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新视野第三版Book2 Unit 1 教案

新视野第三版Book2 Unit 1 教案
新视野第三版Book2 Unit 1 教案

Unit 1

Language in mission

Understanding and Learning


This unit focuses on learning English with text Atalking about how grammar and vocabulary canbe taught efficiently and text B how the languagecan be learned successfully. In other words, one is about how to teach and the other how to learn.The writing style between the two texts is alsosomewhat different, the first one is more relaxedand humorous, a typical style in English discourse.The tone of the second text howeveris more formal and serious. When teachers familiarize students with the texts, they need to point out their respective writing styles and also think about how to involve students in class activities from twodifferent angles: teaching vs. learning. Meanwhile students should be encouraged to express their opinions about the current way of teaching in anEnglish class, thereby expressing their thoughts freely. Activities can range from class discussion to peer interview and panel debate such as whether grammar is of crucial importance in learningEnglish and how one can excel when learning thatlanguage. Students need to share their learningexperience and find out more effective ways to learn English grammar and vocabulary.

Section A

An impressive English lesson

Background information

1. Learning English grammar

The goal of developing learners’ functional competence in a second language is not a new idea. Originally, the term Grammar referred to the art of writing. As used today by many teachers and learners, grammar is loosely understood to be a set of rules that govern a language. Communicative language teaching has placed a renewed emphasis on the role of grammar, especially in the early stages of instruction. Viewing grammar with all of its components helps language teachers andlearners understand the complexity of what itmeans to know the grammar of a language. Clearly,the goal of language learning in a communicative classroom is for learners to acquire the grammar of the second language in its broadest sense toenable them to understand and make meaningthat is, to become proficient users of the language.Research and experience have shown that explicitteaching of grammatical rules does not producesuch competence. How should grammar be taughteffectively? It still has remained a question to all thelanguage teachers. Detailed study of the text

1. If I am the only parent who still corrects his child’s English, then perhaps my son is right. To him, I am a tedious oddity: a father he is obliged to listen to and a man absorbed in the rules of grammar, which my son seems allergic to. (Para. 1)

Meaning: My son is probably right if there is no other parent like me who still corrects his child’s mistake in English. To my son, I am a boring and strange father, who he has to listen to ; I am also the one who pays lots of attention to grammar rules, which he doesn’t seem to like.

★tedious: a. boring and continuing for too long 冗长乏味的

Telling the story has become tedious, as I have done it so many times.


★oddity: n. [C] a strange or unusual person or thing 怪人;怪物;奇特的东西

With his neat suits on, he felt like an oddity walking in this poor neighborhood. 穿着必听的西装走在这个贫民窟里,他觉得自己就像个怪物。

★be / feel obliged to do sth.: if you are obliged to do sth., you have to do it because the situation, the law, a duty, etc. makes it necessary (因形式、法律、义务等关系而)非做不可,迫使

I think Valentine’s Day is a waste of time, but I still feel obliged to send my wife a card.

★absorbed: a. so interested or involved in sth. that you do not notice anything else 极感兴趣的;全神贯注的;专注的。

Time passes quickly when you are absorbed in reading a good book.


★allergic: a.

1) (be ~to sth.) (infml) if you are allergic to sth., you do not like it and try to avoid it.不喜欢某


Most men are allergic to housework.大多数男人都不喜欢做家务。

2) having an allergy 过敏的

I do not enjoy picnics because I am allergic to grass.我不喜欢野餐,因为我对草过敏。

2. I think I got serious about this only recently when I ran into one of my former students, freshfrom an excursion to Europe (para. 2 )

Meaning: I think I started to pay attention to other people's usage of grammar only lately,when Ihappened to meet one of my formerstudents, who had just returned from a shortjourney to Europe.

★get/be serious about: if you are serious about sth., you really mean it and are not joking or pretending 对…是认真的;并非开玩笑的

When you are staying with your roommates, you cannot get too serious about privacy.你和你的室友相处的时候,不能太计较隐私。

★run into sb.: (infml.) meet sb. by chance 偶然遇见某人

You forgot all about your cousin’s birthday until you suddenly ran into her today. 要不是你今天


★fresh from: having just come from a particular place or experience刚从….来的;刚有…经历的

School principals should not expect teachers, fresh from college, to deal with a large group of difficult children.学校的校长不应该指望刚从大学毕业的老师来应付一大群难以对付的孩子。

★excursion: n. [C] a short journey you take for pleasure短途出行;远足

It was such a wonderful day that they decide to take a day excursion to the mountain. 这么好的天气,他们决定去山上一日游。

3.“How was it”I asked, full of earnest anticipation. (para.2)

Meaning:When I asked about how her trip to Europe had been, I was expecting her response anxiously and sincerely.

★How was it?: (spoken) often used in conversation to ask sb. about their opinion or experience of sth. (口语常用表达,用于询问看法或经历)

Did you watch the movie last night? How was it? 你昨天晚上看那部电影了吗?感觉怎么样?

★full of: (followed by abstract nouns) feeling or showing a lot of particular emotion or quality(感觉、表达或表现出)充满某种情感(特质)的

full of excitement/ energy/ hope/happiness/praise充满兴奋/活力/希望/幸福/赞美

The teacher was full of praise for the home work that the students had done.


★earnest: a. very serious and sincere 非常认真的;郑重其事的。

At the office he was very earnest, but he’s more relaxed now. 在办公室他很认真,但是现在他放松多了。

4. She nodded three or four times searchedthe heavens for the right words, and then exclaimed, it was like, whoa!" (para.3)

Meaning :she nodded her head three or fourtimes, tried to find the right words in hermind andthen shouted with excitement itwas like whoa!

Meaning beyond words: Since the studentwas not quite sure how to exactly describeher travelexperience, the tone of the authoris somewhat sarcastic. The author intendedto send out the message that the student wasincompetent regarding the selection of herEnglish vocabulary.

★search somewhere for sth.: try to find sth. in some place 在某地方搜寻某物

The robber reached out and searched the back pocket of my trousers for anything valuable.


Note The heavens means the sky: here search the heavens for the right words" implies the student tried hard to find suitable words to describe what shesaw and experienced when traveling in Europe.

★exclaim: v. say sth. suddenly and loudly because of surprise, anger, or excitement (由于惊奇、气愤或激动)呼喊,惊叫

Susan exclaimed horror when a young man with a gun suddenly appeared from behind her.


Note"It was like whoa" means it was really great! It was like is an informal expression in conversation, very common for young people who are lazy and incapable to reference their ideas. The expression is usually followed by an adjective or an exclamation.

It was, like, marvelous! 简直奇妙极了!

