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雪公主和七个小矮人》。1 1937年12月,片子拍出来了,果然又是盛况空前!这部片子被译成各国语言,在全世界放映,盈利比沃尔特预期的要高出10倍。

沃尔特天生就有无穷的想像力,就在他创作《米老鼠和唐老鸭》、《三个小猪》、《白雪公主》等动画片角色时,他已经开始设计一座童话乐园——在他的想像中,那是一个孩子们的世界,不仅有动画片和童话故事里的人物、建筑和树林,还有各种各样新颖有趣的游戏,总之,应该充满儿童的乐趣。《3》 1955年,迪斯

尼乐园建成并启用了! 它成了洛杉矶一处标志性的旅游景点。后来,沃尔特在美国东部的佛罗里达州又建了一座规模更大的乐园,叫做“迪斯尼世界”,园内设有酒店和更多的旅游景点,具备了度假村的条件。现在,不仅是孩子们,包括世界各地的成人们,都知道美国有这样一个绝佳去处——迪斯尼乐园。奥兰多迪

斯尼乐园位于美国佛罗里达州,总投资4亿美元。拥有4座超大型主题乐园,分为:迪斯尼-未来世界( Disney's Epcot )、迪斯尼-动物王国( Disney's Animal Kingdom)、迪斯尼-米高梅影城( Disney's MGM )、迪斯尼-魔术世界( Disney's Magic Kingdom);3座水上乐园;32家度假饭店(其中有22家由迪斯尼世界经营)以及784个露营地。也是迪士尼的总部。加强了该公司在美国家庭娱乐事业中的支





创新 - Innovation迪士尼一直坚持创新的传统

品质 - Quality迪士尼不断努力达到高质量标准进而做到卓越,在迪士尼


共享 - Community对于家庭,迪士尼一直创造积极和包容的态度,迪士尼


故事 - Storytelling每一件迪士尼产品都会讲一个故事,永恒的故事总


乐观 - Optimism迪士尼娱乐体验总是向人们宣传希望、渴望和乐观坚定


尊重 - Decency迪士尼尊重我们大家每一个人,迪士尼的乐趣是基于我们



(1968年《白雪公主和七个小矮人》Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) 1937年出品的《白雪公主和七个小矮人》(snow white and the seven dwarfs)不但是电影史上第一部长动画电影,对影史和迪士尼本身都




《花木兰》Mulan (1998)


下面是迪士尼品牌在《商业周刊》(BusinessWeek) 和 InterBrand 评出的世界品牌价值100强(这是世界最权威的品牌评估机构之一)中最近几年的数据:


boys and grils,thank you for taking the time to be here . i’m here to tell you something about qualities .maybe you say i’m not a pretty and i am not a princess, also you will say i don’t have million air parents, but all of these don’t master much. it you have good qualities inner beauty stead of this, you could say loudly i’m the best .nobody can go beyond me i think quantity plays an impotent vole in our life .so your teachers told you to be an honest and helpful child since kindergarten. so we have the selections of the creates ten people who move china every year. they are the examples for us because of their qualities. if you help an old man cross the road, people will see you with admiratim even if you have bad studies.ouanlities don’t always need money, many people who hoe with ay that money can buy live elwpty inside.so i hope all of you have good quantities and aim high. thank you again for your kind attention.篇二:300字英文演讲稿 every day is a gift “ta, ta, ta.” do you feel the time going away my friend ? i heard an interesting sentence from《kungfu panda》,“ yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift, that’s why we call it the present. ”i think so too,every day is important, we should cherish every day. i think everyone has their own regrets. so do i. for example , i always have many ideas about my holiday. such as, i want to read books every weekend. i want to study every day. but finally i am just eating and sleeping, just like a little pig. i should feel shame. because i didn’t do anything useful ,i wasted my time. according to the survey, an average of 200000 deaths every day. so may be one day , we will die. will we still have regrets? maybe the answer is “yes”. we should prevent this kind of situation from happening. so we should let each value plays the biggest a day. luxun said :“wasting people’s time is equal to murder, wasting their own time is equal to suicide .” an inch of time is an inch of gold, but you can’t buy that inch of time with an inch of gold. so wasting time is very very very important. if aperson can live to be 80 years, a person can live about twenty thousand days. how many days do we have today? so please write it on your heart that every day is the best of the year. money can’t buy time. we should treasure every day to give us the best gift, give us the best result, give us the best tomorrow.篇三:环保演 讲稿(200字) 保护环境(英文)演讲稿 莞城英文学校五(3)班 【英文】 hello, my name is erick, i am going to talk about“protect environment, begin from me” today. how to protect the environment? i think we can do like this: we can save water for example. we can reuse the water after washing dishes, we can use it to flush toilet. treasure food and use less chopsticks. turn off the lights and save the energy .take a bus and drive cars as less as possible. at the same time, we also take good care of trees and flowers keep clean. thank you! 【中文】(共200字)


