当前位置:文档之家› 牛津英语8A八年级期中复习题及答案








1. A. Carrots. B. Fish. C. V egetables.

2. A. Y es. I’m well. B. Y es. I agree. C. That’s nice.

3. A. No problem. B. No, I couldn’t. C. Y es, you might go there.

4. A. A giraffe. B. A goldfish. C. A parrot.

5. A. He’s tall and thin. B. Oh, this is Simon. C. He’s my father.





11. Why was there a fire?

A. Because an old man wasn’t careful with matches.

B. Because an old man left the stove on.

C. Because a little boy played with fire.

12. Does the man believe there are ghosts?

A. Maybe he believes there are ghosts.

B. Y es, he does.

C. No, he doesn’t.

13. How did Jack go to work today?

A. On foot.

B. By bus.

C. By bike.

14. Whose drawing is the most beautiful?

A. Millie’s.

B. Simon’s.

C. Sandy’s.

15. What can we know about Li Lei?

A. He’s friendly and helpful.

B. He likes playing football.

C. He wants to be a doctor.


16. When did the family go out for the holiday?

A. Last May Day.

B. Last Sunday.

C. Last week.

17. How did their car move?

A. It moved very slowly.

B. It moved very fast.

C. It could not move.

18. How long did it take them to get out of the town?

A. About half an hour.

B. About an hour.

C. Two hours.

19. What suddenly came to them?

A. A strong wind.

B. A car.

C. A bus.

20. What did they think of their trip?

A. It was pleasant.

B. It was funny.

C. It was sad.


1. A small goldfish about 4 grams.

D. weights


D. into; up

D. should

D. may

D. can’t

D. the; A

D. very thin

A. puts on

B. takes off

C. dresses

D. wears

9. My brother is so fat too much food and little exercise.

A. like

B. that

C. because

D. because of

10. Peter is friendly. He never a bad word about anyone.

A. speaks

B. tells

C. talks

D. says

11. It’s wrong to dirty water into the river.

A. throw

B. take

C. pour

D. rush

12. All the people should do their best the work.

A. to finish

B. finish

C. finished

D. finishing

13. What kind of food is , Chinese food, Japanese food or the western food?

A. most delicious

B. more delicious

C. the most delicious

D. the more delicious

14. Listen! Can you hear the boy in the next room?

A. to sing

B. sings

C. sang

D. singing

15. I’m 1.70 metres. Y ao Ming is 2.27 metres. I am Y ao Ming.

A. as tall as

B. taller than

C. not as all as

D. so tall as


1 my parents.

buy clothes for my mother,”said

” I said.

6 .” my father said to

9 some Wahaha!”

If we buy her some Wahaha, she will

D. at

( )2. A. looked for B. talked about C. found D. heard from

( )3. A. Where B. Which C. How D. What

( )4. A. called B. took C. said D. made

( )5. A. pear B. apple C. cake D. orange

( )6. A. suit B. dinner C. present D. dress

( )7. A. others B. another C. other D. else

( )8. A. hard B. of C. about D. over

( )9. A. she B. hers C. her D. us

( )10. A. strong B. old C. tall D. thin



A man has a cat. He likes her very much. At mealtime the cat sits at the table with him. The man eats with a knife and a fork, but the cat eats from her plate. Sometimes, when she finishes her dish, her master will give her a bit of his food. He shares his meal with her. One day the cat is not at the table at mealtime.

“Ah! Where is my cat?” asks the man.

His wife says, “Can’t you eat without her?”

So the meal begins without the cat. Before lunch is over, the cat rushes into the room and jumps into the chair quickly. She has two mice in her mouth, and before anyone can stop her, she drops(扔下) one into her own plate, and the other into her master’s plate.

“Dear me!” cries the woman, “A mouse is in your plate!”

“Hush(安静)!”says her husband. “This shows that she is a nice cat. She knows what friendship(友谊) is. She wishes me to share her dinner as I often share mine with her.


( )1. The master loves his cat very much.

( )2. The cat always shares her food with her master.

( )3. One day the cat is not at the table at mealtime.

( )4. The cat hurries(匆忙) home with two mice in her mouth when the master and his wife are having lunch.

( )5. The story tells us the cat also loves her master.