(It was like)Whoa! How come you got a hundred 0percent correct on such a hard test?


Note Whoa is specifically used to show that people are surprised or think something is very impressive. It can be used in different contexts.

For example:

●To describe something that you're not quite sure how to describe: that car is so cool it's like


●To express surprise: whoa! I t’s really amazing!

●To indicate a desire to end what someone istalking: whoa ok, that's enough.

5. And that was it. (para.4)

Meaning: And that was everything she said,without even mentioning any details of herwonderful experience in Europe.

★That was it.: often used in conversation to saythat sth. is completely finished or that a situation cannot be changed 就这样(指某事彻底结束或形式不能更改)

That was it. I could no longer hope for a promotion, and my boss didn’t even want to see me again. 就这样吧,我的升职再也没指望了,我的老板甚至不想再见到我。

6. The civilization of Greece and the glory of Roman architecture were captured in condensed non-statement. (para.4)

Meaning: The civilization of Greece and the glory of Roman architecture were justdescribed inone word rather than a completestatement because of her inability to chooseappropriate words to express herself

★capture: vt.

1) succeed in recording , showing , or describinga situation or feeling , using words or pictures (用文字或图片)记录下,描述,捕捉

Some artists are able to catch a likeness in a sketch while others are gifted to capture a fleeting

expression. 有些艺术家能画出酷似某人的肖像,而另一些则善于捕捉到稍纵即逝的表情。2)catch a person and keep them as a prisoner俘虏;逮捕

Government troops have succeeded in capturing the rebel leader.政府军已经成功捕获叛乱分子的头目。

★condense:vt. make sth. that is spoken or written shorter 将(讲话或文章)压缩

The whole chapter could be condensed into a few paragraphs. 这一整章可以压缩成几个段落。

★condensed:a. being made shorter, usu. including only the most important parts压缩的

The council was merely given a condensed version of what had already been disclosed in Washington.该理事会得到的知识已在华盛顿披露的内容的浓缩版。

7. My student “whoa”was exceeded only by myhead-shaking distress. (para. 4)

Meaning: My head-shaking distress at herinability to express properly was even greaterthan her slang term whoa, one word, whichdid not make any statement to describe thecivilization of Greece and the glory of Romanarchitecture.

Meaning beyond words:The word exceedstates explicitly that the authors worry abouthis student's language inability was muchmore intense than her excitement.

★exceed: vt. (fml.)be more than a particular number or amount 超过;超出

You’ll have to pay extra money if you exceed your luggage allowance.如果你的行李超重,你必须额外付费。

★distress:n.[U] a feeling of extreme unhappiness 忧虑;苦恼;悲伤

She had five years of active and happy life in the hospital before she died, without much pain or distress from cancer.她过世前在医院过了五年积极而快乐的生活,并没有因为患癌症二遭受多大的痛苦和忧伤。

8. There are many different stories about the downturn in the proper use of English. (para.5) Meaning: There are a lot of different stories about why people are less skilled when using English.

★downturn: n. [C, usu. sing.] a process in which business activity, production, etc., is reduced and conditions become worse 衰退;下降

The downturn in the auto industry affected the entire economy of the United States.汽车工业的衰退影响了整个美国的经济

9. Surely students should be able to distinguish between their/there/they're on the distinctivedifference between complimentary and complementary(para. 5)

Meaning: Of course,students should be ableto recognize and understand the differences between their/ there/they're on the obviousdifference between complimentary and complementary

★distinguish: recognize the differences between things 区别;辨别

A formal education with emphasis on history literature and culture helps a person learn how to

distinguish right from wrong着重于历史、文学和文化的正规教育能帮助一个人学习如何明辨是非。

★distinguish between: recognize and understand the difference between two or more things or people区分;辨别

The ability to read in a critical way involves the ability to distinguish between facts and the writer’s opinions or interpretations.批判性阅读能力包括区分什么是事实,什么事作者自己的看法或解释能力。

★distinctive: a. easy to recognize because of being different from other people or things of the same type与众不同的;特殊的;特别的

The distinctive design of a product provides a powerful competitive advantage over other products. 一个独特的产品设计具有比其他产品更强有力的竞争优势。

★complimentary: a.

1) given free to people 免费赠送的

All guests will receive a complimentary bottle of champagne. 所有客人都将得到一瓶免费的香槟。

2)saying that you admire sb. or sth. 赞美的;钦佩的

Mrs. Stevens was most complimentary about your work.史蒂文斯夫人称赞你的工作。

★complementary: a. complementary things go well together although they are usu. different 互为补充的;互补的

The economies of the two countries are complementary to one another in nature.两国经济具有互补性。

10. They unfairly bear the bulk of the criticism forthese knowledge deficits because there is a sensethat they should know better. (para. 5)

Meaning:Just because they are assumedto learn better, students unfairly becomethe main target of the criticism for theirinsufficient knowledge.

★bulk:n. [U](the ~ of sth.) the majority orlargest part of sth. (某物的) 大部分,多半

Because the bulk of the work was supervised bythe owner,the overall cost is difficult to assess. 大部分的工作是由业主监督,总体成本很难去评估。

★deficit: n. [C]

1) a lack of a quality, skill, or ability that you should have (素质、技能或能力的)缺乏、不足knowledge/language/sleep deficit 知识、语言、睡眠的缺乏

2) the amount by which sth. is less than you need or should have 赤字;亏损;逆差

Owing to the heavy deficit, the company is apparently on the verge of bankruptcy.由于巨额亏损,该公司很明显已到了破产的边缘。

Note The word deficit is mainly used in the second meaning (赤字;亏损;逆差)

11.Students are not dumb, but they are being misledeverywhere they look and listen.(para. 6) Meaning:Students are not stupid however,they mistakenly learn whatever they see andhear in their language environment.

Note Here, “they are being misled” is used foremphasis, emphasizing an on-going situation of “being misled”.

★dumb: a. (infml.) stupid 愚蠢的

The questions were set up just to make her look dumb.问题这么设计就是为了让她出丑。

12.For example signs in grocery stores point them tothe stationary, even though the actual stationery- pads, albums and notebooks - are notitems nailed down. (para. 6)

Meaning:For example , signs of merchandisein grocery stores lead students to the“stationary”department selling stationery likepads =, albums and notebooks. However, thesedisplayed stationery items are movable butnot nailed down.

Meaning beyond words:Taking the wrongspelled signs in grocery stores as an example, the author argues that it is not students’fault. The verb phrase nail down is cleverly usedto describe the funny situation: movable“stationery” items are under the sign ofunmovable stationary distin ct spellingmistake between the two words.