希拉里退选演讲稿【英文】 Thank you so much. Thank you all. Well, this isn’t exactly the party I’d planned, but I sure like the company. I want to start today by saying how grateful I am to all of you – to everyone who poured your hearts and your hopes into this campaign, who drove for miles and lined the streets waving homemade signs, who scrimped and saved to raise money, who knocked on doors and made calls, who talked and sometimes argued with your friends and neighbors, who emailed and contributed online, who invested so much in our common enterprise, to the moms and dads who came to our events, who lifted their little girls and little boys on their shoulders and whispered in their ears, “See, you can be anything you want to be.” To the young people like 13 year-old Ann Riddle from Mayfield, Ohio who had been saving for two years to go to Disney World, and decided to use her savings instead to travel to Pennsylvania with her Mom and volunteer there as well. To the veterans and the childhood friends, to New Yorkers and Arkansans who traveled across the country and telling anyone who would listen why you supported me. To all those women in their 80s and their 90s born before women could vote who cast their votes for our campaign. I’ve told you before about Florence Steen of South Dakota, who was 88 years old, and insisted that her daughter bring an absentee ballot to her hospice bedside. Her daughter and a friend put an American flag behind her bed and helped her fill out the ballot. She passed away soon after, and under state law, her ballot didn’t count. But her daughter later told a reporter, “My dad’s an ornery old cowboy, and he didn’t like it when he heard mom’s vote wouldn’t be counted. I don’t think he had voted in 20 years. But he voted in place of my mom.” To all those who voted for me, and to whom I pledged my utmost, my commitment to you and to the progress we seek is unyielding. You have inspired and touched me with the stories of the joys and sorrows that make up the fabric of our lives and you have humbled me with your commitment to our country. 18 million of you from all walks of life – women and men, young and old, Latino and Asian, African-American and Caucasian, rich, poor and middle class, gay and straight – you have stood strong with me. And I will continue to stand strong with you, every time, every place, and every way that I can. The dreams we share are worth fighting for. Remember - we fought for the single mom with a young daughter, juggling work and school, who told me, “I’m doing it all to better myself for her.” We fought for the woman who grabbed my hand, and asked me, “What are you going to do to make


