockholm Sweden, in 1820, the daughter of a teacher of languages. She is said to have been able to repeat a song that she had heard only once at the age of three. At ten years of age she sang children's parts on the Stockholm stage. After turning 12 years of age, her upper notes (高音) lost their sweetness, and for four years she did not do much singing. Her love for music continued and these years were spent on the study of instrumental music and composition.

At the end of this period her voice got its power and purity (纯净) again and for a year and a half she was the star of the Stockholm Opera. Next, she gave a series of concerts and went to Paris for further study, but the French teacher did not appreciate her powers and Jenny returned to her native city.

When she was twenty-three years old, Jenny went to Dresden and when Queen Victoria visited that city the following year, she sang at the festivals held in the Queen's honor. This opened the way to astonishing success in other German cities. In 1847 she went to London and was warmly received. There she sang for the first time in concert.

Jenny Lind traveled to Paris to study with Manuel Garcia, a famous Spanish vocal (声乐) coach, who finally agreed to train her. Her husband, Otto Goldschmidt, was a famous German pianist who trained with Mendelssohn; they married in Boston while on tour in the US.

After her marriage, she appeared on the stage from time to time, usually at concerts given for charities. She was deeply interested in charities and we can easily add to her title (头衔) of singer that of philanthropist. Her later years were spent in London where she died in 1887. Her life and songs are a sweet memory.



1.Jenny Lind didn't sing much for four years because .

A.she didn't like popular music

B.she liked instrumental music and composition

C.her voice was not at its best

D.she was busy with her studies

【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段中的“After turning 12 years of age, her upper notes lost their sweetness, and for four years she did not do much singing”可知,12岁时她的高音失去了甜美,由此可以推断出她之所以四年没有演唱是因为她的嗓音不在最佳状态。

【答案】 C

2.In order to learn more about music Jenny Lind went to

A.Paris B.Dresden

C.Boston D.London

【解析】细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Next, she gave a series of concerts and went to Paris for further study”可知,她为了学习更多的音乐知识去了巴黎。

【答案】 A

3.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE of Jenny Lind?

A.She became famous in Stockholm when she was 10.

B.Queen Victoria didn't like her performance at all.

C.She got married with Mendelssohn in Britain.

D.People are still impressed with her songs.

【解析】细节理解题。根据全文的内容,结合文章最后一段中的“Her life and songs are a sweet memory”可知,她的歌曲现在人们仍然记忆犹新。

【答案】 D

4.The underlined word “philanthropist” in the last paragraph refers to a person who .

A.gives money and help to people in need

B.makes a large amount of money as a singer

C.becomes happy by performing charities

D.spends much time in singing

【解析】词义猜测题。根据该词前面的“She was deeply interested in charities”可知,珍妮·林德不仅是歌唱家还是“慈善家”。

【答案】 A


Today almost everyone knows computers and the Internet. If I ask you “What is the most important in your life?”maybe you will say “Computers and the Internet.” The first computer was made in 1946. It was very big but it worked slowly. Today computers are getting smaller and smaller. But they work faster and faster. What can computers do? A writer has said, “People can't live without computers today.”

The Internet came a little later than computers. It is about twenty-five years later than computers. But now it can be found almost everywhere. We can use it to read books, write letters, do shopping, play games or make friends.

Many students like the Internet very much. They often go into the Internet as soon as they are free. They make friends on the Internet and maybe they have never seen these friends. They don't know their real names, ages and even sex(性别). They ar e so interested in making the “unreal friends” that they can't put their hearts into study. Many of them can't catch up with others on many subjects because of that.

We can use computers and the Internet to learn more about the world. But at the same time,we should remember that not all the things can be done by computers and the Internet.

5.The Internet can not be used for .

A.studying B.shopping

C.thinking D.playing

【解析】细节推断题。根据第二段的最后一句“We can use it to read books,write letters, do shopping, play games or make friends.”没有thinking,故选C项。

【答案】 C

6.When the computer was invented,it was .

A.large and worked quickly

B.small and worked slowly

C.large but worked slowly

D.small but worked quickly

【解析】信息捕捉题。根据第一段中的“It was very big but it worked slowly.”可知答案为C项。

【答案】 C

7.The Internet was born in about .

A.1960 B.1970

C.1980 D.1985

【解析】细节推断题。根据文中两点信息:“The first computer was made in 1946.”和“It is about twenty-five years later than computers.”可推算1946+25=1971,故选B项。

【答案】 B

8.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Few students like going into the Internet.

B.Students use the Internet to make “real friends”.

C.These “unreal friends”often meet each other.

D.Students don't know the friends on the Internet very well.

【解析】细节推断题。文中明确说出几乎每个学生都爱上网,交的是“unreal friends”,彼此并不了解,故D项正确。

【答案】 D


Friendships can be difficult—because often people aren't as honest and open as they should be. Sometimes,people end up getting hurt.

Most problems with friendships come up because people are just too selfish to care about the things that their friends need. They care about their own needs much

more, which makes it hard for friendships to work. However, being selfish is part of human nature. A person is put together in order to take care of himself and his own needs, not necessarily those needs of other people. Even though being selfish is something that all humans are born with, it is something that everyone should guard against.

The best thing to remember when you are a friend to anyone is that you need to treat your friend the same way as you'd like to be treated. This is wonderful advice for a friendship, because it is really the only way to make sure that you are giving your friend everything you would want to be given in a friendship. Whenever you have a question about how you should treat a friend, it is easy to find an answer simply by asking yourself what you would like your friend to do for you,if he or she is in your shoes.