★stationary: a. standing still instead of moving不(移)动的;静止的

Stationary cars in traffic jams caused a great deal of pollution.交通堵塞中静止不动的汽车产生了大量污染。

★stationery:n.[U] materials used for writing, such as paper, pens pencils, etc. 文具

We regret that we are unable to accept telephone orders for personal stationery items.


★nail sth. down:

1) fasten sth. to sth. else with nails 钉;将某物钉牢

Will you nail down that loose board in the floor? 请把那块松动的地板钉牢好吗?

2)(infml.)reach a final and definite agreement or decision about sth.

Two days isn’t enough to nail down the details of an agreement.要把协议的所有细节都确定下来,两天的时间是不够的。

13.Friends and loved ones often proclaim they’vejust ate when, in fact, they’re just eaten ( para .

6 )

Meaning:Friends and loved ones often makemistakes when speaking English. For example, they say publicly they’r e just ate but actuallythey should say they’re just eaten.

★proclaim: vt. (fml.) say publicly or officiallythat sth. important is true or exists 宣称;宣布;声明

Britain proudly proclaims that it is a nation of animal lovers.英国自豪的宣称自己是一个爱护动物的国家。

14.T herefore, it doesn’t make any sense to criticizeour students (para. 6)

Meaning:So, there's no good reason to criticizeour students. Which is unfair to them.

15. Blame for the scandal of this language deficitshould be thrust upon our schools, which shouldbe setting high standards of English language proficiency. (para. 7)

Meaning:Our schools should be blamed forth e shocking evidence of students’ insufficientlanguage skills. It's their responsibility toestablish high standards of English languageabilities.

★scandal: n.

1) [sing.] a situation that shocks you and makes you angry, esp. one that you think sb. in

authority should change (尤指当局本应改变的)令人震惊的事,引起愤慨的事

It is a scandal that a person can be stopped by the police for no reason. 警察竟可以毫无理由地拦人,这很令人震惊。

2) [C] an event in which sb., esp. sb. important, behaves in a bad way that shocks people (尤指

牵涉知名人士的) 丑闻,丑事

The official got involved in a scandal and was forced to resign weeks later.那位官员卷入了一桩丑闻,几个星期后被迫辞职。

★thrust sth. upon/on sb.: (usu. passive) force sb. to do or accept sth.迫使某人做某事;迫使某人接受某事

She never enjoyed the fame that was thrust on her.对于强加给她的名声,她从未感到开心过。

★proficiency:n. [U] a good standard of ability and skill 熟练;精通

Evidence of basic proficiency in English is part of the admission requirements.具备基本的英语技能是入学要求的一部分。

16. Instead they only teach a little grammar andeven less advanced vocabulary. (para. 7) Meaning:contrary to what the schoolsshould do they only teach a minimumamount of grammar and far from enoughadvanced vocabulary.

17.Moreover, the younger teachers themselvesevidently have little knowledge of these vitalstructures of language because they also wentwithout exposure to them. (para. 7) Meaning:In addition, the young teachersobviously know little about these importantstructures of language since they also didn’thave the chance to deal with them in theirprior learning experiences.

★moreover: ad. (fml.) in addition-used to introduce information that adds to or supports what has previously been said 而且;再者;此外

Moreover, they become more concerned about their health as they grow older. 此外,随着年龄的增长,他们更加关注自己的健康。

★evidently:ad. used for saying that sth. is obviously true.明显地;显然

She should have been here two hours ago, so she’s evidently decided not to come after all.



1) [sing., U] the chance to experience new ideas, ways of life, etc. 接触;体验

Exposure to a second language should take place in elementary school.


2) [U] when sb. is in a situation where they are not protected from sth, dangerous or unpleasant


The doctor told Penny that too much exposure to the sun is bad for the skin and may cause cancer. 医生对彭妮说在太阳底下晒太阳对皮肤有害,可能还会致癌。

Note exposure是动词expose的名词形式,动词expose常用于短语be / get exposed to 中,表示“接触、体验”。

Some children are never exposed to classical music.有些孩子们从来没有接触过古典音乐。

18.Schools fail to adequately teach the essentialframework of language, accurate grammar and proper vocabulary, while they should take theresponsibility of pushing the young onto thepath of competent communication. (para. 7)

Meaning:Although schools are responsiblefor getting students on the track of effectivecommunication, they are unable to sufficientlyteach the basic concepts of language –grammarand vocabulary

★adequate: a. enough in quantity or of a goodenough quality for a particular purpose 足够的;充分的;合乎需要的

People accused the governor of failing to take adequate measures which could have prevented the disaster. 人们指责该州长对本来可以避免的灾难没有采取充分的措施。

★competent: a. having enough skills or knowledge to do sth. to a satisfactory standard合格的;能干的

My secretary is perfectly competent, but she doesn’t have much patience. 我的秘书非常能干,但是她没有多少耐心。

19.Since grammar is boring to most of the youngstudents I think that it must be handleddelicately, step by step. (para. 8)

Meaning:As grammar is uninteresting tomost of the young students, I think it should be taught carefully and skillfully, bit by bit.

20.The chance came when one day I was drivingwith my son. As we set out on our trip, henoticed

a bird in jerky flight and said, “It's flyingso unsteady.” (para . 8 )

Meaning:The opportunity to teach himEnglish came when we were both on a carheading for our trip. On seeing a bird flyingunsteadily, he commented that the bird wasflying unsteady.

★jerk: n. [C] a sudden quick movement 猛的一动;猝然一动

The old bus started with a jerk, so the passengersshook a sudden. 那辆旧的公共汽车猛地一动,车上的乘客都突然摇晃了一下。

★jerky: a. moving roughly with many starts and stops (在进行中)不平稳的,颠簸的

After the bus came to a jerky halt, the passengersgot the hurriedly. 公共汽车颠簸着停下来以后,乘客们都匆忙下车了。

21.I carefully asked, my son, ho w is the birdflying? “W hat’s wrong? Did I say anythingincorrectly?” He got lost. “Great! You saidincorrectly instead of incorrect. We use adverbs todescribe verbs.Therefore, it's flying so unsteadilybut not so unsteady.”(para. 8) Meaning:On hearing what he said, I askedhim cautiously how the bird was flying. Myson didn’t have any idea about whatwas wrong so he asked if he said anythingincorrectly. By praising his correct use ofincorrectly, I explained that unsteady isimproperly used because an adverb is neededto describe a verb.

Meaning beyond words:F rom “I carefullyasked”and “G reat”we can see the way thefather used to correct his sons grammaticalmistake is very encouraging.