My name is Max. I am twelve years old. I have many friends. Most of them are as old as I. Some are older. Some are younger.

My best friend is Bill. He lives near me. We go to the same school and we are in the same

class. Bill helps me with my maths homework. I help him with his English homework.

Bill is taller than me. He is quite fat. He doesn’t like sports, so he doesn’t get much exercise. We both have black eyes, but Bill’s hair is longer. I like sports and I play football or go swimming every day. Every Sunday morning Bill and I play computer games. Sometimes I win. Sometimes he wins.

( )6. The main idea(主题) of the text is .

A. Max has many friends

B. Max and Bill go to the same school

C. Max and Bill are best friends

D. Max and Bill like the same things ( )7. Most of Max’s friends are .

A. twelve years old

B. older than Max

C. younger than Max

D. thirteen years old

( )8. Max and Bill live .

A. near each other

B. in different towns



5. Please /nDk/ at the door before you come in.

6. I never feel /b :d/ when I work with her.

7. He was very /′nэ:vэs/ and couldn’t say a word.



1. Y ou should clean your room (one) a day.

2. Would you like to go (ski) with us?

3. Tommy is very (happy) because he lost his bike.

4. Does he look (smart) that Wnag Lei?

5. Alice is the (pretty) of all the girls.


6. More and more (来客) are coming to visit China.

7. Y ou can’t take the (杂志) out of the library.

8. Outdoor (活动) are good for our health.

9. He wants to be a (歌唱家) when he grows up.

10. I always feel (不舒服) after I have ice cream.

Is diving camping?

5. 埃米经常给我提建议。

Amy often .

6. 你能帮助他解决这个问题吗?

Can you help him ?

7. 好朋友应该和你共享快乐。

A good friend with you.

8. 谢谢你把座位让给我。

your seat to me.


校刊要求每位同学写一篇短文介绍自己最要好的朋友,请以“My best friend”为题写好介绍,词数不少于60个。短文应包括下列要点提示:




My best friend




1. What does a cat like eating?

2. Are you getting better now?

3. Could you ride a bicycle last year?

4. Which animal can say hello to you?

5. Who is the boy next to you?


6. The animal often runs fast. It barks when someone rings the bell.

7. This is an old man. He is in hospital for a week.

8. There is a girl in the river. She is calling for help.

9. Han Mei is at home today. She’s listening to CDs now.

10. Amy’s father is tall and slim. He has good eyesight. He doesn’t wear glasses.


11. W: Do you know there was a big fire yesterday?

M: Y es. The old grandpa forgot to turn off the stove. And it made the fire.

12. W: Do you think there is a ghost in the world?

M: There is none, I think.

13. W: Jack, how did you go to work today?

M: I usually go to work by bus, but this morning I walked there.

14. W: Look! There are three drawings over there.

M: Y es. Millie’s drawing is more beautiful than Simon’s. Sandy’s drawing is more beautiful than Millie’s.

15. W: Is Li Lei tall and slim?

M: Y es. He is handsome. He always helps his friends solve their problems.


Last May Day my family went to the country by car for our holiday. There was too much traffic on the road, so we had to move very slowly. It took us about an hour to get out of the town. After some time, we went up to a hill. It was green and beautiful. We thought this was a good place for a picnic, so we stopped and took the food, fruit and drinks out of the car. We sat

down and began to eat. Suddenly, a strong wind blew and it started to rain. We had to run back to our car and had our picnic in the car. Then we drove back home. What a sad trip!




A)1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B

B)6. C 7. C 8. A 9. C 10. B

C)11. B 12. C 13. A 14. C 15. A

D)16. A 17. A 18. B 19. A 20. C


1. C

2. B

3. B

4. D

5. C

6. C

7. C

8. D

9. D 10. D 11. C 12.A 13. C 14. D 15. C


1. B

2. B

3. D

4. A

5. C

6. B

7. D

8. A

9. C 10. B


1. T

2. F

3. T

4. T

5. T

6. C

7. A

8. A

9. B 10. C


1. memory

2. plans

3. eyesight

4. frighten

5. knock

6. bored

7. nervous


1. once

2. skiing

3. unhappy

4. smarter

5. prettiest

6. visitors

7. magazine(s)

8. activities

9. singer 10. uncomfortable


1. barks

2. Don’t open

3. did, stay

4. Will, help/Is, going to help

5. seeing


1. help an old man

2. instead of swimming

3. Don’t pull

4. as dangerous as

5. gives me some advice

6. solve the problem

7. should share joy

8. Thank you for giving


One possible version:

My best friend

Sandy is my best friend. She is tall and slim. She has a round face, very big and bright eyes. She is a lovely girl. She is honest. When I tell her something, she always keeps secrets. She is ready to help others any time. She is the best student in our class. She wants to be a teacher in the future.