Even if you're always thinking about how you'd like to be treated, and your friends are too, there are issues that come up from time to time in each friendship, and it is important to understand how to deal with these issues so that you can build stronger and healthier friendships. Issues like friends getting boyfriends or girlfriends and not spending enough time with their friends,or even friends finding new friends and leaving old friends behind are issues that will probably come up with one or more of your friendships. It is important to know how to deal with these issues so that you can keep your friends and make new ones. No one wants to have a broken friendship.


9.This passage mainly deals with .

A.the importance of friendships

B.the advantages of friendships

C.the problems with friendships

D.the meaning of friendships



【答案】 C

10.According to the author, problems with friendships may appear when .

A.one is honest B.one is selfish

C.one is alone D.one is too busy


【答案】 B

11.According to the passage, the first and most important thing to be other people's friend is .

A.to treat your friends as fairly as possible

B.to give your friends whatever you have

C.not to hurt your friends' feelings

D.not to think of your own needs any more


【答案】 A

12.What's the purpose of understanding how to deal with friendship issues?

A.To lead a comfortable life.

B.To build stronger and healthier friendships.

C.To be treated the way you want.

D.To get a boyfriend or girlfriend more quickly.


【答案】 B


This is an open letter to the three people who stole my handbag from the

department store I am employed as a shop assistant.

When you took my bag,I don't know what you thought you were going to get.With my wages,there's not much left on a Tuesday.I hope the £5 was useful to you.I have informed the social security office so you won't be able to cash the child benefit next week.I hope that won't leave you too short.But if you really need a couple of pounds,I suppose you could always cash one of the two checks left in my check book.Of course,I phoned the bank right away and the check-casing card is no longer valid,so it won't be much use to you.

Actually I don't mind about the money too much.We single parents who work to support our families understand only too well what it means to be short of cash.However,I don't suppose it went very far among the three of you.Sorry about that!

I wish you had left the bag behind and just taken the wallet and check book.There were all kinds of papers in it,and notes and things that I really need.I really think that was very inconsiderate of you.I mean,how would you like something like that to happen to you?

Well,perhaps the bag will turn up.It wasn't even an expensive one,just a plain,old brown leather shoulder bag.You probably dumped it in the nearest rubbish bin or threw it into the bushes.We've looked around,of course,but no one saw which way you went after you left the shop.

I'm not really angry with you.I know how the pressures of modern living can affect us,but I am sad at the loss of my personal things.I feel violated and helpless.The police were very icy,and they just shrugged(耸)their shoulders.“It happens all the time,”they told me.Some small comfort,I suppose.But I've lost just a little more faith in human nature.And as my young son said when I told him what had happened,“Why?Mummy,why us?”I couldn't answer that question.I wonder if you can.


13.In Paragraph 2,the writer wants to .

A.describe the contents of the bag in detail

B.give some suggestions to the three thieves

C.tell the thieves hardly any money was available

D.state the fact that she was careless with the money


【答案】 C

14.Which of the following is the most valuable to the writer?

A.The cash in her bag.

B.The papers and notes in the bag.

C.The handbag itself.

D.The check books in the bag.


【答案】 B

15.What can we conclude about the police?

A.They have doubts about human nature.

B.They show sympathy for the woman.

C.They think the case quite common.

D.They are unable to find the thieves.


【答案】 C


Some Ways to Cheer Up

Feeling a little blue? Here are ten fast and easy ways to smile.


When you exercise, your brain gives out a chemical called endorphins. This chemical makes you feel happier. 16

Play outside

Leave your apartment and go outside. Sun and fresh air are good for you.


If you can't go to the gym, try taking deep breaths. 17

Play Pop Music

Westlife, Backstreet Boys, S.H.E... who doesn't like a little mindless pop? Listening to upbeat, happy music will make you smile. Singing along won't hurt either.

Laughter is the best medicine

18 Children laugh around 400 times a day. Adults only laugh about 20 times

a day. What happened? Be a kid for a day:play games, watch funny movies, or read jokes online.


Chocolate has special natural chemicals that make you happy. Besides, it tastes so good!

Get a dog

Dogs are cute, energetic, and fun. Plus, studies show that people with pets live longer and people with dogs live the longest!

Have a Heart-to-Heart Talk

If something is upsetting you, it is a good idea to talk about it. Call a friend or relative. 20 Think positively.Close your eyes and think of a beautiful scene or a time when you were happy and feeling good.

A.Laughing is the best way to improve your mood.

B.Everyone likes laughing.

C.The youth like chatting on line.

D.A good chat is a great way to feel better fast.

E.Power of Chocolate

F.Breathing deeply will relax your muscles and give you energy.

G.That is just another reason why exercise is good for you.



When a person is curious about something, it means he is interested in it and

wishes to know more about it. There is nothing 21 with curiosity in itself. Whether it is good or bad 22 on what people are curious about.

Curiosity is 23 silly or wrong. Some persons with nothing to do are 24 of curiosity about what their neighbors are doing. They are 25 to know what they are eating or drinking, what they are bringing home or taking out or 26 they have come home so early or late. To be interested in these things is 27 because they are not important at all. It is none of their 28 to know what neighbors do or are doing. Such curiosity is 29 not only foolish but also harmful. For most probably, it 30 to small talk which often brings 31 ,shame or disrespect to others, and thus hurt their feelings.