1这是一位孤独的画家,除了理想,他一无所有。2为了理想他毅然出门远行,来到堪萨斯城谋生。起初他到一家报社应征,想找一份工作。编辑部周围有一个极好的艺术氛围,这也正是他所需要的。但主编看了他的作品之后大摇其头,认为作品缺乏新意而不予录用。这使他感到万分失望和颓丧。和所有出门打天下的年轻人一样,他初尝了失败的滋味3后来,他终于找到了一份工作,替教堂作画。可是报酬极低,他无力租用画室,只好借用一家废弃的车库作为临时办公室。他每天就在这充满汽油味的车库里辛勤工作到深夜。没有比现在更艰苦的了,他想。尤其烦人的是,每次熄灯睡觉时,就能听到老鼠吱吱的叫声和在地板上的跳跃声。为了明天有充足的精力去工作,他忍耐了。也许是太累了,他一沾着地板就呼呼大睡。就这样,一只老鼠和一名贫困的画家和平共处,倒也使这个废弃的车库充满了生机。4有一天,当疲倦的画家抬起头来,他看见昏黄灯光下有一对亮晶晶的小眼睛,是一只老鼠。如果是在几年前,他会设计出种种计谋去捕杀这只老鼠,但是现在他不,一只死老鼠难道比一只活老鼠更有趣吗?磨难已经使他具备大艺术家所具有的悲天悯人的情怀。他微笑着注视着这只可爱的小精灵,可是,它却像影子一样溜了。窗外风声呼啸,他倾听着天籁的声响,感到自己并不孤单,好歹有一只老鼠与他为邻,它还会来的,像羞怯的小姑娘。带着这种信念,他埋头工作。5那只小老鼠果然一次次出现,不只是在夜里。他从来没有伤害过它,甚至连吓唬都没有。它在地板上做着各种运动,表演精彩的杂技。而他作为唯一的观众,则奖它一点点面包屑。渐渐地,他们互信任,彼此间建立了友谊。老鼠先是离他较远,见他没有伤害的意思,便一点点接近,最后,老鼠竟敢大胆地爬上他工作的画板,并在上面有节奏的跳跃。而他呢,决不会赶它走,而是默默的享受与它亲近的情意。6信赖,往往能创造出美好的境界。7不久,年轻的画家离开了堪萨斯城,被介绍到好莱钨去制作一部以动物为主的卡通片。这是他好不容易得到的一次机会,他似乎看到理想的大门开了一道缝。但不幸的很,他再次失败了,不但因此穷得毫无分文,并且再度失业。8多少个不眠之夜他在黑暗中苦苦思索,他怀疑自己的天赋,怀疑自己真的一文不值,他在思索着自己的出路。终于在某天夜里,就在他潦倒不堪的当儿,他突然想起了堪萨斯城车库里那只爬到他画板上跳跃的老鼠,灵感就在那个暗夜里闪了一道耀眼的光芒。他迅速爬起来,拉亮灯,支起画架,立刻画出了一只老鼠的轮廓。9有史以来,最伟大的动卡通现象——米老鼠就这样平凡的诞生了。灵感只青睐那些思考的头脑。10这位年轻的画家就是后来美国最负盛名的人物之一——才华横溢的沃尔特·迪斯尼。他创造了风靡全球的米老鼠。谁能想到,曾经在那间充满汽油味的车库里生活过的小老鼠,是世界上最负盛名的影片的祖宗。米老鼠足迹所至,所受到的欢迎让许多明星望尘莫及,也让沃尔特·迪斯尼名噪全球。11堪萨斯城那间充满汽油味的车库,迪斯尼先生后来评论它说,至少要值100万美金。其实 给他一只老鼠”但是 爱的动画明星米老鼠和唐老鸭的形象从 深受成人和儿童的喜爱。它们的“生身父母”沃尔特•迪斯尼也被人们称为卡通片大王。他是有声动画片和彩色动画片的创制者,曾荣获奥斯卡金像奖。后来,他又根据这些可爱的银幕形象设计和创建了被称为世界第九大奇迹的迪斯尼乐园。米老鼠系列片一部接一部地拍了出来。1933 三只小猪》。该片首映时的盛况不亚于米老鼠系列片。1934年,沃尔特在欧洲旅行时,从巴黎的一位老板那儿得到灵感,决定拍一部长动画片《白

演讲稿 关于创新的英语演讲稿

关于创新的英语演讲稿 关于创新的英语演讲稿篇1 What we cannot afford to lose We cannot lose innovation There is a wonderful word which expresses the most original motions and desires among human-beings. With solving any kind of imperfections, our world has moved ahead. This is the word innovation that we cannot afford to lose. We chicaned every detail of the innovation. Thousands years before, we created fire when we took a stone to knock another one. Since Han Dynasty, four great inventions had been created and it is one of the greatest signs that China become to the ancient civilized country. And nowadays, thousands of software, products, architectures and public facilities have upgraded more than that about 100 years ago. So how did these happen? What will you do if you are not satisfied with your tools anymore? What will you do if old mode cannot afford to develop in a company? There is no doubt that we should innovate no matter where we are and what we do. Not because of the design itself, but actually for its intended purpose. If there was no Apple, everyone could not imagine how to contact others easily and enjoy a better Internet surfing.