2019-2020牛津英语8A 期中复习专题训练--翻译句(有答案)

牛津英语8A 期中复习专题训练--翻译句子 中译英 1. 不仅Peter的父母在把这墙涂蓝,Peter 也正在涂。 __________________________________________________________________________ 2. 我建议她继续用水把杯子装满。 __________________________________________________________________________ 3. 米莉喜欢把草莓切成小块然后把它们一起搅拌。 __________________________________________________________________________ 4. 你最好不要再犯同样的错误了。 __________________________________________________________________________ 5. 吉尔的爸爸用了两个小时独自装饰了他的卧室。 __________________________________________________________________ 6.把牛奶装进杯子,然后把它放在空气里一段时间。 7. 你应该努力学习而不是痴迷于打电脑游戏。 8. 他经常用剪刀把纸剪成一片片的来取乐。 9. 坏掉的灯很危险,所以我们最好赶快修好它。 10.没有阅读说明最好不要开始你的工作。 _________________________________________________________ 11.他正试着在餐厅里装一个更亮的灯。 ___________________________________________________________________ 12. 昨天下午他没有出席那个会议,却去了一个朋友家。 ___________________________________________________________________ 13. 他不能相信自己的眼睛,因为一个八岁的男孩在画画竞赛中得了第一名。 __________________________________________________________________________. 14. 我哥哥去年自学了制作主页 __________________________________________________________________________. 15. 那些支持者在为他们运动队喝彩. __________________________________________________________________________ 16. 金门大桥的模型看起来和家乡的一样伟岸。 __________________________________________________________________________ 17. 那时我们所有人都迫不及待地想知道旅行的费用。


2019-2020学年牛津译林版英语8A期中测试题 (第一卷(共75分) 一、听力理解(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分) Ⅰ听对话,选出与所听内容相符合的图片。每段对话读两遍。 ( ) 1. How does Jim usually go to school? ( ) 2. What does the girl want? ( ) 3. Where is Lucy from? ( ) 4. Where did the woman go last Sunday? ( ) 5. What's the weather like? Ⅱ听对话,选择最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。 ( ) 6. What are they going to do tomorrow? A. To have a science lesson. B. To clean their classroom.

C. To visit the Science Museum. ( ) 7. Where does the girl want to go? A. The fruit shop. B. The post office. C. The teachers' office. ( ) 8. What's wrong with Mike? A. He has a cold. B. He has a cough. C. He can't sleep. ( ) 9. Which season does the woman like best? A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn. ( ) 10. Who wasn't at Tom's party? A. Tom. B. David. C. Kate. III. 听短文,选择最佳答案。短文读两。 ( ) 11. Where did Miss Lee go yesterday? A. A shop. B. A hospital. C. A bank. ( ) 12. What did Miss Lee put on the table? A. Her watch and handbag (手提包). B. The fruit and vegetables. C. Her handbag and basket. ( ) 13. How many apples did the shopkeeper weigh for her? A. Half a kilo. B. Two kilos. C. One kilo. ( ) 14. How much were the apples? A. 12 pence (便士) a kilo. B. 24 pence a kilo. C. One pound (英镑) a kilo. ( ) 15. How did Miss Lee feel when she found her handbag was gone? A. Very sad. B. Very surprised. C. Very excited, 二、选择填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) ( ) 16. --Would you like to go skating with me this afternoon, Daniel? --I'd love to, I'm too busy today. A. and B. so C. but D. or ( ) 17. --Geography is too difficult for me. I can't learn it well. --Don't give up. Nothing is difficult ifyou work hard. A. seldom B. always C. never D. sometimes ( ) 18. This is in our shop. Nothing is cheaper. A. cheaper B. the cheapest C. more expensive D. the most expensive ( ) 19. My father usually morning papers before going to work. A. looks through B. looks for C. looks after D. looks like ( ) 20. Be careful, Tom and Peter! Don't hurt________ . A. you B. yours C. yourself D. yourselves ( ) 21. The password is Please try again. A. incorrect B. incorrectly C. correct D. correctly ( ) 22. Nurses look after the people when they are in


