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1.How often do you use the computer?

I use it on a daily basis. I mean, I can’t go a day without it now because I use it to do almost everything, like searching for information, keeping in touch with friends, reading news and loosening up. My computer is a big part of my life now.

on a daily basis 每天

search for information 查询信息

keep in touch with … 和…保持联系

I can’t go a day without it 我完全离不开它

loosen up 放松

A big part of my life 我生活中非常重要的一部分

2.Who taught you how to use a computer?

Well, my memorys a bit sketchy now. I think it must have been my dad. If I remember correctly, he taught me how to type when I was a 4th grader. I remember thinking it was super difficult and I didnt want to learn it at all, but my dad told me that typing would be an essential skill in the future. He was right.

My memory’s a bit sketchy now 我的记忆有点模糊了

A 4th grader 四年级学生

3.Do you think computers have changed your life a lot?

Yes, definitely. The computer has changed my life dramatically. For starters, when I was a child, I used to play with my little friends outside every day and we always had a ball together. However, now, in my downtime, I just like to surf on the internet and social networking sites allow me to know what my friends are doing. Plus, I don’t even need to leave my apartment anymore when I want to buy something. With a click of the mouse, I can buy anything on the internet.

Has changed …dramatically 很大地改变了…

Had a ball 玩得很开心

In my downtime=in my spare time=in my free time=in my leisure time

social networking sites 社交网站

With a click of the mouse 轻点一下鼠标

4.What kinds of computers are popular in China?

I guess maybe office computers and laptops. For brand,I believe apple-brand computers take up a big market share among Chinese people.

5.What do you usually use your computer for?

你通常都用电脑来做什么?这个题并不难,总-分-细的答题模式,相信大家也不陌生,磊哥想说的是在互联网时代,电脑已经不仅仅是一台独立的机器,更多时候我们使用电脑都是与网络有关的,我们做的很多活动也都是因为网络才得以完成。所以我们可以这样作答:Well,with computers,I can do pretty much thing,like checking and writing e-mails,watching online movies,shopping and chatting online,searching for information...whatever you name

it.And recently,I use computer to search information a lot,simply because I am to graduate from university and I need to finish my dissertation with a huge amount of information.

6. Have computers changed your life in any way?

Yes, computers have made considerable changes in my life. In fact, it improves efficiency at work. I can type words, figures or data

through the keyboard of my computer, which is more efficient compared with handwriting. Furthermore, computers enrich my recreation activities and I can play video games or go shopping online.

7. Do you think computers are useful in everyday life?

Yes, it makes considerable changes to my life, like for example, I use it to connect to the Internet to communicate with friends through some instant messaging programmes, browse the web, download music and save them to my removable hard drive.

8. Do you think there are any disadvantages to using computers?

Yes, sitting in front of the computer screen for a long time has a detrimental effect on people’s health. You know, a sedentary lifestyle can cause some chronic diseases, like backache or something like that.

9. Computers are now used a lot in education. What do you think of this?

Computers may reduce efficiency and distract students’ attention. Without the supervision of parents and teachers,


雅思写作题库 Some advice on how to make good use of this material 同学们拿到题库后,需要从三个方面来提高自己的写作能力: ● 对于基础比较薄弱的学生,需要赶紧把题目都过一遍,划出所有的生词,避免自己在考场出现单词不认识,理解错 误题目的情况。理解错题目,写作分数直接6分以下。 ● 做到题目中没有生词后,同学们需要开始建立自己的观点素材库。每天过10-20个题目,在脑海中列出可行的论证素 材。记录下自己思维卡壳的题目,向老师求助。 ● 最后,同学们要强化自己精准回应题目的能力。在刷题的过程中,要不断逼问自己:“我是否注意到了题目中的限 定词,在我的论证部分我是如何回应这个限定词的”? 只有做到以上三点,雅思写作才能获得6.5+的分数! 各位小烤鸭加油!纷纷老师永远是你们坚强的后盾! 2019 年雅思写作大作文题目汇总 1/5日 大陆卷:Some people argue that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams always achieve the greatest success in sports. But other people think the success is more related to the mental attitude. Discuss both views and give your own opinions. 亚太 卷: In modern society, it is no longer necessary to slaughter animals for


