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take your mind off缓解

get carried away太离谱

Pardon me对不起

what’s up?什么事?

I’ll come down and watch you play some day回头我去看你们踢球

change the subject改变话题

If it’s too personal you can forget it.



get the hang of 掌握窍门

hold out 维持; 伸出

You won’t get anywhere that way你这样子不行

show you the ropes 指点窍门

you don’t know the short cuts你不会抄小路

more or less 或多或少;差不多

live with 接受;承认;忍受

So it’s really the same story.还是那句话

You said it.你说对了!

You need to take some time off抽出一些时间

you are cut out for this position.你能够胜任这份工作。

Suit yourself.随便你。

You have my word我向你保证

We’ll see.再说吧。

It’s no laughing matter.这可不是闹着玩的。

What can I do to make it up to you?我怎样做才能弥补我的过错?

step on your toes.担心踩着你的脚。

No sweat.没问题。

busy signal.占线。

his phone is out of order.他的电话坏了

get through.接通了

Let’s call it a day.我们今天就做到这儿吧。

my car is still in the shop.我的车还在修。

You mean a lot to me.你对我来说太重要了。

put something off: postpone 推迟做某事☆☆☆☆

get cold feet: become very cautious; be afraid to do something胆怯;局促不安☆☆☆☆☆

be better off: be better on a long-term basis(对于做某事来说)较明智☆☆☆☆☆

might as well 倒不如;满可以

I’ll take your word for it.我就照你说的做

talk something over: discuss谈一谈;讨论☆☆☆☆

till one is blue in the face: until one can say no more in trying to convince someone of something 尽最大努力劝说,但不奏效☆☆☆☆☆

out of the question: impossible; beyond consideration不可能☆☆☆☆

in time to: be at a place at the right time to do something正好赶上☆☆☆

waste one’s breath: speak uselessly, to no purpose徒劳;白费口舌☆☆☆☆

You don’t have to go that far.你倒没必要那么过分

★I got all excited. 我只顾高兴了。

★I guess it’s not a big deal after all. 我觉得这也没什么大不了的。

it’s done now反正事情已经发生了★Go ahead. 向前。/尽管去做。

★To his face? 当着他的面?

★Thanks for filling me in. 谢谢你让我知道。

★Anytime. 别客气。

★Don’t jump to conclusions. 不要妄下结论。

★You worry too much. 你想的太多了。

★It’s just my nature. 这是我的天性。

★I can’t believe my eyes! 我简直不能相信眼前的事实!

★I’m so glad I ran into you today. 真高兴今天能遇到你。

★Pretty good./ Super. / I can’t complain. 很好。/棒极了。/没什么可抱怨的。【经典回答】★You can say that again! 你说得对!


* You said it! 你说对了!

* I’ll say! 你说得对!

* You’re right! 你说得对!

★I don’t want to bore you with all the details. 那些细节我就不赘述了。

★We should try to stay in touch. 我们应该尽量保持联系。


* We should keep in touch. 我们应该保持联系。

* We should contact each other more often. 我们应该多多联系。

* We should keep each other informed. 我们应该保持联系。

* We should get together more often. 我们应该多多联系。

★Let’s have lunch together sometime soon. 我们最近找时间吃个午饭吧。


这是一个典型的结束此类谈话的方式。如果有一个外国人到谈话的末尾对你说出这句话,要谨记两点:第一,不要追问确切的“一起吃午饭”的时间,第二,不要苦苦地等待那顿“不花钱的午餐”。如果对方出于诚意,他会这样说:Let’s have lunch together next Monday, OK? ★Take care now. 多保重。


run into 碰到,遇到,邂逅

turn out 结果

boil down to 等于;归结为

a lot sure has happened 变化很大

stay in touch 保持联系


①Well, if it isn’t somebody!哟,这不是某某某吗!

②What it boils down to 简单说来

③I’ve been meaning to 很久以来我一直想……

④You seemed so determined to 你好像决心很大……

⑤If I remember correctly 如果我没记错的话