2007 —2008学年度第一学期期中考试试卷 笔试部分(80分) 一、根据句意和汉语注释,在空格上写出单词的正确形式(10分) 1、These swim suits are those _________ (游泳者).PIease take care of them. 2、His job is _________ (喂)animals. 3、You can know the weight of the apples after _________ (称的重量)it. 4、English is ________ .(广泛地)used. 5、 __________ (老鼠)can be seen everywhere in the old room. 6、His father is one of the best _________ (编辑)in that press. 7、Childre n un der 1.2m in _______ (高度)can 'go into the ci nema by themselves. 8、The girl has a __________ (微笑的)face. 9、She likes reading __________ (广告). 10、We _________ (邀请)them to our meeting yesterday. 二、在A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确选项(15分) ()1、Her friend is __________ honest boy. A. a B. the C. an D. / ()2、The artist said he hoped __________ drawing the picture soon. A. his son to finish B. to finish C. finishing D.his son will finish ()3、I think Chinese is as __________ as Maths. A. useful B. more useful C. most useful D. the most useful ()4、The Changjiang River is __________ in the world. A the Ion ger river B the long river C one of the Ion gest rivers D one of the long river ()5、一Must I finish my homework now? A. No ,you mustn'. B. No ,you needn't. C. No ,you could n't. D. No ,you don't. ()6、We didn'find ___________ in the picture. A. unusual anything B. nothing unusual C anything unu sual D unu sual someth ing ()7、Hurry up .There' ___________ time left. A. a little B. little C. a few D. few ()8、Playing football and climbing are __________ than watching TV A. more healthy B. more healthier C. much more healthier D. much healthier ()9、I heard her __________ in the next room yesterday evening. A. cryi ng B. cried C. to cry D. was cryi ng ()10、一Can 'you see a boat in the picture?

牛津译林版8A 英语期中复习专题练习句型转换

牛津译林版8A 英语期中复习专题练习—句型转换 1. Why don't you come a little earlier? (改为同义句) Why a little earlier? 2. John can read magazines during this week. (画线部分提问) during this week? 3. Jack joins the fewest clubs of all the boys in my class. ( 改为同义句) Jack joins any other boy in my class. 4. There are some differences between the two boys. (改为同义句) The two boys are each other. 5. She watches CCTV news every day. (画线部分提问) she _________ CCTV news? 6. Chinese is not as interesting as English. (改为同义句) English is Chinese. 7. You'd better not swim in the river. It's dangerous.( 改为祈使句) in the river. It's dangerous. 8.He spends two hours reading English every week. (改为同义句) It __________him two hours English every week. 9. The book on the shelf is my sister's. (对划线部分提问) is your sister's? 10. Why don't you go to see the football match. (改为同义句) going to see the football match. 11. The boys are very lazy. (改为同义句) They are 12. His face is square. (改为同义句) He 13. Kitty is tall and slim.(对画线部分提问) 14. Could you give me another three books? (改为同义句) Could you 15. This dress is more beautiful than those two dresses.(改为同义句)This dress is of the three dresses.