个人信息类 Studies 1.What subject(s) are you studying? 2.Why did you choose to study that subject? 3.Do you like your subject? (Why?/Why not?) 4.Is it very interesting? 5.(Possibly) Are you looking forward to working? 6.Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoon? Teachers 1.Do you have a favorite teacher? 2.Do you want to be a teacher in the future? 3.What kinds of teachers do you like? 4.Do you think teachers should be angry at students or not? 5.Do you like strict teachers? 6.What's the different between young and old teachers? 7.Is it important for teachers to interact with students frequently? 8.What’s the most important part in your study, teachers or classmates? Hometown 1.What’s (the name of) your hometown (again)? 2.Is that a big city or a small place? 3.Please describe your hometown a little. 4.How long have you been living there? 5.Do you like your hometown? 6.(Possibly) Do you like living there? * 7.What do you like (most) about your hometown? 8.Is there anything you dislike about it? 9.Do you think you will continue living there for a long time? Accommodation 1.What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in? 2.Do you live in a house or a flat? 3.Who do you live with? 4.How long have you lived there? 5.Do you plan to live there for a long time? 6.(If you answer you haven't lived there long) What's the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past? 7.Can you describe the place where you live? 8.Which room does your family spend most of the time in? 9.What do you usually do in your house/flat/room? 10.Are the transport facilities to your home very good? 11.Do you prefer living in a house or a flat? 12.Please describe the room you live in. 13.What part of your hometown do you like the most?


雅斯口语题库(完整版) 口语test分成三个部分,下面按照顺序发 part 1 注意:部分问题也可能在part 3中被问到 1。 Basic Information what is your full name what can I call you what is your ID number Characteristics: Authentic, Showy(Good Custom, Tense excellence, Vocabulary, Communication Skills, idiom) 2. Working or Studying Are you working or studying What do you usually do(worker only) where do you work what are the advantages and disadvantages of your work what is your ideal job where do you study what are the advantages and disadvantages of your school or university what subject/major do you have(College students only) what are the advantages and disadvantages of your subject or major(College students only) Characteristics: Special Idea, Vocabulary, Case, And fixed sentence structure and Home


Advertisement广告 1. Do you like advertisements on TV? Oh no, TV is a purgatory. The TV advertisements today appear to be not only boring but also disturbing. They interrupt in the midst of our enjoyment of a game or a film. Most of the advertisement materials are irritating and of course of low taste. The presentation is mostly awkward and obscene. 绝不,电视简直就是炼狱。现在电视上的广告变得不仅仅是无聊了,而且还特别烦人。这些广告往往在我们欣赏比赛或电影时候的中间跳进来。大多数广告特别让人愤怒,当然品味还很低。这些广告的描述又傻又低俗。 2. What kind of advertisement do you like the most? Word of mouth is hands down the BEST advertising. It's one of the most credible forms of advertising because every time people make a recommendation, they have nothing to gain but the appreciation of those who are listening. 口碑绝对是最好的广告。这是最可信的广告方式之一,因为每当人们对一个产品做出评价时,他们除了能得到听者的感谢外,得不到任何其他好处。 3. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now? Whether you do like them or not, whenever and wherever it's possible that you can meet them. For biz sellers, ad could be very helpful to promote their products. For acceptors, ads might show some latest information. To buy or not to buy, to be fond of or not, all depend on your decisions. 无论你是否喜欢广告,你都有可能随时随地遇到它们。对于那些销售人员来说,这也许对推销商品有帮助。对于接收者来说,广告或许能展示给他们最新的信息。买或者不买,喜欢或不喜欢,就取决于个人决策了。