On the other 32 ,there is a noble curiosity—the curiosity of the wise, who 33 at all the great things and try to find out all they 34 learn about them. Columbus could 35 have found America if he had not been 36 . James Watt would not have made the steam engine 37 his curiosity about the raising of the kettle lid (水壶盖).All the great discoveries and inventions in human history have been made 38 a result of curiosity. 39 the curiosity is never about unimportant things, which have 40 or nothing to do with the happiness of the public.


21.A.good B.wrong

C.right D.special

【解析】结合后面的“Whether it is good or bad”可知,好奇本身没有什么错。

【答案】 B

22.A.works B.puts

C.takes D.depends

【解析】好奇是好还是坏取决于人们所好奇的事情。depend on“依靠,取决于”。

【答案】 D

23.A.always B.sometimes

C.seldom D.neither


【答案】 B

24.A.full B.fond

C.proud D.lack

【解析】结合with nothing to do可知,有些无所事事的人就对他们的邻居做什么充满了好奇。

【答案】 A

25.A.angry B.worried

C.pleased D.anxious


【答案】 D

26.A.how B.when

C.why D.where


【答案】 C

27.A.silly B.necessary

C.possible D.funny

【解析】与该段首句“Curiosity is 23 silly or wrong.”可知,对这些事情好奇是很愚蠢的。

【答案】 A

28.A.work B.homework

C.duty D.business

【解析】因为他们好奇的事情不重要,也与他们无关。It is none of sb.'s business“与某人无关”。

【答案】 D

29.A.nothing B.anything

C.something D.everything


【答案】 C

30.A.refers B.leads

C.causes D.results

【解析】这样的好奇会导致一些小的争吵。lead to“导致,造成”。refer to“提及,参考”;result和in搭配表示“导致”。

【答案】 B

31.A.pride B.harm

C.nervousness D.selfishness

【解析】根据后面“shame or disrespect to others, and thus hurt their feelings”的提示可知,此处应选harm与之对应。

【答案】 B

32.A.face B.side

C.way D.hand

【解析】前面讲述了好奇不好的方面,此处讲好奇好的方面,故用on the other hand“在另一方面”。

【答案】 D

33.A.expect B.like

C.wonder D.doubt

【解析】由前面的the curiosity of the wise可知,他们想知道所有好的东西。

【答案】 C

34.A.need B.dare

C.must D.can


【答案】 D

35.A.never B.ever

C.probably D.finally


【答案】 A

36.A.famous B.careful

C.curious D.hard


【答案】 C

37.A.for B.without

C.in D.from


【答案】 B

38.A.before B.as

C.after D.during

【解析】在人类历史上所有伟大的发现和发明都是好奇的结果。as a result of“是……的结果”,为固定搭配。

【答案】 B

39.A.So B.And

C.But D.Or


【答案】 A

40.A.much B.little

C.some D.few


【答案】 B


Most Americans don't like to get advice 41.members of their family. They get advice from “42.(strange)”. When they need advice, they don't usually go to people they know.43.many of them write letters to newspapers and magazines 44.give advice on many different subjects, 45(include)family problems, the use of language, health, cooking, child care, clothes, and even on how 46.(buy) a house or a car.

Most newspapers 47.(regular)print letters from 48.(read) with problems.Along with the letters there are answers49.(write)by people ho are supposed to know how to solve such problems. Some of these writers are doctors, others are lawyers or educators.But two of the most famous writers of advice are women without special 50.(train)for this kind of work.

【答案】41.from42.strangers43.Instead44.that/which45.including 46.to buy47.regularly48.readers49.written50.training


When I was ten years old, I went to Yangzhou with two American. I became their guide. First, we went to the Shouxi River. They wanted to look around the river by the boat. After buy the tickets, we got into a boat. We went around seeing the beautiful sight. After that, we went shopping. The sellers couldn't spoke English. Though it was very harder, I tried my best listen to their words carefully and translate the sentences. They bought some little things with their help. Next, we went to a small zoo but took some pictures. When we felt hunger, we went out and had lunch. After lunch, we visited some old house and learned more about Chinese history.


When I was ten years old, I went to Yangzhou with two American Americans. I became

their guide. First, we went to the Shouxi River. They wanted to look around the river

by boat. After


buying the tickets, we got into a boat. We went around seeing the

beautiful sight. After that, we went shopping. The sellers couldn't spoke

speak English.

Though it was very harder

hard,I tried my best∧,to)listen to their words carefully and

translate the sentences. They bought some little things with their

my help. Next, we went

to a small zoo but

and took some pictures. When we felt


hungry,we went out and had

lunch. After lunch, we visited some old house

houses) and learned more about Chinese










Dear Susan,

I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble adapting yourself to your new school life in America,but this situation can be easily changed if you take my advice.

Firstly,you should work hard at English,which can give you more opportunities to communicate with others.Secondly,why not make some friends?They can help you to know more about America,and friendship can help you to forget your loneliness.Thirdly,it would be a good idea to take an active part in all kinds of activities,which will help to make life more interesting.By doing this,you will be happier with your new life soon.

I hope you will find these ideas useful.




