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47. Directions:

Suppose your university is going to host a summer camp for high school students. Write a notice to

1) briefly introduce the camp activities , and

2) call for volunteers .

You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.

Do not use your name or the name of your university.

Do not write your address. (10 points)



就这则启事来说,正文的第一段可首先交代背景(大学将要为中学生举办一次夏令营),然后表明这则启事的目的--- 招募志愿者。第二段简要介绍这次夏令营的活动。我们可以先指出这次夏令营的主题,然后列举出与该主题相关的一系列活动。第三段说明对志愿者的要求,如性格外向、有组织青少年活动的经验等,最后给出报名方式。下面请看范文:

V olunteers Needed

January 15, 2015 Our university is going to host a summer camp for high school students from July 1st to 7th, 2015. We would like to recruit ten volunteers for this event.

The theme of the summer camp is “Better environment, better life”. The camp will hold a variety of activities, such as attending lectures, visiting museums, hiking in the mountains, picking up trash on campus and a bonfire party.

You are welcome to join us. An outgoing personality and experience in

organizing teen activities are preferred. If you are interested, please send your resume to the e-mail address studentsunion@.

Students’ Union (104 words)


48. Directions:

Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing you should

1) interpret the chart, and

2) give your comments

You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)


考研图表作文以三段布局为宜。第一段简洁地描述图表。就本文而言,我们可以按照从大到小的顺序依次描述图表中的几个数据。在描述饼形图时会多次表达“占--- 比例”,要注意措辞变化,避免单调重复,比如可以选用account for,take up,occupy,comprise等。


文章行文至此,不可戛然而止。在分析了春节期间各种花销的原因之后,我们最好能预测一下该市居民在春节期间花销的未来发展趋势,这样文章才能意思圆满、结构完整。因此,我们还要设计出一个结尾段,指出中国人爱家庭、重感情,随着人们生活水平的提高和中国地区发展差距的缩小,中国人在新年礼物和聚会吃饭上花的钱会更多,但在交通上花的钱会更少。下面请看参考范文:The pie chart indicates how people of a certain Chinese city spend their money during the Spring Festival: Gifts account for 40% of the expense, followed by feasts and fares, which take up 20% respectively, with other items occupying the last 20%.

It is customary for the Chinese to exchange gifts with other members of their family during the Spring Festival. The mos t common gifts are “lucky money” given to children. This explains why the largest share of the expense is gifts. Besides, millions of aspiring young people from underdeveloped inland provinces now pursue their dreams in coastal cities. They have to travel a long distance to join their family, entailing a fifth of the expense. The Lunar New Year is also a time for the extended family to dine together, so it is not a surprise that money spent on feasts comprises another fifth of the expenditure.

The Chinese are home-loving and affectionate. It can be predicted that people of this city will spend more money on gifts and feasts, but less on fares during the Spring Festival as their living standards improve and the regional development gap closes. (190 words)


1. Gifts account for 40% of the expense, followed by feasts and fares, which take up