★get lost: be unable to understand sth.Becauseit is new, difficult, complicated, etc. 迷惘;困惑;不知所措。

When you read faster, your comprehension goesup because instead of getting lost in the words ,you see the general picture. 当你快速阅读的时候,理解力会上升,因为你看到的是一个整体画面,而没有拘泥于单个词汇。

2. Curious about my correction he asked me whatan adverb was. Slowly, I said, “it's a word thattells you something about a verb.” It led to hisasking me what a verb was. I explained, “Verbsare action words; for example, Dad drives thetruck. Drive is the verb because it's the thing dadis doing.” (para. 9)

Meaning: fascinated by my correction, hewondered what an adverb was. After he gotthe answer, he went on with the question ofa verb. To explain vividly to him, I used theexample of driving: an action I was doing.

Meaning beyond words:The boy was veryalert to something new or interesting. Hislearning experience illustrates that learninggrammar is not necessarily boring.

23.Then, out of his own curiosity,he asked meif other words had names for their use and functions. (para. 10)

Meaning: After that, because of his curiosity, he asked me if other words also had specific names for their use and the roles they play.

★out of curiosity: because of curiosity 出于好奇

She decided to follow him out of curiosity.出于好奇,她决定跟踪他。


n. [C, U] the purpose that sth. has, or the job that sb. or sth. does ( 事物的)功能;作用;(某人的)职责

One of the chief functions of education is toequip future citizens with their places in society.


vi. work or operate in the correct way正常动作;正常运转

If the Internet stopped functioning, theconsequent losses could be measured in tens of billions of dollars.如果因特网停止运作,由此产生的损失可用数百亿美元来衡量。

24. Within the span of a 10 - minute drive, he hadlearned from scratch to the major parts of speechin a sentence. It was painless learning and greatfun! (para. 10)

Meaning: Within 10 minutes riding in thecar with me he had learned from zero tounderstanding the main parts of speech ina sentence. Learning grammar is interestingrather than painful or boring!

★span: n. [C] a period of time between two dates or events (两个日期或时间之间的) 时距,期间

Property gained within the span of marriagesuch as salary is considered jointly ownedproperty. 婚姻存续期间获得的财产,如工资,都视为夫妻共同财产。

★scratch: n. [C]

1) (from~) from a point where nothing hasbeen there. so you have to do everythingyourself 从零开始;从头开始;白手起家

It may be the first time in years when youhave bad to start from scratch making new friends.


2) a thin mark or cut on the surface of sth. or on sb.’s skin(物件或皮肤上的)刮痕,划痕

The scratch on the watch was almost too minute to see.手表上的划痕几乎小得看不见。

25. Perhaps, language should be looked upon as aroad map and a valuable possession: often studythe road map (check grammar) and tune up thecar engine (adjust vocabulary).Learning grammarand a good vocabulary is just like driving with aroad map in a well-conditioned car (para.


Meaning: Maybe, you should regard language as a road map and a very precious property you have. You should often look at the road map (review grammar) and makesmall changes to your car engine (improvevocabulary).

Meaning beyond words:The road map andthe car are used metaphorically to mean thatgrammar and vocabulary are powerful devicesthat will enable you to freely explore in thelanguage world.

★look upon sb. / sth. as: consider sb. or sth. in aparticular way, as a particular thing 把某人/某事看作

We had established a general opinion whichlooked upon corruption in public office as a threat to society. 我们达成了一个共识:把公职腐败视为对社会的威胁。

★tune: vt.

1) (also ~ up ) make small changes to an engineso that it works as well as possible调整,调节(发动机)是达到最佳状态

In order to keep drivers safe, mechanics are urged to make sure that car engines are properly tuned up. 为了保证司机的安全,一定要敦促机械师确保汽车发动机已调整好。

2) make small changes to a musical instrumentso that it will produce the correct notes 为(乐器)调音,定弦

Someone is coming tomorrow to tune thepiano. 明天会有人来给钢琴调音。


v. change or move sth. slightly to improve it or make it more suitable for a particular purpose调节;调整

The figures have been adjusted for inflation.数据因通货膨胀而作了调整。

vi. get used to a new situation by changing your ideas or the way you do things适应

He soon adjusted to army life.他很快就适应了军队生活。

26.T he road map provides the framework andguidance you need for your trip, but it won’t tellyou exactly what trees or flowers you will see,what kind of people you will encounter, or whattypes of feelings you will be experiencing on yourjourney. (para. 12)

Meaning beyond words:The road map canonly give you the direction you need for yourtrip, but it’s impossible for you to predictwhat kind of trip it will be ahead of you.

27. Here, the vocabulary makes the journey truecolors come alive! (para. 12)

Meaning beyond words:Vocabulary isconsidered as the beautiful sceneries along theway of the trip. The implied meaning is thatvocabulary is as important as grammar.

28.Equipped with grammar and a good vocabulary,you have flexibility and excellent control. (para. 12)

Meaning beyond words:Just as travelingwith a road map and a good car, with thehelp of grammar knowledge and a largevocabulary, you will feel more comfortable andconfident when using the English language.

★be equipped with sth:be provided with thethings that are needed for a particular kind ofactivity or work 以…为装备;配备…

All dormitory rooms are equipped with highspeed internet access.宿舍所有的房间都配备了高速互联网。

29.While the road map guides your journey toyour destination, an excellent vehicle helpsyou to fully enjoy all of the sights, sounds andexperiences along the way. (para. 12)

Meaning:Though the road map leads you tothe place where you want to go,the well-conditioned / well-tuned car (vocabulary) enablesyou to completely enjoy your trip along the road.

★destination: n. [C] the place that sb. or sth. isgoing to 目的地;终点

Not only did be help me find the right bus, bealso accompanied me to my destination and paidthe entrance fee to the museum. 他不但帮我在找到了正确的公车,还陪我到达了目的地,并为我支付了进入博物馆的门票。

30. Effective,precise and beneficial communicationdepends upon grammar and a goodvocabularythe two essential assets for students but they arenot being taught in schools (para.


Meaning:Grammar and a good vocabularyare the two basic and valuable tools that helpstudents to achieve successful, exact, andfavorable communication, but unfortunatelystudents are notbeing taught how to use themin schools.

★precise: a. exact clear and correct精确的;准确的

In preparing scientific reports, a student shouldexplain his findings in precise language.在准备科学报告时,学生应该用精确的语言来解释他的发现。

★beneficial: a. having a good effect 有利的;有帮助的;有用的

The researcher is attempting to show howparents can have beneficial conversations with their children. 这位一按就着正试图师范父母可以如何跟他们的孩子展开有益的对话。

Note beneficial 常与to连用,引出对谁有利、有帮助、有用。例如:.