8A Unit 5Wild animals 单元重点知识点总览 1 wild 可用作形容词也可用于名词(不可数) 副词:wildly 2 why not的用法 why not do sth.相当于why don't we/you do sth. 3 free的多种释义 A 免费的 B 自由的,不受束缚的 C 空闲的 4 dish 可数名词,意思为一道菜,或者盘子、碟子 5 could you please + 动词原形请你......好吗? could you please not +动词原形请你不要......好吗? 6 no way!适合不同的场合 表示不同意,拒绝,不行,不可能,没门 还可以表示惊奇和怀疑,意为“不可能,不会吧! 7 have/take a pity on sb./sth.同情/怜悯某人、某物 8 dead adj. die vi. death. n. 9 giant 是指特大的,巨大的, 10 what... do you like best? 回答I like...best 同义句What is your favourite ...? 11 联系动词如look sound feel smell taste其后接形容词做表语 12 mean 意味着名词meaning 形容词meaningful 13 hope: hope to do sth 不可以hope sb to do sth. 14 be born 出生be动词常用过去式was/were 15 not ... any more 相当于no more, 不再 16 in the beginning 一开始at first at the beginning of 在什么的开始 at the end of 在什么的结束 17 learn to do sth 学会了做某事 learn from sb. 像某人学习 learn of/about 得知,获悉 18 sadly 令人遗憾地 比较级more sadly ,most sadly adj.sad n. sadness 19 face vt. 面临,面对 n. 脸,短语face to face. Let's have a talk face to face. 20 serious,adv. Seriously The man is seriously ill. 21 It+be+adj.+for sb./sth+to do sth.做某事对于某人、某物来说是。。。。。的 It 是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式,可以改为动词不定式作主语的结果。


1 / 10 期中专题复习题 一、根据句意和所给中文写出句中所缺的单词(1×25) 1.Simon is so ________( 诚实 ) that everybody likes him. 2.I am very happy today because I can ________( 分享 ) a computer with my sister. 3.Xie Tingfeng is a very popular ________ ( 歌手 ) in China today. 4.May has straight, ________ ( 齐肩 ) hair. Every one thinks she is pretty. 5.This boy is two years old, but he can draw a ________ ( 正方形 ) with a pencil. 6.—Who can ________ ( 解 决 ) this problem?—Nobody. 7.Hangzhou is ________ ( 著名) for its beautiful West Lake. 8.—Don't you think that American fast food is the most popular food in the world? —Yes, I ________ ( 同意 ). 9. -What subjects do you study at school? -I study Chinese, English, Maths, history, ________( 地理 ) and other subjects at school. 10.It is going to rain. Don't forget to take an ________ ( 雨伞 ) with you. 11.There are many different kinds of ________ ( 语言 ) in the world. 12.I bought a pair of blue jeans for ________ ( 我自己 ) last Sunday. 13.-What are the students doing now? -They are ________ ( 准备 ) for the coming exams. 14.I know how to cook healthy and ________( 可口的 ) meals. 15.Who is the ________ ( 总统 ) of the USA now? 16.Kitty ________ ( 决定 ) not to tell her mother this secret. 17.When the lights are red, the ________ ( 车辆 ) must stop. 18.Every year lots of ________ ( 登山者 ) go to high mountains to enjoy themselves. 19.Neil didn't go camping. He went roller-skating ________ ( 代替 ). 20.-Do you think it ________(有用) to learn English well? -Yes, I think so. English is widely spoken in the world. 21.Can you tell me the way to the ________ ( 飞机场 ) ? 22.Simon felt ________ ( 不舒服 ) and he went to see the doctor with his father. 23.I know many ________ ( 英雄 ) in history. 24.- How do you like Max? -Very much. He likes telling funny ________ ( 玩笑 ), so I like staying with him. 25.people talked about their best friends in _________ ( 青少年 ) magazine today. 四、根据句意将所给词变为适当形式(1×25) 1. The Great Wall is a place of ________ in China. ( interesting ) 2. At the ________ of this year, we held a party to celebrate the