. 引文: When we talk about Disneyland, what does it first come to your mind, the cute dolls, the fairy tales, the play equipment or its founder Walt Disney I believe that all of us want to live in a fairy tale when we were children .But it was just a dream.however, Walt Disney founded the Disneyland with his brother Roy·O·Disney and making it possible for parents and children to live in a fairy tale. Now let me introduce Walt Disney to you. 华特迪士尼简介: Walter Elias Disney (1901.12.5-1966.12.15) is the famous director,producer,screenwriter,dubbing actor and cartoon designer,who created the world-famous The Walt Disney Company with his brother( ,Roy O. Disney.)Meanwhile, he is a successful storyteller, a producer with strong practical ability and a common actor. Along with his brother Roy O. Disney, he was co-founder of Walt Disney Productions, which later became one of the best-known motion picture producers in the world. The corporation is now known as The Walt Disney Company and had an annual revenue of approximately US$36 billion in the 2010 financial year. Disney is particularly noted as a film producer and a


Disney Co. U.S. entertainment corporation. It was founded by Walt Disney and his brother Roy as Walt Disney Productions in 1929 to incorporate their cartoon animation studio. It produced short and full-length animated cartoons in the 1930s and 1940s, then expanded in the 1950s to make nature documentaries and live-action films as well as television programs. The opening of the amusement parks Disneyland (1955) and Walt Disney World (1971; see Disney World and Disneyland) strengthened the company's dominance of the family entertainment industry in the U.S. The company declined after Disney's death in 1966 but was revitalized under new management in the 1980s. As the Walt Disney Co. it expanded its production units to include Touchstone Pictures and Miramax, makers of films for more mature audiences, and revitalized its animation division, producing films such as The Little Mermaid (1989) and Toy Story (1995), the first full-length computer-animated film. The company took an active role in reviving and commercializing New York City's Times Square, including the recreation of some of its animated films, such as The Lion King (1994), as Broadway musicals. In 1994 it opened Celebration, a planned


尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们,大家下午好!今天我演讲的题目是《我的童话梦》。 我爱看《爱丽丝梦游仙境》,一个名叫爱丽丝的小姑娘钻进兔子洞后发生的奇妙故事。在洞里她们遇见了猪孩子,懒惰鼠,帽匠人和三月兔,于是她们一起开始了一次奇幻的旅程。在旅程中爱丽丝偶然吃了一颗会让人变大变小的蛋糕,常常因为突然变大变小而发生意想不到的事情。正在爱丽丝开心的笑的时候姐姐拍了下爱丽丝,她睁开眼睛一看,原来她是在做梦,在梦中漫游了仙境。我在看这本书时时而笑的东倒西歪,时而紧张的透不过气,真想也做个梦和爱丽丝一起去漫游仙境啊。小朋友们,你们想吗? 上海迪士尼开园在即,你是不是已经按捺不住想去的心情了呢?这是一个奇幻的世界:天性善良的高飞和机智幽默的仙蒂公主温暖着我们小小的童年梦想……如果你是男孩,那么这里也许是你建筑梦想开启的地方;如果你是女孩,那么这里可以满足你更多五彩斑斓的公主梦。 你知道我最想体验的游乐项目是什么吗?就是飞越加州,乘坐滑翔机飞越大海时,会真实地闻到海风的气息,飞越著名的橘子镇时,橘子林的香气扑面而来。也许真实地驾驶着一辆滑翔机飞越加州,都不一定能感受到游戏中的刺激。我的梦想就是乘坐这个项目100次。也因为这个,我对上海迪士尼乐园的最大期待,就是能体验到中国味十足的“飞越上海”。坐上滑翔机后,会缓缓升起,面对着360度的超大影屏,仿佛在空中面对着整个上海,随着滑翔机的飞行,划过弯弯曲曲的黄浦江、古色古香的豫园、时尚热闹的南京路……让每个不同国度的游客都能在乐园里体验到原汁原味的大上海,“在空中”看整个上海的风情。如果能有这个项目,相信会是上海乐园最大的惊喜。 听说上海要建最大最高的城堡,《长发公主》这部经典的童话拍成了电影并上映,说不定你的长发公主城堡梦也会在上海实现,也许刚进城堡,转个弯就能撞见睡美人的房间;也许在城堡最顶层的密室里,悄悄关着拥有瀑布般金色长发的公主。最好还能够让游客在城堡里亲身体验童话故事里的情景,比如帮助睡美人醒过来,或者可以自己改编故事,让囚禁长发公主的巫婆变成善良的老婆婆…… 上海迪士尼的开园,让我离我的童话梦更近了,真期望有一天我能站在迪士尼乐园里,牵着米奇的手,畅游迪士尼。