Cycling is highly beneficial to health and theenvironment.骑自行车对身体和环境都大有裨益。

★asset: n.

1) [C] a major benefit 有利条件;长处

Knowing a foreign language is an important skill, a major social and business asset that will bring new life to the worlds of travel and entertainment. 懂外语是一门重要的技能,是蹲进社交和商贸的一个有利条件,它会给旅游和娱乐业带来新的生机。

2) [C usu. pl.] the things that a company owns, that can be sold to pay debts资产;财产

In addition to the money in a bank account, my assets include my house, my car, and my furniture.除了银行账户里的钱以外,我的资产还包括房子、车子和家具。

31.Just this morning, my son and I were eatingbreakfast when I attempted to add milk to mytea. “Dad,” he said, “If I were you, I wouldn’t dothat. It’s sour.” (para. 14)

Meaning:While having breakfast thismorning, I tried to pour some milk into mytea but my sonstopped me, saying that hecouldn’t do that because it tast ed sour.

★sour: a. having a sharp acid taste, like the tasteof a lemon or a fruit that is not ready to be eaten 酸的

In my mouth I have a sour, vinegar taste coming from the pit of my stomach. 在我的嘴里有从胃中返出的醋酸味。

32. “O h my!” I said, swelling with pride toward myson, “that’s a grammatically perfect sentence. You used were instead of was.” (para. 15)

Meaning beyond words:The father wasextremely happy and impressed by his sonsgood English. Note“Oh my!” is often heard in an informalconversation not infrequently, you also hear peoplesay “oh my goodness”or “oh my gosh!” All these can be used when people show surprise, excitement,boredom or distress. The sense can be either positiveor negative, and it is based on the speaker's tone andthe situation in which it is used.

★swell with pride / anger, etc.: feel extremelyproud angry, etc.洋洋得意、怒气冲冲等

Her heart swelled with pride as she stood watching her daughter win the race. 当她站在那儿看到女儿赢得比赛时,内心充满了骄傲。

33. “I know, I know, “he said with a long agreeablesigh. “It's the subjunctive mood.” (para.16)

Meaning: With a slow and deep breath,my son pleasantly said that he knew it's thesubjunctive mood in grammar.

34. I was like, whoa! (para. 17)

Meaning: I was really surprised andimpressed by my son grammar knowledge.

Meaning beyond words:The father wasvery proud of his son the expression usedhere is to contrast with the one said atthe beginning of the text when the authordescribes the incapability of the students’language. Though both are in a surprisedtone, the purposes are apparently different.

By returning to the phrase from the beginningof the text :“…, like whoa!”, the fatheris playing ball with this “condensed non-statement”, using this word at the end of thetext, therefore, reflects the authors skillfullyexpressed humor.


Unit 4 Section A The surprising purpose of travel 令人惊奇的旅行目的 1 It's 4:15 in the morning, and my alarm clock has just stolen away a lovely dream. I almost return back to sleep before my eye catches my packed suitcase and I groan, remembering that I'm going to the airport. The taxi is late and then lost, and I'm getting increasingly nervous that I'll miss my flight. I run in when we arrive, stagger through security and finally get to my gate. After all the trouble of this morning, my flight is canceled and I'm stuck in this terminal for the next 218 minutes, and my only consolation is a cup of complimentary airport coffee. This is traveling, a burdensome series of running and waiting, and after countless hours, finally getting there. 1 早晨四点一刻,闹钟把我从美梦中惊醒,要不是突然看见早已收拾好的行李箱,我几乎又要睡着。想起来还要去机场,我叹了口气。出租车来晚了,并且在途中迷了路,我越来越担心会赶不上飞机。出租车一到机场我就冲进去,跌跌撞撞通过安检处,终于,我来到了登机口。经历这一早所有的麻烦事,我乘坐的航班却被取消了。在接下来的218 分钟里,我被困在了机场,唯一觉得安慰的是机场提供的一杯免费咖啡。这就是旅行,让人心烦的跑跑停停。最终,在不知经过多少小时之后,终于到达要去的地方。 1 It's 4:15 in the morning, and my alarm clock has just stolen away a lovely dream. (Para. 1) Meaning: It's 4:15 in the morning and my alarm clock has just woken me up from a lovely dream. Note: In Paragraph 1, present tenses are used to describe a scene which is not actually happening and to make the imaginary scene seem more immediate and more real. 2 I run in when we arrive, stagger through security and finally get to my gate. (Para. 1) Meaning: I run in after we arrive, walk unsteadily through security and get to the place where I should get on the plane. Note: The word gate here means "the place at the airport where people get on a plane". 3 … I'm stuck in this terminal for the next 218 minutes, and my only consolation is a cup of complimentary airport coffee. (Para. 1) Meaning: … I am trapped in this ter minal for the next 218 minutes and my only comfort is a free cup of coffee offered by the airport. Note: The author used 218 minutes instead of 3 hours and 38 minutes in order to emphasize the trouble of waiting for a long time. 4 This is traveling, a burdensome series of running and waiting, and after countless hours, finally getting there. (Para. 1) Meaning: Traveling means we have to spend countless hours running and waiting before we finally get to the destination, which is quite troublesome. 2 Why do we travel? I don't mind the actual flying, the wonder of being airborne in a dense metal bird. The rest of the journey, however, can feel like a tedious lesson in the ills of modernity, from the predawn x‐ray screening to the sad airport malls selling clusters of keepsakes. It's the result of a globalized world, and it sucks. 2 我们为什么要旅行?其实,我并不介意飞行本身,在这样一个密实的金属大鸟中飞行,让我感到很奇妙。然而,旅程其余的部分,从一大早X 光检查到出售大堆纪念品的糟糕的机场商场,感觉就像是关于现代社会弊病的乏味课程。这是全球化的结果,它糟糕透了。 5 I don't mind the actual flying, the wonder of being airborne in a dense metal bird. (Para. 2) Meaning: I don't mind the flying itself as it is a great wonder that the plane, like a heavy metal bird, can fly in the sky.