( ( ( ( ( A. 牛津英语8A新课标期中调查测试卷五 Unit 1-3 听录音,找出合适的应答句(5分) )1. A. I like school very much. B. It ' s like watchingiTVhere are fewer advertisements. C. I don ' t think so. School is a good place to live in. )2. A. It doesn ' t snow very often here, and I don ' t mind the rain. B. I usually walk to school because I like walking. C. About five kilometers, I guess. )3. A. So our school basketball team needs your support. B. Because I don ' C. I ' m afraid that )4. A. Ok, I wont. ' )5. A.七s, I think so. 听录音,选出正确答案(5分) ' )1. A. One year B. Two years. )2. A. Rainy. B. Rainy and cloudy. )3. A. $ 18 B. $ 36 )4. A. She is not interested it. B. She ' s too busy to go. )5. A. Some bread, much juice and lots of meat. B. Some rice, two bottles of orange juice and a lot of meat. C. Some milk, a bottle of juice and some meat. 听短文,选出最佳答案(10分) )1. The old woman 'use was ___________ . A. in a little town B. in a village C. in a big city )2. When Bill came back again ten years ,attear old woman felt ________ . A. surprised B. very sorry C. very sad )3. The old woman had dinner with Bill because _____________ . A. he helped her with the house work B. he was her son C. he was hungry )4. Why did the old woman told the young man take some potatoes? _________ . A. She hoped him to plant some potato plants B. She thought he would be hungry again. C. She let him become a good farmer )5. What do you think of the old womanShe was ___ A. a danger woman B. very poor 第二部分:笔试部分 t like Beijing Amusement Park. 's not a good idea. Some of us went there yesterday. C. Oh, I ' m not. C. They look lovely on me. B. Ws, yoire'quite right. B. The trip took two hour 曰 , C. Three years. C. Sunny. C. $ 20 C. She hasn ' t got any tickets. C. very kind 词汇(15分) 根据首字母或中文提示写单词。 1. The p ___________ look just like the real ones in Egypt. 2. In some areas in China, students wear school u ____________ every day. 3. Walk slowly around the big lake and feel the b _________ o f the park there. 4. How many ___________ (语言)are there in the world? 5. The old man is as __________ (不受欢迎的) as his wife. B.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. I think swimming is not as ______________ ( interest) as hiking. 2. I moved into a new school last week. It is a __________ ( mix) school. 3. We all got off the coach _____________ ( quick) when we got there. 4. This digital camera is much ______________ (expensive) than that one, right? 5. ___________ ( wolf) won ' t survive if we don ' t give them enough areas. C.用动词的适当形式填空。

牛津译林版8A 英语期中复习专题练习—首字母填空

牛津译林版8A 英语期中复习专题练习—首字母填空学校_________ 班级__________ 姓名__________ 学号__________ 一、单词填空 1. What will happen if a family is without the Internet for a month? One American family decides to find out. They have sent an invitation to a leading US television station, expecting(期望) that it will send a film group to record their day-to-day life w【小题1】 the Internet for a month. When the film group meet with the Smiths, they find that Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith and their two c【小题2】are so crazy about the Internet that t【小题3】hardly(几乎不) do things together. At mealtimes, no one s【小题4】at the dining table for their food. “Everyone just runs into the kitchen, takes their food and then goes back to their screen,” Mrs. Smith explains. “I【小题5】we don’t make a change, our family will become strangers to each other!” Getting back to the normal life without the Internet is not e【小题6】, especially when the Smiths lose themselves in it. They have to make many c【小题7】. For example, the two kids have to go to the school l【小题8】to borrow books for their study about science, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith need to go out shopping because they cannot buy things on the I【小题9】. As the family have picked up the new lifestyle, they find that they can spend more time talking over meals, playing sports and doing all k【小题10】of activities together. Would they be able to go for long without using the Internet after the challenge(挑战)? 2. As we all know it’s important for us students to learn all the subjects well. Will students do better in their lessons if they spend m【小题1】time on them? Many people think it’s true. So students have to spend the whole day d【小题2】 school work except three meals. Students have many h【小题3】. They love sports, after-school a【小 题4】and art. Two days’ holiday can get them away f【小题5】 too much school work, and they can do what they like. But sadly, many teachers do not think so. They h【小题6】 their students do much homework even at the weekend. Some senior students even have to have lessons on Saturdays. It’s usually difficult for students to find time to enjoy t【小题7】. Students are really tired of too much


牛津版英语 8A期中测试卷 Part One Listening(听力) I.Listening Comprehension (听力理解):(共25分) A. Listen to the sentence and choose the suitable picture. (听句子,选出与句子容相符的图片): 5% A D E F B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear. (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): 10% 6. A. Milk B. Coffee C. Orange juice D. Apple juice 7. A. Spring B. Summer C. Autumn D. Winter 8. A. By bus B. By taxi C. By underground D. By train 9. A. Sarah B. Sarah’s classmate C. Sarah’s teacher D. Sarah’s mother 10. A. 5:30 B. 5:40 C. 6:00 D. 6:20 11. A. Sunny B. Rainy C. Cloudy D. Windy 12. A. A teacher B. A lawyer C. An engineer D. An artist 13. A. 50 yuan B. 130 yuan C. 30 yuan D. 180 yuan 14. A. He stayed at home inside B. He went fishing with his friend C. He went shopping with his mother D. He watched a football match. 15. A. Doctor and patient B. Mother and son C. Teacher and student D. Waitress and customer C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are True or False. (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): 5% 16. After visiting Beijing, the Smiths would visit Shanghai. B C