2020年1月-4月雅思口语话题库(IELTS完整版) 话题库说明: 此次话题库更新为2020年1月换题季更新,适用于2020年1月-4月参加雅思考试的考生,包含各渠道最新题库,可下载打印高清版进行复习准备,预祝各位考生一次通过。话题库共包含两部分 PART1:共37个话题,新题13题,旧题24题 PART2:共48个话题,新题23题,旧题25题 PART1 话题-(本部分包含37个话题,新题13题,旧题24题) PART1 新题回库(共13题) Water sport Have you done water sports? What water sports do you like doing? Are water sports popular in China? What kind of water sports do you want to try? Spending time by yourself Do you usually spend time by yourself? What did you do last time you were by yourself? How do you usually spend your time by yourself?

Do you like spending time by yourself? Cake Do you like dessert? Do you like eating cakes? What desserts do Chinese people like? Have you ever made cakes? Science class Do you like science class? Did you have science class in primary school or high school? What kind of science did you do at school? Do you think science classes are important? Running How often do you go for a run? Where do you usually go running? Do you like running? Do you think running is a good way to stay healthy? Break Do you prefer a long break or several short breaks? What do you usually do during a break? Why do you need to take a break? How often do you take a break?


雅思写作题库最核心的28道题 已有1955 次阅读2009-04-12 17:11 标签: 郑庆利写作题库28题写作预测 经过对题库的反复研究和总结,我觉得可以把题库里反复考察的题目总结为以下28道,他们具备举一反三的功能,即解决了一道题就基本上能解决一类题。这样,同学们就可以在较短的时间内丰富自己应对雅思考题的ideas and expressions, 争取短期突破雅思写作的思路和语言表达。 (转载请注明出处) 1.many people believe that the main aim for university education is to help graduates to find better jobs, while some people believe that university education has wider benefits for individuals and society . Discuss both views and give your opinion.71208 2.it is often said that the subjects taught in schools are too academic in orientation and that it would be more useful for children to learn about practical matters such as home management, work and interpersonal skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 3.Some people argue that teaching children of different abilities together benefits all of them. Others believe that intelligent children should be taught separately and given special treatment. Discuss both views and how do you think about it? 4. Higher education can be funded by several ways such as the following:1. All costs paid by the government; 2. All costs paid by the students;3. All costs paid by the government loan which students have to pay back after graduation.Please discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of all these three theories above and decide which the best is. 5. Schools are no longer necessary, because children can get so much information available through Internet, and they can study just as well at home. What extent do you agree or disagree? 6. Some people think teachers have a greater influnce than parents in the development of a child’s intellige nce and social skills. Do you agree or disagree? 2008-9-6 7. Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much more influence on our personality and development than any experiences we may have in our life. Which do you consider to be the major influence?c5-t2 8. In many countries, more and more young people are leaving school and unable to find jobs after graduation. What problems do you think youth unemployment will cause to the individual and the society? Give reasons and make some suggestions. 9. it is generally acknowledged that families are now not as close as they used to be. What are the possible reasons for this and what can be done to reverse the trend?


What subject(s) are you studying Why did you choose to study that subject Do you like your subject (Why/Why not) Is it very interesting (Possibly) Are you looking forward to working Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoon Do you have a favorite teacher Do you want to be a teacher in the future What kinds of teachers do you like Do you think teachers should be angry at students or not Do you like strict teachers What's the different between young and old teachers Is it important for teachers to interact with students frequently What ' s the most important part in your study, teachers or classmates What ' s (the name of) your hometown (again) Is that a big city or a small place Please describe your hometown a little. How long have you been living there Do you like your hometown (Possibly) Do you like living there * What do you like (most) about your hometown Is there anything you dislike about it Do you think you will continue living there for a long time What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in Do you live in a house or a flat Who do you live with How long have you lived there Do you plan to live there for a long time (If you answer you haven't lived there long) What's the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past Can you describe the place where you live Which room does your family spend most of the time in What do you usually do in your house/flat/room Are the transport facilities to your home very good Do you prefer living in a house or a flat Please describe the room you live in. What part of your hometown do you like the most 个人信息类 Studies 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Teachers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Hometown 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Accommodation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.