高中英语学习材料 madeofjingetieji 北京市西城区2013—2014学年度第一学期期末试卷 高一英语参考答案及评分标准 2014.1 A卷(第一部分) I. 听力理解第一、二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. C II. 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 11. C 12. D 13. A 14. C 15. B 16. A 17. D 18. D 19. A 20. B 21. C 22. B 23. B 24. C 25. A III. 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 26. A 27. C 28. B 29. D 30. A 31. D 32. B 33. C 34. D 35. A 36. D 37. B 38. C 39. B 40. A IV. 阅读理解(共11小题;每小题2分,满分22分) 41. D 42. A 43. A 44. A 45. D 46. D 47. B 48. C 49. B 50. B 51. C A卷(第二部分) I. 听力理解第三节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 1. 80 2. map 3. fruit 4. roses 5. Friday II. 完成句子(共6小题; 每小题3分, 满分18分) 1. I prefer English to Chinese. 2. The glass is filled with water. 3. Mary has made great progress in reading. 4. I don’t know how to get in touch with the teacher. 5. She is known as an excellent dancer. 6. If you want to go abroad, you should apply for a passport first. B 卷 I. 选词填空(共7小题; 每小题2分, 满分14分) 1. stand 2. as if 3. take up 4. put up 5. festivals 6. on her own 7. rapidly II. 阅读表达(共4小题;每小题2分,满分8分)


Unit 1 Lifestyles Warm-up Tapescript 1 Football player: Being famous isn’t easy, you know. I travel a lot – I have matches in different countries. But my job is exciting, very exciting! I love the matches, the people cheering, know what I mean? 2 Student: My dad says these are the best days of my life –but I’m not so sure! You know, I’ve got lots of work to do and there’s not much time really. I also play football for the school team and we have to do training three nights a week. 3 Shepherd: I love the animals and I love nature. It’s peaceful, and there’s no one to tell me what to do. But it’s not so good when the weather’s bad! 4 Business manager: I’m very busy, and I don’t have time to see my husband and children. Mmmm and my life is very stressful, I suppose. I mean, I have to deal with lots of money. But I find it really exciting. 1 A Perfect Day? A Couch Potato Forty-three-year-old Brian Blakey from Birmingham is sitting on his sofa and telling me about his perfect day.


北师大版高中英语必修单 词表 The latest revision on November 22, 2020

八月一号任务Vocabulary in each unit Learning to learn questionnaire 问卷,调查表 matter 要紧,有重大关系 partner 合作者,搭档 Unit 1 Warm up lifestyle 生活方式 *shepherd 牧羊人 peaceful 平静的,和平的 relaxing 轻松的,放松的 stressful 充满压力的,紧张的 suppose 认为,猜想 Lesson 1 *series 系列节目;系列 TV series 电视连续剧 cartoon 卡通片,动画片 talk show 谈话节目,现场访谈 *complain 抱怨;投诉 *couch 长沙发,睡椅 couch potato 终日懒散在家的人 switch 转换,转变 switch on 把开关打开,接通

switch over 转换频道,转变switch off 把……关掉,关上BBC= British Broadcasting Corporation 英语广播公司portable 轻便的,手提(式)的remote 遥远的remote control 遥控 *workaholic 工作狂paperwork 日常文书工作 alarm 警报,警告器 alarm clock 闹钟 go off (铃,爆竹等)响 take up 占据 be filled with 充满着urgent 急迫的,紧急的document 公文,文件midnight 午夜,半夜bored 厌烦的,不感兴趣的Lesson 2 stress 压力studio 演播室,工作室expert 专家Suffer 遭受(痛苦),感到疼痛Suffer from 忍受,遭受Pressure 压力


高中英语学习材料 ***鼎尚图文理制作*** Learning to Learn Ⅰ.语境填词 1.Today he is l________ to come back. 2.He quickly f________ the camera on the rabbit. 3.It’s important that children learn to understand the c________ of sharing. 4.Please send me some p________ of your town and a street map. 5.I decided to ________ (跳过) the first two chapters. 6.I’ve told you before not to bite your ________ (手指甲). 7.Hearing the soft music,I feel ________ (放松的). 8.I like visiting art ________ (画廊). Ⅱ.介、副词填空 1.—How often do you think ________ grammar? —Only when I do grammar exercises. 2.I understand something better after I think it ________. 3.In a book ________ lots of pictures and charts,I am likely to focus mainly ________ the written text. 4.I like working ________ groups.How ________ you? 5.Thank you ________ asking me to come and visit you and your family next month. 6.I am really interested ________ visiting new places. 7.What’s the weather ________ in your area? 8.In my town,it rains a lot and that’s why I always carry an umbrella ________ me. Ⅲ.选词填空 in front of,try out,think through,be interested in,focus on,look over 1.I ________ really ________________ collecting stamps. 2.There used to be a big tree ________________ our house. 3.Do you have a few minutes to ________________ these samples? 4.I find it difficult to ________________ my study in the noisy room. 5.Jamie could hardly wait to ________________ his new bike. 6.Having ________ it ________,I made my decision. Ⅳ.佳句翻译与仿写 1.In a group discussion,I am more likely to sit back and listen. 翻译: ________________________________________________________________________ 仿写:我们会按时到达吗? ________________________________________________________________________ 2.I find it easier for me to learn methods.


必修二Unit 4 Lesson 1Tomorrow’ s World明天的世界 The Future of Cyberspace网络空间的未来 Peter Taylor finds out how computers and the Internet are going to affect our lives. 彼得泰勒发现了计算机和因特网会怎样影响我们的生活。 In last thirty years, the Internet has grown rapidly. In 1983, there were only 200 computers connected to the Internet; now there are around 50 million and this growth is clearly going to continue. 在过去的三十年中,互联网的迅速发展。1983,仅有200 台计算机连接到Internet;现在有左右,这一增长显然是要继续下去。 Some expert are pessimistic about the future. One worry is crime in cyberspace. Even now, young hackers can get into the computers of banks and governments. In the future, terrorists may “ attack ” the world ’ s computers, cause chaos, and make planes and trains crash. 一些专家对未来感到悲观。一个担心是网络犯罪。即使是现在,年轻的黑客可以进入银行和政府的电脑。在未来,恐怖分子可能会“攻击”全世界的计算机,造成混乱,使飞机和火车事故。 However, many people are optimistic about the future of the Internet. Already, users can buy books, find out about holidays offers, books tickets, and get all sorts of information from the Internet.


