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重点语法 (结合考题讲解) 综合英语(二)常考的语法为:名词单数变复数,定语从句,虚拟语气,反意疑问 句,非谓语动词,时态,名词性从句,形容词副词的比较级,主谓一致,倒装等等。 下面我们把这些语法项目进行详细的有重点的讲解。


1. 大多数集体名词可作单数,也可作复数,如: army , audience , class , committee , crew ( 全体船员,乘务员 ) , crowd , faculty , family , government , group ,

orchestra , team , union 等。强调整体时谓语动词用单 数,强调个体时谓语动词用复数。如:

The government is paying close attention to economic development.

The government are having a heated discussion on this matter.

2. 有些名词形式为复数,却用作单数,如 :electronics( 电子学 ) , mathematics( 数 学 ) , optics( 光学 ) , politics , statistics( 统计学 ), economics (经济学) , physics 等。例如 : Linguistics is a difficult subject to study.

3. 名词作定语时,除了 man 和woman 要和中心词一起变成复数之外,其它修饰词不 能变成复数。例如

a woman teacher --- two women teachers

a man doctor --- two men doctors

a girl student --- five girl students

a boy student -- six boy students

4. 复合名词的复数只把其中所包含的主体名词变成复数。如 :

looker(s)-on sister(s)-in-law , passer(s)-by shoe lace(s) 5.

如果没有主体名词,就在最后一个词上加复数词尾。如 go-

between(s) , drawback(s), grown-ups

“Of 抽象名词”相当于形容词

Of interest interesting

Of importance---important

Of value---valuable

Of necessity---necessary

Of possibility---possible

Of great importance--- greatly important/very important

Of no value---valueless

切记 invaluable=priceless

这里主要讲一下 不定代词some 和any 。通常some 用于肯定句,any 用于疑问句和否 定句。但在下列情况下例外:

(1) 在表示请求、建议时,some 及其派生词可以用于疑问句。如: Would you like some coffee?

Can somebody come and help me?

Could you lend me some books?

Why don?t you buy some flowers for her birthday?


, runner(s)-up , editor(s)-in-chief , , grand-child(ren) , , blood type(s) 等。

注意“any单数名词”和“any other单数名词”的区别。现在用两个例子进行说明。

China is larger than any other country in Asia. (China belongs to Asia.)

China is larger than any country in Africa. (China does not belong to Africa.)

(2) any及其派生词用于肯定句时,起强调作用,意思是任何的……”如:You can come any day you like. 你哪天来都行

He is taller than any of the other boys in the class. (any of the other boys=any other boy)



1) 一些表语性形容词要后置,如:present (到场的,出席的) ,available ,

involved ,concerned ,etc 。

2) 形容词修饰不定代词something ,anything ,everything 时要后置。例如: There was something wrong with her.

I came across a tricky question hard to answer.

I wondered if there was a room available.


enough water /water enough

careful enough/ well enough

形容词和副词的原级比较由“as +形容词或副词原级(或后跟名词或短语)+as ”构成,“as…as前可力口not , just , almost , nearly , quite , twice , several

times 等词修饰。否定式中not 后面的as 可改为so 。如:

He is as tall as I.

He is not as/as careful as his brother.

形容词与副词的比较级形式为:“形容词(副词)比较级+than+…”,应注意than 前后相比较的人或物要一致(否则没有可比性)。比较级前可以跟even ,much ,stilI, far, a lot 等副词修饰比较级,表示强调。

You voice is more beautiful than your classmates?/that of your classmates.

The population in China is much larger than that in America.

The values of the young differ from those of their elders.




be junior to ---be younger than

be senior to ---be older than

be posterior to ---be later than

be anterior to ---be earlier than

be prior to ---be earlier than/be more important than

be inferior to ---be worse than
