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The increase in the production of consumer goods results in damage to the natural enviro nment. what are the courses of these, and what are your solutions ?

When the 21th century comes, more and more production of consumer follows. So, what is the root of this situation? I think that there are two main reason for this; the overcut and industrial waste.

In the past, the area of forest is far more than that in today. To produce more wooden products and other goods that the material needs wood, traders cut trees unlimited. With more money in their wallets, less trees in earth. Also, cutting trees directs the deforestation, which means desert are now destroying our earth that we have less land to live in and we should tolerate awful climates.

Another important factor contributing to this phenomenon is the industrial waste. For example, with the Immature chemical processes, when factors producing organic material, the noxious chemicals are dumped into the river and flow in to rivers where are the source of water. What comes next is obvious, lands are polluted and animals died. So this what I think causes the bad environment.

In order to solve this problem, government, organizations and citizens all should take responsibilities. Governments should enact policies and regulations, which can restrict people to do less harm to the environment. What organizations should do is develop green technologies, design green products and encourage citizens to use environment -friendly products that reduce pollution to the nature. Citizens, such as you and me, should use less and recycle more.

By doing these, we can bring less pollution and make sure our later generation will live in a healthy world.

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