高一英语必修一、二【北师大版】语法汇总 定语从句 1. 定语从句的结构及理解 2. 定语从句的关系词的使用 3. 定语从句的简化表达 知识总结归纳 (一)定语从句的结构:在复合句中,修饰某个名词或代词的句子(做这个名词或代词的定语)叫定语从句,定语从句一般放在被修饰的名词或代词后面,被修饰的名词或代词叫做定语从句的先行词,它与定语从句之间要有一个词连接,这个词指代先行词的内容叫做关系词(关系代词或关系副词:that, which, who, whose, when, where, why)。先行词在定语从句中充当主语,宾语,时间,地点,原因状语。 结构:先行词+关系词+定语从句。 1. There she saw a wall of water that was quickly advancing towards her. 2. In Japan, someone who sees another person making the gesture will think it means money. 3. A theme park is a collection of rides, exhibitions or other attractions that are based on a common theme. 4. The park has a conservation center that helps protect marine animals and their habitats in the rivers and coastal waters of Asia. 5. Visitors can go on exciting rides where they can feel what it is like to do the things they have seen their heroes do in the movie. 6. Oprah Winfrey is a black woman whose rise to fame is an inspiring story. (二)定语从句分为限定性定语从句和非限定性定语从句: 限定性定语从句:从句对先行词进行必要的描述或说明,缺少它,则句义显得不完整,从句与先行词紧密相连。 非限定性定语从句:对先行词进行补充说明,解释,它与先行词之间有逗号隔开。 1. Before she could move, she heard a loud noise, which grew to a terrible roar. 2. Tree after tree went down, cut down by the water, which must have been three meters deep. 3. Flora, whose beautiful hair and dress were all cold and wet, started crying. 4. Their talk includes rhythm and rhyming words as well as tongue twisters, which often make the audience applaud. (三)关系词前面可以根据定语从句的内容加上一些介词,这些关系词在介词后面常用which 或whom. 1. There was a man with whom I would have to work together and finally the manager of the company. 2. Many people who saw the film were afraid to swim in the sea when they remembered the scenes in which people were eaten by the shark.


Learning to learn assessment /??sesm?nt/ n.评估 self-assessment n.自我评估 strength /stre?θ/ n..长处,优势 weakness /?wi:knis/ n. 弱点,缺陷 gain /ɡein/ vt. 获得,增加appropriately / ??pr?uprieitli/ adv.适当地 passive / ?p?siv/ adj.被动的,消极的 phrase / freiz / n.短语,词组concentrate / ?k?ns?ntreit / vi.集中(思想、注意力等) previous / ?pri:vi?s / adj.以前的,过去的 positive / ?p?zitiv/ adj.积极的 associate / ??s?u?ieit/ vt. 联想,联系 mental / ?mentl/ adj.内心的,精神病的 lawyer / ?l?:j?/ n.律师senior / ?si:nj?/ adj.高级的 senior high 高中 physicist / ?fizisist/ n.物理学家 Unit 13 Warm-up beard / bi?d/ n.胡须

*blond / bl ?nd/ adj.淡黄色 的,毛发及皮肤浅色的 sunglass / ?s?n?gl?s/ n.墨镜 uniform / ?ju:nif?:m/ n.制服 moustache /m?s?tɑ:?/ n.长在嘴唇上的小胡子 heel / hi:l/ n.鞋跟 sleeve / sli:v/ n.衣服袖子facial / ?fe???l/ adj.面部的 expression / iks?pre??n/ n.表情,词语 connection / k??nek??n/ n.联系,连接 chain /t?ein/ n.链条,一连串的事物Lesson 1 aircraft / ???krɑ:ft / n.飞机,航空器 emergency / i?m?:d??nsi/ n.紧急情况 pray / prei/ vt..& vi.祈祷,祷告 gifted / ?g?ft?d/ adj.有天赋的 accurately / ??kjur?tl?/ adv.精确地,准确地 draw up 起草 description /dis?krip??n/ n.描述,形容 academic/??k??demik/ adj.学术的 predict / pri?dikt/ vt.预言,


北师大版高中英语必修 一课文电子版修订版 IBMT standardization office【IBMT5AB-IBMT08-IBMT2C-ZZT18】

Unit 1 Lifestyles Warm-up Tapescript 1 Football player: Being famous isn’t easy, you know. I travel a lot – I have matches in different countries. But my job is exciting, very exciting! I love the matches, the people cheering, know what I mean? 2 Student: My dad says these are the best days of my life –but I’m not so sure! You know, I’ve got lots of work to do and there’s not much time really. I also play football for the school team and we have to do training three nights a week. 3 Shepherd: I love the animals and I love nature. It’s peaceful, and there’s no one to tell me what to do. But it’s not so good when the weather’s bad! 4 Business manager: I’m very busy, and I don’t have time to see my husband and children. Mmmm and my life is very stressful, I suppose. I mean, I have to deal with lots of money. But I find it really exciting. 1 A Perfect Day? A Couch Potato Forty-three-year-old Brian Blakey from Birmingham is sitting on his sofa and telling me about his perfect day.