米老鼠 Mickey Mouse is a cartoon character who has become an icon for the Walt Disney Company. Mickey Mouse was created in 1928 by Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks. He was voiced by Walt Disney from 1928–1946 theatrically, and again from 1955–1959 for the original ABC TV The Mickey Mouse Club television series. The Walt Disney Company celebrates his birth as November 18, 1928, upon the release of Steamboat Willie, although Mickey had already appeared six months earlier in an unfinished test screening of Plane Crazy(Steamboat Willie being the first Mickey Mouse Cartoon to be released). The anthropomorphic mouse has evolved from being simply a character in animated cartoons and comic strips to be come on e of the most recognizable symbols in the world. Mickey is currently the main character in the Disney Channel's Disney Junior series "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse". Mickey is the leader of The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, with help from Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, and other friendly friends of his. In late 2009, The Walt Disney Company announced that they will begin to re-brand the Mickey Mouse character by putting a little less emphasis on his pleasant, cheerful side and reintroducing the more mischievous and adventurous sides of his personality, starting with the newly released Epic Mickey. 米妮 Minerva "Minnie" Mouse is an animated character created by Ub Iwerks and Walt Disney. The comic strip story "The Gleam" (published January 19-May 2, 1942) by Merrill De Maris and Floyd Gottfredson first gave her full name as Minerva Mouse. Minnie has since been a recurring alias for her. Minnie is currently voiced by actress Russi Taylor. Both Minnie and Mickey were first drawn in 1928 by Ub Iwerks. The comic strip story "Mr. Slicker and the Egg Robbers" (published September 22 –December 26, 1930) introduced her father Marcus Mouse and her mother Margie Mouse, both farmers. The same story featured photographs of her grandparents Marshall Mouse and Matilda Mouse. Her best known relatives, however, remain her uncle Mortimer Mouse and her twin nieces, Millie and Melody Mouse, though most often a single niece, Melody, appears. In many appearances, Minnie is presented as the wife of Mickey Mouse, a close friend of Daisy Duck, Donald Duck's wife, and occasionally a friend to Clarabelle Cow. Minnie's sister, Mandie Mouse was a recurring character early on. 唐老鸭 Donald Fauntleroy Duck is a cartoon character created by Walt Disney and Dick Lundy and licensed by The Walt Disney Company. Donald is an anthropomorphic white duck with a yellow-orange bill, legs, and feet. He typically wears a sailor suit with a cap and a black or red bow tie. Donald's most famous personality trait is his easily provoked and explosive temper. Along with his friend Mickey Mouse, Donald is one


参加英语演讲比赛作文 对英语能力的加强能代表学校参赛,英语能力应有相当基础,但要在校外比赛突出,训练期间更是不可懈怠。这一段时间每天绝对更要特别加强背单字、词组、朗读、听录音带、自言自语。以下是小编带来参加英语演讲比赛作文的相关内容,希望对你有帮助。 参加英语演讲比赛作文【1】生活周遭常有许多的经验,而最令我印象深刻的就事第一次参加英语演讲比赛,因为它很特别,所以令我难忘。 他之所以特别,是因为我得到五年级组的第一名,在这次比赛之前,我体会到同学给我的帮助,以及老师的关爱之情,使我感激不已,同学及老师为了这次比赛,费尽不少心思来帮助我,甚至牺甡自己午休时间为我加油打气,及做道具让我得到好成绩。 当我踏上讲台时,看见台下黑鸦鸦的一群人,心里“砰砰!!”地跳个不停,非常害怕出错,可是看到老师和同学支持的眼神,使我更加有自信,好不容易完成演说,我很开心,因为我克服了恐惧,完成使命,到了公布成绩时刻,大家都鸦雀无声,当听到第一名“陈佳缘”时,我立刻跳起来,同学都为我鼓掌,心想:“辛苦是有价值的。” 难忘的经验,有好也有坏,都应该好好珍惜,如果失败,要加以改善,也不要气馁,检讨自己优缺点,加以改善,做为下次成功的垫脚石,就如俗语说的好:“失败为成功之母”;如果成功,就要更进步,努力往前奋斗,这次英语演讲比赛,不仅给自己更大的信心,还留给 ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考

