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bear 强调忍受者对痛苦、忧虑、烦恼以及责任的承受力(常用于否定句中)endure (=bear bravely)指经受长期的艰难、困苦或折磨而不屈服,强调持久力和意志坚强(常用于否定句中)

stand 强调不屈不挠或经受得起(常用于否定句中)


He quietly endures the pain of a loveless marriage.他默默地忍受着没有爱情的婚姻的煎熬。

The sorrow was almost more than she could bear.她几乎忍受不了那种悲伤。

I can’t stand hot weather.我受不了热天。

A government that refuses to tolerate opposition cannot last long.


It’s hard for people to put up with that kind of treatment.人们很难忍受那种待遇。

assure,ensure,insure与reassure 区别




示使某人确信(If you ASSURE a person of something,you promise them or tell them that)。assure的宾语通常是人或人称代词,所以不能直接搭用that -clause。其常用结构为:assuresb.ofsth./as-。

①He assured us of his ability to solve the problem.他向我们保证他有能力解决这个问题。

②We booked early to assure ourselves of(getting)good seats.我们及早订座以保证我们能得到好座位。


①Weeks of practice assured /ensured success in the match.几个星期的训练确保了在比赛中获得成功。

②Nothing can assure permanent peace.没有什么能确保永久和平。

▲assure在英国英语中作为专业术语,可表示投人寿保险。to insure /assure against death投保寿险(life assurance /insurance人寿保险)㈡ensure

▲ensure的意思是使某行为或某件事的结果得以保证,即确保某事发生(to make sure that sth.happens)。ensure后可以直接跟that-clause,并可以用复合宾语。常用结构为:ensure sth./ensure +that -clause /en-sure +obj.(i)+obj.(d)

①To ensure the childs quick recovery,the doctor gave him an antibiotic.为使这个孩子尽快恢复,医生给他打了一剂抗生素。

②Registration ensures delivery of mail.挂号寄邮件保证会送到。

▲ensure也可以表示确保安全,免遭伤害。To ensure freedom against tyranny反对暴政,维护自由

▲在美语中ensure常拼写为insure。㈢insure 意思是为防不测向保险公司付钱投保(to pay money to an insurance company against future disaster)。

①My house is insured against fire.我的房子保了火险。

②Are you insured for all risks?你是不是给自己保了综合险?

㈣reassure表示安慰忧虑不安的人,使其安心,放心,恢复信心(to comfort someone who is anxious and make him /her free from fear or wor- ry;

to bring back confidence to...)。常用结构为:reassure sb.(about sth.)/reassure sb.+that-clause

①I was worried that my work wasnt good enough,but the teacher

reassured me(about it).我担心我的作业不够好,可是老师却让我放心。

②The captain reassured the passengers about the strength of the





1.First published in 1927, the charts remain an _______ source for researchers.

A intelligent

B indispensable

C inevitable

D identical

2. Please___ dictionaries when you are not sure of____ word spelling or meaning.

A search

B seek

C inquire

D consult

3. It ____ you to at least 50% off the regular price of either frames or lenses when you buy both.

A credits

B entitles

C presents

D tips

4. The __ at the military academy is so rigid that students can hardly bear it.

A confinement

B convention

C discipline

D principle

5. Doctors warned agaisnt chewing tobacco as a _____ for smoking.

A succession

B substitute

C revival

D relief