教案2016 ~2017 学年度第一学期 课程名称大学英语 学时学分 70学时4.5学分专业班级 授课教师 系部外语系

本课程教学总体安排 课程名称:大学英语 课程性质与类型:公共必修课 总学时、学分:70学时,4.5学分 教学目的与要求: 1.通过本学期的学习,使学生进一步加强基础知识。 2.扩大词汇量,熟悉并掌握大学英语教学大纲中规定的单词、词组和结构的用法,达到大学英语一级的水平及要求。 3.进一步提高学生的听力、阅读及写作技巧。 4.进一步加强学生的语言实际应用能力,尤其是听说能力和篇章理解分析能力。 教材及参考书目: 1. 《新视野大学英语》(第三版)读写教程(第1册第1单元—第8单元)2.《新视野大学英语》(第三版)听说教程(第1册第1单元—第8单元) 3. 《新视野大学英语》(第三版)教师用书 4.《新视野大学英语》(第三版)配套光盘 5. 牛津英汉双解词典 考核方式及成绩计算方法: 综合成绩=期末成绩*60%+听力成绩*15%+读写成绩*10%+平时成绩*15%

课程教学日历 课程名称:大学英语授课学期:2016-2017学年第一学期

第一章教学安排的说明 章节题目:Book 1 Unit 1 Fresh start Text A Toward a brighter future for all 学时分配:8 本章教学目的与要求(分了解、熟悉、掌握三个层次): 一、了解课文有关的背景知识 二、熟悉文章的中心思想和篇章结构 三、熟悉文中所体现的记叙技巧 四、掌握大学英语教学大纲中规定的单词和词组及其搭配 五、掌握文中所包含的主要语法结构: 其它: 课堂教学方案 课题名称、授课时数:大学英语、8课时 授课类型:理论课、技法课、习题课 教学方法与手段:讲授、讨论、指导、多媒体等 教学目的要求: Students should be able to 1. grasp he main idea and structure of the text; 2. give reasons when they do the ranking activities and make predictions; 3. master the key language points and grammatical structures in the text; 4. conduct a series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.


Unit One I. Objectives 1. Skills: 1) Reading: scanning the information in sentences without reading in any details 2) Writing: how to present a paragraph with a problem-response-evaluation structure 3) Listening: understanding the passage about love without limitations, listening for the main idea and the important details, learning to take notes while listening 4) Speaking: talking about love without limitations 2. Vocabulary 1) Words: delivery, justice, wreck, disguise, penetrate, vacant, pledge, drain, exhaust, restrain, 2) Expressions: track down, tell on, hit home, lead up to, get through 3. Grammar: 1)word building: the way of n.+v. ( past participle)is used to form adjectives 2)rewrite sentences by using “no matter(what, where, who, how, etc.)” II. Teaching Arrangement 1.Total Class Time for This Unit: 10 periods 2. Suggested Arrangement: Section A: 6 Periods 1) Background Information 2) Pre-reading Activities 3) While-reading (1) General Reading Questions on the Text (2) Detailed Reading a. Words and Phrases b. Language Points c. Sentence Patterns d. Main Idea of Each Part 4) Post-reading (1) Useful Expressions (2) Summary of the Text (3) Structured Writing (4) Exercises (5) Assignments 10' 15-20' 10-15' 150' 5' 20' 30' 50' 1 Section B: 4 Periods 1) Reading Skills and Exercises 2) Detailed Study of the Text 3) Summary of the Text 4) Exercises 30' 100' 20' 50' Section A Love Without Limitations I. Background Information 1. September 11th disaster September 11th disaster refers to the air-attack on American main buildings by a gang of terrorists’ hijacking airplanes. The International Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon-shaped Building in Washington were severely damaged. The disaster happened on the morning of September 11th, 2001,


课程名称新视野大学英语1 授课专业和班级 教师专业技术职务学时 授课内容 (题目、章、节) Unit1 Fresh Start 教学目的与要求1.To know the meaning and usage of some important words, phrases and patterns 2.To study Passage A and understand the main idea of the text 3.To understand the structure of the text and the devices for developing it 4.To talk about college education 教学重点及难点1.The structure of the whole passage discussed and the writing ways mentioned in this passage 2.The reading skills mentioned in this unit 3.Listening practicing related to the contents learned in this unit 4.Talking about college education. 5.Writing paragraphs with the structure “a general statement supported by details”. 6.Applying the phrases and patterns. 教学方法 教学过程、内容及时间分配 1. Warming-up activities for Section A (0.5 period) a. What is the ideal university like in your eyes? b. What are your expectations of your college life? c. Listen to an interview about tips for freshman students and do the following exercise.

新视野读写教程第三册 教案


教案 教学系公共教学部 教研室外语教研室 启用时间2009年8 月 教师刘畅

通辽职业学院 《新视野英语教程-读写教程3》教学计划 课程名称:新视野英语教程-读写教程2 学时/学分:4课时/周 适用专业:学前教育专业三年制 开课教学系:公共教学部 开课教研室:外语教研室 一、课程性质与任务 1.课程性质:本课程是三年制普科(非英语专业)的公共课。 2.课程任务: (1)了解:要求学生对其中贴近学生生活,关注时代热点,反映时代节奏,具有一定深意的选材有所了解。 (2)掌握:课后练习紧扣课文内容,包括词汇、语法、翻译、写作、阅读技能、完型填空等项,既注重各项能力训练之间的衔接和互补,也注重篇章层次上的一体化技能培训。 (3)重点掌握:编在Section A中的 Basic Writing Skills旨在巩固学生的语法知识,提高学生的基本写作能力;Section C为Practical Writing部分,目的在于培养学生阅读、写作、翻译应用文的能力,内容包括表格、名片、贺卡、简历、信函、广告、公告及产品介绍等。 二、课程教学基本要求 理论课时-----68课时/班,无实践或实验 成绩考核-----闭卷形式 平时成绩占期末总分的30%,期末成绩占70%。

三、课程教学内容 《新视野英语教程-读写教程3》是我院08级英语班专业必修课,以《大学英语课程教学大纲》及《专科英语基本要求》所规定的教学目标为依据,根据我院学生的实际情况制定了《职业学院〈新视野英语教程-读写教程3〉教学大纲》。 本课程内容涉及政治、经济、社会、语言、文学、文化和教育等方面,题材和内容丰富多样,并具有一定的启发性,实用性可以培养学生语言交际能力,扩大知识面,使学生了解不同社会的文化背景及人文知识的差异。 (一)每学期或每学年的教学进度参照教务处教学计划。 (二) 第二学期教学安排如下: 完成第三册的9个单元。每单元约用8学时要注意让学生作一些英译汉和简短答问的练习。进行听力训练,教材课后练习的内容将纳入期末考试。 所选用教材为周洁主编的《新视野英语教程3》。第三册共十个单元。分Text A,Text B和Text C三部分。Text A前有Before Reading,为开展教学作铺垫。Text A包括了阅读理解,口语实践,词汇和结构,翻译,。Text B包含了阅读理解,阅读技能,词汇和综合技能练习。Text C主要是练习写作的基本技巧。每单元围绕一个主题设计。全书配有教师手册、课文配套光碟。总体上教学内容属于基础阶段。 要求通过第一、二册书的学习,学生所能掌握的常用词汇3000个,应能听懂英美人士日常生活和简单专业用语;能回答有关对话及课文问题;能读懂所学词汇及语法范围内的浅易故事及短文;能用所学语言知识进行简单交际,无重大语法错误。 四、课程教学媒体和课程总体设计原则 (一)教学媒体 1、文字教材 2、音像教材:教学光碟 (二)总体设计原则 本课程的总体设计既要从英语的教学规律,也要从学生的实际水平出发,再加以一定的多媒体手段,做到三者相结合。 五、教学原则与方法 (一)培养学生一定的英语交际能力。结合学生的生活实际和今后使用英语的需要,围绕教材中的话题进行讨论和口语交流等,从而提高其语言表达和实际运用能力。