我难忘的回忆,凡是努力去做,不管成功或失败都会有很大收获。 参加英语演讲比赛作文【2】听说学校要在四,五,六年级各选一名同学去参加英语演讲比赛,四年级选了我,五年级是申紫涵,六年级是马流畅,我们三个每天都在政教处背稿子,迎接“战斗”。 可是跟比赛仅一天时间,马流畅很难把稿子读的既流利又有感情,还加上动作,老师不得不把马流畅去掉。 现在只剩我和申紫涵,好害怕呀! 终于到了比赛的一天,我们的“战地”是市二中。到了那里,我更加紧张了,可当我看到三位评委和蔼可亲的微笑时,却放松了很多。 “二号选手,麻雨露”“啊,轮到我了”我心里更慌了,这时,坐在我一旁的英语老师鼓励我,说:“别怕,相信自己,你最棒!” 我鼓起勇气,走上台开始演讲。因为我是二号选手,后面还有很多同学,所以我们等了很长时间才结束,出来时我的腿都发软了,可老师却说,这次比赛不是为了拿奖,而是为了锻炼我们的勇气,当然,拿奖最好,但那些都是次要的! 谁也没有想到,我竟然晋级了,老师又给我一篇稿子,我现在正在认认真真的背稿子。我相信通过我的努力我还会再晋级的! 参加英语演讲比赛作文【3】2月2日下午,我要参加阿斯顿英语学校举行的口语演讲比赛的总决赛。虽然我并没有任何压力,可妈妈却认为,进入决赛的同学们都是水平很高的,他们的英语口语非常好,你学英语起步晚,平时在家又没怎么练,对名次、奖励什么的别抱太大期望,重在参与就好。


Hello, everyone, I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech, Today I want to talk about a trip with my friends. Disney park is known as "happiest place on earth" is a top destination on many families' bucket lists. So last month, my friends and I went to Disney.This is the first time that I went to Disney, The same day,We went very early, but there were a lot of people waiting in line at the gate. Into the Disney gate,We're walking down the Mickey Avenue. Like I walked into the world of fairy tales. far to see a pink Castle,It was fantastic, we were all very excited. In Disney, we did a lot of rides.among:Jet backpack,Let's have an unforgettable flight experience. Drifting,Very exciting and cool Peter Pan sky Adventures,Let us experience a fantastic adventure in the air and so on。 In the afternoon we watched the Flower Parade,we see a lot of cartoon characters also interact with cartoon characters,Actors are very professional。 At night ,we watched the Fireworks ,Very beautiful


迪士尼英语梦工厂大型汇演主持稿 主持人阵容:ALEEN SANDY 一男一女小主持人 A:Good morning. Ladies and gentlemen. S:尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾。 小主持人:亲爱的小朋友们,家长朋友们 齐:大家早上好 A:Welcome to Flying education Disney dreamworks performance S: 欢迎大家来到飞扬教育迪士尼英语梦工厂大型汇演 A:飞扬有一种理念是为孩子的梦想插上翅膀。 S:飞扬有一种目标是打造具有情商的灵动英语课堂 A:飞扬有一种责任是帮助更多家庭“沟通,和谐,成长” S:飞扬有一种使命是培养更全面,更优秀的国家栋梁 小主持人:所以,我们来到了飞扬。 小女孩儿:七天里,我们更勇敢了 小男孩儿:七天里,我们更懂得爱了 小女孩儿:七天里,我们家更温暖了 小男孩儿:七天里,我们更自信了 A:Now, Please enjoy our performance S: 迪士尼英语梦工厂大型汇演正式开始,首先有请飞扬教育董事长:罗魏琼女士讲话 罗老师讲话