xx年雅思大作文范文 7,8月份,掐指一算,社会、生活和工作类题目闪现概率较大,今天范文依旧是工作类题目,推荐学习:雅思大作文每日范文(xx.4.11) Topic:With the wide use of puters and the Inter, people can study and work from home without going to school or pany. Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages? 利用网络在家工作和学习 思路解析 如果你在家工作,你就不用每天去挤公交和地铁,浪费时间不说,还把人折磨得身心俱疲save a great deal of time and energy. 另外,时间安排会更灵活have a flexible schedule.只 要你能完成任务meet the deadline, 不管你几点开工,很多人早 上9点脑子还没醒过来,而到了晚上他们反而工作起来倍精神。对于学生,如果在网上上课当然也很方便,除了免去上学放学的辛苦,还可以把课程录下来反复听review the course content many times, 无论学霸学渣都可以按照自己的节奏来复习。

关于这种模式的弊端,主要有以下一些:让员工和学生都缺乏面对面的交流face-to-face munication,变得比较疏远bee alienated. 对于员工来说,少了老板的监督和约束supervision and discipline,很多人可能发现工作效率会降低。也许你上下班路上省了俩小时,结果还不够你淘宝、聊天和打游戏的。家里的环境让人放松,估计很多人都觉得在家里缺乏工作的氛围. 最关键的一点是对于学生的影响。本篇范文用到了“剑8-1”的一些素材:学习的目的不只是学知识和获取信息education is not about learning information and acquiring knowledge only,还需要学习与人相处interact with their peers,学习尊敬老师respect their teachers,学习遵守纪律obey school rules,而这些都是远程教学distance learning所无法学到的。 所以文章的结论是:在家工作和上课也许会变得越来越流行popular,但是这种模式只适合某些工作,而且它永远不会取代传统的学校replace conventional schools. ★ 推荐学习


Part1: https://www.doczj.com/doc/f35976501.html, ●What is your full name? ●How should i address you? ●Have you got any English name? ●Are there any special meanings about your name? ●Who gave you this name? 2.Studies or work ●Which school are you studying now? what is your major? ●Who choose the major for you before you entering your university? ●What are the advantages and disadvantages of your university? ●Which subject you like most and which subject do you dislike most? Why? ●Do you like the school you are studying at? 3.Home ●Do you live in a house or a flat? ●Please describe the place where you live. ●How have you decorated your home (or, your room)? ●Is there anything (hanging) on the walls of your home (or your room)? (e.g., decorations) ●What can you see when you look out the window of your room (or, the windows of your home)? 4.Hometown ●Where is your hometown? (Or, what part of China do you come from?) ●Do you think you'll always live there? ●Where do you live at the moment? ●Do you like your hometown? (Why?/Why not?) ●What sorts of buildings are there in your hometown? 5.Books & Reading ●Do you like reading (books)? (Why?/Why not?) C ●What (kinds of ) books do you like to read? C ●(Similar to above) What (kinds of ) books do read (for enjoyment)? ●Are you reading any books at the moment? N ●Did you read much when you were a child? 6.Newspapers & Magazines ●What kind of newspaper do you have in China? ●What is your favorite magazine? ●When did you begin to read newspaper? ●What’s the difference between Chinese newspapers? ●Which one do you prefer to read, newspaper or magazine?


