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1.spend, pay, cost, take

(1) spend vt. “花费〞,主语只能是人;


sb. spend 时间/钱on sth. “在…上花时间/金钱

sb. spend 时间/钱(in) doing sth. “在做某事上花费时间/金钱〞

eg: I spend two hours on my homework every day.

=I spend two hours (in) doing my homework every day.

※此外,spend 还有“度过〞的意思。


spend…with sb.

eg: spend one’s holiday with one’s friends“和朋友一起度假〞。

(2) pay vt. & vi. “花费,付款〞,主语只能是人;


sb. pay 钱for sth. “某人为某物付钱〞

sb, pay sb.钱= sb. pay钱to sb. “某人付钱给某人〞

eg: We must pay him 10 dollars. 我们必须付他10美元。

= She paid 100 dollars for her new shoes.

(3) cost vt.“花费〞,主语是物,


sth. cost sb钱“某物花费某人多少钱〞

eg: This dictionary cost me 50 yuan.

=I spent 50 yuan on this dictionary.

=I paid 50 yuan for this dictionary.



sth. cost 钱

eg: This book cost 20 yuan. 这本书值20元钱。

※cost 还可作名词,“本钱,费用〞。。

固定搭配:at all costs 不惜任何代价,无论如何

eg: I’ll do it well at all costs. 无论如何我都要把这件事做好。

※※cost 的过去式是本身,做题时一定要注意句子是什么时态,前后搭配要一致。

常见的过去式是本身的动词:cost, put, cut, read

(4) take 当“花费〞讲时,主语是物,


It takes sb.时间/钱to do sth.

eg: It took me two hours to write this composition.

= I spend two hours (in) writing this composition.

2.arrive, get to, reach

(1) 这三个词都有“到达〞的意思,但arrive为不及物动词,后接地点名词时

要加介词,reach和get to后面直接跟表示地点的名词,


arrive in + 大地方〔名词〕

arrive at + 小地方〔名词〕

get to + 地点〔名词〕

reach + 地点〔名词〕

Eg: arrive in Beijing = get to Beijing = reach Beijing

Arrive at the station = get to station = reach the starion

※(2) arrive 和get to 后接地点副词时,arrive后不加介词,get to去掉to,Eg: arrive home/here/there = get home/here/there

※初中常见的地点副词有home, here, there.


如:“我们明天到〞,只能用We will arrive tommorrow.

3.wear, put on, dress, have on, be in, be dressed in

put on 和dress 表穿动作,其他的都表示状态。

(1) put on “穿上,戴上〞,宾语是衣服、鞋帽等,

※宾语为代词时,要放在put on之间,如:put them on, put it on.

eg: It’s very cold outside. Please put on your overcoat.

※※反义短语为take off,注意一定不是put off.

(2) wear 常指“穿着〞、“戴着〞的状态,宾语是衣服、鞋帽等。它还有“留


eg: wear blue shoes/glasses/a new hat/a watch/new clothes

(3) dress + sb. / oneself “给某人穿衣服〞,宾语不能是“衣服〞,只能是“人〞,

eg: The mother dresses her baby every morning.

(4)have on 指状态,不用进行时,因为它本身就有进行时的含义:“有…在身


eg: He always has his cap on, 他总是戴着帽子。

(5)be in, be dressed in 后面不仅可接“衣服〞,还可接“颜色〞,这是与前面几


eg: She is always (dresses) in red. 她总穿红衣服。

4.few, a few, little, a little, a bit, a bit of


(1) a few few

a little little

( 只能横向比拟和竖向比拟)