Unit 1: brighter future for all 教学重点: 1. The structure of the whole passage discussed and the writing ways mentioned in this passage 2. The reading skills mentioned in this unit 3. listening practicing related to the contents learned in this unit 教学难点: 1.Talking about college education. 2.Writing paragraphs with the structure “a general statement supported by details”. 3.Applying the phrases and patterns. 教学过程: 1. Warming-up activities a. What is the ideal university like in your eyes? b. What are your expectations of your college life? c. Listen to an interview about tips for freshman students and do the following exercise. d. Listen to a short passage concerning college education and fill in the missing information. 2. Text study



U n i t1F r e s h S t a r t I.T e a c h i n g o b j e c t i v e s By the end of the class, the students are supposed to: Know something basic information about college education Further understand the text Apply the phrases and patterns Master the paragraph writing skill I I.T e a c h i n g m e t h o d:task-based approach I I I.T i m e a l l o t m e n t:4 hours I V.T e a c h i n g c o n t e n t: 1.B a c k g r o u n d I n f o r m a t i o n 1.1I n the United States, the choices students have after high school include going to college, going straight to the workforce, attending a two-year community college before applying to a university. 1.2M ajor criteria for university admission include: A student’s high school course of study; High school Grade Point Average (GPA); Participation in extracurricular activities; SAT or ACT exam scores, a written essay; A personal interview with a representative from the admissions office. 1.3 Extracurricular activities students can participate in include Scholastic clubs, athletic teams, student government, and philanthropic (慈善) clubs. Through their voluntary participation in these kinds of activities, they can learn valuable life lessons, such as teamwork, leadership, or civic (公民) responsibility. 1.4 Vera Wang Vera Ellen Want (王薇薇, 1949-) is a Chinese-American fashion designer. She was born and raised in New York City. While trained as a


《大学英语3》课程教学大纲 1、课程简介 课程名称:大学英语3 课程类型:公共课 授课对象:非英语专业本科二年级学生 选用教材:《新视野大学英语:读写教程3》,外语教学与研究出版社 《新视野大学英语:听说教程3》,外语教学与研究出版社学时安排:每周6学时 考核方式:平时考查+期末闭卷笔试考试 2、教学目标与任务 本课程是非英语专业本科二年级第一学期的公共课。其教学目的是培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素质。 按照《大学英语课程教学要求》规定的一般要求的英语能力及较高要求的英语能力调整教学目标和教学内容。 3、教学计划 3.1 课程内容

《新视野大学英语:读写教程3》由10个单元组成,每单元设有一个主题, 含同一主题的课文两篇Section A、Section B。《新视野大学英语:听说教程3》由10个单元组成,每单元分六个部分,主 题与读写教程一一对应。 3.2 课时分配 每两周(12课时)完成一个单元。《新视野大学英语:读写教程3》Text A及其练习由教师指导学生共同完成;Text B及其练习以学生自学为主,教师督促、检查、辅导为辅。全册10单元中将由教师选择2-3单元供学生自学,不安排讲授课时。同步进行《新视野大学英语:听说教程3》的学习。 3.3 作业布置与批改 每单元教学中教师应及时布置适量作业。作业可分为课堂作业和课后作业。课堂作业主要为课本上提供的练习、与课本配套的综合练习册和教师自己准备的课堂实践活动等,由教师随堂检查、评价。课后作业主要为词汇操练练习、语感培养练习(如:完型填空和英汉互译)、语言应用练习(如:作文)等。教师可以指定班级课代表帮助其完成部分作业批改,每次批改作业量不少于总量30%,作文全批全改每学期不少于4次。 4、教学模式 4.1 任务教学法和交际教学法 本课程主要采用任务教学法,同时将交际法教学思想渗透于教学的每一个环节。课堂上,教师除了鼓励学生了解英语语言知识、西方文化背景之外,还要善于引导学生积极思考,注重培养学生的自主学习意识。课堂教学活动要以学生为主,体现以学生为中心、生生互动、师生互动的教学原则,使学生的英语语言综合应用能力得到培养和提高。 4.2 多媒体教学模式



Section A Get Rich Quick, Marry in May! I.Background Information In text A, the author introduces some wedding traditions in different cultures. The western weddings are not always the same, but a traditional wedding is expected to be held in the church. Relatives and friends are invited to take part in the wedding. The bride’s sister or best friend is asked to be bridesmaid, while the groom’s brot her or best friend is the best man. At the wedding, the father accompanies his daughter, who is wearing a snow white wedding dress, and gives her to her future husband. Then the minister starts the wedding ceremony. He greets the guests, and talks about the meaning of marriage. Next the bride and groom exchange vows and give each other wedding rings. Then the minister declares the new couple husband and wife. After the ceremony, there is a wedding reception. At the reception, the guests share the wedding cake, champagne and many other tasty foods. Warm up questions: 1. What can you learn about the traditional western wedding ceremony? 2. What do you think about a good marriage? II.New W ords and Phrases 1.meanwhile adv. 1)during the same period of time 同时 e.g. Meanwhile, she is preparing for her wedding. 与此同时,她在准备婚礼。 Mother was cleaning the room, and meanwhile, Father was reading newspapers. 妈妈正在打扫房间,与此同时,爸爸正在看报纸。 2)in the time between two events 在间隔时间里 e.g. They’ll be here soon. Meanwhile, we’ll ha ve some coffee. 他们很快就到,我们现在先喝点咖啡。 2. event n. 1) a happening, especially an important, interesting, or unusual one 事件 e.g. Weddings are a special event in every culture. 在每种文化中,婚礼都是件特别的大事。 any of the races, competitions, etc. arranged as part of day’s sports(一天比赛的)运动项目 e.g. 下一个比赛项目是110米栏。 The next event is the 110-metre hurdle 3. emotional adj. 1) having feeling that are strong or easily made active 情绪激动的,易动感情的 e.g. Everyone feels very emotional at weddings. 婚礼上,人人都情绪激动。 2) connected with one’s emotions and one’s ability to control them 感情冲动的,凭感情的 e.g. Her emotional health is good, and she is always happy.