历年雅思写作高频题目汇总与分析 雅思写作有题库,又称为机经,在雅思培训界包括对众多雅思考生来说并不是什么新鲜事。话说机经这个概念也是最早从美国研究生考试之一的GRE考试中借鉴过来,并广泛应用到各大出国类考试当中的。即便对于刚刚涉足雅思领域的考生们,在网上下载一份近十多年来的每场雅思考试的作文题目并不是什么困难的事情。每当考试前,众多雅思届的大神们就根据以往所总结的出题规律,对机经范围加以压缩,从而形成小范围的机经预测,所预测的写作题目数量也是从十几道到几十道题目不等。但是,一直以来,这种雅思写作机经的小范围预测对于考生来说,效果并不是很好,甚至有些不尽如人意。仔细分析,其原因有三。首先,机经的数量非常庞大,有几百道题目,就算准备时间再充分的学生,也不可能将每个题目,甚至说大多数的题目都一一进行准备。而就算小范围的预测,往往也是数十道题目。而且,范围越小的预测往往离考试时间越接近。这就说明了在实际操作过程中,考生并没有可能将所有的题目都准备完。而大多数考生面对写作机经的做法更多的是准备一小部分,碰碰运气,看最终能否压中题目。所以,效果自然不好。其次,现在雅思写作的新题数量非常多,所以根据机经来预测题目的可靠度和可信度大打折扣。其实,雅思官方已经意识到了中国学生通过机经来走捷径的形式,所以在考试中加入了很多新题,从而避免对那些没有准备机经的学生造成不公平。最后,很多时候,就算雅思官方用的是旧题,但只要对一些关键词稍作修改,考生所需要写的内容就必须做出适当的改变,否则就会有跑题的危险。比如说广告的影响和广告对孩子的影响肯定不可能是同样的分论点,同样的例子。如果考生一看题目类似,在些许的激动之下,套用了机经范文的内容的话,就会偏题,分数自然会偏低。 那么,在这样的情况下,是不是说整理机经就没有用了?往年的考题对现在的雅思考生来说是不是就没有任何的参考价值了呢?答案当然是否定的。雅思话题基本上已经涵盖了人们生活的方方面面,即使再出新题,也是寻求一个新的角度而已,并不太可能(当然肯定会有)出现完全崭新的话题和题目。那么我们该如何对待旧题呢?仔细的分析历年考题,我们会发现完全相同的题目并不是很多,可以说非常有限。有很多类似的题目,可能在某个点,某个面上有类似的内容,但总有一些内容是不一样的。研究机经的最重要的目的就是将这些题目的相同点找出来,构成我们的高频题目。所谓的新题,其思路也不过是在这些高频题目的思


雅思考试写作A 类考题回顾 朗阁海外考试研究中心 丁仡然 Task 1 考试日期 2015.04.25 类别 Bar (旧题) 题目 The bar chart compares the changes in the places where people used to surf on the Internet in the years 1998, 2000, 2002 and 2004 in the UK. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. 题目翻译 以下柱状图比较了1998年、2000年、2002年和2004年英国人在不同地点上网的情况。 要素回忆(数据仅供参考) 写作指导 这次考的柱状图和几个月前的比较相似,考生们要注意趋势的表达和几根柱之间的对比。 1. 注意时态的表达(一般过去式) 2. 可按照不同上网地点进行归类,并写出几个地点之间不同百分比的比较和差异 102030405060 701998 2000 2002 2004 Home Work College Library p e r c e n t a g e o f p e o p l e

3. 注意是动态类型的柱形图 4. 一定要写overview 重点表达式Two times, three times as much as that of ..., double, triple, more than that, less than that... 题目评价难度一般 推荐练习剑桥5-6里的柱形图+高分范文的流程图 考试评价与备考建议本次考试为2015年比较常考的一种柱形图考试,柱状图依然会是考试主流,也可以多关注地图题的出现。