S:非常感谢罗老师,有一种爱的事业,永远有动人的旋律 A:有一种灿烂的事业,拥有最美的和声 S:有一种阳光的事业,奏响生命的乐章 A:让幼教赞美生命,下面请欣赏由小红帽幼儿园多才多艺的老师们为我们带来的舞蹈 《小红帽老师舞蹈》 A:XX,你喜欢童话故事吗 小女孩儿:喜欢 A:你最喜欢哪个童话故事啊 小女孩儿:我喜欢白雪公主,我从小就希望见到白雪公主 A:好呀,接下来你就看见啦,有请飞扬南外校区的小朋友为大家带来童话剧《白雪公主》 《白雪公主》 S: 谢谢飞扬南外校区的小朋友们把白雪公主演绎得这么棒,也非常感谢老师们制作了这么漂亮的场景,道具和服装。你们辛苦了。 XX,我想问一下,这七天,你们除了学习话剧,还学了什么啊?小男孩儿:我们还学习了很多英语歌曲。 S:是吗?那咱们就一起来听听都学了什么歌曲吧。 小男孩儿:好的,请欣赏由飞扬南外,西外的小朋友一起带来的英文


演讲稿的模板范例五篇 演讲稿的模板范例篇一 大家早上好! 一株无名的小花,不因牡丹的绚丽而自卑,因为责任而默默地为春天增添一抹色彩;一棵山楂树,不因苹果的硕大而自枯,因为责任而默默地为金秋捧出几簇红果;一脉小溪不因江河的绵长而干涸,因为责任而默默地滋润一方土地。物皆如此,何况人呢? 鲁迅说:真正的猛士敢于直面惨淡的人生。因为责任我们必须在逆境中挣扎,只有挣扎才会使山穷水尽变得柳暗花明,会使悲剧性的生命变得伟大。截瘫的史铁生因为对生命的责任而坐在轮椅上讲述遥远的清平湾的故事;残臂抱笔的朱彦夫因为对生命的责任而写出了30万字的极限人生;面对瘫痪我不哭的桑兰用迷人的笑容征服了世界;因为对生命沉甸甸地责任才有瞎子阿炳那如泣如诉的《二泉映月》,才有陆幼青的死亡日记。 责任不是甜美的字眼,它仅有岩石般的冷峻,一个人真正了解到责任时,责任如同一份人生礼物已不知不觉地落到你背上。他是一个让你时时不得不付出,呵护的。而它时常给予你的往往是灵魂和肉体上感到的痛苦。 其实每个人的人生都不是一帆风顺的,抱怨没有用,逃避不可能,想飞也只是梦想。人生是现实的,现实的人生需要用现实的方法来处理。

人生的路途,多少年来就是这样践踏出来,人人都循着这路途走,你说它是蔷薇路也好,你说它是荆棘路也好,反正你得乖乖地走完。如果真以为诗是有翅膀的,能带诗人到天堂,海阔天空地俯瞰这人世间而且能长久地冯虚御风、逍遥于天庭之上,其结果一定是飞得越高,跌得越重,血淋淋地跌在人生现实的荆棘之上。国家兴亡,匹夫有责。一个人的责任感在于他对自己、他人、国家和社会所负责任的认识,情感和信念,以及与之相适应的遵守规范,履行义务的态度。穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下的人生理念,为历代有识之士所追求。 生命的责任会使你懂得珍惜,珍惜每一个日子,每一阵风雨,每一泓秋水,甚至每一次飘零理想和现实之间有冲突也有和谐,请用你的智慧,选择契机,去寻找最合适的土壤,生根发芽,茁壮成长,走过这段肩负责任神圣的人生之路! 演讲稿的模板范例篇二 大家早上好! 我是来自xxx班的xxx。今天我国旗下讲话的题目是《让感恩之花常驻心田》。 印度诗人泰戈尔说过:蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时嘤嘤地道谢,浮夸的蝴蝶却相信花是应该向他道谢的。无疑,蜜蜂是懂得感恩的。 一位哲人说过:学会感恩是一个人成熟的标志。感恩是一种美好的品德,我们应常怀感恩之心,深刻铭记投之以桃李,报之以琼瑶的我们应感恩自然无私的馈赠,感恩父母给我们生命,感恩老师的谆谆教导,感恩那些帮助过我们的人

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