新视野大学英语第三版第一册Unit 6教案

Unit 6, Book One Section A: To work or not to work- That is the question 1. Teaching Objectives: To talk about the effects of part-time employment To further understand the text To apply the phrases and patterns To master the paragraph writing skill 2.Time Allotment: Section A (3 periods): 1st---2nd period: Pre-reading activities ( theme-related questions for warming up;) While-reading activities (cultural notes; useful words and expressions; difficult sentences) 3rd period: While-reading activities (text structure; main ideas) Post-reading activities (comprehension questions; exercises) Section B(1period): 4th periods: Practice of the reading skill (reading for the key idea in a sentence); T checks on Ss’ home reading by asking questions based on the passage. T explains some difficult sentences 3.Teaching Procedures: Pre-reading Activities Step 1. Greetings Greet the whole class warmly. Step 2. Lead-in and preparation for reading Let them talk to each other about the following questions: 1. Why do some students like to take part-time jobs? 2. What problems will students face with when they take part-time jobs? 3. What suggestions will you put forward toward students planning to work part-time? Step 3. Fast reading Ask the Students to read the passage as quickly as they can and then answer the questions on the screen. Let them get the main idea of each paragraph and make clear about the text structure. Text structure: ( structured writing ) The passage can be divided into 3 parts. Part1 (para.1) Research methods Part 2 (para2-4)Research findings Part 3 (Para.5-8) Explanations for the negative effects Part 4 (Para.9) Conclusion of the research Purpose: Improve the students’ reading and writing ability and understand the general idea of each paragraph.


西安翻译学院基础部 教案 课程名称:实用英语 授课对象: 2014级 教材名称:新视野英语教程 学时:学分 授课学期:2015至2016学年第 1 学期 授课教师:许利 教辅资料:1.新视野英语教程教师用书 2. 3. 年月日

教案编制说明 一、教师上课前必须写出所授课程的教案,不能无教案或借他人教案进行授课;授课教案应根据学科专业发展、教学要求变化、学生实际水平,以及教师以往教学的课后小结、批注等进行补充、修改或重写,以保持教学内容的先进性和适用性,不得使用未经任何补充、修改的陈旧教案进行授课。 二、实践教学的教案与理论教学的教案分开编写,教案要素(教学目的和要求、教学内容及过程、重点难点内容、教学方法和手段等)应齐备,对于难课、新课提倡由教研室组织进行集体备课。 三、教案编写要求内容简明、条理清楚、教学目的明确、教学内容设置合理、重点难点清晰。 四、教案应采用统一格式书写或打印(建议使用A4纸),不同学科的授课教案可有自己的特色,但应包含教案基本内容。教案必须含首页,与各单元(章节)教案形成一个整体。 五、提倡教师利用计算机进行教案编写,与教学过程中的手写批注相结合,形成不同时期,不同版本(注意分别存盘和存档)的教案,并根据实际需要制作相应课件。 六、妥善保存各阶段的教案,并配合好学院的教学检查和归档等工作。

Unit 1 Text A I Am Home 一、Objectives Go over the whole text in limited time and try to get the main idea of the passage . Focus on some sentence structures. 二、Time Arrangement Text: 2 periods Discussion: 1 period 三、Leading-in Introduction to the topic Have you ever seen the movie The Wizard of Oz? In it, the main character, Dorothy, gets lost in a storm and spends all her time trying to get back home to her family. She makes new friends and has adventures, but she is still desperate to be back where she belongs? Do you ever feel this way? There is no place like home. Where do you feel most at home? Exploring 1.What comes to mind when you hear the word “home”? 2.What does staying with your own parents mean to you? 四、Detailed Study of the Text key words and sentences a labor of love, asleep, diagnose, eat away (at), be forced to do something. As fate would have it, my life would soon change again, and in a very big way. The doctors informed my dad that he would need to change his lifestyle completely, which meant no more farming life. comprehension questions How did you know the writer enjoyed doing the work on the farm? What happened when the writer was at the age of 12? Why did the writer move again after setting down in Arizona? What did the writer mean by “a dark void”? What did the writer’s perfect home look like? main idea: interpretation of the text. 五、Homework Finish exercises behind the text Preview text B


大学英语3级课程教案UNIT ONE READING (4 periods)

Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Warming-up 1.Talk and discuss the topic—Love 2. Pre-reading 1.Why didn’t the speaker’brother have the chance to go to a regular school or compete for a decent job? 2.What did the speaker’s brother give first priority to? 3. Who has encouraged you most when it comes to being a loving and caring individual?

Step 2. Understanding the text A 1. while-reading Ask students to skim the text in ten minutes and try to answer Q1. How did Jimmy get his brain damaged? Q2. How did the writer describe her father? Q3. How much was Jimmy changed after his father’s death? Q4. What did the writer think of her caring for Jimmy? Q5. Why did the writer invite her friends to Jimmy’s birthday party? Q6. What did the party remind the writer and her friends of? 2. Structure analysis With her lifetime experience, the author tells us there have never been any limitations to love whatever life may present. The writing method of this text is: “Problem + Response + Evaluation” Step 3. Detailed studies of the text A 1. The Structure With her lifetime experience, the author tells us there have never been any limitations to love whatever life may present. The writing method of this text is: Problem + Response + Evaluation Part I (Para.1~3): All family members took good care of Jimmy. Part II (Paras. 4~ 7): I looked after Jimmy alone after parents’ death. Part III (Paras. 8~ 9): Jimmy’s 57th birthday was a success. Part IV (Para. 12): Conclusion: Love without limitations 2. Active Expressions In English, you may find some expressions formed by very common words, but they are active and powerful. Find out the active expressions: 1. I was in charge outside where… 2. Jimmy grasped that the world he’d known was gone. 3. This hit home a few days after… 4. That was super! Practice: 1.一位有经验的工程师负责这项工程。 An experienced engineer is in charge of this project. 2.你不在时,要我帮你处理业务吗? Shall I deal with your business while you are gone? 3. 你的评论确实切中要害。 Your comments really hit home. 4.这简直好极了。 Now that’s absolutely super! More Practice 1.这个班谁负责? Who is in charge of this class? 2. 天晓得她跑到什么地方去了。

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