牛津译林版8A英语期中复习—易错题专题练习 1. He likes reading newspapers and ____________(magazine) in his free time. 2. Did you attend your son's parents' meeting yesterday? 3. I used _____________ ( scissor) to cut out pieces of card. 4. Can you tell me the answer to the question ____________(.exact) ? 5. The journey to the town centre wasn’t ___________( bored)at all. 6. The students couldn’t wait ___________(know) the result of the exam. 7. —What did the doctor advise you ___________(do)? —To eat less meat and do more exercise. 8. After running 2 kilometers, I felt much ___________(thirsty). 9. —Do you know the ___________(weigh) of the fat man? —It’s hard to say. Maybe 150 kilos. 10. As Grade 8 students, we should learn to do something we can do all by _________(we). 11. My cousin is about 1.75 meters in ________(high) 12. Sorry, I can't remember those ________(foreign) names. 13. The weather is even (bad) today than yesterday. 14. We should spend as much time as we can __________ (read) English. 15. There _________(be) a new film in Wanda Cinema this evening, isn’t there? 16.After the traveller drank a can of cola, he felt even (thirsty). 17. No one knows exactly when the Chinese first (grow) watermelons. 18.We must try to learn from (mistake)and then we can be better and better. 19. She (invite) Bob to the party, but his friend Peter came instead. 20. It’s (mean) for us to spend so much time discussing this unimportant thing. 21. At the (begin) of the movie, Kungfu Panda was both lazy and fat. But he never stopped dreaming. 22. Do you know the (high) of the tallest man in the world, Daddy? 23. The twins really enjoyed (they) at their birthday party yesterday evening. 24. Thank you for (agree)to accept our invitation to give us a report in our school hall. 25. I feel (terrible)sorry for Andrew, because he failed to put up the shelf on the wall. 26.You’d better_____________ (not shop) online during the BRICS Xiamen Summ it. 27.What great fun they had ____________ (support) the player they like!


8A第一学期期末考试试卷 初二英语 听力部分 一.根据对话,回答下列问题,每段对话读两遍。(1*5) 1.Who did Millie vote for? A. Sandy B. Andy C. Simon D. Millie 2.What’s Millie’s favourite sport? A. Cycling B. Camping C. Skiing D. Swimming 3.What is John doing? A. He is lying in bed. B. He is reading in bed. C. He is playing with a cat in bed. D. He is playing with a dog in bed. 4.How does the boy go to school on Wednesdays? A. On foot. B. Ride a bicycle. C. Take a bus. D. Take a taxi. 5.What time is it now? A. 10:45 B. 11:00 C. 11:15 D. 11:45 二.根据短文,回答下列问题,短文读两遍。(1*5) 6.How many people died in the earthquake? A. 25 B. 250 C. 2500 D. 25,000 7.When did the earthquake happen? A. In the morning B. In the afternoon C. In the evening D. At night 8.What was the speaker doing at that moment? A. The speaker was enjoying a nice day. B. The speaker was going out. C. The speaker was studying at school. D. The speaker was sleeping. 9.Did the mother feel anything? A. Yes, she did. B. Yes, she didn’t. C. No, she did. D. No, she didn’t. 10.Why did the father look out of the window? A. Because he had nothing to do. B. Because he saw the computer shaking. C. Because he was tired. D. Because he was on the first floor. 三.根据录音,完成短文,短文读三遍。(1*10) Here is the 11 report for this weekend. It will be 12 on Friday. On Friday night, it will be cloudy. Most of Saturday it will rain and the temperature will be 13 0℃to 4℃. On Saturday night, it will snow. Temperatures will be 14 0℃. It will get windy at night. Sunday will be windy. The wind will be very 15 , so keep your windows 16 and bring your 17 indoors. The temperature will be from -10℃ to 6℃. And that is your three-day weekend 1 8 . Listen at this time tomorrow to 19 any 20 .

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