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without a parallel举世无双无可匹敌be abundant in富有,,

in abundance大量充足reach one,s destination到达某人目的地或目标

out of question毫无疑问in prison蹲监狱in church做礼拜

at table吃饭settle down定居,安顿下来

settle down to doing安下心来做某事settle into习惯适应

settle on决定选定settle up付清欠款settle for勉强接受同意

contradict oneself自相矛盾be contradictory to sth与,,矛盾

occupied忙碌的occupation职业,消遣occupy oneself in doing忙于

be occupied in doing忙于make an apology to sb for doing道歉

apologize to sb for doing为,,向,,道歉

as a matter of routine按常规,例行公事break the routine打破常规

follow the old routine墨守成规all day long全天

be parallel to,与,,,平行in parallel with与,,同时

keep to谈话不跑题,坚持守fit in with适应in preparation for为做准备make preparations for为,,做准备in comfort舒适地

substitute A for B用A代替B substitute for代替

displace取代,代替meet one,s requirements满足要求

require that ,,should do要求某人acknowledge答谢

it,s universally acknowledged that,,是大家公认的

as far as l can see依我看in one,s point of view依某人看

keep it up保持优秀成绩,继续干下去lecture说教

out of the question不可能的day in and day out日复一日

be occupied with忙着做have an advantage over sb胜过优于

take advantage of利用be of advantage to sb对,,,有利

satisfaction赔偿test out考验,检验allowance津贴


senior资深年长高级的superior级别地位较高的;(质量)较好的,上等的comply遵守dive into潜入abandon放纵,放任

distribute分布be accessible to 某人可接近使用的

make a purchase购物pay for the purchase为所购的物品付款

on occasion偶尔on one occasion有一次on this occasion在这场合

on the occasion of在,,时候distinguish使杰出

have a very wide distribution分布广distributor经销商

distribute sth to sb把某物分发给distribute sth among sb

the same as不同物the same that同一物

operate操作,经营operate on sb做手术

come into operation实施生效

lie down躺下lie in在于lie to sb向,,撒谎

donate sth to sb向,,捐make donations to向,,捐赠

meet one,s need满足需要there is no need to do没必要,,

lie down躺下lie in在于lie to sb向,,撒谎

donate sth to sb向,,捐make donations to向,,捐赠

meet one,s need满足需要there is no need to do没必要,,

be up to1适于2胜任3忙于it,

s up to sb to do轮到


but otherwise然而在别的方面toast烤面包,敬酒

propose a toast提议干杯drink a toast to sb向,,,敬酒

be relevant to与,,有关have no relevance to与,,不相关

adjust to适应adjust oneself to调整自己以适应

make adjustment to作调整以适应

help oneself to请随便吃用can,t help doing禁不住

can,t help but do不得不not more than one can help尽量少

relate讲述,涉及be related to与,,,,有关

turn sth upside down把,,,弄得凌乱不堪

inside out里面朝外suck up奉承巴结

suck sb into sth使,,,卷入sharp敏锐尖刻的

sharp turn急转弯be sharp with sb对,,尖刻严厉

target瞄准,把,,,作为目标set the target制定目标

hit the target完成目标scare sb away把,,吓跑

scare sb into|out of doing恐吓某人干或不干某事

in depth有,,深,详细深入地beyond ones depth超出某人的理解力in the depth of在,,,的深处at a depth of在,,,深处

urge sth on sb向,,主张强调urge sb on激励

urge sb into doing催促某人urge that,,,should do极力主张

sign the cheques开支票abandon oneself to沉湎溺于