北师大版高中英语必修二 单词表

必修二Unit 4 Learning to learn likely concept chart focus skip fist waist nail Gallery Warm-up cyberspace global global warming come true artificial climate flood virtual reality virus Lesson 1 affect rapidly growth pessimistic hacker optimistic crime criminal terror attack chaos crash offer entertainment disappear as if harm obvious Destruction

scientific the Pentagon nuclear network project fashion hang on get in touch be up to fancy suggestion reject Arrangement Lesson 3 suggest title destination flesh in the flesh exit historical site pack dip toe millionaire smoker non-smoker Lesson 4 tourism guide locate seaside Maori settle settlement central suburb zone volcano as well as harbor


高中英语学习材料 (灿若寒星*制作整理) 高一英语必修一Unit1同步练习题(北师大版) 一、教学内容: Unit 1 of Module I Period One (Lesson 1 & 2) 二、教学目标与要求: 1、在第一课和第二课里,我们学习了如何谈论我们的生活方式。话题的选择贴近我们的生活,能引起同学们共鸣,激发同学们的学习动机。 2、复习一般现在时态和现在进行时态,以及它们的用法和区别。 3、进一步了解不同文化背景下,不同的个人生活方式,引导同学们树立良好的学习和生活习惯。 4、学习策略:运用听力策略对所听内容进行预测。 5、掌握重点单词、短语、句式,在练习中能灵活运用。 三、本周重难点词汇讲解: 1、peaceful adj .和平的,平静的 peace (n.和平)+-ful(形容词后缀) The peaceful uses of atomic energy will do good to human beings . 原子能的和平利用将造福人类。 It's peaceful at home when the children are at school . 孩子们在学校上学时,家里就安静了。 (1)反义词:unpeaceful adj. 不平静的,不和平的 派生词:peacefully adv. 和平地,平静地 (2)同义词辨析:peaceful 与calm 这些形容词表明没有激动兴奋或未被打扰。 calm 隐含远离情感冲动之意; peaceful 意指未被打破的镇静。 2、relaxing adj .轻松的,放松的 relax(v. 放松)+-ing(形容词后缀) All the students going for holidays, it is really a relaxing evening for the headteacher. 所有的学生都度假去了,对于班主任来说这真是一个使人感到轻松的夜晚。 同根词:relaxed意为"感到轻松的"。 有些现在分词和过去分词可用作形容词,现在分词意为"令人……的",其逻辑主语是物;过去分词意为"感到……的",其逻辑主语是人。类似用法的词有:surprised /surprising; excited/exciting; frightened/frightening; moved/moving; puzzled/puzzling He got/became bored by her boring speech. 他被她那些令人厌烦的话搞烦了。 3、suppose的用法 1)suppose后接that引导的宾语从句,表示"认为/猜想……"。如: As she's not here ,I suppose she must have gone home. 她不在这儿,我猜想她已经回家了。


Lesson One https://www.doczj.com/doc/01277359.html,e true 成为现实;实现 例:It’s like a dream come true. (习语) 2.predict v. 语言prediction n. predict 与forecast 的区别: predict 是用经验,感觉来判断;而forecast指对未来事件的预测,这种预测建立在某种知识或判断上,如对天气的预测是建立在科学判断上的。 3.describe vt. 描写,形容;把……称为 例:He described himself as a doctor. description n. 描述 4.harm vt. & n. 损害,伤害 Too much direct sunlight will harm the plant. do harm to 伤害,损害 This won’t do his career serious harm. do more harm than good 弊大于利 Criticizing people’s work often does more harm than good. 5.cause n. & vt. (1) n. 原因,起因;理由,缘故 Carelessness is often the cause of fires. (2)vt. 使发生,引起,造成;后接名词,间接宾语+直接宾语,直接宾语+ to/for+间接宾语或宾语+to do sth. What caused his illness? 6.affect vt. 影响 affect vt. 影响 Smoking affects health. effect n. 效应;影响 Loud noises have a bad effect on hearing. effort n. 努力;尽力. I’ll spare no effort to help you.



Module1 Unit1 Lesson1 完美的一天? 1.终日懒散在家看电视的人—沙发土豆 (来自伯明翰的43岁的布莱恩·博莱克正坐在沙发上向我讲述他美妙的一天。) “早上醒来,我不马上起床。我总是先打开电视,看看儿童节目,看看老片子,一直看到十点半。然后起床,下楼,打开起居室的电视。午餐时,我边吃饼干、喝牛奶,边看新闻。下午,我常看另一部老影片—眼下电视里正播放非常好看的老电影。晚上我要么看连续剧,要么看体育节目,接着再看新闻。我喜欢看六点的重要新闻。九点半,如果英国广播公司二频道有好看的电视剧,我会调过去看看。夜里,我接着看看电影,通常看到凌晨两点才关电视。我从不通宵看电视。 我一天要看十六七个小时电视。每天也会出去活动活动。下午我带着小狗蒂娜散步。当然,我不会走远,只走到我家房子外的墙边。这时,我总是随身携带手提电视,坐在石头墙上看,小狗则在我身边绕圈。 当然,没有一个好妻子,我是不可能过上这种妙不可言的生活的。她在工作,所以现在不在家。她天天给我做饭。你知道,我们虽然钱不过,但活得很快活。想想看,坐在家里,看着电视,手握遥控器,世界就在你脚下!也在你手中!这感觉真棒! 2.工作狂 (36岁的鲍勃·布莱克正坐在写字台前忙着他的案头工作。) 我一般在闹钟响前5分钟就醒了。闹钟一响,我立刻跳下床,从洗漱、穿衣、吃早饭、离家到坐上公共汽车只用15分钟。 我总是第一个到办公室。每天早晨都很忙,下午更忙。整天会议、电话不断。一天中几乎每一分钟都充斥着急待处理的事情。通常大约晚8点我才有时间处理自己的事:写写东西,回复些电子邮件等。 晚上10点我才能到家。到家后还要浏览带回的文件,为第二天的工作做准备。我一般半夜才上床睡觉。那是妻子和孩子们都早已进入梦乡。 我很少有时间娱乐或家人一起活动。妻子和孩子们总是抱怨,但我得拼命工作,好为他们赚更多的钱。而且,要是没事可做我会觉得非常无聊。我真的喜欢忙忙碌碌。 Unit1 Lesson4 城市和农村 (黛比是伦敦一家大公司的会计。) 我通常每天7点起床,9点钟前赶到办公室。我乘地铁上班。(the tube 就是人们通常所陈的伦敦地下铁路系统。)乘地铁大约需要15分钟。通常地铁很拥挤,很难找到座位,我只好站着。这样每天到办公室前,我就已感到很疲倦。我一点儿都不喜欢乘地铁!