Confirmation Questions Good morning/afternoon. How are you? Morning/afternoon. Fine, thank! How do you do? How do you do? Hi, good to meet you. Good to meet you too. Hi, how are you doing? Not too bad. And you? 1.Can I see your ID card please? Sure, here you are. 2.Could you tell me your full name please? My full name is ……. But you can call me…. 3. And what shall I call you? Mo st people call me …... Hometown Questions 4. Whereabouts is your hometown? Xian is located in Shanxi province, which is in central China. 5. Let's talk about your hometown or village. What kind of place is it? My hometown is a small place, just outside of Beijing. It takes about an hour to reach/get to there. The people there are mostly farmers, but a lot of the young people work in Beijing. It's a quiet place and I like it. 6. Could you tell me something about your hometown? a. Well, it's quite big and it's the capital of Shanxi province. The population's about 6 million and it's famous for its historic sites, especially for the Terracotta Warriors. Xi' an used to be the capital of China, and it's the beginning of the famous Silk Road. b. Okay. Well, my hometown is Beijing and I live just outside of it near the 4th ring road. As you probably know, Beijing's the political and cultural center of China, and it's quite a historical place as well. It's huge-about 12 or 13 million people live in it now-and it seems to be getting bigger every year. 7. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown? a. Harbin's right near the Song Hua Jiang River and it's kind of in a flat area, with mountains in the distance. b. Indio's a coastal city near the sea, so the main landscapes are the beaches and bays. There are also some nice hills nearby. 8. What are the main tourist attractions in your hometown? There's the Great Wall and the Forbidden City. These are the two that are most well known. They are also symbols of China. They attract most visitors, but there are quite a lot of other famous sites as well. 9. What are the people like in your hometown? They're usually very friendly, but a bit conservative. People still hold onto a lot of old customs and traditions, which is what I mean by conservative. But I think people there are very hospitable and kind. If you ask someone for directions, they'll always try to help you out, or find someone else who can. 10. What places in your hometown do you like best and tell me why? I like the Temple of Heaven best because it's very beautiful. It has a lot of space and there are lots of really nice and old trees there. In the early morning, it's very peaceful.


雅思写作十大话题万能分类题库 一、教育 1. 教育应该包括哪些内容? 母题:It is generally believed that education is of vital importance to the development of individuals and the well-being of societies. What should education consist of to fulfil both these functions? (050312) 提示:本题围绕教育的两大功能来展开(个人与社会),准备好这篇文章,即可应付教育类话题中的最大分支—教育的功能,做到以不变应万变。对于社会角度,可以从促进经济发展、增加社会流动性(social mobility)、维护社会稳定这几个方面来展开,对于个人,可以写改变思维模式、有利于就业和便利生活来写。 子题:大学应当教授理论知识还是实践技能?大学的是应当把学生培养成合格的公民还是让他们自己得益?准备未来职业最好的方法是上大学还是尽快离校积累工作经验?大学要不要扩招?中学阶段应当提供通才教育还是专才教育?要不要延长义务教育年限?要不要让农村地区的学生更容易上学?老师要教学生如何判断是非吗? 2. 学校的科目谁来选择? 母题:Some people think that the government should decide which subjects students should study at the university, while others think that students should be allowed to apply for the subject they prefer. Discuss the two views and give your opinion. (060916) 提示:这类题目采取的策略就是“双批判”,因为题目中提供的两种选择往往都是错误的。 子题1:政府选课or 老师选课?学生选择所有的科目or根据兴趣自行选择? 子题2:只有学术科目重要,体育和音乐这样的课不重要,你同意吗?要不要学国际新闻?要不要学历史?要不要中学阶段就学习外语?要不要学数学哲学这类的科目? 提示:子题2与母题联系不大,需要准备这些科目各自的优点。 3. 什么样的教学方式最好? 母题:Many people use distance-learning programmes (study material post, TV, Internet, etc.) to study at home, but some people think that it cannot bring the benefit as much as attending college or university. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (041113, 081023, 100515) 提示:远程教育最大的好处,就在于三个any:anybody, anywhere, any time. 缺点是缺乏师生之间以及学生之间的interaction,缺乏教师的moral guidance, 因为没有体育课且久坐电脑前,会引发健康问题。 子题:私立学校好不好?留学好不好?要不要分快慢班?小组学习还是单独学习好?

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