必修一 Learning to learn Questionnaire 问卷,调查表 Matter 要紧,有重大关系 Partner 合作者,搭档 Unit 1 Warm up Lifestyle 生活方式 *shepherd 牧羊人 Peaceful 平静的,和平的 ' Relaxing 轻松的,放松的 Stressful 充满压力的,紧张的 Suppose 认为,猜想 Lesson 1 *series 系列节目;系列 TV series 电视连续剧 Cartoon 卡通片,动画片 Talk show 谈话节目,现场访谈 *complain 抱怨;投诉 *couch 长沙发,睡椅 — Couch potato 终日懒散在家的人 Switch 转换,转变 Switch on 把开关打开,接通 Switch over 转换频道,转变 Switch off 把关掉,关上 BBC= British Broadcasting Corporation 英语广播公司 Portable 轻便的,手提(式)的 Remote 遥远的 Remote control 遥控 *workaholic 工作狂 % Paperwork 日常文书工作 Alarm 警报,警告器 Alarm clock 闹钟 Go off (铃,爆竹等)响 Take up 占据 Be filled with 充满着 Urgent 急迫的,紧急的 Document 公文,文件 Midnight 午夜,半夜 Bored 厌烦的,不感兴趣的 :Lesson 2 Stress 压力 Studio 演播室,工作室 Expert 专家 Suffer 遭受(痛苦),感到疼痛Suffer from 忍受,遭受Pressure 压力 Social 社交的,社会的Reduce 减少,降低 { Organize 组织 Diet 饮食,节食 Prefer 更喜欢,宁愿 Stand 忍耐,忍受 Lesson 3 Volunteer 志愿者 Graduate 毕业 Minus 零下,负 Basin 脸盆 Challenge 挑战 @ Support 支持,支撑 Dial 拨(电话号码) Design 设计 Advertisement 广告Presentation 表演,展示 *slove 解决,解答 Lesson 4 Accountant 会计,会计师Tube (英)地铁 Crowded 拥挤的 ) Nearby 附近的 在附近 Otherwise 否则,另外Forecast 预报,预测 Crowed 人群,一伙人 Lung 肺 Sickness 疾病 Distance 距离 Distance learning 远程学习Cigar 雪茄烟 ·


s 必修二Unit 4 Learning to learn likely concept chart focus skip fist waist nail Gallery Warm-up cyberspace global global warming come true artificial climate flood virtual reality virus Lesson 1 affect rapidly growth pessimistic hacker optimistic crime criminal terror attack chaos crash offer entertainment disappear

obvious Destruction Lesson 2 military scientific the Pentagon nuclear network project fashion hang on get in touch be up to fancy suggestion reject Arrangement Lesson 3 suggest title destination flesh in the flesh exit historical site pack dip toe millionaire smoker non-smoker Lesson 4 tourism guide locate seaside

settlement central suburb zone volcano as well as harbor view sunshine average surfing regular location material be known as Communication Workshop Chinatown officially scenery cuisine attractive spider Web Unit5 Warm-up folk jazz rock 'n' roll disco ballet Lesson 1 effect disappoint extraordinary unclear be used to album


北师大版高中英语单词训练表 必修一 Learning to learn 问卷,调查表________ 要紧,有重大关系________ 搭挡,合作者________ Unit 1 Warm-up 生活方式________ 牧羊人________ 和平的;平静的________ 轻松的,放松的________ 充满压力的,紧张的________ 认为,猜想________ Lesson 1 连续,系列,丛书________ 电视连续剧________________ 卡通片,动画片________ 谈话节目,现场访谈________ 抱怨,投诉________ 睡椅,长沙发________ 终日懒散在家的人________ 转换,转变________ 把开关打开,接通________ 把关掉,关上________ 转换频道,转变________ 戏剧,短剧________ 英国广播公司________ 轻便的,手提(式)的________ 遥远的________ 遥控,遥控器________ 工作第一的人,专心工作的人_______ 日常文书工作________ 警报,警告器________ 闹钟________ (爆竹,铃等)响起________ 占据________ 充满着________ 急迫的,紧急的________ 私人的,个人的________ 公文,文件________ 午夜,半夜________ 厌烦的,不感兴趣的________ Lesson 2 压力________ 工作室,演播室________ 专家________ 感到疼痛,遭受(痛苦) ________ 忍受, 遭受________ 压力________ 爱交际的;社交的________ 减少,降低________ 组织________ 饮食,节食________ 忍耐,忍受________ 更喜欢,宁愿________ Lesson 3 志愿者________ 毕业________ 负,零下________ 水盆,脸盆________ 挑战________ 支持;支撑________ 拨(电话号码) ________ 设计________ 广告________ 表演,展示________ 解答,解决________ Lesson 4 会计,会计师________ (英)地铁________ 拥挤的________ 附近的在附近________ 否则,另外________ 预测,预报________ 人群,一伙人________ 肺________ 距离________ 远程学习________ 疾病________ 雪茄烟________ Communication Workshop 此刻,目前________ 数年间________ 古典的________ 调查________ 正式的,合礼仪的________ 迷你裙,超短裙________ 骑自行车________ (中国)功夫________ 风格,作风________ Unit 2 Warm-up 镇静的,沉着的________ 慷慨的,大方的________ 暴力的________ 人物,性格________ Lesson 1 太空船________ 载人宇宙飞船________ 省________ 宇航员________ 飞行,航班________ 发射________ 地心引力________ 火箭________ 高飞;翱翔________ 联合国________ 探险________ 和平地,平静地________ 记者,通讯员________ 发光________ 大气,气氛________ 降落伞________ 直升机________ 百万________ 数百万________ 挥手示意,致意________ 然后,后来________ Lesson 2 革命________ 建立,创立________ 共和国________ 电灯泡________ 意见,看法,主张________ 在我看来________ 就自己而言________ 种族主义________ 平等的________ 斗争,拼搏________ 抗议________ 行军________ Lesson 3 卓越的,辉煌的________ 灵巧的,熟练的________ 极度的,糟糕的________ 无用的,无效的________ 比赛,竞争________ 令人惊异的________ 不平常的________ 冠军________ 暴力,暴行________ 子弹________ 职业,一生的事业________ 热心的,渴望的________ 竞赛;事件________ 幸运地________ 运动员________ Lesson 4 超级英雄________ 超人________ 灾难________ 单独地,独自地________ 促进,提升________ 损害,伤害________ 放弃________ 达到某种状态________ 使从(受伤)中活下来,渡过难 关________ 犯(错误),干(坏事) ________ 自杀________ 融洽相处,进展________ 关系________ 反应________ 离婚________ 涉及,参与________ 参加,参与________ 施舍,慈善________ 质量,品质________ 残废的________ 自信的________


必修三 1航行到美洲的北欧海盗 北欧海盗是第一批到达美洲的欧美人。早在哥伦布起航之前,他们就已经到达那里了。 北欧海盗的祖先来自于斯堪地那维亚半岛。公元8世纪到10世纪期间,他们控制着北欧海绵和沿海地区。大约到公元900年,北欧很多地方都有海盗居住。公元982年,冰岛生活着多达一万人的北欧海盗,就在此时,一个叫红发埃里克的人决定走向西远航。 根据冰岛和挪威的传说,红发艾里克银犯谋杀案而惹上麻烦,并被迫离开冰岛。埃里克到达达格陵兰岛后,发现他登陆的地方可以居住,返回冰岛,告诉人么哪有管格陵兰岛的事情,病说服一些人与他一起回到格陵兰岛,埃里克再次起航时,有25艘船与他同行,但其中只有14艘最终到达格陵兰岛。 红发埃里克登上格陵兰岛不久,一个叫比阿尼的人也从冰岛起航来寻找埃里克一行人。比阿尼希望找到和埃里克在一起的父亲,但大风使他偏离航线,刮到一个不知名的地方,从哪里他最终抵达格陵兰岛。 1002年红发埃里克的儿子利夫打算继续向西航行,他和比阿尼一同商量他们的在行计划。利夫依照比阿尼的指点。据说航信到了现在的加拿大海岸,他又继续南行至现在叫纽芬兰的岛屿。 我们从挪威和冰岛记载下来并流传几个世纪的传说中得知红发埃里克和利夫的事迹。他们是记载中最早航行到达美洲的欧洲人。 3水下世界-------观赏海洋生物的最佳地点 这里有北极熊,还有一座真正的冰川!你只能看见冰山水上的一小部分,而水下部分是水上部分的三倍。你可以再给海豹喂食时观看海豹,看看那些不爱运动却非常友好的动作敏捷的企鹅。你一定会爱上他们的! 海底 看看世界上最美的珊瑚和最奇异的鱼类,看鱼飞翔着,闯过水面,与其他鱼类相比,他们不算绚丽多姿,但游姿却很美。 海洋剧院 看着聪明的海豚,精彩的表演每两小时一场。 探索他 这里是专为小孩子设计的,在这里,孩子们可以亲手接触摸螃蟹和其他小动物,还可以在这个令人兴奋的环境里学习到关于海滩上日常生活的知识。 虚拟航海 这是我们水管最新,最具有吸引力的活动,来和我们一起进行模拟航行吧!到海底走一走,看一看世界上最奇异的鱼。 最吵的鱼:有些鱼发出的声音几乎是你讲话声音的两倍,你绝对不会找到比他们更吵闹的鱼。 最漂亮的鱼:有的鱼用身体发光一心其他鱼靠近人后吃掉他们,这些的嘴巨大无比,可以吃掉和自己体积一样大的鱼。要当心哦! 最小的鱼:仔细找找这种世界上最小的鱼,他们还不及你家的苍蝇大。 和海豚一起游泳!直接面对海洋中最具有杀伤力的动物——大白鲨 快来参观吧,还有好多动物呢!22日前特价,尽快定票吧!每天早上10点开门。晚上7点关门 4海洋故事 B三年前,我遇到了一间可怕的事。6个小时的恐惧情形让我身心俱毁。你现在回认

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